Xbox Briefing - Easy Allies Reactions - E3 2018

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hello everybody welcome to the Microsoft III 2018 pre-show we have a lot to talk about but before we go anywhere let's introduce our lovely panel right next to me I wouldn't want it to be anybody else Michael Huber hello favorites next to him best friend for life the bread hello Brandon Jones didn't even know you're gonna be here it's a treat surprise people love your rants Ashley when we talk Xbox and at the end they're the biggest Xbox fan of all so the maybes up press conference may be starting in one hour and I want to try to create a realistic picture of what is gonna happen and I've got two tweets from two prominent people to start us off and the first tweet I want to talk about is from Jeff Keely who has been delivering some III sass if you haven't checked out Jeff Keeley's Twitter feed he's been he's been talking about EJ and some some pretty like surprising for Kili ways I think I haven't seen that level of sass from him before but anyway he's given us optimistic for Xbox he says Xbox does have quite a few new game announcements tomorrow on stage good first and third party news from what I'm hearing some good surprises if everything holds to follow that up Phil Spencer Spencer Spencer the Xbox man himself said just wrapped our final hashtag Xbox a three rehearsal feeling great about the show excited to world premiere 15 games tomorrow that's the number I want to get stuck in your head and much much more and so I want to gamers eyes or water I what's gonna happen 15 games store now there's there's some caveats there I think but what do you what do you think likely we're gonna see that this show in one hour halo starting off with a bang again straight up time for Halo six opening the show to start yeah opening both opening with halo that's a prediction what does he who seeks gonna be I don't know I don't know Ben because you know you have you in Halo 4 and 5 and yeah 6 which which would be technically the conclusion the Richter trilogy exactly so what that entails like my mind can't even even fantasize about what its gonna be because I just have no idea I have no idea what halo 6 would be I got some thoughts I wanted to write you okay okay it's easy to forget hey little or I found out but if this is a direct sequel to have a five I think they could try to I'm not saying that going to but I think they could try to pull on our emotions and really emphasize Cortana being the villain doing that it's going to be this really interesting struggle or intimate struggle rather between Master Chief and Cortana and I think that's what it needs I think we need to cut out all of the stuff that hasn't worked in Halo 4 and halo 5 show us Master Chief show us Cortana and focus on that do what you would you want a new character or do you just want to be Master Chief again I think we're at a point I think if the story in Halo 5 was better received I think I would entertain that thought a little bit more but because we were at I think we want to be excited about Halo and I think a message that would do that is it is just mastered mics they did from Halo 2 to Halo 3 yeah where I'm not saying luck can't be around you don't interact with them but do it like you did the arbiter in Halo 3 make him an exciting cameo site partner focus on bringing your a big Halo fan yeah what would you want to see in halo 6 that would make you excited I just want to get back to its roots I actually for some reason I got the latest Warcraft expansion in my mind battle for Ezra it's just like that getting back to the basics of like these two main warring factions really building the whole thing around this war the halo 5 was like a hunt I actually was when I was looking for trailers one of the trailers said get ready for the greatest hunt in the history of video games so I think the hunt didn't work the vilifying Master Chief I don't think works I think just so many franchises that are getting a new shot to you know to smell nice and fresh this generation I think this really needs to go back to go back to the basics of what made it great really focus on a conflict on a on a you know intergalactic scale that involves many many parties just like this huge war I would love if the trailer instead of really focusing on yeah but he's got a lot of emotions to deal with this time pull out let me see how big this thing is how many like you're saying how many other partners are coming in to help right how many cameos were having of different people that we can associate with and not just all this conflict is happening but it's really about these two people like I would love it if if so many parties were involved go ahead no you had me but something that really didn't work for me in Halo 5 is in the marketing they hyped up kind of the conflict between Locke and Master Chief and I didn't I don't feel like that tension was there in the main game and it wasn't even really the focus like it was kind of a broader conflict that was at the heart of Halo 5 and so I I hope that the messaging that they have is maybe a little bit more in line with what we're actually going to see in the game which which one was he amassed in remembers that that bonus cutscene where the masks in Halo 4 at the anymore you can get a you can see that we see an unmasked Master Chief fully on can we expect a yeah it's an eye patch it's weird at this point I think with unmasking Master Chief like is that really exciting if we've kind of teased it already you know it makes them more human it does it does but I think they've actually go into great links to already humanize him not just in the games but in the outside media as well yeah but who knows maybe maybe it could work and maybe a community interesting I imagine the Kratos reveal how we heard his voice we're all like you know you called it but like we don't see him yet and to be really interesting I think to like maybe follow a character that we don't realize is him you know like halfway through the trailer like what seeing like the broken helmet or you know having him finally speak and we're like wait a minute these were these cargo shorts just going hanging out yeah three coupons drinking like a margarita xxx bora-bora would we would we have to see cargo shorts for you to be interested in Halo six yes okay no actually I was remembering something that they said I don't know it was two years ago to win but they said that they introduced a low five Guardians because they were introducing the idea of subtitles and they were gonna lose the numbers so today I don't expect a halo 6 I expect halo : surgery what do you think some word oh yes I wonder like to me that indicates that it could be moving in new directions are doing like vignette stories or something like I wonder what that would indicate if anything halo 6 is in a really tough position I think because they do kind of have this storyline that they've built over two games the resolved you can't just leave that hanging but I also think they need to excite people about halo again and I think about halo 3 and how well it did that with the beta that was included in crackdown and I would love to see something like that again where I think the halo 3 beta was so exciting because of the quality of maps that we saw and I just want to give people like a huge lead time wouldn't it be exciting if they announced a beta during this conference wait on the next crackdown right here have your cake you made and you can excite people about the multiplayer and then you can deliver on the story like you can have people that don't care about how the Lord still be excited while still satisfying those hardcore fans I think a halo teaser will not play well or not just be kind of whatever forgettable sure you know we're like at the end of it we'll be like oh yeah the new halo got announced and like you know didn't really show anything so who knows like unless we really or see a concept you know that seems very different but I remember the first time we saw guardians here just like alright he's in a desert it was a big thing right okay we've got a lot of rumors to discuss Brad you and I and Huber and Brandon we've kind of sparked a little bit on our opinions about Gears of War for yes but according to Walmart Canada and other reported rumors there may not be one Gears of War game there might be three announced during this press best girls crazy that is crazy that's a lot of gears what would you want to see and specifically what could they improve upon and ears were for a direct sequel a Gear sequel to for yeah ah man I don't know and they'd have to do something like completely new that I didn't expect like it can't just be like a battle royale mode or something like that that's not enough for me or just like a different cast what if I told you that that was potentially what is it gonna be yeah I mean like I feel like it for multiplayers games coming out it's heavily considered for them yeah I don't know man like they gotta be something with the cast for me to like really care about them sure hearing Brad and Huber growing up stories is always a treat and one of the games that was included in that was the well not game games was the Gears of War trilogy the way that you talk about using war 1 Gears of War 2 Gears of War 3 going through all of those games together why did you think you had a really good time oh yeah what was essential in that co-op experience that you'd want to see in dues or five just how good the campaign is together you know you eat like playing as DOM and Marcus together they both feel important the teamwork you know we'd play on like harder difficulties like teamwork is essential it just feels really really good to go through the story together and I didn't really get that at that sense in for cuz the story didn't really grabbed me and pulled me in yeah so just give me two relatable characters that that are both integral to the story yeah did the other ones have four player co-op lit as it went on later on redid three days for me I wanted to kind of go back to two players and really just focus on that like I loved the part see here's where we split up yeah I'm gonna do each different things that meet up later on I'm red you are jumping on a point that I wanted to make and I think in the first three games something that they really nailed and they only got better at over time that wasn't really there in the same way in Gears of War Florida is I felt a sense of history and I felt a sense of camaraderie between Marcus and Coltrane and Dom like the way that they talked to each other it was like man these guys really know each other they've really been through the wringer with each other and there's just such good banter and I didn't get that same natural sense of camaraderie between the playable characters in Gears or for their common so I want like a stronger pull there those guys wouldn't just play as the locusts this time like yeah some renegade faction of locusts that wants to like break away or murder of the locust yeah and it's just some like they just go for it you know it's right crazy and that's such a good idea because they've shown especially in Gears of War 3 that they have made playing as the locust so much so I don't think you'd have to worry about it mechanically right the east mode is just the best yes it's super fun but it was late a long time that's super fun Ian does an RTS in the vein of Halo Wars do anything for you oh if you can't watch yank behind cover yeah okay yank visit there's a RTS in the vein of Halo Wars which is one of the three rumored games do anything for anyone I think it's interesting if they could pull it off like seeing that franchise how its tackled an RTS a guy like RTS is right just seeing their take on it like what will they do unique in this RTS that other articies don't do I feel like they could go the Company of Heroes route you know because all of our mechanics or such a big you don't hold back too far yeah that would be more interesting to me yeah I was like that style yeah a symmetric closer the only thing that I'm a little bit worried about is I remember our excitement for Halo Wars and how we commended the trailer and we thought it was a cool thing that Microsoft was doing that was unexpected and the Halo Wars 2 came out and it did not make a splash not only with us but I don't think it made a splash in general part of that had to do with the way that they included microtransactions and that whole cloud kind of hanging over it but even so that excitement didn't carry through win the game launched do you see a similar path for a Gears of War TS are you Jones I think that's a sticky mesh of audiences right well you have your RTS fans and you got your gears fans and there's certainly crossover same with Halo I just think that's a a marketing challenge yes I don't know necessarily you know Microsoft wants a challenge themselves in that way you know can you get these these people that you know gears might be one of the Oh franchises they play they might have like little to no that's why I say like don't pull back too much if you have a really wide shot where you're controlling helicopters and tanks and you can also plays the locust first the humans where if you just kind of take the normal gears experience pull it back a little bit maybe if it potentially like remake the first game in an RTS you know like or go back to events that we're familiar with yeah so we're like so fans are like oh yeah I've always wanted to play and it's like you're now the commander you can step back and you can order Marcus and maybe some other people that were around him doing other stuff that you didn't know and kind of you know take a big-picture look and not necessarily like oh yeah the tank is really really small and I got to worry about resources and all that stuff it's more of just a widened perspective of the tactics of Gears I got it will get me excited if it's more like XCOM if there's working like XCOM I mean way more into that den RTS remember that there's a Gears of War RTS series 5 and the battle royale and I yes so the thing that I also want to talk about with these spin-offs is do you think people are more accepting of spin-offs if they know that they're getting a traditional sequel as well a lot of the talks [ __ ] them on let's go it's like oh man if this was all that was coming I wouldn't be as hot on this but because I know that there's a mainline Pokemon game coming in 2019 coming maybe this isn't a halo war situation I mean right you just go to the crowd he's like I'm here with Ferguson we're just gonna check we got another gears coming right yes oh yeah great yeah I think I think here's a little battle royale is easy to kind of take it face about anything like yeah of course everybody's doing battle right now why wouldn't they try it with gears but this is this is you know coalition is behind Gears of War 5 but you've also got an epic with fortnight do you think that that the relationship there could produce a more interesting result than we expect somebody who loves fly know I love fortnight and I loved years ago rented players you know and horde mode is legendary and obviously what they did was beast mode I am so eager to see how they would do battle royale yeah any gears game and I am 100% open to the idea and the possibility and very optimistic about them pulling it off it's just you know when you think about a Royale you think of large-scale you think of scavenging for resources so how would that all play out I know you in horde mode and stuff you can build like barbed wire and traps and turrets and stuff and that could directly be tied into like a battle row do you think they're sort of an over-the-top nature vectors of war that could potentially work really well with battle royale like imagine there's one hammer of dawn on the map yeah and imagine that moment in a battle royale setting okay or if locusts were NPCs or something and they just like get erupted from the ground and cause chaos and like that's kind of what I was gonna say yeah in every battle royale you need a storm you need the eye to close in and mix and it like maelstrom or whatever like instead of instead of just a storm what if it's just more and more locusts and mom humming or oh yeah outskirts and they just keep encroaching in like pincer attack the musical on the maca peak written like you can fight them you can fight your way out but if you're too deep in there you just can't win could you do some sort of survival beast mode mix with the battle or when you die you become a locust players that would I don't know if it'll be this big scale though like 100 players negative Gears of War I'm thinking much more like smaller spaces like a lot of ways to go I don't think a hundred players is necessary yeah yeah you know and you know I think the biggest thing is don't call it Battle Royale yeah because I think it was bad for battlefield to come out at ei and say we're doing battle royale no details no name no trailer just just all part of it yeah I think it is really frustrating when you say something like that and don't provide any details because you your brain just automatically fills it in and yes that you're going to get like an anthem situation where I think you're making a lot of assumptions that may not be true so you call annihilation or conquest or some other mode name illustrate how it works but but I think even hinting at like you know this seems similar to maybe some you know gamemodes you all might be from it not me I talk off just don't like show something new let us do the homework after the fact of being like I think they were this was inspired by battle royale but is there you know own gears take on it but does that on the flip side of that would that make it seem like sketchier like is it better to just call it what it is and just say like yeah we're ripping off the thing everybody to me it depends on how close it is to what we're familiar with right and I think out of all the franchises I've heard Gears is one of those that I think would have the longest leap to make it you know like a pub G or a fortnight I think just the major thing is the I'm not going against another multiplayer team like you're doing horde but that's against locust uni multiplayer that's against locust this is against other [ __ ] like this these are human beings whether it's it's some kind of an arena or just some like a make-believe mode maybe something that happened many many many years ago before even the locust arrived we're like we were all we were actually fighting with another warring faction here or there's some island where they drop prisoners on or something like that yeah and yeah you're fighting against 20 or 24 or something I think there be a lot of power especially in the wake of how Call of Duty is animal and how battlefield is handle it to have an on-stage demo of this is what this is and we're going to show you how it plays right now yes I would love that I think that'd be great and controller in hand is say any type of cure so yeah and it's something that I feel like Xbox is kind of prioritized in recently threes and so it'd be nice to see that trend continue here bred this fable for do anything for you yes I want favor for a long time there's a lot of heat behind fable for definitely being at ether nice year there have been multiple rumors what would you want to see at a fable for I want a new studio to tackle it okay what if I told ya it's gonna be more that that new studio was playground games behind Forza horizon whoa way in a bag you think that could work yeah like I think that'd be really great for them a team who necessarily doesn't do a game like that all the time and taking their own spin on like a genre we all know yeah there was an interview with an ex Lionhead developer huh and he said I would be excited for a new studio to work on famous but I would also be nervous because that's a complicated game to interpret you know it's not just it's not just a typical RPG about choice it's about customization and you there's so many things that you would want to be in place for it to be a fable game even the humor yeah yeah like I totally understand all of that but I don't think the last few Halo games have been like really that on point anyways no I'd really don't like fable 3 yeah I don't like new or three life to connect damn it's like I think after those two games over we're kind of like it's stale for us now sure you need something new we need a little new lifeblood and the table wagons got canceled yeah yeah and it's just sad because the foundation is their fable has the foundation to be great so