Yamaha Music School 2021 US National Concert

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hello welcome to the yamaha 2021 u.s national highlight concert my name is john whitman and i'm senior director of artist relations and education at yamaha and i am delighted to be your host during this concert i will introduce you to 13 young musicians ages 6 to 15 who are taking lessons at yamaha music schools around the us we'll hear many styles of music some well-known pieces and some brand new we'll talk to some of our performers and be treated to a performance by the first ever 380 voice yamaha music school u.s national online chorus before i introduce the first performer it's my pleasure to introduce tom sumner president of yamaha corporation of america hi everyone i'm tom sumner the president of yamaha america and i welcome you to the yamaha music school 2021 national concert at yamaha we believe music enriches all our lives so we support music education in all forms including operating yamaha music schools using the yamaha method teachers at yamaha music schools draw out a student's natural musical ability one of the most rewarding aspects of playing or writing music is performing it for an audience to give these talented young performers and composers the chance to inspire you yamaha is presenting the 2021 national concert today 14 students from across the country will share music they have learned and composed over the past year congratulations to the students the teachers and the parents for all the work you've put into getting to this point please enjoy the performances and join me in thanking the students for their amazing music thank you tom for over 50 years yamaha music schools students have performed annually in concert halls around the world and for audiences large and small during the past 18 months group lessons individual lessons even concerts have been taking place online keeping the music making and music learning going keeping students teachers parents and friends connected this concert is the culmination of that activity get ready to be inspired and amazed let's get started leading things off we'll hear from six-year-old luke g from saratoga california luke is a student at exploring music in san jose california in yamaha classes young students like luke sometimes will improvise or compose a piece about their favorite animal you'll be able to tell what luke's favorite is when you hear his music but if not just remember the title here's luke g performing his piece dancing chicken dancing duck so [Music] so [Music] well done luke next we're going to hear from seven-year-old isabel bao isabel attends essex yamaha music school in bergen new jersey she'll be performing william gillock's piano piece fountain in the rain william gillock was an american composer well known for his music for young pianists this composition features flourishing arpeggios and includes the difficulty of crossing one hand over the other to create the effect of a fountain performing fountain in the rain here is isabel bao [Music] what an excellent performance thank you isabelle our next performer is katie chen katie is nine years old and attends irvine yamaha music center in california her composition playground suite has three movements she describes the first movement hide and seek as sneaky and mysterious the second movement on the swing is about two girls on a swing set and her last movement playing tag may remind you of a group of friends running and playing and chasing one another katie is accompanied by artem phominix on violin in stella cho on cello please enjoy katie's playground suite [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] so so [Music] you [Music] so so [Music] thank you katie that was wonderful our next performer is eight-year-old annabel nuen annabelle is a piano student at bergen yamaha music school in new jersey today annabelle will be playing a piece called the little white donkey composed by french composer jackie bear like just like luke isabelle and katie described an image with their music annabelle's performance will use music to depict a little donkey let's see how she does it here's a performance by annabelle nguyen of the little white donkey do [Music] [Music] do [Music] thank you for that beautiful performance annabelle next up roman runes he is a young drummer that goes to cerritos yamaha music school in california roman has been playing drums since he was three years old watching youtube drum tutorial videos for hours making his own drum set out of pots and pans and boxes using pinwheels as his sticks when he was four he started his formal music lessons in 2019 at the age of six he finally got to take real drum lessons so here is roman runes performing feel that by andre forbes [Music] that was wonderful roman thank you our next performer eleven-year-old kaioeng lorraine ching studies composition at east valley yamaha music school in chandler arizona her piece animal capers was inspired by her love for animals as she performs today you may hear a pair of whimsical monkeys and a school of fish darting in the ocean let's enjoy coyoen lorraine ching's performance of her piece animal capers [Music] do so do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] thank you for that excellent performance kaioen nine-year-old miles chang has been taking music lessons at boston yamaha music school he was inspired to write his composition worn out to convey how he felt sometimes during the pandemic he describes feelings of sadness not being