WPUNJ 2024 Undergraduate Commencement (captioned)

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e [Music] do can't be done theond the bra the cour can the heart the strength to bend the strong the the will to reach the the star to learn how to start to build a tower up so high to Cloud your build it one tiny brick at a time multiply till the just begin with can flow and Flor enough one brick at time [Music] just take a brick and place it on the ground to make it sck around a cup of stir until it's I my a a window Dr some more raise up a roof the that a CL [Music] bre my name is Lisa shopska and I'm graduating with the Bachelor's in exercise science with a concentration exercise physiology and I just wanted to say say thank you to all my professors for guiding me through my undergraduate experience uh for passing down their knowledge I couldn't have done it without them uh a special shout out to Dr Wiki for allowing me to be a research student assistant and conducting research with him it's been a wild ride but I'm very grateful for that opportunity and I just wanted to give um a special thanks to my parents and family for making this undergraduate experience um possible and to the class of 2024 we did it so with this event it is a Remembrance Day flag planting event and what we're doing is every single flag that we're planting is in representation of those soldiers seamen Sailors the Airmen that couldn't be here the Marines that couldn't be here to plant them themselves at the end of the day they still wore this exact same uniform so it's really important for us to recognize them and what's awesome is that we're able to get other people involved to do the same thing on their behalf it really reemphasizes the fact that our veterans gave a lot not only the ones that are living here but the ones that made the ultimate sacrifice so it's a really important event for a week like this where it's Veterans Day and some people just could not get to be here to do this my name is Lissa Prince I'm a political science major and I'm also the president of the student veteran organization here on campus I'm an oldie but I'm also a student here at William Patterson I'm a senior here in health studies my name is Jim Schwarz I served in the US Army in the Infantry during uh 1969 through 71 the Vietnam War my name is Jose concepion I'm a senior I'm a digital marketing major I served in the Army I served from 2015 to 2021 I'm in the New Jersey Army National Guard and so this rank it means that I'm the specialist in the United States Army it helped install skills leadership skills and a lot of the building that I don't think I would have gotten just by going by my day-to-day life later in the week we have one more Veterans Day event where we're going to make care packages to help veterans that are either homeless on the street or are just struggling to get up on their feet after leaving the military I love my country and I would do it again this is a remembrance for our veterans we have a future thanks to them welcome back to the desk we're here for the second episode of the semester and with me for today is Andrew baller with the NBA Jess Carell with the NHL and the big boy Trent troller with the big game the Super Bowl I'm still talking I'm still talking thank you I'm still talking no time you're next argument MVP hold on that okay party is carried by everyone else and that's your your argument for why Christian mcaffrey deserves the MVP I think Gavin's a sto to be honest with you I think this he's absolutely wrong you know the Pioneers are not a sixth place team they're they're fourth maybe fifth I think they should definitely be there they deserve it he's been to jail numerous times he's the one that's poisoned the dining H and I'll do it again get your spring and winter gear Ready New Jersey cuzz my little Gremlin f to you all no one will be able to forecast the weather only I can show the weather on my magic screen so the student public relations Association allows for students to Brand themselves what should put in the club is what you get out of it so Pioneer players is the campus's Premier Theater and improvisation group and we're a group of students who collectively appreciate theater and its many forms through General meetings uh with that include improv and general acting workshops and trips and we also produce shows throughout the semesters and for us we basically work within doing career preparation for a lot of college students so anybody that is in this University can be a part of our organization regardless of how you identify and what you're interested in we work on things like pre-production production and post-production so for pre-production we do stuff like screen uh screen writing script writing um and the actual like planning of the shoot dates and then for production we actually shoot the films itself The Comedy Club is the you know campus's Club where students go to learn how to produce comedy on more of a level than telling a simple knock knock joke not only did I take over your job but I'm taking over your show what that's why it looks different what what do you mean say you don't no you're fine I'm just filming a quick Tik Tok it's so going to go viral it's going to get like 300 views thanks for being part of what I think was the greatest show ever thanks for watching good night God bless feel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if not for mindful Empire sake some p on your love take make not this far a her and once more expire the purs conest pursue pursue pursue Conquest pursue Conquest love pursue by Conquest love pursue by Conquest love pursue pursue pursue th Conquest pursue th Conquest love her eyes confess the flame her eyes confess the flame her tonguey eyes her eyes confess the flame her eyes confess the flame her Tong pursue th love pursue love pursue pursue pursue by Conquest pursue by Conquest love pursue [Music] conest to and the sh [Music] [Music] H sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi my name is Cesar MAA uh I'm a graduating senior class of 2024 I'm a bachelor's and Fine Arts degree and I'm excited to graduate I um I want to thank my family my friends um and everyone that's been there to support me my professors who have taught me and you know guided me with my art throughout the way and this is my Dent show and this will all been leading up to this and I'm excited to graduate and congratulations to the class of 2024 working my fingers down to the bone I've been building my kingdom up on my own got a destiny baby in a setting stone look at me now Look at me now saing where it is a week I've been shaking all the leaves off the money tree and I'm harder than a dealer on a winning streak Look at me now Look at me now can I get a witness can I get yeah amen before I woohoo make you a Believer youo got to dig a Little Deeper bow down bless you like a preacher time to testify because you know I W can make you a Believer you be Following the Leader if you don't know then I'm a teacher to testify I'm making you my you w just faith I make you a Believer I be on my hting every day and night I'm flexing like