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okay guys welcome back so we're sitting here chatting it up here with my man Teddy calvo we talking about X-Men 97 so um my next question that I wanted to pose with you guys um I know we kind of tested on this a little bit earlier but you know just to kind of flush it out um did you have a favorite episode or episodes of this season I know my answer but I W to I guess Teddy I guess you can go what you think do you have a favorite episode I think I know what you're gonna say but but goad uh you cannot skip over episode five for one but the next best thing next episode I can think of where I need to take a real cold shower I'm talking about like I was hyped up walking facing around the house after episode 5 I would think of episode 9 that's uh yeah that's when they revealed a bunch of stuff just transpiring with Bastion and you got to see the crossover of all the different characters from Spider-Man to Captain America to Silver Samurai and non-stop you know that's what I would say for me what about you cowos I gotta go with episode one like Teddy said uh because that intro was good they gave us everything we wanted you know what even if they if we only got episode one that'll be a sin if they only get episode one they did a good job you know what I mean all the onliners Cyclops actuallyy kicking butt like we know he can uh Wolverine doing his thing beating the Sentinels storm doing her thing you know um I had to laugh because it wasn't corny but when somebody say give him the forecast you know come on man it's good I love it it's over the top I loved it man look the 90s right right 90s you know um and probably which episode I don't know the number when gamit P died that was episode five yeah five five okay yeah I can get episode five was good though that Goblin Queen episode was good too when it um her versus Magneto I thought was pretty handled well yeah yeah and everything so but yeah yeah but definitely so those Minds yeah I mean I gotta mirror what you guys said um I gotta say I mean look the reason I'm I'm going tell you the reason why I chose one is kind of the piggyback of what you guys were saying because that was the first that was the make or break episode of the show it's like after you see that one you can kind of Judge okay what the show is going to be about is it going to be good what's the tone is it going to suck and so after seeing the first episode I was like oh man not only does it not suck like you said Calvin I mean Cyclops was actually doing some some moves that I never even seen before I never even seen him do in the comics before uh you know Wolverine and Gambit the whole move remember that move where Wolverine gam got chared I was like I a never seen that ever I know right I video game yeah I was like I had to go back to my Sketchbook I know you too you probably like man let me let my character do something like that I know drawing your Sketchbook drawing your character you know I know you wear a shirt right now so I know you went back to your Sketchbook got some ideas or whatever but uh yeah I gotta say that first episode and of course the reason why I chose five is because it was just so so shocking and just so out there and just so like wow just totally captured what the X-Men is about you know the soap opera and on one end you had the the the soap opera aspect of the X-Men with their whole dirty family steamy sexy melow drama or whatever you know you had all that going on then on the other hand you have the tragedy of the X-Men you know sometimes it can get really dark and this episode was able to capture the soap opera it captured some comedy it captured tragedy all these different aspects of Storytelling it captured in that one episode and quite fittingly I think that is the one that's been submitted by Disney to be nominated for uh daytime Emy and um I'm thinking it's going to be it's going to win too but um yeah so I got to go with five and look I know uh oh Calvin you might not like this but um I actually like the Mendo episode uh the one with Mojo hey look Mojo is my character man look that was one of my favorite hey Teddy you and I talked about this when we did that review I was telling you that the original uh Mojo verse episode from season what was it season two I think it was that was one of my favorite episodes when they all went to the mall or whatever and the TV screen and they spiral pulled them in to the episode I thought that was like it was just so fun and just so just like you know getting away from the main storyline or whatever and not only that but in this particular season we also still was able to get some type of character Arc out of that episode we got Jubilee if you notice Jubilee actually went through an arc in that episode and quite fitting for it to be an episode based on video games because she actually learned something from her quote unquote older self which is uh played by the original voice actor of Jubilee in the 990s and so I thought that was great for the fact that she was able to Mentor her younger self and her powers and everything and I think that came to a resolution in that last episode when she went toe-to-toe with Bastion I think nobody expected that when she when he was like what are you gonna do hit me with the Fourth of July and she stood Toe to Toe and she went at him and I was like oh okay okay