Wuthering Heights (1978) Part 1

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. mr. Lockwood say your new tenant I do myself the honour calling on you as soon as possible to express the hope that I have not inconvenience to you by occupying just cross-grain so silly gosh Grange at my own and don't allow anybody to inconvenience for him jo sad [Music] [Music] you had better letter alone she's not a cat for a pet [Music] Monsieur Firmin not what you wanted well leave a stranger with a brood of trailers they won't meddle with persons who touch nothing guests are so rare in my house that my dogs and I hardly know how to receive them [Music] [Music] mrs. Heathcliff rough weather you should not have come out just fine enough when I left the Grange allow me were you asked to tea I should be glad to have a cup where you asked you are a proper person to ask me you don't know the risk of being lost in the marshes have one of your lads but guide me back to Thrushcross Grange when the time comes if you can spare anyone no I could not Catherine Linton is he dad get it ready will you [Applause] customers and artistes an idea many could not imagine the existence of happiness in the life of such complete exile from the world it mr. heathcliff up venture to say that surrounded as you are by your family and with your amiable ladies presiding genius over your home and ha I am Yubel lady mrs. Heathcliff your wife mean that her spirit has taken the post of ministering angel and guards the fortune of Wuthering Heights even though her body is gone that it well no I I thought I thought that this lady was that lady's name so is Catherine Heathcliff assuredly she's not my wife my daughter ah certainly I see now then then you sir are the favored possessor of so final ad unhappily for your conjecture sir we neither of us owner no mate is dead then this young man is not my son misty is most refreshing my name is that nirn Shaun are counseled is respecting show no disrespect [Music] fashioned to sit there hey I join us wait hold on it's going out of here and out to me no use talking oh you'll never mend here who wears hookah rate devil are your mother and for you you scandalous old hypocrite are you not afraid of being carried away bodily whenever you mentioned the devil's name look Joseph I shall soon be competent at the black art the Red Cow did not die by chance you know and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations now be off I'll help you seriously go I'm looking at you which mrs. Heathcliff do point out some landmark by which I may know my way home take the road you came it's brief advice but as sound as I can give I need you here tomorrow that I have been found dead in a bog you will not blame yourself for it they wouldn't let me go to the end of the garden would put him swayed mr. Heathcliff to give me a guide I hope it'll be a lesson to you to make no more rash journeys on these hills if you will not give me a guide mr. Heathcliff I fear I shall be compelled to stay I keep no accommodation for visitors sleep on a chair in this room no it'll not suit me to permit anyone the range of this place while I'm off my god mr. Heathcliff as far as Park you will go with him to hell and the horses to look after themselves somebody must go not at your command if you should store on him you better be quiet then I miss a ghost there is a room that mystery of click will allow no one to lodge in if I take you to it swear you will not tell him Oh [Music] [Music] - doin soon see Heathcliff Catherine and sure Jessie [Music] he's life sure [Music] seventy times seven first of the seventy-first empires discourse [Music] [Music] how [Music] missile [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see what it proof the place was haunted at my expense wha with ghosts and goblins show you that FINA got in through the window he probably would have special needs then sure all Linton though his book enjoy the persecutions of your ancestor received it need not dread a repetition of my intrusion [Applause] fifteen given his time come in come in give me this time very hot darling never been beaten with anything so much in all my life we will mistake it is a gift from God God this is darphus it came from the devil is it to live Baba yes simply it is found him houseless starving that's good as dumb not a soul knowing you expect me to leave him in the streets in Liverpool yes I would must be mad to bring it gypsy brat into the house we've two bends of our own to feed and fend for Cathy I brought you the riding crop you asked for but I lost it attend into the love cafe we shall call him he's dead our son's name she's dead he's got no use for now the boy needs one you will treat him as a brother do you understand he's fatherless you will not persecute him do you understand yes Father right Tibet yes yes market develop [Music] hello Otis barked at him why is it not with the children they was not helping beg with it sir I confess I thought it might be gone by tomorrow I thought I might devote an hour this morning to explaining the theory of Pythagoras if your pupils have the courtesy to appear yesterday after school strange might change as a father are you being impertinent enjoy no father where's Heathcliff this horse went lame you let him walk we didn't want to be late for our lessons Newton walk when you bosses a horse each he wanted the finest did he took it if it's gone lame now it's his own fault Darrin get gelatin Wow like animals no difference Kathy was born mischievous and wayward there's four Hindley spiked and his jealousy of growing and growing until net past controlling and I will not enjoy jealousy tell him please of an age to go to college now is he oh