X-Plane 11 | The ILS Approach 737-800 ZIBO

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hello everybody welcome back to expert eleven my name is Micah we're currently cruising at about 23,000 feet up to 27,000 feet in or out to Miami from Tampa today we're gonna be showing you how to use ILS in the CEPA 737-800 mod first things first I wanted to explain what iOS is iOS is an instrument landing system it basically uses radios that shoot up towards your aircraft letting you know how your aircrafts doing on the final approach both vertically and horizontally it is considered a precision approach unlike our nav approaches or GPS approaches ILS is considered a precision approach and therefore can be used in the worst weather conditions possible that would you'd still be allowed to fly in there is of course a chart that you need to pay attention to when it comes to flying with ILS this is an ILS chart this is of course from Miami for Remley 12 which is the drone will be going into using ILS from the top you'll see basic information you would normally see from a charge your da this year the departure rate is arrival our so digital ADIS arrival your Miami approach frequency Miami tower frequencies ground frequencies your lock frequency which we'll get that in a second your final approach not cruise course that's what stands for a course so you're basically the well it's the course I mean this self-explanatory 124 degrees your glide slope we are going to catch that 2,000 feet and of course your ILS what your decision altitude or height is and that's 376 parametric or 368 radio which I'll show that in a second your L part l airport elevation here is nine feet and your missed approach of course this is important to pay attention to is once you initiate a missed approach you're gonna climb to a hundred feet then you're gonna cause your climbing turn left to 3,000 I'm sorry then climbing left turn to 3,000 feet direct to vkz VOR and hold and if we look out here you'll see this is the V Casey of Virginia key fix and that's out this direction so if we miss the approach will turn and head up to 3,000 feet this don't really worry about that it's pretty much standard just some basic notes and stuff this is really where you're going to kind of get focused into and this is kind of showing you the steps you're going to be taking into the ILS approach the point at which you'll intercept that glide slope excuse me that glide slope getting that perfect 3-degree glide slope down into the runway so we're gonna be intercepting that at about 2,000 feet here at Bepko and then we'll be gradually coming in into the runway and hopefully have a great landing but we'll see about that so down here you'll see a couple different things serrated landing for another 12 you have ILS decision altitude or height three seven six for a barometric three six eight for radio if you're using just lock you're not using ILS then you actually have a higher decision altitude that you have to make that call at and lock is basically just giving you it's not giving you your vertical it's just giving your horizontal and obviously that means you have to pay attention and make sure you're staying on the prescribed glide slope but anyway so those are important to note especially for if you're flying in rough weather and will be inputting these in a second as we get towards the descent so before I get there I want to go ahead and reduce my altitude here to two thousand feet in preparation for my descent into the Miami area because that's what we're going to be intercepting at so I'm going to put that as my altitude that I wanted to hold at now of course we are still quite a ways away from our top of the scent so we got a little ways to go so that's why I'm explaining everything now so I don't have to worry about trying to flood the aircraft and explain it all at the same time so we're going to go ahead and program this information into our system here and the way we do that is we go up to the normal here and we're gonna go into this little thing right here now you see it says radio and Barrow and then it says mins right here so you can't select mins it just switches the Barrow and radio and that is minimum so you're you're putting in your minimums so our barometric minimum which was I think three six four three seven six three seven six we're gonna use a smaller knob I'm gonna roll this thing up to three seven six three seven six and then our radio is three six eight now of course you don't have to put both of them in here I like to put both in here in case something goes askew and these of course are just references these don't affect your ILS approach at all these are just letting you know how you're reaching your minimums you need to make a decision if you're going to continue or not I usually like to keep it on barometric pressure so that's what you do with that information right there and of course if you can't see the runway at that point or if you're having a hard time getting lined up then you initiate a go-around procedure which we covered up here which is the climb to 800 feet then climbing left turn to 3,000 feet direct to vkz vor and hold and we'll take care of that as you get closer now to actually use ILS you have to program the frequency to program the frequency you got into the radio panel which is down here and you'll see where it is now this is your navigational radio right now you see there's no active navigational radio so we're going to go up here and we're gonna pull the ILS frequency which is listed here under ILS DME it's also listed here under the lock so both these the same frequencies you can pull it from either one of those is fine so 108 point 9 input that information and then we'll go and switch it over to our active now our standby remember we have a missed approach that we have to go to which is the Virginia key vor that is one 17.1 so if we go ahead and into here and set that up it's wrong 17.1 yes that's correct go ahead and set that up that way whenever we want to initiate our missed approach we could just hit the switch it over and make sure we're you can even just use a vor heading to that missed approach area in case for example our FM C is out or something like that alright guys we are in the approach phase of our flight here into Miami we're gonna be heading down to 