xTool S1 jig system update and customers with an attitude

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all right guys welcome back to the shack and tonight I just want to do a quick update guys I've been catching a little slack from folks and first off I want to say uh in the event that let's say you purchase a file from me and let's say there's a small something that you don't like about it or you know maybe I made a mistake and uh something like that you you can message me and just let me know hey I got this is there you know is there a problem with it and uh and we'll I'll work with you you can ask anybody I'll work with you to try to correct the issue and get it out to you but in light of a couple of uh comments and messages that I've received recently just know that if you come to the Clack Shack bringing an attitude you're going to get it back okay guys all right just let's just put that out there you know I try to keep my files affordable and uh I try to keep my service topnotch you know but sometimes some of these comments guys it's uncalled for so anyway uh let's just get to what we're here for okay I had to make a few adaptations to the xtool S1 jig kit uh some oversights on my par some of it it wasn't a big deal but uh you know have it as it is it's the internet you're going to get some some folks trying to troll me or whatever the case may be and uh you know they get to see the other side of the clag shack but anyway stick around guys I'm going to show you what I've done to the updates I've also included a few extra things that I've come up with uh that makes the S1 a better machine in my opinion and I threw them in the box with it so to speak so uh so if you order the jig kit you'll get these but to make sure everybody understands it completely because there are some people having some problems with with opening it that are new to XCS and I just want to make sure I explain that thoroughly so we're going to go over those but stick around I'll be right [Music] back all right guys first off let's get down to the computer because that's where all the action is going to be so moving you down all right so when you get the file and you open it it should look like this okay keep in mind guys if you're new to XCS down here at the very bottom you're going to see these little layers or these uh I guess they call it canvases uh each canvas contains a different part of the file all right before anybody asked uh you know people are asking me well what what size material do I need by default this machine was built to operate like a 12x 20 uh piece of material but you can go in here to these files if you're trying to recycle some scrap or whatever just click on the file click on the shape and like this one's 461 .57 mm wide and 292 high so if you've got a piece of wood laying around that meets those specifications you can recycle that and reuse that uh so but basically just know you're going to need approximately 12 by 20 in of material to to cut this first piece out because I tried to make it as big as I could and still keep it uh the size that you could cut it with the S1 because why make a tool to be used the S1 that you can't cut with the S1 me personally I could have cut mine with one of my other machines and made it much much bigger but then the only people will be able to use it would be the ones that had a bigger machine like I have so you know trying to keep it to where the machine that it's intended to be used with can cut it this is what I come up with and uh and like I said it works it works for me gives you about you know 10 inches of area to create whatever kind of jigs or whatnot that you want to and uh works pretty well but this is the first layer this is the topmost layer and you can't see it right here because this little thing's in the way but there's a little a little lineup hole that's right behind this uh you would think I could move that but okay there it goes there's the lineup hole that hole needs to be in that position or this won't work because that's the screw that retains everything uh to the wall of the machine to keep it squared and in place all right Layer Two this is actually the cut file right here this blue line out to here the only reason this little square is here guys is just so that you can cut you extra little piece of material and have a extra jig panel if I left those ears on there this would become scrap but by making another line here it cuts this panel out makes it square and you can use it as a jig panel so this is this is one of your jig panels that you can use to uh make things if all you need is a jig panel you can come in here and select this other shape and this other one that protrudes out here set them to ignore and only burn the part that you need uh and save a little time all right third layer this third layer right here is basically just used to make it taller this shape here you'll see is slightly smaller than this area here so that part of this right here will create that shelf that The Jig panels sit on so so you've got the first and the second layer which gives you room for a spacer in jig and then the third layer which is technically just the part that holds everything else up in its place this if you're just needing a jig panel just open the file go to jig panel cut this that's that's all you got to have and you can like I said click on this it'll give you the dimensions of the object which is about 251 by 251 and so if you have a piece of material that's 260x 260 that's scrap you can definitely cut you a jig panel out of that so that's one reason I broke these things up and tried to give you know each each piece its own canvas uh the squaring insert this basically you take this piece guys and you glue it to one of these just line it up however you want to orient it that way you can do it this way however you want it oriented it doesn't matter because you can you can flip this thing around or whatever you need to uh but that just assists you in square items or even even I guess you could use it for round items too but with square items it just gives you a straight edge to use to make sure that the item is properly aligned with the Gantry when you're engraving it so nothing running down heel or anything like that now the latest addition that I put in here is everybody had asked me for my ra2 holder this is the this is technically not intended did to be used with the jig system that I created but you can take this like I did and attach it below your machine if you have the Riser base and uh kind of secure your machine like I did with mine and take this little this little ra2 holder put you a couple of screws in it or some glue or you can duct tape it if you if you don't want to screw into your table or whatever is under there you can duct tape it you can use Carpenter tape what however you want to adhere it to the table that your machine is on as long as your machine stays still this thing stays still you make sure that everything is square with each other this will allow you to set the ra2 Chuck below your machine and and be