I would love a new studio with the new interpretation whether that's a reboot or sequel I'm down for either because you can you can be a sequel and still kind of just address the world of the first trilogy while focusing on different characters and a different other people live in that work exactly yeah it's been a long time since table 3 and we live in a post Witcher world and we're about to be in a post cyberpunk 2077 world and obviously fable is a different beast than those two games but what I mean is is things have evolved over time what would it say before need to do to stand out and compete in the RPG realm I mean I think yeah if kind of like what you guys are saying but if it is that living world if it's Witcher but funny like I think that that that's what you want that's what you're looking for and I think that that would be really fun I do I do I'm excited to see cuz Forza horizon and those games are like visually gorgeous things are oh yeah and I'm interested to see what if that's true that that studio is doing it I think that they could make a really beautiful looking fatal game like that kind of like less realistic style or exaggerated they look really cool I don't know I'm excited to see if that if that's true and what it is top ten games with trees yeah I used like the trees in a very close that's a major they make me sad legends got canceled it's like those cloaks characters I was almost thinking like man I might be amazed and I never plays a mage cloak I'm right one thing I think they need to catch up on with other RPGs like which are on the open scope of the world sure sure this fable games are kind of like you're in an area and you go down a pole it's kind of thing we took hallways that it needs to feel big and open like a whole be actually one Explorer not like just shoot you're being led down past the whole time well I'm surprised it's not just like take a left or take over yes I think that the promise of fable was always like your choice is super matter and whatever it is kind of felt like yeah they kind of do but they kind of don't like I think now we have the technology to make that that promise happen you know we're like wow that thing I did seven hours ago really did impact this like I think yeah I think part of the thing that was frustrating for me about hit fable 3 is how much they have to have being a king and it felt like they were doing this whole new mechanic when it's like well yeah but I think you could still do more work on just being an open RPG like I don't I don't need I would love it if they could do it perfectly but it's like I don't need to build a kingdom or something crazy like if you just give me a big open funny good-looking RPG I think that would be enough Brandon you're the trailer master I also like fable I think more than anybody I've joined three I love all the games what would be fun in a new fable trailer like what would be the bit what I think would be interesting is if you expanded the coop options so I think in three you could play co-op but like I didn't really take anything back they get took money back and that was in like I didn't get experience I don't bring a bring up bringing back items I think would be interesting not only to expand co-op options so that maybe the story allows for the introduction of other parties that may possibly from other kingdoms or maybe somebody else like on in your royal family or something like that and it'd be neat if if you wanted to or they either were specific game modes where I could influence your game so if you like let me I could come in and we could go on missions and like maybe you don't know what I'm up to and if you have to say if maybe I could like lie to people or set something up that'll mess you up down the road sounds like a nightmare I think dealing with those consequences much more like a Bioware way because I think Bioware is a lot to do with politics and you know making deals with people and to me fables always been about growth about like seeing doesn't make blossoms like when people get older or when they graduate to another level of expertise or they get married or they have children you know like those are always the big events and it'd be fun to like marry have a child with a co-op player or and then maybe like go off and play with somebody else and then they're wondering wait that's not my kid but you had a kid with somebody else yeah and it'd be neat too I think the adorable to follow a character through their life so it's not just like you play the first 30 minutes as a kid and then they're an adult and you're an adult the whole time but like you know to kid teenager you know adult it's having the end of the game to you in your old age maybe even possibly like passing that off to you know your children like near the end of the game I like that you're speaking to this sense of mischief and you brought up Bioware and getting into these huge political conflicts and I think there's a lot of joy in the very very very small moments like I imagine you being with a co-op partner and getting to a pile of gold and you go and you investigate and you lie and you say oh there's only 500 gold here but there's actually a thousand is it to take a little bit more that's something that can be really fun and create a bunch of moments that would set fable apart as well for possibly some dartsville stuff where like there might be some bosses that can be played by people that are invading your game you know we're like there's areas you know this is kind of like the division we're like this is a this is a messy area we're like there might be other players you know goofing off with you like the Intimus cheesiest kind of way yeah I'd like that one not you you made me think of that world tendency like no didn't even know one tenancy no no it's a great idea it was just confusing I think that in a fable game if you do like I mean like you were saying maybe you allow like certain friends to impact your world or story or whatever like they can come in and out in and out of your thing but like I think it'd be kind of crazy to have little do you really if someone's playing super evil you like hear rumors of this player it would be very scary to play with Boston oh yeah because he would be like but like there would be times when I'd love to do with video VZ allies with no research beforehand where we just take turns like in a secluded room trying to explain world tenancy Danya Bloodworth the dummy owners pulling up a tweet Fernando bloweth who was waiting in line right now to get a text box so he's going to he's gonna get hands on smiling people look at that xbox shirt uh do you think fable four runs into the problem where it's just kind of a CG teaser and we don't get a lot of details and we know frustrating about it and we say the stuff that we've said before about that kind of presentation I would say Microsoft runs into that problem because there's a lot of new like 15 new announcements potentially like I don't like a lot of CG a lot of logo hmm treatments that were just gonna be sitting I live six months please I want to talk about the 15 world premieres okay and think about last year's Microsoft press conference I think the world premiere stuff can get a little loose right yeah these are not necessarily talking about big first party or third party exclusives but just little things or the first reveal of this particular mode what do you expect to see from these world premieres behind this guy I think we're trying to be realistic okay okay we're gonna get to the dream I'm gonna get to the jerk okay I got one Forza okay I gotta be their gears I think it was gonna be there in some form what is Assassin's Creed Odyssey yeah well premiere with it's game yes yes is that battlefield thing is my organs war story yes let's talk about those two things specifically I want to so that'll be a five is really frustrating how short the presentation was during a press conference what we're is Nord of these war story gonna be exciting here we gonna care are we gonna care I'm ready to be emotional because that seemed that seemed did give me chills when she like pushed her over the rain Nazis were coming and she's she's like like you know that moment of heartbreak of like yo I'm like she says not a drop not a drop which I could be tears blood so like so intense you know so I think I think it is the potential to be to be very emotional and you know I would take a like from the war stories I would take a motion rather than innovative exciting gameplay mechanics like just make me feel for these characters that are involved in World War two that'd be good for battlefield cuz their stories like we never cared ever yeah except like people like bad company and stuff like that because I like the camaraderie no one here in their like Damon they've been definitely left behind not an example but I remember finishing the campaign of battlefield 3 and genuinely thinking to myself I couldn't tell you what happened I couldn't give it a podcast and describe this story in great incoherent but they keep they you know we talked about the improvements from the game 3 was like an attack dog yes like basically just kind of like a horde mode setup if you will and then for was kind of that real you know Call of Duty style campaign going through and to to emphasize your point even further I was watching on IGN Damian from DICE got on there and he said something that was curious to me he said we've kind of figured out how we want to tell stories in just the way that he said that with such confidence I think you might be right I think this might be more interesting than a lot of people are getting credit for just just the emotions you know I'm not I'm not here cuz like if I want to blow stuff up and work as a team like that's multiplayer you know have the single-player just make me feel things yeah will this be long will it be a lot of battlefield 5 at Microsoft's conference no the press their presentation foundation the war story I think we'll see like a three minute three men narrative trailer maybe this somebody so in with past battlefield games they've come out and talked on Microsoft stage did you see that do we get explanation of what we're seeing or do we just get I think so yeah okay probably happening beforehand because we do have the contact going into it we do can we know what we're going to see yeah and so yeah someone comes out you know for this we really wanted to explore a personal story our protagonist is this this is the conflict she's going into maybe even describing what you're about to see is this specific part of the story sure I would love if it was just gameplay that'd be great I you know I don't want it to be cut up because it's like whenever whenever we do a deep dive like that whenever we get the announcement of something and then we drill more into it if that's a big flashy trailer lots of quick cuts yeah stop stop selling it by forcing yourself to sell it just show me the give it a Goods yeah and I think that would be convincing to you Hubert to say that like okay this I'm not feeling the emotions here because this is a glossed up edit you know building the emotion because I'm seeing exactly what we're doing in these rails this can't be so good that they can just show one two-minute slice and not have to jump around look at all the locations you know Brad yes you played Assassin's Creed origins yes you liked it yes you kind of a kind of reel it your flame for Assassin's Creed it's not like a huge like it's there right but you know you could maybe cook an egg over that way yeah what would you want to see from Assassin's Creed Odyssey that would make that flame just a little bit bigger ah I want to see you like much more of us on exploration like just finding that weird stuff like I don't like know what this like no it's like in Greece or whatever like that bunch of islands in Greece you can see around look at some Island I would like to see like more choices with your character having like more an impact on I'm not necessarily just following a story like you do assassin's creed like that like maybe giving you a little more input into the story actually sure huber talked about Greece it's not gonna Spartans you have talked about Spartans now with not the same level of frequencies you've talked about Vikings but a warrior group that you're into how would you want to see that mixed into Assassin's Creed Wars full-scale like large battles where you are straight 300 shields up with like the spears going through like let's have let's have large-scale battles because we've done large-scale [ __ ] battles kind of you know what you know yeah but but like on land and I even Assassin's Creed one there's kind of that scene where they're attacking the castle yeah and you know I haven't really felt that scope in Assassin's Creed in terms of like the the battles and the wars and stuff so I think that would be that would be a way to do it and I think the the setting and the fact that it's focusing on Spartans you know just makes sense giver I think you were so on point and something that could get me really excited during the trailer is you see this huge conflict and you as an assassin are just kind of climbing over it yeah and finding opportunities where you can take advantage of this huge like there's some huge other thing going on and you're slinking through because you know something everybody else like that's what I like about Assassin's Creed is when you've got your little mission and everything else that's going on is like you know not about that that's cool oh so orgies had kind of areas three there's a couple areas that really didn't have anything in them yeah I don't want stuff like that yeah I want everything to be like substantially I want every area you go there for like a purpose besides maybe one thing or some like side quests see something something cool out there so just like Oh huge days are really nothing there yeah they put those deserts in just for that that I feel of like being in Egypt but it's like the end game like Pharaoh yeah yeah those are not good those are lame yeah Hubert we talked very recently about the story in Assassin's Creed and you talked about Ezio's trilogy being the high points well not trilogy and his story being like one of us asses Creed and how you just really want them was hoping that Assassin's Creed origins would kind of be the centering that would get you to care about the overall mythology Assassin's Creed again and it really didn't do you think they can do that here or is that completely going easily enough games that kind of left that overarching story by the wayside and they're not going to focus on yeah I mean as as a consumer of Assassin's Creed it's hard to think that they really care about this overarching story right now that's a little upsetting because they're scared a little bit alright do we want to get it something that now we're stuck - yeah and then now we got to keep telling this other character and I just feel like I'm kind of being strung along and it's like either commit to it or reboot it and just forget it you know don't have it kind of lingering in the background that there's this real world it's all connected or like a little cinematic one inch all ya just did and like give us the game that like just concludes it yes whether it's good or bad whatever just just either either commit to it or get out of here first came out and I didn't know about the future stuff when I was playing it yeah and I was like what the hell is this like what what why because I always felt to me unnecessary totally I mean up to like a watchdog style future is that modern-day setting Assassin's Creed how crazy would that be if Odyssey is like half in the Greek stuff and then like what's the machine called animus animus like brakes and then you like get downloaded with all those skills in real life and just go on the run that was Assassin's Creed like three is that what happened during the war Simon there's one very important animus thing in origins I really know if the spoiler some really talk about it but there's one important thing that kind of changes the franchise moving forward yeah and that's exciting but it's interesting because we were talking Jones about you know associate origins and kind of the birth of the assassin order but now this game is set even before that right but but we just saw the four origin yeah but we just saw the origins and we just saw the birth of the assassin order so really it's not it doesn't even matter anymore maybe like the Crete like the says they should think is like not even in the game yeah so there's a lot of unknown about a sighs Creek which is exciting it is I feel like from an audience perspective and from the people making it we're constantly trying to figure out and interpret what Assassin's Creed is and what's important in Assassin's creative in Brandon there is a particular Assassin's Creed entry that you talk about like it's like a past lover you're so affectionate about as creed for ya and Dhoni's - what listen I got some news for you Ben yeah me and that past lover hooked up again Oh like how recently no months like two or three months ago yeah so it got it on the ps4 and jump back in and with her as well Joe what's stuck with you so hard and it's s before there's a lot of things there's some stuff I don't know if we're necessarily get into Odyssey because we got you know we have to meet these characters in the story and everything I love how aloof Kenway is I love how he comes into contact with this he kind of like puts on the assassins garb just he's like this is convenient you know it doesn't really care I look like he climbs up at one point and the way you're part person he was like wow you're really good at climbing and he's like man and it's like it's very clear like just move on like we were tired of like giving you that training mission and setting the stuff up so it is like it's funny hit the ground running in that way I love the introduction to the world in black flag but just the the I thought it was such a smart divide between it wasn't too much sailing there wasn't too much stuff on land it was such a perfect mix it's like whatever I got on a boat I couldn't wait to get off on an island and explore it when I was done with the island I couldn't wait to get back on my boat and go explore alright so just I think size-wise like if you actually do the math I don't think it's like that much bigger than any other sizes Cree game just really felt huge even with some blatant restrictions of like this is a fort you can't go on that forward this is just a tower like this island is a lot of trees on this side you're blocked off you can't just dock and go off there and I'm really excited to see just because of the you know you look at a map of Greece it's a bunch of islands and so I'm excited to possibly get back to that and just see there's been you know big differences between I know a lot of people have problems with Assassin's Creed 3 but I went to college in Boston so it was really fun you know being like building I've never seen building I've never seen oh I went to that coffee shop and like what you say Boston I felt like you threw a little bit of an accent on there I just watch depotted so maybe yes but it this reminds me of Venice a little bit in that so much of those original buildings are still standing and so you can play assassins crew - and go to Venice and if that's you that's what it is like that stuff is still there and so if we really need to see the Parthenon to see these like you know very very very popular things you can just watch images of and not in there like crumbling State Crime one of the coolest things that origins did in my opinion was that discovery mode that came out after I guess that's exactly what I would love to see for Greece and go learn doing a history lesson yeah uh we're just about at the onions dreams party of this pre-show but before we get there there are a couple of more things that I want to talk about one of those things it's just really important to me and that's already in the will-o-wisps and I think this is interesting from a couple of different perspectives I recently a couple months ago played through Orion the blind forest and it was a very much a Donkey Kong tropical freeze thing where I was like I should have played this sooner this game is great I'm having such a good time I can't stop until I finish and what's what's interesting about reading the Black Forest is it's it's a platforming game and has some Metroidvania elements it's really gorgeous like they're there all of these things that you've seen in other games over the years but it all