Wristwatch Essentials - 10 Everyday Things That Damage Your Watch - How To Avoid & Fix It - (WWT#81)

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okay hi guys and welcome to the show today I'm going to be covering ten ways can every day way that can have the potential to damage your watch how to avoid it and most importantly how to fix the issue and now of course before you get into this video I've got to the resort check it is Seco Saturday as I'm filming this rather predictably I'm wearing my Seiko flighty I've got it on the NBC the military the French military parachute strap the beautiful stretchy strap it just matches the other hands perfectly I don't think I'm ever going to wear a different strap and I've got to say something I've forgot to say in the strata view video review I did the other day it has that army surplus store smell to it you know it just it just reach them it's the real deal it is the real bill it's the only version of this strap that's actually served in the field it's so comfortable so comforta worth every penny and 21 millimeters love with perfect sliding it's just a marriage made in heaven anyway without further ado let's roll the intro and get into the day's video [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back guys so 10 everyday ways that can damage your watch how to fix it I have avoided on how to fix it now one thing I must state this applies mainly to mechanical movements although some of it also applies the court but regardless of what the type of watch is you know this applies to seasoned veterans of this hobby and to newcomers alike so you know some of it is a bit common sense some of it I'm sure you know also this applies to a $50 Timex to a 50 grand Patek it really you know a lot of this while most of this applies to all levels of watches so let's start number 10 and there's no orders of this it's just I've done it order of reference not order of importance but number 10 probably the most common and that is just dropping the watch just you know the shock of it depends what you drop it on obviously the best way to avoid this is of course to get a bigger watch now I have my G shock if you don't wanna spend the 50 to 100 or even more on a G shock I think they are the absolute best as the name suggests I've also reviewed that as my military G shot the most affordable is probably the Casio f91 w you know ten dollars I've put my head on the NATO strap with you guys know and I think everybody should ever be to watch if you know you're going to be doing something that it's potentially going to damage the watch the best thing is to take it off or have a betta watch specifically for that role you don't want to mow the lawn wearing your dress watch also in storing them don't keep them on the ledge of a shelf obviously keep them away from the reach children you have to lock them away he's know if you've got wandering hands in the household so yeah definitely shock it and dropping the watch is the number one killer for damaging your watch okay number nine and this applies only to manual wine watches is forcibly all them winding the watch I've actually made this a mistake you know I hold my hands up I had a vintage piece many years ago I was winding it I wasn't paying attention and I put too much force in the final wine and it brought the the crown or something happened in me then it was an old movement especially with all the movements be conscious of what you're doing after you get to know the watch and as you get to top it up fully you start to notice just before that little bit of resistance you'll know your watch you'll know roughly when it is fully topped up so just slow down and be gentle you want to treat it with respect so always be careful when winding your watch so that's number nine number eight setting the functions wrong now all watch movements do vary but they all do have and this applies mostly to date setting the date function they have what's called a danger zone the skx is probably a prime example of this this takes common with more kind of entry level movements it takes from about I think 11:00 to 3:00 in the morning to cycle through the date change because it is a day in date and it has multiple languages as well try and avoid setting the date at that time always refer to your watch instruction manual for safe times and safe dates changing procedures I mean typically bringing the our hands for the lower half of the dial usually avoid the danger zone but this doesn't apply just for the day change it can apply to a number of complications always make sure you're you know with this pushers for example if you have like a moon phase or a triple calendars and make sure you you push the pushes in correctly also very important but is and I'm making this mistake all the time I've actually made this mistake rather embarrassingly in videos but again it really depends on the watch always set it forwards I forget as well so we're all human we all made these mistakes so that was what was that number eight number seven improper watch storage now this is mainly to do with temperature and moisture you want to avoid storing your watches anywhere that damp in others a little packets you get with new clothes or she sometimes you get it with electronics new electronics they basically absorb moisture a little tip is that sneak some into your watch box or your watch case or if you keep your watches in a safe slip a few in there to soak up any additional moisture also avoid high or low temperatures especially high temperatures because well actually avoid any you know extreme temperatures because high temperatures can really muck up and congeal make the oils in that lubricate the movement congeal and that will lead to friction of them as a mechanical parts and damaging the watch so you want to steady a room temperature storage where you store your watches okay so that was number seven number six and that is exposing it to magnetic fields this is the silent killer the great news is there's a very affordable way to dealing with this and inexpensive way as well we'll get into that in just a second you can usually tell your watch is magnetized because it will start running suddenly very fast avoid things like things that give out magnetic fields like speakers the speakers in your laptop for example that is a real prime culprit right there phones especially people you're on vibrate the phone vibrates little motor that makes the cause of the phone to vibrate that can actually magnetize your watch you know I've seen so many EDC's where they put the watch near their phone and I'm like especially mechanical bees and I oh you know um having a quartz watch or digital watch obviously that can and be a good deterrent if you want to go high and get a can of Rolex milk out sore IWC an engineer or something like that as a built-in Faraday cage that has a really high anti-magnetic protection built in although that is the most expensive way the most affordable is to get a demagnetize with a $10 off ebay I've done a video I'll link leave a link in the description and the card up there if you're watching this on a on a tablet or a you know whatever iPhone or your computer magnetism here the silent killer anyway right let's move on okay so that was number six number five using your chronograph under water yeah this is this is a big no-no by pressing the pushes