【Multi Sub】:大唐神探 |武媚娘竟在镜子面前露出了狐狸真身,皇上当场把她关起来 |#武打#动作#超酷影院#通天狄仁杰

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The four of you who are in charge are meant to share weal and woe. Now suddenly I appear Have I affected your lives? You mean the two sisters? Qingzi, don't worry They're both like that Knife mouth tofu heart They will like you after getting along for a long time We've been together for a long time you plan Will the five of us be together forever? Qingzi, I can go back to Yaowang Valley with you This is what I promised you As for red coins and blue embroidery No I'm not talking about them Qingzi, what are you thinking about? I admit You really impacted my life. But I like the life influenced by you Renjie You say gods Are you really happy and carefree? I'm not a god, so I can't answer you. Why in the world There are so many companions Qingzi, no matter what happens to you in the future Let's not be separated anymore You almost died for me in Heifeng Village did you know I swore in my heart at that time I am willing to use one to change your life You fog, he is not dead yet Where am I? right in front of you Don't be afraid, Qingzi No matter what happens in the future I won't even leave you Mo Yu Mo Yu What’s wrong with you Mo Yu, have you seen Qingzi? Hasn't she been with you the whole day? Kiyoko is missing did you see her No? Has she left? Murong Qing is gone Mo Yu Was she angry with us yesterday? Didn't you help me find it together? I don't blame you at all Just sad After all, he finally got to know Miss Murong. Kiyoko Murong Qing Miss Murong Murong Qing Miss Murong Taoist priest have you ever seen The frail girl yesterday Master Di This is the girl You asked me to give it to you before I left. It's still dark She was already on her way alone Renjie Forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye again You and I made a promise to Fodor No need to ask why last night Qingzi has been treated as such for the rest of his life Goodbye from now on It’s Qingzi’s next life Murong Qing is no longer Murong Qing Kiyoko What's going on in your mind? Why won't you tell me? Dida Everything is caused by fate. People are born, old, sick and die Earthly conditions naturally arise and cease Tao follows nature Mr. Di, please don’t be too stubborn. Silly scholar sorry Nothing to do with you What are you going to do I'll go find Murong Qing back She's injured now and shouldn't be able to walk far. stop No need to go None of your business Big I'm fine Master is right Dependent Origination Destiny Destruction Dao Dharma Nature Qingzi had her own reasons for leaving She has her choice and freedom Let's go Return to the state The case of Heifengzhai Lian almost lost his only brother Prince Hou wandered around the world for many years I really can't bear it Now I want to take the King of Han back to Chang'an Brothers reunited Your Majesty must never have such thoughts It was the late emperor’s last order to exile King Pu. The late emperor did this It was precisely because they were worried that the Han rulers would become too powerful. That would threaten the emperor But the King of Han has been in exile for many years His henchmen are long gone Even if I return to Chang'an I just let him be pampered and shameful. He will not participate in government affairs How does he threaten the Union? emperor Complaints speak out The emperor has a kind heart I'm afraid it will give the conspirators a loophole. Centipede is dead but not stiff Although the King of Han is away But as long as you return to Chang'an, it will be dangerous Even if King Pu has no objection Also beware of villains with ulterior motives make use of it Just because he is the son of the late emperor and empress Changsun The emperor's brother Lord Changsun’s words are true. Disasters often accumulate in the slightest My emperor should be on guard against subtle changes Lord Chu The emperor has always governed the world with benevolence and filial piety. How to be a king Do I need you to teach? Li Yifu, you are a little middle school student How dare you speak to me like this? What do you know about the way of a king? Suiliang There is no need to argue with such a villain with ulterior motives. emperor In short, you must not take King Pu back to Chang'an Okay, don't say any more Let’s discuss this later Xu Jingzong, Minister of Rites, petitioned Houying Wu Zhaoyi gave birth to a prince for Jiang Cupping should be performed I am just short of a concubine when I descend. Why don't we just canonize Wu Zhaoyi as a virtuous concubine? Okay, I also have this intention Mr. Xu’s memorial is approved Please ask the Ministry of Etiquette to quickly choose an auspicious day. I don’t think Wu Zhaoyi can be made a concubine. what happened again Can Lenovo let King Han come back? Now I want to confer a concubine Isn’t it done too? Complaints speak out Wu Zhaoyi was originally from the late emperor's harem Now the emperor wants to make her his concubine This is a mess I'm afraid I'll have to apologize to the world. Mr. Zhang, this is the Emperor’s family matter. This is my family matter No need for outsiders to ask Lower the royal selflessness What matters to the royal family is the matter to the world Your Majesty is the most noble of the ninety-five Should be a model of morality for all people Wu Meiniang had already shaved off her hair and became a nun You should be single-minded Praying for Emperor Taizong in Ganye But they have the same intention You should stay away from such charming people. The minister seconded the motion I also seconded the proposal. enough Is the emperor in bad health? Wei Chen thinks We might as well discuss this matter another day Please lower your body to take care of yourself first. Retreat from the court Long live my emperor, long live the emperor Be good So good It really pisses me off See the Emperor See the Emperor Okay, let's go down first. What could possibly displease the emperor? It's better to ask Mei Niang to take care of the emperor's problems. Not those old ministers They always treat me like a child Take care of everything I, the emperor, might as well leave it to them. emperor Can Lenovo let King Han come back? It would not do to think of making Mei Niang a concubine. The emperor is so angry about this matter That's not angry enough Mei Niang, you gave birth to a little prince for me What's wrong with jointly conferring you the title of concubine? You didn't see it Today Changsun Wuji And the look on Chu Zhuliang’s face All of them spoke harshly And Zhang Xiaoxu, the great scholar from Hongwen Hall He is really an old-fashioned, sour scholar. He actually told Lian Meiniang doesn’t want this title As long as Mei Niang can be with the emperor, I'm already happy and contented Don’t do it because of Mei Niang And it affects your relationship with your ministers Meiniang Everything you said is true How could Mei Niang blame you? The emperor remembers five years of love Can you take Meiniang back to the palace? Let Meiniang give birth to a little prince again Mei Niang is already grateful emperor emperor Will the old slave come now? You're already here. If you have anything to say, tell me. emperor Queen Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu outside Zhaoyi Slim Palace Request an audience with the emperor Wang Fu It's you who told them where to lock them again Your Majesty, even if the slave doesn’t say anything The two empresses also know it. 1. You were not in the Manlu Hall after the court. right here Where else can we go? Then let them go I don't want to see them emperor Let's meet After all, she is a queen and a concubine. Why are you meeting them? These two women quarrel every day Complain upon meeting Lian gets a headache when he sees them And today in the court hall their fathers and brothers They all stood up to oppose the joint designation of you as their concubine. You still speak for them? emperor Something happened on Emperor Su Jie Go and see him quickly If there are three long and two shortcomings in the vegetarian festival As a mother, I can’t live anymore. What happened to the Sujie Emperor? Not a queen yet Her adopted son Yan Wangzhong I have to compete with Su Jie in archery. The result is evil intentions If you don't shoot the prey, shoot me. Zhonger didn’t mean to shoot the vegetarian festival It's when Zhong'er shoots his arrow Su Jie, Su Jie, he ran there by himself Your Majesty, listen quickly What did she say? How could Sujie run there on his own? Doesn't he know that arrows can hurt people? How