came together so well with a pretty interesting like interesting enough that you wanted to see it through story and another thing about or in the well of the wisp is this is something that Microsoft has that is kind of just a huge success you know I feel like we see if thieves it was like ah you know there's not enough content there with Halo Wars - I don't think it really caught on the way that they wanted it to I think there are so many things that Microsoft has under disable where there are a bunch of caveats with and I don't think Orion has that and so should they focus on Orion the Loess and play it up is this huge success how could it be exciting during the show this the ultimate shadow trap this would be a culmination of shadow drops and I could I could it's possible you know this was not just I think that's a very good impossible to build like this would be the one - shadow drop before - yeah that's I mean we need one is the one I was so bad at me PC and Xbox three key knows they're Mayans this is one of those Huber things where I'm gonna be so bummed I know yeah yeah I'm gonna be so bummed what is correct Oh shadow drops and it was all just a ruse the whole it was all crackdown yeah we're laying it and we lied to you yeah orders to navigate it been out for three weeks and didn't tell you Brandon usually with with games like this they feature them to give them some spotlight but it's not it's not a big blowout do you expect to see a similar kind of treatment here yeah I just really really liked the xbox III press conference trailer of Orion it was like the best trailer that they did I think yeah I remember finding out later that the composer wrote a track just for the trailer and I think you can really tell it builds in a really nice way I think yeah I would love to see a little bit of this game in action I think it would be fun too to showcase what makes it so special and not only that but I think there's one of those games it's exciting to talk about halo it's exciting talking about gears because I think that's like the passion that people are missing right now where I am from Microsoft is that dependability that we get to return to these things that we love and then we're not just gonna hear about you know a new franchise that have it get cancelled or you know something phantom dust coming back toward excited about and then that doesn't come to fruition right so seeing something like this but they're like no this is a new franchise this is something that is exclusive to Microsoft that we really care about here's why you love it because even if you have great music I think it's tough to sell a game like this in an epic way when so many the details are so small but there's such a big you know disparity be from these you know smaller central characters and these huge things happening in the background if you cut to step really quickly it's like wait there was like a crazy dinosaur what was going on there and so I think if you let this game breathe a little bit I think it would be really cool and from what we've said so far different from a lot stylistically from a lot of the stuff that we're probably gonna see just watching this yeah I think you can make that shadow drop even sweeter because when you have a very exciting announcement like this and let's say ordering the Willis comes out today I can't let it go I think you have that initial rush of excitement but for a lot of people I also think you have oh wait do I need to play the first one and Microsoft is actually in a unique position I'm not sure if it's on the game pass but if it isn't that's something that they can bundle with the announcement or if it already is could Kylie that fact that's oh that's a win-win oh yeah oh we're gonna hear how many times are we gonna hear James backs 30 a lot yeah so you can't really blame them or sub games but yeah for for highlighting that I think there's one less game I want to talk about and maybe we'll get a couple of other ones in before before you are onions dreams but the last ones are about is we happy few not what I expect you say yeah I was hyped and then I take that's why I want to talk about it yes it is in early access I played it like a year ago and then this is kind of that I want to talk about what we happy few because I believe it was two years ago we had that really captivating hero at the campaign and then it came out in early access and people like wow this is kind of rough and I don't like this and I'm not getting the sensation of what I saw and in that demonstration it's not what you want that game to be that's not what I wanted that game to be like I don't want a weird procedural survival like you're gonna do something Roble it's like it's like a procedurally generated survival game we're like it has this really cool story intro and then you just go out into the world and it's kind of whatever yeah and that's not the game that these trailers seems to be pitching right I want them to delay this game for four years and just make it fun do you think that this is something where at e3 2018 they can say hey we've refocused this game it's a new thing take a look that would be cool and could it could it still be exciting could it still get people hyped up or have we been kind of going through the motions are we happy few that it's too late I don't think it's too late I mean they've got this guy in the prisoner jacket prisoner the series but uh I think yeah if they read too yeah could what it felt like to me was they had an idea and then rust was popular or something and they were doing that it felt like me to kind of a thing and I don't know it just doesn't make sense to me mhm I love London if a game is in London I'll give it a shot yeah did you play this one did you play have no no I'm not plated early release I'm not plated yet yeah I can't heard the same thing in about it's just a little rough for hit right yeah it was just a unique experience cuz I mean maybe I was just not educated as to what this game was I was making assumptions based on the trailers button it I've never had an experience like that quite as palpable in a game where I was like wait that's what this game is hmm and then just turn me off kind of but watching this right now looking at the footage you only having a few game looks amazing it's hard to let go of the fact that there's something there right right there's something that could be focused on and built up in a really cool way and so I want to be optimistic for we happy for you yeah there was something that cannot be forgotten that we need to talk about can I can i interject for we have you absolutely does it plate it Oh judge this week I spread the word I don't know if we want to go do them some good speculation here but I just wanna respond to one that you did say is they said specifically we stopped we stepped away there you haven't heard from us for like a whole year we spent that entire year writing a story adding a narrative one of the things that I liked from the playthrough is that there were lots of memories coming back so you would go into new area and he would have a flashback and be like what was that and he's trying to get back to they said this trailer was gonna be several characters like character I was playing I was trying to get to a loved one that they left behind I was trying to remember like do I know what happened to that person or can i really trust my memories and you know they talked about the you know there's the people that take joy that are like just completely assimilated into this world that love living this fake life and you have stopped taking that and so it's not just like a light switch as you know this joy is kind of flushing out of your system slowly you're regaining your faculties you're regaining your memories you're understanding more about the world and so that was interesting about it just just because that leads right into what you all of you were talking about and it was interesting seeing the difference from what you played there was a lot of the masks a lot of the stealth and really getting a sense of how the systems of the patrols worked and kind of like outsmarting them and what I played was very much like in the ghettos it was like outside of the city these are all the people that happen to enjoy for a long time they're all you know really struggling for resources very distrustful of anybody that wanders into their neighborhoods almost kind of like a Mad Max vibe of like there's a couple people who have barricaded themselves and are you kind of have you know in there add to like break into one of those things to find something and Brendan you're Santa Claus right now you are giving us a little present I think before we start Russell Jones I do kind of want to have it just a rallying cry before we get into completely unhinged dreams and that is if we see will we potentially see cyberpunk 2077 sure it is and how awesome will that yes yes yes yes yes Oh baby Oh baby yes five years ago I think we're at a point with cyberpunk in 2077 where we're so confident about it yes that there's like a hundred different ways they could do this presentation and all of them were totally pleased here or Sony or whatever maybe PC that'd be a huge get for them but do you think we could see something like a live demo for cyber fiber walking around the world seeing stuff having conversations with people I hope so now if we're talking pie in the sky dream yeah the gnarliest can you imagine let's say the project is are so honest they're so straightforward like they don't want any they don't want any mistakes and they're advertising they don't want anything to be perceived in some way that it is not so I would all be surprised at all if we get gameplay I don't know if they trust you know their latest build enough to play it on stage but I I don't think whatever we see if we do see something I don't see it being cheeky or mysterious I think it's gonna be very much boom there you go you talk about that honesty it's almost like CD Projekt RED could get on stage and they'd be like yeah we've made the best role-playing game and then you think about the reporters being like okay we determined that the world is already right we're gonna hold it for a couple years and 27 they just have some papers and a little trash can and they just throw it in some day yeah you're not ready yeah they would destroy your fragile minds um you talked about see pressure greater by that honesty if it shows up at Microsoft there is there any talk of exclusivity or is the fact that this game is kind of showing itself here a big enough deal on its own Xbox one x powerhouse you know definitely could be something there plays the best on this system some kind of export 1x tie-in oh yeah they'll have that place based on Xbox yeah no time to window or anything after what's your 3 they won't all right it's not any crazy I'm into kind of preface with this craziness time at 11:59 one minute before we're supposed to go live a couple of minutes before that dummy and he went outside and I wasn't paying much attention to it he comes back in and he's holding this folded piece of paper I don't know what's in this paper I have no idea in Damiani who doesn't do this kind of stuff specifically instructed me to not open it until the post show ok so there's something here there's some Damiani details I hope he is so wrong he's like that guy Johnny mares right don't know honey what do you think is in that piece of paper Brandon Jones uh well I don't know cuz if it can't be like a DMC 5 as we're talking about the white write that down why what a weird thing to write that I think it's he started playing the gears B roll again here is that a green talked about no I need to cut to a shot of us it won't look up here without footage straight up backdoor shady deals with Nintendo with Square Enix yeah I wouldn't be surprised if we we talked about kingdom hearts being a good game for Xbox me I'm my guess would be it's the world we see a new world and now it's a new character or something that's going to be in the Kingdom Hearts trailer I think it's a good guess he's he on one of his you know Brian's already websites he goes to racked up some upside down photograph Brad we got the release date it's coming out January 2019 you can watch three we get that out of the way and I think there's a really good chance they're gonna see multiple Kingdom Hearts three trailers at multiple participants are not completely different things yes what will we see at the Microsoft press conference Star Wars Star Wars I feel like they could stop the press conference after yeah okay you're gonna see like kylo Ren's lightsaber ring something like that what are Sora Donald and Goofy gonna be dress like that's a good question stormtrooper on will be a droid Oh Roger Roger yeah oh man yes bread that's a really good really good guess what's good we gonna be goofy I think oversized stormtrooper costumes are really funny there will be a point where they disguise there's something really funny to me about like Sora being in a sith mask like wears Vader's that moment where they like meet each other they're like what Vader voice yeah man I think it can be really cool okay I think we're really at a good point for - guys let's keep this going okay we got in shadow drops cyberpunk it's happening whoa you're gonna you're gonna re-entry that behind to back down to the stress let's do it I gotta plug reviews to go up two weeks after the game comes out yeah the earliest new Miss Walker game JRPG likely I don't know I'm talking dreams a dream you saw possibility but a barren wasteland for JRPGs on there yes been playing the long con scape for the log to say we've been playing and they open with skateboard car got two big ones have you ever had a small one no okay two big one perfect dark Oh perfect dark good one that's a good one and Bioshock I believe it oh I believe Bioshock you're he's damn good I believe it was so hard in my heart I'm ready for I can get behind that a little bit more than a cyberpunk shadow drive what about a new system I would love to see Bioshock talk so much back underwater or like some other weird thing some other weird thing takes place entirely in that alternate 80's that had Revenge of the Jedi man I gotta be honest with you yeah we're just going back to rapture again yeah no you're just done raptures is a beautiful place I love it fits like a head under there but there's like a second rapture that like a competitor made and it's just like great if they call it rapture to rapture - there is something I want to do before we go into watching Microsoft and you're just gonna be seeing our actions in our excitement and maybe your disappointment because I don't want to do this as we're watching the show if you like us if you're new here if you don't know who we are we are easy allies we are supported by you guys on patreon and the support that we've had the last couple of months has been absolutely standing our patreon is higher than it's ever been we're getting close to that fifty thousand studio goal yeah if you would like to see what kind of things you could get by supporting us on patreon go to sup there we got a $5 tier we can get early access to so many of our shows you early access to the easy o eyes podcast you can get early access to frame trap our second podcast where we talk about the video games that we've been playing new episode just went up by the way your early access to Fiasco nots reaction shots where we talk about movies Vasko nuts where we play Fiasco like fun basically an improv show oh yeah so there's a lot of good stuff there if you want to check it out go to yeah Louis any other thing when I should promote brand manager we got one minute is what blew my mind is our clock writer fest well one day he's gonna shoot out the Xbox logo yeah in a red coat hopefully oh he's got the red coat it's gonna be in a green we're gonna get that cracked out three-story trailer we've been waiting to not care about my mind that just made me sad a fake yeah if anything was ripped prime for a battle royale could be crackdown 3 yeah you know crackdown 3 is already on the next trend it's on the next thing what if what did I just do like a microchip all-stars battle royale yeah that would mean uh so here were you talk about bringing that pretty dark and I like that is there any other missing microsoft properties that could come back the big way I'm always pulling for Battletoads man that's another show it's show time my goodness said love a countdown I'm getting audio on one side yeah here we go is it too late to turn the audio up slightly in your amazing whitewater just a little bit you can do it for all of it perfect there you go reflection black and white [Music] let's do it man III Microsoft you in the Microsoft Peter feels good they want to be there oh we're going right in go right in this is very fresh spot hey let's do it diamond demonstration about halo yeah Halo game engine demonstration Taillow I think it's a water the music is reminiscent of hey listen mr. ball Red Dead No yeah too cheerful be ready Rico oh eh oh oh no modern out somewhere so I don't need this rage doesn't last there's monsters yeah watch scalebound is back boys yeah scalebound well Far Cry primal - I'm so nervous Africa tubes yeah I forget you sign me up that's so nice you know Quinn jet [Music] so somehow this show Stargate it's a total let's go I really like this great way to do that yeah give me that note open world you know one vibes right yeah absolutely [Music] ongoing halo open world bring doing in a timeframe parlor this dude upgrades what but don't cut to the walkway little dirt bags okay I wanna send East will serve blacks from the word oh yeah sure [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] Jiali cozy vibes for hailer I like oh it was at the Spring Fair we will join Master Chief on his greatest adventure yet to save humanity we're now at a moment of exceptional creativity in gaming we can't wait to show you what creativity Unleashed looks like for you so all the gamers around the world across time zones and languages to every single person watching us on TV and on mixer and to our largest ever live audience the thousands of you with us right here personally thank everyone who's joining us from fan fest your fan fest tickets are going to gamers outreach thanks to you and Children's Hospital's get to game with their friends in their favorite worlds - great cause that's what I appreciate most about gaming gaming brings us together gaming connects us it inspires our truest cooperation it creates some of our fondest memories of competition and our deepest conversations about the stories within games most of all gaming fosters real community it reaches across age ability race gender and geography this is why I've always believed and will always believe that gaming is the great unifier and what unifies us is our shared love of this artform legendary characters who captivate us not just for ten hours but for 10 20 30 years bold stories that inspire the hero within us iconic worlds that are so richly imagined we feel excitement in the air and danger on the seas as gamers we are at a momentous time where creative vision and cutting-edge technology together are delivering the artform we love so for mine opening our teams and I have traveled the world meeting developers from Japan to Poland from the UK to the Ukraine Oh big studios to single developers creators who sees the full power and potential of Xbox one to express their most daring vision for games today we've curated a bold showcase of their best work both 50 games the team titles with exclusivity and 50 just porterhouse timers on any stage all are imagined by the industry's greatest allies it's so first about the stationery yeah that is going their 2013 their mind-blowing art immersive sound effects could be like yours read ok world huh so let's jump in yeah why oh yeah yeah yeah right yeah feel-good hit of the summer let's go but freakish weather was really crisp it said missing [Music] can i buy that else Pacific Islands oh yeah I want that fleshy [Music] [Music] what come on Sam right now oh you bad boys fight back we're not smarter than my car yeah but upside down like that just moving around air dashing all we need a good air - or he's got so as kind of insane [Music] we're not just like this okay next some mechanism routine [Music] [Music] at least shadow drop the soundtrack count unreal [Music] sorry just ban beer just world Nestor yeah what if they're gonna talk at all we don't need a schema games army of whoa whoa existing it this might be in Nia yeah it's new so we go awake I'm just oh my god I'm time