yes can you arrange that if you wish it mr. Earnshaw you must change justice with me I don't like mine if you do I'll tell your friend you'll flogged me three times this week throw it and then out telling now you'll say you'll throw me out of doors we'll need eyes take it in gypsy and I you'll be breaking neck and keeps your brains out [Music] [Music] [Music] engine stop are you glad he's cliff I am [Music] difficult picture one of these days sure sure lips [Music] then the priests shop commonly can be old if the plate to be spread in the house it is a all that it is and the scientists 50g you look it up in a key gem on your person your brother India through the day where every agent tell your president the hospital spa why can't it almost be a good last cut Alicia did you wish you put Manta agency they wouldn't stop and listen [Music] this is the lord of leprosy dying for preyas mister yesterday very much stairs never make little Delia he may play along tonight I'm sure what to do [Music] [Music] for as much as it hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother here departed we therefore commit his body to the ground earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ we shall change our vile body that it may be like unto his glorious body according to the mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself I protest I've never seen so many lovely things the pewter dishes and the Delft case and the scrap in the fireplaces so much room to move about him come on to a wedding it's sinful nonetheless I intend some changes to be made from henceforth Joseph and Ellen you work order yourselves in the kitchen such a lovely sister we should be such friends shall we not leave clear don't run away Heathcliff are you not sad sad yes my father was so kind to you and now he's dead is that not sad shall you miss him yes I believe you and you shall have good cause my father gave you a home I shall not go against his wishes but it is time that you and I assumed our separate tasks in life I as master here you a servant from tomorrow you were work in the fields and he will eat with the rest of the servants and no more lessons come and greet join your mistress I love you then you must go elsewhere walk the roads find another shelter what splendid times we shall have is it all for love we cannot until funerals or black clothing long faces you think he's silly and doing a chicken shop I don't mean to be I hate it when people die don't want to be concerned with such things that makes me afraid which is to be my that one [Music] [Music] this boy last blast yesterday mr. a whole day without a thrashing dress him again hi mister tell your mates Joseph what are you smiling at go to your room I will send joseph' have to set you some more chapters and you will not come down until you have them by heart they won't be home till sunset mr. Crabb we haven't done that certainly came back I'll show you everything I learned from mr. Graham this morning [Music] I'll be flow [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you know that houses Swiss cost close you think Willington spend less and evenings she bring in corners reading sermons while that father and mother sit eating and drinking and laughing in front of the fire do you think they do let's see if they do Heathcliff come on I can find her nowhere so I set eyes on him since morning sir both the doors no one shall let them in do you hear no one let that perish go mine what children I ask I won't change my I [ __ ] there's I mean if I could throw Joseph off the roof and what pray Robert it's a girlfriend there's a lot at least mr. Lincoln don't worry you're gone bring them inside when furthers your research so Jenny Jenny hot water who's this that's quite unfit for a decent home oh this is that strange acquisition by late neighbor made did you get the language lism shut about tell mr. Earnshaw what's happened say Oh call on him tomorrow but she must mind and not grow wild again here I'll do that Evelyn I must have disarrange her curls why Cathy you look like a lady five weeks in civilized company could quite transform a girl where's he clear he's clear oh you may come forward and wish miss Cathy welcome have you forgot me please how black you look how funny and grim shake hand teeth cliff once in a while is permitted I won't be laughed at couldn't help it was just that you look so hard if you wash your face and brush your hair it could be all right but you're so dead you have to judge me I want to be dirty [Music] [Music] my time ease cliff read miss Cathy she's sorry she ever came back old my dad said she say she was sorry she tonight last night when I told her you are off again well I tried last night too and I'd much prefer you have the reason for going to bed with a proud on an empty stomach proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves I'll steal time to arrange you so that Edgar Linton shall not quite a doll beside you younger than him but you're taller on you're twice as broad across the shoulders you could knock him down in a twinkling don't you feel you could I could lock him down 20 times don't make me Mancelona always cliff I'll show you what you would wish you see those two lines between your eyes and those sunken brows like a couple a black feel now look don't Iike city is a rather handsome fit for a prince in disguise who knows but the your father was emperor of China and your mother and Indian Queen able to buy up with one week's income fresh cross Grange and watery nights together and your stolen away by wicked sailors and brought to England if I were you at frame high notions of my birth and those thoughts would give me the courage and dignity to support all