do I know why he ran there? Maybe it's your trick Okay, okay, stop arguing Where is Prince Sujie's injury? heavy or not emperor that arrow Came solidly on his right arm Bleeding will not stop That arm is probably going to be wasted. Just now, when the imperial doctor was applying medicine to Su Jie, He even cried out that he wanted to see his father Your Majesty, please go and see the vegetarian festival. Driving in Shufei Palace Who's coming? Notify King Xu that the emperor is coming to see him Wait This child in Sujie has always been filial. If he knew that Liaison was coming, Then you have to endure the injury and get up to face the United. I'll forget it and don't report it. Let's see where you go this time vegetarian festival father emperor What’s wrong with you I think your eyes are also injured, right? vegetarian festival What are you talking about as a concubine? Concubine Shu, she is nothing but a cruel trick Concubine Shu hates you for making Zhonger the crown prince. Deliberately slander Zhonger Just to make Bi Xia change the Feng Su Festival enough you people The prince who works from day to night What the hell, mother, don’t live up to expectations Haven't I already made Zhong'er? What are you worried about? emperor Emperor Su Jie is really hurt Just because I'm not here He was just playful for a while so he Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? I was angry with those old ministers in court I went to court I still have to suffer from them Wang Fu Hurry up and help me back to Mei Niang Slim Palace yes Your Majesty Your Majesty You bitch Dare to testify against my loyal son Now I'm being annoyed by the emperor You really deserve it Queen How can you be so good? I brought this vixen Wu Meiniang into the palace. It's like lifting a big rock Smashed my own foot Queen, do you feel any pain? you Ji Xuanyu meets Queen Shufei You actually know our identities Of course Xuan Yu knows but This identity is already in danger Bold Taoist Nun How dare you make such nonsense The immortal family never speaks nonsense Water is impermanent and people are impermanent. This is an irrefutable truth Otherwise, the two empresses would not have to come to Xuan Yu. you what do you mean Xuan Yu knows The two empresses asked for a lottery ticket together. Why don't you tell me the signature and listen to it? You will understand everything Since the sun and the moon shine together Then the sun and moon hang in the sky at the same time It means clear and empty This Mingkong is a Dharma name Akira Mingkong is Wu Meiniang’s dharma name when she feels her karma and waits. It is this clear sky Now I am very favored Her appearance made everyone in the harem lose their temper Of course, this also includes the Queen and Concubine Shu. Therefore, the sun and moon shine together and a hundred flowers shine together Then tomorrow spring will come and press jade Xiao When spring comes tomorrow, a hundred flowers will bloom Mingkong is no longer in power so Wu Meiniang also fell out of favor one day But there is a condition what conditions This condition lies in the last three words Since it is according to Yuxiao Just hold down one of the holes on the jade Xiao When dismantled, there are fewer jade characters. That is the word Wang So the conditions are there I just want Wang Su to cooperate That is to say, let the Queen and Concubine Shu cooperate You asked me to cooperate with Concubine Shu This is God's will Two of you came together to view the Three Purities of Purity Also asking for a sign The most important thing is to face an enemy together joke How could I, Concubine Xiao Shu, cooperate with her? Do you think I am willing to cooperate with you? If you hadn't brought Wu Meiniang into the palace, How could there be today's situation? I brought Wu Meiniang into the palace not because of you You have the emperor all to yourself Do you think you are great? We are born from the same roots, so why be too hasty? I am the Queen And she is just a concubine How come I have the same roots as her? you Both empresses are the emperor's women They all depend on the emperor If something happens to the emperor Presumably you guys have to fight for a winner. It's meaningless Why did you say something would happen to the emperor? The two empresses don’t know something Na Wu Meiniang He was originally a vixen who had been practicing Buddhism for five hundred years. Transformed into a beautiful woman to confuse the emperor If you don't conquer it again The emperor's life is in danger Tang Dynasty Society Mu Kanyou Really dissatisfied It was precisely because of this that Xuan Yu Just came to Chang'an No wonder That Wu Meiniang lost her hair in a nunnery Can also charm the emperor And her charming eyes Now it seems It's obviously a pair of fox eyes so The Queen and Concubine Shu must work together Only then can we survive this crisis Xuanyu met Lord Changsun Sir, this fairy girl Is a good friend of Princess Yuzhen of Sanqingguan Very effective Even you and I are in Bingzhou What happened when they followed the late emperor, she How long has it been since Fairy Lady came? The fairy is here - more than an hour ago At that time we were going to Dongshan Temple to worship Buddha. Just in time the fairy came to visit But an hour ago I also met Jian Ka with you in the Royal Garden The master met the fairy aunt an hour ago Xuan Yu knew Lord Changsun’s question Sir, do you still remember? The unthinkable disaster that Xuan Yu said Xuan Yu just wanted to stop this unnecessary disaster Only then can I come here with the avatar technique. Master and Madam Dongshan Temple is on fire Many pilgrims were burned to death If the master hadn't been visited by the fairy aunt, Our whole family really wants to go to Dongshan Temple. I thank Xiangu for saving my family. Then please take a seat in the study. please I am a direct person Never beat around the bush Please also ask Fairy Lady to tell you everything directly. Xuan Yu is a practitioner never speak slang Lord Changsun, please tell me Sales aunt enters the palace this time It’s not just for the Queen and Concubine Xiao Shu, right? Lord Changsun always thought that Xuan Yu has a plan It’s fragrant because the adults themselves I have become accustomed to having to ask for something in everything I do. Lord Changsun is dissatisfied with what you said When Xuan Yu was practicing Taoism at Wufeng Mountain in Bingzhou See the evil spirit rising to the east It seems that this demon is in Chang'an Palace. Xuan Yu is doing justice for heaven That’s when I decided to come to Chang’an to slay the demons. The fairy aunt is indeed doing justice for heaven by slaying demons. But is it true That's a different matter Lord Changsun may know better than Xuan Yu Now the villain is in power and bewitches the emperor The safety of the court is related to Zhi Fuli Xuan Yu can’t sit idly by and ignore it. I have already calculated That Yaoqing will come out of the area tonight It's a good time to catch her Xuan Yu will perform the practice in the Guizhen Temple of Tai Chi Palace If adults don’t believe it You can come and see it in person Master Zhang stop Have you seen a Taoist nun? No No, this It seems to be Wu Zhaoyi’s slim palace. Walk Fairy aunt, what is this? This is vixen hair The fox demon just killed Mr. Zhang in Hongwen Hall Xuan Yu’s soul just came out T Just go to Hongwen Hall to catch her But that fox demon has deep magic power let her escape What You said Mr. Zhang is dead? Emperor Wang Fu Sound the gong outside as a warning What happened There is an assassin in the emperor's palace Zhang Xiaoxu, Mr. Zhang was on duty at Hongwen Hall at night. was killed See Bixia See Descend See Descend Get up, everyone Father Yong, why are you here? The old minister also heard about this incident I just came here specially. Lord Changsun, does he know what this is? This should be Mr. Zhang’s handwriting I once said to Mr. Zhang I want to write a recommendation for Xiang Xin That should be it What's going on You two talk about the situation. yes At that time we heard Master Zhang A cry from inside so That Wu Meiniang was indeed transformed by a fox demon fairy aunt Then should we tell the emperor? Let him leave that woman quickly The emperor has been deceived by the fox demon for a long time I won't believe you easily What should I do? Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen There are always people who better than you Xuan Yu has her own way to make her show her true colors Wang Fu emperor I'm telling you, how did this adult die? Your Majesty, please don’t embarrass me. I can’t even find a single one in Dali Temple. How can a slave know? The Emperor’s eldest grandson asks for an audience Please invite uncle in quickly yes Old minister, see you and descend. Uncle is exempt from gifts I have something important to tell you. Uncle, please speak Remember last night Bi Xia asked why the old minister was also in the palace? Lao Chen is in Guizhen Guan Let’s see how Fairy Xuanyu subdues demons. What My uncle watched Fairy Xuanyu’s practices Master Zhang was killed by a fox demon when he came down. This is an indisputable fact This is impossible The old minister saw it with his own eyes when Xiangu Yuanshen came out to write. Otherwise, the two guards wouldn't be able to see it. Fairy aunt is catching monsters in Hongwen Pavilion And when Xiangu Yuanshen returned to write There are fox hairs inside the Bagua silk cloth in your hand Lower the fairy's magic power Even the veteran minister has to believe it Descend and remember Yesterday we met the Fairy Girl in the Royal Garden She said, is there something difficult at Lao Chen’s family? I remember But my father didn’t believe it at the time Yes Yes But when the old minister returns home Shan Gu has been waiting at Lao Chen's home for a long time Originally, my family was going to Dongshan Temple to worship Buddha. But yesterday there was a fire at Dongshan Temple Fortunately, the incarnation of Fairy Girl arrived in time to stop her. Only survived Could this happen Recently, the old minister often contradicts Longxia with his words. This is really unbecoming of a monarch and his ministers The old minister thought he was dedicated to serving the public good Worrying about the community and worrying about the king You can commit Yan Zhensu just like Wei Zheng did in the previous dynasty Fortunately, there was a fairy who gave me advice Only then did the old minister wake up This is really the principle of a monarch and his ministers. Let my emperor be ashamed I hope the punishment will be reduced Please wake up, uncle Father Yong, what are you talking about? The joint office still needs help from the father. We must not let the fox demon make votes in the palace anymore. So where is this demonic wall now? That Yaoqing is lowering his pillow fairy aunt Why is the monster on my pillow? That vixen is Wu Meiniang impossible Mei Niang has always been gentle and kind And gave birth to a little prince for me How could she be a fox demon? Your Majesty, Mr. Zhang died last night You saw it with your own eyes Xuan Yu catches the monster and chases it to Zhaoyihen Palace But I saw that the fox demon had changed back to human form Lying next to the emperor For the emperor's safety Xuan Yu did not act rashly impossible Mei Niang slept next to Lian last night I've been sleeping soundly Your Majesty, think about it Was there anything strange about Zhaoyi's acne palace last night? There was something really strange last night It seems like someone is knocking on the door all the time But when I opened the door, there was nothing. And I’ve been having trouble sleeping And Meiniang, she Zhaoyi, she slept peacefully as before Really, Your Majesty? Emperor Wu Zhaoyi is just The body that the fox demon relies on Xuan Yu can bring his soul out of the window Fox demons can also leave the body Run out and kill someone. The knock on the door last night It's probably the fox monster causing trouble Impossible impossible There is absolutely no way Mei Niang is a fox demon Descend and remember last night Those torn scraps of paper? That book was written by Mr. Zhang to Xiang Xia This is a memorial to persuade people to surrender and stay away from Wu Meiniang. And above the court Mr. Zhang also tried to prevent the emperor from marrying Wu Meiniang as his concubine. It can be seen that Wu Meiniang killed him with a grudge. It's very possible Since ancient times, charming people can confuse the Lord The business owner was fascinated by Sister Su Just ruined the country nowadays This Yaoqing is already in the court Win over a group of forces The emperor should eradicate the root cause immediately We can’t let Xian Chenzhu die again Enough is enough You keep saying that Mei Niang is a demon fox What about the evidence? If the emperor doesn't believe it Xuan Yu can make Wu Meiniang reveal her true form Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? quick What happened to the emperor? Kuailian wants to return to Ganlu Hall Should the emperor call the imperial physician? Your Majesty, please slow down Empress, Empress, Empress Master Tu, do you know? you came just in time Chun Renjie has been thinking about this bottle of jade elixir for a year Got it today I am worried that few people will drink together how Don’t you believe our sisters’ drinking capacity? Good wine. This wine is worth thinking about. I can't believe your drinking capacity But I'm afraid you guys can drink too much Stealing his good wine Lord Yan Your visit this time Not just to see Renjie, my old friend, right? You say you are dissatisfied Something big happened in the palace How could this Wu Zhaoyi be a fox demon? I've heard of it before This Taoist nun named Ji Xuanyu She helps people ascend in Baiyun Temple Since then, there have been countless believers I had doubts about her at that time This practice is a good thing But she deceived him by taking a monastic trip Really abominable This kind of fake Taoist nun is innocent because she wants to gain people’s trust. Make money by cheating I’ve seen it a lot in the world of martial arts Although I haven't been there personally It's all about listening to people's reports But I did investigate it privately The two guards spoke poems It's not like lying And there is no need for them to go wild Sometimes what you see may not be true Since the incident at Hongwen Hall The emperor kept having a headache Finally one day He couldn't help it Ask that Taoist nun to try Wu Zhaoyi Mr. Changsun and I were also present at that time. Your Majesty, please think twice After all, the emperor and Zhaoyi have always been in love Lord Yan Are you afraid of Wu Zhaoyi? This fox demon is not good If Xuan Yu can't make the fox demon appear, The emperor can drive Xuan Yu out of the palace Continue to love Zhaoyi Wang Fu went to ask Mei Niang to come out. Your Majesty, please tell the fairy to stop. If this continues Zhaoyi may not be able to survive That's enough, Fairy Girl, please stop. Wang Fu starts from now on Ordered people to lock Mei Niang into the Thin Palace Not allowed to come out yes This black-hearted Taoist nun How is Wu Zhaoyi? She's all alone now Being locked up in the palace with the little prince The maids and eunuchs of Yeting Palace No one dares to wait for her Everyone says she is a fox demon Even those ministers in the DPRK who supported her Like Li Yifu Xu Jingzong and others No one dares to speak for her now correct The emperor has decreed Mr. Zhang’s case is no longer allowed to be investigated. It seems that the emperor still has feelings for Wu Zhaoyi That's why he avoided the case because he couldn't bear it I also think so Such a confused emperor What's the use of keeping him? that is The emperor and the fake Taoist nun should be killed Then rescue poor Wu Zhaoyi my aunt You can't say this This is for the Zhujiu Clan. Master Yan, although she is too bold but her method It is often the most direct and effective Mo Yu Renjie Look at these two you collected You must be really careful in the future Lanling Red Scarf Don't say such treacherous words in the future. Mo Yu, that’s all if you don’t stop me. Instead, he made noise with them. did not expect You, Di Renjie, are also scared sometimes. I, Di Renjie, face the court and the emperor Not fear but respect But this does not mean that Renjie is interested in everything They are all obedient Even if the emperor is wrong, he must be corrected. Lord Yan Renjie will go to Chang'an with you now I want to see Ji Xuanyu this time Who is it? Well, that's exactly what I came for But it’s not me who asked me to invite you. But someone else who is it Wait until Chang'an You will know of course Please refer to the emperor for the official version of the plan Emperor Di Renjie has arrived Di Renjie meets the emperor Mo Yu meets the Emperor Lanling Red Scarf Meets the Emperor Get up, everyone Thank you, Your Majesty Di Renjie It seems like you're living well in Downstate. It turned out that only Mo Yuan was riding in front and behind Now there are two more beauties Return