Yamaha BW'S是換換胎騙銷量?還是真能越野?帶307P PX5 PRO去越野實測 #153
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: 戰神鄒小捷
Views: 158,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YAMAHA, BW'S, BWS, 越野, 外送, ADV, 旅行車, 2020機車, 多功能車, 旅遊車款, YAMAHABWS, 125, 山葉, 台葉, off road, 騎乘心得, 多功能車胎, yamaha bws, yamaha bw's, 把妹神車, 戰神鄒, 戰神鄒小, 戰神鄒小捷, 六代勁戰, 六代戰, 六代勁戰水冷, 六代水冷勁戰, 六代勁戰發表, 六代勁戰yamaha cygnus gryphus, 六代勁戰yamaha, 六代勁戰尾速, 神鷹, 六代勁戰 測試車, 六代勁, 勁戰六代, 勁戰6, 勁戰五代, 勁戰四代, 四代戰, 五代戰, 三代勁戰, 三代戰, 勁戰六代改裝, 勁戰五代尾速, 勁戰四代尾速, 勁戰四代改裝, 勁戰排氣管, 勁戰輪胎, 勁戰跑山, 勁戰改裝, CYGNUS 6, CYGNUS 5, CYGNUS 4, CYGNUS 3, CYGNUS 6代, cygnus gryphus 125, YSP緯鴻, 緯鴻車業, 戰神 勁戰, 戰神701, 戰神六代, yamaha cygnus gryphus 125, 水冷bws, 水冷bws 125, bws125, bwsr125, bws改裝, bws尾速
Id: 6Er2dEwcHWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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