the oppressions of a little farmer [Applause] [Music] my site what do you mean the Gallic till after do that hey sir he must have be sure the Dame she's as well as we have a share of my hand if I kept him downstairs again till after dark what's this attempting the coxcomb Aoi perhaps I might [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but it is eat it give it some bandes here what are you thinking I'm thinking I can play in the back don't get along after work as long as I get him in the end cure it says it's only God must punish wicked people the satisfaction half you know the best way I'm thinking of that don't feel any pain [Music] [Music] [Music] he's feed on milk and sugar lollies need to take care of it night and day and missus is she bad two cents a mistress must girl he says she's been in the consumption these many months and now there's nothing to keep her she'll be dead before winter I wish I were young early because it'll be all yours when there is no missus looking lip see what a fine boy is looking me he will make a fine man Willie not fine [Music] how easy boy oh he's delivery to run the Batman dr. C Drive the doctor [Music] this one should be perfectly well by this time next week she does not require any further attendance she's well it's a fever it's gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing here you're back into the speech get out - why [Music] [Music] you going somewhere no it's raining I'm somewhat coming here not that I know of [Applause] oh you should be the fuse now he's dead I'm not gonna go to work today I'm going to stay over you but him the yellow Hindley has gone to town and he won't be back before supper Joseph or tenant Joseph is lonely line by Peniston crack will take him until down Isabel or netiquette intern talked of cool in this afternoon as it rains I hardly expect them look those crosses are for the evening spent with the Linton's and those dots are those spent with me do you see I've marked every day it's very foolish where's the sense in that to show you that I take notice cafe should I always be sitting with you what good do I get what you talk about you might be Dumber a baby for anything you say to amuse me or anything you do up you never told me before that I've talked too little of that you just let my company [Music] [Music] I've not arrived too soon I know it's a good opportunity while the Masters away he hates me to be fidgeting in my presence well I'm sorry about that Miss Carr you must be miserable like know what be miserable for you can I stay after you've struck me you've made me afraid I'm ashamed of you Catherine I'll not come here again and you told a deliberate untruth I did nothing deliberately Govan if you please get away [Music] [Music] she's dreadfully wayward sir as bad as any mob child you'd best be going home [Music] [Applause] [Music] I found out by his neck [Music] it's your fault Ellen you should have kept him from me you should have kept him out of sight hate you they all hate you and that's the truth happy family this infernal house you've got a pretty state your gum too I should come to a prettiest day yeah mess you on your own soul no I I should have great pleasure in sending it to perdition to punish its maker here's to a hottie damnation Heathcliff [Music] I shall not murder you tonight unless I set the house on fire but that's as my fancy takes me pity that it cannot kill himself with drink unless some happy accident befalls him you are lovely swapna's I'm very unhappy do you know how to please so many friends with so few cares and can't meet yourself content thank you the secret is it worth keeping yes and it worries me I want to know what I should do today Edgar Linton has asked me to marry him I've given him an answer now before I tell you what it was you tell me what it should have been really miss Cathy how should I know considering the exhibition you performed here this afternoon I just think it might be wiser to say no since he asked you after that he must be either hopelessly stupid or eventual some fool if you talks well I won't tell you anymore I accepted him but quick so whether I was wrong by discussing you've pledged your word tell me if I should have done so do you not mr. Edgar of course I do why do you love him miss Cathy because I do that's a fish no you must say why well because he's handsome and pleasant to be with because he's young evening he loves me he'll be rich I shall be the greatest woman in the neighborhood and proud to have such as and how do you love him miss Cathy seven body loves though your silly money by no means answer I love the ground under his feet and the air over his head I love everything he touches in every word he says I love all his locks and actions I love him entirely and all together there now why you're making megistus you're plenty of other handsome rich young men in the world I've seen on like Edgar well you may and he will not always be handsome and young and he may not always be rich he is now then I must have only to do with the prey well that settles it then if you have only to do with a present by mr. Lee I shall marry and I don't need your permission for that you've not told me whether I was right but you're perfectly right if people be right just to marry for the present now let's see what you're unhappy about your brother will be pleased we'll escape a disorderly comfortless home into a wealthy and respectable one you love Edgar Edgar loves you all seems smooth and easy so where's the obstacle here bring me to replace the so lips it's my secret I'll try an ex-employee but I can't do it distinctly I'll give you a feeling of how I feel now did you ever dream queer dreams yes now and then