"Яблочко". Балет Игоря Моисеева.
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Views: 19,838,224
Rating: 4.9183435 out of 5
Keywords: Ансамбль Игоря Моисеева, Балет Игоря Моисеева, Танец, Культура, Государственный Академический ансамбль народного танца имени Игоря Моисеева, Искусство, ГААНТ, Igor Moiseyev, Moiseyev ballet, Moiseyev Dance Company, Ballet, Dance, Яблочко, Флотский танец, Матроский танец
Id: K21yj2lEgrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Every day is leg day.
The highlight for sure was accordion guy.
Recognized a meme
I wonder what happens if they stop smiling
Actually Yablochko (starts on 2:100) is adopted Irish hornpipe,mixed with Barynya dance. Brought to Russia by sailors.
This is not Ballet but a bunch of Ballet dancers dancing Russian Folk dances (a ballet spectacle sort of way).
Russia so disciplined even the audience is clapping in sync.
So this is the professional silly walking I've heard so much about!