a shark I don't need to bark when a god bite look at me now Look at me now can I get a witness can I get an before I wo can make you a Believer you best be foll the leader if you don't know then I'm a teacher don't testify I'm making you my [Music] just make [Music] you say faith I'll make you a Believer when you fall in From Grace feel like you can't be saved there's only one thing left to do hit the ground and repent cuz my love heavent and the make out of [Music] you before I woo make you believe got to dig a little deeper down and bless you like a preacher time to test why because you know I make you aie you best be following the you don't know then I'm a teacher time to testify I'm making you my you you youing you up I'm making you up I'm make you over [Applause] have some Faith I'll make you a Believer I I do whatever it takes whatever it and I can do I can do whatever it takes whatever it takes I got the eye the tiger I got the heart of the liar I am the F of the SE [Music] I got the F of the soldier I am the secret that told you I am the air that you [Music] Brea anle shooting star I [Music] goo like a shooting star I go [Applause] [Music] [Music] I like a shoo I know I don't L to what they say Flo like a cloud on a sunny day light on your skin like a breeze yeah I got whatever retakes got some stronger from mistakes nobody better than Meo like a shooting star I go wo like a shooting star I go [Applause] [Music] [Music] I know I I I know like a shooting St I [Music] know we wake up by the sunrise and you're staring back at me I hold on to the moment as we cast it out to seea and the lights come on the lights come on reflecting off your skin so burning stars or all we are ignited from within it's your heart and soul it's your fleshing bones don't you let it go you're the storm I find bursting through my sky taking no control it's your heart and soul [Music] it's your heart and [Music] soul get your heart and soul get your fres and Bones don't you let it [Music] go you're St my mind first through my seing all control with your and [Music] if you give me the chance I where I could prove why I'm good for you good yeah and if I could explain I swear I'd be here all day with a million different ways to say that this could be something real special baby if you could put your whole heart in it and baby I can show you what it means to be in love love oh love just for your love oh love Just For Your Love Bab Just For Your Love [Music] teach me how to understand how to how to love you how to treat you like you'd want me to I could do that for you and Lord knows I adore all the little things you do in more like how you say my name or hold my hand up in the rain you bring out a different part of me cuz you know why I will never leave you alone I'll always be right there by the phone whenever you need you just call on me cuz you're my missing peace and I help you believe in This Thing Called Love [Music] don't you get it baby I am so in love oh all you got to do is p your heart all you got to do is put your heart heart heart heart heart heart [Music] oo oh just put your whole heart in me thank you hey I'm Claire Johnson I'm graduating with a BFA and photography and I'd like to thank my mom and dad and everyone at the school who made this college experience so special including all the professors and people who helped me through congratulations to the class of 2024 and we did it [Music] a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello my name is Jessica I'm a Communications major focus on public relations and I would like to thank everybody who supported me on my journey to graduation powered by Pioneers this is a place where progress is made a Powerhouse for students for our community for our state William Patterson University a Launchpad for tomorrow's Workforce a Powerhouse in personal progress we make progress toward our next move [Music] in our careers and as [Applause] Leaders we become a Powerhouse in our Fields supported by experts and mentors connected to a network of pioneers we're prepared to take our next step [Music] every step is intentional every experience is Meaningful every Pioneer is a Powerhouse William Patterson University hi I'm Nick monano I'm a public relations major in graphic design minor I'm here in the 3D printing lab in the changen library made a board game called pandemic Panic uh which is a pandemic inspired board game where where you have quarantine essential pieces and essential workers across the board doing this for about 3 years now over my time at William Patterson this is my fourth year um I became passionate about designing something functional and humorous for people of all ages because I like making an impact on the world and why I'm not necessarily making like a health impact like what Frontline workers did during covid I'm trying to do something that kind of makes a humorous impact to get positive outlook on life so um definitely my time at William Pon using these printers has been helpful um and is one of the reasons why I'm pursuing uh what I am now being able to have this accessible and come in at any time of the day is really helpful on weekends during the week isn't always the inspirational creative person I was and I kind of got inspiration from the professors so um a huge thank you to the professors at Wayne passion especially in the art and Communications Department that have helped me come up with these pieces that I have 3D printed in the ideas because without them I wouldn't have create the chest said I want to created my board game and have access to these 3D printers and some of the ideas I've created hi I'm Katie O'Neal and my major is BFA in drawing painting and print making I'd like to thank my friends family and all my fellow classmates uh and also the professors that I've had over the years for uh helping me get to this point thank you we are so excited for our students faculty staff in alumni to come together today to celebrate Martin Luther Junior's Day of Service this is a huge event at William at William Patterson we've been doing this for many years and it's just an amazing experience to have the entire Community come together to not only serve our Campus Community but I serve our local community and worldwide Community this is such a great opportunity for us all to get to know each other better in a meaningful way where we have an impact in our communities it's so important because we all get caught up in our day-to-day lives and just get out of our heads and do something real to help other people good to give back to the community everybody needs help with something and finding a way to get back um is important like it's like a way to give back and it also is a way to like meet new people and network I think getting faculty and staff and students together in something special like Martin Luther King days of service is critical to help with a lot of um development of aong in connectedness if we're together we can make a change um today is especially special because we received a grant from engage NJ which is the service organization of colleges and universities and amicor to help us fund our