Wrecking Bar #GransforsBurks #TOVE #SVEDBROSMIDE Best Bar Ever

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hello and welcome to an unboxing today we're unboxing something special spare you all the all the details but basically this is my new friend a new family member you may or may not recognize the company as i do not i went into the store to purchase this bar and uh the shopkeeper was looking at me like i was some kind of a crazy man and i didn't know what i was talking about anyways this bar right here is amazing i cannot say enough good things about this bar um it's made in sweden housing land sweden to be precise uh the company has been there since the 1800s and it's changed the history has changed over the years the company names have changed uh this bar is made from a single piece of hand forged uh metal it is uh tempered uh it's springy resilient octagonal shaped for easy grip it has a 90 degree angle at one end this angle is um 135 or something i can't remember exactly but it's flat very flat which makes it ideal for getting underneath things and prying up on them like a box for example uh the tip is very thin and very sharp you don't want to cut yourself it's actually that sharp the same with the claw with a special v notch for removing for example nails however that's not what i use this tool for it also has a very flat and smooth surface on this 90 degree which makes it also excellent for prying and getting into difficult places and having leverage to be able to do prying actions without damaging your substrate each one of these bars are stamped and numbered with the forger's initials these bars are warranted for 20 years they have a little product information a little product marketing in here in different languages um but yeah it is ultimately a great tool to have in your arsenal i absolutely adore this bar it is one of my favorite bars this one measures 25 inches in length it's actually a little bit shorter than that but the overall length of this bar at 25 inches is ideal for working uh in commercial applications they have bigger bars and smaller bars but this is my favorite sized one uh this company has a ton of history behind it um and i don't want to go into all details but basically i went to the store to buy this bar and i i'm familiar with the brand uh tove so i went to the store looking for a tove bar and i was kind of getting annoyed with the salesperson because they didn't know what i was talking about tove and i was explaining that it was a wrecking bar and it was this and it was that and they're like nope and they looked it up on their computer they couldn't find it so i left the store i found the bar that i wanted to buy online and i went back into the store and i showed them and then when they brought this bar out and i saw that it was the same exact same bar but with different branding on it i was just like befuddled i was beside myself i was just i couldn't believe it um i'm like okay well is this the same bar or is it a different bar but in fact i did a bunch of research i read up on the the whole company anyways i don't want to bore you with all the details um this bar uh in 19 was already being made in 1942 by fed bro forge uh under grands fourth burke's uh company name which goes back to the 1800s in family owned partnerships and family relationships and partnerships i've said that already government takeovers this bar this company has gone through a lot of history and the bar is still being made in sweden by the same company that originally made these bars and the branding tove was under not fed bro smide's name but under grand force uh name uh and actually the owner of grand's fourth he erickson and the office manager axel backstrom and salesman tor veston contacted stead bro and wanted to have him make these new wrecking bars and they would supply the steel uh and the bars were rebranded tov which was um based on us a fed bro um design which he was making in 1942 but was named and rebranded after salesman tor vestin they took the t-o from his name and the first name the last name v s e they took that and they put the word tov together so yeah this is a tove bar or was a tov bar back in 1950 when grant's force approached us fed bro smide and asked him to make these bars and they'll provide the steel but that relationship went south um as uh grand spores uh you know didn't supply the steel or the steel ran out and that they were uh latent with the bank payments for the work that was performed and the bars that were supplied and made and manufactured for grants force anyways so they ended that relationship and um he the owner of smed bro smide per anne lander and his wife they packed up they moved and built a new forge and retired in 1985. grants force and svedbros smide are still running today under different branding uh this is their brand and grants force has their brand which this is a sister company of them or some kind of relationship i don't understand that the government's involved but anyways these companies are paying fair working wages to their employees and that's why you pay a lot of money for this this was not cheap this bar cost me over a hundred dollars and uh you might ask yourself that's crazy it's not worth a hundred dollars but if you ever use one of these you might have a different opinion okay youtube that's enough of that unboxing for today thanks a lot for watching you have yourselves a great one and play safe
Channel: JDE
Views: 1,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #TOVE #Gransforsburk #Svedbrosmide #Wreckingbar
Id: x2SrXAe4Y4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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