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I'm gonna give you two very random colors red and green you have three seconds pick a color three two one all right cool now if you pick the red color behind it was the like button oh yeah if you guys manage to click red then you must click the like button on this video to show me but did you choose green okay ready yeah that's horrible no one wants that today me until you're playing for tonight basically it's a board game in which you roll a dice it will tell you which color you get and then you have to move one space towards that color although some of the spaces on this map are death stones and will kill you if you stand on them who will make it to the other side first we'll find out in the video let's get into it jelly a few of these random colors on the floor are gonna kill us no Josh it's not gonna be green we were I think Green might kill jelly right Josh how about we do this the highest number on a score card gets the big purse okay okay okay pretty three-to-one for let means I get to it first chilli really I got number one so I got number one my goal is to get in the end of the map there and I win exactly you need to get a baller to win that's basically the game oh my gosh how about you shoot the ball and see if we can get there all right so whatever color this lands on I have to walk Oh in its color orange right oh that's orange yeah okay alright okay so alright I can't walk diagonally um so I could only go left this could kill me jelly it could if I get killed this will reset me just make them all go in the reset isn't all that far away okay you go alright I'm alive okay jelly issues gonna shoot as well if it's purple I basically cannot move correct great it's gonna do that right now let it be green good cool jelly good cool okay purple and I can't go diagonally so I can't move you know what I would actually love a purple right now you know Julie the board isn't that big like it's quite close so it's just too long which color do you get orange I can't move it well I got any way someone lucky with this alright how about I get this time when we get like a nice green in here green is definitely the best one there all at the beginning come on come on orange I'm going with you I'm not dead either we haven't really made any progress but no give me that purple give me that juicy juicy juicy purple oh no I love you do not kill me oh please oh yeah okay all right I'm just gonna keep following you Josh she's gonna be prepare your gonna get green I think I know it's gonna be purple oh no that sucks buddy sorry ah come on always one step behind yeah I know what's going on all right I'm up next I'm gonna look for the green this could kill me I guess I don't know about Josh if you hit green you could also go to the right maybe really good yeah I mean I don't think this is gonna kill me Josh color you're getting way too lucky over is halfway already uh yeah and I'm back to start it purple jelly is moving to the side slide to the left it's the first layer like they're not gonna kill you I need to start heading that way you've made no progress Ford's a tool Josh stop talking about it okay so my killing upset you in green and green okay good if I had a green behind me I would have had to go backwards yeah work safe I'm color am I gonna get orange look who's moving up in the world oh my goodness I could go back yeah don't you dare to death maybe this new maybe there isn't any death dodge there are death zones it is going to happen I haven't seen one yet alright Josh gets color purple okay well I'm not gonna go backwards so you're gonna go to the lab now you know that one kills you Josh if I hit purple necks I get to choose I can go to the right as well are lucky oh I like her this game is going but Jenny that doesn't mean you can't go forward so that's a good thing for ya well it will kill me dodge I know that now are on shut orange okay no it means I can't go anywhere jellies making slow progress but it is perfect picking me a cream there you go just like I wanted I'm actually getting why I asked most of the time you've already caught up I've got color orange all right wait I mean purple yeah I was gonna say are you colorblind I know which way I'm supposed to go to the right all right and our good old orange would be just it would sort me out I've been such a good boy for Christmas Josh you've already caught up with me again circle yeah just go to green oh you got to get forwards on that one I'd like a green one now please I'd like a green one I think you should have an orange one orange for you color green jelly yes I can move forwards in this world my life getting close to halfway once again Oh to the left of me is purple which kills me you got purple then you can only get backwards wait this is actually good I've got multiple choice all around me I've got accessories which one was it that killed me you've got purple jack was it that one they call me I wasn't gonna tell you I'm scared this seems too much cuz like look one two three I'm gonna go to the right Oh he survived he survived okay my karma I think it wasn't that one but I'm too scared anyway okay wasn't I was further you could have gone forward sighs I wasn't further than that what all right my turn here we go so I want you late stick a purple I mean orange is good as well I mean for you oh you've got orange are you gonna go for it so I go your way which is definitely safe yeah you could just follow me around until I die and then keep going but you should go forwards there you go the odds of that are not very high is completely random I'll go forwards and I think I will live please with Michael I'm super far in Josh you do it well so I'm gonna be looking for a green I think this is gonna be good and then green is usually good Josh normal and orange don't always trust orange is gonna be sending me backwards in time all right give me that green yes yes wow you're getting way too lucky on these what do you mean I've died jelly I literally died don't tell me about luck okay hey you actually survived the green was indeed safe oh wait I didn't even realize oh I never thought you would be so happy to see green oh wait yeah let me just poop on it I'm a robot make it orange doesn't work like that all right so obviously I kind of just want to go up do you really think they're gonna be clear all the way