I've chopped dreams that have stayed with me ever after they changed my ideas they've gone through and through me and altered the colour of my mind this is one that I'm going to tell you all the air II don't want miss Cathy we dismal enough as it is without conjuring up ghosts and visions to perplex us if I won't have Nellie I should be extremely miserable because you're not fit to go there I don't want that I was there but Evan didn't seem to be my home [Music] when the angels were so angry flung me out under the he bowed at the top of weathering heights where I woke sobbing for joy I've no more business to marry Edgar Linton and I have to be in heaven and I think need not brought Heathcliff so low I shouldn't have thought of it but it had degrade me to marry Heathcliff now so we will never know how much I love him he's definitely back sure he wasn't there in the door just then if you have no notion of these things happen be in love but I don't see why he shouldn't know just as well as you really bear to be separated from you how will he bear to be quite deserted in this world Heathcliff he's quite deserted we separated who's to separate his prey every Linton on the face of the earth might melt into nothing before I could consent to forsake Heathcliff but that's not what I mean I love him not because he's handsome but because he's more myself than I am whatever our souls are made of here's a minor the same Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning this Frost from fire and when I marry Edgar Heathcliff will be as much to me as he has been all his lifetime oh I see you think of me as a selfish French but did it never strike you but if I was to marry Heathcliff we would be back as whereas if I marry Edgar I shall be able to eight he'd flip the rice and place him out of my brother's path with your husband's money of all the reasons you've given for marrying miss Cathy that is the worst no it's not it's not it's the best the other reasons were for my sake this is for the sake of someone who understands my feelings better someone who understands me I can't express but surely if sometimes felt that there is all there should be in existence that he's yours beyond you what would be the use of my creation if I would entirely contain here my great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's iWatch that I felt each of them from the very beginning my great thought in living is him if all else perished and he remained I should continue to be but if all else remain and he perished all the universe would turn into a mighty strange you know I shouldn't seem a part of it time will change my love for Linton I'm well aware of that this winter changes the trees but my lovely view is this the eternal rocks beneath maybe I am Heathcliff he's always always in my mind not as a pleasure any more and I'm always a pleasure to myself but as my own be me who told me with no more secrets I'm not promised to keep him oh gets worse and worse here's a vacatur full swing a mrs. thorn is prata to run down to Rick's a corned beef no I believe it was justice he was you were complaining of Miss dangerous conduct towards him what did he hear me say you're going to marry mr. Linton it would degrade you to marry him [Music] [Music] [Music] they seem to remember the patriarchs know a lot and to spare the ranches as in former times oh it's eased it is fine Sam the positive face is all I have in you defend but the voice said I have Thunder they ask it away we don't say I love me trouble is more sickness here dammit take care she doesn't first hop down the stairs out the window I'm gonna write three miles with ten minutes patience how is it that I'm here I insisted you be brought here and that we might care for you in the proper manner you'll soon be well again you can stay here as long as you wish [Music] I understand my sister's asked you to go with that the trash cross-grain I said but I refused this is why I have no objection I told her I'd stay at the heights said I look after hat hat hat and there's no need of you going my sister patent I want no women in a house now that there is no mistress Joseph and I will look after him come on boy toilet we'll teach him his letters by-and-by you get rid of all the decent fault the faster to run to your ruin yes [Music] just seasons of gloom and silence now online but Mr Linton and Miss Isabella careful not to cross her doctor says a perilous illness sister with that they're happy enough together on their my endless sleep indeed for every day and it takes again for her and for no reason whenever the fancy takes aim try you nanny you do not know me look I'm no stranger simply to you [Music] see where is she [Music] a person from Gimmerton is called to see you mom what does he want I did not question him mom well close the curtains I'm bringing tea I'll be back don't stand there love bring the person in come back he is well we don't strangle me you never struck me as such a marvelous treasure for my sake you must be friends now should I tell him to come in here to the drawing room oh where else would not the kitchen be a more suitable place for plowboy no I can't sit in the kitchen Oh two tables here one for your master a Miss Lin - Ming gentry and the other for Heathcliff and myself being of the lower orders well that PC do you know Catherine Ellen bid him step in and Catherine if you must be glad please try not to be absurd the entire household need a witness the sight of your welcoming Homer runaway servant as a brother mrs. linton recalling old times would have me give you a cordial reception and i'm of course gratified when anything occurs to please her and i also priests of Danza I shall think it a dream