this past since I've felt yet your master still lives the soon make use of his blood I believe you have lost will give away to something more you'll learn to appreciate its worth on trick or yes okay all right you got me tetchy vibes Oh different to my prom bats is for sure [Music] pop-up powerbomb it's weird how me oh this is yeah what sweet honey oh how darts with Neil is yeah check out oh yeah if you could incorporate you have to [Music] [Applause] actually the bethesda event is a few hours right after this across the street and Phil said to me I'm having a few friends over why don't you stop and see this in action look I know Phil is really really charming but Dan he's got a lot of friends and the good news is they're our friends too we've had an incredible 16 year history with Xbox going all the way back to the original with morrowind now backwards compatible here with you and that goes all the way to bringing models of consoles with four and now we are bringing the Fallout universe to Xbox game pass with fallout 4 launching today [Applause] [Music] here we thought we'd give all of you an exclusive world premiere first look at fallout 76 yes and it is our biggest one yet it is four times the size of fallout 4 well that's silly attention you are one of the first to emerge into an untamed and very different wasteland it's 100 million new towns not gonna do anything with those stations and that's for the events after the present like that lots of fan fest happening great time you're in there right at the outside yeah absolutely it's so cool [Music] Linda vibes I like it we gather together to honor the completion a vault 76 this sprawling underground shelter may have been engineered by volt tech but it was built by you so that if the bombs do come our way of life will endure [Music] dude trees screen dress nice job ever covered ever [Music] country [Music] for when the fighting is stopped in the fallout settled you must rebuild oh not just walls not just buildings but hearts minds and ultimately America itself okay betrayal was it our future begins yeah okay fortress have you spotted snowman sir not yet keep you posted you're drinking beer I don't need a lecture for myself for free June 2016 then they never throw the ball to me they can't tell stories like you can maybe just ten day one yeah yeah [Music] you won't get away from me from Bert [Music] exclamation point yeah we've all virtue - first me - all you probably can't change the world I hope so I know so in spirit download for free from June 26th loosely maybe that's not then I'm not crazy the universe welcome how dare you now's your chance and wipe the slate clean [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'll track down this is like rubber duckies what all right good to see you can correct it okay they didn't blow my mind but I thought it would like a good time sure I said sure Oh [Music] [Music] that's [Music] can't wait for that today away from even those who speak our language might be enemies let's move out [Music] there's absolutely [Music] I really like it showing the familiar yes showing the new what since master of art yeah well cost of no matter what those fanatics think [Music] [Music] and we will study hard [Music] so you come to me your dietary weeks [Music] actually a little bit of everything in that one yeah don't you Metro that's the same is crack that three they cut off Vincent Henry yeah definitely playing up the exploration by crossfader I've had three yet it's grainy visuals brutal landscapes in its mystery of the ruins above ground what I love about our art form is the range of creative expression from grim post-apocalyptic battles to hand painted spirit Guardians whatever world these creators filled whatever story they tell whatever sound effects they use we will work with creators to guarantee that their games Lord gather and play best on Xbox one the present generations have loved role-playing games from in a legendary series on xbox kingdom even the Seas turning to ice [Music] America talking really looks like the baby all of our these are friends hmm nope never met him don't know anyone blue green or blue Saudis [Music] whoa yeah oh yeah they're playing the new theme so yeah it's amazing you can control guys control it no I ever do is hurt people this is my home now I can't go back I don't want to hurt it oh this is Doreen one episode of silos [Music] inside my heart the other end where our town is just data light or darkness I know I want to know real cozy exclusive Wow okay [Music] I think a good time to do this in the conference yeah let me come down here we go roadmap always a good idea you needn't cower in the doorway I actually like meeting new people that besides the conversation with my friend here has reached a bit of an impasse I think he just needs a moment to cool off now I said so you brought me something to inspect show me the waves of change role throughout the seas and a new land is revealed and from the depth skeleton cruise agents even addressed I think like I think it's like there it on to Carly yeah [Music] hey you just want to know how much it was worth than you fine I'll give you ten for it oh okay thanks for lyin September free roadmap nordley oh I'd love to read that in context saving your family easy sell for me easiest exactly where the other one laptop gods as soon as it's done it there's bah-bah cuts office to honor that meets him bond protected mighty storm scarfing up listen frozen Norway's getting some good a service here and the Xbox got these bids at no one [Music] pretty brief oh yeah I think most of that elusive all right for me oh yeah battlefield 5 harsh weather it's here's just yeah he's just he just sat up a little bit heard the engine with a sec laughs Aaron it's gonna be a swimming simulator who crossover I'm ready battlefield just show up yeah lots of horizons because you have like a good that's a super show changing seasons shot has me intrigued seems like this might be sick yeah that's interesting [Music] yeah [Music] what's the rent now is a good time [Music] a person walking around just not something you can see in a horse trailer yeah [Music] here CRA finances yeah [Music] Rand emphasized efficiencies I hope they change back because we in that office further like concentration yeah any kind of realism surrealism yeah there goes we're now [Music] oh okay first right Jim can you be Jackie Chan and pilot the hovercraft [Applause] please welcome from playground games Ralph fainting does this lead into fable are they going to show a real life horn now yeah they're going to show the hovercraft to be today excited it's sure Forza horizon for sir or say it's a beautiful historic Britain Forza horizon four features dynamic seasons in a shared open world and seasons change everything let me introduce you to some of our team who will be helpful here we go bill who is online with a few colossal a beautiful English countryside he has chosen the incredible McLaren Senna I say hi to Solomon who is hanging out with his buddies on the street oscar has capital and he's in the new controller oh yeah Ford Focus and please welcome Andy who's off-road buggy is perfect for taking jumps scaling rocky terrain and having fun on the coast Lane I'm told bill I don't think Solomon in an equation I said it she is enjoying the summer and her highly customized Nissan Silvia the sky is blue and it's the perfect day for a drive you play you play with the entire community and that means the other drivers you'll meet well the game will be real people with all the variety are standing ordinated 60fps good dreams really meanwhile Andy this kind of speed horizon for is still full of action-packed fun I know we're gonna show you how seasons that change everything autumn no check no drops with each spring a shared world is that it's easy to interact with the people you meet and you quick chat feature on the d-pad to start on your friendship it looks like her name every connect 16 just say one address whatever okay thanks any time sure sorry to play solo but it's driven her to play with others horizon for lets you seamlessly answer co-op from within the game worlds seasons time of day and weather conditions are dynamic but they are synchronized for every place an iPod mixer trending mix across it winter the lake has frozen solid and previously inaccessible areas can be reached the tree has entirely lost their little the driving experience couldn't be more different I never blimp I used to start Forsyth on live invites the entire community to come together that cooperate there's a way to the big rewards and while they head off to the event I'd like to show you how the world of forts on horizon for Lix and spring once again the world changes completely with the seasons bringing new driving experiences new gameplay and new events across the whole world every season there are new reasons to play Forza horizon 4 and the huge creative fun-loving horizon community will be there to enjoy them with you today you've seen a completely and force the horizon for you will live in a vast beautiful world in which Dynamics organization changed everything Forza horizon 4 is coming to Xbox one on Windows 10 on October 2nd and I am thrilled to announce that it will be included in Xbox game pass on the same day bill bill Spencer firing on all cylinders [Applause] we know loose again from a Microsoft Studios or what originally turned so many of us into Xbox fans my team and I take our commitment to you seriously to make Xbox one the best place for you to play and for you to have the best games on the world's most powerful console this is why we're increasing our investment in our existing franchises that you already love and this is why we are amplifying our investment in new worlds that will deepen your love for gaming on Xbox we embarked on a quest a quest to find creative teams that have the mastery our beliefs and we like those from an innovative game designers master storytellers exceptional world builders and now I'm proud to introduce the creation of a brand new Microsoft studio the initiative led by Darrell black Gallagher a visionary storyteller who has worked across some of the most iconic franchises for over 20 years this new Santa Monica studio is building a team of world-class talent to create groundbreaking new game experiences and next I'm excited to welcome undead labs to Microsoft studio this studio with their visionary approach to building a zombie survival franchise they just released their second infestation into the world and in the first two weeks over 2 million of you have joined the fight to survive now it's my distinct pleasure to announce that we have acquired playground game for the future okay well it's one of the highest-rated studios of this generation celebrated for their incredible craftsmanship not only will playground games continue to work on Forza horizon they're bringing their open-world expertise to an entirely new project about that new studio it's my personal honor to welcome ninja theories to my way crazy then they saw the cache on the original X they were in the hands of master storyteller more fearless about telling bold cinematic stories oh this is a team gifted in creating new franchises such and yes we've got a pit studio - and out compulsion two years ago a game that captivated us with its strong fresh really tense storytelling we happy few is released is is nearing its full release to gamers everywhere so please help me in welcoming all of our new studio [Applause] Microsoft Studios these five new teams one of the resources the platforms and creative independent Xbox gamer truth okay isn't that the decision we all made oh but you know the truth don't ya there's not a thing I can tell you that you don't already know is there have you had your joy only people in town are getting a tad bit skinny I think they're starving today and their feet in the street rainbows have you not noticed oh why are you all wearing those ridiculous new mosques you should get one they seek your face into a smile and when you smile you can't help being happy we have to tell people they need to know the truth no it's better not to know [Music] [Music] [Music] people want face facts not until we take their joy and let me do that they'll murder each other in the street so yeah dude I like that trailer do the emissions for that lease ha give me a world that I can up it that's exclusive leave what yeah interesting wording around put on a started here [Music] plus you do stink Andre yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah smart yeah yep [Music] let's go Joe yeah [Music] [Music] yeah yeah they're coming to party not that one yes tail fan ha and we're getting the PSP version content and it rolled out here like the best right now yeah let's get sad drop blood there's a different world foliage I'll drop this now such a great town [Music] right now there's no reason we're greedy trailer surgery all right okay okay Washington DC the most heavily protected [Music] two different vo/nat attack critical personnel are evacuated underground shelters open while complex defense systems patrol the sky but nothing stopped the virus yeah 97 days after patient zero was ferret Washington fell it began with riots on K Street then shootings National Mall troops withdrew to bunkers civilians were left in the streets America is on the brink of dissolve but some people have survived Gardens grow on rooftops their fences patrolled with rifles in communities that live under constant siege survival has taken the form of urban warfare centuries ago on this very soil brother fought brother spilling blood to forge the United States history is threatening to repeat itself now in the heat of summer six months after the outbreak began rubber was found a remnant of a corrupt state lurks those shadows ready to engage in a new civil war agents of the division are the only ones standing against it but how do you save a nation when its enemies come from within from heaven yep gameplay you saw yeah yeah from that honest I got the location that was bad to tune there's no drum yeah I read that shadow drop [Music] spun herself no division not that crash site is oh oh here we go circle thing yeah did you say if I had to wash of the time change oh no game I talked that night some girl in the water talk to your water dropped right through the ceiling let me see if I can get this [Music] yeah all right Merry Christmas that's how I talk I know what I don't like about you in I would see Marion State Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Union omission let me just talk to this guy I look discovering cyclists it's a small thing paddling love it in video games feels a little more special you know gamer talk yeah but this is the only less annoying so far so good we're not that far okay do it after the crash site sounds good they're just ahead of us man so let me have this being after that other trailer makes them do the same thing some background watchdogs yeah maybe let's to do a little loquat direct we gotta get you leveled up I think I've said a lot of loot down there so that's the control point I would love it if this were very urban there's enough to start here but I'm pretty excited for situation at dark over time yeah it's like classic ug soft processive like doesn't have the support you would hope it would look like Ubisoft supports like constantly hearing about you updates the vision one ended with a good place in the story mystery like about this things took way too long to die moving faster now [Music] setting my current weight is the five Meg [Music] I've got this guy Hank - hi [Music] flair is up control point is ours hey guys want to check out the plane let's go analyzing ballistic residue landing yeah let's go up then there's also there's a few key zones let's check it out yeah it only that's died this cat's got my hip in that direction for the thing he doesn't notice but for any [Music] blotting up on Capitol Hill yeah yeah mark much sign up nothing better awesome lease I open the head right test box get past crash Spiker this is a special time for gamers we've never had so many incredible games to play storied franchises uncharted worlds new releases and cult classic genres we love and john rizvi love to explore there's only one problem too often we are forced to choose one amazing game over another answer the question what if you didn't have to choose what if you could play them all the answer XP was a way to give gamers the ultimate freedom to play and your response has blown us away not only are you playing more games you are spending more time gaming freedom of choice is leading to more discovery more play and more fun and we couldn't be more inspired to keep building and unlocking more for you so for the last year we've been working on how to give you faster access to all those games we leverage the machine learning expertise we have at Microsoft and invented or to start your games to quite as far as eight line and naturally we're calling it fast start unlike the current record ready to start system which is manually configured fast start uses machine learning techniques based on how gamers actually play games and fast start is designed to get better as the algorithms and parameters are refined over time still press conference I'm pleased to announce that fastest referral on channels in the June update titles on here really spice it up yeah some new package compatible surprises something could be a nice little she's over at the end of this ultimately it all comes down to the games yeah here will continue to deliver iconic favorites like halo the Master Chief collection coming later this year [Music] we also plan to release all new exclusive games from microsoft studios including forza horizon for crackdown 3 and more into the xbox game pass catalog on the same day as their global release [Applause] every month will also bring new games from leading creative studios into your xbox game past library games like ashen yeah hammer vermintide to all available in xcode x-box game past the same day as their global release so that's what's next but let's talk about what's happening today cyberpunk the Elder Scrolls online Tamriel unlimited it's pretty much like gorgeous ownership and all of them playable today in xbox game pass [Applause] that one nice tip here thank you to all of the developers working with us around the world [Applause] [Music] [Music] low chatter [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Kazu gonna tell us for seconds like one more huge scoop I guess we got time dying over here [Music] where's Norway than ever the duality one path when you take gonna read further to get hold of this that's like a fencing because medic pulse to me now stop it before assault [Laughter] yeah oh hey hey - if he dies that's a boat yeah what was the other nonviolent run it's a Jaguar [Music] it's like I'm not investing whoa those tombs oh he wants total power what would you do [Music] since birth such a ruler [Music] [Applause] exclusive [Music] [Music] [Music] I skate for questionmark crossed it out I was behind three times and I've met death three times my first home was Alton over know the curiosity I gained their cost me my first life well I awoke again and tarrif the village of the Sorcerer's altar if I once thought that this would be my truth I think this is fable everything changed when I started to boss forbidden questions we knew this and what exactly is the true nature of : Stein was a long journey knows what lies beneath the vast desert who was it that was calling me from the depths beyond the desert bird was never paid heed to such questions they just float on blinded and furniture palaces the spirits had not reveal the hidden secrets once insulting some trains promise here's the darkness born from the desert we've known each other the sideline you never had this much trouble Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay whoa yeah first on the bridge with you - demons around that's our building that well-functioning arm to keep demonex [Music] Wow that's what our Lots going on you waste time oh my gosh I better never log just getting right to the point huh [Music] my W trigger yeah first [Music] yeah yes there is there is no wait hold on cried hold on where's Dante there it is nope yep julissa right here come on yeah it was urine reducer let's go show off the gams [Music] [Music] I couldn't tell I wait for ya for this thank you so much it's been ten years since double May Cry 4 was released and fans have been asking for a true sequel ever so this is our spot here you devil may cry and Hideaki eat soon Oh our batch early on in