to get you know what Green's been good for you oh I'll hope for for green as well well I mean you don't want purple on you I mean if it's purple I'm fine with it oh my god I feel like green is it deaf oh yeah after you go purple oh you didn't want it but that's still progress but you could kill you I mean it's better than orange and you couldn't come over there me remember I said I thought this was a deathtrap but no one's died on it it could be good gosh I'm gonna try and stay as far away from you I made it that whole thing feel like I literally feel like there's death around me everywhere Josh Shelley Jenna you've made this whole thing right I went from not trying to put you off but there's no way that it's gonna be close to the end well over the chance that there's not a single death sign so jelly I'm gonna be looking for an orange Josh and then which were you gonna go to the right like I actually am scared like I don't I don't even know I I don't know I'm probably gonna go forwards I think I think f4 would be fine oh it sounds mommy give me something give me something good okay I got myself in art I don't like this game anymore you're making progress to five minutes all the way died and you're back here the only thing is like jelly jelly J yeah if I get a number up from five to ten I go forwards forget number from zero to four I go right okay okay three two one okay you go right I'm safe no orange all right jelly you don't want orange you can do the same thing as me I want it green well off you go jelly so I can either go back one step I don't think you're gonna do that oh we haven't died yet that's crazy Josh I'm gonna I'm gonna do it perfectly okay I'm not gonna die I'm gonna get that fall or without dying I feel like there's a deaf sign over here so Josh you're probably surrounded by death you're making me scared I've got a few different options on sort of where I can go with some safe spots so I honestly I don't really mind whatever color I get for this one really yeah it should be good okay how are you you should probably get orange they'll be good for you purple is that good I mean I can take a step forwards with it and I did and I'm safe okay can't really complain about that can you die please again I just want a smooth run to the end by now I'm gonna be so upset alright so in front of me I've got purple alright let's shoot purple purple you might win this we're on the same level right now but you will only have one more to go after that I'm scared unless it kills you I feel like there hasn't been that many death traps honestly like we I go back one and try to get green which you know it's obviously my favorite color you would it's obviously gonna be with me or I can just risk it it's up to you jelly it's your decision baby died once I'm gonna do it back maybe I died on the only one I'm gonna live forever no are you kidding what a Risa I got recent right at the end I got reset no no silly you was so far behind now all right let's do this it's not even funny anymore there's no way I can make it now Josh it is your turn I'm just gonna have to shoot that ball I've been getting pretty lucky with going up one right one up one so I think I'm gonna stick with that green green my favorite color though are porn okay go forwards to the right okay Josh I am safe I'm safe now my next won't be orange but I think that's a trap like I don't know this is tough I'm so close to the end now my god Josh you are on a roll and I am sold your soul for but still the beginning all right whatever color I get it doesn't even matter anymore color orange the same journey went before all right all right I'm gonna take an orange should be good orange or purple will be fine Josh orange all right it was actually an all right okay Wow if I just say things gonna get the words to the right like I said I've been doing like up one to the right this whole time like that so I'm gonna do it again oh wow he's still alive I'm done okay Josh shoot that ball don't think about it give me give me the right boss wake up your mind orange orange all right okay wait that's nice very aggressive it I'll take it though I don't mind waiting a little bit I've got time Josh I'm gonna I'm gonna hit the green and I'm gonna catch up I honestly don't care at this point anymore I just want to catch up green okay oh my goodness now I know that this is a safety you know a good telephone I've been getting lucky actually imagine you just storm through to the end okay good game Papa would be real swell right now come on channel that luck purple no I am so one of them might kill you Josh or both I'm just gonna close my eyes oh you're one step away Josh one you're one step away his role in orange if you roll it on she wins all right it is my turn let's see where the ball takes us purple purple okay hey you're back or less you don't know she know it left do you you side on left no I didn't I would tie it on the one to the other side okay you give me 10,000 feet books if I don't die okay fine I mean if I die no no you said it off you go no no you're lying Kelly I mean I don't remember being that far over there I'm pretty sure as this one I died on no you're visually yes pretty sure is this one I died on honestly Jenny by the way back a block I don't trust you Josh I remember you dying specifically on this block okay if you say so jelly so jelly it's time for me to roll if I roll a green I have to go to green so that could kill me still I remember that killed me Josh that block right there that killed this one here yeah right when were you ever here jelly am I gonna win the game three two one poop give me a good one game give me a good one it's not gonna happen give me a good one that's so ridiculously love Jimmy jelly jelly just before I win the game can you just check if that one was to want to kill me because I don't even remember I honestly couldn't remember jelly all right well time to pop in the hole a good game see you later oh yeah I win remember to use coats logo in the fortnight's store if you want to be cooler than all of your friends you can thank me later bye [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,971,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, fortnite, fortnite creative, wrong color, boardgame, jelly
Id: oUvJwdZp1S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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