she blasted half man I was like like a Terminator 2 right there I know right she messed him up his whole Grill was messed up but I just thought that that was great for her because this season she actually really took on a a new level I think I think she really matured and um you can see that is evident in the fact that in the original show she was kind of the new character on the Block but in this show you had Roberto the CTO she was kind of like I won't say mentoring him but she was kind of like shepherding him no pun intended calvo sheering him uh to uh in the position that she was in in the first uh series now he's kind of in that uh vein of where she was and she was kind of like bringing him up to speed on things and she kind of matured you know you can see that she also got a new uniform and she was able to level up her powers and you know we still haven't seen the ultimate form of her powers and what she can do and everything and I just thought that that was good for her in leveling up in her maturity wise and also in her power wise and I thought that would that that's why that episode was actually one of my favorite episodes and why I enjoyed it outside of Mojo being you know just crazy and one of my just favorite outlandish X-Men characters but um um yeah so that was uh that was uh one of my those were my favorites the first episode fifth episode and the Mendo episode and of course you know I like the last episode too you know because we got thees of things to come and just the family family unit coming together and that resolution of everybody admitting that they family you know they may be a dysfunctional family but but you know they're coming together and they all using their powers to work together for one common good I just thought that that was that really hit home at the end did you did you guys catch that family aspect of the X-Men in that final episode what did you guys think absolutely yeah yeah go go ahead T yeah yeah no especially like you know when um when uh what was it um when Rogue got separated at one point and then storm got separated at one point and then you just got to see even the Dynamics when they're working together against you know a threat they didn't really have to communicate a lot like Cyclops was like all right you know what to do I I'll see you guys later you know falling out of the plane you just knew they had this Bond and experience over the years of they knew each other real well and they knew what to say without really saying a whole lot and they backed each other up all the time so but yeah that's yeah uh basan say look at your stupid family you're trying to stick together he said here come my family now be landed right on his head you see his eyes was like he thought he had something but they came down Ste on or whatever B like that yeah but it's gonna be even more interesting because they trapped in the past and again they got to work together Magneto Xavier got to work together to go against apocalypse so uh which is going to be bad cuz they always but they always come together to fight apocalypse you know what I mean cuz they just they just got to and uh but hey you just tried to uh wipe my mind man I don't want to work with you and your boy just stabbed me man why why am I breathing so heavily now I'm breathing good like ain't nothing happened he put where did he get the bandid from you know but anyway well actually they they went back to the Jet and I guess Rogue and them they bandaged him up but bandaged him up yeah he didn't look like he was hurt he could have been like oh he could have been you know doing something but anyway you know that just insert one little thing so I just watched bad boy rewatch bad boys for the million time there's that car scene where Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are get going after each other right they're insulting each other Non-Stop and then five seconds later they're singing bad boys together so they like you know with h Professor X and Magneto you know at each other's necks and then it's like all right we're we're boys now right we're good right you know yeah yeah going going at it it's classic um you know feelings ego against ego you know might against peace and uh everything so you know and Xavier was born I think Xavier was born rich right Greg he's a SP brat yeah yeah in so many words I wouldn't say that but you know so many yeah but well yeah he wasn't bad he always had a good heart but uh he call him wow you yeah but he was uh almost uh he was wealthy you know him and War Warren uh uh Angel have a lot in common but you know Mago he grew up in the gut man you know the streets try get food stuff so Xavier put that thing on him didn't he I like that I like when he he was like he was like please Xavier stop I'm like no don't be screaming now don't be talking about please now Xavier pulled him up shut his mind off I was like that's what I'm talking about show him Exavier you ain't all all that clean you know you got turn that mind off like that's what I'm talking about I'll show the real x man DMX Up I know I know right X GNA hit him with him X but um all right so uh I guess what's your overall um I guess to kind of wrap it up I got a couple two more questions but just to wrap it up what are your overall thoughts of the plat of the Season like um do you think this was a good starting point and do you like the