XBOX Buying Guide | Should You Purchase An Original XBOX In 2021?

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it's kind of hard to believe that this november it'll be 20 years since microsoft joined the home console gaming scene with the original xbox in today's episode we're going to take a look back at this bad boy and let you know is it worth purchasing and collecting for in 2021 what are we drinking today we're drinking philosophy and velocity by amigang this is a blend of a belted style quad ale with an imperial coffee stout all right you know the drill make sure you hit that subscribe button and ring that bell icon so you never miss one of our bi-weekly uploads and sit back relax pour yourself a beer if you care to let's take a look at the ogx box and if it's worth purchasing in 2021 wwe hall of famer hacksaw jim duggan and i want you to check out gaming off the grid tough guy 20 years ago this november microsoft took a leap of faith and joined the home console scene which was kind of on lock if you will because sega nintendo and sony had just kind of been beating each other up and atari had bowed out maybe a little bit prior to this time and so they're getting into the home console scene and how was it gonna work out for microsoft i would say it went pretty well yeah with the original election it did very well dude when this thing came out and bill gates was like guys we had a console yeah i was like holy crap dude this thing was so powerful the launch of screaming this thing's oh my god it's like whoa i don't know how you feel but i don't have the nostalgia for this that i do for the ps2 no not anymore and here's what's crazy is they're in the same generation but i always forget about xbox yeah i always forget about it but it was definitely i remember when it came out i remember the first game i remember seeing like on a demo was i think at a target it was nfl fever and i was like holy that looks good i remember the towel hanging from like the quarterback's pants kind of blowing was like wow this is really cool and i think it really benefited this console that it launched with halo which was ultimately a game changer for the console the ironic thing about the ogx box though for collectors i feel like is that it seems to be the least coveted of the 6th gen consoles it seems like the gamecube obviously you guys know that are collectors the market has went just crazy the ps2 seems to be kind of catching up i don't know that it'll ever get gamecube crazy and then you're left with the original xbox and i and i don't really know why he's already mentioned this console's a powerhouse and for third party titles that are on all three consoles arguably it probably wins most of those battles the gamecube wins some occasionally sony but very little but usually this is the way it's usually the way to go because it looks better it plays better it's just it's a lot smoother but i i think a lot of people are in the same boat of me is like they just forget about the xbox or like it's just like the 360s better and i know backwards compatibility comes into play with that but does it yeah i don't i don't know i don't know why this thing came out of the block strong had 19 launch titles that's a lot i think one thing that aside from you know halo they tried a lot of console exclusives trying to get their own like brand ambassador if you will and and none of those really landed there were some great games that came out of that but it's even ironic so this whole episode's about should you look into collecting the original xbox in 2021 and i think yes yes and and the reason is is i don't think it gets a lot of love you know i look at the current landscape of microsoft and you know the xbox one or the xbox series x and backwards compatibility has became a thing again but it's so strange to me that the xbox 360 has almost 500 games that are backwards compatible with the xbox one and xbox it's like 480. that's so many games not all obviously not all exclusives because xbox hasn't ever really been about the exclusives for the most part that's third-party games everywhere in between and and the ogx box only has 28 titles that are backwards compatible and there's so many amazing xbox games it's so weird so i think the value is there um the other reason i think is it's really freaking cheap to collect for now there are your outliers for games but the console's going for like what like 35 36 30 to 40 bucks yeah just for the console and then you can get controllers for 10 to 15 bucks and what's cool about the original xbox is there's two variants of yeah so the better of the contr two controllers you can get for about 12 which is the xbox s this is the second variation what's strange about the xbox is its core console only had one variant you know the the ps2 went from the big boy to the sling and this was just a monster but never got that slim look but they did with the controller yeah now the controller that a lot of people bash on tends to be the most expensive if you're looking at it from a collector's standpoint the good old duke duke this thing is huge it's a chunker the weird thing is though is this is the first controller i played xbox with and typically really when we play xbox we bust out our dukes we do just because it's fun i had the regular one yeah or the regular size but what's crazy is the small version of the xbox controller is still bigger than the ps2 and the game controller like it's it's still a big control so that smaller controller was a second you know iteration of the controller i think it's called the s-type uh but it's uh it's probably the one most people would want to go with and it you know if it's the best one that most people want to go with it and it's the cheapest you may want to go there if you want some nostalgia and you want that big old chunker go with the freaking duke it kind of it's just kind of a rite of passage when you're playing xbox speaking of controllers breakaway chords microsoft