tomorrow I shall believe but I've seen untouched and spoken to you once more hang it cruel Heathcliff you don't deserve this work to be absent and silent for three whole years and never to think of me a little more than you thought of me for heard of your marriage Cathy while I was waiting in the porch I thought of this plan just to have one glimpse of your face and afterwards settle my score with Hindley and prevent the law by killing myself you're welcome put such ideas out of my mind you're really sorry for me well it was cause I fought through a better life for your sake I struggled only for you Catherine if we're not to have cold tea please come to the table mr. Heathcliff will have a long walk wherever he may lodged tonight and I'm thirsty miss Linton it's the heat your mother and father are not here this evening they died sir shortly after our wedding tell me mr. Heathcliff have you been for a soldier no for a highwayman but you're rich are you not so I'm not as poor as when I left you have arranged a pace at Gimmerton know it weathering Heights with Hindley yes with his insistence I am I want some money from him this afternoon accounts and know that wishing to recoup his losses they offered me lodgings if you want to be in walking distance from the range mr. Heathcliff I suppose we shall be seeing you often incessantly miss Linton Oh Joseph how is it up there is it true what they're saying in Leonie flick up all night over dice and cards high rating off it is a rare and who eat cliff high eighth cliff cuz you never set out to be fine living among us believe us degree inch is it well open some down dice Gandhi closed shutters and can delete don't next day at noon and nervous cliff it encounters brush and eat and sleep while English gold runs into his pocket isn't in green lawyer busy not mix arrangements Findley's comes in away his land for him brush for body directly for his land is this done with mr. Linton's consent oh yes I've been so sweet to him I've loved this just such a summer of sweetness and affection on you me to allow anything besides Isabella's with it I waited for you on the night of the fury on the night of the storm I waited for you all night wait for me ramble on if you like how can you say I'm Jimmy when have I been harsh yesterday I'm what occasion in our walk across the war you left me to lose myself are you and mr. Heathcliff alone what is that harshness you take pains to keep him from my company I'm in thought he thought would have nothing entertaining for your ears you wished me away because you knew I liked to be there repeat our conversation is about a word for word and you can point out any charm it could have had I don't care for the conversation I wanted to be with well with him and I won't always be sent off I won't believe this I guess you desire no one to be loved but yourself well I hope I have misunderstood him years ago I love him more than you ever loved Edgar and he might love you if only you would let happy you're mad do you know what Heathcliff is he's an unreclaimed creature that refinement without cultivation a wilderness of furs and Winstone I just soon put that canary in the park on a winter's day as recommend you to bestow your heart on him he's a fierce pitiless wolfish man he found you a troublesome challenge I know that he would never love a lint but he'd be quite capable of marrying your fortune there's my picture it's for shame I shudder at you so much sir had he thought seriously to catch you but I probably held my breath and let you fall into this trap that's right coming here at your people sadly I needed a third to throw the ice between them very one we should both of us choose I am proud to show you someday at last who dotes any more than myself but poor little sister knows breaking her heart by mere contemplation of your physical and moral beauty lies in your path nothing better you shocked I was informed but how about the manners to stand aside my rival I sure won't have assembly what should have shot into yourself that would fix you forever I said my image into eternal oblivion mr. Heathcliff be kind enough to bid this friend of yours to release me are you not pleased pleased if she swears beloved gas food nothing compared to the love that she entertains for you mr. Heathcliff you and I are not on intimate terms and what amuses her is painful to me beyond express she's out of tender because I'm yesterday's walk we dispatched her out of our society well she wishes to be out of it now how foolish of you to show those talents to him the way your eyes I wrench them off her fingers if ever they menaced me she's her brother's heir banish him from your thoughts miss he's a bird of bad omen no mate for you honest people don't read their deeds but how's he been living cause he got rich why is he staying at Wuthering Heights in the house of amamiya bores you wouldn't think of desiring yourself such a husband would you would you trait [Music] [Music] [Music] seeking rascal you're a hypocrite - are you how dare you be innocent you must be sitting in place well if did what are you about god forbid he should try don't fix me here yes I'm not your husband look if you like Isabella you shall marry her I'll make him to the proof I don't need his approbation do you like her come on tell the truth you've treated me infernally Cathy infernally and if you believe I'll suffer unrevenged then you're a fool you'll take revenge I will you take it I seek no revenge on you you're welcome to torture me to death for your own amusement Cathy only allow me to amuse myself in the same style if I thought that you wished me to marry Isabella I'd cut my throat ah so the evil is that I'm not jealous but I won't repeat