the development don't make cry 5 we set our sights on creating something that was gonna haven't class visuals so we've scanned fully costume models for all of our main characters and with the power of Xbox one X we're able to render them as realistically as possible now while visuals are really important the controls need to remain tight responses as well so we've gathered gameplay that double May Cry is known for and we think the master feels better than any action game we've ever created yeah yes I'm a lot I mean it's even much inside ready give my stuff Stice tomorrow this you're gonna have us he Suzanne says that he is convinced that this is the best game that he's ever made because we made it for you our fans and we hope you look forward to seeing more yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice and short that's fine yeah explosive eggs [Music] oh this is nice oh yeah what is this I would like to play with a green tunic white - not shape I'll say sometime Oh this is charming pcq they say this has been shot laughter yeah I'm no coral dark please be a friend that's not a friend Missy hey Maria buying that studio - yeah big world is a prime example of the reach of gaming today a labor of love conceived and created by a single developer in Halifax Nova Scotia is today commanding gaming's largest state whether you're sharing the adventure we're teaming up with Xbox Live friends to slay zombies gamey is an incredible community show tears or no we've always believed that building community is vital for gaming there's real power in our shared experience sharing the same world the same seasons the same campaigns and there's real meaning in sharing our love of gaming with fellow gamers this community is the reason why we love premiering games here at e3 for the rest of our briefing everything you show you will be world premiere games no one has seen before the lobster tails now there now you look [Music] we're both good and evil [Music] [Music] this is just tasters yeah yeah get that freeze up chuckles coming at you a pretty exciting way this is super right yeah all right [Music] we don't need to show anything else yeah that is insane we got some stuff to talk about God the city is a corpse and we are the worms we've been fighting for every useful piece of land parts failure to preserve ourselves something the terrors of the night yeah well yeah lives of the day [Music] we should therefore speak a word or two here by attractive anyone who dares to steal food so many games is vibration jump horse man guys from dust to choose between bad and worse oh yeah yeah thank you or something yeah new title not States cavalry yeah you can see ya to be I survived will create the world to come [Applause] yes to date time Fred hope please welcome Nariman designer Chris abalone [Music] onion Chris Avila the rumor is now in four minutes are you serving more minutes that was the rule hi I'm Chris abalone and I'm excited to be working with checkland to create the world of dying light - dying light - is everything you'd expect from a bold sequel of the first game a fluid parkour system with improved natural movement deepened tactical first-person melee combat and of course terrifying nights when the infected emerge from the depths the city to feed on anyone they can find at the same time we invited to a new vision of the post apocalypse a bleak and unforgiving reality that we call the modern Dark Ages today however we want to give you a look at one of the impressive new features of Dynalite - cool a technical and narrative advancement for the franchise dying light - will be the first at it genre where your choices have genuine consequences in the game itself from how it looks how it plays to the events that occur everything in the game world can change based on your decisions the following demo throws a bit more light on this one using so many things cool yeah oh wow it's seeing it that's awesome because yeah one of the things that bugs you about announcement to play apocalypse games is that I can't wait to make stuff better right ya know right like it's neat to see this destroyed world but like I want to clean it up too so that's an option of its name looks great fine light will feature the functioning ecosystem that reacts on multiple levels the things you do and the choices you make in the example we are about to show you our protagonist undertakes a mission for the peacekeepers one of the many factions active in the city they wanted to negotiate a few survivors who are controlling and hoarding a water supply let's say you choose to carry out the P speciation our old runway for another good kill yeah great till after this it was not seeing a significant change in the city as access to the water supply allowed the peacekeepers to brings together and develop the area there's even running water for the people at the street level and that raises their morale and allows you to replenish your energy on the go but there's a cost to this the PKS have a rigid approach to law and order so while the streets may be safer it's only safe does my mind wheeling this blue yeah so if you get on their bad side now let's return to that moment of choice and instead of killing them you choose to team up with this group to supply water on the black market as you will see this creates a very different set of consequences for the city with water being a precious currency it brings you access to new resources and trade but this in turn attracts the worst type of people to the area and this is just a single decision one hundreds you will have to make hun but it allows you to carve out your own world each player's game experience will be unique and by the way this is just what happens in the day at night it well things till they get a lot the three goes come out this guy's seen some stuff yeah change item ready to Tavares he lost someone I can selling it yeah Michael Oliver time is passed like we've gotten soft good colleagues a balance you always knew this day would come car owners new with the three of you would be a brand new game between body morphine genre mashups three player couch co-op 4k hand-drawn 2.5 deep grand specific feature declarations okay this is I was born to fight worse than no army could ask us for there was no fear no failure dank stay mad yeah the rules that she no I want to see challenges reaction wall changed and no one was ready for it Oh No monsters black hunt they are the world's most powerful private army but even they should fear what they've created this is survival [Music] I'm soulful that was a Jackie Chan - OOP it will be getting shot it well said yes holy thing sitting character they eat like you fasting a voice actor every time premiere [Music] [Music] years block alright happy absolutely we're gonna good with gears pop yes never not the first thing you should here's the nice welcome here we go okay yeah we're going to talk about this mobile game for a while please have a four-minute online that never had and all of that pocket speaking that surgeon that away friend it can't sweet funkopop under the work that easily we had no idea how big this franchise would become and as it's grown we've dreamed of taking it to new places in different ways to reach even more bring a unique mobile spin there's gotta be some gears tactic create a whole new squad twelve years before there's one taking the classic turn-based strategy genre with a character-driven story Bobby gets a trailer and this doesn't matter the spot and equipment and of course it wouldn't be a skiers game without a massive boss battle this is PC or mobile PC sweet sweet more about tactics with you soon but it's not just about going to new places it's all about having new experiences and the amazing team at the Coalition is working hard to bring you our most ambitious Gears of War title yet Gears five no homie no trailer or this helps your spot okay he's done pain you'll journey across the biggest the most beautiful world we've ever created with the war for humanity escalates on two fronts outside the capital city and within Kate herself in this moment from the game Caitlin's ready damage to a revoked yeah but something goes horribly wrong okay anyone's my palate your eye boy that was you know they really didn't spend too much time on top yeah but it's like why I understand the sweep it away didn't have this it would be bridges sure but they do they do so that's fine [Music] [Music] by the Sun once the Sun yeah we're okay there he is I'm sorry [Music] thanks for coming here of course can I recommend we maybe get these people out of here hey just slow down the father's right we need to move he's dead man give her a minute she'll get her a minute in the Raven that was wrong with you don't we need to leave I'm not going excuse me for months now I've been having these dreams nightmares but I think they were messages something's happening to me your grandmother's enough we'll deal with this later Foss around these people up I need help there's a place up north I think we can find you answers there no absolutely not we have orders you'll go with me doc damn it both of you listen I'll go with her look if you're missing general notice okay I'll push Jack to coordinates no Colton you are coming back to North Fira that is a direct order no captain screw your order this isn't about you it's about me I need to fix this Hey watch her the necklace that's a locus symbol yes so she would never be here to be my choice I know that because she would die for us I know that but what if it's not her choice [Music] [Music] ready [Music] with Expo [Music] oh boy okay [Music] that was cool [Music] nobody does pink counters like yours a war hey why did you come here with me what did Katie tell you I really like that well the things I'm very promising in the entire history of Xbox in the entire history of e3 in the entire history of our industry Gaming is now at its most vibrant today we shared our commitment to giving you the freedom to dub discover and play all of the great new games coming to Xbox game pass today we showcased more games than we ever have before 50 games 18 titles with exclusivity and 15 world premiere so many notes we shared our most diverse gaming portfolio in every measure from breath and art style genre and culture's range and subject and setting scale and story and scope and creative vision and every one of these plays best on xbox [Applause] the world of gaming in the azan and historic growth path where the increasing number of gamers is met with the increasing creative power of game developers in this significant moment we are constantly challenging ourselves where can we take gaming next our answer we commit and harness the full breadth of our resources at Microsoft to deliver on the future of play our experts in Microsoft research are developing the future of gaming AI so the worlds and characters we enjoy will be even more rich and more immersive our cloud engineers are building a game streaming network to unlock console quality gaming on any device not only that we are dedicated to perfecting your experience everywhere you want to play on your xbox your PC or your phone and of course our hardware team the same team that delivered unprecedented performance with Xbox one X is deep into architecting the next Xbox consoles oh whoa we will once again deliver on our commitment to set the benchmark for console gaming and let's talk about games themselves we are committed to building an industry-leading first party studios organization and as you saw earlier we are making one of our greatest single year investments in teams by adding five new creative studios we have committed our team our company our technical resources so we can declare to you today and next year and all of the years after that you will always experience the best in gaming on Xbox [Applause] so choose the games you want to play there are worlds to be saved heroes to be made and legends to be come together thanks and have a great Easter book Microsoft is it [Music] this music no dude hacking the conference room is so cool I can't believe help in 1277 they voted my city the worst place to live in America main issues sky high rate of violence and more people living below the poverty line hope everybody still wants to live here the city's always got a promise for you might be a lie an illusion it's there just around the corner that keeps you going [Music] Oh cowboy hat all bear well city dreams and I'm a big dreamer [Music] [Music] oh yeah Wow man driving wow wow wow wow love the guy the planes freaking out yeah trial foot detail that's it [Music] [Music] session solenoid it's two other distances [Music] yeah [Music] Oh remember when like like a second yeah bit of a ride [Music] Oh driving the point home really well Wow we've a lot to talk about Wow Wow before we talk let's see what Damiani gave us tell me only can you meet you please I just made it all sweet what is the Damiani note and it was correct cyberpunk 2077 will end the Xbox conference oh honey one two three four four full pages of notes okay of games to talk about what start at the top we opened with Halo infinite yeah powered by the slipspace Indian focusing way more on gameplay that's story I think that's the thing like really focusing on that wide shot right and so yeah that would be crazy it's crazy to think as I can open world games you like get on top of something really tall maybe like oh look over there I've been there before I could just hop off here get in my vehicle go over to that area and I'm sad and it's interesting to be like oh yeah I've been up there before yeah it's the planet from one right see what they're on and it seems like it yeah yeah there's that one shot before they showed the ring that looked straight up like yeah alright so it's open world pretty much yeah soon I don't know if I don't know if I'd go as far as open world but like halo is known for and most fondly remembered for some of its biggest levels like you can't help think that one one was going on a journey I mean we've got a new engine yeah so maybe that's why they're doing it open it mean right you know all over race but I think a good way to open the show yeah what's interesting is because they showed so much my opinion on what they shared of Halo infinite was just right like if this if this was a press conference where I felt like we were lacking for games or announcements or meaningful trailers I would be a little bit bummed out that they didn't show more Halo they're opening the show the way that it did showing as much as they did I think it was a perfect and it set the tone really really well yeah I like just kind of leading it to my like - we didn't get somebody from 343 coming out and like the future of Halo right really excited to us at 343 no time for that so yeah and what also spoke for itself and I really think it's so cool that this was the second thing that they showed was Orion alone Lewis yeah those environments grace gorgeous just incredible that game is coming out they're gonna call ready you know we've just got so much to talk about I feel like we have to go fast like yeah yeah but I don't give you a trailer first yeah yeah I do want to get what are you nervous the time that it deserves because man that game look good yeah it looked so really great yeah you mentioned kind of a darkness that it had I agree with that completely the Mac at the end yeah where are we going with this game where are we going giant creatures unto like very surprising things like on like weapons I don't know how crazy I'd play the first already saw how crazy it was not about weapons yeah see most at all spells you know you kind of have this like pixie dust floating around you and that's what would kind of be - yeah you sort of had this magical shot that you did but it was also about these phases dashing a lot and movement good yeah I think that's what's really fascinating about Ori is how I can do warmth and sadness at the same time yeah I know how I can feel it little fuzzy pipes but also I'm terrified like you know build a snowman in the background come on and just how they're emphasizing 3d in a way that they didn't with the blind forest I think is really really cool both with your central characters and then a lot of the enemies that you're encountering the way that they rotate I think is super cool take a look at that that's awesome have any specific buddies that's new that followed you around um that the first guy that you see he's a big part of the story but you're not really with him a lot deeply no I know where you pretty much buy yourself for the vast Messiah to yes this is this being with people for a longer period of time and having them more integrated than the Kanaks would be a very new thing but yeah you Joad you mentioned weapons and you had like a sword there that would be completely new and I like a bit almost immediately we're seeing what appear to be very complex difficult sections of the game yeah like Maria is not an easy game platforming yeah platforming sequences that involve lots of different principles that obviously you're gonna learn you know what one by one but like you know being confident in their world and confident in the pedigree of the first game to really jump right into some of the most complex parts I think it's cool and it's beautiful and again musics really great yeah I just want to so get ready to move on is there anything else we want to say about Ori other thing looks great you guys you forgot so the next thing that we saw was secure Oh shadows boy good lord plate yeah they showed so much in this trailer my my very first thought was neo I thought it was yeah I thought that's very going but it was not that it was secure oh and new new thing maybe a new IP so like and there we dream that Sony has another firm so it's they're making three games yeah so never do we're gonna be which would be 0 KS wolf and blood-borne - I feel like this really justified being a new thing the way that you're whipping across the environment yeah oh my god whole it's like or parading the second death yeah seemed like a very one specific character - yeah yeah absolutely yes which acts yeah yeah yeah yeah trade women which trick arm dude yeah you want on you oh yeah japanese is meant to be [Music] I gotta be honest my first take was like at least the character models aren't as Colonel Luke's not good as me but clearly look at this gameplay it's all over the place there's all sorts of that one sequence with the grappling hook of the horse from software's character models are not exactly what they spend we don't need monsters in the game but there's rattling hook up to the top of the buildings junk you got me yeah substantive I like for sure that door shot everything like what are you gonna be able to deal with that on how many things can I turn over yeah appreciate it's worth yeah I mean that to me is like you can upgrade this on a stage what's it like to summon that weapon to any whole extended kill goods appear no wait a minute the word shows up well that's the same I believe it is the symbol aya yeah so what if you have to earn yeah there's a second lighter by getting successful parries oh that would be so high I mean I wouldn't expect them to just make it easy right oh jeez yeah if you have to perform well in combat to earn that life I would be way into that usually yeah yeah yeah planning it that that concept art that we saw leepu yeah the guy and the thing it does seem kind of like that I was it yeah different directors the directors listed on that concept art Miyazaki wasn't on it he might not be directing this yeah hmm let me see what I'm really excited about with that big teaser at the end with the giant snake boss is because we have the grappling hook I think boss fights are gonna be much bigger mobile than them you think about souls like boss fights you're always planning on the ground it was in the same level like having a threat that you have to climb up we're gonna be so cool Souls Souls are man oh yeah tenchu I mean there's no line stylistically is just so no references feeding on I'm like actually pretty thrilled that shadows that twice was in ooh yeah yeah oh head - oh yeah absolutely like there's a stem stealth emphasis and if we get more into along you know what whatever I get man whatever whatever we get this is all good this is enough I mean at least we'll see more of this baby jumping up watching you yeah every time oh well said a million times how do you feel about the publisher what was the vision Oh weird yeah I don't think I'm a there was there was another the the there was another symbol that appear above them when he got grabbed so I wonder if