program today and without their support I don't think we would have been able to have the large impact that we're having today so we thank everybody for being [Music] here hello my name is Nicole Pike and I a music education major hey Mom hey Dad just want to thank you for the support over the last four years and all the professors in the music department youall mean the world to me so thank you congrats class of 2024 [Music] [Music] go hi Mom I'm on TV hi class of 2024 I'm Rachel Joffrey I'm a graphic design major thank you so much to everyone who got us here thank you Mom and Dad and thank you professor bloy hello class of 2024 it's Corey Booker and congratulations to you on your graduation I am celebrating you today I also want to express my profound gratitude to the entire community of Educators faculty staff and your families because together they with you have made this day possible class of 2024 as you enter the world you are going to be facing lots of choices but know this world needs you it needs your gen genus it needs your dreams it needs your hard work and grit it needs your love my dad told me there are two ways to go through life as a thermometer or thermostat thermometer just reflects the world around it goes up and down when it gets hot and cold but a thermostat that's what this world needs people that through their own moral settings are helping to change the temperature for all as you leave here class of 2024 I encourage all of you to set the temperature in this world we need more light we need more warmth we need more love I wish you all the best in your journey congratulations hi my name is Richard L roach and I'm a jazz performance and music education major quick shout out to my family for all their love and support and I'd also want to thank all the students and professors that have helped me throughout my time here congrats class of 2024 hello my name is is Michaela vuso my major is math with a minor in physics I am from Woodland Park New Jersey and this year I am the undergraduate student speaker at commencement never in a million years would have thought I would have this opportunity but I definitely take it with honor and I excited just been an incredible journey and I'm so happy for all the opportunities I have gotten definitely a busy be on campus between being on the softball team the head tutor at the math learning center a instructor for self mental instruction and being involved on uh in clubs such as Honors College and math club it is a lot but I definitely love it I decided that I wanted to be a teacher I have tutored kids for a long time because I loveed helping them get a better understanding and hopefully gain an interest in math I would also love to coach softball at some point because that has always been my first love I just want to say congratulations to all the seniors we made it um I wish you the best of luck with with whatever you decide to pursue [Music] afterwards hi my name is Sarah treves I am a BFA graphic design major here at William Patterson and I would love to shout out my family for everything that they've done um shout out to this thesis show and professor blasy and Professor Schwarz for making all of this possible for us graphic designers here and congrats class of 2024 we've made it yay [Music] la a [Music] hi guys I'm Thomas Jefferson I'm graduating with the BM In classical voice performance I know in the music department it's been a long year with our loss of our doctor Lauren valer Kalisto but class 2024 we made it hi I'm Jim Schwarz and I am a senior here at William Patterson graduating this year in health studies I will receive a BS degree and I am the oldest member of the class of 2024 I'm pleased to say that I'm going to be 77 and I'm uh very happy to be here I love William Patterson I have a previous degree from Oregon State University where I grew up and that degree was uh 55 years ago in Business Administration it's great to uh reinvent myself uh and uh go into the health studies field because of uh my wife uh is a survivor of a stroke and a quadruple bypass and the health studies degree and the different courses are going to help me uh be her caregiver the younger students here and they have exposed me to a lot of really great stuff have a sense of humor so we uh we do uh uh joke around a little bit and have some fun congratulations uh class of 2024 uh we uh we did it it was a a great journey to uh get here to the credential Center and get our degrees and I love you guys I just hope for the very best for your future and all that you're going to do God bless you hi my name is I vandergast I SED psychology and music studies at L Patterson University I want to thank my family my friends everyone who's supported me so I can graduate here today good luck to the class of 2024 I know you're going to do an incredible job keep in [Music] touch we basically work within doing career preparation Jets Jets Jets cuz my little Gremlin F lied to you allory oh God he's been to jail numerous times what you put in the club is what you get out of it the networks kept calling me begging me save us we need you back now three hours later Pioneer players is the campus's Premier Theater and improvisation group I think Gavin's sto to be honest with you I think this he's absolutely wrong just like a second ago we were inar [Music] well I've heard there was a secret C David played and the Lord but you don't really care for music do you well it goes like this the fourth the fifth m a fall major LIF the bath kinging Hallelujah Hal [Music] hallelu hallelu [Music] hallelu hallel [Music] well your faith is strong but you needed proof you saw her bathing on the roof and her beauty in the moonlight over through you she tied you to her kitchen chair she broke your throat and she cut your hair and from your lips TR the hallelujah hallelu [Music] hallelu [Music] hallelu hallelujah [Music] well maybe there's a God above but all that I've ever learned from love was how to shoot at someone who I drew you and it's not a cry that you'll hear at night it's not somebody who seen the light it's a cold and it's a broken huah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] Hallelujah well I did my best it wasn't much couldn't feel so I tried to touch told the truth but I didn't come to fool [Music] you and even though it went wrong I stand before the Lord i s with nothing of my song but hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelu hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelu hallelujah hallelu Hallelujah [Music] [Applause] uh now uh for this evening's entertainment Bernie Williams will be performing a couple of pieces with the accompaniment of our William Patterson Jazz Orchestra led by Dr David Dempsey so without further Ado you will now be just blown away by Bernie's beautiful arrangement of Take Me Out to the Ball Game [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] h [Music] w the one and only the one and only Bernie Williams [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he Ang [Music] e e e e e for good morning everyone let me see if I can do that again good morning everyone it is a pleasure