XDefiant: The BEST Factions You Need to Use... (Comprehensive Faction Guide)

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[Music] with exify now out and in the wild we've got a lot of guides and informative content on the way for your gaming experience today I want to take a look at a little guide to help you figure out what's the best faction for you because with five there's not a whole ton of offering that it becomes like confusing or overwhelming but there's also enough differences and solid options that it can become tough to pick one select favorite perhaps but today I want to run down each of these factions their strength and where you May best find success with each of them as we go along drop your thoughts down below and do me a huge favor not only drop a like if you enjoyed the video but if you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe for more ex defiant coverage along with other FPS content we are getting in the midst of a lot of stuff upcoming I'd love to have in the community as we chase down 600,000 subscribers and also make sure to check out my friends over at gamer Advantage but more on that a little later for now though let's take a look at the best factions in exiant for you so starting out with just a brief rundown of what all you can expect to see through each of these factions libertad you have a passive that is a healing regeneration and active of the biovita Boost and the elido where the Boost is a gas canister that will instantly start Health regeneration but it can also affect your nearby allies in a certain vicinity the remidio is going to heal friendlies until destroyed or canceled and the ultimate will be the Medico Supreme which is a medical backpack that in a certain radius provides a boost of Health to 200 hp rather than 100 for a small duration of time Echelon the passive is low profile so agents do not show up on the mini map which is a ghosted feature your active of the Intel suit and the digital ghilly suit offer unique abilities as well where the Intel suit will share the location of nearby enemies with your team similar to Recon Vision pulse and Black Ops 3 but for everyone and every 30 seconds the digital ghilly suit will render the agent nearly invisible you can still be seen if you're moving or aiming though and then sonar goggles as your ultimate will reveal enemies and have the ability to hunt them down with the Third Echelon 57 pistol now that's a one shot in the upper body in close range two shots to the extremities it seems and at a further distance but it only lasts around 10 to 15 seconds but you have a total of 50 rounds so if you're really just popping off you can go to work with this thing the cleaners the passive is incendiary around so every single round you end up having will have that fire damage that is associated with it your actives of the incinerator drone and the firebomb are available as a napom delivering drone that burns everything in its path and the firebomb detonates a Molotov cocktail causing explosive damage and lighting the area on fire now this one has a bit of an activation delay so while it's great for breaking contested capture zones or say an occupy Zone just know that when you activate it the animation will have to happen first leaving you vulnerable for about 1 to two seconds then the ultimate of the purifier is a flamethrower that's a one shot you touch the enemies with it they'll burn up the Phantoms you have a passive of 120 HP total whereas normally you only have 100 and the actives you have the mag barrier and Blitz Shield the mag barrier is an electromagnetic Shield that will block incoming enemy fire and the blitz Shield is just kind of like a riot shield you can run people over with if you get in a close enough the ultimate of the Aegis is a plasma Shield that is combined with an electro scatter gun for Close Quarters combat which is insanely good for escort or objective based modes like if you have a team and you use it properly it's almost guaranteed to be a final push ultimate then finally dead SEC that passive you can print more items which is refilling things like grenades and devices you're active you have the spiderbot and the hijack where the spiderbot will deploy a face hugging spiderbot that will stun the nearest foe which is an easy kill if you follow it and then hijack you can hack enemy deployed abilities to make them your own which is good for placed items like the mag barrier and finally the lockout ultimate disables the enemy HUD mini map and abilities in the radius of activation can be pretty powerful but it's reliant on being close quarter scenarios so basic understanding of what's on off or out of the way how do we get to ranking these in any sort of capacity well I think it can be fair to break them down categorically now full transparency and as sort of disclaimer these are my subjective rankings so if you find one better than the other or something that fits your play style better that's totally fine but these are my recommendations attempting to be as objective in their strengths and weaknesses as possible starting with the passive let's talk about the best ones here with this out of the options of a passive for health regeneration to you and your teammates a ghosted effect on Mini Maps incendiary rounds a slight HP boost and the ability to print more devices I think I'd