that also plays into defense where it's like oh [ __ ] I know I'm gonna get attacked let me switch to this less damage oh it could be changing stances yeah that's what I think it is yeah definitely the same like color of so yes some kind of when you come back to prop the from the first death you're in a do state you know kind of like how you might just get two tries or something or trying to think back I don't know the details but like until you got your soul back you were in a different state like three you were fired yeah yeah it could be like that don't want to be surprised yeah there's a lot of things than it that it could be like I wonder if you have to earn it and I wonder if you're on that second life if you have like half health or something Bub's damage lowers he'll surely a more released award yeah a lot that we don't know but yes yes just the animation when he twitches the axe and just how far he goes to swing that you know like squeeze the axe and the music close with the sword kill it is delicious yes well these are the platforming I think really is what I'm amazed the most about that not only you know having the grappling hook in there but I have smooth it looked when he was moving around like I love the secret sitter in all the souls games but like to access them there's a lot of just like wobble down this little off gonna be some sort of cover system based on what we saw with him pressing into the wall yeah but if you can grapple two locations can you imagine how you gotta like like almost underneath some things to find those little hidden layers and you know I wonder if there's gonna be a true like fromsoftware fashion like there's just a giant dude and you have to grapple up to them and it's a very narrow legend psyche well nape of the neck there we go well I think the thing that makes me I mean I'm not really nervous but when he's up on the guy stabbing down like I really hope that you can that that's gameplay and not like I imagine some backstab animations I want to climb these this good I would be okay if it was like a finisher that's just more it'd be weird though they don't I did you break your shield there with that axis so red I gotta go back I wasn't paying attention did that guy's because that's what I get for you that's what I could see the arm being used for is to like kind of depending on the enemy that you're fighting you switch different forms with your hands to get around defenses or Rosie is so cool speaking of fans done what what happened over there meter low maybe not off though turn that boost up ever off never off 109 there you go yeah yeah yeah what if what if there's no online component it doesn't need one it doesn't doesn't angry for drone path shadows guy twice yeah I agree yeah I mean it's clearly building on the foundation right I've got yes do something a little different with the twist yeah [Music] - our boy this boss is amazing like grapple on to his weapon directive ok ok all right - no it's not trying to do more well Gannett I'm really happy that we'll be able to knock out two years of game of the year in directed by Miyazaki that's unreal don't rest on your laurels I think that we could spend the rest of this hour talking about we probably should we're gonna bore I'm sure but let's move on let's talk about how they presented fall at 76 what did you think Tommy I'm born like E and said though it's a little unclear what kind of the game you know where I feel like the way they presented it there's gonna be more story than I was expecting yeah and and like showing the the old power armory fallout 1 yeah box cover it is it's very reminiscent of the one opening yeah yeah and just the the origins is a cool place to play around in the universe you know that a remake of the black-and-white part in the beginning was that a remake of a cutscene from fallout 1 I don't know that I'm thinking about it I have to see them yeah but I don't I don't think so very familiar but yeah the style and follow with much more killing to me trees yes I read that too being in the Appalachian Mountains or wherever West Virginia but I was very worried since its earlier and like right after all the cataclysm stuff like that it would be very dead yeah I was expecting just like a brown desert like brown before I'm happy to see that that's not the case so in the teaser trailer which Damiani is trying his best to pull up right now something that I'm curious about is fallout 76 is before the super mutants but there was definitely a huge giant shouldered business brain so I wondered how that ties in what that thing is I think it being a prequel and kind of informing like the rest of the fall world is very exciting and like a cool time yeah yeah I've been hard on the Fallout franchise because of just the brown mists and like a depressing miss everything is just like grain and I will see you something that is kind of bumming me out yeah when you first see humans there in that TV I don't love the way humans look at fallout 4 yeah they kind of have the exact same just right there well at least like oh you're a the power in Fallout 4 like a lot of colors and my degree doesn't matter a good job of selling it the college statue of boy yeah that was a nice touch Ben oh my kind of it kind of in yeah okay that's like a lot for me to say kind of in for that I'm just I'm just at the water right now yeah seeing it from I'm just nervous that when we do see what it is truth it's just just impressions we have right now I'm intrigued yeah cuz like I have more hope now that it is not just that right I hope so do I do think this teaser is extremely benefited by the fact that the Thursday's tonight yes I actually think this is a really smart pairing there yeah though Spencer's got a lot of friends the size of what Fallout fallout Fallout 4 or four times yeah how many new towns has that been a chance yeah except you see more tonight um I agree with what Brad was saying I think I'm more interested now than I ever have been good tease yeah kitties all right Huber I'm really excited you might have even forgotten that this was in you no I did not all right the awesome adventures of captain spirits so coming out June 26 and you can download it for free let's not yes it was giving me like Toy Story mine yeah him using imagination with the toys and stuff like that looked really cool so yeah so excited for this it what a great way to tell a different story right in a life of strange universe without having to commit to multiple episodes Frank uh this is this was a great showing has me so so so so hyped one of my highlights of this entire press conference I cannot wait to dive in when you're out of your way to say you know in the same world his life is strange do you think there will be a meaningful connection there for people that have played that game honestly I don't know well you know it kind of has that that fantastical his imagination right uh vibe to it which kind of sets it apart this is the great things it does awesome cool hmm premise is interesting and creative enough on its own but I'm in yeah I'm way in it's as simple as just being a kid and dreaming and I love that and downloading it so soon now learning it later this month getting the first episode for free right yeah I think it's a really smart move and just like his mom has passed away you know a single child single father just like really heavy right so intent is they can furgus multiple episodes they say they what they said is get the first episode for free uh okay so it could it is multiply believe it was that language you can double check Oh in this trailer but I believe they sing it that first episode for free I'm not 100% about that okay that's nice the missile shot right there yeah the Red Planet pretty monsters yeah yeah this is imagination you can you can do some pretty crazy thing I love this she puts the like m80 in it I don't like a spell that's great you just disease like the coldest heart is heart person in the world cannot relate to this unsub exactly so relatable the thing that I'm surprised no what I would call criticism but like don't really get a choices vibe from this trailer like I'm not necessarily sure what I'm gonna this obviously like a journey I'm gonna go on with this child but like I don't know what decisions this person is gonna have to make and it is a little here innocent free like well it is fun to be in their imagination like those care those multi-faceted character relationships of course for the previous games not only knowing somebody and having a connection with them but then having that person know someone else that you then have to create a connection with and am I gonna trust this new person based on how my friend feels about them or am I going to you know create my own opinions and and you know forge my own path and so while I'm pretty sure think you need all of that yeah I think just I sure yeah a heavy-duty father-son relationship is more than enough like you just like put all that effort into one connection uh he could also you can also have like neighbors toys you know boyfriends to your toys come I think the other I do think you kind of have the benefits are like I don't think you need to be that explicit when you go out of your way to say this is this is no no this is life a strange I think it's smarter to focus on what is unique about it and I think that's exactly what they did they did not say first episode a theme is that true they said 100% for free so just be like what if and this is just complete speculation obviously what if when they say 100% for free that there's something they're not telling us that you get the awesome adventures of captain spirit and at the end it leads into life is strange too and so there's one client Gloria sad the stranger comes I expect to see more tomorrow square enix yeah that's right you know probably hit hopefully like the strange to reveals itself a better better answers day but this is really out so soon too it's just oh yes we're halfway down page one okay where'd you go yeah I don't think we actually need that much time especially with the announcement of the delay coming in February next year and that is crackdown 3 it's a good time for me to take a break yeah I think it but I thought it looked fun you know make sure I don't I don't think it is gonna be the highlight for me this Microsoft press conference but I thought it was okay I thought it was like crack down I thought it's cool that you get to drive on the sides of buildings the vehicles transforming today pretty cool criticism yeah weak explosions sure wasn't feeling him yeah I didn't have that like yeah vibe to it the nice destructive take I don't remember it was just kind of like would fall apart name in kind of a weird way what do you think done and no that's not that's the one thing that stood out to me that I was wondering about the whole thing that made such a big deal about all the explosions but there was like zero of the break apart yeah I'm real destructive environments I'm like did I miss something did they announce that they're not following through with that anymore because I thought originally because they were having trouble with that system because originally it was like every single structure was yeah incorporate that but it definitely wasn't visible the trailer we just couldn't couldn't get that to work and that's where the game is been taking so long so they asked it yeah I don't know I don't know fact there's a date no big deal yeah that's not some big deal no that is a big deal this press conference I think the way that it was presented really changed my mind on a lot of things I was worried that it would feel like Microsoft would be saying hey this is our big thing this is what you have to look Lord Fuu I thought I'd be like a tentpole for Microsoft but the way they presented it and the way that I'm kind of feeling okay with it is hey yep crackdown is coming here's what it looks like awesome here's a bunch of other announcements to get excited about and so I think from that perspective I'm Way more okay with what they show yeah I don't know I'm with you man if there wasn't as much there it would hurt more yeah but it's like yeah that's okay cuz there's so many other great things so tell people in chat have clarified that that it might be only featured in multiplayer - I see I stared crews still working for you yes Terk crew is a very nice guy seems man anything I've seen Mike deploy surgeries any time you just get to ragdoll a bunch of enemies all over the place I always think that's fun yeah yeah Tron cart I mean open world chaos you know yeah oh yeah see you Saints Row what huge Santos yes from Superboy baby Deep Silver that was like at least a publisher man I was gonna say I was gonna say I was you said that criticism but now that I'm watching what you like that's that part right there was kind of yeah I mean the way that they're editing it - I would like to see just the feels long stretch of blowing up a bunch of things yeah okay cool all right we're gonna move on dummy no you don't need to pull us up where you can move right past it days announced well they showed Nier automata becomes guys edition cool cool next thing Metro Exodus Metro Exodus don't sleep on it yeah don't on it ketchup now easily catch up a ball why attend our games I don't think it was the best trailer of the show by any means I thought it was a pretty strong trailer I thought it showed off a lot of good stuff that is great about Metro they really showcase the environment cynical when they really showcase the monsters pace yeah and they did things kind of as transitions that I thought were really cool you know they were really going out of their way to show you were loading a gun it's like hey man you got to think about when you make those decisions in Metro you've got these kind of like post-apocalyptic like homemade shotguns that you're using rifles that you're using pistols that you're using I love the way that they flashed through all of them really really quickly and then underrated thing too is how Metro handles difficulty right they have so many difficulty modes right Oh like which usually goes under underappreciated right it's like you play on normal you have more ammo you can play them like rate the hardcore Ranger mode we're like every single bullet counts and they're so rare and you really have to think and I love that yeah you can really crank up the survival aspect of my rail if you want to though the option is there right I mean obviously using your mass to protect yourself a central part of Metro using it on somebody you don't care about I wonder if you know if that's gonna be an entire sequence a year this week so we may be or alternate and kind of manage that time I don't know I thought it was solid totally I thought it was solid and enough familiarity to wiping the mass yeah like there was there all those nods and then like all right what's new nothing takes place after all yeah same character through all three of them yeah bread me and does this look like a game you want to play this is intriguing to me actually yeah I don't know if I would catch up on all their necessarily right I would try I would give this a shot man she looks pretty good yeah an environment hey what do you think yes your June yeah I mean to me it's like having not played any of the metros and having played all the fallouts mm-hmm it's kind of like you know they're similar it looks just similar to me but I mean I know that's not accurate that's right early but like kind of like Brad said like I'm not gonna catch up and the other ones but playing this one looks cool yeah like burning cobwebs is good yeah more sections cool I think the fact that you stress the survival horror aspect of it makes me way more intrigued yes yeah is that doriga - okay yeah okay the Dark One's are very very fascinating and that's why I think the story holds up for me so you don't really have to manage your bullets mm-hmm it's the the high-grade rounds you are not only your currency to buy things but they are also really powerful rounds that you can choose to use on tougher enemies I like ammo being yeah which makes sense - totally you play the whole game in Russian - because it's our very very famous Russian series that's got so it's really like authentic the only way to play accordion my cookie yes I think yeah I think it's a Russian studio yeah no I don't think a lot of stuff correct me if it was stat I could be wrong on that Ukraine nice cool all right we have to move on into page 101 first time and Microsoft press conference Kingdom Hearts yes baby showing off a brand-new rosin that's showing us a frozen and showing us a ton of stuff that we haven't seen before Bradley oh let's take it away man I don't know a start you're like where do we start with a call the new powers their show like he was like had some ice skating thing dummy couple yeah dude likes ice arms let me see like hurt Isaiah Noritake oh I'm gonna go just like cry in a corner now he's a bad boy now yeah she's one of the that how dare that I got you dude how dare that it's right here you'll free her from it yeah in this game just like sacrifice you so much I felt this way we toy store and a few little bit frozen I feel this way with tangled how well they're capturing the Pixar looking I was saying it looks like the night it just looks like the movie now like so it's crazy looks so good I need to grab a coke it's a nice weapon for clarity frozen and yeah you anything correct yeah so cool man so this is during the movie at least the scene yeah cuz you have a lake is on oh my god they show like that oh she's running away right there yeah the over like the snow over do so Mike for that fight I really appreciate it when Soros said I'm an island boy yeah yeah Olaf Olaf good that was crazy this is this is gummi ship redemption it's been a wild baby they really like teasing the openness of each of the yeah when they go sliding off the edge of the cliff everything's not an area in the trailer that was difficult for me to pin into this right there what is my go back Tommy oh honey we're gonna yeah we gotta wash and boy the gummy show you back more back more yes like the factory okay we can tell where they're at by the oh yeah Monster Hunter ink this looks way better I might have a mistake like this is way down on this mattress yeah yeah we will highlight music I understand it's weird I was okay with it gave me that news yeah those are never sinking heart sir I was fine with it yeah so but it was really kind of awkward to me shows this much at Xbox conference yeah gets me high baby here's right here dude yeah I think I think a game plays like segment yeah what's Greg's it's a safe bet yeah show me that Star Wars shadow dropping right now Oh Mike Brandon Jones oh really Kingdom Hearts enthusiast what's your takeaway I look at that tangled world yeah my takeaway all to see has totally changed since I played three and that like if they introduced a new Disney World and I'm happy about the way they do it or they introduce a movie like frozen which is not one of my favorite Disney animated sauce and so I'm not excited about that this game is just crazy I mean like what I what I played you know had systems and when we with those systems were all sorts of other crazy stuff going on I got a feeling there were abilities I didn't necessarily need to use but I could if I just wanted to be flamboyant and all of it was so polished yes yeah so I think that's the thing that like you know if I have issues with this franchise you know polish is polish I mean up there if they're releasing a really really fancy we made product in a Brandon watt teas at the end of all of their trailers they said I want to emphasize with the frozen world is you're not watching frozen the movie right playing oh yeah they're frozen world and yes that's great I still think it could be a good world even if you're not exactly Rosen doesn't have to be my favorite movie that world would be fun yeah yeah yeah and Brendan I think you bring up a great point like it's it's one thing to be excited about this but we played it and we can envision how these elements that they're showing feel and that just brings it up to a whole nother level for me to know you got five two point five two point eight because I think we're without the context you've seen us boarding segments you wonder all that looks really fun but is that just a level but like knowing that like oh there's all these elements that you could use you know taking the rails up to the top of the toy store and gliding down seeing how big the world is the Monsters Inc when he jumps out the building and they want trailer yeah and something