to see all your wonderful faces here I'm Joshua Powers Provost and Senior vice president for academic Affairs at William Patterson University and it is my honor and pleasure to welcome you our graduates your families and guests to William Patterson University's Commencement ceremony we also extend greetings to those who are watching on the live stream commencement like the university experience it culminates is a family and institutional event where we celebrate the accomplishments of all graduating students as part of the ceremony students come forward receive their diploma covers and cross the stage as their names are displayed on screen for the community to Bear witness to their accomplishment these are speci special moments for every student that should be individually respected by all in that Spirit anyone or anything that interferes with or distracts from the commencement ceremony will not be permitted and anyone who commits or participates in any such activity will be asked to cease and or directed to leave these include any items that may obstruct views such as Signs and Banners thank you you for your respect of all of our students during their moment of achievement we call this event a commencement because it is because it is the beginning of something new a new stage in the lives of those receiving degrees today so the event looks to the future but at the same time it is filled with many Traditions from the past perhaps the most obvious one is the academic regalia worn by faculty and graduates the square cap also known as a mort board warn on graduates for example originated at Oxford in the 12th century another is the academic hood this long part right here worn by those who are who have or are receiving the bachelor's Master's or doctoral degrees the colors inside the hood indicate which Institution granted the degree it is said that students would drop gold coins into these hoods to pay for their lessons this is another tradition there is another tradition such as the ceremonial mace the president's medal and academic honors medallions and chords that are described in your booklet for many years one of the most popular traditions in America has been a musical one graduates enter the commencement ceremony marching to Edward elgar's famous work Pomp and Circumstance in a moment we will observe that tradition and we know that none of us gets to these milestones in a in our lives alone our graduates commence today due to the care nurturing and work done by the faculty and staff at William Patterson University please join me in welcoming and thanking the dedicated members of our faculty and staff some of whom graduates have personally recognized in recent weeks for having made an especially important difference in their lives [Applause] [Music] w oh [Music] a [Music] at this time please welcome the graduating class of William Patterson University [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh a [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] l [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] l [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] la a [Music] you h [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] la and [Music] a [Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la a [Music] [Applause] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] the a [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] check check [Music] at this time please welcome William Patterson alumni members of the class of 1974 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la please welcome members of the platform party members of the Board of Trustees and Provost powers [Music] please welcome president amerita Kathleen Waldren assemblyman Benji Wimberly Senator Nelly Po and president Richard J hobbler all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's [Music] to [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy president hell dobler and trustees the 21st commencement ceremony for the William Patterson University of New Jersey is convened please be seated good morning Willie PE how are we doing on this exciting day all right so for those of you who do not know my name is Courtney cpio and for the past two years I have had the honor of representing you and all of our classmates as the William Patterson student representative to the Board of Trustees as my final Duty it is my pleasure to introduce our president Dr Richard j helldobler like so many of today's graduates president helldobler is a first generation college graduate of immigrant parents and like all of us he is a graduate of a public university all of which gives him an especially strong understanding of William Patterson students and the life-changing power of a college degree under his leadership the university has greatly expanded student engagement ment and support through resources like Student Success teams the William Patterson 101 first year experience program and the center for diversity inclusion among many others he led the successful launch of WP online and the creation of a new Regional and Global Partnerships he's also LED revitalizations of the University brand including the introduction of our first ever Spirit song and our beloved mascot Pao and he's challenging the university to rethink systems that create obstacles to Student Success president H dobler's top priority is strengthening William Patterson's role as a Powerhouse of progress and putting more life-changing college degrees in the hands of those students who are changing the social fabric of New Jersey and our nation students for whom education is a means of social mobility and economic progress so with that being said dad can you give me a whistle and a allowed pioneers and now will the William Patterson class of 2024 give president helldobler a round of [Applause] applause happy commencement William Patterson Make Some [Applause] Noise as president of William Patterson University I welcome you to the 2001st commencement exercise of the William Patterson University of New Jersey will members in the graduating class and members of the audience who are serving or who have served in our military forces please stand and let us thank you for your service [Applause] [Applause] will everyone please join them and stand for the singing of our national anthem which will be sung by graduating music Major Haley Longo oh say can you see by the da early light what so proudly we H at the Twilight L gleaming who broad stripes and bright stars through the per fight or the ramp parts we watch were so gly streaming and the rocket balls bursting and gave prove through the night that our flag was was still there oh say does that star sple B wave or the land of the free and the home of the [Applause] thank you please be seated way to go Haley I'm pleased to introduce members of the platform party I asked as I call your name please stand remain standing as I read your name and I ask the audience to hold your applause until all have been introduced in the third row beginning from the far left Timothy lever associate Vice President of Finance Beth Wy Walkley associate vice president for budget