personally take in this order Phantom's 120 HP passive the passive Health regeneration ghosted incendiary rounds and then printing more items to me from the bottom up here printing items is cool but on a 10ish second cool down for a lot of scenarios that's still a lot of time that you might not be able to get Replacements back in a single life if you're into the action you might not get many back in that life unless you're going on a tear additionally if you've reprinted more ammo and magazines I feel like it might be a little bit more worthwhile but it appears to only be devices and sort of grenades like that incendiary rounds next they're mad annoying I'll give you that so it might be fun to use these against enemies and just annoy them but aside from picking up a trade or two here and there after you die it doesn't really help you too much in my opinion a just straight up gunfight echelon's ghosted feature well nice isn't all that important even if you're playing stealthy to a degree I mean we don't have uavs or anything here that you're showing up constantly on the mini map so if you're going for a flank or something like that unless you shoot your gun you're still not going to show up on the mini map passive Health regeneration though if you've seen any of my Cod stuff you know I'm a big fan of this in general if I'm getting into the action I want to be able to get my health back as quickly as possible to get back into that fight and if I can passively heal teammates too that's even better but frankly talking health is isn't it just better to have more Health Phantom's 120 HP creates enough of an inbalance in gunfights that I need to take a bullet or two more to die depending on where shots are placed by my enemy so yeah while regening my health is nice having more of it might just be better so that's why that's my preferred here in terms of passives but that's passives it's not really situational use items are really the stuff that you're like advertised as why you should use a certain faction as for active ratings for me best to worst Echelon comes along with the int suit and digital ghillie suit Phantoms comes along with a MAG barrier and Blitz Shield libertad comes along with a biova boost and the elido the cleaners come along with the incinerator drone and firebomb and dead set comes along with spiderbot and hijack now that's my ratings from best to worst there but talking worst to best working backwards dead sex spiderbot is incredibly annoying sure but its speed isn't all that fast and it's only going to hug one enemy's face so you're limited in terms of efficiency with it per se and hijack again as mentioned when we went over it this situational use item that in my play time I didn't find as worthwhile as other items the cleaners the firebomb when killed is insanely annoying but again that activation delay makes it something that is a little too situational in my opinion you need to be close enough to get that radius in the lethal Zone but you also need to have enemies that don't realize where you are or aren't shooting at you until you can get that off but again if you're getting that close up close and personal 1 to 2 seconds of that activation delay is a lot of time that enemies could be shooting at you the incinerator is definitely the better option of the two if you ask me creating a way to cut off some Lanes but unless it's a direct hit it won't be as lethal as you maybe hope libertad big healing fan so I always stuck with the biovita Boost but if you're playing the team play there's better options for sure Phantoms that mag barrier while it's destroyed in about a MAG of ammo it can absolutely prove itself to be incredibly useful granting temporary cover that is one way you can shoot through it but your enemies cannot so genuinely great for most scenarios cutting off Lanes pushing or holding OB objectives you name it alternatively that Blitz Shield I think is less useful like I'd take the mag barrier 100% of the time but it can still be fun to use then echelon's Intel suit and digital ghillie suit well the ghilly suit is great for solo play going visible for a bit but honestly I think that the Intel suit can almost be problematic if you're running a squad of even two you can alternate this where enemies will be pinged and you can see them through walls and everything to a certain radius and the crazy part is you get that every 30 seconds so while it lasts 15 seconds you can see enemies highlighted then when your recharge starts you can have a teammate pop theirs and you can see where this is going up to three teammates and you completely negate the effects of that coold down because teammates will have them as well so for me that's my top choice of an active but ultimates worst to best dead sex lockout cleaner purifier and then honestly I'd say tied for best is a three-way tie between libertads Medico Supreme echelon's sonar goggles and the Phantoms agis now why that's where we need to break this down a little bit dead sex lock out while proximity base is cool but I don't think that it's enough of a deterrent as a sort of screw everyone else up ultimate with its charge rate I just don't think the result is powerful enough for me at least the purifier while fun for the cleaners I feel like with a limited time that you have with it you'll have to get into a really close quarter