xQc Reacts to Can Rival Gangs Coexist Peacefully? | xQcOW

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that's one two one two okay are you this caller can rival gangs that coexist peacefully from urban dictionary like would you know what I mean also could you shut the [ __ ] up during movie trailers thanks love you bye I almost guarantee that i'ma die from free violence are you ok with that Willis have you accepted that as a man hey yes middle ground honey my message to impact gang culture you know I'm one of you wherever I end up you're gonna you're gonna know that you can end up to your - I was affiliated with the blood gang for my entire life my heart my soul my family our blood I'm affinity captain in the park Pyro's Santa Spartan Miller gangster blood probably black p stone jungle I'm affiliated with the roaming 16 gangbanging for most of my life no high school diploma but I feel like I know it all though when you young you know the excitement of it the Brotherhood you kind of like fall victim to it but I feel like it also prepares you for the real world and get you ready for like a lot of like obstacles that do my run across everybody just living the game imrad just a terrible schools it you know just not real human beans but that's not the fact we bought current and former la gang members and discuss the truth and this isn't about gang life yo what's going on my name's Eddie Mack I'm from at this part I do rap in comedy and a jacket right here you see a nasty an excuse like refuse certified welder my name's globular I'm from the jungle some up-and-coming artists from Los Angeles California my name is Kip Townsend and I come up to West Adams area and I'm a job developer and also do humans Westside Nellis I wanted to CEOs Rosecrans Entertainment Monday and why ass off a cabinet apart I'm other kind of artist me I grew a little bit there just how to play my part I mean um 84 own 60s and I'm a street activist let's talk about this stuff a lot of people like in gangs you know we grew up together as like brothers I can go spend a night the guy in the back that he went but he didn't want to go like yeah I feel like the II thought I was gonna get bully if you didn't go to something good together we didn't came up with ways that we could feed the children we need the media they always put out the negative about us but they never like put out the positive [ __ ] that we didn't do I feel like the media got like an old-school perception on what gang banging is or what gang banging is about a modern-day gang banging has evolved from what it's been more so now it's okay Bloods and Crips to go to school together to wear back in the days you couldn't find a [ __ ] at Centennial you probably can find them so nowadays we can't coexist they don't never really show the unity of it all like they they always show the separation the segregation they don't really fathom the stranger if you how we got inside our community and I really don't think they really care about that they put us in this one statistic box you know and they leave us right there that's what a bonus but it's really up to us to say okay at least initially at least the next generation I'm gonna come with something you're gonna come with positivity we live in but we really not survive that we too in competition with each other everybody hard I see everything on social media and everything I'm really locked in with all I mean I posted something positive about me giving backpacks away and stuff out the parking all that with the homies and stuff it didn't it got like what a thousand views mm I get like $5 viewers not posting something crazy though you gave me when were you doing positive you cloud chasing are you doing negative it's all good cuz that's what we used to that's the bread and butter I guess that's what we already do so what's happening right now is you bout to leave a legacy right but it's not gonna be a financial legacy see if there was something he was doing positive and all them 5,000 views you got they gonna do endo down about to 300 if he was empowered the community and shedding light and like you saying waking people up then all that's gonna go away but as long as you've got the negative influence well you're gonna leave that legacy but ain't nobody gonna be able to eat afterwards the first time ever seen somebody close to me passed I was I was young older cousin ran from my mama house and another black man is this typical successor game man and it's like visualizing that as a young as a young boy is like that's probably one of the reasons why I am Who I am today is traumatizing and it instantly adapts you to your community to your environment to where you went because it's like if you don't get in like this you're gonna get down like this I was 19 years old man and I have seen a lot of people get shot but I was do it was actually kid Kevin Sykes from 60s we sitting there talking for about an hour I'm waiting to go skating and as soon as he crossed the street the van pulled up they had been waiting the whole time and they gunned him and that's really [ __ ] me up man to see that they could easily just came up and gun does both it wasn't about crippled blood it was just about that anger and rage like man want to hurt somebody and man it left something way to me that was like spiritual in a minute like man what is God doing but also that rage was like man I want to hurt somebody and and I took him with me for an age of 19 and I just felt suicidal like I signed up every day to go out and be dead I think here I'm gonna hurt somebody they gonna hurt me to this day I still think I'm Darren almost guaranteed that i'ma die from street violence are you okay with that well it's have you accepted that as a man yes I said you because it's like all the negativity out in this town see I wanna throw it's gotta get because this is what's causing me to to change because I made that same pact that same vial for my