X-Men: The Last Stand - Movie Review

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x-men The Last Stand was directed by Brett Ratner not Bryan Singer Bryan Singer backed out of this film to do Superman Returns which I think we all can agree was a colossal mistake in fact Bryan Singer has even said that publicly that he wished he had done that and even tried to redo things that this film did with Days of Future past to help fix the continuity errors that this film brought upon the entire x-men series now do I hate x-men the last stand no I actually really enjoyed the first half of the last stand we'll talk about some of the pros and some of the cons when Brett Ratner took this project he had very little time and the fact of this film is as good as it is and not quite as terrible as it could have been is actually rather commendable the movie opens with a Danger Room sequence it was really cool to finally see the danger room in use at Xavier school but this scene is a good indication of my biggest issue with the entire film and this is a very action heavy scene and it's very fun and it's exciting but there is nothing at stake it doesn't feel like there's any urgency the first two x-men films felt almost like dramas that contained amazing action sequences you felt for the characters you understood the world it was about persecution and discrimination about being different and how to be accepted in humanity when you are different x-men The Last Stand sort of throws all that away and it's an action movie the action sequences are very well held there's a lot of really impressive special effects and it's overall a fun exciting summer popcorn movie that you can watch and be entertained by but it took the dramatic Heights that were reached in the first two films and kind of threw them out the door for a bunch of impressive set pieces and that was disappointing there are still some things you can glean from this movie though in regards to a dramatic kept there are some good character moments like in the beginning when Logan is getting scolded by storm for not doing a very good job of being a teacher in the Danger Room and kind of taking things on his own he says hey I'm just a sub talked to Scott he didn't show up and you're like Wolverine is a substitute teacher that's that's just interesting to me could you imagine being in school and like you teachers gone for the day and in walks Wolverine I mean that would be the best day of school ever there's also a great moment between Scott and Logan when they're both talking about how they have to move on from G and GRA dying and Scott goes hey not everybody heals as fast as you Logan and walks away that's a great line whenever you can take our characters larger-than-life superhero ease stuff and bring it down to earth and have it relate to their human emotion or in this case mutant emotion it makes the characters more relatable not just people in spandex and superhero suits also storm has given a lot more to do in this film which was nice to see kelsey grammer as the beast is an inspired choice that is a fantastic casting decision I love him as his character I would have never ever thought that and the fact that they went for that and it worked as well as it did that's commendable and that's one of the things about the x-men franchise as a whole that I love is the casting choices because when you look back on these films it's tough to imagine any other actor inhabiting these characters and this films does set up a very interesting and complex dilemma humans have discovered a cure for the mutant gene do you take it or do you not now for some it's appalling but for others like rogue who can't touch them on without essentially killing them that's a kind of attractive prospect so are you for or against the Cure that aspect of this movie I think is very compelling there's also a great scene that comes from Logan and rogue having a conversation where Roe was going off to get the Cure and Logan's like hey I'm not your father I'm your friend do what you got to do if you want to do it do it just do it for yourself not for some boy there's a lot of character moments like that in the first half of the Last Stand but I really like it it's one of the reasons I do own the blu-ray I love magneto just turning his back on mystique when she gets the cure by accident he's just like oh you're not one of us anymore and walks away but what this film explores the most is what was only hinted at in the first two x-men's and that is Jean Grey becoming the Phoenix and we get to see the rise of the Dark Phoenix when she is essentially the worst kind of bipolar you could be because when you're on your really bad side you can possibly destroy the entire earth there's some really great sequences here and I like fomka Jensen quite a bit in this well I think she's a fairly underrated actress and I really like what she brings to this character and there's an amazing scene where Professor X gives up his life and magneto has to sit there and watch and there's moments where magneto sits back in this movie and realizes what he's done and it's kind of heartbreaking for his character but here's what I have to say I can't attribute too much of that emotion to the last stand this film I have to attribute it to the fact that the first two films that preceded it were so good my best way of describing this is imagine you love a TV show it's like