invented breakaway chords and this was a genius idea how many times genius idea have you tripped over your console and yanked the console yeah especially back in the day or the controller out of the player's hands and they actually have a pretty like it's not too loose of a resistance but it's like just right just perfect enough and it's so freaking sweet that they did that because they were like hey everyone's tripping on these chords but they're and how do we not damage our console breakaway chords that's genius yeah and for a controller that maybe isn't the greatest i don't think they got their traction until 360. that has happened with the ogs yeah it's pretty awesome so circling back console's about 36 bucks and get into controllers for about 12. the console i reliability is kind of hit and miss but i would say for the price of poker 36 bucks i don't think you're risking a lot no and anything in on it for that much and we've had really good luck we've got two one in their garage one in here yeah i never really had issues with the ogx box i know that i've heard issues but i've never experienced and i've been playing it since i can remember because my dad had won we have two in the game like i've been playing it a lot i feel like we've gotten lucky now when we leave our game room we cover all of our consoles we dust them a lot so maybe that has something to do with it but there are some reliability issues but again for for the price of you know 36 to 40 dollars i don't think it's it's too much of a dice roll to take a chance on it another good thing about the xbox is that it is a very hackable machine now we haven't done it i don't know the process to that i know the process to doing it for some other consoles but i never really wanted to mess up the originality of it but for those of you hackers out there that want to be able to play og xbox games and some other things it does have a pretty ease of entry into hacking it but it also can play dvds yes which is really cool i think though you have to have the dvd remote which we have one somewhere but we've never used it no i've never used it as a dvd player it can play cds as well and i know back in the day that was huge like that's why i love my ps2 because they could do that as well yeah and what's crazy is people forget about the xbox the gamecube couldn't do any of that yeah you know like what yeah and like you mentioned today it's it's like i i don't care i probably wouldn't even burn up my laser and and the innards by playing a dvd i think it would be wasted motion but back in the day that was like just reason to get a console yeah you could play games you could listen to your music you could watch movies it's just everything all in one box this also has four controller ports which makes playing games like halo and halo 2 which are great games on the thing and we'll cover some games later but each halo game is right around 10 bucks you can play four player split screen and this is lan party ready you connect your internet cable to the back you can system link a lot of times we always just run all the consoles to a router you can have tons of fun if you can pick up or have friends that have a few of these and hook them up so to this point we are into the console for about let's say 40. you can get one under 40. and then you maybe want to grab an extra controller or two so let's say you buy two 24 bucks on 40 sure 64 into this thing if you grab halo 1 and 2 which we already mentioned now you're 84 into this thing what other type of peripherals would you recommend because there are other ones there's the memory card yes memory card is which you can save on the hard drive yes so i don't know why they what's the point of the memory card well some games what's annoying is is from my experience i've had issues getting other games to save on this but it is nice if you can play on one console save it onto here and for us like in the garage take that down and play it on another the reason that makes sense i've had issues is for example burnout three i cannot choose this to save on it doesn't give me that it's very hit and miss with memory yeah so from that's from my experience i'm not an uh xbox expert like i am with the ps2 and gamecube but it is kind of nice to have but there are some games that doesn't even like give me the option to do it so i'm like it's what the hell it's so crazy that it could save to the hard drive because i don't think the ps2 could do that you had to have memory cards you could buy a hard drive for the original ps2 but it had to it was a battle yeah but that was packed in so that was a big deal at that time as well huge yeah and then there are some light gun peripherals yes there are there there is some like we have barely dabbled with the light guns so we might do a follow-up episode just on that later on it's cool that they have these yeah we had a friend of the channel send us a couple like yeah and we were playing with the three on it and it was like okay they're really cool i don't even know the brand of them but they had feedback they had all these settings the recoil the auto re it's just it was pretty good and then this is another thing we haven't experienced just learning through doing and doing youtube but silent scope on the xbox has a sniper rifle haven't been down that road sounds amazing we haven't kicked those tires but we need to kick those tires we love light gun games and we love silent scope and the fact that there wasn't a rifle with ps2 and with this i mean that's kind of a win for xbox so those are some peripherals you can pick up i don't know that any of them are are necessary because like the games we're gonna talk about that we think are like must-own xbox games don't really require but it is an option um for for you if you care to pick those up so let's say about games yes games are so important that's the whole reason you need a console is to play games let's talk about a game this game is kind of pricey but