WW2 - Bismark Convoy Smashed ! Allied Forces Victory Over Imperial Japanese Navy.

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March the 2nd world attention centers on the Bismarck sea as word flashes for the 22 ship [ __ ] convoy is heading towards lay in Salim are for long warnings had come of huge enemy ship concentrations in treble up to 60 ships have been seen photographed and bombed by Allied Pilots shrouded by tropical rainstorms the convoy was creeping towards its destination when the storm lifted reconnaissance planes got a bearing on it and back at allied air bases the fun begins in operations room well laid plans for a coordinated attack are finally checked high officers of the American Air Force and the our double AF know exactly the tasks of their respective commands it's to be the biggest aerial show of the New Guinea campaign and more than 130 planes will take part zeroes in vicinity well we'll be taking along medicine for them scramble they've been on the leash training for the goal this is anybody's fight Kittyhawks Cobras lightnings Boston's Beaufort's b-25s liberators Beaufighters the less under a grand shooting up job on ships and barges crammed with [ __ ] soldiers seeking escape on basis further back majestic Flying Fortresses climb into the sky there's trouble brewing for tow yo today all right it isn't Cobras scoot off to warm it up for Jeff aircraft seeking to join in the prey from lay in salim are ergo the bow fighters our cameras going to ride in one capturing some of the most sensational pictures of the war the cameraman the stand up behind the pilot during terrific times and wild maneuvers grabbing a shot where he can this is no joyride first pictures a lockheed lightning hitting correction his great fighter has twin motors there's a keen tenseness through all the air crews a hell of a lot depends on what they do a liberator coming up from another base well turn the lot on the nips have had this coming to them for a long long time there they are neck bursts around plumbers there before us those American bomber boys are certainly doing their stuff let him have it buddy now it's the Beaufighters turn studying over the sea at mast high level this is it boys give her the gun here we go he's got trouble enough temporally anyway let's find a clean skin as one not a muck have to know i shooting skipper they're feeling awful sick and throwing back 20 at us ladies whistling all around a way to port there's an untouched ship to starboard others not so happy about the ball and Sapphire they won't put out remember Manila Hong Kong Nanking and a few others mr. Nippon you better duck both fighters are returning to base to refuel and reload the American crews have leaned their bombers in for the same purpose not as they come in others go out there's no rest for the unhappiness ground crews descend on the aircraft like a swarm of Hornets they don't get much of the glory not by they do a job bombers take on their eggs machine gun ammunition is wanted in huge quantities cannon shells that's what we've been pumping into those [ __ ] ships they're off again but there are no ships left the sink they got the lot 22 ships in two days blitzing in warships and twelve transports as many of work to do just the same the convoy carried 15,000 jet troops destined to reinforce Alomar there's plenty of them left in life boats and barges dotted over the sea there's a boat tiny speck Center screen of both streams down a terrific speed this one tiny boat in a white citizen so easy to hit bullseye and more Japs meet their ancestors shows over boys and the ships are heading home a bit of insolence for the coves in a neighboring pole which is hardly reciprocated and torchy the pilot takes a victory swing good odds stop to water the fighters are coming back with victory rolls 55 nip planes were shot out of combat as many more heavily damaged it's been a great day for the Yanks and others we have achieved a major victory said General MacArthur not such completeness as to assume the proportions of a major disaster to the enemy and here's some of the men who achieved it American bomber crew ran types of youngsters who didn't miss a trick and the boys of the rwf who flew alongside them in a magnificent cooperative effort up in New Guinea has grown a marvelous spirit of camaraderie between the Yanks and the audience they get along let's meet some of them major ilana of San Francisco Mitchell pilot Wing Commander BR blackjack Walker of Adelaide of tenants Gordon McCune New York City b25 pilot captain CL Jones of South Carolina Lockheed Lightning pilot and major HT Hastings of Texas as a spot of cross kiddin going on here this morning well you oughta know these blokes were shooting them off your tail why do you mean hey we're all over the sky they're trying to fire you and well what do you expect listen our boy look you want to remember my age I'm getting an old man by jove on getting old yes look at there it was a cracker show from beginning to end when it comes to a scrap we are seized don't want any better coppers the new Yanks we're tickled to death to know that you're right behind us oh yeah blackjack with you boy not behind you well all kidding aside the results obtained cannot be attributed to any one individual or a group of individuals it was more like a smooth play on a football field the everyman knew his job and every man did his part the coordination between the rwf and the American Air Force's was really perfect they've won a great victory not the Japs will come again it won't be easy for them when they do well they'll face two great air forces fighting side-by-side in a splendid blood Brotherhood that nothing in the future can ever dissolve you
Channel: FatBudda
Views: 136,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ww2, kokoda, diggers, bismark sea victory, war in the pacific, Bismark Convoy Smashed, Imperial Japanese Navy, Japanese navy defeat, japanese WW2 convoy destroyed
Id: azanISsx19c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 11 2008
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