game that I'm gonna die for my game I do life for this [ __ ] yeah but recently I showed me that I got another purpose I could do something else I don't have to die it's a game banging let me let me ask you something real quick though you got a child a baby a girl I got four beautiful blessings yeah whoa beautiful bless so here's a bang would you die for them of course but that's not what they want yes they need you to live for me and you ready to go out everyday and die for them and then the same people need you to be alive yeah I didn't lost any homies I lost some crippled I lost some good homes I'm over with this game banging [ __ ] if something happened to y'all y'all will see then I'm so serious about this [ __ ] but I'm on a whole nother note home respect me from and I don't want to lose y'all [ __ ] don't wake up and let's be saved each other so it don't have to be no more losses we're gonna lose straight-up I do I already do it's gonna be hard I'm actually did it that's why I feel like it could be peace because I'm actually set in the circle and had a conversation with my enemies we cleared the air you can kill Tower a little difference now it's not peace between all my enemies but it's peace with the main enemy here with us and we not even gonna call it peace we will call it an understanding cuz that's what it was understanding was y'all stay on the outside we stay on outside don't disrespect that line then we good and keep our like Internet goofy [ __ ] you know listen I'll keep that [ __ ] out of the circle and we won and it's been working so far we had a little bumps and bruises this this question was complex to me because I'm thinking like are we talking about individually or gang-wise I'll be talking about in today's world aren't like are we working towards the future to get better because I believe that in the future sooner or later we are gonna be able to function right now with things that's been going on and the politics it's hard to see with the eighth race and the six souls that was an eye-opener for LA because it was like that's what modern day gang banging is working towards right now I just take time people nowadays like it's a revenge cycle it's people that is going that'd kill you that don't gangbang they they family or friend or somebody John my brother you feel me so it's like sometimes the peas don't even be like Oh nuts cuz we're not big nobody bigger than the court you know so it's like alright how's that how is that one person right there just gonna say it's peace today and then everything else is just peaches and cream I look at it like peace today just for the simple cause of matter like some talk it hasn't been a long period of time without it therefore without a retaliation or without another man woman from from from from a rival rival gang getting murdered so that she'll want to come to my hood and bust on me or knock me down let me show you the same thing and then once we get that understood then you can go about to level go by my my minutes but it's a thing called leaders and followers it's some leaders that's gonna be speaking peace you're gonna have some leaders like no they didn't dare too much it's this history this is what it is so it's like as much as you want peace I just live life for my individual peace I believe at the very bottom of joining the game is ultimately a choice the power influence is is crazy and it will blind you to make you think that it's not a lot of people is family-orientated are born into it but at the end of the day I have the choice to say yes this is what I want to do no they're saying what I want to do no matter what age I am or not I feel like it's for sure a choice it's not like how it used to be we're like you said you feel me you you you got some type of ties to this game nowadays it's like oh I love make a little turn hey you you hang with a [ __ ] for a cool amount of time build a relationship with them if you really a [ __ ] and you feel me you really got stripes in rep like you do from your air you could easily take them over there and make it happen it's a choice to certain people certain people just got it go with the flow this it's not so much of a choice it's like it's like a way of life I grew up to to seeing blue rags I grew up the same my brother's gonna fight the enemies at ports our girls are saying dope sex I grew up with my daddy whippin dope in kitchens and all that it's like that's not a choice it's just that to it you go dad this she chose me I signed up and they accepted you Furman is she like the military listen I play I mean you know my daddy from company you know from the kid this [ __ ] had me in his red Cadillac slapping through copy rolling up weeding and he go my mama side of the family my cousin from Palmer block [ __ ] then I got other cousins from neighborhood Piru down the street and then I moved to the 60s at eight years old and my older cousins they started gangbanging me for me so it was just a way of life for me that's what my family was about it was no choice I'm luckily I had big homies to where they they didn't want me to gangbang you feeling I said they always told me played football I had homies that didn't want me to gangbang either you tell me that was like 80 go play basketball okay football I even had a [ __ ] that peanut he used to come to me st. you stunt game bang and I used to think this [ __ ] thought I was soft yeah but the whole time my [ __ ] was being a real man and didn't want me to do this [ __ ] you feel me I want to be Bruce Lee man Bruce Lee yeah I want to come home and kick everybody man but the Crips was at the movie theater so we had to fight the crisp and I'm nine years old and I'm like man I want to go to the movies man my age of 13 I'm like you know what I'm gonna stop being a victim i'ma fight back unfair to police because they the biggest gang in America they basically got all right to knock us down would know with no justice after that