to the Emperor They belong to Renjie friend Your Majesty, please rest assured They follow Renjie through life and death Absolutely trustworthy He is Renjie’s indispensable right-hand man Di Renjie has been experiencing a lot of strange things in the palace recently. I believe Master Tu has told you Back to the emperor Renjie already understood Please Nu Renjie speak frankly There are no fox monsters in this world It's just that fairy girl Just making trouble behind your back But Mr. Zhang died mysteriously in Hongwen Hall. Doors and windows closed The scene was so scary again Also, I saw Fairy Girl with my own eyes Use a magic mirror to make your maiden look happy But the emperor still had doubts in his mind Otherwise, I wouldn’t have asked Renjie to come to Chang’an. I have doubts in my mind I can’t let go of my relationship with Mei Niang. Renjie understands Renjie and Wu Zhaoyi meet at Ganye etc. Although they don’t interact much But it can be seen Wu Zhaoyi’s sincerity towards you The emperor's ministers also think so That Wu Zhaoyi is just a weak woman But he was teased by fate again and again So pitiful The fight in the emperor's harem is very dangerous Sections and generally involve All forces in North Korea and China The relationship inside is actually complicated What is the truth Still need to check carefully The benefits and harms of this matter are naturally clear to the skin. Di Renjie Two major cases in Ganye Temple and Heifengzhai You have done great things It shows that you have extraordinary abilities This time I order you to sneak into the harem Thoroughly investigate Mr. Zhang’s murder case But you must not reveal your identity This incident implicates Queen Shufei And Lord Changsun Lian doesn't want them to know But the emperor Not everyone can enter the harem The second hero cannot reveal his identity This investigation I'm afraid it's really difficult ·Di Renjie, these are your concerns Lian Lian has already thought it through for you. I just didn’t know you brought two more people with you Wang Fu emperor We can also arrange the code for this matter Your Majesty, don't worry My slave will definitely take care of the things you wish for. Good baby Look at Zhu Chengbi thinking a lot Jiao Zhili is Yijun If you don’t believe me, I’ve shed tears recently. Unboxing and checking pomegranate skirt Master Di Renjie still remembers Zhaoyi This poem was written in Ganye Temple Zhaoyi's affection for the emperor Even Renjie was moved by it I don’t know if I regret it Since it is true, what regrets are there? As expected, it’s still Renjie Wu Meiniang whom I met a year ago Master Di, do you think Mei Niang will change? Anyone can change Besides, it's a place like this in the palace Pi Lun Yun's place in the eyes of everyone Mei Niang has indeed changed From a person to a monster Mei Niang doesn’t care Just a newborn prince He was also implicated innocently It is for this reason that Zhaoyi Renjie came Ganye Temple Renjie restores your innocence Still Mei Niang and Huang Er thank Mr. Di Master Di Did Master Yan ask you to come? Zhaoyi is really smart as ice and snow It was Mr. Yan who called Renjie here. But I asked Mr. Ge to find Renjie. But it's the emperor That's why Renjie had the opportunity to dress up as a eunuch Come to the harem for inspection Then say so The emperor still believes in Mei Niang Come and see according to Renjie The emperor should be doubtful now But it’s true that the emperor can’t let go of Zhaoyi Zhaoyi, please rest assured Renjie knows the rules of the harem In order to avoid the emperor becoming suspicious in the future, Renjie is only responsible for delivering meals and cleaning Won't cause trouble to Zhaoyi As for losing weight with the service Renjie has two friends who can help Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi, please come in. little six Xiaoqi C Fly to see Zhaoyi, see Zhaoyi Get up quickly It's really hard for you Come to help Mei Niang when she is in danger Mei Niang is so grateful From now on, these false gifts will be dispensed with, right? They are all stupid scholars Let us talk in the palace Be careful He also said that if something goes wrong, he will lose his head. Just want me to say Look, Zhaoyi has no airs at all. Why are we pretending again? Are you holding it here? that is Why is it all my fault in the end? Lord Di is right The palace is indeed no better than other places You two, it's better to be cautious. But it can be excluded here in Mei Niang Just except here Zhaoyi should be careful These two girls are not ordinary girls. I really want them to be free That's really no peace Mr. Di is serious. Mei Niang feels relaxed and at ease It's also a kind of fun Especially at a time like this Particularly rare Zhaoyi is so generous It's really unfair for you to be trapped in this palace. If this were the past I will definitely drag you to become a female snitch female snitch yes They both used to be female snitches So naturally I feel Being a female snitch is unusual What happened to Xia Shusheng’s female snitch? We were wandering around the world Robbery from the rich and giving to the poor That is both chic and loyal Whether it’s chic or loyal, What Meiniang values ​​most is true temperament What a sincere sentence Silly scholar, you are right this time Wu Zhaoyi is indeed a Those who are saved by us Wu Zhaoyi, we have heard about you. Those who wronged you will leave it to me to fly the red scarf See how I deal with them flying red scarf My name is Fei Hongjin, not Xiaoqi Zhaoyi, I am not a Xiaoliu either. My name is Fei Lanling, I am Fei Hongjin’s sister We didn't know Di Renjie until we were in Zhuzhou. the story of this I will tell you slowly later It turns out that the two of them are chivalrous women Meiniang is disrespectful where gas 2 We are in the palace Still follow The names on our own waistbands are called You have to get used to your own identity Otherwise something will happen sooner or later Don't forget what the emperor said He didn't want the queen and others to know about this Master Di Then what should Mei Niang call you? Let’s call Zhaoyi Renjie Xiaosi. Primary four, primary six, primary seven Then why is there no Xiao Wu? Zhaoyi Xiaowu is here Mo Yu Shaoxia Xiaowu meets Zhaoyi Please get up quickly Empress Zhaoyi, when we first arrived I met Xiao Tailan who brought you food. Xiao Wu saw that the food was cold I went to heat it up for you, so I was late. Your feelings today Mei Niang really doesn’t know how to repay Zhaoyi wants to repay Just take good care of yourself Zhaoyi, let’s have a meal first. Tell us by the way The situation in Zhaoyi’s Acne Palace on the night Mr. Zhang’s accident happened in this case The banging on the door that kept the emperor awake that night But it didn't affect Zhaoyi at all Do not know why I slept very peacefully during those days do not know anything Those things were all told to me by the palace maid later. It can be seen from this Zhaoyi must have been drugged Zhaoyi, do you still remember? What did you eat every night during that time? In those days, Mei Niang dined with the emperor Didn't eat anything special One night The emperor heard the knock on the door again then he yelled Ran away from Mei Niang's thin palace Later Mei Niang was awakened After Mei Niang calms down Searched the whole palace Want to find some clues Later on the edge of the door crack Found something This is it is blood Could it be this blood stain? It was left on the door frame and was discovered by Zhaoyi. Then wiped it off with a handkerchief Exactly This is not human blood It's been a long time and I can't find it But I'm sure it's not human blood Could this blood be related to the banging on the door? The old slave pays his respects to Empress Zhaoyi No gifts for princes or princes Thank you, Mr. Wang, these days Your Majesty is serious The old slave has been in the harem for thirty years Never seen anything Some things even if you see them with your own eyes It may not be true We slaves can't say too much What does the emperor want us to do? What we have to do The prince and the beautiful lady understand The prince came in a hurry Is there anything that can happen Xiaosi I have a really good job here I've been thinking about it It's most suitable for you That's why I came in a hurry Since the incident at the Hongwen Hall, it has been Everyone in the palace was bewitched by the words of the demon fox Feng didn't dare to get even half a step closer How many days have people in Dali Temple been incense? We have