WS10 Goes Undercover In MM2 1v1 Tournament...

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what's going on everyone we're back with another video for you guys today we are doing a murder mystery 2 1V one tournament but We snuck in a pro into the tournament and no one knows that he's in here it's our friend ws10 he is hidden wait who is he hidden as J where is he at he's over there with the Superman shirt oh it's him right here it's him right here biggest mm2 Noob 10 okay so he's actually an mm2 Pro he makes awesome M2 content on Tik Tok but he's secretly a level one and let's see what he's going to do in our sub subcriber tournament the rest of the people have no idea what's going on and they all think it's just a normal subscriber tournament and let's see if a pro can win it all the way to the end as a level one this is going to be hilarious what is the prize for today's tournament Dee the prize for today's tournament will be let's go with the chroma dark Brer oh that's big value Dyan yes let's go with the chroma dark Brer and some other Smalls as well like we'll mix in some Smalls as well so the winner for this tournament will get a chroma dark Brer let's see if the pro will win or if one for with one of our subscribers will win I do feel bad we're kind of setting them up here but we'll see it's for video so we'll see what's going to happen we'll give the the the second uh runner up I mean the first runner up some prizes too if they do get by the pro of course of course exactly Jovin has the bracket so you can go over that with the Jovin I'm really excited to see what's going to happen make sure to drop a like if you guys enjoy this awesome video all right so the first bracket we actually have Mr ws10 under cover as biggest Noob going up against this level 1,000 Logan Dev rblx bracket 2 is I am Mickey versus Colby bracket three is Matt plays versus fart shells that's a crazy name and the last bracket for the first round is T1 OMS versus real Gio does it remember guys there's no stabs allowed and every round is just the best of one until we get to the finals which is going to be a best of three and here we go I'm ready J are you ready I'm ready okay we can also increase the round timers this time with the what if he gets what if he gets out in the first round he messaged me saying what if I die in the first round well if the pro dies in the first round then then it is what it is he's asking for Sheriff wa I'm actually nervous what if he loses if he loses then we guess it's just a normal 1 V one tournament you know just a subscriber tournament but we'll see I I I doubt he's going to lose bro is goated bro is like actually really good but who knows our subscribers are also really good so I don't know you can't really tell for sure but here we go I'm very nervous he's starting us off dude okay and he's versing the highest level if he takes this guy out I feel like he'll be good oh dang okay here we go let's see if this level one Noob a biggest mm2 Noob can win all right let's watch what he's going to do y he's going for the toes wait wait Logan's actually throwing some nice nice th oh that's scary look he's up oh wait no he's good he's using good cover he has such good movement dude I don't know I really hope he doesn't die I'm nervous will our Pro friend stay alive oh my God he could actually lose right here and the oh no he packs him up he packs him up and he's disrespecting as well good game he says oh my God oh my God okay let me open up the brackets Mr biggest mm2 Noob moves on to the semifinals yeah they're already on to him cuz he's such a low level but ws10 moves on to the next round which is great and now we just go move on as normal you know the all the other contestants need to see who moves on to the semis yeah I was kind of nervous okay bracket 2 we got I am Nikki versus kby awesome all right here we go round number two there's no Pros well technically you know what these guys are Pros too but our friend is not here our our Pro secret our secret Pro friend so this is just a normal 1 V one and let's see oh yes going to have to verse WS 10 bro yeah that's the real question oh wait the DD said putting the Crocs in sport mode in the chat so dang I you know that means business I think he's going to win because he said that I'm rooting for a bro has all the JD merch bro absolutely went crazy on cop superpowers yeah I think he's going to win just for that I'm rooting for him but then he's going to have to go up against the pro so I don't know kind of set up oh oh okay MO is so hard to predict like when the knife when the knife's going to be actually thrown yeah exactly just cuz the wind up oh at least they're fighting man I respect the fighting you know right and no one's camping oh yeah no camping just going for it here this guy's got this little ghost headless looking thing oh it's a good throw oh this guy sping spinning man he got his trick shot powers from me apparently just kidding oh shoot the head oh he C the oh he missed the it's kind of hard to throw a mobile bro I just be like tapping and slamming my scen we are not mobile Gamers but oh he falls no [Music] with a great throw from this guy great job to him to I am Mickey great job man all right we got I am Mickey moving on to the semi-finals to verse the pro oh my God and look at what the pro said he said Never Back Down never give up look he's freaky bro if I had to vers I'd be scared yeah I'd be scared too all right our next bracket is Matt plays versus fart Chels that is a very interesting name fart Chels a bacon pulling up is this another secret Pro that we don't even know about who knows wait did we Snick it did we sneak in two pro Jin wait I don't think bro's a pro wait wait wait don't sleep on him yeah I'm not's H the flank he's hitting the flank bro he's cooking he's cooking right here he's H the FL look at the PA oh that's looking for him oh there oh oh he missed that Peak po that's not even fair I feel bad that's vac he was just waddling he was going for a stroll guys he's getting his 10,000 steps in and he just got yeah oh my god dude GG but Matt plays with far Square over fart shells and moves on