plat that they use the overarching plat for the season or do you think they could have went with another plot from the comics because we all know the comics would you have liked them to open with another uh type of plot did you like black Bastion as a first villain for this show or you know for this season I was gonna say yeah I did because I wasn't that familiar with basting Zero Tolerance was a uh full crossover I didn't I can't say I never read it but I didn't follow it like I usually do cuz this was like um ear early 2000s right or late 99 late late 90s the late 90s 9798 because I missed it because I was uh I think I was just just graduating uh and what not I just I just didn't have the money to keep up with those you know reading this book and that book and I would go to uh Barnes and Noel's or books a million and um you know check it out and pick pick up you know read them and stuff like that but they didn't always have you know I'm saying issue one two three and four you know and you always had to get uncanon you had to get X-Men xfactor whatever was the you know the print books at that time and I couldn't get it but I did I remember definitely getting the final issue and everything like that and uh and everything so I liked them so I got a chance to get to no bashing even though I know you said they changed him up a little bit but I did I thought he was okay and um coming in like that and I pass it to Teddy come in like that um really introduce the X-Men who they are you know it's like hey we're against discrimination they don't like us they fear us and that was the you know at the core what the X-Men were um about anyway and then we got some good action and some scientific stuff and some Supernatural stuff with storm losing her power and stuff like that so I thought it was uh great but that first episode Bastion being that first story I thought was good and oh yeah can't forget about your boy Sinister so you know yeah of course yeah yeah what about you Ted what about you yeah no uh I think like starting off with the Friends of Humanity you know where they they went up against them because we got to see them just hating on the mutants and uh seeing the arc with Magneto and you know the UN kind of um colle ction of people and different leaders uh I thought that was a good start of the plot and then building up to the big honcho you know the big boss uh in Bastion I didn't know a whole lot about Bastion to be honest with you so I didn't really know the whole story but it was cool to you know eventually I I did a little research outside of watching it and being like Oh dang they about to go deep into this and you know got me more interested I didn't really follow the comics as much um like I said growing up but I I eventually got more into it and following um a lot of these different storylines and then the side quests um I think they did a good job and uh yeah I was happy with it so yeah sometimes I kind of over anticipate you guys's knowledge of X-Men you know uh history you know I know Calvin I know you and I we talk about X-Men a lot Teddy I remember you know we came into it you know by sharing our love for bishop and I guess I assume that you just knew everything about the comics so sometimes when we're talking you Noti it's doing the reviews it's kind of like I'm talking to you but I'm like anticipating that you knew about certain events and I was oh wait a minute oh you didn't read that oh oh wait maybe I need to keep my mouth shut and also with the fandom too like the people that's watching this video sometimes it's like I over anticipate like I I said before like I know too much you know I got the comics I got all the graphic novels I know all the story line so I know pretty much what's going to happen that doesn't take away the fact that I still think it's cool to see it actually happening in animated form I'm still surprised and shocked that they're actually going there and um just like for example seeing Wolverine get his Animania pulled out now of course I know Teddy I know you knew about Wolverine getting anim man and pulled out in the comics but it's it's cool to see the fans who didn't know like the Casual MCU fans that didn't know that Wolverine had gotten his animality and pulled out in the comic so it's kind of like cool for us like oh we we experienced this like this trauma like you know what 20 years ago when it actually happened in the comics so for the people who are seeing experiencing it for the first time like like I was looking at some of the reactions oh is he dead is he coming back I'm like trust me this is what we all thought back in the comics so it's kind of like we know what's going to happen next somewhat so but anyway I kind of over anticipate um sometimes people's of the actual um you know story lines and things like that did you want to say something I know you want to say something yeah I'll be honest if I don't know something I'm be straight up about it but like you know I I I like to learn more about stuff and you know I follow a lot of YouTube channels you know Comics explained and uh you know I was able to catch up on a lot of different other story lines so I'm I'm all ears and know I'd be straight up and be like hey oh actually ear muffs I I don't know the story yeah catch up your knowledge yeah for me um I think yeah overall I was happy with the plot um I wasn't expecting uh