just been notified by the Chamberlain Said it was time to clean Eunuch Wang is right This matter should really be left to Xiaosi Everyone who came in at that time They were all shocked by the scene in front of them. The smell of stock is indeed fox fur A fox demon commits a crime So much hair left behind I'm really afraid that no one in the world will know It's a fox demon There is no sign of damage to the door or window. The guard also said that no one came in or out at that time. Mr. Zhang is the only one inside And the doors and windows were bolted from the inside. Could it be that the hand in the area becomes invisible? Intangible changes This sounds a bit like a fox demon Look big There are only two words on it Maybe that’s what Mr. Yan said A memorial written by Mr. Zhang to the Emperor How strange It's full of weirdness here Since the murderer wants everyone to The crime was committed by a fox demon There will definitely be strange decorations What I'm talking about is not that the fox demon commits strange crimes. What else is strange about that? The bookshelf and bookcase are all here Master Zhang, whether he is writing You can also check the information here. Why the house and all the scraps of paper And fox fur But they are all in the small open space at the entrance. Even if the fox demon commits the crime There is no need to change the body and everything removed How strange Maybe the murderer suddenly appeared Master Zhang wants to escape Carrying the memorial written by myself in my busy schedule Forced there by the murderer Can't say why I always find the scene so weird Wang Gonggong Is there any way Can let Xiaosi get close to Ji Xuanyu This Taoist nun usually Pure practice of Gui Zhen Guan in the palace No one is allowed to disturb you but There is Tailan who can deliver meals every day Wang Gonggong Why don't you leave this matter to Xiaosi? of course We are all chamberlain supervisors, right? Thank you, Mr. Wang Well, I should go back and serve the emperor. You guys hurry up and clean up. The house is so big that it will take a long time to clean it up. start who is outside Waiter Lan Tailan and Xiaosi came to deliver food to Fairy Aunt Put it down. I'm sorry, father-in-law. fairy aunt Father-in-law, is there anything else? Xiao Si heard that the fairy divination was effective in fortune telling. So I want to ask the fairy aunt to do a fortune telling for Xiaosi. Just because there was a flood in Xiaosi's house How is your family doing now? Xiaosi doesn’t know either So I want to ask Fairy Lady to show mercy Father-in-law, please come in with Xuan Yu Thank you fairy Father-in-law, please sit down If your father-in-law wants to make a hexagram, you can start. Could it be that the fairy aunt didn’t let Xiao Si Can I ask for a signature or money? You and I sit opposite each other As long as we have the same mind, no need to ask Xuan Yu can also answer the father-in-law’s question how to do that Only then can you communicate with the fairy aunt Let go of your prejudices and be honest with each other Xiaosi only respects the fairy without any prejudice In this case, father-in-law can start asking questions I want to know if my family is okay now My father-in-law’s hometown was not hit by floods Of course my loved ones are safe and sound The fairy is really effective Xiao Si has always heard that Fairy Girl has great magical powers. So I want to give it a try father-in-law Spells are not something to be tried lightly We should have reverence for gods Otherwise you will be punished by the gods Don’t try it randomly in the future. Fairy aunt is right Xiaosi will not try anything randomly in the future. It’s time to eat See how you are always so arrogant and arrogant I never thought I could play with children that's for you Are you as cute as our little prince? It’s just that children are the most real Who does he like to follow? Who is the truest and simplest Come and hug me uncle Give uncle a hug You see, even children don’t want to pay attention to you It can be seen that you are usually a pretentious person. How hypocritical What a shame for a child You use it to judge people’s hearts let me try Come and hug me uncle Is there anyone who holds a child like you, holding his head? I'm just teaching him how to hold a baby Is it that ridiculous? Yes, I'm learning how to hold a baby from her. Is it so ridiculous? Good, good, good If Hong'er were not a prince, I'll call him I accept you two as my godmothers Be obedient What are you doing for me? I'm not his godmother Big I'm pretending he doesn't like me I'd better do it Zhaoyi, then you should do it Be good, be good, be good It's great to have you here He's not even alone anymore Hongji Don't eat standing up, everyone. This book says that bronze mirrors can be used under strong light Project the back pattern onto the wall translucent lens It was noon that day Wang Fu asked me to get out I remember the sun was particularly dazzling I can't see the mirror at all Then I don't know why I have a splitting headache I think the reason why Zhaoyi has a headache Maybe it's because of the smoke in the spell Has the scent of ecstasy The wind direction at that time was just towards Zhaoyi The smoke naturally reached her body But that magic mirror Why does the shadow of the fox appear? Can be related to sunlight Is it the light-transmitting mirror mentioned in the book? This book doesn't say Why can a translucent lens Project the pattern from the back onto the wall But the book says Shown is the pattern on the back of the mirror It can be seen that the mystery lies behind the mirror That sunlight is just an auxiliary condition If only I could think of a way Just find that bronze mirror Look at the pattern on the back of it There's something there That's right, maybe the back of the mirror There is a fox I'm on the altar table at Ji Xuanyu's residence Have seen this mirror Listen to the prince Ji Xuanyu tonight Will dine with the emperor and queen red scarf blue I want you to be female snitches again tonight Go to Ji Xuanyu's place and steal the bronze mirror. Give it back Have to give it back We two sisters But I have never done anything like stealing and returning it. I want to study the bronze mirror before Ji Xuanyu comes back Don't be alarmed So it must be returned And if you want to steal it, you have to do it quickly. Clean and tidy Mo Yu You and I come out of the palace I'm going to investigate Ji Xuanyu's identity before dark We come back to meet with Red Scarf Lan Ling Don't worry and go do the work We won't let you down But Ji Xuanyu’s background Even Tianjitang has no way to start Can't be found in Tianjitang There is another place to try It turns out that this is the place you mentioned. I almost forgot In the case of Ganye Temple This Chenghuang Temple also helped us a lot. Chenghuang Temple once defeated Tianji Hall we are not hopeless We don't have much money left Be careful what you ask Excuse me, is the City God in the palace now? Taoist Aunt Ji Xuanyu who made trouble What is the identity? Still remember the last time I asked about Wang Zhaoyan’s whereabouts? What I drew was the dead draw. The city god didn't say anything at that time Di Renjie Everything about this woman Although the city god knew But I can't say a word Why can't you say Is it impossible to say whether Ji Xuanyu is really a god? It's not that she can't say But the power behind her cannot be said She is too powerful and I dare not say it Does Mo Yu still have money on him? Only the last ingot left Fill it into the sesame oil box and give it to Grandpa Chenghuang Please ask the City God Is there anyone in the world who can make a light-transmitting mirror? Skilled craftsman Of course there is This person is known as the Scholar of the Mirror Now in Chang'an But he has no fixed abode and a weird temperament hard to find Big It seems you've encountered another problem It is said that there are more than one million people in Chang'an City Such a range It's up to you and me to find such a person. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. We are not looking for an ordinary person Besides, we are not the only ones looking for someone. Do not worry Thank you City God for your help Renjie said goodbye Mountain This Taoist nun's residence is really simple. If it were before such a place I don’t even look at the red scarf Stop talking and look for it quickly. Time is tight I'm on the altar table at Ji Xuanyu's residence Have seen this mirror red scarf found it Presumably this is it The bronze mirror Di Renjie talked about Let's take it and leave quickly. Walk I didn’t expect this fake Taoist nun to have such a real treasure Red scarf, what do you want to do? Could it be that you want to steal this jewelry box? Di Renjie said that we should not alert the snake to the grass. move Sister, this thief will never leave empty-handed. Besides, this thing It’s not necessarily the fake girl, right? That's not walking either sister Grandpa's Seal of Stealing Saints As long as it's his thing Whether it's your own or stolen He will engrave this seal The real master told us Thief red scarf Since we decided to follow Di Renjie He is no longer a thief So you can't take this Time is running out. Let's leave quickly. Go quickly Did Master Di find out something? It can be said that it was found You can also say that nothing was found. The forces behind Ji Xuanyu are very powerful Whether it is the Tianji Hall of Dali Temple Or is it the City God’s Temple in the world? I couldn't even ask for any information about her. Has Red Scarf Lanling not come back yet? Not long after they entered the palace Maybe not familiar with the road Do you want me to pick them up? Forget it, wait a minute Did everything go smoothly? The Snitch Sisters are not just famous. Have you been discovered? We sisters have never failed to steal anything. How can I repay it if someone discovers it? It's this mirror Although the bright light that day was particularly dazzling, But I still couldn't help but take a look By the way, what did you gain from leaving the palace? The demon mirror is somewhat useful But Ji Xuanyu’s life experience still a mystery Didn't Di Renjie say There are always many small problems next to a big problem Maybe these little problems are solved The big problem will be solved accordingly Strange about the back of this mirror There is no fox pattern at all Isn't this The translucent mirror recorded in the Legend of the Bronze Mirror Damn, you are not from the Mingchangle Gang Have you gone to see the Mirror Scholar? Maybe he can solve this problem Who is the Scholar of the Mirror? It's this world Someone who can recreate a light-transmitting mirror It's getting late Red Turban Lanling Send this back Don't worry, go right now gone It's not that she can't say But the power behind her cannot be said She's too powerful Yingying, do you blame me? If I hadn't gone to catch you that day Maybe you have already had tea Wander the world freely But if so Yingying will never meet adults. blessing Why why why Why do I obviously know I was abused by Xue Qing If I kill him by mistake, I have no choice but to protect myself. Why Why do I, Shen Tianming, want to arrest you? Why is my Shen Tianming so rigid? Adults are not rigid But stick to the principle Your Excellency is a good official 81 good official Adults cannot let Yingying go Sir, let Yingxuan go like this It is a violation of the laws of the Tang Dynasty Yingying doesn’t want adults to give up Stick to your lifelong beliefs so Your Excellency is no longer the one Yingying admires. I do not care Anyway, I can't watch you die Even if we escape like this I'll be a fugitive all my life. What to do with Yingying and the adult’s family? According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty They will be implicated Are we going to let them run away with us for the rest of their lives? I apply for destiny Thinking that the principles you adhere to are all right who knows I committed this biggest mistake in life if you want There is still time to make up for this mistake Ji Xuanyu how did you get in Because you need me As for how I got in It was just a matter of Xuan Yu's thoughts Your Excellency knows this Taoist nun this matter It's hard to tell clearly Xuan Yu knows You are a rare woman with many talents Not only do you practice good kung fu, He also wrote a good article But because she was engaged to the Xue family since she was a child, And marrying Xue Qing, whom she has never met before, Xue Qingsheng loves gambling and beats you from time to time in a quarrel You really can't bear it Killed Xue Qing by mistake Lord Shen Yingying is innocent. Why don't you let her live? How do you know this? Fortune telling for Xuan Yu It's a simple thing Don't believe this Taoist nun Ji Xuanyu What on earth are you doing here? How on earth did you get in? I said as long as I want Can go anywhere And what Xuan Yu wants to do That's what adults do No, I don’t want to run away Miss Yingying, don’t worry Xuan Yu didn’t let you escape Fu X But let you soar Soaring in the day soar Master Shen It seems that you have been in jail for a long time this time. Have you two adults been waiting here for me? We've been waiting for you for a while Have you ever seen anyone coming or going? not at all What happened? No By the way, what do you two have to do with me? Is there any new progress in the case? I went to see Ji Xuanyu the other day That Taoist nun He really has the ability to see through people's hearts I let the red city Lanling At night when she is not around Go to Guizhen Temple and steal the demon mirror Unexpectedly, I fell into her trap. As a result, Wu Zhaoyi was framed Into the cold palace J Those two thought Why did Ji Xuanyu enter the harem this time? Are you talking nonsense? I always think The reason why Ji Xuanyu came to the palace that time G was invited by the Queen to deal with Wu Zhaoyi This problem seems not that simple, right? Mr. Shen, do you know about Chenghuang Temple? City God's Temple Chenghuang Temple is the only place that can be compared with Tianji Hall Higher intelligence gathering agency Tianjitang uses the power of the government The City God's Temple uses the power of Jianghu I went to the Chenghuang Temple today It turns out that this is Ji Xuanyu’s secret Not even the City God’s Temple It can be seen that the power behind her is strong But Renjie is sure This matter is not as simple as a harem fight By the way, Master Shen do you know something Are you attracted to the blood of eels? eel As long as eel blood appears within a radius of five miles, Move upon hearing the wind Then that's right The night Master Zhang died On the door of Zhaoyi Slim Palace It left traces of eel's blood It is the smell of blood that attracts bats The bat has no place to stay Keep banging against this door And because bats are much faster than people Listen when the emperor opens the door Didn't even see anything Like a ghost knocking on the door No wonder the emperor heard the sound of banging on the door G Eel's blood is smeared on the crack of the door Hard to be found The Emperor's headache attacks again But who put that blood on the crack of the door? At that time Ji Xuanyu It should be done within the Guizhen view. yes Moreover There are imperial palaces within a five-mile radius of Zhaoyi Palace. Where did the bat come from? unless Unless someone catches the bat Put it in the palace again say so Ji Xuanyu must have some insiders in the harem Ascension in the day is not a delusion Otherwise there wouldn’t be so many people Work hard for him for a lifetime It's not easy to be promoted We need to have the right time, place, people, and everything in place Xuan Yu calculated it Mr. Shi and Ms. Yingying have the same horoscope. Destined to be associated with immortality The Mid-Autumn Festival is the time when you two ascend If Master Shen and Miss Yingying are willing, Xuan Yu is willing to take you back to the true view and practice pure cultivation. and help you ascend Be a couple in heaven But the cause of Yingying's death How can I get out of this prison? and Yingying doesn’t want to bring trouble to Master Shen You can rest assured on this Xuan Yu will convince the emperor What I said is true What Xuan Yu said is absolutely true No lies Don't listen to this Taoist nun's nonsense Ji Xuanyu I have no idea What is your purpose in doing this? But you must not try to take advantage of me and Yingxuan After the Mid-Autumn Festival, they will be temporarily detained Are you really willing to give up? Master Shen Don't you even have a chance to make up for your mistakes? Don’t you give it to yourself too? Even if you don’t believe in flying That should be believed too This is a chance to escape fate Mr. Shen I've already gone around Dali Temple. Finally found you I don’t know why the prince and his father-in-law are looking for subordinates. Lord Shen, in the heavenly prison of Dali Temple Is there a female idol named Shangguan Yingying? Father-in-law wants to find Yingying It’s not the old slave