and fiscal planning Kevin Garvey associate vice president for administration Steven Quinn associate vice president for University admissions Dr Sue Gerber assistant vice president for institutional Effectiveness Dr Sandra Hill associate Provost for academic Affairs Dr Jonathan Lincoln associate Provost for curriculum and International education Dr car rabbit associate Provost for academic initiatives Francisco Diaz associate vice president student development Dr eileene Lubec dean of students Dr Edward aosu an dean of the library Dr Barbara Andrew dean of the Honors College Dr David Dempsey professor of music and faculty award recipient Dr Maran Sullivan professor of Public Health and faculty award recipient Dr Nicole Davy professor of environmental science and faculty award recipient in the second row beginning on the far left Stuart golden vice president for marketing and public relations Dr gamon bardle Chief Information officer Dr Allison bushe Jarvis vice president for human resources Dr Melissa Reen Henry general counsel to the university and Board of Trustees Kirsten L kite vice president for finance and administration and Chief Financial Officer Dr Guero DEA vice president for strategic initiative and University relations Dr George cassena vice president for enrollment management Pamela Ferguson vice president for institutional advancement Dr Loretta mcgoffin viget Chief of Staff to the president and Board of Trustees Dr wara Davis dean of the College of Arts Humanities and social sciences Lauren rori sedeno associate Dean Vice associate Dean College of Arts Humanities and social sciences Dr Janna Hill associate Dean College of Arts Humanities and social sciences Dr Amy Ginsburg Dean College of Education Dr David Fuentes associate Dean College of Education Dr Anthony Boren Dean kasako College of Business Dr Martin grit associate Dean kasako College of Business Dr venat Sharma Dean College of science and health Dr Mel ala associate Dean College of science and health Dr manura Gutman associate Dean School of Nursing College of science and health in the first row beginning from the far left Jason Peralta student trustee cordney cpio student trustee Brad Neely trustee Audrey McDow trustee adid Rodriguez trustee assemblyman Benji Wimberly John gandak Vice chair Board of Trustees Dr Kathleen Waldren president Amer Senator Nelly Poe honorary Dr reate and guest speaker Dr Joshua power Provost senior vice president for academic Affairs Dr Jee Arnold Chief diversity officer Dom Deo president of the Alumni Association Dr Susanna tardy Professor sociology and criminal justice and president of aft Union Dr Francis Kai Professor economics finance and University ma bear Dr Wendy Christensen associate professor sociology and criminal justice chair of the faculty Senate Michaela rusio mathematics major and undergraduate student speaker Teddy lockart president student of government Dr Mickey kamarada vice president of student development P please join me in thanking them for their service please be seated and at this time I would like to acknowledge our student Banner carriers please stand when I read your name Danielle Marie menta from the College of Arts Humanities and social sciences meline Barbara from the casacos College of Business Lisa Joanne delusi from the College of Education Tyler Sanchez from the College of science and health these Banner carers were selected by their Deans for their outstanding academic achievement we commend them for their accomplishments let's give them a round of applause please be seated and at this time I would like to offer a special welcome to the graduating class of 1974 who are celebrating their 50th anniversary of their commencement from William Patterson welcome home class of 1974 so as you reflect on your time at William Patterson and the time in between I think the title of the number one song from 1974 seems very appropriate it was the way we were by Barbara strand so we thank you for coming back and celebrating with us and now I would like to present the bachelor's degree candidate and undergraduate speaker Michaela rusio to address the graduating class Michaela is a 2024 graduate of William Patterson University Suma kumlade with a Bachelor of Arts and Mathematics and a minor in physics a Deans List student throughout her four years at William Patterson she also completed the independent track in the University's Honors College her research project was titled rubbe Goldberg through history mechanics and education she has been actively involved on campus as a head tutor in our mathematics Learning Center a supplementary instructor peer mentor a member of the honors Club education club and served as vice president of the math club she is also an accomplished athlete with multiple accolades as a four-year member of the softball team M rusio will begin Graduate Studies at William Patterson in both the master of arts and teaching program in secondary education and the master of science program in Applied Mathematics she plans to pursue her career as a High School mathematics teacher please welcome your undergraduate student speaker Michaela rusio to the [Applause] podium thank you president H dobler provos powers and members of the Board of Trustees and thank you to my fellow 2024 classmates for allowing me to represent you today I would also like to thank Dean Sharma and Associate Dean zi for selecting me for this incredible opportunity I went into the meeting with the Deans thinking I was being asked to carry the College of science and health banner and the last thing on my mind was that I would be given this chance to give this speech today nonetheless I accept this opportunity with honor and would love to share my story today with you all to anyone out there who is also a fellow 2020 high school graduate I know this is an extra special day for us we have had a pretty wild water ride as we graduated high school at the peak of the pandemic most of us never experienced a prom or graduation my graduation was a zoom call with all 300 of my classmates having 5 Seconds Of Fame when our names were called this commencement is my first true graduation experience coming in freshman year most of us had a weird transition to college many classes were still online and the campus felt empty once activities returned to normal I was able to settle in and find my niche in college everyone finds their passions and their place like getting involved in athletics joining greet life or starting your own club I like to dabble in multiple things I played softball joined clubs and tuted on campus I found comfort in keeping myself busy following a past schedule and I've always felt more accomplished when I was on the go doing something whether it be a practice at an event or helping someone in calculus being a busy bee was my Niche when I first told my teammates I'll be giving this speech I wish I had a camera rolling to catch their reactions I absolutely adore all of my teammates and they are the most supportive and empowering people I know my teammates families and friends played a big part and why I'm standing here today I I cannot thank everyone enough