Xperia 1 V In The Field - Cinematic Nature Photography

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ConceptsCreator 📅︎︎ May 25 2023 🗫︎ replies
the Xperia one Mark 5 is here and it has gotten not only a brand new camera sensor but also improved autofocus thanks to AI as cinetone for mobile and a lot more so as usual grab some snacks or something to drink and follow me on this little journey [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] so one of my absolute favorite things to do in this world is to get outside in nature and capture it with some tasty new technology and that is exactly what we're doing today oh I see the ocean honestly I haven't been to a beach in ages so this feels very nice the sun is slowly starting to peek through and touch these ones okay I really need to get up there [Music] the light is so good right now I'm gonna try to use the 85 to get the telephoto shot here I really like how the the sun is touching the sand dunes here really really nice and as you can see we finally have a vertical UI inside of Photography Pro which is very welcome thank you okay I really need to get down here look how beautiful [Music] so I got an idea I'm gonna take a self portrait up here and this little path that is going will create a little nice leading line in the shot but there's only one problem I need a tripod for this and my bag is over there so uh [Music] oh let's set it up okay so I'm gonna try to place myself somewhere here I think to create a pretty nice balance but I wonder if I will get there in time because I don't have a remote with me at the moment we're gonna go with auto mode we're gonna have a 10 second timer will it get up there in time we will see one two [Music] no I didn't make it this is steeper than than it looks like one [Music] I forgot the 10 second timer [Music] yep we got it yay if I just bring the remote this would be a lot easier thank you you see this white line of like butter what do you call it the uh the skill I'm gonna try to capture that because we have a really beautiful life on basically everything so I think a shot just straight down I think these three looks very nice the Xperia one Mark V now has continuous shooting in up to 30 photos per second which is as insanely fast as the Sony Alpha One enough to one yep [Music] okay this is a lot of photos like look at this basically film so I'm gonna try a thing have the phone on the gimbal mounted to this tripod and then I'm simply gonna run on the beach here and fill my feet in 4k 120 FPS and then slow it down to a very nice slow motion shot some sand flying and let's look like a fool on the beach [Music] so on the Xperia one Mark V we have the 16 millimeter Ultra wide lens as well as the 24 millimeter wide and the still very impressive 85 to 125 millimeter optical zoom so what is great about the optical zoom is that when you zoom between 85 and 125 you still use the full sensor of the camera but what I'm most excited about about the Xperia one Mark V is the brand new image sensor that we see behind the 24 millimeter lens so on this brand new sensor we can capture way better photos and Video in low light situations we also have better dynamic range which means if you're standing in a dark scene but have a very bright sky for example thanks to computational processing it will capture a more balanced photo with almost no noise and we still have details left in both the highlights and the shadows and I'm personally very glad to see that they're upping their game in the low light category and I think being able to shoot in low light you can capture amazing atmospheres that aren't really possible during the day and it's very nice to see that that it's possible with a phone okay my friends what shall we do next it's very bright so let's head into the forest this little house here looks very cool the sun is peeking through and hitting this very beautifully I'm going to use this as a foreground go with manual controls [Music] [Music] what a little beautiful spot so I personally enjoy shooting video with Xperia phones very much I think the user interface of videography Pro is the best out of all the phones I've tried and I think it's because the similarities to the Sony Alpha system that I use right here and as on the Xperia one mark IV we have 4K 120 FPS on all the lenses so I can shoot an ultra wide slow motion shot in 4k and then cut to a zoomed in 4k slow motion shot and I don't have to worry about certain limitations on the different lenses which is a big plus so they've now added s cinetone for mobile which is basically a mobile version of the very popular sinotone format that we see on the Sony Alpha system which will give you cinematic looking colors directly out of the phone and you don't have to learn how to color grade and put it in an editing software and so on basically all you have to worry about is to shoot and if it looks good in this on the screen on the phone that is what it will look like when you have the final product well you know what it's time for us to move forward because we're going on a little daily trip with the car it's quite far but I definitely think it would be worth it I'm in the car on my way to to some cozy beautiful views but I just had to stop because look at this wow so as you probably can see the sun is still very high up on the sky and harsh so this is a great example when to use the auto mode and get the benefits with the computational processing that it does let's take a photo and here we see we have lots of details in the shadows but we still have the details in the highlights right here and it's super Sharp let's get moving you