um Bastion until about halfway through when I started seeing o and things like that and I remember oh is that operation Zero Tolerance you know I was like oh wait a minute they're doing that you know and um I knew when he came in and put that pillow over Garrick's head like that was graphic first of all for Disney came in put that pillow he was quiet with it too I mean sick I was like man that's kind of graphic for Disney I know that's evil man that's he was squiring too like that was for us I mean we were kids growing up watching it now they're like okay you guys are adults now let's let's up the antie a little bit hey hey imagine your kids man imagine the kids watching that come on son let me show you where I watch when I was a kid he sming with the bill I mess a kid up man five old that Gary he thought he was GNA live didn't he he was like H yeah they didn't ruin our plan he said something he was like yeah but you almost made them ruin our plan yeah but anyway yeah so um anyway I knew that was uh when he came in and I saw him from the back I was like is that is that Bastion I was like oh wow so they're actually doing that and then I was like wow so okay that's the arc that they're going to go with um so I was excited you know I'm glad that they kind of held off an apocalypse you know y'all know that's my main man I'm glad they kind of that's what you do hold off in the villain that everybody wants to see hey Calvin you know you and I talk about this all the time you know because we always talk about I know the comic that you're working on is kind of like you know you holding them off the big bad villain off until you know that big moment and so I'm glad that they kind of held off you know apocalypse this season and bring him back you know either second season or third season or whatever but um but yeah so I'm happy with the overall choice that they did with the arcs and everything um with the the you know story arc that they did they introduced the plethora fans casual MCU fans who only seen the fox movies they introduced them to the proper X-Men and the proper storytelling of the X-Men which I'm so excited for so they introduced him to the main uh gist of the Xmen with the whole you know uh thematics of the X-Men fighting for a world that hates and fear them fears them they introduced them to the soap opera element um just that overall plot and The Duality with all the characters thought was great and they did that perfectly um so the last question I wanted to ask is what are you hoping to see um next season and what story lines would you want them to explore not only next season but beyond maybe like a three four and five season I guess we'll start with you Tedd what you think you know I gotta say apocalypse apocalypse apocalypse uh yeah no I want to see a little bit more like the future time traveling obviously with bishop and Forge um bringing out more characters along the way you know having maybe some X Factor join in to help out and you know cable obviously um in the mix as well but for me I definitely want to see more crossover Spider-Man universe Fantastic 4 Universe Captain America Iron Man the credible Hulk like I want to see like them bringing back like they did with 97 but like bring back some of these OG shows and the voice actors and let's have a party man let's The Nostalgia is full in effect now man they started they started the train let's bring everybody back together man everybody's gonna come back and we're gonna have a big watch party I can't wait that's that's my my goal uh and my hopes for season two and on what about morph can he morph into all these characters wouldn't that be good enough I mean can you imagine him morphing into like I don't even know man like this about the most obscure characters that like You' be like oh Dam I forgot about that character you know like um yeah right now but you know what I mean like some yeah yeah yeah he can give morph can give Mystique for a run for her money you know that's another thing where is Mystique in all this everybody was saying that uh Val Cooper was Mystique so you know I guess everybody was let down for that but uh where is she in all this you know I know right so what about you Calo what you looking for for season two and not only season two but beyond I'm looking for a course apocalypse I want to see how his origin story will be told uh I'm curious to see if they are going to have a fantastic four appear because I think not Recon but they ingate uh what's the word they interconnected the Fantastic Four going back in time fighting um Kan the Conqueror at that time he was Roma Tut who actually apocalypse was on under at that time so they may you know kind of just be it you know like a brief Cameo but you know they were actually fighting during that time in the past when the Fantastic Four was uh fighting villain U apocalypse was alive so that'll be interesting to see if they do that but I don't see the apocalypse story art uh maybe maybe fa fav Cortez can show up from the acolytes um Onslaught you know um he did his open his mind don't have to be season two maybe that's season three maybe he come in because he's so powerful you know what I'm saying yeah the whole world gotta change and by this time like Teddy saying all those other crossover guys cuz in the comics uh was it Heroes return Heroes Reborn before that Happ Onslaught storyline all