Xplane 11 - Quick Guide To Navigate a Cessna Using GPS

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okay here's a quick video on how to navigate with GPS from airport to airport first you're gonna click your GPS I'm just doing this in the Cessna but it's very similar with all the Garmin GPS is first thing you want to do is click the FPL button which is flight plan you can delete your flight plan if there's already one in there by getting menu and then delete flight flight plan with this little knob here but we don't have one in there so it should show you where we're at which we're in Allegheny County Airport in Pennsylvania we'll just do a quick flight over to Pittsburgh International so what you want to do is to activate your cursor just click on the push button push curser and it's gonna highlight and then you use the outer knob scroll down and then the inner knob to type in your airport so I know Pittsburgh International is Cape it so we're gonna do K and then next letter with the outer knob with the intern AAB P outer knob over I know with the inner knob and then tea and there we go Pittsburgh International will click enter and then enter again alright there's our flight plan very simple okay and then next all we have to do is pick a runway so we're gonna do is a procedure which is the PR OC button you're gonna select approach it enter and you pick a runway so we'll do just ILS 10 which is an ILS approach hit enter do vectors because that'll just navigate there from where we are when we activate this hit enter we're just gonna hit load for now we don't need to activate it yet okay so now we got a little flight plan in there let's take off really quick I'm not gonna do this by the book just to save time when I'm break there okay I'm swerving 60 knots go up okay so in order to have our GPS activate here trim down a little bit here in order to have our GPS activate we're going to click the CDI button cuz right now we're on nabbed gotta get room down okay so we're gonna click the little CDI button that'll sort just the GPS you can also click this little button over here yeah there it is and we are going to next close that look down here to our autopilot controls which are right here but hit nav we'll hit vertical speed and we'll set that to zero autopilot and what that's going to do is take us towards our Airport as you can see the Cessna is turning we're staying level right now like I said you can mess with this because the vertical speed here you know will increase your flight level whether you turn it up or down but the purposes in this video is stay nice and level okay stay nice and level we're heading towards Cape it now next we want to activate our approach once we're at our desired flight level so how we do that is we get a procedure [Music] scroll use the big knob down here to scroll up to activate approach and enter and that's going to re align us realign our course with the weight point that will line up up with the runway so I'm going to pause this video until we get close because now you just have to do nothing okay so while we're on our way one very important step is you want to tune for an ILS approach you want to tune your NAB which will show up here to the runway that you're landing at so the way you do that you can bring up your map okay okay so we're going to cape it you know we're landing on runway 10 okay let me make sure here okay yeah we're running on okay runway 10 left so stupid I'm your map and what we'll do is we'll go to our Lo and route okay it will highlight whichever approaches runway 10 left so it's right there okay we know we want to be at one 11.7 zero so that's what we'll do is we program that in there so we want to select our v-loc oh it's already in there one 11.7 zero okay but to change that you just use these knobs here and that will change it but yeah we want more more MORE oops let that screwed it up we want wha 1.70 [Music] and these are paying the ass you're kidding me there we go okay one 1.70 and we wanted to be active so we're gonna switch it from standby to active [Music] that's it for now we're still heading towards our first Waypoint I'm sorry that's not it for now also what you want to make sure you do and the Cessna is weird with this you want to make sure you're heading bug is in the direction of the runway so runway 10 so we want to have our heading bug 100 whatever let's get on there I don't think it has to be exact yeah yeah ILS approaches for whatever reason will not work I don't know if it's like that ruling without the heading book even though it's on autopilot facing the direction of the runway okay we're coming up on our first Waypoint which is steli okay so what I like to do here is I like to slow it down bring down with throttle so we're doing about 90 knots that's usually what I like to land at I mean everyone has their take on it but that's what I find to be pretty easy so we're gonna slow down to 90 knots which is right in that little crease there okay it looks good we should be reaching our Waypoint very soon here and we're gonna be making a hard right turn [Music] very shortly okay once we get to that first Waypoint on the approach I'm gonna see a little countdown here they'll say right turn 200 it's on our first Waypoint and the plane automatically starts turning right that's tele and this is gonna line us up with or a runway that we selected now if you're coming in at a weird angle sometimes it'll automatically switch over to L nav which is the frequency of the runway and then it will just kind of shoot you off into space if you're not following the flight plan just keep hitting this CDI button to switch it back to GPS until L nap starts bringing you back in but yeah it should switch over to element L nav automatically and then once on L nav you kind of want to pay attention to this little crosshair here okay right here because this is going to guide you into that runway okay just you want to see this little yellow and nav lit up once you get you know lined up with the runway well since my plane decided to head off into the distance while I pause the video it's just taking its sweet time we will get there okay once we do actually get lined up with the runway which you can see here and here this little crosshair we're lined up we want to go down to our autopilot which is down here everyone to arm the approach so hit the approach button what's that what that's going to do is that's gonna keep us nice and level until we intercept the glideslope which is that needle that's kind of facing up right now that's gonna slowly drop as we get closer to the runway until we are perfectly in line with the slope that we are supposed to take down to the runway which is the ILS signal basically it's it's catching the ILS signal and that is going to take our plane safely to the runway now I also want you to remember that you need to have this heading book at least facing the direction of the runway so we did that earlier or else the ILS approaches will no or GPS will if that's the approach you pick but ILS is will not okay so right now we are at raku which is our last waypoint to runway 10 so right now we are raku to runway 10 so we are heading to runway 10 so we will start descending now we're flying a little low here but you know it doesn't really matter this is gonna keep moving down this little line here the up-and-down one will show us lined up with the runway and this will show us lined up with the glide slope so we just gotta wait till that turns into a crosshair and then it will automatically start descending as long as that approach button is pressed so I will pause it until we get to that point okay as you can see that needle is moving down rapidly as we approach the glide slope [Music] and our plane is now descending now we're speeding up so I'm going to take a little bit off the throttle here I should have engaged flaps already but I'll do that now and when you do that you know just make sure the plane doesn't go crazy but we're still on autopilot everything looks good that crosshair is lined up pretty well we are descending towards the runway as soon as we get a little bit closer all you have to do is turn off autopilot and land manually hopefully I don't screw this up okay so I'm just gonna hit that little ap button on your autopilot soon as you get close to where you feel comfortable taking over this will take you almost all the way down to the runway number there we're getting a little slow now [Music] everything is lined up we look good all right I'm gonna take that autopilot off now I'll hear that beep I'm just gonna take over bring it down a little bit I'm gonna cut off the engine and that beeping is normal that's just from a little thing in the runway that tells us we're over top of it and we have to land pretty much so yeah and that is it sorry about the not perfectly straight landing but that is about it and you are at your destination I have a good one
Channel: Ryan Palastro
Views: 29,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zcnyfg1Hgnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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