to the semi-finals now we're going to see if he's going to either verse T1 or real Gio which is Dennis and ant to put together all right I'm spectating the dentist combo yo why do this Beacon have under bro oh oh my God oh my God Dennis cooked him in like 3 seconds bro we didn't even get to see oh my God wait Dennis cooked him in like 3 seconds okay let me open the bracket again who was that real Gio does it real Gio does it waits and moves on to the semis join oh my God okay should we make the semis actually best of three yeah let's make the semis best of three now that's a good idea and then the finals will be a best of five okay we got biggest mm2 Noob secretly ws10 first says I am Mickey the ghost head and it's going to be a best of three we're going to do since biggest Noob was Sheriff last time we're going to make the murderer and we're going to go back and forth okay perfect here we go let's see if I'm not TQ I am TJ look he's thr people off bro he let's see he cooked up in the first round guys but is he just like a one round Wonder let's see let's see if he keeps on cooking through this whole tournament now that it's the best of three we're going to see a lot more of him I'm excited little TJ okay oh my gosh this robotic arm dud he's scary bro he is scary and this guy over here I like this fit low key he might get trickshotted right after yeah oh it's smooth it's it's very smooth it's very smooth okay let's see how he is on knife though let see how he fares cuz we know he's a crazy Sheriff yeah we know he cooks on Sheriff but I think he's good on knife too oh if you hit that you almost hit it hit a clip just oh my yo dude he's scary he [Music] just oh my God I am Vicky packed up the pro no wait wait wait wait wait he could be eliminated next round one Zer for him oh my gosh Wes You better lock in buddy Wes come on man lock it please we need you to make it to the finals at least come on okay well he's on Sheriff now he's on Sheriff now he's going to have to close it out though on knife if you yeah true okay here we go first to two for this best of three he's angry now uh-oh uh-oh he says GL all right I'm spectating this robot arm guy let's see okay the ghost guy is in the he's about to hit the middle room okay here we go oh they're both here he's on Sheriff he's on Sheriff if he dies guys then that means that JD subscribers are the best oh bro these rounds are so quick I like that nobody's camping dude that was a clean shot by him and he ties it up right away he doesn't mess around he's the not going home without a fight and he ties it up instantly first shot of the game I think and he just ties that one up oh my God that is crazy but he's going to have to finish it off as a murderer Dylan okay that's the thing he is better on Sheriff he's more I refuse to sell again I refuse he says oh my gosh let's see how that knife will do let's see dude oh my godice three but everyone's I don't worry I got you bro I got you bro okay I'm spectating biggest Noob come on bro okay he's shaking oh my God he's shaking okay okay oh cuz he was dating Super Saiyan yes he was now he's locked he's locked he's locked okay let's see what's going to happen whoever wins this round moves onto the grand finals and secures a prize for sure at least for getting second place in the grand finals let's see this ghost guy means business though oh I would be scared bro he proved himself last time that knife was close what are these throws dude oh God oh my God oh my God I'm so scared come on ah I'm so nervous guys cuz if he dies then it just oh my God this guy's just shooting in everywhere oh that KN should have hit close I swear that knife hit this guy's toes bro these are crazy good throws he got him he got him I thought he got shot God I thought he got shot I thought so too so West drops the first round but comes back and makes it into the finals oh my god dude okay he moves on to the Grand finals who is he going to verst is it either going to be mat plays or real Geo does it either mat plays a real Gio let's go okay I'm watching Matt plays okay I'm watching Gio remember guys it's the best of three because it's the semies oh wait this it's the Bas is it part of the Strat this guy's moving slowly up to M plays that was a good prediction M play is peeking out he his arm could get shot oh will the pillar save this guy yeah I think so go all it takes is one shot oh wait he was standing still oh oh my God hit the toes oh I swe I went through oh it's over Matt plays packs him up and is now up one nothing o mil Bas okay he shouldn't he shouldn't like here all right Matt plays could end this go to the finals secure a prize and have to verse the pro but let's see if you could do it Gio's going to die while I'm here I'd like to thank our proud sponsors Snickers we're not sponsored by Snickers what what is bro talking about I wish I love yeah what the heck me too okay he's shoot outside this guy's still inside thinking about snickers bro go outside what are you doing Dennis this is I don't know how he's going to cross this is dangerous this is dangerous this is dangerous the shot he just waed through the shot he's trying to trick him into shooting oh he'll actually let him come out what guy shut up M okay here it is oh that was in the chat what L slander is crazy everyone slander L's name okay here it is doesn't see he's lagging this time what are you going to do here Gio you're down one Zer oh he's getting a haircut that's what he's doing dude these are so close wait is you he's dead wait what oh no no no no no he tried to dance on him and wait the dance is crazy the dance is crazy it's over Jovin map plays moves on to the finals and now with the pro here we go pro vers mat okay it's a best of Five Guys first to Three Holy Moly this is for a chroma dark Brer and a bunch of other godlies will our Pro close it out against our subscribers I don't know man let's see look at him look at him he's so menacing he's so evil looking this is crazy all right I'm watching map plays oh they're in research facility for the first round of the best of five seems they're they've agreed on fighting inside here I like this there's a lot