my frontal wife it's as bad as offering signal lost soul now your happiness lies like is an inflicting misery you prove it Edgar is restored from your temper I just began to be secure in trouble and you seemed resolved to exciti / well you call with Edgar if you like you and a cephus sister you feel exactly the most efficient method of revenge in yourself on me and where is your mistress now she's in the kitchen indeed I do think it's Tiny's visits were arranged on a different footing this Halloween beetlejuice Sarah now let's come to Biggs this isn't call me to Maryland and tell him to wait in the hall Katherine I have humid you enough I have been so far for bearing with you sir not that I was ignorant of your miserable degraded character but I felt that you were only partially responsible for that and because Katherine wished to keep up your acquaintance I acquiesced foolishly your presence here is a moral poison that would contaminate the most virtuous I shall deny your further admission to this house and give notice now that I require your instant departure Cathy this lamb of yours threatens like a bull and it's in danger of splitting its skull on my knuckles by God mr. Linton I'm only sorry and a worth knocking down Oh aye sir now famines if you haven't the courage to attack him make an apology or allow yourself to be beaten give me the key you Catherine I'll swallow it before you shall have it you know I was defending you and I hope Heathcliff blocks you sick for daring to thinking you've afforded me give me that [Music] this is the Shivering thing you prefer to read was he weeping we're about to faint from fear [Music] see that it is not returned [Music] tell Isabella to shun me all this is her fault and if she a great smile or at present I shall get wild and say detector but I'm in danger of being seriously oh he is startled and distressed me shocking me I want to frighten me what possessed him to turn listener if I cannot keep heathcliff for a friend if Edgar will be meaning Jes I'll break both their hearts by breaking my own I wish you'd look a bit more anxious about me person who can turn a fits of passion to account as you do mrs. Linton can control them too if she exerts a will remain after today's events I simply wish to learn if you intend to continue your interests your beings are full of ice water Edgar but mine are boiling and the sight of such chewiness makes them dance answer my question will you give up Heathcliff or me it is impossible for you to remain my friend in his at the same time you must answer me Catherine I require it and I require to be let alone I demand it don't you don't you see if I can hardly stand leave me Catherine Ellen blood on her lips Ellen Ellen nothing in the world the matter with her sir well Isabella I had hoped to elicit from you some sense of proper horror and Heathcliff's advances but since I cannot I should warn you however that if you are so insane as to encourage such a worthless suitor it will dissolve all bonds of friendship between us good night Catherine [Music] Catherine answer my question will you give up eath cliff or me it before me Heathcliff or me you must answer me I require [Music] [Music] this is intan will you have some breakfast No [Music] bring me some more water nearly and a basin of gruel believe I'm dying I wish I hadn't eaten that no I don't die he'd be glad he doesn't love me at all he'd never miss me what's that it being doing if you mean mr. Linton he's continually amongst his books since he has no other society amongst his books and I on the brink of the grave I thought does he know how I'm altered is that Catherine Linton take care is he actually so what be indifferent to my life he has no idea of you being deranged and he does not fear that you'll die for lack of I will persuade him say your set and I will or we forget you've just eaten some food with a relish and tomorrow you'll receive it's good affairs I'd kill myself directly if I could be sure it would give him such I begin to fancy you don't like me despised each other they couldn't help loving me I'm dying no such thing it's the middle of winter the wind blows sprung from the Northey oh what a mess that's a Turkish this is a wild ducks this is a pigeon the pillows no wonder I couldn't die he's ammo [ __ ] it's a lap wings Oh bunny bird wheeling over heads in the middle of the heights see he wanted to get to its nest because they fell rain coming and then this other was picked up from the bed wasn't shocked we saw its nest in winter full of little skeletons Heathcliff had set a trap over the nest and the old ones dared not come well I made him promise never to shoot a Lapwing after that did he shoot my laughing Lily are there any of them oh come on give all that baby talk no shut your eyes are you saying long enough to live on nothing but cold water an ill temper the candles make the black clothes press shine like [ __ ] black clothes press way this new black clothes press in this room there never was [Music] patron mrs. Langley no it's behind me still [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought I was at home [Music] changed I won't give you better cold no you won't give me a chance of life you mean look batsmen you can't see the hate from here sir I cannot manager why don't we master Smee persuaded to go to bed well could you not give me a hint of how she's being these three things shut the window so you come here you Edgar Linton you're one of those things that our other family least wanted and one more did never and I'm nothing to you now do you love that rich yeah you hush hush this method you mention that name I know let me instantly by a spring from the window my soul will be on