scenario where there's a lot of players to really make it worthwhile for that charge rate now for that three-way tie for first it truly comes down to how you want to play because I would take each of these three as a top ultimate just based off of whatever situation I'm in libertads Medico Supreme can be insane for objective play holding down a point or Zone because you in that radius of activated area are boosted non-stop to 200 hp making you nearly Invincible for a bit like yes you can die but it is so much harder that's a huge boost in some ingame scenarios like if you're trying to hold down a last occupy Zone to make it to that win in a close match echelon's sonar goggles I think can be great if you're a solo player hunting for kills I mean you already have a great active ability that helps out your entire team for radar why not take something for yourself here highlight enemies and use that one- shot pistol and then Phantoms Aegis if you're an objective player this is the ultimate for you but in terms of solo play it leaves you vulnerable if players can get inside that bubble so you really need it as a team thing your enemies clearing out enemies shooting outside of it while progressing that objective but that bubble Shield can be huge so my personal faction ratings I'd say that echelons and Phantoms are tied for the top spot libertad a very close second and then cleaners for third that incendiary rounds just being a nuisance to enemies and dead SEC is last but again that's just personally speaking I think that each has their own strengths and weaknesses like no category has the same top results when you look at how I've structured this and that's by Design you make one clear standout it's all anyone will use instead I do think that there's that initial balance between consciously considering what type of play that you want to do and where the factions Excel of my top three which I choose is really dependent on the mode and who I'm playing with like if I'm playing in objective mode Phantoms Aegis and mag barrier is absolutely Elite but if I'm say playing Hot Shot occupy or I'm like on the defensive end of escort where really want kills I'll take something like echelon's sonar goggles and Intel suit and if I'm playing solo I'll take libertads healing cuz I know if nobody's got me with additional team benefits and coordinated strikes I got me with healing so that's my recommendations here in what I would say for the best factions in X to F right now when more come along later on in further seasons of course that may disrupt the balance of how I think these play out but for me personally that's what I would say for you again it really comes down to recognizing how you want to play and what can best help you out in that regard there are more objective based factions there are more kill hungry and in the action based factions but again you have to recognize which one works best for you but those are my recommendations so that is where we're going to wrap it up before you do though make sure check out my friends over at gamer Advantage for I firmly believe are the best Blu glasses on the market I've worked with these guys for 3 years now and cannot recommend them enough they're the most lightweight comfortable and durable frames out there as far as I've used and I definitely think that help my daily productivity now full transparency they're a bit more of an investment but I think that your vision is absolutely worth investing into especially if you're like me you're looking at a monitor phone you're gaming for a good chunk of the day like I am with X defyant right now grinding it out so if you guys would like to learn more at the very least I'd recommend checking out their website where they can better break down the science and all the specifics way better than I could but what I can personally say is I'd highly recommend them so if you'd like to learn more check the link in the description below and if you'd like to pick something up for yourself use go topro to get 10% off your entire order but for now that is where we're going to wrap it up let me know your thoughts on what you think of the best factions in X defiant what your favorites are what your least favorites are whatever the case drop your thoughts but if you enjoyed the video you found an addon CLE do me a favor and drop a like on it and if you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe for more xifi coverage here as we gear up for honestly a lot more content still on the way that I think can prove beneficial to your gameplay experience but for now thanks so much for watching M has been espresso I'll see you later take care and peace [Music] I [Music]
Channel: Espresso
Views: 75,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecoliespresso, xdefiant factions abilitites, xdefiant factions explained, xdefiant new faction, xdefiant faction abilitites, xdefiant all factions, xdefiant best faction, xdefiant best classes, xdefiant all classes, xdefiant classes, xdefiant characters, xdefiant release date, xdefiant release, xdefiant abilitites, xdefiant news, xdefiant sniping, xdefiant gameplay, factions, xdefiant launch date, first-person shooter, xdefiant game, xdefiant update, playstation, free-to-play
Id: Nd1wDGaYp84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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