X-Plane MOBILE Has ATC NOW - Is it Good?

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now welcome back to the channel everybody today we are back on the phone yes we're going to talk about mobile flight simulation again you know we always you know have this big microsoft flight submitter 2020 thing that you need like a nasa computer for to run right so maybe it's time for flight simulation that everyone can truly play and we've got some big news in that field this received this email yesterday explained mobile atc in public beta testing yes we all know and love the good x-plane flight submitter series especially also on mobile they're known as being pretty much the best ones out there you know you can interact with all the cockpits they have good weather simulations they have failures and whatever you want to have quite realistic of a flight simulator and they're just trying to make it better and better with every update every few months you know recently they added massive multiplayer you know where can play with other people which multiplayer kind of implies yeah but there was one thing missing about that multiplayer and it's being able to talk to other pilots as in atc you know what i mean yes there was no atc all the airports were pretty much uncontrolled whatever today that is apparently being added now so let's go ahead and try this public beta yes everyone can join this and download this explain flight simulator and try being an air traffic controller or try flying in areas where the air traffic is controlled no that's not here like the app whatever let's go ahead and try this really maybe see if it's a game changer open x-plane and down here we can already see our option massive multiplayer yep and there we go the thing is actually now in this public beta testing i think everyone can join for free it doesn't cost any money to join this no subscription fees whatsoever which is actually really nice it's just on the side now we can pick an aircraft here let's just go for the easiest aircraft ever to fly the sf50 and we can actually pick a call sign here which is you know already hinting for what's about to come so uh what should we go for angola nice i don't know i'm just putting random call signs here contacting server there we go but now let's actually get serious about this update now here we can actually select our location right here we can actually pick an airport now the top airport here i guess and the motor player is london heathrow but we can also check for controlled airports there we go seattle tacoma airport is actually now controlled there is an atc controller actually here so let's just go ahead and spawn and actually to seattle tacoma as a pilot and be controlled by someone we can also spawn in as a controller into this flight simulator and control another airport this is the cool thing here now let's do that later on but let's just go ahead and uh on into seattle we're going to advance to start a flight plan from seattle tacoma to uh playing field how about that there we go yes you know we have to actually file a flight plan for the controller to be happy so that's that's good stuff started that so let's just go ahead and spawn in quickly and see how our air traffic controllation works alright so welcome to the creative traffic controlled airspace of seattle now our plane is already started up which is you know we could also start up ourselves obviously again every switch here works just like it would in real life we are actually at our airport with our d2 nice aircraft there's one other traffic on the ground a delta triple seven and of course there is an air traffic control tower that's we're gonna talk to now how about that the thing is that actually x-plane has actually spawned me right in front of the runway three four anyway let's go ahead and actually talk to atc finally this is the elephant in the room so just go ahead and do the initial contact the thing is we can obviously not talk to anyone here like you know speak talk you know what i mean we have to press these buttons we've just made initial contact good day and oh no there's no computer voice okay like normally in other flight summaries you would have like a tts voice a text to speech voice that would at least read the text they know what was going on right but that's not a thing here okay that's actually quite bad talking about quite bad um this uh seattle tacoma controller isn't responding to our initial contact come on talk to me i'm just going to mention this by the way on the side you know while x-plane is you know always improving their flights or making it better i have a you know kind of a suggestion for the ui it kind of still looks like from 2012. i mean you can maybe just make it a little bit more modern please this could generally like be ios 6 or something like that anyway so can we can we please um can we atc talk to me wait oh guys guys we have a response seattle tacoma okay so uh this is controller space file fight plan and contact tower i have filed a flight plan okay so uh let's request clearance to pain field okay this does feel quite a bit dry without any voice all right clear this file to pain field okay let's go and read that back that we're cleared you know this is just how atc works right okay so let's just request taxi to this runway uh three f i hope it's gonna do that three four right okay we're finally moving along taxi to runway three four left dude where three four right dude let me just say let's say enable great i don't want to actually do runway three four left now i just say that i'm holding short of runway three four right probably gonna get reported in like a second but you know what you know with this british i don't know explain just spawned me here this is kind of weird just hope that it's going to clear me for takeoff lineup and wait for me yeah there we go nice i do like this atc controller now something that does kind of annoy me is that there's like these fake atc calls here there's like these fake atc conversations here in the background of the cockpit which has nothing to do with what's going on here that's nice well how is this plane moving by the way kind of seems like the tires are broken with hell okay great all right we're we've lined up now let's wait oh uh clear for takeoff okay clear for takeout let's do that okay this is actually going quite well it's actually quite more realistic than other flight submitters adc for example reading the winds and all that stuff that's actually really good let's not mess this take up by the way holy moly good now because most atc will actually you know read your wins when when they're giving some sort of clearance that's actually really nice let's go ahead and take off there we go you guys oh you see that second bounce right there we have actually taken off with atc i mean he's not really needed here because there's no other traffic we're pretty lonely with with our atc controller yeah even the delta guy is gone but there we go we've taken off the visions yet so uh that's how that works great maintain 1000 knots what how are we supposed to maintain a thousand knots okay let's maintain a thousand knots then thank you so much atc this easy i'm i'm the concord now but but let's maybe go and try something else now we've just been controlled by an atc right that's become atc though that's the deal all right so we can just join here as a controller there we go now who can we control we can control anything any airport question just really is will there be any people spawned in yeah the multiplayer here is quite dry at this time of day i think i mean an airport where there's always quite a bit of a big chance to meet people as london he slows maybe go ahead and control london heathrow as uh you know what as the tower tower one there we go and that's all we can said obviously we cannot spawn into an aircraft or anything we cannot pick any aircraft so that's on that one and this is how this looks now okay interesting welcome to london heathrow no aircraft and range yeah we're actually not really spawned into the game itself we just have this map here like you kind of not even really would in real life in real life you also sit in the tower looking at the airfield here you apparently can't and then that there's no aircraft and range anyway so very dry here yeah it doesn't make sense to make a video about multiplayer when there's no player you know what i mean but yeah that's really all i have to say about this new atc feature that x-plane has it seems really nice really nice insight this is by the way what the normal multiplayer looks like without atc the uncontrolled multiplayer it's quite full so yeah guys thank you so much for watching today's video and i'll see you guys tomorrow as always good night i think that my members here on youtube like block emmett mubarak mike ethan there and stefan ian oh man the human rafael brakovsky junk in the trunk moritz toby great grandpa john government pasta calamari airlines kelly chaos new york taylor park cheese doritos shadow anime plane 001 x-men show their this llama featuring kellen me by you captain cameron spiro uh gary norwegian bagel in parolee
Channel: Swiss001
Views: 143,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swiss001, video, Swiss 001, Aviation, Planes, Airlines, Flight Simulator, Everything about aviation, aviation film, aviation related
Id: CWlyw-bzj8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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