who’s looking for her, it’s Fairy Xuanyu who’s looking for her. Allow him to practice with the fairy Prepare to ascend in three days And you, sir Fairy aunt talked about this ascension You and Miss Yingying must be together. As for whether it can soar The emperor said it's up to you Master Shen This old slave doesn’t know that it’s better to be a god It’s better to be the Prime Minister of Dali Temple You have three more days to think about it slowly but This is for the cause of death But it's a great opportunity 33 Master Shen Take this old slave to meet Miss Shangguan Yingying. Well, then please invite the prince to come with me. please Wang Gonggong Could you please ask the prince to wait for me? Let your subordinates discuss this matter Let me explain to Miss Yingying If Miss Yingying really wants to practice with the fairy Then the official will take her out OK Thank you, Mr. Wang grown ups Is there any news about the ascension? I want to treat you specially Let you practice with Li Xuanyu and prepare to ascend Really Very good Yingying believe me There must be a conspiracy here Sir, Yingying will be temporarily beheaded in three days. Even if there is some conspiracy Yingying also wants to give it a try After all, this is the emperor’s special treat No need to run away, no need to implicate adults Yingying can justifiably Get out of this prison yes Get out of this prison with good reason I respect your decision Yingying to protect you I will stay with you these three days Keep you safe But will it soar on the Mid-Autumn Festival? Please let fate decide for itself This is Miss Shangguan Yingying, right? congratulation Thank you, father-in-law I will take you to the Guizhen Temple now. Wang Gonggong I will also go with you Sir, I've thought about it now My father-in-law will know in three days Nice please Master Di Miss Qing is now a medical woman at the Imperial Medical Office I wasn't feeling well last night My whole body feels hot and painful Ask someone to go to the Imperial Medical Office to ask for an imperial doctor But everyone heard that he was treating me No one dares to come Only Miss Qing is willing to come and treat me This Qing girl is a medical woman from the Imperial Medical Office I don't know either Master Di Miss Qing has been busy all night Could you please send Miss Qing back? No empress Just follow the method and time I hope Just take medicine I'll come back for a follow-up visit tomorrow I'll give it to you Thank you for treating Wu Zhaoyi Treating illnesses and saving lives is the duty of a medical woman Qingzi, why are you here? A gathering of signature doctors from the imperial family It’s a good place to study and learn Is it wrong for me to apply for the Imperial Medical Office? you leave me Is it just to study medicine? Didn't we agree? no matter what i do You won't even ask me why Like I won't ask you Why is it the same here? Qingzi, you are becoming less and less familiar to me. You are becoming more and more like a mystery But I, Di Renjie, don’t want this in my life Everyone around you is just a mystery You'd better not know me Dawei Murong died early in the morning After that night at the Humanity Temple Already completely dead who am i now I don't know either Renjie Why are you here? Master Yan, why are you here? I was here just now I'm here to find you Just after you come in I only saw Miss Murong Qing You left with her after a while Sir, you must understand My family met Miss Qing There is no one else in my eyes Yes, Master Di When I came in, I saw Miss Qing there. Your eyes won't go anywhere else Wu Zhaoyi Can you repeat what you just said? I said you saw Miss Qing there when you came in Your eyes won't go anywhere else Once you come in, your eyes won't look anywhere else. You'll see it when you come in Eyes won't look anywhere else You'll see it when you come in The eyes will not look anywhere else I think I know the murderer How did you kill Mr. Zhang? And left Hongwen Hall The murderer has always been hiding in Hongwen Hall There are many tall bookshelves in Hongwen Hall It’s easy to hide and block sight What's more, it happened to be night time Master Zhang is searching for information among the bookshelves The murderer took advantage of his unpreparedness Use a zoner similar to the shape of a fox's paw Plunged into Mr. Zhang’s neck Killed Mr. Zhang The murderer killing Mr. Zhang is the first step Next Then he began his elaborate arrangements The murderer first killed Master Zhang Dragged to the place where the body was found Tear up the letter of advice written by Mr. Zhang but deliberately retained Two pieces of paper with Wu Zhaoyi and Hu Mei written on them More and more people believe that it is Zhaoyi's revenge. Then the murderer Scatter the fox fur you brought early in the morning I learned a scream from Mr. Zhang Alarmed the two guards outside the door. Even hidden behind the bookshelf This murder scene is so shocking At the same time, Mr. Zhang’s position The guard can see it as soon as he opens the door. Based on first reaction The two guards will naturally be attracted to it, The murderer can take advantage of this opportunity Exit Hongwen Hall from the main gate The murderer moved the house Such a complicated scene was set up again Not just for those who see it The association of fox monsters killing people The most important thing is to give yourself one A chance to escape from Hongwen Hall This is what Empress Zhaoyi said As soon as the guard entered the door, he saw the most important thing How can my eyes look anywhere else? At that time, the two guards were like this So are we all did not expect The hand actually used such a simple principle confuses us all Sometimes the simpler the truth The harder it is to think of as you said It seems that all this has been planned for a long time The guard said that Taoist nun would come to catch the demon soon. In terms of human time It's too clever so i doubt It was Ji Xuanyu who killed Mr. Zhang After leaving Hongwen Hall Then he turned around and pretended to be a ghost. How is this possible? Was Ji Xuanyu practicing in Guizhen Temple at that time? Lord Changsun, Queen Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu they are all present Are they all lying? Or maybe they are all accomplices I don't believe it I heard some people would lie for Ji Xuanyu At least Changsun Wuji doesn’t have to But it must be nothing The extremely desolate spirit emerges from its abode There must be some reason behind this By the way, Lord Yan Why did you come to Renjie so early? I didn’t see you at the Yeting Palace I went to first. I'm here Do you know that Ji Xuanyu To perform the soaring of the sun during the Mid-Autumn Festival And her choice It's actually Mr. Shen and that girl About this matter, Mo Yu and I I heard a palace maid talk about it To perform soaring in the daytime It seems that the Taoist nun is coming for me. The forces behind Ji Xuanyu Not even the City God can tell i have a feeling Behind Ji Xuanyu There must be a bigger conspiracy Lord Yishen’s wisdom Shouldn't not know this How could he cooperate with Ji Xuanyu? this problem Only Mr. Shen himself can answer the question Renjie, I asked the people at Dali Temple They told me Talk about Master Shen and Miss Yingying Already followed Ji Xuanyu to practice Guizhen Temple Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival What should we do? Master Shen goes to practice It must be for Shangguan Yingying Mo Yu This time we must be there in time Before Ji Xuanyu’s actions to expose this scam You mean we have to find a way Find out how to ascend right Ji Xuanyu seems to have magical powers Achieve everything she wants to do Even Dali and other prime ministers Shen Tianming were persuaded by her Tianming and Yingying began to practice with Ji Xuanyu Preparing for the Mid-Autumn Festival Shen Tianming Shangguan Yingying You two ascended voluntarily Return to the emperor and the daughter of the people is willing to ascend If you can really become a god Yingying will be in the sky Praying day and night for the peace and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and the people I heard you are a dead zone yes So if you can ascend to immortality I am also optimistic about the success But if you can’t ascend, you still have to leave. You cannot break the laws of the Tang Dynasty Your Majesty, don't worry Ascension is God's will As long as Yingying and Master Shen are together Just rice will definitely make you ascend to immortality What about you, Mr. Shen1? Bi