will not believe this look at this beautiful kind of framing I don't know how to explain it better but I was driving here and I saw two deer standing right here and I first thought it was statues because they were just standing there silhouette ah incredibly beautiful so I had to panicly back up the car grab the Xperia thankfully you can just press here and photography Pro will open that saved me and I got this shot kids we can see the ocean now I finally have the remote again and it's paired and ready to be used what is this place I see so many potential photos this is definitely a photo [Music] it's not pretty crazy when you're out in places like this very hard to just take it in it's kind of when you come home and lay in bed and wake up the next morning then you start to feel like what did I see yesterday places like this cannot be captured well enough on camera like mountains tend to feel so small in camera and they are actually pretty big for being south of Sweden at least there we go reveal [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that's a pretty nice view foreign [Music] for another selfie and I can guarantee that this one will beat the other one I am always very stressed during sunset most people probably feel like they can relax and just take it all in and enjoy but uh nope we are stressing use manual controls yeah we need to use the ultrawide for this I'm going to try maybe this wrong place that is definitely my favorite shot of the day nice if you follow this channel you know that I enjoy taking photos manually with manual controls and editing the photos and doing everything by myself but I know many of you that don't really want that you just want to take a photo and focus on the actual shooting and have a photo that is looking the way you want directly out of the phone and they have added a couple of creative looks onto the Xperia that works for both video and for photos so you have a bunch of different presets that you can choose from to really personalize the photo so if you like very saturated colors and a very poppy image you can use the Vivid one then you have a bunch of different other ones that can give you a dreamy look or a faded look and so on so if you don't want to learn a editing software and so on you can use the creative looks but if you want to use an editing software and nerd it down like I do you can obviously do that as well so in a low light situation like this if you're taking the 24 millimeter and shooting in Auto you can basically hand hold and shoot and you get really nice details I cannot see any noise at all really foreign [Music] look I was casting a light oh we just need to find the best angle I have a feeling it might be up here but who knows oh oh my gosh what a view [Music] finally back at the car ah but only thing is I wanted to shoot the sunset at the beach but I'm very happy without God to capture at kulaberry when I was but I really wanted the beach as well if there only was some kind of way to turn back time well I guess if we can give it a try settings date and time here we go I think about four hours would do let's go with five boom can you hear that Mr look boy we are oh this is bright [Music] [Music] and another very cool thing is the external monitor feature using it this way you can have the Xperia as an external monitor for your Sony Alpha camera so when Sony make their Flagship phones they have photographers and filmmakers in mind we have seen this feature on a previous Xperia phones but it has been updated with a bunch of new features and works better than ever so using the Xperia as an external monitor is way easier to see if things are in Focus thanks to the new added feature focus peaking as well as you have zebras to have control over the exposure and we still have the waveform monitoring and false color mapping as we did in the latest update and the new added feature to the external monitor app is the ability to record onto the phone's storage so the phone will record as well as your camera will record to the SD card this is great for a backup shot in case something would happen to the SD card or anything else then as you might know I'm not really a commercial videographer so I'm filming wildlife and stuff so I've used this in when I'm sitting in a hide and can lay back and have a large screen and see if something appears in front of the Hide without having to like watch this little small screen and when we're doing that having features such as the focus peaking for example is very very handy how cool doesn't this look this is the future that my friends is everything for this video and I've been having a blast here on the West Coast and it's always fun to try out new things especially new Xperia phones so thanks for coming along with me on this little journey and I will leave a link down in the description where you can check out the full resolution photos so until next time have a good one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Olle Nilsson
Views: 355,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xperia 1 v, Xperia 1V, videography pro, xperia 1 v review, phone photography, mobile photography, mobile filmmaking, cinematic, sony phone review, s-cinetone for mobile, sony xperia, smartphone photography, cinematic video nature, xperia 1 v vs s23 ultra, how to shoot cinematic video with phone, how to take nature photography with phone, nature photography with xperia, olle nilsson, xperia 1 v in the field, Xperia 1 V test, best smartphone camera, photography pro
Id: Zs2tJ6xTqMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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