confident that it's not going to be moving around and it's not going to be out of square so but this this was actually part of my old X2 D1 kit but I just went and exported the the SVG brought it in here and added you guys another canvas uh so so that hopefully that'll that'll help like I said said just a little bonus uh piece for this setup uh because this all things S1 on this kit I mean this this will not or is not intended to work I'm not going to say it won't with a little modification you can make it work on something else but it's intended for the S1 and uh so being it I didn't want to have to put this on Etsy by itself because I just you know I I don't feel like charging $5 for a simple file like this so I just throw it in this bundle uh so if you buy one you get both and uh hopefully it'll make your your xtool S1 Adventures a lot more pleasurable and easy to follow but I'm not going to redo the entire video of the uh of the kit so we've already done that so let's get back to the camera so that's the basic setup of the jig kit guys and uh I'll drop a link to the video that I did that details how The Jig system works uh like I said it's not Material specific necessarily I do recommend using 4mm or thicker material with most projects but if you want to use 3mm 3mm material could work it's just going to be a little thin uh the pieces are going to be awfully awfully flimsy so you know you could if you have some scrap material that's 3mm and you're trying to do that stack to to give you the height to where it'll sit on the Chrome tray the way it needs to then use some 3mm you know uh you could technically use cardboard if you wanted to a little little more risk of flames with cardboard uh but you can use any material you want I used actually some some little 1in squares of regular Pine material that I had left over uh just to keep from having to burn through a bunch of plywood because I had some scrap that I could use it really doesn't matter as long as you put something under there outside where the laser is going to be going that can space this thing up high enough to make it flat once you connect it to the side of the machine now if you've got the tumbler they included one of these little guys it's not a a bad idea when you're putting that jig system in there to put this on there and just as long as your table is level check your table first and build it up until you get it level you know give you a good little you know a good little gauge if you're not real good at eyeballing things because you don't want the jig kit sitting in there sideways because your focus is going to be off you want to make sure because you've only got one point of contact technically so you want to make sure that the spacers that are under this side just pull it up until it's even and level that way when you set the Focus the focus is correct all the way across your workpiece because if it's running uphill or downhill your focus is going to be off one side or the other but that's it guys like I said I and to some of these guys y'all got to realize I work 247 from the time my feet Hit the Floor until the time I uh get up in the morning and some of these comments guys they they catch me they catch me off guard because it's like why I be disrespectful I try to treat every human being on the planet the way I want to be treated and uh if you come out of the door throwing comments throwing insults or insulting my intelligence be prepared to suffer the consequences you're going to get it back that's all there is to it I I treat people the way I want to be treated but you come at me I'm coming back at you that's that's in my nature it's in my blood I can't help it I apologize to people who get offended when that happens but you set the tone not me so just remember that guys and for for those of you that that have have watched the channel and know me well enough you know I'm as easy going as they are as they come but uh as my flag says don't tread on me but anyway guys until next time I hope you enjoy the kit I hope everybody out there that wants it that needs it can use it and I did have an oversight let me show you what my oversight was before we go because I did have an oversight and if someone had just said hey check this out it it would have went over a lot better so let's show you what what happened so with this file if you look real closely and it's hard to see guys especially when you got a crappy monitor like I have in the shop there's actually a faint line right there where my machine technically the work area stops right there well guys you know I'm a lightburn fanatic so I didn't think about the fact that this 30s something 20 something millimet of work area can't be used and you can't see that faint line unless the machine is powered on So what had happened was this file when I brought it in I centered it in the workspace like that cuz that's the you see the little brackets you see the tools they're telling me it needs to go there that's Center and so I centered it well now if you look up at the top you can see there's that shaded area well that was an oversight on my part I did not think about until a couple of people mentioned it to me that uh X2 to S1 resizes the work area based on the module and since I got the big honken 40 uh I lose a lot of workspace and other people that have the 40 lose it as well so what I had to do is I had to go in and slide that file down and get it precariously close to the edge all the way around so that now when I frame it doesn't pop up that warning because what was happening is a few people were getting it and they didn't know to select it and move it down so when you would try to cut it this is what you would get and that was an oversight on my part guys I did not realize it I'm a lightburn fanatic I'm just learning XCS you guys know that and so what I've done is I've went in here and slid them down for everybody and got it to the point to where now if you try to burn it you don't get that warning so that's the only problem that there was but some people had some very expressive ways of uh mentioning it to me and it kind of caught me off guard so I hope you like it guys I hope it works go check out the Etsy shop and as always for all you guys that support the Clack Shack I appreciate it uh but it will the file is available in my shop for think five bucks for the whole kit and now you even get the ra2 so there you go but until next time guys be safe and uh have a good [Music] day
Channel: The Clack Shack
Views: 8,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, xtool d1 10 watt, xtool laser engraver, laser cutting, laser engraving, how to, diy home decor, ortur LM3, Comgow laser engraver, Lightburn tutorial, lightburn tips, Atomstack laser, Monport CO2, Atezr P20, Atomstack, laser engraving ideas, XTool D1, engraving tumblers, tumbler engraving, roly MK2, laser matic mk2, 30 watt laser engraver, xTool S1 40 watt, xTool S1, xTool S1 jig system, xTool S1 jig
Id: IPf60prA6Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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