Xi welcomes Putin to China as both leaders seek to bolster strategic ties

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Russian President Putin has arrived and was said to be quite the ceremony that was going to be put on for his arrival we are waiting to see whether or not we can actually see the Russian Russian president in Vision I believe the camera is shaking just a little bit this could potentially be his moade pulling up right now it is obviously a momentous visit considering it is following on from his reelection that's probably going to see Vladimir Putin being in control of Russia for at least until 2030 and obviously it is coming at a time where there is much scrutiny and consternation from parts of the International Community considering the ongoing war that Russia is engaged with Ukraine and some of the China support that some are suggesting Russia has been receiving and you can see Vladimir Putin there walking up the stairs let's go to Sam for a little bit more on the latest relating to this I suppose and China at large yeah so they're rolling out the red carpet it seems for Putin this morning he touched down in Beijing at 4:00 a.m. this morning so getting down to Brass tax there with President shijin ping in this welcoming ceremony as you say will really both presidents are looking for reassurances from each other no doubt he is wanting reassurances about support for his economy at a time when of course China has been snapping up these cheap Commodities at a discount in fact uh the discount has been coming I think I have the number here about uh $4 billion saved in the first N9 months last year that's China snapping up some of this oil and gas but no doubt uh wanting reassurances as you say will also on Ukraine president shijin ping will no doubt reassure his friend there about the partnership but he will be wanting reassurances as well no doubt on the nuclear threat and North Korea as we've seen ties certainly growing between the two so in terms of what to look out for whether they will be any economic trade deals signed in public because we know that the Chinese are obviously very wary very hesitant of of course the ramifications of providing this support to Russia given the warnings that we've had from the us we've had secretary blinkin just in uh China a few weeks ago reiterating that and the ramifications if China were to do something like that but president xiji Ping's just been in Europe as well so no doubt he'll be briefing Putin on those meetings he had with the French and also over in sort of more Russia friendly China friendly countries like Hungary and Serbia um as well the timing of course interesting as well because Putin has just of course started this fifth term this is the second time we've seen Putin in China in the last year the last time he was at the belt and Road forum and this is the 43d time that these two presidents have met so there he is shaking a lot of people's hands and they'll be going off and having these meetings where no doubt Ukraine the economy trade will all be discussed and then there is an expectation that he'll also be heading over to Harbin which is in the north of China very close Russian ties and they will be uh talking about other economic issues one thing that Putin does want is that power of Siberia 2 Pipeline and that is of course the one that's going to be running through Russia to China via Mongolia and there had been sort of bit of an awkward exchange last year when President XI went to Russia whether that had actually been set in stone President Putin at the time had sort of suggested that maybe it was a done deal but the Chinese said that there are still more details to flesh out with regards to that and then this project perceivably has hit a few snags construction has been delayed on that as reports have been suggesting earlier this year so there's been a lot of questions as to whether China actually needs all that gas as well but interesting because President Putin also had many gas and oil CEOs and businessmen Executives in tow last time he went to China of course that was for the Belton Road Forum um but we know that the gazprom CEO according to reports has actually been over in Iran so that's an interesting line to track uh as well but uh certainly trade between the two sides $240 billion last year up 26% and we know that a lot of this has been around the cars and the phones no doubt China of course has been filling the void from the Western countries and companies Tanny that have been exiting the Russian Market um but yeah it's a another display of the No Limits partnership here in Beijing this morning but I think um it's going to be interesting to see if there are limits on that no limits partnership
Channel: CNBC International TV
Views: 405,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: China, Power of Siberia, Power of Siberia 2, Putin, Russia, Vladimir Putin, Xi, Xi Jinping
Id: UslzEfOoUiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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