XO, Kitty Cast ARGUES Over Kitty's Best Match and REACTS to Possible Season 2 (Exclusive)

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there's so much romance in EXO Kitty your character gets to spark a little electricity with I believe three different characters was there one relationship that you thought that makes the most sense for our girl kitty I'm a big fan of the enemies to lovers tro can you please get out of my life I don't want to be next to you either so I would have to say Amino I would love to see them attempt at least you know navigate those feelings a little bit I think that would be a really interesting Dynamic to play on I think either Kitty and Minho or Kitty and Yuri okay [Applause] yes because you know it's just a classic romance uh like formula of like oh they hate each other we want them to love each other you know because we all want the unity at the end of it so whatever like there's not Nemesis we're like oh we want them to be friends yes why do you think Yuri made a good match I think it's also just because it's also so unexpected too it's like okay boyfriend potential and then there's like whoa okay kitties find out something new about herself and it's just it just adds another layer to it dear Lara Gina Marco operation kiss is actually happening this is not all about a boy this is for me EXO Kitty something that I love about her is that she does everything with her full heart and she does what feels right for her not because someone else is pushing her into it or because she thinks it's expected or she should so I think whoever Kitty feels right is is the ship that I support I want her to do what she wants to do and I also think she doesn't need a person I love how at the end of the season she is on her own and she's treating herself and so many doors have just been opened and like crashed down in front of her that the world is kind of constantly turning like the ups and downs don't stop once they start and she's kind of alone at the end but she feels very proud of herself and I'm very proud of her that she's giving herself the space to figure that out and to not force anything or rush anything and be honest with what she wants I have to say the last scene the Mino scene with this airplane that one did get to me this is adorable I did love it but I mean what a gesture I think day and kitty they their timeline was exactly right for them but I am really happy with their relationship and I'm really glad that kitty got that experience and and like she says you're the perfect first boyfriend I think that's totally true so I I love the relationship but I agree that it's like it had its time I would say I was like open to whatever kid he wants what I really liked about the romance with Yuri not because that Yuri fits well to Kitty it was because that kitty's discovering a whole different role for her and she's she was she was not afraid of it well she was but like she admits it and then like faces it and I really like cheered for her when Kitty was what day I really liked the innocent love that's what made it so special and made it so heartwarming and everything but at the same time I also can't blame minho's feelings towards Kitty at the same time I can't blame him well yeah no because like it's your best friend oh that's the thing see I can say something about this you wouldn't be mad with yourself it's a good question so all let's say so the reason why I always say this is because when minnow was all about being loyal to his friends q and day he was there all the way and but then there were so many parts during during the whole episode throughout the season where he got rejected by his friends and there's girls or whatever right so he just started thinking like okay you know what it's fine it's fine everything's fine but then later on there was this huge push when they decided to blame Minho like well it was a whole misunderstanding where he pushed me against the wall and everything like and I was like wait hold up I'm your freaking best friend here you should be careful and what's going on here so like I think I think once um everything was a bit more subtle down everything he knows everyone's relationship he's like okay you know what I'm gonna shoot my shot now forget my friends because they didn't really care about me so let's go for it so I think that's why I kind of support me now as well I think I fell in love with you a little bit or a lot what was your reaction to that epic Cliffhanger at the end of season one yeah you're like holding on for dear life first reaction like there must be a season two there must be sorry about this like it can't end it like this yeah we were watching that ending scene yesterday with all together for the first time and we're like whoa like in five minutes ten different things happened for Kitty and like all three different Kitty was like whoa okay so that leaves so much juicy stuff for a season two what is the storyline that you are most excited to tackle in a fingers crossed season two I want to see her continue to follow her heart and do what feels right and push herself I think Kitty pushes a lot of other people in her life and that's in a loving way always but she definitely is open for lots of other characters if she wants people to you know go to their comfort zone and do their best but I think sometimes she puts it on other people more than she puts it on herself and for her to really do what scares her I think is really fun to see which we we do see in this season as well well actually what I was like really I was like expecting was we had things about us a lot but there could be more things without those parents and like new stories and like not only between like characters and kitty like there could be like things with Nino and me like there's a lot of things yeah everyone's family I would love to see more of Q's background his family life and stuff like he was one of the only characters we didn't see season one of his personal life a little bit so I would love to explore that especially him being a queer character and how he was brought up necessarily and how he's coming to terms with all of that kind of stuff I would love to like take a peek into his past a little bit there's so many possibilities and there's so many ways that it could go that I I'm dying to see what that Vision could look like or what the future could look like but I think no matter what if she stays true to herself it'll be good [Music]
Channel: Entertainment Tonight
Views: 329,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XO Kitty, Netflix, Anna Cathcart, To All the Boys I've Loved Before
Id: IWphkP65YcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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