seeing this like I bet at any time you want you can go back up to the top of that mountain and ride it all the way down Bend more hmm did you have Sonic the Hedgehog three vibes good from the snowboarding it did not toilet princess lives oh now I'm like melding sonic three in Kingdom Hearts 3 no I didn't yeah dude hitting them with the tree they're like standing on it as it's slipping over the rock yeah yeah the theme park stuff is a low blow for me it's like oh oh I can see I get a shadow take that world tomorrow at square enix please tell me one desi pool yeah oh okay I was like but man the gummy [ __ ] because he said strafing I'll be strafe to the gummi ship yeah why is it called the spaceship parts are like cone gummies on the ship look we didn't cover that in the timeline okay I'll fix it don't worry origins of coming are we unfortunately yeah we've got two things that I think we can go by very quickly just because there was a lack of it the sea of thieves I kind of yeah hey what's coming trailer I thought it was charming I think that's cute um I wanted a little bit more I want to know what we're gonna be getting in July I wonder what we're gonna be being in September we're going to Mordor we're going to Mordor and there's like skull toes and their skeletal ships now right right good that's very good but I I got the vibe that those would only show up in that area so yeah you can go to my yeah yeah yeah cool it seems like you go to like the intense PvE zone and like deal with that if you choose to and I'm hoping that has like a little more story interest yeah and it seems like that way this seems like the the best thing that they could do right now you know the game just came out and they already released the shark thing and now they're doubling down with two expansions with the story focus they are on the right path and I really get behind you on that story focus it seems like this place has a history and they want to tell you that history which I'm very excited about Brad you said I believe in a frame trap that you're in Wow yeah and that actually played the update over the Megalodon one okay yeah they added like a little tiny kind of bit of story about like the Megalodon okay I definitely needed more but I was like okay you're making little tiny steps which is good yeah I mean I think by next III see if used to be a super cool yes yes she is just one of the story yeah it's cute it was cute it was cute yeah okay next on the list we've got we've got the northerly war story from battlefield 5/32 yeah for new shots yeah and teased it - that was terrific teased it yesterday yeah it's gonna be an Xbox and then it's like four shots extra you know I don't know I mean I don't know what I see but I feel like I know nothing more than I did I don't yeah I don't know what I think to me what that indicates is and also that it's called war stories and maybe they confirm this so I'm just saying what we already know but like it's just a whole bunch of vignettes so the stories are so short that if you made a trailer any longer than that you would just see all of it but they don't hype it up right don't ya a day before yeah a bunch of stories you know if you're gonna show us a little you he'll give me more than that it's kind of funny that they didn't tease like zord Lee story and if this was sorta to some other person hordley and zone than brothers but disappointing I think there were a couple of low points in this show and I think that was one of them yeah it was justify its own space in the conference that was a handshake it's really weird how they are showing battlefield 5 because to get information you have to go search for it you know and the press conferences is the time to to show us right and it's and they're not really doing that so it's it's we die man can you show us the likes to dislike ratio and the gears pop yeah whatever yeah unfortunately not here he would help the best things to say about it but boy I really thought that they made me want to play that again let's play a game Raja's what how how well I it's driving with so many people in the chaos through stone walls that you like seeing chaos except you know like I do I think that also in a world like this it's really fun to explore could lead you to new environments that you haven't possibly seen yet yeah like you might see your gamertag pop up like on a cliff and be like whoa somebody's up there what's up there yeah yeah cuz he said that all players are in the same world at the same time fast the seasons change because they were saying like you know a season is a reason to jump back right or something it's like do seasons last like a like a competitive like an overwatch season or a fortnight season or is there like is just real season yeah like they're going and it's fallen away on vacation three months of snow what if they tie it they just literally tie it to the weather of the areas in the game in real life it's just raining whatever is happening in real life is happening in the game there's gonna be cool there are two things that I'm really excited about with the weather specifically so in Forza horizon you can go and you can find really cool rare cars out in the world that first moment when you go across that frozen lake and you find something otherwise yeah yeah because the lake was frozen that's gonna be a really good really feel-good moment also for some reason it's all about completing challenges and I hope that they're like hey we're gonna give you a reason to do this event in all four seasons and it's gonna feel doing every time and you're gonna find things that you didn't get before I hope it's significant and it doesn't feel repetitious if they decide to go that route also I want to talk about a way that you're doing text messages with each other via your car yeah yeah how do you do that it's getting a lot of troll okay that's it a d-pad is deep yeah okay so is there just a do I just push right and it goes no I'm on mixer they said something about that right that was a message thank you yeah it's funny because it's not it doesn't serve any function right it's not like oh that's gonna change my gaming experience no it's literally just doing the whole time don't text and drive imagine like winning a race turning around and is the second place guy comes in everybody yeah it's funny to me man this be okay so October 2nd yeah not that far away and this being game pass man swinging the pot yeah I think their first party games or game pass I don't think they said five years I think gave us to be really big for 40 I think there's a lot of people yeah doughnuts are like resent this entry coming up because I think there's like these teams behind Forks are always so enthusiastic about it the game always looks so good we always take gameplay first and foremost whenever the new ones get announced so like I think there's a lot that this franchise does right I just think like personally for me there's a lot of people that don't make time for Fortson and I think if you are an Xbox fan you've been a little hungry for like the first party stuff you like maybe a couple months have gone by and 2018 you're like I didn't really get that game on xbox I was really excited about this month yeah give this game a shot it's right there it's just you know if you got games pass download it and jump in and so I wonder yeah this is gonna be like it yeah cuz this situation where you just have all of these new people jumping in and and any not only forts it but horizon like this really open fun yeah a lot of energy with with this oh and I also got to bring up a disappointment but I guess it's just kind of the way this is built and in the way that it's built in a fan fest but Forza horizon the only demo or anything on that stage that used to those this is my ocean of months old they was sitting there the whole time and I think like obviously that's the fan fest like yeah when now this closes down and that opens up where people can come out chicken demos not only you're gonna get to play these games at fan fest but you're like I'm on the stage right I can see that being exciting it did I did like but that's odd oh my goodness you know 5450 play for battlefield 64 player or whatever and think of how many hdmi matrices they have yeah I'm weighing I am aware Ultimate Edition over access come on okay next thing I want to talk about was surprising - Studios acquiring a lot of people leaving the desk again mute for so we've got a brand new studio the initiative unfortunately in my notes I missed the name of the guy that they were hyping up and what he worked on so if there's any way there was a three-part but a brand new studio it's always exciting we're gonna find out more what they they're getting them there they're getting on dead labs which i think is smart they're they acquired playground games which is super smart and Ninja Theory compulsion as well with we happy for you but three is the one I want to focus on I think it got the biggest reaction out of us what do we see what's the first thing we see by a Microsoft Studios acquired an engineer new IP VoIP new IP so we're not getting third person action or PL blade we're going somewhere new yeah I think we're going somewhere new yeah I agree seems that there's a restlessness with a new area that produces such incredible things that that's what I would want right there's no game they make will be for a franchise they're gonna set one up yeah there was studio poised to have a big franchise as you know like heavenly sword was gonna get a sequel and didn't enslaved was gonna get a sequel and didn't you know DMC who knows was a few yeah who knows what the deal was there if it was just a one-and-done or if it's like hey if it does really well yeah hopefully it always seemed like it would be it was designed for a standalone so I would love to see the foundation of a new franchise for sure from them because I just love that studio so much yeah after he'll bleed though they talked in such a way where they're like hey this was the value of going into pennant this was the value of making a beautiful short very community game with a triple-a budget right so do you think whatever the next thing is they were going with me any budget yeah are we getting you know because we have this this new position that they're in is it still gonna be small is it gonna be short game is it gonna be like an like you know an inside style I'm experienced I mean we're hell-blade style how blades was small and now they have the full backing of Microsoft so I expect him not to go big now yeah it's not that I wouldn't be excited if they went big but I really value those companies that can make incredible short experiences that I can play in one or two sittings and so I I would be a little bit bummed I guess if we lost that yeah I thought he'll blade found something really good yeah totally so uh I want to talk about we happy for you because I thought that trailer was super way better yeah amazing trailers though yes no like I hope for what Jones was talking about is true like that it's a vastly changed gameplay experience mm-hmm because what I played a bit a year or two years ago whatever I was almost immediately kind of like Oh disappointed this is what it is yeah definitely reignited my interest for the game sure you know me too and it looked like there are a lot of different cutscenes in different places with red characters which does belie as Doria yes story yeah the the plot of her and him you know talking about the drugs yeah yeah and was that hurt the question I had was that is that her the same woman from the beginning with the mask does that hurt at the end of the trip at all yeah I think so I think it's the same one right trying to emphasize that like hey I know this is bad but this will keep us this will keep us safe yeah tense I think is so hard to present a story that you want to see more of in a trailer and I really felt like I got a good sense of the themes that they were dealing with and I want to know more I want to show that world would 100% uh yeah and I think you brought up a really good point because you mentioned how we happy few has had a good trailer before but you go back to that trailer it was really just kind of bouncing me to being like two different England right it was only that intro yes it was like you got through the port all the stuff in the intro or in the trailer right in the first intro of the game and then you're just out in the world playing the survival thing right so yeah and this is so much more than adjust here yeah jumping all over I don't know why but the thing that jumps out to me the most is the colored roads yeah I want to see them all lead to like some really messed up thing yeah yeah I love the live action it's Julian unsettling right turn my good I just like doped out yeah each sucker for lightning do you think it's encouraging that Microsoft believes so much in this game that they're willing to acquire them even if the reception to the early access of if released isn't that good yeah yeah I really I really hope for a big transformation yeah yeah I I mean I want that because the concept and look and feel in this game is so good I really really want it to get him out and just be a man I think they see the potential like with a state of decay people yeah like they see potential in them absolutely yeah that's probably for sure yeah it's her definitely okay I don't know how much you want to talk about this but pub G we've got a new map coming in the summer and they've got a new mode and map coming in the winter of 2018 so pub G still rolling I think it's been a big thing for xbox of a success which is really good I like Poggi you like gin I want to know more about war mode because fortnight had the limited time fifty versus 50 which they've teased that could become permanent because it's so popular yeah just this massive 50 on 50 battle you know everyone kind of converging on the middle I love that this seems like their response to that and I wonder what's gonna set it apart from the the 51:50 in fortnight I really like the use of the riot shield you know kind of like helping each other out it seemed to me in the trailer that you're obviously splitting the teams and one team is trying to protect a building while another team is trying to get in know and so maybe it's sort of like just this sort of style ends early this exact thing like counter-strike like one team has to plant the bomb you know has to defend the location and I think that could be really cool and for tonight but yeah those riot shields were super happy yeah yeah is this something that you are interested in enough to check out and you think I mean I like Club G fine is my opinion that for tonight is just more fun but still want to ride that carton for that oh yeah sure but I mean like I used to be on the computer so yeah I'll check it out whatever the Tales of Vesperia definitive edition feel-good Lobo good moment to get that content we never got over here there were several things that were weird to see in a xbox press conference and that Tales of Vesperia definitive edition yeah Hesperia route 3:16 I was I know it's just I don't know why but just the anime and the psalm is like alright cool let's do this I can't wait talking about anime yeah and he was like we is like I'm proud of how different all of these experiences are and they really made good at that but there's everything we were talking about feels so wildly different from everything else it's nuts but yeah tell us was very innovative vision widely regarded as one of the best Tales games a favorite among Bradley Ellis and Michael Damiani getting that ps3 stuff yeah feels good man I was always so mad we never got bad yeah god I know you get it uh what do you think about that winter release date seems like far away seems like far away yeah it's like why I think for a definitive edition of Tales of Vesperia I was hoping for like August yeah winter is very crowded so but Reno sirs kind of operate in their own space you know versus the big releases shirt right so I just like it should have its own we got Sarah mm-hmm that being said I remember when the Mega Man X Legacy collections were announced and I was like July that seems so far away and here we are here oh yeah we're close to it yeah yeah no but that's what I'm saying is I feel like there's so much stuff coming out sure whatever I'm sure sure sure to go by fast then we had the division - yeah set in Washington DC it's taking place during the summer we had a look at how it played and there was some gamer talk mm-hmm what do we think finally mild game I thought I was happy about that I think the oh not the high enough level help me out I think that was like the worst of it mm-hm and I'll give them this like I was trying to like erase it from my brain and imagine the trailer without it and if you're gonna give a very honest portrayal of the game yeah I probably would be a pretty slow moving piece of media to watch I'm just like all of them wandering around tournament or swapping items like because it's pretty traditional it's just kind of fun I like the charge at the end was interesting I don't know if there were many like assaults that you would do upon a big base like that but it was funny because I think the thing that frustrates me is you have there presenting this like it's like they've never experienced this before so it's just this weird like it's just my dumb brain and how it operates but I'm just actually manifesting like who are these players that would be in the special circumstance but they've reached this high enough level and are higher level than this one player but she's allowed to do the mission with them but they've never seen this plane before and have no idea what context is it got all these weapons so it's just kind of like trying to create the best of both worlds but they were there's clearly some grinding fans in that group but while I don't think there's anything out really one thing to pinpoint that was like the big kind of shocking gameplay device or something new that they're gonna be doing right that was a some satisfying gameplay and I think from people who are a fan of the first division I think that's definitely a project they can be excited about yeah new city new season yeah so I think this summer setting is so much more interesting and you just immediately set you up for a lot more variation yeah in the division like I don't think there was anything super crazy in that trailer like Jones was being too but a refined division I think is enough yeah I don't think they need to go crazy the building blocks are there you have the game so much over the last couple years they just take all the lessons that they've learned and all the improvements that they've made I think it could be a really cool sequel than a lot of people enjoy kind of felt like anthem at the top really just focusing on natural environments they start almost like a jungle you know so like have you faked out yeah starting in like a botany wing of a zoo or whatever coming out yeah I'm ready to storm the white house let's go yeah yeah down the wing yes one of the points with division and again I played it launched I didn't really play a lot of the updates but the thing that I felt that launched is things can take a really long time to kill I'm not necessarily interesting to fight just sort of sitting there whittling down this health bar and that you were fighting like the exact same type of special bosses over and over and over again so I'm hoping for a little bit more variety and hopefully those fights aren't drugged out so all right Ubisoft we see what they're gonna do yeah with the dark zone yeah the most interesting thing about so cool yeah we would I do another weird point I'm almost isn't to say low point because it went by pretty quick but we talked about Xbox game past which is cool a great thing for Microsoft but the way that they talked about the fast start well goes twice as fast I was getting like cloud flashbacks and talking about the cloud yeah is it really a problem like a week I don't know we're not starting fast enough this is like an exciting announcement maybe seeing it in practice like the idea of like improving the load times and stuff like that is nice mmm but I like I don't know if I was like a big thing for it yeah I feel like you mentioned it in a press conference just so that everyone knows about it and they could have spent like slightly less time on it as far as a presentation goes of keeping it entertaining yeah I I do think it could have been a little bit snappier I don't even think you needed a person to come out on stage a very short video yeah I