one of your favorite shows you're all built up in the characters you really like everybody you're excited you can't wait to watch it every week or maybe you binge it on Netflix you get to season five and you're loving it you're loving every minute and there's one episode that comes along that's kind of crappy it's not the greatest episode but you can kind of watch it and you feel semi invested in this episode and in the characters because of all of the other good content that's come before it and that's kind of how I feel about The Last Stand the first two films are so good and they got me so into these characters that this film is really benefited from that this film has the first two films to thank for the fact that I care even remotely because this film doesn't do much to set up these characters in an entertaining way beyond some action set-pieces I like the first two so much and so I kind of carry over that emotion and character development into this film a little bit so let's get into some of the negatives beyond what I've already talked about the fact that this is just a big action movie and sort of throws out a lot of the personal drama I think the rogue and Kitty pride jealousy over Iceman is completely unnecessary it's an entire backstory to this film that I don't think has to be there I do like Iceman finally standing up to pyro that sequence is awesome but I think that entire love triangle was just completely unnecessary and really took us nowhere in this film let's talk about the juggernaut so uh I don't know I I don't like him I don't like him in this movie I'm the juggernaut bench it's like thanks man will you shut the [ __ ] up and get off this screen as the movie transitions into an all out action film and we finally get the big war that we've all been hearing about for the first two films magneto essentially turns into a pun machine jobs always wanted to build bridges in chess the form scuffed up he turned from a fairly complex character into this action movie guy who says witty things and winks at the camera it was a total betrayal of everything that we've seen of magneto in the first two films although there is a fantastic line delivered by Wolverine in this sequence grow those back it's like I said there are tiny morsels of goodness throughout this movie that you can latch onto like Wolverine having to kill a gene it's very sad you feel for him he's the only guy who can walk up to her and for whatever reason though she chooses not to use her telekinesis to make him fly back I mean she does that to him earlier in the movie I get that he's resisting her body disintegrating powers at this time but she could just use telekinesis to push him back like she did earlier but I guess she doesn't want to there's part of her that sort of seems like she wants to be killed in fact she asks him twice in this movie for him to kill her and so I can kind of forgive that but it's also a bit of a nitpick the first task is okay it was actually semi watchable and I enjoyed it the last half turns into a big action movie extravaganza where it forgets what the series is really about and then the end credits scenes are like hey remember how we had all these really dramatic moments yes look it yeah Magneto's got to get his powers back in and Charles Xavier is in some body somewhere and it's his voice and apparently it's like his twin brother the series after this has essentially completely ignored whatever the [ __ ] happened at the end of this movie with Xavier he shows up in the end credits sequence of The Wolverine and is like you're not the only one with kissed and I'm like what the hell's going on if you're going to kill him kill him don't have them be some twin brother that he can inhabit that's just that is the biggest [ __ ] thing they could have done with these characters they had a sad death and end credits scene is like hey nope sorry that's not how it is actually he's he's in a twin brothers body or some [ __ ] and the only way I know that is because I've looked into it online the films have completely disregarded this incredible continuity error in fact the x-men series as a whole has some serious continuity issues and one of them is a time travel movie so yeah The Last Stand as I said I do not hate I like the first half the last task to me really betrayed everything the first half did as well as the first two films I'm to give x-men The Last Stand a C+ guys thank you so much as always for watching look forward to my review of x-men origins Wolverine with my buddy to flick pick you join me filming that and I can't wait to do that leading up to Logan you guys are the best thank you once again and if you like this you can click right here and get steppen eyes [Applause] [Music]
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Views: 435,024
Rating: 4.9144735 out of 5
Keywords: X-Men: The Last Stand, Movie Review, Chris Stuckmann, Reviews, Film, 2006, Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Halle Berry, Kelsey Grammer, Anna Paquin, Rebecca Romijn, Shawn Ashmore, Ellen Page, Ben Foster, Brett Ratner, Bryan Singer, Wolverine, Storm, Beast, Magneto, Professor X, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Phoenix, Death, Scene, Clip, Trailer, Teaser, Ending, Iceman, Pyro, After Credits, Explained
Id: 6wcojXlV158
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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