who has helped me throughout College a special thank you to my family for all their support and encouragement throughout my academic and softball career I can't thank my parents enough for all those years they have drove me to and from all my practices games and tournaments to my fellow fellow graduates I bet you have family friends and other students who equally supported you and today you should all thank them for what they helped you achieve today we are all graduating for William Patterson University when writing this speech I asked my friends to share words of wisdom they learned along the way my favorite piece of advice is that the end game is worth it College might have its ups and downs it might be hard but the job you require afterwards is totally worth it all of you probably had at least one class you would dread waking up for in the morning whether it was class that had nothing to do with your interest or was simply an ad a.m. that was way too early I know for me that class was literature as a mathematics major and as someone who always says my brain works better with numbers rather than letters however going to that class every week was worth it in the end look where we are today we are all here with family and friends celebrating our college graduation soon we will be out doing a job we once dreamed of having for me after graduation I will be going right back to school to receive my masters of both secondary education and Mathematics so for me the job must wait but I I know it would be worth it in the end mathematics education softball This comination truly encompasses who I am while at first glance aspiring to being a math teacher and being passionate about softball might seem unrelated but the truth is that I strive when I being a team player and that was never truer than here at William Patterson one day when I become a teacher I know I will be joining a team of likemind Educators who want to help students learn and grow being being part of a softball team has been one of the most important parts of my life for for as long as I can remember and while I love the game of softball it's a team that makes everything worthwhile in a way all of us at William Patterson are part of a team together and today's commencement is a huge win Walt Disney once said it's kind of fun to do the impossible I certainly never imagined I would be up here on stage speaking to thousands of people people but I am forever grateful for this incredible and certainly once in a lifetime opportunity my final words of advice to you or if you have the chance to do something crazy and unimaginable do it it may seem insane at first but you can have extraordinary memories that will last you a lifetime to my softball team as always one speed roll thank you every everyone for your time and congratulations to the class of 2024 thank you thank you Michaela at this time I'll ask president Amer Waldren to join me as the Provost and Senior vice president for academic Affairs Joshua Powers presents The Faculty recognition awards for excellence to three members of our distinguished faculty provos powers I am pleased to continue the annual tradition of recognizing members of The Faculty based upon the recommendation of their peers for their particular contribution to Excellence in the areas of teaching research scholarship and creative expression as well as service well professors Nicole Davi Maryann Sullivan and David dempy please come forward at this time [Applause] please refer to your program for more extensive lists of each of their accomplishments I'm pleased to present the award for excellence and teaching to Professor Nicole Davi pleased to present this award to Dr Davi since arriving at William Patterson University as assistant professor in environmental science in 2013 Professor Davi has shown exceptional expertise enthusiasm and dedication to her teaching craft her students say of her on their evaluations she was able to help me discover a passion for research in my field Dr Davi creates a comfortable learning environment where students can feel free to participate during class and Dr Doby is full of knowledge and very passionate regarding her work I actually went to her class once and I agree her active research and scholarship program provides a foundation for her work with students she consistently invites her students into her research on tree ring science which is internationally recognized in the field and laboratory her students gain hands-on experience with the National Park Service the American chestnut project and the Great Swamp Watershed to name a few taking holistic approach to education Professor Davi features field trips technology lessons and guest lectures including alumni in courses and also focuses on job skills networking resume building and teamwork all essential for building a care C of young scientists of quality she is a role model as a successful citizen scientist in recognition of the inspiration and dedication she brings to William Patterson University students faculty and the community we are proud to proclaim the citation of excellence in teaching awarded to Dr Nicole Davi commencement day May 22nd 2024 [Applause] I'm now pleased to present the award for research scholarship and creative expression to Professor Maryanne Sullivan a professor of Public Health in the College of science and health she is a prolific researcher having authored 37 peer reviewed Journal articles and book chapters in the interdisciplinary area of environmental and occupational health policy she is the author of the 24 book 2020 2014 book tainted Earth smelters public health and the environment an important scientific and Regulatory Treatise on industry and public health Professor Sullivan has been successful in funding her research through nationally Grant institutions securing over $600,000 through the Environmental Protection agency's prestigious science to achieve results Grant and from the Ratcliffe Institute for advancement at Harvard University among others currently she is the principal investigator of a ni National Science Foundation project examining children's environmental health and science-based Regulatory policy and serves as a co-principal investigator on another NSS NSF funded project her work extends internationally having participated as a visiting scholar at the Rachel Carson Center for the environment and society and lwig Max Millan University in Munich Germany and collaborates with Scholars at the University of New South Wales in Australia to study the influence of lead Mining and smelting on the health of children and recognition of the distinction and honor she brings to the university as a research scholar author and lecturer we are proud to Proclaim this citation of excellence in research scholarship and creative expression awarded to Dr Maryann Sullivan commencement day May 26 [Applause] 2024 and finally I am pleased to present the award for service to Professor David Dempsey for third for 32 years his name has been synonymous with the Jazz studies program at William Patterson he is the coordinator of the program founding director of the summer Jazz