Yahshua, Yeshua, and Jesus' Ethnicity - Dr. Gene Kim

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we believe that the people in the nation of Israel today we believe that those are the real Jews we do not believe that the black people are the real Jews but there are people who actually teach and believe that the black people are the real Jews and the verse that they like to turn to is Revelation chapter one and they will quote verse 13 through 15 to show you that Jesus Christ was actually black so a lot of them they'll keep saying you know Yeshua Joshua now here's the thing the reason why they want to do this Joshua thing now my guess is this is because the reason why I'm saying I'm guessing is because there is no historical source they will try to say that this is proven but here's the evidence and these sources are going to pull up it's not going to be an original source of the early centuries it's all going to be modern if they're going to say well this source quotes it this source quotes that well no I don't want that I want an original source during the early centuries what they actually called God to be quite honest this is not accurate this did not exist this is a made-up word you understand I'm assuming because of Yahweh see that they put that God in there to make it really you know up there this name so they're trying to say that this is Jesus's real name is Yahshua there is no proof on that there is proof on this one though okay the Hebrew translation for Jesus is this one this is the Hebrew translation so there is proof of this translation in the Masoretic writings there is proof of this one even in the Jewish old Jewish writings of the early centuries so you'll see right here we already have original sources original sources but not only that the biggest evidence about this name is this so they say that you should not use Jesus you know I so they don't have proof but this is what they use you see how close this wording is yeah so they believe that because of this it's so close to the producer they're claiming Jesus is a pagan name now you know what poop they have for this they try to take parts of Z and then lose etc to try to connect it together and prove that Jesus came from that one now the answer is is they do not have an evidence of original historic solar source they don't have it all of it is going to be modern or something they saw online they'll say well this guy has history or a PhD in something but guess what that source is still modern it's not an early century these were early centuries be more this is what they called it look if you want to know what early people called Jesus back then alright it's easy just dig up the sources during that time period what they call Jesus it's that simple guess what you don't see you don't see this one all right you see this one quite often and this one why is it that they say this is something that's either paganism or Catholic made up now the thing is it shows their ignorance of languages all right first of all it's this we translated that word our Greek our New Testament came from Greek right so it comes from Greek in Greek manuscripts what we call Jesus all right was he a Seuss so from a Seuss then it came from laughing all right came from Latin as the ASIS then later on where it came down to is that from from Greek to Latin then it went through other European languages and then we get our word Jesus from so you got understand this why do we say Jesus so because it's not close to the real meaning of the word no it's because in English if you want to call God by his english name it's Jesus that's it amen now a lot of people they get a little hyper paranoid where they try to say it's not Jesus it's Joshua or Yeshua it's true this is Hebrew okay I understand that but you're just making okay because they're saying this they're saying because this is Hebrew where it's original we should call him that rather than Jesus all right that's their claim but here's the funny thing if you want to be as biblically close as possible let's solve the problem for you don't say Holy Spirit in English don't say God in English don't say a scripture in English stay all of that in Hebrew then yeah see say all of that in Hebrew not only that look if you want to get close to what the what they actually called Jesus during the days of the New Testament Christianity you know what they call them maybe even call them this they call the yay suits right here that's what they call them so should we all start saying yay Seuss yang Susan Jason's name we pray amen no the thing is this is that why is it that we will use the word Jesus because here's the thing God he gave every who gave the different languages God did at the Tower of Babel right he expects you to use the language that you are given for his honor and for his glory alright so in our language we're going to say Jesus if we're gonna speak in English if we're gonna speak in Korean we're not gonna go in Jesus name we pray amen do Koreans make a big deal of that no we don't say Jesus from English to creep out we don't just say that you look for Jesus in Korean neither do Spanish people say that Jesus is the Spanish person gonna make a big deal say you did not say the English word Jesus you can Chinese people do you think Burmese people do you think German people do you think French people are gonna make a big deal by saying you have to say the English word Jesus or you have to say the Hebrew word yes one you have to say the Greek word ESA's no use the language you were given even and if everyone says this name in their own language to the best that they could which God gave to them that language God will honor that all right now the people might say well I still insist Yeshua all right but here's something that I've learned about people who dig up too much stuff on the Internet my question to you is is why do you want than that when Christians throughout history english-speaking people always use this name when Greeks speaking people always use this name why would you an english-speaking person all of a sudden do something that's not that Christians normally have always done it shows me something right here that see you still have a stubbornness or rebellious attitude not to follow what other Christians have said it see that's something to think about num one thing I learned about internet people is that sometimes what's very dangerous is that you not a rebellious attitude and immersed in a lie because you you're digging up in your own little world what you want to believe in see so that's not how God wanted God did not want the body of Christ to be divided you know what God wanted the body of Christ to be in unity all together what all Christians in the body of Christ have done but that when one toe or one finger says hey I'm going to do something different what did 1st Corinthians twelve say no you can't do something different I cannot say to the ear or the foot to the hand saying you know I have no need of the I'm going to do this no first Corinthians 12 said we all have to do it together see in unity why are you doing something disunity from what Christians have done kind of strange is it not alright I've gone too much about on that name now now now let's look at revelation 1 this