it is so much fun admit it's jet set radio future yeah dude this game is badass the only problem with this game is it's climbing in price and it's around 55 so that's really pricey but it's such a sweet and if you played jet grind radio on the dreamcast dude this game is so much it is it's got that sega style of the late 90s early 2000s all over it it's it's so much fun it is kind of weird that it's climbing in price because for the longest time it was fairly affordable i think i got our copy for like 15 that's crazy you can sometimes stumble into i've seen them out and about there's a sega gt racing jet set radio future combo which is the one week that's the one we have yeah so you can get that because that's a pretty damn good racing game i don't know that it's worth like going out and just getting that game by itself but what's cool about that comic back is it kind of feels like a demo disc so you have two full games and then there's like trailers for other things like built in it feels like an old-school demo day which they did that a few times on xbox which is really cool i know like that that i can't remember what tetris it was and that star wars oh yes there are some others i believe as well so that one's gonna cost you a little bit we already mentioned the halo game so maybe which those are and it's worth noting that just set radio future is not backwards compatible yet yes with six box one super important yeah it's i it's just weird because i feel like it's a really good game i don't know what that's why it's going up in price yeah is it sound backwards compatible the the original xbox just somewhat felt like the dreamcast 2 because sega was migrating a lot of titles over to the xbox initially then they also put them out on other consoles and stuff for some of the games anyways um panzer dragoon order fantastic game oh my gosh game looks absolutely wonderful on this console yes it also looks wonderful if you can play it upscaled on an xbox one or xbox series x we already mentioned that this console it's got amazing power it's natively it can do composite it can do component there are converters to do hd but i just this game is just gorgeous i think this is the best panzer dragoon game i love this game and i haven't put as much time into the saturn versions i dabbled with them at a neighbor's house but this game is just it's unbelievable and when you can play it even today and be like wow see it is badass but it's still another price yes yeah this game comes in at around 40 bucks so it's still kind of pricey but man if you are into flipping things flips and things and buy this game because it is amazing it's worth every penny and i believe it's going to be a game due to it being backwards compatible now on the newer consoles it's just going to keep climbing in price so you're going to want to reel that one in at some point but there's some other exclusives that are super super cheap and way fun one of the my first xbox games i played that wasn't halo that was a console exclusive was jaden oh my gosh this game is sweet yeah it's just a really good game you can get it for about 12 it's really cheap it's one of those games from this era that when you put it in you got to kind of be able to take yourself back to the time because you know you have that three-dimensional world that maybe feels a little archaic by today's standards with what they were able to do but i love the game i've got nostalgia for the game and you can get into it for 12 bucks and then not many people will ever argue that star wars knights of the old republic is one of the best star wars games ever made the second one is really good too but it's not as perfect as this the first one is so perfect this game comes in at about 17 and what a freaking staple on the xbox and i don't think that this is backwards compatible i don't you know i'd have to look i can't remember if it is or not uh well right here it will tell you when you're watching it yeah yeah we'll put something in i can't remember if it is or not but i know they're great games and it's a series which i i just don't know that this is ever going to happen that i really want to see remade as of right now if you're a star wars fan that is enough reason alone to own an ogx box and then one of the funnest games i can remember playing it's a party game in my opinion to play in four controller slots yeah four players it is also backwards compatible with the newer consoles but holy fusion frenzy exclusive yes it is oh i where'd it where to begin dude it's just it's just a mini game party game style there's so many mini games there's so many many yes they say that many games dude it's so much fun it's it's addicting and the best way to play it i think is for players for sure because the ai they're dude every time we were playing it because it was just us versus two computers i wanted to punch him in the face every time he won was it zach zach i hate zack zack if you if you play fusion frenzy and you play as zach just quick we're done we're not we're not friends um come on guys keep up there's so many minigames i really like the one where you have to grab the orbs and uh take them back to their the hub or whatever yeah and drop them in that one's intense because you can fight over it yeah this game reminds me of american gladiators but like in video game form and like cranked up to ten dude you've got the one where you're in those spheres my favorite sumo yeah you're in balls and you have to push each other off and then the map just gets smaller and smaller and smaller it's so much fun dude this game is addicting and it's what's crazy is it just pick up and play quick quick and it's quick super cheap it's super cheap you should be able to snag this one ten dollars or under fairly easy and it's an exclusive to the ogx box tons of other games so many third-party games we mentioned it kind of at the beginning of the episode but if you're wanting to play a game that was on gamecube ps2 and xbox