Workshop entering his 31st year and producer of The Jazz Room series now in its 50 uh 51st year Professor Dempsey's dedication and service to the university stems in part from his extraordinary ability to produce and maintain relationships with a cadra of outstanding and revered WP music alumni and area professionals many of you come to come to campus to teach and perform among them was the legendary Trumpeter the late Clark Terry who as an adjunct faculty member taught and mentored numerous William Patterson students and which led to the establishment in 2004 of the wp living Jazz archives created by Professor Dempsey and includes the work of Clark Terry Thad Jones Michael Breer art farmer and many others this resource stands in service to students music Scholars and all musicians and many other others this resource um and will do so many for fair for years to come Professor Dempsey has led WP music students on International tours of China and the West Bank and frequently appearance freaking appearances at Major Jazz venues including disy Club at J at jazz at Lincoln Center New York City he's published numerous articles chapters and music as well as conducted countless ensembles significantly for students and the community at large in collaboration with the William Patterson University Foundation Professor Dempsey helped bring more than $4 million doar to the university for jazz programming his infectious enthusiasm for the art and craft of jazz is truly inspiring and recognition of this distinction and honor he brings to the university in his service to college students we are proud to Proclaim this citation of excellence and service awarded to Dr David Dempsey commencement day May 22nd 2024 [Applause] sure congratulations and best wishes to all president hell dabler will now deliver his remarks to the graduating class good morning on behalf of the Board of Trustees and all the faculty Administration staff and students I want to offer my most enthusiastic welcome and congratulations to the fabulous class of 2024 of William Patterson University yeah that deserves some Applause I'd also like to welcome the parents guard Guardians and all of the family members friends faculty and staff and administrators who are here celebrating you on your very special day and of course a big William Patterson Welcome to our honored guest and speaker for this morning's ceremony New Jersey state senator Nelly Poe thank you for joining us Senator I'd also like to extend a special welcome to the Senator's legislative colleague assemblyman Benji Wimberly who was an educ Ator and a William Patterson Alm and a great champion of the university and public higher education Benji thank you so much for joining us so today we are here to celebrate the true meaning of willpower so to the degree candidates if you are about to become a first generation college graduate please stand and remain standing first gen if you are an immigrant or the child of an immigrant please stand and remain standing if you are a first responder please stand and remain standing if you worked a job while going to College please stand and remain standing if you transferred from WP from one of the community colleges please stand and remain standing if you return to college to finish your degree on WP online stand up if you speak more than one language stand up if you raised a child or cared for a loved one while you're going to college stand up If you're receiving a degree today stand up ladies and gentlemen that is willpower congratulations graduates please be [Applause] [Music] seated so again I want to thank Senator PO for joining us today for what is truly a milestone event in the lives of our graduates who are changing the social fabric of our great state of New Jersey and for our nation for the better William Patterson got its start as Patterson normal school just blocks from Senator Po's Hamilton Plaza office we are proud of our long tradition of educating women and immigrants in the Garden State and we want to thank Senator PO for continuing to be a true champion of public higher education in New Jersey and a role model for all of our students who want to go into public service as well as for the Latino community and Latinas I always say that there are two kinds of public servants Warriors and warriors Warriors talk about the work but Warriors do the work and William Patterson has one of the best warriors in Trenton so thank you Senator po so graduates please know that our entire Pioneer Community shares in your pride today it is indeed a milstone achievement in your lives as well as in the lives of your families in the life of the university and the lives of your community you are the embodiment of William Patterson's mission to put more degrees into the hands of those graduates who would build a stronger more vibrant more resilient New Jersey for everyone one that is more prosperous healthier better educated just and more Equitable and in turn your degree is the embodiment of your hopes and dreams for the future as well as the solid foundation of skills and experience on which you will build that bright future this is what William Patterson is all about for our trustees and administration commencement is the ultimate expression of the fulfilling work that we are are honored to do leading and guiding William Patterson for our excellent and accomplished faculty commencement is the culmination of their ongoing commitment to your academic success as well as your personal and professional growth these dedicated Educators along with our deeply committed staff have worked hard to create a challenging as well as safe and supportive environment in the classroom and across our beautiful campus in which you could learn live and grow and let's just acknowledge that this year that has been no small feat so now I would like to take a moment to recognize the those people The Faculty administrators and staff who have supported you since you arrived on campus with members of the Board of Trustees faculty Administration and staff of William Patterson University please rise and let the graduates join me and show showing your appreciation for your good work faculty staff Administration thank you so [Applause] much indeed they are proof of your success please be seated and of course there are people many of whom are we are fortunate to have with us today who helped get you to William Patterson in the first place and who have been rooting for you ever since for for your families and friends today's commencement is the reward for a lot of their hard work and sacrifice as well not to mention the hard work and sacrifice of our graduates please know that it has all been worth it while your graduate's degree will certainly have their name on it it also represents your support and encouragement which have been so critical to their success so will the parents and Guardians in the audience please rise and remain standing of our graduates will the grandparents please join them will spouses and partners and Children of the graduates please rise anyone who has supported our graduates please rise you helped get them here you did it your