X-Plane 11.30 ATC | Full Tutorial

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[Music] hello there friends and followers and welcome to this excellent 11:00 video today we're going to be doing a full tutorial video on how to use explain 11s default ATC for the purpose of our flight we're going to be flying the defaults s than 172 and we are going to be using Skype vector for flight planning the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna set up our flight plan in skyvector our departing airport today is Seattle kilo Sierra echo alpha and the destination is Portland International which is kilo Papa and Delta x-ray and that is approximately 112 and nautical miles work in a departs Seattle we're gonna head over to the Olympia vor station so plan that and from Olympia we're gonna head to the battleground vor station okay and as explained 11 default ATC does not support citizen stars we are going to be following the ATC instructions explicitly for this flight we are going to be using both vor stations and Britannia's airway vector 287 and our flight plan we are currently situated at the general aviation parking at Seattle International the first thing we're gonna do is hide the yoke turn the battery on and we're gonna turn the beacon on and nav lights make sure on full rich we're gonna crack the throttle about quarter of an inch open and we're going to start the aircraft alright looks like we have a good start alternator is on let's see here everything else here is fine we can leave the mixture a bit let's turn on our avionics ok let us go ahead and enter the flight plan notes I think I have something here so we're gonna go to a flight plan yeah I'm gonna go ahead and delete everything so you guys can see what I'm doing so delete flight plan we are at Seattle International and we're gonna push the cursor here and we're gonna move one notch down and we're gonna enter the Olympia vor which is Oscar Lima Mike okay Oscar Oscar Lima and Mike enter and that's a vor station unis Northwest accept and we're going to enter the exit point of the airway which is battleground Bravo tango golf Bravo tango and hold enter accept alright so the flight plan is now set we're gonna file the flight plan with ATC now but before we do so let's make sure we have the correct vor station here 1/3 distant floor that's the Olympia vor and we have set the course to that station yep and a heading of 0 to 1 degrees okay now we're gonna hit enter and we're gonna filed a flight plan and it's useful to have this button checked here says auto-tune recommended frequencies you don't have to really fiddle around between going to ground tower it will do this for you automatically and the departure wizard is also a good option to have if you're unfamiliar with the airport if this option will draw a line to the runway kind of like progressive taxi so let's begin filing the plan and the aircraft identification number is November 1 72 sierra papa the manufacturer is Cessna the aircraft model is the 172 Skyhawk and no airline no flight number departure Airport is Seattle the arrival Airport is Portland kilo pop on Delta x-ray we are going to be cruising at 8,000 feet today that's done and now we can head back over to Sky vector and copy the flight route so we're just gonna say copy and we're gonna paste the route here all right file for flight plan that we can request the ultimate err sky - sierra papa seattle calendar - 9 one yeah all right two niner niner one not one was going to set the altimeter ultimate err he is set all right let's go in and request our clearance Skyhawk to sierra papa cleared IFR to Portland International as filed maintain 8000 squawk four seven zero zero alright cleared as filed maintain 8000 squawk four seven zero zero here daya far to Portland International as file maintain 8000 squawk four seven zero zero sky Hawk to sierra papa okay so as you can see now the frequency has moved to ground automatically after we've obtained the clearance and now we can request taxi sky - sierra papa runway 3 by 4 right taxi by a Bravo hold short of runway three four right alright taxi via Bravo hold short runway three four rides runway three four right taxi Playa Bravo hold short of runway three four right Skyhawk - sierra papa okay so we are now ready to go I'm going to remove the ATC window and let's make sure everything is set taxi lights are on everything else looks good so we're gonna go ahead and release the parking brake and we're gonna taxi to the runway I do have XP realistic enabled for this flight and we are using FS Global real weather for weather injection alright I'll show you now that there where is the there you go you see this yellow line here that's the line that was drawn using the departure wizard and this should actually take us to the departing runway alright let's go over here now we're just gonna follow the line now to the runway the departure wizard can be turned off and you can definitely remove the progressive taxi arrows on the ground if you're familiar with the airport I'm trying to expose as many features of explains ATC which i think has come a long way but still needs a lot of refinements I wish they would support the citizen stars to begin with the phraseology is is not bad it's not accurate it's not very accurate but it's not bad alright this is the hold short point and as soon as we arrive here at the end of the arrow things will be controller will talk to us Skyhawk to sierra papa contact our armed one one nine point nine zero okay so we aren't at the whole chart position or only three four right contact tower on one one nine point nine zero sky Hawk to sierra papa and as you can see now again the tower frequency has been selected automatically Skyhawk to sierra papa fly heading three four zero runway three four right you're cleared for takeoff alright we're gonna fly heading of three four zero and we are cleared for takeoff fly heading three four zero runway three four right let's go AHA - Sierra okay so what we're going to do is we're gonna turn on our landing lights on strobes our own taxi is off we don't need flaps it's a very long runway so we're gonna go ahead now and line up with the runway and depart and we're gonna maintain heading of three four zero until otherwise instructed by ATC and bring video cracks right there we go and we can now put the mixture on rich we can go we will rotate and about sixty knots all right here I go by the way I don't think of course this year it's about right Skyhawk - sierra papa contact center on one to 4.20 okay and now we can contacts that are all it's gonna talk to Oh bringing a Content century chicks and like walking to Skyhawk - sierra papa seattle altimeter - nine nine one see ya all right we're gonna wait now for ATC instructions what I'll do is I'm going to gauge the autopilot turn heading vertical sounds of feet-per-minute okay were above 1,000 feet we'll leave the mixture Skyhawk - sierra papa bye honey zero seven zero adding zero seven zero skywalk - here skyla - sierra papa fly high 1 6 0 