the heroes had to team up the X-Men to stop Onslaught so that may be something big you know to do that would great for all what Teddy was saying but all the characters can come in and come in yeah and do that I would love to see that the onslaught storyline another one um one of my favorite on is extension agenda uh but I I guess they already kind of done that with josha and everything May that beat that to the ground yeah um I when mind having the Age of Apocalypse they kind of did it but they they didn't have it where uh Magneto was like running everything again um you know they they got a feel of in the first two episodes when he was a good guy you know what I mean because in the age apocalypse Magneto Xavier's dead um uh Magneto's running stuff and then he had to go against apocalypse uh there's a guy called Holocaust Exodus is a big player in that morph the way morph looks now is was the way he looked in as apocalypse coming and everything so that that be kind oh your boy a lot of characters that were nice weren't so like Sunspot not Sunspot um from Japan has the flame Powers Sunfire Sunfire you know he he was a whole different character yeah he was mean brother he was mean he was out for Revenge he was like Fury Road you know he was out for you um and maybe an off character that's not an X-Man M mutant related uh maybe a doom a red skull or something like that uh uh I wouldn't mind seeing that something like that on that level uh and Def have X Factor show up like Teddy said and uh calling some sellouts y'all working for the government the same government that will oppress us you lost your mind you know just have kind of argue each other and stuff like that that'll be cool but uh and definitely bring the Juggernaut back dumb stupid think that right now oh I'm the Juggernaut yeah just bring him my Powers AR I'm no mut my glitch well look I gotta say I'm looking for of course the rise of Apocalypse that was one of my story lines from the '90s the mid90s when they told the origin of apocalypse like kind of what you were saying Ted I mean um Calo I definitely want to see that I kind of wonder where they're going to take it because um what they left off with Magneto wasn't there in that storyline the X-Men weren't there Rogue and night crawler weren't there so I know they're going to make an adaptation so I'm kind of okay with what they're going to do with it you know um so I kind of want to see that um moving forward I definitely want to I I would like to see House of him I would definitely like to see that storyline um we already have we got a tease with uh Scarlet Witch um they had her on the on the screen I noticed they focused on that where they said she was off world or something like that so I'm like why did they focus on that in the background or whatever you know you know the scene at the end with Forge and everything he was talking to uh bishop and they had um people were missing or dead or whatever right right love to see house them um I would love to see that storyline I would love to see since we're talking about apocalypse I would love to see 12 story line um the 12 story line is significant because that involves how can I say this without spoilers it involves oh yeah yeah go ahead spoiler no it's not a spoiler it's not a spoiler but I'mma just the way I'm gonna say it it won't be a spoiler but it involves it involves Wolverine and it involves the storyline that they're going to be well we already so it's Anam man been taken out so he has a story art so yeah so I'll just leave it at that I would love to see that 12 the 12 storyline um be like the season finale of next season um like I said House of M to piggy back off what you said Calvin I want to see uh the onslaught we got a teas you know that's how it started in the comics when he shut off Magneto's mind there was something there was a seed that was born and that's how Onslaught was born in the comics and then years later you know we got that story line um based off of that uh so I would love to see that and uh shoot I got my Comics right here what else I want to see I can look right here and see uh slot uh the trial of Gambit um you know what I want to see if we make like a season five the series finale I would love to see the series finale be the beginning of the cran age like I would like I would like the end of the X-Men anim series Universe be the beginning of the cran age which means it would be like a happy ending of course we know as we got into the cron age it was happy it was ups and then there was Downs or whatever that beginning House of X the beginning that was just like wow it was like a happy ending to the whole X-Men Universe they could have ended the whole X-Men comic line right there and it would just been like wow what a perfect ending man they got their own Island they separated themselves finally Xavier woke up from this silly dream and decided to work together with Magneto and now they're just like man yeah that would be the happiest ending for this X-Men animated series universe and of course it was the beginning in you know the comics but I think that would be a great series series finale for the actual ending of the X-Men animated series if we get to like a season four or a season five or something like that I think that would be a great way to end it um I throw one more curveball yeah go you brought back memories it was like