Wwise Tutorial - Integrating Wwise Into Unity

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hello and welcome to this wise and unity tutorial today we are going to be looking at how to integrate wise into unity so that you can begin using your wise project in your unity game so the first thing that you need to do is download wise and unity and assuming you have both of those things done the next thing you're going to need to do is to open a brand-new unity project you can see I've gone ahead and called mine wise unity integration tutorial so once you've gone through that process and opened up a brand new unity project what you need to do is make sure it is safe to go to file/save and just for safety go to file save project as well and then go ahead and close out of your new unity project you need to make sure it's closed so the next thing you need to do is if you downloaded wise you should also have the wise launcher so you need to go ahead and open that up and give just a moment to do its thing alright now that the wise launcher has opened up you should see a page something like this what you'll need to do is go to the unity tab up here at the top and then you'll see a list of all your unity projects that you have and since you opened up and saved a new unity project you should have yours listed right here so you can see it so the next thing you need to do is hit this blue button says integrate wise into project so go ahead and hit that and then it will bring up a screen that'll give you some options so another thing you're gonna notice here is that a version of wise corresponding the selected integration was not found please install it and the reason for that is that I don't have the latest version of wise installed I have a bit of an older version so if you have the brand-new version that comes out at any given time this shouldn't be an issue but if you don't then what you'll need to do is go to this drop down here first and select all then find your version that you have download it's for me it's twenty nineteen point one point three seven oh four eight so once I switch that over you'll see that give it just a moment it should switch to something look this so I am all good to go now because I have the correct wise version selected so let's look at this over here for just a moment the packages for this are your unity integration and then your unity integration extensions by default the unit integration is what you're wanting so you can't uncheck it but the unity integration extensions once they do recommend and I always just generally leave selected it's just gonna add some extra things that it's gonna make quality of life easier for using wise with unity so I would go ahead and leave that selected then over here on the right you have your deployment platform so as it looks this is going to be what you want to build your project for so by default it already comes with mac and windows support but if you're going to be doing audio for something that's gonna end up on the google stadia or the you know intend o switch playstation 4 these are all things that you need to get specific licenses for the Windows Store is anything like that make sure when you're integrating your project you know what two point went platforms you're going to want your project to be on and select the according ones so once you have all of this good to go you need to come down here now so if you already have a wise project that you want to use to integrate into the project you can go ahead and use this drop-down menu and select it from there but if you leave it empty it's just going to create a new wise project in your unity project folder so that's what I'm gonna do right now is just leave this completely empty and then this should default to the correct unity installation but if it doesn't you can change your version from over here and find it in your file browser lastly down here you have the options of either installing the files into a copy of unity project directory and then applying the changes if successful or just going directly into the unity project directory to be honest I have never encountered a situation where I need to use this second one the top one is much safer and if the installation fails you should still have your projects completely intact so what we're gonna do now is once you have everything set to your liking you can go ahead and hit integrate right down here to the left and then this can take a couple minutes so just give it some time give it a sec to load up and then this kind of blue box should pop up right here with applying operation and then just give it a couple minutes to do its thing depending on how strong your computer is it may take a little bit faster or be a little bit slower but give it just a moment and we'll be back and alright there we go you should get this operation completed successfully kind of green box right here once everything is all said and done so once that has come up and wise integrated into your project you can actually open your unity project back up right here from the wise launcher and you can open up the wise project that it created for you if that's the route you went right here as well so I'm gonna go ahead and open up my unity project again just to show you guys kind of what changes got made in the unity editor now that weis has been uploaded or integrated so you'll notice now that we have this third tab down here called the wise picker and what the wise picker is going to allow us to do is look at our events and our switches and all the other things that we have going on in our wise project directly in unity so that we don't have to keep sweaters keep switching back and forth so you'll notice right down here though and this is the last thing I want to talk about for this video is that we're getting these errors now and that you could not locate the sound banks did you make sure to generate them and because we went straight back to our unity project directly from integrating into wise we actually have not so to fix that error what we need to do is open up our brand-new wise project and you can do that from the wise launcher or you can go into your wherever you keep your project so go to my unity projects you'll see I have wise unity integration tutorial and then now you should have a folder with the name of your prod underscore wise project in your file directory in your unity project that's the other way you can open it up so now this is what wise looks like what we're going to need to do for the purposes of this tutorial is go up tear to layouts go to sound Bank and then hit new up here and the sound Bank manager and I'm just going to call this main sound bank hit OK and then now with this little drop down here right next to the default work unit you will see it your new sound bank so go ahead and click on the default work unit click on the platform that you're gonna want to generate your banks for so I'm gonna choose Windows and then select your languages so I've got English then we can go ahead and hit generate selected or generate all if you want to generate for all options but I'm gonna hit generate gonna hit and generate selected we should have no errors here so one message zero warnings and if you're wondering about what that message is it's just this up here so the trial mode of wise only comes with the ability to use 200 sound SFX events if you want to release your project commercially you have to get a license for it which I believe you can still do for free you just have to register your project with audiokinetic but that is besides the point so go ahead and hit close then now that this has been generated I'm also gonna go ahead and save my project just to make sure then I'll go back into unity you can go into your console and these errors should clear just fine and now you can get started using your wise project in unity so hopefully that helps and I will see you all in the next video
Channel: Crosby Nelson
Views: 7,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Development, Audio, Game Audio, Wwise, Audiokinectic, Unity, Game Engine, Audio Implementation, Tutorial, Learning, Education, Sound, Game Sound, Integration, Learn, How To, Gaming
Id: qEfQtAM1z4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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