that hilltop before you lay hands on me again I don't want don't past one thing the next time you bring a tail to me you shall quit my service l indeed the duty of a faithful servant telling you sir we weren't in trouble at the Grange I thought he meant the missus is sickness away I said yes well then he said the somebody gone after them I guess and he saw a new note about it so then he told our gentleman and a lady had stopped to have a horse issue fast mr. blacksmith shops who was that very little and the blast chamber said to shut the bed hasn't been slept in the blacksmith Slusser she got up to spiral they were this gentleman a lady and she knew them both died right of tiny means for getting them back sir she went of her own accord she had a right to go she pleased heathcliff it was for certain nobody could mistake him a miss Isabella with him trouble me know more about her hereafter she's my sister double cause to desire a recovery when her existence depends that of another she's with child piece of the earliest flowers at the heights they remind me of soft though winds sunshine is another sovereign debt I wish you were a mile or two up those hills the air blows so sweetly I feel sure that it would cure you I should be there but once more and I'll remain there forever you look back and think you were happy today what's your business here who are you my name was Isabella Linton cielo24 sir I'm 1890 mr. Heathcliff as he has beat me here I suppose by your permission come back has he it's good that he kept his word where is it he's staving horses [Applause] is there a maid I might call to clean up into my bedroom [Music] mr. Earnshaw I'm tired with my journey and I want to go to bed where is the maid servant no you must look after yourself whereas I sleep then Josie will show you to Heathcliff's juma sure to turn the lock top and bolt the door do not omit it why mr. Earnshaw it's a great tempted to a desperate my hand as if now I can't resist going upstairs with it every night and trying his door if once I find it open he's done for you see his danger does not shock you what is he wrong here wouldn't it be wiser to bid him quit the house no should be offered to leave me he's a dead man persuading for temptation you are the murderers I might to lose all without any chance of retrieval it's happened to be a beggar I will have it back again I'll win it back and I will have his girl - and then I shall have isn't planned l shall have his soul [Music] [Music] not use his mug young burns every bit as good as you and every bit as awesome I cannot eat my supper in here if you don't like our company as Mestas you don't like misty that's all she then I shall go upstairs show me my chamber yes your um this is not a place to sleep in I wish to see my bedroom bedroom nice elope bedrooms there is better roommate yes bedroom I suppose mr. Heathcliff does not Lodge in the Attic does he Oh mr. ace clench your monk did is it well good nice it's all at once pass just one you cannot see y'all escapes it looked nice blending and I think the concentrated essence of all the madness in the world shut up its abode in my brain the day I linked my faith with yours but for heaven's sake let me settle somewhere bliss is with you would you care it's not another royal delay don't need it popes I think God's name are you doing what are you doing here our room is locked our Rob he's not our room he's not yours it never will be is he a man if so is he mad and if not is he a devil he is ingenious and unrest ting and seeking to gain my abhorrent I sometimes wonder at him with an intensity that deadens my fear yet I assure you a tiger or a venomous serpent could not rouse terror in me equal to that which he wakens he told me of Kathy's illness and accused my brother of causing it promising that I should be Edgar's proxy and suffering till he could get hold of him inform Edgar that I'd give the world to see his face again that my heart returned to Thrushcross Grange in 24 hours after I left it and is there at this moment full of warm feelings for him and Kathy how did you preserve the common sympathies of human nature when you resided here I cannot recognize any sentiment which those are on share with me I beseech you to explain if you can what I have married that is when you call to see me and you must call Ellen very soon don't write but come and bring me something from Edgar some wretched I've been a fool I should expect you every day don't disappoint me Isabella [Music] Nellie how are you Alina thank you mr. Heathcliff sit down No thank you sir do you have anything for Isabella Nellie give it to her we have no secrets between us oh no sir I have nothing they must have hid me telly sister Schumer's to expect neither a letter nor a visit from him she's for your happiness man how is she Lily leave mrs. Linton she's just now recovering we'll never be like she was but a life is bad before you leave this house you must promise you get me an interview with her I will see her you must not miss a sniff then you never shall through my means another encounter between you and mr. Linton killer altogether tell me if Cathy would suffer greatly from his loss Nelly the fear that she might restrains me from tearing his heart out and drinking his blood and if you don't believe that then you don't know me yes you do in all hopes of a recovery by thrusting yourself into a remembrance now when she's almost forgotten you Oh Nelly you know she is not you know as well as I do that for every thought she spends on Linton she spends a thousand on me Linton is scarcely a degree dearer to her than a dog or a horse it is not in him to be loved like me Cathy and Edgar are as fond of each other as any