Yakthungma Kanchhi | याक्थुङ्मा कान्छी | Ankit Babu Adhikari, Sunita Thegim | MV - 2020
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Keywords: Artmandu, Nepali Song, New ArtMandu Song, Ankit Babu Adhikari, Sunita Thegim, Limbu cultural song, Limbu song, Nabin Chauhan, Priya Limbu, Milan Khatri, Piniba Kanchha, Teenpatey, याक्थुङ्मा कान्छी, याक्थुङबा कान्छी, priya limbu, priya limbu new song, dekhera timilai herrera timilai, maya le hola, Mayale hola, Mayale, Mayale hola aakash nai bhais, jindagi mero charo ra marcha, jindagi mero, जिन्दगी मेरो, मायाले होला
Id: m8K_giKMyEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Agreed. Great work by a great team.
No thank you, no likes. But music is subjective