underwater this compromises the seals and the in the little pushes and can allow water to get into the watch and that is the last thing you want to do the best way to combat this is to use the dive time bezel if you have screw down pushes on the watch actually funny enough the slightly has screwed out pushes make sure they are screwed down before you get in the water that kind of thing generally I would avoid taking chronographs into the water unless it's got you know 200 meters water resistance like this okay so that was number five number four and that is mucking up the threading or damaging the crown while winding or setting the time on your watch now what it is very easy and convenient to to set the time or screwing the crown on the wrist is always best to take it off because unknowingly you're actually doing it at an angle and you don't want to muck up the threading especially if it's a screw down crown like this if it's a lot of screw down kinda just setting it at the time you're actually doing it at an angle and that can muck up the winding stem another thing is to always point out make sure it is screwed down and or if it's not a screw down crown make sure he's in its proper position I once had a citizen watch I forgot to put the crown I put my hand in my pocket and caught the crown actually caught on the the the edge of the pocket and it bent the crown so you know it happens to the best of us always make sure you take your watch off when you're setting or screwing in the crown or anything like that also the odds screwed in too tightly you can actually muck up the seal or the gasket doesn't have to be all the way in super super tight you know like I get like a like a vault door you know it's not gonna you know that the gasket should do their job if you haven't got pushers in assets and I've watch or it's just a regular another date just so any kind of watch the crown is usually the most vulnerable part in any place where there's a you know where possibility of moisture getting into the watch it's the most vulnerable part so you want to make sure that you you look after it and use it correctly okay so that was number four number three taking care of your watch now a telltale sign that your watch needs a service is it's starting to run slow it's starting to to you know lose time you always want to make sure that you keep your watch service servicing times do vary on on different watches and different movements for example Rolex just extend I think it was from about five years that they recommend to ten years I was last year or whatever obviously manufacturers are going to say you know take them in in every few years I think that's that's hogwash they want to charge you for servicing at the same time it's a kind of balance the worst thing you can do is have a watch seven years and without the services performing all over the place you can actually damage the watch do some real permanent damage and that will end up costing you more in the service also if you're storing or watching the safe every few weeks just you know take it out the safe wine bit wear it for a day giving get it give it a full charge make sure the oils and everything in there is running it's a bit like a car you know if you just let it deteriorate either that the oils will dry out so every few weeks make sure if you're storing the watch put it back in rotate give it give it a good couple of days where they need some love and attention these things and I recommend going for a service you know every couple of years if you're very phonetically especially if it's high-end watch it is best to take it in for an overhaul three four years at something like that it really depends on the watch okay so that was number three number two and that is wearing the watch in the shower or long hot baths now of course a lot of you may be into diving that kind of thing and you bought the watch too you want to wear on the beach bear in mind saltwater over time will corrode that the seals the gaskets so if you are going to the beach ravely if you are wearing in these kind of conditions maybe fishing or something way to expose or under the water a lot you're gonna have to take it in rip more really and make sure that it's the seals are replaced gaskets that sorry I would place I generally avoid taking the watch into water the betta watch is a great way of getting around this and I know I know what why do we buy these expensive diver watches and we don't even need them anymore I mean you know I can't dive because of my lung problems I used to go diving with what with my watches with minus KX way back in the day it's like the elements shock shock magnetism warm water though those are the nothin of three big nightmares of watches so just be wary of your your how regularly you expose your your watch to water okay so that was number two number one and this believe it or not I'm also guilty of this do-it-yourself repairs honestly guys I know that you see a lot of these watch channels they're taking watches apart guys it is a real art that's why they call it the art and watch making it's a real talent it requires a very very steady hand of real professional even with the most rudimentary most basic of movements just even opening up the case getting dust in there anything like that take it to a professional watchmaking that the art of it takes years and years and years also we got to support the watchmakers it's a dying art form we've got to give them a little bit of a business and it's like anything if you're a car enthusiast you're gonna have a mechanic that you know and trust I think all watch collectors watch fans what should do yes should have a watchmaker my mind is saltzman's of course I did a before and after video I crack the crystal in my Tudor the little Henry in the day they they scoured the earth and this is quite a one of the more rarer models it's in the 35 millimeter diameter they actually tracked down the correct parts they did an outstanding job for me yet is learning New York they're based in Rhode Island but I send my watches in because I trust them they're experts you know they've got the resources they've got the connection they can replace any part and they're well worth the money for me so anyway guys only today if you guys have got anything to add to the list please do add it to the comments below I really appreciate your feedback things to avoid fixes to these problems advice tips when they call it hacks right watch hacks if you have any do share down below if you're watching this have a look at the comments because my audience without a show that is the most intensive knowledgeable and active on on YouTube so there's going to be some gems in the comments there always is that all these ok guys song Italy today please don't forget to add your thoughts screens questions opinions all the rest of it in the comments below thank you very very much for watching please don't forget to like this video if you enjoyed it and found it useful and as always guys I will catch you in the next one okay ciao
Channel: The Urban Gentry
Views: 756,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch, damage, fix, essentials, gudie, guide, 10 Everyday Things That Damage Your Watch, how to fix, rolex, omega, longines, seiko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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