agree with you how do you feel about the division Elder Scrolls online I felt for being kind of the new things that are available on game pass today there's actually is the biggest fan of releasing games in a series with sequels coming yeah 26 is coming blank ah hey let everyone catch up I'd love that yeah so I thought that was perfect you're right hey yeah so fallout 4 is releasing today on Xbox games fast we're looking forward to more footage from fallout 76 yeah Elder Scrolls skinny games past but that's a press conference is the Zeeman oh I tell you for me to be honest about that I hope you're right man that'd be let me have his help that would be they just released in Elder Scrolls online expansion yeah it's this is the one get the base game thank you then I appreciate that yeah yeah yeah they just released an expansion say like last year in the year before he's like we're way out but the Skyrim teaser we go yeah he's a trailer game I adore that teaser that they did at the Game Awards for Skyrim that was that was the guy my hacked alright I did xbox really quick a lot of stuff they showed it so many things again if this was a presentation that I think was more starved for stuff to show I would have been frustrated because some of those games looked really really cool what is the name of it the one that Don brought people say yeah want to see more stable for sure table um but because of the nature of the show I think it worked really well it was at a good place in the conference and Fire Games I always like the rapid-fire some action in there dead cells yeah some new ones in there too that I've never heard of em hmm crazy it's just whenever you show that many it's hard keeping titles oh nice dream yeah but I don't think we're gonna see something like that it's Sony I don't think we're gonna see this just kind of like remember like that one time like eight different you know independent games are on stage at one time and they're like we're so proud of all these teams they're just like blockbuster blockbuster blockbuster now so it's kind of nice for xbox two to be showcasing that stuff and for like each one of those individual teams I just imagine like some office somewhere it's some small towns oh man we made it to do it if they can do a compilation of like developer actions like that with a large party so heartwarming I've got some exciting news from Michael Damiani we have maximilian dood hosting us i was kind of weird cuz i was riding him stream mortal kombat that's a night getting hyped for III don't know how maximilian is he's this guy that loves fighting games and makes some really incredible videos for fighting games not only that but he loves souls he loves Final Fantasy 77 is his favorite game of all time speaking of realm of taste yeah good reactions from maximilien yeah great reactions I think he just reacted either today or yesterday to the Dead or Alive 6 trailer oh here I'm talking about that you can check that out so cool we like max its pacing the Internet so I'll shadow the Tomb Raider people think that we're we hate shadow the Tomb Raider and I don't think that that is an accurate evaluation of our feelings I'm shadow the Tomb Raider it's just I think that the way that they're showing it is not the most exciting yeah I would argue that this trailer falls in line with it I mean it I lost Montreal like big big towns show me that Deus Ex style stuff let me go into the town talk to some people figure out how that all works like there's still so much I don't know about China the terrain so is good you have some mystery but I feel like it's always this we've we keep seeing the same stuff you know her in a tomb and right can with some enemies in the jungle I can play rise but like I think this is gonna be a game of just little small moments to treasure you know little small discoveries little like you know like opening up new tombs and going inside them and you know getting various items out of them and stuff and we might have guests and it's so I think like they're obviously a big set piece moment is this beginning I don't know now of the game where you know she is responsible for like this world being distributed this whole town being messed up and obviously there's a lot of regret and there's a lot of you know their duality that they're showing that I think looked weird at some point like some gameplay shots like what am I looking at right now oh yeah if it's split in a weird way and so I think yeah they're definitely keep leaning back to this like first scene because I think a lot of the moments after that are very or a lot slower and ends you really just kind of have to moment by moment immerse yourself in this world and make these little tiny discoveries and I think that would be potentially very satisfying when you actually play the game right but I think Square Enix just says is having very difficult time of trying to sell this game in a way that doesn't feel like very traditional it's just an action game so here's how we sell it we're gonna he's cut short of the green so I'm gonna change I'm gonna change the format of this we were running down everything giving our thoughts on it they do that because we've got a GameXplain segment coming up with michael Damiani coming up at 4:00 p.m. I'm sure as we're gonna play the hits there there are three more things that I want to talk about get your opinions on we have to talk about Devil May Cry 4 yeah yeah we don't talk yes man so exciting to see it's you know and that whole translated presentation holy dude yeah look at the neuroma yeah the neuro love really focusing on him yeah there with that that or it's clear that you're gonna be playing it's three different characters I don't know who that last character is that could be a really exciting reveal I think you are gonna play as Dante how they're gonna switch between them the new mechanical Devil bringer nonsense yeah yeah some crazy like pick the guy up and like slam them I think it's crazy yeah and so that makes me think that you're gonna have you're gonna be able to Buster you're gonna be able to bring enemies closer to you and grapple onto certain objects like you couldn't Devil May Cry 4 but it also makes me think that you're gonna be able to get completely new abilities that this is gonna be a modular thing that you're gonna get are yeah I don't know who that friend is is with him it like my immediate new character yeah I think is a new character I immediately thought like lady this is not in the car moment was amazing I don't know where in the time line it is cuz nearly a little there I mean it's after 4:00 but is it after 2:00 is my question I I think it's before - I think it's after 4:00 but they're gonna remake - yeah probably that's good idea my thing with this trailer is I'm not completely sold on the look yet this yeah there's something about it and it's hard to put my finger on it it actually looks very reminiscent at least the character models in the enemy design of DMC I was gonna say not again it felt like I like a mix yeah it does I think it mixes maybe the best way to say it Brad where I think it is kind of a mix of older devilment cries and emc which is not necessarily a bad thing you showed me a long time to warm up the DMC yeah and so I'd like to play it I'd like to see what it looks like in action but when I saw the style of it I not disappointed but just a little bit curious I think sure how are you feeling here we're feeling good about it too don't make her at five God announced yeah but yeah there there was something about the visuals right something about the trailer too we see combat but like just the the beginnings of combat you know we don't see the crazy flashy multi combo switching weapons come on a bunch of people you know we see some kits very contained it's very reserved for a devil may cry for Dilma cry trailer you know man and it's just it's just words you know it's just hype generation but when he gets out there and says this is the best combat system we've ever made yeah yeah and it's coming from from him yeah that's it's it's our dad put some faith in it right yeah God this is the number one thing that I want yes and you got it yeah yeah it just feels good yeah I love the air lifts up and hitting midair oh so good yeah which time and I think that's something that you triggered with your arm as well that's just cool the way that he's revving up the sword that was a really cool mechanic it doesn't make cry for as well where if you timed it right you could power up their next strike and it just added so much to combat so it's it seems like that's gonna be back as well notice him like thrusting his arm down I'm like twisting it to get a new arm out yeah man go click on multi stage boss moments maybe I'm just dumb bored love the environments ya know I think it is I think I'm able to pinpoint it a little bit more closely Niro looks younger in this than he did in Devil May Cry 4 and so I think that was just throwing me off okay when I saw that face I didn't think of Nero because he's longer hair and he looked slightly older to me and don't make everyone see this part of that cut so I think so Curia is the the love interest of Nero in Devil May Cry 4 and he's talking to her and she's hooded was that a bearded Dante I was a bearded bearded Dante with a knife in the third place who cares rescue ba which I think would be really hype maybe she's you know she's dealing with some sort of possession something 'evil inside of her that she has to unleash but yeah I wonder if the the third playable character could be carrying okay I the van yeah we grabbed babe what are you talking about it battletoads really cool i once i right gears were five let's just ignore tactics and pop for now so you visit them later sweep it number five i thought that showed really well I really honestly bought into the country got me back into the story it did it so did you know and III did not care for Gears of War for really at all I just never invented I could never get invested in the story and this in one exchange and one cutscene yeah I'm on board I'm on board for this story like you said sold the conflict mm-hmm so and honestly those weird muscle alien things playing down that gun taking over the robots and then because you have that a Gears of War where you destroyed robot so you could break them down but the fact that you broke them down here and they still slow them toward you now that seems a lot more interesting to me and I love just going out Jones that the like you're on the edge of the world I'm always a sucker for that it looks like you're gonna find fight some freak goes out there you know Jones you buy it yeah I'm one thing that I'm a little nervous about is that looks just kinda like a lone wolf mission it's just the two of them going out going and so it is a it is a bummer having like the progression of this story and a lot of the things that were felt teased and for that I thought they were gonna get into with five and that just you're kind of anti-establishment vibe just everything every time like the government or they you know the ruling order tried to contact you in for and your own shutting them up and I was like oh I wonder we're gonna get to that in five where it's like uneasy alliance you're gonna have to deal with them and like maybe work with their forces and then now we're just almost saying goodbye to like every character except for these two and just charging out on their own or it's one storyline is these two and the others yeah very split I know what you're saying but I also feel like years were for ultimately was building up Kate and her conflict and so to me it makes sense that it's like alright let's really focus on this and I hope that is a conflict between you and your partner like I hope that has a mechanical translation I hope that's not just a story beat that you have to make decisions and you have to doubt who you're with and maybe that it happens with your partner your real life partner dude I would love something like that this is just doing the rising but if you get told like you're an alien now don't tell your partner or something there's probably catch come up though yeah yeah we can Julia we don't want to talk about they away force you to wear a headphone the last thing that I want to talk about is the way I honestly don't feel like there's that much to say in a weird way is cyberpunk 26 my god and what I mean by that is we were basically just fawning over that pre-show being like hey of course it's gonna look good it's gonna look how we want it to and I think they completely obliterate on that this is the trailer I want to go watch 1000 yeah for this and of course what especially because of the gap like there was such a so long so much time has passed since we saw that first piece of media but like I could totally understand I would be frustrated but like I would not be surprised if we basically just got like another CG trailer that was kind of like okay it's been a long time some things have changed about this project we can kind of give a little bit more detail about like so maybe some of the protagonists or where we're going with the story but don't really have time you know to show you gameplay yet and to take a more cinematic approach but to say right up front like this gameplay this engine everything you're looking right now the world's going to look like this Wow and just getting kind of almost like a rock star style trailer of just like the world the world the world the world and just picking out so many things i kidded BR and my favorite the guy on the plane freaking out and the flight attendants running over to him like yeah designer they got the diner and like the just come up behind and like start messing with them that you know not only you kind of question what is my role in this gonna be Who am I you know and I see how much my games in you know affects this world I hope my hope is that my jacket you can choose to play as like any number of these kinds of people's are showing like maybe even these androids the scene where she's putting on makeup and is missing half of her face oh yeah corporate but they don't really dwell on anything now let's get like can you please master I think you'll just play as like the Blade Runner guy I hope I want a character creator as we're watching this trailer is a box that side of the cab we have to wrap this up and I think while we're watching this trailer it's the perfect time to talk about the sweetest moments presented to us by sweet justice yahoo is sponsoring us in this III the problem is somehow there's a clear-cut sweetest moments I would even say that maybe jump force qualified all freaked out about just like in the moment shock was it was the best with jump force you could make a case for cyberpunk especially the way that they started it oh yeah it was really good they'll make crack five for me a little bias there do we have it zoom one minute want to make a strong case for any of those or another game that I didn't mention I'm sorry you know I mean shadow side twice is like amazing but sweetest moment for me it was honestly cyber fun like the way they kind of long cuz Phil Spencer being cut off it was done super also like I think they glitched his voice out maybe that's just my faulty memory but like in the way they did the CD Projekt RED thing going through direction I like to final can we do that we don't have to agree we agree we voted on one last time this conference was shut up jam-packed I'm okay I have a sweet justice reach out to us and they were like what's this multiple sweetest moment no I think we got a compromise and we got to come together we gotta pick out pick the steak one yeah my vote is cyber fund brand I could choke what joke for junk cars I think that's a great middle ground when Brandon says because we all have our own individual things you know the fact that it's like six different anime games in one game I have no idea what it is if it's a fighting game I'm less excited it's oh well it's not like if it's if it's like the other jump games it's not like it's like an arena that you're in sure anyway I don't know it was pretty hype man for me okay we got a 7-foot we got a vote for jump for it oh yeah Brad give me the real name what's this shadows right yeah you know but we're not helping okay survive I'll change this here oh okay oh no - 2 V - oh you're both DMC yes oh no they're in it to be MC so we got 2 4 0 2 4 DMC oh my god no the best vote ever from Brandon Jones Donnie Maurice what's your vote what's your sweetest moment jump for something else you know I was pretty excited when the leaves fell from the ceiling in the fort observing everyone's reaction off definitely a state jump 3:28 team John wins once again all right very quickly we had to do great and we're gonna do out of ten I'm gonna file follow the car boss one example you can give it any you want to start us off Michael Gerber nine point eight best Microsoft conference of all time period yeah yeah I don't know if there's just a lot more so yeah I was gonna get the old GT nine point eight yeah can't give a ten yeah but the GT non-stop Brandon the Funko pop brought it down for a soak a little bit yeah that Funko pop was really bizarre I'll go nine point five super bummed not to have those consoles do anything like and and then bring up the logo on them every time you're like oh it's let's this crackdown 3 although those televisions like for no reason at all that was fantastic I was gonna do this I think I'll do nine point six because there weren't any shadow drops thirsty for a shadow drop that just goes final that like I just love a good shadow drop and there are a few like captain spirit could have my moments could we we judge either goes a potential for Shannon grass not me uh need you got a great for us I'm gonna go with nine out of ten okay nine fuse a resin gun and it would have been a solid ten if we would have gotten a single image of Battletoads apart - yeah like is that the art that was seemed like very Curt tasting like are very basic and rum picture like Donkey Kong like yeah tropical freeze kind of looking oh yeah okay yeah yeah I'm going to keep the night at a century and rolling with dominated on I agree this was the best Microsoft press cameras I've ever seen in my opinion there were so many great things a lot of which we've already talked about things that we didn't even talk about that I thought were really good it flowed man packed and there's so many times they say we have games for everybody but this time I really believed it the amount of the diversity the sheer diversity had was incredible however there were too many low moments for me Parts I thought like the middle just kind of dragged the part where they were talking about then you can load it twice as fast there was they were just I forgot it was it wasn't a constant high the whole way through so I'm gonna give it a 9 out of 10 we were a little bit rushed here I apologize that's what this went off there is a little bit but I hope you enjoy it Corey actions stay tuned very soon immediately after this we're gonna have Michael Damiani on here with GameXplain should be hype thank you so much [Music] thank you for joining us for this year's e3 celebration we're thrilled to bring you our reactions and analysis of all the big announcements as well as impressions from as many games as we can get our hands on at the show if this is your first time tuning in easy allies is an independent group of experienced writers and producers covering games and having fun in a variety of ways we make a range of reviews previews podcasts shows and other surprises that you can find either at slash easy allies or here on Twitch you could also check easy allies calm to find our full schedule current shows reviews and more all of this is made possible through the support of fans just like you if you enjoy this week's coverage or any of our other content consider stopping by slash easy allies and becoming a monthly patreon for just one dollar a month you can gain access to exclusive videos and there are a number of other rewards from early access to community interaction if you can give more whether you're able to support us financially or just want to hang out thank you for being here with us for the most exciting week of the year [Music] you
Channel: Easy Allies
Views: 355,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Easy Allies, Videogames, Xbox, gaming, reactions, E3, conference, press conference
Id: EVvikZiKc-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 53sec (14393 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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