Xia Weichen is willing to fly together Master Shen, this matter is no child’s play Since ancient times, I have only heard of ascension And no one has ever seen it with their own eyes Lord Yan Things you haven't seen don't exist But Mr. Pavilion You can see it with your own eyes this time you Master Shen You have a great responsibility in charge of Dali Temple Think twice before acting Be a god and feel free Don’t be bothered by the common things in the world Moreover, Dali Temple is full of talented people. Y There are many blessings for those who share their worries and solve their problems. Well that's the case I wish you both a successful ascension tomorrow. The emperor's ascension is not easy to achieve It also requires the right time, place and people. Fairy aunt, can you tell me in detail? Lian is willing to hear the details The time of heaven is the time of ascension Xuan Yu has already counted the days of Naiming The location is a place of ascension This requires Master Shen and Miss Yingying jointly measured As for harmony Lord Shen and Yingying have the same horoscope The fate of these two people is also you and me. I have you but They still need to be truly united before ascending. Only when we become one can we become one What you mean is hold a wedding for them let them get married It becomes one by itself In order to smoothly ascend, Bi Xia I am willing to marry Shangguan Yingying this emperor Taoism is not against secular marriage 8 The harmony of yin and yang It is also one of my Taoist cultivation methods. The two of them will ascend tomorrow morning Just a pair of fairy lovers It’s also a good story from my Tang Dynasty Fairy, how should this wedding be held? Tomorrow Xuanyu will lead Mr. Shen Go to the place of ascension to practice behind closed doors X Miss Yingying is in Guizhen Temple Waiting for the wedding in a sedan chair The sedan chair takes Miss Yingying to the place of ascension Mr. Shen then played the wedding song Miss Yingying can walk into the bridal chamber by herself X married Mr. Shin No one can interrupt this process So Xuan Yu would also come out and do the magic outside the bridal chamber. Master Shen finished playing the song Two people can ascend The so-called song ends and everyone disperses henceforth Master Shen and Miss Yingying 8 They are a pair of fairy lovers 8 Not only have I never seen I’ve never even heard of it X The good old man understands and will wait and see. Na Xiangu Just now you mentioned the place of ascension Master Shen and Miss Yingying need to test together. Mr. Yan, don’t be anxious Now Lord Shen Tianming and Miss Yingying We have to measure this place of ascension. Master Shen Please feel free to choose the first position Just here Emperor Xuanyu calculated it Yingying is the golden zodiac sign representing the East. Xuan Yu now Then it will be at the place where Mr. Shen is standing. What is the easternmost point of Chang'an City? Who knows the southeasternmost part of the Manna Palace? what is the place X X Yonganfang What about the easternmost part of Yong'anfang? Wang Fu sent someone to check yes emperor The easternmost part of Yong'anfang is Hefu Study Room Hefu Study Room Whose house is this? emperor Hefu study was built during the reign of Emperor Taizong The private residence of He Qing, a scholar at Hongwenguan University He Qing Why have I never heard of it? He Qing was implicated in the prince's rebellion Being asked for a while X X Come down and listen to what Lord Changsun says. Wei Chen also remembered That He Qing was the prince's young master at that time Then isn't this the house of a sinner? How can this be a place of ascension? Your Majesty, this is God's will Nai Yingying and Shen Tianming’s horoscopes were measured together Everyone has their own share and cannot be replaced. Although the house is a bit sinister Xuan Yu can order one person to go to the house tonight. Just get rid of that yin energy Who did the fairy aunt send to go there? Tailan Xiaosi from Yeting Palace mistress You mean Xiaosi Wang Fuxuan’s mistress appears Xiaosi meets the emperor Flat body Xiaosi Tomorrow Hefu Study Room To hold an ascension event The fairy aunt wants you to go and suppress the house. I don't know if you are willing to emperor Xiao Si is always there Good Wang Fu I order you to prepare for Xiangu Everything you need to ascend tomorrow yes Xiangu, I am very much looking forward to tomorrow’s results. Your Majesty, please rest assured Xuan Yu will not let the emperor and everyone down Di Renjie, have you found anything? Presented: Do you know about Chenghuang Temple? Isn't that the place where the City God is worshiped? Is there anything special about it? It is as famous as Tianji Hall in Dali Temple It’s all kinds of folk news The most informed and complete place Ji Xuanyu’s background in Dali and others cannot be found Renjie went to the Chenghuang Temple to inquire. But the Chenghuang Temple said Nothing can be said about Ji Xuanyu Because of the power behind her It's really too powerful Can't say Could it be that she is really a fairy? The emperor's true immortal will not harm anyone But Ji Xuanyu I'm afraid I've killed someone. You mean Mr. Zhang’s death? Did you find anything? emperor Mr. Zhang’s house has been moved before And this murderer It has been hidden behind the bookshelf in Hongwen Museum. When the guard pushed in the door They were immediately attracted by Mr. Zhang’s body in front of them. attracted by this strange scene The murderer took this opportunity to escape I suspect this murderer Just rush back right away Ji Xuanyu's method of catching monsters But fairy aunt She is obviously practicing within Guizhen Guan When she went to catch the demon, it was clear that her soul was stealing. On this point, the Queen and Concubine’s uncle The guards also saw it with their own eyes. Di Renjie If the murderer is a fairy Can there be solid evidence So it's all just your inference. The murderer is actually hiding in Hongwen Hall Di Renjie, thank you for being able to figure it out. Emperor Di has found out That night the emperor was in Wu Zhaoyi's Hen Palace The banging on the door that was heard was caused by bats Zhaoyi also found blood stains in the crack of the door. And Lord Di’s bookboy Mo Yu Nose is extremely sensitive He could already smell that it was eel blood But the palace is surrounded by palaces There is no cave or deserted house It's just greedy correct How is Mei Niang doing lately? Return to the Emperor Leng Gongzhi's underwear has good food, housing and transportation conditions But compared to The coldest thing is the hearts of people in the cold palace Renjie can often hear The voice of the crazy funeral concubine calling for the emperor Say this to Meiniang Wu Zhaoyi and the young prince depend on each other for life Renjie felt pitiful just looking at him But Zhaoyi had no complaints against the emperor. Zhaoyi said that when the emperor I haven’t forgotten the love I had for those five years Take her into the palace and give birth to the little prince She was extremely grateful in her heart How could this be? Lian really doesn’t want Mei Niang to be a fox demon Emperor Wu Zhaoyi is not a fox demon at all If Zhaoyi were a fox demon How could she be in the cold palace? Waiting hard for the emperor to change his mind Yes, Your Majesty Lord Di is right If Wu Zhaoyi is really a fox demon So in Ganye Temple How could she allow others to remove her pillars? But the fairy has great magic power I saw it all with my own eyes I have to believe it besides Master Shen, after following Xiangu in cultivating the law, I am also willing to ascend. All these things, Your Majesty There must be a deeper reason behind it Please give Renjie some more time, your Majesty. Let Renjie find out This time the fairy chooses you to dominate the house. It's a great time Di Renjie This is your last chance It's the emperor
Channel: 超酷影院
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Keywords: 酷看偶像剧场, kukandrama, Chinesedrama, 吴樾, 杨恭如, 武当一剑, 大侠霍元甲, 西游记, 琅琊榜, 大武当, 仙剑奇侠传六, 陈真, 都市情感电视剧, Cdrama, ChineseDrama, 中国电视剧, romantic, drama, 武打, 动作, 功夫, chinese drama, kdrama 2023, 中国电视剧2023推荐, 中国电视剧reaction, 中国电视剧人世间, 中国电视剧战争片, 中国电视剧新世界, 中国电视剧英文版, 中国电视剧谍战, 中国电视剧谍战剧, 中国电视剧集, 中国电视剧频道, 华语剧2023, 华语剧场, 华语剧推荐, 华语剧集, 大陸劇, 好看的电视剧, 最新电视剧, 热播电视剧, 电视剧, 精选电视剧, 阚清子, 任嘉伦, 任嘉伦电视剧, 通天狄仁杰
Id: 9IJbCRRwkCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 10sec (6250 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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