i would say eight to nine times out of ten the best version the best frame rates the best run optimization is going to be on the ogx box i remember when we were playing nfl blitz we were playing we we usually played on ps2 because that's just our go-to consoles the ps2 and then we got it for the xbox and we were like holy crap it was like night and day yeah it was beautiful it's just got it's just got more under the hood for sure so uh another third-party game that is unique to this console i would almost say it's a console exclusive was it tony hawk pro skater 2x qx yes i think it was a launch title yeah so what was unique about that is it was tonyac pro skater 2 but it brought in tracks from tony hawk pro skater 1 and that was the only and version of the game that had there i think i've never played 2x and that's hard to say as a die-hard tony hawk fan but i believe there was a couple extra maps just they were not part of it was just part of 2x yeah so that's really cool that that's just a cool third-party title but a lot of them you know if you're wanting to play your like def jam vendettas you're probably gonna want to play that on on xbox if you are wanting to play you know sports games as much as i hate to say because i was a tournament player on madden on ps2 it's probably better on xbox and it just kind of goes on and on and on down the line the one drawback to this console for me was and this is a big reason of why i just wasn't gonna switch from the ps2 it doesn't have the best wrestling games oh raw is dog raw two it it's decent but the smackdown games never made it over to xbox until the 360 era so that was a big thing for me back in the day because die hard wrestling fans i mean look around but uh yeah so that was kind of a deal so i think you could get into this xbox collecting thing get a few games some of these low hangers couple halos and fusion frenzy and you'd be under 100 yeah i think 100 bucks and you could if you're just starting a collection and you want to get into the ogx box 100 bucks maybe 150 and you'll have a great freaking start and we're giving you guys price charting prices which tend to be what things so far on ebay if you go back and watch our collecting videos i can't remember exactly but i'm pretty sure we picked up uh the xbox that's in the garage that works fine for like three bucks yeah yeah it didn't come with any cords no but then almost our entire collection on xbox uh has been picked up at thrift stores and garage sales they're super cheap they don't seem people just don't seem to think about it in the way they do the gamecube and the ps2 so there's i i find more xbox stuff in the wild than i do ps2 and gamecube stuff it just it's just how it goes okay so we think you should look into purchasing an xbox in 2021 from a collector's standpoint what do you think the future holds for this console because other than a few games we we haven't seen a spike yet will there be a spike or is it just that people don't have nostalgia i think what's weird is we brother said a couple times it's like it's like the forgotten console of the sixth generation i know obviously people that grew up with the xbox love it but it's always ps2 gamecube ps2 gamecube yeah xbox is in that group guys and i always forget about that i don't i feel like eventually it will be and what's cool with how microsoft's doing backwards compatibility i think that's going to get a research okay in games because people are going to be like oh my god dude i had an xbox when i was 10 and i played natural republic can i play that now and then they'll go back to it or you know what i mean like i feel like that will kind of help but if that's going to be the case the new xbox has to be able to play older games they have to increase their library i don't know if that's going to be a thing i think the collectibility of the console itself is going to stay relatively low and we will be doing one of these probably in the future on the 360. and i i think through microsoft's backwards compatibility it's going to drive down like a want for someone to pick these up yes what i do see as backwards compatibility expands is a more of a surge in the price of the games not the console not the controllers but the gate that's a good point because that actually thinks it's a nintendo gamecube the nintendo gamecube the console's super cheap and the games are spiking but that's nothing to do with backwards compatibility that's a great point it's a great point because in the console realm gamecube and xbox are very similar super cheap you can get them for for peanuts where the ps2s are starting to rise a little bit but the games on the gamecube are going crazy because that other than a wii is the only way you can play those because there's no other backwards compatibility option i think the future it will eventually rise a little bit on some of these games i think as they get added yep two backwards compatibility we will see a little bit of an inflation i don't think though that the xbox is ever going to go as crazy as the game i don't think so and i think a lot of the games like even some of the games we mentioned i just don't think they're gonna they're not they're not aging well so like when people go back they're gonna be like uh so it's not gonna hold value yeah and and i don't think that a lot of the nostalgia is there and the games that bring people back to xbox are your halos yep you know for not not on the original xbox but in 360 era is your gears of wars and they do a great job of either remastering reinventing re-releasing and so you can just get them all and a lot of those games they don't fall all the way in the bucket of your annual releases of like i just want to play the newest one but man with the new halo coming out how many people out there are looking to play halo 1 compared to the new one yeah it's just kind of got that you're wanting the next one with the next best graphics and you can kind of enjoy the same or similar