Xenomorph Sculpture Timelapse - Hicks Trophy - Aliens 1986

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[Music] just tell me one thing brooke you're going out there to destroy them right not to study not to bring back but to wipe them out that's the plan you have my word on it all right i'm in [Music] [Applause] [Music] we better get back because it'll be dark soon and they mostly come at night mostly [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] movement what's the position i can't lock in talk to me hudson uh multiple signals they're closing [Music] there's movement all over the place get back to operations it's game time [Music] oh [Music] let's rock get away from her you [Music] so so get this hope you enjoyed this video and the resulting sculpture i'm a huge fan of the second film and i absolutely despise the third film whoever approved the script for alien 3 should have been tarred and feathered and forced to swim across a river infested with piranhas the third film ruined so much of the hard work of james cameron's second film they did hicks and newt dirty an alien 3 within the first 30 seconds we're told that hicks is dead what did you how did you feel when you heard about that did they approach you about being in the movie at all alien 3. so i wanted to honor corporal hicks or michael bean who i hope sees this with his own trophy bust and uh this is modeled after the scene where they're escaping um the alien hive and the apc and one of them tries to break in to the the transport vehicle and uh hicks jams his shotgun in its mouth blows its head off so that was the idea that was the inspiration i put a lot of extra work in the detail specifically the silicone that i used i poured it in different layers of different shore hardnesses so what i mean is the shore hardness scale is the toughness of the silicone how it feels to touch and how it's how resilient it is now the back where the organs here are exposed this is sure zero so it's very squishy you can see that it's all gooey and the head the skull part i did in short 40 which is a lot tougher the lips are also sure zero and these are even softer than short zero the sinew and the cheeks i used a special deadener with a short zero for that so they came out really gummy and gooey and the inner mouth is short 40 for toughness as well the upper the upper gums are short 10 and the teeth are all cold cast aluminum and the uv effects on the back here we go i wanted to offer something that other companies have not done yet um because as far as i know all the other busts offered by the major studios are plastic this is the only one that's in platinum silicone i'll be selling these um in a limited number there's only me making them i couldn't possibly make that many but if you're interested there's a link in the description um to my shop on my website so let me know if you are keen to grab one hopefully i'll have a new video up maybe even as early as next week because i've got a character here that i have been sitting on for one of our favorite animes to return and it is back so now or never right guys so be on the lookout and let me know what you think of this and share it to anybody you know that would care to watch the creation or possibly want to buy one alright everyone thanks for watching cheers and thanks to the patrons who help keep lorecraft moving forward cheers
Channel: LoreCraft
Views: 34,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xenomorph, alien, aliens, Ellen Ripley, Corporal Hicks, Ridley Scott, James Cameron, Aliens fireteam elite, lorecraft, sculpting, sculpture, timelapse, time lapse, sculpture timelapse, timelapse art, vfx, practical fx, Stan Winston, Aliens 1986, Weyland Yutani, painting
Id: 8DkaHiyGPbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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