2,000 feet until we get that glide slope activated on our aircraft and you'll know that is the case once we actually have the Diamonds appear and once they actually become solid that means that we have officially locked onto that ILS frequency now once we do that of course there's you can't just expect it to just automatically fly it you gotta hit a couple buttons to actually get it to fly it but in general it's pretty simple guys and iOS is not complicated it seems complicated but it really isn't there's not much there's not a huge difference between iOS and Arden have regards to how you fly an approach so we're about 20 nautical miles out from the actual final approach here into Miami should be a relatively easy approach here hopefully I should say hopefully or once we get closer in I'm probably going to take over manual speed just to slow down a little bit before we get there anyway so not too hard of a flight here not too hard of an approach pretty easy when it comes down to it so kind of rehash what we've talked about here what we have here is our active which is our ILS frequency our standby is our go-around vor point on the MCG you I think I'm sorry the mCP no MCD has Airbus MCP we have our altitude set for our glide slope intercept which is 2,000 feet we have our heading adjusted to our actually heading of our run light which is one to four we're not worrying about the course selector you could put it close to what a vor would be off of but that's not necessary at this point on the chart itself we looked at a couple of different things including where to find the lock or ILS frequency how to see how you're going to be flowing into the runway your missed approach vor missed approach procedures as well as how you're going to fly that final approach on what altitudes and then of course your decision altitude for ILS and lock so we're getting closer and closer as we continue or about let's say about 12 nautical miles away from our deceleration point and about 14 from our initial final approach vector now in reality lots of times you would actually have the air traffic controller telling you what to be flying towards this final approach but since we don't have one of those I got rid of those vectors of course in the FMC so as you see we just had our ILS initiation so we just picked up by Eilis for runway 12 which we can verify iGEM and if we look down here ILS iGEM which is once your 8.9 so we're good on the correct ILS frequency we did pick up someone else's again we're looking for this dye and to intercept on both of these that'll get us nice and centered I'm not gonna use any auto breaks today I'm gonna let myself myself I'm gonna let my aircraft kind of use all of its other aerodynamic braking as much as possible before I use some manual braking to slow us down I'm gonna switch this over now to initial reference to see you at my landing speeds gonna be at 30 degrees flaps which is what I'll be landing at 1 4 6 knots so what I'm actually going to do here is set my the ref to one for six and that is my target speed for landing we're about 15 miles away from the runway so I'm going to go ahead and go flaps flaps one to kind of get us to start slowing down as he approached the deceleration point and then we'll bring it out to flaps two and flaps five a little bit of speed break here just let me down a little bit more now as you see these diamonds start coming in what we'll do is we'll hit the a PP button which is the approach button that doesn't go to our level off which is 2,000 we go into a PP this is our approach once it hits that initiation on the glide slope it will officially follow that glide slope all the way down to the runway I've got the runway in sight I'm gonna go and drop flaps 15 now and as we're coming in we're gonna go ahead and turn on our all of our fancy lights here and we'll go ahead and go gears down and we're on the glide slope so we'll go ahead and this she ate or go around just three thousand feet set that I'm going to go to 30 knots I'm sorry 30 flaps and bring this down to one four six which is what our reference speed is and again just flying this out let's approach in not too difficult guys once you get that I less frequency put in it's pretty self-explanatory just did I quit check here we got all three greens flaps 4:30 speeds 1 4 6 which is what our reference speed is I have things looking good we're got the pappy lights we got two red to white isle s is locked and frequencies on Bo our secondary frequency is set and our go-around altitude is set to 3,000 go let them know we're about to land now what I'm going to do is let this thing fly in all the way to minimum so you see how close you can actually be with ILS when flying these approaches now obviously right now I would be just absolutely justified taking over manual control and flying this and manually the rest of the way as I have definitely seen the airport and the runway in front of me got the pappy lights I'm good to go but in case of some bad ILS condition then we need to be able to fly in a lot closer approaching our minimums continuing going to disconnect our autopilot now a little high sort of flaring out killing that and we've made contact with the ground yes I am quite aware that my minimum frame rate has not been achieved and start applying a little bit of manual braking here remove those and bring those down flaps coming up that's how you fly an ILS approach guys I hope that was informative and you understand all of that you have any questions of course you can ask me in the comments below or you can become a member and join this course and be able to ask some questions there and get a lot more in depth and of course have more time for me to assist you if you have any questions of course like I said just ask me in the comments below or fee any questions about how to join and that's pretty simple just that joined button and follow the procedures there yeah that's pretty much it so I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time back up in the sky [Music]
Channel: Micah Messer
Views: 76,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: micah, messer, gaming, game, video, james, X-Plane, 11, zibo, 737, ils, approach, tutorial, fmc
Id: SGjtstpYA1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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