of lot of obstacles elevations good 1 V one spot here we go the pros in the finals let's see who's going to win the first round he's on Sheriff I didn't even see him drop down bro I'm nervous I can't see anything where is I can't even track where biggest is bro yeah he's hiding good dude I'm telling you right now the movement the movement the shortcuts this isn't oh my wow this is actually crazy he's like a monkey oh he waits for the throw hides behind the pillar this is crazy movement this looks like his home court I know he looks like he's just moving through this so effortless oh I just got goosebumps what was that shot through the railing Mt play said dang bro yeah they know he's this guy's cooking they know this guy's cooking oh my God jump shot that was a crazy someone in the chat said I think it's creamy plays guys oh no not creamy dad he said hey I guess I still got it in me oh this guy's trolling hard bro with the cyborg G bro has to be max level on his main oh no they catching on uhoh I mean these shots are crazy like a level one is not hitting these shots this is nuts okay I'm watching biggest 7 to Noob he's got the knife this time okay let's see what he's going to cook with this okay here we here we go who's going to go up to M play says go oh this is the Dual Arena like one person is traversing through the shells I don't like that that's scary yeah I know what are these Peak these Peak thrs are I can't even hit these These are oh my he's not even peeking when he throws it it's just a knife oh here we go here oh he's pushing he's pushing boom Oh my gosh oh my gosh dude he's shooting backwards bro this guy is so scary he intimidates anyone that he pushes yeah I'd be running too yeah we were yeah we were we literally were possible oh he came up the other side he hit the flank that was a good flank but my he sees it wait what is going on wait where did he just come from when I'm spectating from here I can't even like I don't even know where this guy's popping out of oh my God he's oh my he's about to hit a clip he's going to hit a clip he's going to hit a clip he's going to hit a clip this is nuts this is nuts he going to hit the flank again okay he's running away he literally just said I'm going outside bro he said see I need that fresh the air I need I need some air I need some air I get it though I get it oh oh you came back you circled back inside see the garage I think okay wait he's waiting for him it's a trap oh my here we go this could be it here it is this could be it come on oh my God two my God two Z here it is bro oh anded he's disrespecting no no no no no my God this isn't this is game point this is game point he could sweep him he's he might sweep him and he's going Sheriff now dude uhoh oh he's going Sheriff you're right oh God oh God might be it this might be it this is the end I'm trying Matt say I said you need to win one it's okay I didn't win him come back you are himothy uh-oh here we go they're rooting for Matt to take down this final boss he said I'm others okay he's going to win all of them let's see okay they're side by side oh oh my God what's going to happen I don't know wait I call here yeah you oh wow I okay here it is oh a dance Peaks okay oh my gosh it's two nothing will the pro win it here guys this is insane throw it through the wall nice try he says he could throw it through the wall oh he is that why said nice try oh he is trying oh sneaky m yo honestly there's no rules against if you hit that that's kind of clean oh oh my gosh they're side by side they could be all over right he's dancing he's dancing he's l dancing in a close battle like this he's hitting the come on what's going to happen de he's hitting a mo between he backs him up and sweeps him and disrespects him oh my God this is Turn 3 it's all over the We snuck in a pro into our 1V one tournament with our subscribers and he wins the entire thing but now it's time for him to switch onto his main account and show everyone who he really was it was actually meing it was actually Jovin playing the whole time you're westad has joined the game there he is he has joined all right so my microphone cut out and my whole entire recording got messed up from here I know but pretty much we got him into the lobby and everyone started freaking out at the idea that it was actually ws10 and not just a random level one as you can see everyone's kind of in the chat saying oh my God oh my God oh my God and like I said I had to give him his prize so I gave him his chroma dark Brer and then I threw in a couple extra goes as well on top of that he's really awesome and he's really good I can't even believe he pulled this off I am recording this after because as we were editing this we noticed that my recording got cut out but yeah here he is in the lobby uh hanging out with every everyone everyone's kind of freaking out I'm glad everyone knows who he is I'm sure they do cuz he's so big on Tik Tok again he'll be linked down below and shout out to him for doing this for us this was really really cool if you guys want to see us sneak other Pros into tournaments or other videos like this let us know in the comment section down below and drop a like uh because it really helps us out and yeah he he got his prize and Jovin ended up giving a second place prize to the runner up which was Matt because you know it's not easy to beat a pro and making it all the way to the finals is already pretty big accomplishment thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed make sure to drop a like on the video subscribe if you guys are new you guys are absolutely amazing you've been killing it so we appreciate you guys so much um the Halloween update should be out soon so we're very very excited and also check out our second Channel JD plays where we upload every day on that channel as well uh it's linked down below and we'll see you guys tomorrow check out ws10 shout out him again bye from me and bye from Jovin
Channel: JD
Views: 688,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, murder mystery 2, mm2, gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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