experience but better i think that's going to kind of i think this is what microsoft is going to see with their their library over time is it's kind of uh always felt like it's the cool console to play in the moment and then but it doesn't have the long jump it doesn't hold up i do want to bring up one more game um there's plenty of games we didn't mention but this game this game is so much fun and that's crazy taxi three high roller so this game i think is dirt cheap no it is it is dude if you've never played crazy taxi what are you doing it's time to make some of that crazy money yeah it's it's backwards compatible as well i'm pretty sure yeah and so much fun a lot of people don't really give it it's it's due comparatively to crazy taxi one and two it's got an amazing sound that soundtracks incredible way more characters it still has the crazy hop from crazy taxi too so fun and we put it in to get screen cap for this episode and uh it's just one of those games you could lose like an hour to and be like it's such that was awesome and what just happened it's so quick but it's like i can do better i can do better and what's crazy is i never oh i'm saying crazy a lot what's crazy is i never really played crazy taxi back in the day but i played simpson's road rage or hit and run they're both games so i don't know which maybe you played them both well one of them one of them i did play both but one of them is crazy taxi in the simpsons universe and i love that game on the ps2 but now playing the original i was like oh this is awesome yeah it's so much fun just an arcade type experience and you know yeah the game doesn't have a lot of depth those games don't have a lot of depth the crazy taxi series but it's hard to pick those up and be like you know for that 30 minutes i was playing that i didn't have fun that's not going to happen if it does it's probably you probably that's you probably yeah speaking of a you problem let's talk about an us problem fear yeah what do you think of this the philosophy and velocity east coast edition by amigang this is a blend of a belgian style quadruple ale with an imperial coffee stout so we've had omni gang before on the channel typically it checks in very well um the name of this beer is just kind of weird because it kind of like makes me think of nascar because of the cover but i love both styles i love belgian style beers i love stouts and i love quads this is amazing it's such a weird it's a unique beer and like when i read it i was like they're mixing a quad with an imperial like what it is worth noting this is a blend or a um collaboration if you were with uh ale smith brewing um but omni gang is the one we know apparently ale smith is is pretty good as well very unique beer i get mostly belgian and quad on the front my finish and lingering flavor kind of reminds me if i'm drinking a salad is that kind of that's exactly what i'm tasting and what's crazy is it's so smooth it is it's so smooth and it's not heavy either it's a light i feel like it goes down this is just so unique and weird but so delicious and good at the same time it's a sweet beer it's got that belgian quad sweetness on it so if you're a quad drinker you know what we're talking about sometimes when when sweetness comes into beers it can kind of give it almost like for me anyway because i don't love sweet stuff it's like a nauseating type of sweetness this is not that it's well balanced perfect balance this is one of the more unique beers we've had this year and i would say it's probably up there with one of the better beers we've had this year just as far as like i'm like i've never had something like this and it just i've never had anything like this i don't know what to expect and it just blows my mind yeah it's just this is so good i'm a gang incredible all right guys in the comment section below are you interested or do you collect for the original xbox in 2021 it it just seems to kind of be that sixth generation's third in line behind the game yeah and i think it's a pretty good console and if you're into games or third party releases and you want to play them in their best form oh yeah more often than not you can do it on this console you can get this console dirt cheap many of the games are dirt cheap and even if you get into this and they get one of the newer xboxes there's kind of a chance a little bit there's only 28 games you can play right now that are it could be backwards compatibility so you could play it on your hd tv which just doesn't matter if you play everything else but if for most people that probably is something that matters uh so yeah let us know are you interested is it worth collecting in 2021 and are you a die hard og xbox fan we're not but we do thoroughly enjoy the console 20 21. i'm getting to the point where i'm about to say i love you to it so do you want to marry it no not yet no i i gotta wait a couple years all right all right i'm about to love it we gotta put a bow on this thing we will see you guys next time and uh we'll see the uh groom and the bride to be around next time right here on gaming off the grid you know i don't think so and i think a lot of the games like even some of the games we mentioned speaking of controllers breakaway chords this is the indented look this thing is huge it's a chunky monkey
Channel: Gaming Off The Grid
Views: 30,086
Rating: 4.9085712 out of 5
Keywords: original xbox, xbox live, xbox series x, xbox 360, xbox one, xbox series, series x, xbox one s, original xbox buying guide, xbox original, original xbox games, original xbox startup, Purchasing an XBOX in 2021, xbox vs ps2 vs gamecube, 6th Generation Video Games, Gaming Off the Grid, GOTG, Beer Review, Craft Beer Review, Retro Refresh, Retro Game Collecting, You Tube Gaming, Retro Game Community, backwards compatible xbox series x, backwards compatible xbox one, Halo 1
Id: jtOhQ0h9F-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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