two people can be I won't hear my brother depreciated Oh your brother his wondrous fond of you two is me turns you adrift on the world was surprising electric he is not aware of what I suffer I didn't tell him that you've written have you I don't need to say that I was married you saw the note and nothing since no young lady look sadly the worse for a change of condition somebody's love fall short in our case obviously I should guess it was her own she's growing tired of trying to please me uncommonly early Nelly I think she begins to know me at last this morning she actually announced that I had succeeded in making her hate me you sure you hate me Isabella if I let you alone for half a day won't you come sighing and wheedling to me again the night we left I hung up a little dock and when she pleaded for it I said I wished I had the hanging of every beam belonging to her except one but no brutality disgusted her tell your master Nelly she even disgraces the name of Linton tell him also I keep strictly within the limits of the law and I've avoided giving her the slightest right to claim a separation though she would thank nobody for dividing us she desired to go she might he's a liar Ellen I've made the attempt but I dare not repeat it he says he's married me to obtain power over Edgar but he shan't obtain it I'll die first I am a legal protection must retainer in my custody however distasteful the obligation now get upstairs Isabella upstairs child I have no pity the more the worms ride the more I yearn to crush out their entrails did you ever feel a touch of it in your life put that down you're not going yet Nellie last night I was in the Grange garden six hours I shall return there again tonight and every night now hope the place until I find an opportunity of entering I've warned you when I came you might let me in unobserved soon as she was alone and watch until I departed I shall never play traitor in my Master's house anyway it would be cruel the slightest occurrence startles our painfully it is foolish to a certain Ellie that she could not bear to see me its decide this at once how am I to fight my way to Cathy over Linton and his footman or will you be my friend is you have been hitherto and do what I request now decide [Music] [Music] there's a letter for you mrs. Linton you must read it immediately because it requires an answer should I break the seal yes I read it but stifled it mom it's from mr. Eastley he wishes to see you'll be in the garden by this time and he's anxious to know what answer I shall bring what now you and Edgar have broken my heart Heathcliff and you both come to bewail the deed to me as if you would have people to be pitied and not Biddy you know darling you've killed me and you thrived of it I think I'm stronger what wish I could hold you till we were both dead I shouldn't care what you suffered well why shouldn't you suffer I do you forget me will you be happy when I'm laid in the earth what do you say twenty years from now that's the grave of Catherine Earnshaw oh I loved that was Richard to lose her it passed past will you say so Heathcliff go tell him as mad as yourself you know that you like to say that I killed you and you know I could as soon forget you as my own existence is it not sufficient for your infernal selfishness that while you're at peace I shall ride in the torments of Hell another piece I'm not wishing you greater torment than I have my darling I own Alicia's never to be parted if a word of mine brings you one moment of distress hereafter well you just think that I'm feeling the same distress underground for my own sake forgive me you see Nelly you wouldn't relent a minute to keep me out of the grave that's how I'm loved never mind that's not my eat I love mine yet and I'll take him with me he's in my soul tired tired of being in closed I'm wearing to escape into that glorious world to be always there I'm not seeing it dimly through tears pianning for it through the walls of an aching heart to be with it in it and comfortably and cry and wring out my kisses and my tears because they'll blight you damn you you broke it and then breaking it you've broken mind I forgive you [ __ ] you for me it's hard to forgive him they look at those eyes and to philia wasted hands Oh God kiss me again the top let me see your eyes I forgive what you've done to me Cathy because I love my murderer but you're sorry she's over missiles at the gate ratings come on she's not she says stay if he shot me now that expire with a blessing on my lips yeah unless you're a fiend help her first and then you shall talk to me [Music] [Music] [Music] he called verbally beyond and above us all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn you all she needs none of your tears he died that's quiet to survive she stretched like a child reviving thinking again to sleep one little possible Hartman nothing more ever mention me dead Jane she's nobody of D&M the gentle dream may she wake as kindly in the other world where is she she's no there she done it haven't you know Paris well you said you can let me move my something could I pray one prayer and I will repeat it until my tongue stiffens catherine earnshaw me you know rest living you said I killed you want me then be with me always take any form drive me mad cannot live without my life without my [Music]
Channel: StingFlix
Views: 202,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering heights, kay adshead, ken hutchison, bbc, tv mini series, emily bronte, hugh leonard, peter hammond
Id: 9TRagj927Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 50sec (9230 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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