everything I would love to see everything you just said but like in Justice League Unlimited there's an episode called Epilogue with Batman Beyond and they Batman kind of like you know him in the future talking about the and imagine Old Man Logan him talking about the X-Men wow passing on the torch but like just talking about like the good old days and Adventures that they had anding ending that way as well but that' be cool to throw that in there if it's possible yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh before we go guys you know you know my boy got a show up who you know my boy Berserker claw oh yeah we ain't talk about oh of course man hey look we where is Sabertooth where's Mystique oh yeah where's Jugger what I want to see morph look man y you morphing in all these play I want psylock to be a member of the team we definitely look Wolverine he lost his Adam manum this season he's definitely got to get an arc they kind of nerfed him I won't say Nerf them but they sideline in this first season which is cool I I get it they wanted to move away from Hugh Jackson Hugh Jackman and everything and they kind of wanted to just tell a a good X-Men story without focusing on Wolverine but now I want to see a good I want to see a wolverine Sabertooth kick down brawl and look hey Cal the best way for to do that is with the origin storyline you know I want I want them to the origin story line and of course you know how that storyline ended the little twist at the end oh I ain't give it away to uh to uh uh Teddy but uh no I ain't gonna say anything you can you can release your ears you really sh because you know I don't want the fans out there to get me anyway but that twist at the end that would be great for um you know to to bring saber-tooth back in plus tell Wolverine's origin and stuff like that you know um but yeah we definitely got to get saber-tooth and that voice got to be perfect I know you looking for that you looking to hear that voice because that was like one of your favorite things about the original show so yeah tell everybody about your Al ego Calvin Sabertooth what you because I know you um you you kind of took it to another level you started wearing a little fur uh you know all that saber to was my guy man saber to was uh I actually like saber over Wolverine now yeah man he's when I say like him more I mean if I had to pick a villain it would be him Dr Doom you know to you know to like and everything and um I was rooting for uh Li scriver and X-Men or wver so just tell you how much I like saber to I I think he's just a cool character you know he's a maniac but who he's a cool character in the right hands and the voice actor who uh played him I think he you say passed right G he passed the way the 2000s I think yeah so he was just so awesome he just really got into it um you you know uh I just loved him man so uh I enjoy enjoy hearing his voice so anytime hear saber to now his voice Rings through my head so yeah uh right yeah they gota get that voice right yeah so uh yeah I would love to see saber-tooth Onslaught Doom House of M cro a come in and Juggernaut of course oh Juggernaut and saber two that' be cool yeah yeah yeah yeah well um I think that's about it um any last uh uh words well one more thing I to get your opinion what you guys one thing we left out the animation what did you guys think of the animation it was on point my animation was good I got I wanted to ask you who directed most of the scenes this was very an uh anime uh what's the word uh influence or uh they they took a lot of um the way they move the camera and kept it moving was good um I pass on the teddy real quick remember when Nightcrawler and Wolverine were beating up the uh robots oh yeah uh he he teleported and it show how he looked when he teleport that was that that was on point I was like do man I don't know if I even thought about that I haven't seen that in the comic you know anything so that that was just a beautiful scene man the animation was just too good it was just all I enjoyed it so to piggyback on before you jump in Teddy to piggyback on that I would like to see his little BS you know the little BS in the comics I don't know if you know about that Teddy but he has like these little quote unquote demon little BS that uh B with them they're like little babies they look like little babies I I'll send you a picture of it after you know uh in lat in a later date to show you what I'm talking about but I know the fans out there you guys know what I'm talking about if you guys who read read the comics or whatever but they call him his little bamps I would love for them to bring that aspect into the Nightcrawler uh whatever they don't talk they don't say anything they just hang around Nightcrawler like little babies like little children or whatever so he B wherever he goes they go he's kind of like their Mentor slash whatever you know but I would like yeah mother duckling around yeah yeah but what about you say what you think about the overall animation yeah the was smooth like you said um I think it was you know surpass in my opinion the '90s animation I love the animation like is a old school you know handwritten kind of traditional um style and I think this was like a little bit of mix of that 2D 3D is mix um I don't even know how to explain the the actual technical terms of of Animation but I can definitely tell cell