able to see his friends as well as hope upon realizing he would be able to see them soon again he is joined by scott fitzsimmons on base and aaron trent on drums please enjoy miles performing his piece worn out [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] what a wonderful performance miles thank you our next performer is a student at harmony music world institute in fullerton california inspired by a sunrise eleven-year-old kaya baird wrote her composition prelude and dance to the glorious sunrise she describes her piece as fun and energetic and says she wanted to convey the joy that she felt when seeing the morning sun come up over the horizon performing with kaya are mary palczek on flute and kevin sue on viola here is kea baird performing prelude and dance to the glorious sunrise [Music] hmm [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] so [Music] thank you for that excellent composition and performance the next two performers both study composition at yamaha music center in torrance california the first ten-year-old landon croon was selected in 2020 and then again in 2021 from hundreds of applicants worldwide to perform on the yamaha international highlight concert this year he was also honored with an invitation to perform on the yamaha joc 50th anniversary concert this piece that landon will perform today is his original piano solo entitled sonatina it consists of three movements of contrasting moods let's enjoy landon's performance of sonatina do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] do do [Music] do [Music] thank you for that very nice performance landon as luck would have it we had a chance to speak with landon about his experience as a yamaha student here he is hi landon hi congratulations on being selected for this concert thank you i understand you composed this sonatina during quarantine how were things different for you during that time the time that you had to stay at home everything became virtual which includes school repertoire class my composition class and my music production class and how productive we were really depended on how many technical issues we had if we had lots of technical issues we'd spend a good chunk of time just trying to fix them rather than on the actual lesson itself eventually everyone got used to zoom but it still wasn't as productive as in-person classes is there any part of the composition that you enjoy the most when i play something i love the satisfaction of knowing that i created it and when i share it with others i feel very happy and proud because my hard work can be enjoyed by lots of others especially my family composing also makes me feel very free and it allows me to express myself through the music i'm also curious is there any part of the composition that you struggle with yes there is um so when my homework is to create multiple motifs i sometimes make ones that are similar to each other and when it's time to rework and improve them i often struggle with that because my original melody is already stuck in my head and how did you actually get started with the composition i really like doing the variation homework from my teacher mr june when i was in group class and i also liked making my own short pieces when i was younger when my mom mentioned this to miss june she thought i would really enjoy doing composition class with miss laurie how old were you i started competition three years ago when i was seven years old wow that seems quite young but it makes sense considering the yamaha method and that that method focuses on creativity so interesting well thank you for sharing your time with us landon thank you next also from torrance yamaha music school is 12 twelve-year-old nathan sayong nathan's composition an adventure with a dragon was inspired after he read wings of fire by q sutherland nathan says he was amazed by the author's ability to describe the characters so vividly his goal was to be able to do the same through music collaborating with him in this performance are mary palczek on flute artem phominix on violin and stella cho ancello please enjoy nathan's performance of his composition and adventure with a dragon do [Music] [Applause] [Music] plus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was excellent nathan thank you our next performer is tami tian yuya she is 11 years old and studies at diamond bar yamaha music school in california tammy recently advanced to the semi-finals of the first international yamaha junior piano competition and if the competition hadn't been called off due to the pandemic who knows how far she would have gone for this concert tammy has chosen to perform the cat and the mouse a piece by well-known american composer aaron copeland the piece is often performed by young pianists perhaps because it's musically humorous and at the same time both technically challenging and musically sophisticated let's enjoy tammy performing aaron copeland's the cat and the mouse [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was wonderful let's take a moment to chat with tammy hi tammy how has reading helped you in your piano performance reading is my favorite subject and it helps me a lot when i'm playing piano many of my favorite books such as harry potter and bridge to terabithia provide me with characters or scenes to think about when i'm playing piano also i can imagine a certain emotion that i felt while reading a book and use it to enhance the spirit of my music i'm curious what do you work on the most in your practice the thing i work