is proof that Jesus was strangely black mayor Revelation chapter 1 verse 13 and the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man clothed with the garment down to the foot and Girt about the paps with a golden girdle his head and his hairs were white like wool okay so he's got white hair as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet this is their proof his feet like unto fine brass as if they were burned in a furnace and his voice as a sound of many waters so then they'll give this example where you leave it where you leave a cookie and a fern I kid you not okay I'm not giving these racist statements if you think this sounds racist it's black people the black Hebrew movement could actually use this argument right they insist some of them give this example where you put a cookie in a in a hit in an oven and where you cook it too long you know then what it becomes really dark see so they use as proof that Jesus was black all right if that sounds racist to you that's what the black people themselves said the black Hebrew movement not me all right I wouldn't even say that all right you know what's actually man this is just okay here's the thing verse 15 feet by going too far feet like unto fine what brass as if they were burned in a furnace have you ever seen brass burn in a furnace alright have you ever seen gold or jewelry it makes it brighter alright it doesn't make it more black and makes it more bright more yellow more goldish see so but not only that this verse shows that Jesus was actually luckily if they want to take it that way look at that verse verse 13 it's not just his hair they're only looking at his hair his his what also was white his head look at that so this guy so this is so weird okay so we see Jesus Christ right here it's not just his hair that's why it's his head his whole head was white so in reality this is a bad verse for them to use if they want to prove Jesus was a black man this verse shows the opposite actually he had a he had a whitish skin color now some people might say oh so you're teaching the Catholic Jesus where are these blond hair blue I know we deny that tip and we're gonna look at Song of Solomon it's on Solomon chapter 5 son of Solomon chapter 5 Jesus Christ was a Jew yes okay so since he's a Jew let's see the appearance of Jews during this time period of the Song of Solomon chapter 5 so they will they believe that the Jewish people was black all right they believe the Jewish people were black people but the Bible is going to show you right here and saw Solomon the features of a Jew and Jesus Christ is known as King of the Jews right not only that you know what's really funny is that this same verse where they used to prove or earned means black where they tried to teach this burned means black they said it not me alright these people claim it not me that's very one-sided and biased you look at Genesis one of the sons of Noah is ham right so the black Hebrew woman fell insists that they're not from this kind of seed right here some of them will argue they're not come ham seed but do you know what ham means in Hebrew Wow Wow see burn blackish etc that's what ham means so this proof this is not a good proof Thanks it proved to them one they are from ham seed two that Jesus Christ was not black this is a double-edged sword so if they use that verse this should be actually the favorite verse against black Hebrew movement not a favorite verse supporting the black Hebrew movement we're now look at Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 10 sama Solomon chapter 5 in verse 10 my beloved is what white and ruddy alright the chiefest among ten thousands now look at his features he's got whitish skin his head is as the most fine gold his locks are bushy and what black as a raven okay so he's whitish skin he's got blackish hair verse 12 his eyes are as the eyes of what doves okay have you ever seen a doves eye so a doves eyes he's got black hair and a doves eyes which is black and he also has white skin that describes perfectly with the Jews that you see in Israel today see so you got a group of Sephardic Jews this is a perfect description of that see why does feature of a skin black eye black hair see Sephardic Jews now a lot of people court being anti-jewish anti-semitic they're trying to say that the Ashkenazi Jews Ashkenazi Jews and they are fake Jews fake Jews the people in the nation of Israel are fake Jews but look it's not just Ashkenazi you also got Sephardic Jews as well in Israel all right so that's a ridiculous argument by the way if they really studied DNA they're trying to so they give this source from a guy from John Hopkins University I'm gonna do a video on that maybe someday but I already saw that they use this guy who's supposed to be Israeli from his DNA evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are from the kazars so they're not really Jews so the he'll say Ashkenazi are from kazars but if you study the DNA evidence you know what's really funny it's true alright I don't deny it they did there are kazars blood but if you look up these Ashkenazi Jew you know who are the closest people they feature in DNA they don't look at that part see they don't look at that part of the evidence but why is it they're different with because it's simple day it's very simple Jews went all around the world you know what happened they mingle see they mingle that's just natural Jews that mingle see that's why you're gonna see that yes there were a lot of kazars who converted to judaism actually and we're not really Jews but you can't deny the other Jews who mingled with them by the way how the kazars convert to Judaism to begin with if there were no Jews to give them Judaism see so this is just common sense but then they mingle some of the facts where it gets confusing no it's actually very simple there's no doubt there are kazars but when you look at DNA bloodlines they're the closest to this you know why because these Jews went to this region and they mingled that's why it's that simple see so whether you like it or not the Bible shows you one that this is what Jesus looked like and that these are really God's people and to the black people pay are definitely not God's people if you want it then if you want proof of that give me original source of the early centuries because there's not I showed you some right here I'm not going to quote it because it should be obvious and you down and then just look it up online all right there should be that simple
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 93,690
Rating: 3.7134807 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Hutson, John R Rice, Charles Lawson, Zion4131, Robert Breaker, David Peacock, Bible believer, King james bible, Peter Ruckman, Phil Kidd, Jack Hyles, CT townsend, Steven Anderson, Sanderson1611, Donnie Romero, Roger Jimenez, Sam Gipp, bryan denlinger, husky394xp, vigilant christian, vigilant citizen, ruckmanite, kenny baldwin, danny castle, david hoffman, gail riplinger, Chicktracts, Gregory Miller, Paul Begley, Kent Hovind OFFICIAL, joseph prince, joel osteen
Id: gn9sRP6rG64
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Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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