yeah and on the side of them Cup course it says to protect to serve but they ain't doing that they taking us so it's like of course I'm a fear you because you don't want that supposed to protect this so I'm looking at you in the sense of okay you posed to be safety but no you to a gun now but I but I'm looking at this may not know how he coming it isn't it's not a facade are you gonna come so I'm prepared for how you gonna come you feel me so when a cop come at you why all chopped up if I'm posed to be protected to serve why I gotta put my hands up all the time just keep the simple man I'm afraid the police because this safe is is my enemy shooting me and I survive get chap there's nothing that isn't it I don't say anything about this video we're all because I feel like I would have been always wrong okay but life being shifted I feel like if if the police is like in an area or or or in an in a dialogue that looks spicy right quizzical to have your hands up dude because one one flick the wrist that any a is dead you know did you know it's kind of like um you know it's just for for everybody we all know what's happening to do any were just children I enemy shoot me and I survived I can go revenge and honor that you further say the police to me I survived and he can smoke me and can get away with it my homies things go and go rally up and go smoke them because I know you know where to go they just sent him to Santa Barbara somewhere you feel what I'm saying he had a whole other department I know a descriptor dude I know I'm not understand no no not at all the reason why I wouldn't want my sons or my daughter to be in a gang is because of the way the perception that society has on a gang it's not about the way the community views a gang because all that is the address but if my child is from a gang then I don't fear the communities around it I fear the police I fear that if if my son breaking a house well he should go to jail for a year or two but if he ain't a gang he gonna get a 12 year enhancement I don't want my daughter to be in the game because reality there's only two roads to either death or jail it's only food I slipped through the cracks it's like I just want my kids again baby because I know how gangbanging limits you definitely you know it keeps you stagnated you know you can't you can't you can't go out there and be adventurous and see the world and like for my son my son he can grow up in Louisville woman and her brothers could be from from a gang that now you can't even you can't even love for you really want to love because you know yeah just don't don't limit yourself I don't want my kids to limit their self you know this generation in gang banging is it's a gift and a curse because it's kind of beautiful because we come from a generation that we figuring it out we breaking it out we got a lot of black entrepreneurs we got sports players we got rappers we got people that got their own clothing lines and this is all people that came from a gang so it's like we're not all bad just because we came from a game but as far as my kids getting involved with that you don't have to gangbang and do all this stuff because you could go way further doing it if without those getting tired but also gang culture influences every Tupac got influenced by gang cultures and cost from his life so that's like it's like gang culture influences everybody but for my kids my niece's my nephews and everybody under me I do not want that for him because it took so much of my life I mean personally I don't have any kids but this cupboard right here I got a little twist to it it's the definition of the word because see it's being black the definition of a gang is oh they heard lose they thirst but if you from a white gang oh that's a collective community they just they just some regular people that do the same thing at the same time every day so you know what I just might want my kids to be in a gang a damn good one but like our LAPD or our Sheriff some [ __ ] for us you feel me so yeah I will hell yeah I want my kid to be in a gang a positive one number I feel like that coming it's probably very kind of like valid in the sense cuz everybody will question their like what type of gang members will want to speak openly about games on TV but that's what separates the leaders from the followers of their game so it's all it's all a mindset it's really a mindset getting over beefing which our enemies and everything it starts with our mind said first hopefully I can shine enough lights other everybody see what else everybody else see what I'm doing and be like alright he came from someone this and now look at him he's still back in this hood which I really commend nipsey for everything he did because he showed us that at the end of the day Nipsey Hussle got so big and he died from gang banging politics he died being a sixty crypt that the world couldn't even believe it so they said it was a conspiracy but the heart of it he lived his life as when he died he died for standing up for what's right that every gangbangers should have felt the same way and it showed behind the love that he got that and I feel like as a gang banger that's how you will want your legacy to be when you when you die it's like I'm bigger than gangbanging for the people that judges gangbanging and all that it's like this like ok chapters over didn't that's interesting I like it a lot [Applause] okay chat down dad's gonna love video chat but we're done with it okay
Channel: xQcOW
Views: 457,061
Rating: 4.8942552 out of 5
Keywords: xQc, jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, la gangs, bloods vs crips, los angeles gangs, la history, los angeles history, nipsey hussle, xqcow, xqc reacts, overwatch, twitch, highlight, variety gaming, gamer, streamer, variety gamer, gaming, video game, reactions
Id: kdrTiUOVYsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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