on the most during my practice is trying to tell the story the piece is about vividly it is sometimes hard to tell a story so that the audience can fully understand my meaning i hear you recently got a new dog and you're doing some dog training yourself can you share your experience with that is there any similarity with practicing piano while dog training can be very fun it does have a few challenges my dog summer doesn't really want to listen to me sometimes and gets very excited when she sees treats so i have to be very very patient with her the main similarity with practicing piano is that i have to do every step carefully when you are playing a very fast and difficult piece you have to play slowly and carefully at first so you don't miss any important details thank you tammy it was a pleasure speaking with you how about that i knew that music lessons helped kids in so many ways but dog training that's definitely a new one for me i guess it's not surprising though when you think about it discipline consistency commitment practice makes sense devin liu age 15 studies piano and composition at bergen yamaha music school in fairlawn new jersey devin told us that composing has always been a passion whether it's classical jazz or pop he wrote his composition wednesday afternoon inspired by his love for jazz and for his brother who always pushed him and supported him in his music study he describes his piece a jazz waltz as peaceful yet brimming with energy joining devin our bassist tim givens and drummer nick schubel [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] thank you for that excellent performance devin devin has also agreed to join us to answer a few questions hello devon how do you think the junior original concert or the joc and yamaha helped you in becoming the person you are today the josie yamaha had always had an extremely prominent influence on me on my life and specifically yamaha has taught me two important things that with enough hard work it produces good results and also with enough ambition and action you can achieve anything when i was a little kid it was always my dream to be in the jsc program to stand among musicians that were equally or even better than i was and thanks to the teachers at yamaha my family my my brother my parents it's uh they helped me make this dream come true and i can't thank you all enough for that how were things different for you during the time you had to stay at home yeah a lot of things were different during my stay at home being isolated from the outside world in general was just a detaching experience that was hard to adapt to um it most mostly affected my personal life such as friends and it was really hard to learn online on zoom can you give an encouraging comment to students who are just beginning to learn composition yes so to those who are starting to compose music my suggestion is to never let anyone discourage you and to keep chasing what you really want to do unlike sports or life music has absolutely no restrictions or no rules that can govern what you could turn into reality and i think and music is a language that every race gender and religion speaks and i think musicians should utilize that widespread freedom to their advantage that sounds like good advice thank you devin it's great to see such a mature perspective in someone devin's age our last featured performer studies at torrance yamaha music center tristan liu is 14 years old and has written a piece for piano and accordion called espionage his piece was featured recently on the junior original concert in columbia south america tristan was also selected as a performer on this year's yamaha international highlight concert online premiere the piece espionage is an original combination of video game music and the tango performing with tristan is accordion artist g robbie please enjoy tristan's performance of his piece espionage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] puppy [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you tristan and g that was excellent 2020 and 2021 brought about many challenges nevertheless during this time yamaha music schools have continued to spread the joy of music making around the world students have learned much and gained a deeper appreciation of home and community indeed that's what makes this concert and especially this last performance so special before i introduce our last performance let me say how much i've enjoyed being your host i hope this concert has provided a glimpse of the yamaha music school experience during the past year now for our finale please welcome the first ever yamaha music school u.s national online chorus performing home sweet home [Music] which one is for you let's mix the colors [Music] [Music] i love you so sunny and is [Music] [Music] there's one thing we are sure [Music] [Music] thank you for each beautiful day [Music] do [Music] one more piece is [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] love you so much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Yamaha Corporation of America
Views: 5,232
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Keywords: Yamaha, Yamaha Music School, New music compositions, US National Concert, US Highlight Concert, Junior Original Concert, US JOC, National JOC, Yamaha International Highlight Concert, Yamaha Music Foundation
Id: LmZla7xFrRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 20sec (5060 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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