shaded cell shaded animation with they use aspects of it yeah right and they brought in that classic kind of feel um and modernized it and I appreciated that um across the board but and I I just had a brain fart but I was like thinking you know they could easily bring in Iceman and kitty pride and couple other people to add on to the team yeah you kind of see how it looks in terms of like the intro and you know see how things play out and the rest of the Dynamics but um that's kind of off the point of what you asked but I just I just no no look I was gonna say man what they did with Kitty pride and just totally omitting her from the entire X-Men animated series universe is just tragedy it's like she doesn't even exists but I'm finally glad that they gave her some type of something a picture on the board that she does exist in that world somewhere so and Colossus also and Colossus yeah well he had a couple episodes in the original show though so they at least they brought him in there but yeah yeah Jana well um so let's clap it up guys for XMen season one X-Men 97 just clap it up clap it up great great um great first season um looking forward to more and it's been a pleasure uh Teddy look it's been a pleasure doing going through every single episode reviewing these episodes with you man um Teddy um xav um Calo saber-tooth whatever your name is it's been a pleasure having you in uh I know you guest started on on my podcast a couple of times but it's good to have you um come in and give your thoughts on uh just the X-Men I know it's been kind of hard for you to uh tap in uh some this season but it was good to have you on that uh one episode review that we did and also on this recap and it's been a pleasure and hopefully I can get you guys together on some other event where we can talk about you know just the State of the Union might not be about X-Men but just about other things that's going on in science fiction pop culture just to chop it up and get your you guys' opinion on it because you know I value you guys' thoughts and everything I know you guys know know know your stuff or whatever but um so yeah that's a wrap um so calvo um tell everybody what you got going next and where can people find you on the interwebs okay man look for me on web Tunes uh Shephard the web coming that's shepher the web coming on web tunes topest and you can find us on Facebook uh join the sheeper the web coming where I post different stuff we talk about X-Men I post you know different trailers and stuff upcoming movies uh thoughts and just Club fans can talk about comics and movies and all that kind of nerdy stuff and definitely go to Amazon uh for the digital copy of Shephard the web comic collection man it's only 350 three bucks man that's less than a combo nine days in food so check me out Shephard the web comic Shephard the web comic appreciate gach yeah and you also got a Food Channel too or is that your Al check out loves food it's a food review check it out a loves food Unk loves food you're definitely that out if you're a carore loving food okay Teddy where can people find you and what you got going next man you can just find me on Instagram at tbiz TB i58 I just post random memes martial arts related comic book stuff uh everything just science fiction movies and yeah nerd culture pretty much so thanks for having me it's been a pleasure and this has been fun yeah I got to take one of your martial arts classes so I can really live up to the name of weapon x you know so I can get my you know I already got the healing factor and the unbreakable skeleton but I got to get that you know that Defense level up you know so I can get it to the next level so I can hey look I told you this dude tracked me down every cowo track me down every year on my birthday and beat me to an inch of my life so I gota be ready the next time he come around you know with some of them them choke holes or whatever you know you gota work on that be like quick silver man and um look of course uh um you can find me on all the interwebs including the dark web uh just at gu universe and um of course you know I got many things I'm working on and working on my comic books um uh doing more character designs and trying to really get my comic uh off the ground um it's native Quest it's also on Amazon right now and um what happened uh did we make uh cowo disappear all I see is a web address he disappeared I I didn't mean to uh I know my claws are sharp but I didn't think that was going to cut you out of the screen G gained those Nightcrawler t-shirt Powers man I know right I bed them out right hey but all right guys man I appreciate you guys and I know we lost calvo but um I appreciate you guys and um until next time I see you in the universe
Views: 19
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x-men 97, x men 97, xmen 97, x men 97 reaction, x-men 97 reaction, x-men 97 review, x-men 97 breakdown, x-men 97 easter eggs, x men 97 review, x men 97 trailer reaction, x-men 97 recap, x-men 97 trailer, x-men 97 episode 9, x men 97 1x9 reaction, x men 97 episode 1 reaction, x-men 97 episode 9 reaction, x-men 97 episode 1 reaction, xmen 97 review, x-men 97 1x9 reaction, xmen 97 episode 9 reaction, x-men 97 episode 2 reaction, x men 97 leaks, x-men 97 2024
Id: KQpYtvX6eXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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