one six zero insincere Skyhawk - sierra papa fly heading to 0-0 heading to 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 is going off to as you can see the ATC has put us on the correct heading to intercept the real or our station and we are currently at two zero zero degrees heading and we're going to wait for further ATC instructions and in the meantime we're going to continue to climb to 8,000 feet which is our final cruise altitude our speed is looking good our Pam's looking good we weren't actually leave them extra just a little bit here we are now cruising at 8,000 feet which is our final cruise altitude for our flight as you can see there are some heavy clouds ahead of us there and then about you know since this is a tutorial flight we're not going to worry too much about that I was going to make a first impressions video of active spy XP and then I decided to postpone that video until I have had the chance to take a look at the new changes in spy maxpro the real weather connector new feature which allows integration with an F is real whether I have my initial thoughts now I just wanted to do more testing before I can report back to you guys so we are approximately 28 nautical miles now from the Olympian vo our station and it's another 74 nautical miles to battle ground and then we're pretty much gonna be very amps at a Portland so enjoy the flight and I will see you guys as soon as we begin receiving new ATC instructions I have switched to nap mode and enabled a navigation mode on the autopilot now to maintain the correct heading to our vor station which is the Olympia station we are approximately 112 nautical mile so on expecting new ATC instructions very soon to turn to the next vor station which is two thousand an or station everything was looking good at the moment we are cruising at about 110 knots rpm is good old temperatures vacuum and a fuel flow is in the green so we are looking okay and we're just going for further there ATC instructions let us now enter the frequency for the next film our station which is 116 point 6 one 16.6 we are now passing over the Olympia vor station and I still haven't received any instructions from ATC to do to see arrow resume own navigation here we go my resume on navigation okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna switch the the vor station now to the battleground vor station alright so that should put us down on a intercept path to the bow ground vor station and again we're going to wait further ATC instructions now the top of descent is going to be decided by ATC and from what I've experienced a it's actually pretty accurate so they actually begin to Tod a little bit early then they actually give you very accurate instructions to send and intercepting an ILS or the visual runway so my experience has been very good at the destination although the citizen stars are not supported the instructions received from ATC are sufficient to do a semi realistic approach into most airports so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna let you guys enjoy the flight we still have quite a way to reach our destination so enjoy the flight and I will see you guys in just a little while as soon as we approach the battleground vor station sky - sierra papa just had to make a 7 mm all right so we're gonna go in the hand begin to we're just sent down to 70,000 Skyhawk - sierra papa Jacinda maintain 7,000 increase our rate of descent to about ruin it sky - Sierra just in to maintain 3000 alright we're going to maintain descend to 3,000 feet now and we're going to go to about 800 feet per minute Becker's for additional client 1-0 left five thousand now here's something very strange it says climbing up to 5,000 left turn - Eddie's guy - Sierra ain't even funny face if I went back to back to 5,000 one zero degrees we need to give it some to number speed and flying back to 5,000 feet this guy off to Sierra de cinéma cake mm okay so we've been instructed how to fly a heading of one Niner zero descent and maintain 2,000 so let's go all right feet per minute zero I'm gonna go ahead and reduce our speed you know that's another theme that you will get no instructions for which is the speed so you just kinda have to this may be required speed and that is true for of TA and airliner as you'll get no destruction to reduce your speed so it is always recommended that you program the effort see with my plan with MC speeds sky - sierra papa fly heading one three zero on three zero all right we're reaching two thousand feet which is the platform altitude so we're going to click on alt here to hold our altitude that's runway 10 left and by the way ATC has given us the correct platform altitude of 2,000 feet so now we just going to maintain our speed there we go and I'm gonna maintain about 90 knots now for our approach into Portland at this point we can actually engage the approach button this is on now so we can come down here to the autopilot and click on approach Skyhawk - sierra papa fly heading 1-0-0 report the field excitement alright so turn fly heading 1-0-0 we both field inside a 1 0-0 the field Thank You sky walk to this year and we do have the field assignment Skywalker to zero Skyhawk - sierra papa fly heading zero seven zero vectors for the visual runway one zero left decide to maintain 2,000 sky one - sierra papa one white one zero but you're their delight transmission all right so we are clear to land now runway 1-0 left forgot about my speed bear we're looking good now oh you know what lies my landing now okay here we go power to idle bit of a floater there sky on to sierra papa getting a taxi by at10 online alpha 4 alpha alpha 5 kilo tango Mike echo echo right welcome to one way one zero right a taxi five one zero Lena alpha or alpha alpha five kilo tango my echo echo four echo five hold short of runway one zero right the sky Hawk to sierra papa alright so now we're going to be receiving instructions from ATC to park the aircraft and as you can see we can see the progress of taxi arrows there once again and as soon as we touch down well folks this pretty much brings us to the conclusion of our video today I hope that this was a useful video if you have any questions please do post them in the comments section below until next time please take care of yourselves and each other and I will see you all very soon thanks for watching and bye bye for now
Channel: Q8Pilot
Views: 142,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATC, Q8Pilot, x-plane, X-Plane 11, full tutorial, Flight Simulation, Flight Simulator, tutorial, new Air Traffic Control System, Air Traffic Control, x plane 11, FS Global Real Weather, flight, x plane, X-Vision, xp11, update 11.3, x-plane 11.30, pilotedge, xplane, flight sim, xplane 11, traffic, Simulator, Landing, flying, x plane 11 atc, x plane 11 atc voice, x plane 11 atc tutorial, atc communications in x plane 11, x plane 11 live atc, x plane 11.30 atc
Id: A8XlxhFXJX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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