X-Wing Alliance: Battle 7 - The Battle of Endor: All Phases

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this should be a great day for the alliance we have a rare opportunity to crush the empire and put an end to the emperor's plan we have confirmed that the empire is constructing a second death star we all know it's a terrifying threat the first death star was and what an abomination a new one would be once before that yappen the rebel alliance defeated the empire with great sacrifice and despite enormously unfavorable odds we achieved the greatest military victory of this war we are now called upon to repeat that victory from throughout the alliance we have gathered together forces sufficient to destroy the second death star before it can be completed the battle we are about to enter will determine the fate of the galaxy may the force be with us our plan is simple while this second death star is under construction it is vulnerable to attack the battle station's main defense is the energy shield being projected from the moon it is orbiting the heroes of the battle of yavin princess leia of alderaan general solo of corellia and commander skywalker of tatooine are leading a commando team to bring those shields down we do not know precisely what imperial forces may be of endor defending the construction site but we assume them to be relatively small we make this assumption based on the success of our campaign designed to thin out imperial resources and the fact that the empire doesn't know we're coming for the attack itself we have mustered almost the entire rebel alliance fleet this force should be adequate to deal with any surprises we may encounter once the shields have been brought down the actual attack on the death star will commence general calrissian and commander antilles will lead gold and red groups respectively the imperials have made corrections to the design flaw we exploited in the first death star our attack therefore will require us to fly our ships into this new death star our target will be the central reactor core its destruction will trigger a chain reaction that will destroy the entire battle station it will be the responsibility of the rest of the fleet to ensure red and gold make it safely in and out if any imperial reinforcements arrive the fleet will be in a position to screen red and gold groups and allow them to complete their mission the fate of the galaxy will be decided by what we do today i know you will all do your best new countermeasures have been loaded admiral we're in position all fighters accounted for proceed with the countdown all groups assume attack coordinates all right stand by [Music] [Music] all wings reported that's either standing by gray leaders standing by green leaders standing by lock spoils in attack position may the force be with us [Music] up i get no reading are you sure pull up all craft pull up take evasive action green group stick close to holding sector mv7 admiral we have enemy ships in sector 47 it's a top [Music] there's too many of them there's a bandit on your tail this is four i could use some help this is for i'm getting shredded here accelerate to attack speed nice shooting impressive draw their fire away from the cruisers coffee gold leader keep it up three of them coming in 20 degrees chalk up another one they're heading for the medical frigate pressure is steady there's a bandit on your tail i wonder what those star destroyers are waiting for this is three i need assistance fast yes imperial training seems a bit lack keep it up message from mission critical crap they're under star fighter attack chalk up another one oh nice shooting so [Music] impressive good work the first wave of imperial fighters has been cleared for you your friends have failed now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station fire at will [Music] commander hey one there's a bandit on your tails huh that blast came from the death star that thing's operational home one this is goal leader we saw it all craft prepare to retreat this is five i'm taking fire we won't get another chance at this admiral this is five i'm in trouble we have no choice general calrissian our cruisers cannot repel firepower of that magnitude han will have that seal down this is five i'm heavily damaged we've gotta give him more time we lost five yes i said closer move as close as you can this is for i could use some help and engage those star destroyers at point-blank range at that close range we won't last long against those star destroyers will last longer than we will against that death star and we might just take a few of them with us i can fight anywhere and probably hit a star destroyer there are so many of them everyone target the command ship the executor this is two i need assistance fast this is two i'm taking damage if the executor falls so does imperial morale i like it that's the idea and don't get tagged on the way in roger sir follow me invoice this is three i'm under heavy fire we're on it general group you copy that yeah we copied we're coming to you this is three i need assistance fast this is two i'm under heavy fire this is two i'm taking serious damage they're in trouble now [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] outstanding the executor has been destroyed now if only general [Music] yeah this is true i'm under heavy fire i'm on it gold leader independence update their other starship attacks this is three i'm under heavy fire there's a bandit on your tail this is true i need assistance fast good shot red two sister three i could use some help there's a bandit on your tail this is one i need assistance fast this is one i'm pulling out keep it up nice shooting you better take that bandit off your stick this is three i'm avoiding my attack run wow now they're in trouble [Music] this is true i'm pulling out that was close thanks red one you're too close report on primary target their hull is damaged keep your distance primary target update their hull is heavily damaged this is true i'm taking damage this is true i'm taking serious damage oh no we've lost two keep it up report on primary target they're about to be destroyed they've been destroyed choke on that imperial swine i'm taking serious damage come don't let me down this is for i'm under heavy fire we got them scattered let's keep them that way this is for attacking designated targets keep it up yes outstanding die imperial dog this is for i need assistance fast wow imperial training seems a bit lack i waxed one you've attacked a friendly craft what a dead eye the shield is down commence attack on the death star's main reactor we're on our way red group gold group all fighters follow me i told you they'd do it [Applause] here goes nothing you've defeated [Music] now lock under the strongest power source it should be the power generator warm up and stay alert we could run out of space real fast [Music] great the primary route is blocked we'll have to go the long way call in great group to unblock that so we can get out in time [Music] watch out for those containers there's no other way out of here i guess we'll have to go in between them yes we're losing too many ships i've targeted a secondary power source we're coming up on one of the super laser control nodes we could try to disable it [Music] so so it [Music] great short lad wonder be remembered the lens is damaged let's get out of here before it fires again [Music] looks like they've arranged a welcoming party construction workers they must be getting desperate those aren't construction workers they're sitting up a turbo laser we have to clear that tunnel [Music] uh uh [Music] [Music] there it is all right wedge go for the power regulator on the north tower copy cold leader i'm already on my way out move the fleet away from the death star grey group has unblocked the primary route for your way out we have [Music] we did it we really did it in commemoration of this great victory over the emperor and his evil empire has ordered the creation of a new medal the battle of indoor heroes medal it is the alliance's highest award azamine you are its first recipient you are a hero you fought bravely and well against insurmountable odds the rebel alliance has achieved a decisive victory the destruction of the second death star means the end of the emperor his passing signals the decline of the empire and the beginning of the new republic we have also learned of darth vader's death truly this is a great day for the alliance the news will spread quickly but i'm sure that you all have friends and family that will want to hear the good news from you in person therefore we'll be selecting groups of pilots and crew by last name and granting a brief leave for you to take time off with your families the war isn't over but the tide has turned long live the rebel alliance
Channel: Ragefield
Views: 10,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1Bgk5FwkJXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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