support your love your encouragement [Applause] I think for all of your hard work you all deserve an honorary degree so I'm going to confer upon all of you the PTT which stands for pushed them through congratulations and please be seated so you know we all lead such busy lives that opportunity for Meaningful reflection can be few and far in between we're certainly barraged with news social media posts and all kinds of messaging much of which is designed to only capture our attention not to reward it with any deeper or nuanced understanding commencement is one of those times when addition to celebrating and you should do a lot of celebrating it is also appropriate that we pause and think about the world we live in and the world we want to live in what will your place be how will you use your new degree to get there and as you consider these critical questions you will need to navigate the line between passion and practicality it is this period in your life when seemingly everyone from well-intentioned family and friends to random strangers has thoughts about your future from meaningful wisdom to free and plentiful unsolicited advice typically this advice will fall on the side of Follow Your Passion or be practical and secure a steady job or somewhere in between so in the spirit of unsolicited advice I'd like to offer my own take contrary to much a popular opinion this is not an either or proposition in my my opinion it can and should be an and find opportunities that combine your passions and practical considerations successful entrepreneurs to offer just one example don't Focus solely on whatever product or service they are passionate about instead they join that passion with the Practical requirements of starting and growing a business you may find that passions grow from pursuing what you're good at just as Proficiency in a given Pursuit can grow from your passion your William Patterson career has helped you develop and identify skills play to your strengths and always be open to fostering new ones in that spirit I encourage you to follow not just your passion but also your Curiosities and interest things that may upon further exploration become passion in other words what do you passion what you may be passionate about right now may not be what you're passionate about in five or 10 years from now so yes always be open to new things new experiences new people and new ideas you're young and just starting out so it's also okay if you haven't quite figured out just yet what your passion is you will some of you are confident that you know but in time you may change your mind and that's okay and it's normal for many of us in the meantime you have all the things that interest you all the things that you're curious to know more about start by pursuing those and see where they they will lead you will also find that your passions and your interests May at first seem mutually exclusive but they can in fact be complimentary and build upon each other as a University president who began his career as a professional ballet dancer and theater director I stand before you as living proof your presence here today is um is is very much deserved you have earned your place at William Patterson and made the most of this extraordinary opportunity whatever comes next I know that you will make the most of that too and be able to proudly claim your place in the world whatever your passion in whatever path you choose what I do want to assure you of is that the world very much needs all of the many and varied kinds of talent and dedication that the William Patterson class of 2024 has to offer it needs the kind of willpower that got you here today perhaps you will build your whole career around Public Service like Senator soon to be Dr Poe maybe public service jobs will be a significant entry on your LinkedIn profile that may also include fourways into the private sector or entrepreneurship or maybe hopefully it will also take form of volunteer work in your profession in all of us at William Patterson certainly hope in your community William Patterson is a special place but it is not and has never been an ivory Tower just as much as we are very much a part of the local community and our state we are also part of the national community of colleges and universities so along with all of the wonderful energy and action that is a part of any Community centered on a diverse group of ambitious and engaged young people comes the inevitable friction as conflicting or simply differing ideas come in contact with each other but I would offer that the very process of knowledge acquisition or seeking truth is rooted in this friction debating various points of view looking at different data sets or considering the same data sets from different perspectives all create conditions which allow us to acquire new knowledge not in spite of the resulting inent tension but because of it and more often than that the truth at that point in time is somewhere in the middle likewise our government is structured to create tensions we have two political parties two legislative branches the executive and the judicial branch all have views that are Divergent but which at some point if government is functioning as designed must merge into a common course of action if our country state are to move forward and we must allow those attentions to play out both in the acquisition of knowledge and in our political process but they should and must play out in a civil and respectful manner as we seek to become educated citizens we will invariably be challenged by ideas values or topics that differ from our own which is the very nature of the acquisition of knowledge and that process will invariably make some feel uncomfortable but it shouldn't make anyone feel unsafe I am proud that our Pioneer Community has been able to engage in discussions and debates about complex issues of the day I'm proud that our students taught us about Palestine in a teach in on their history I'm proud of our faculty who led a discussion from both the Israeli and Palestinian points of view that provided a forum for Str for structured debate and I'm proud that we came together as a community to Mark the 30th anniversary of our Center for Holocaust and genocide studies that's what it means to live work and learn in a diverse Community which is not to say that there haven't been and will continue to be difficult debates and strong disagreements as the university as a university president I often feel I need to remind people that learning on a college campus takes place well beyond the classroom we should want young people who will Express themselves and advocate for what they believe in that's the way we build a more just and Democratic Society peaceful protests have a well- earned role in the life of American college campuses and is a vital part of the free speech and free expression that this nation was built on and we must continue to Value it I also tell my contemporaries to reflect back on their own late teens and 20s whether or not they went in college in retrospect would you handle yourself the same way you did when you were 20 very few people reach 40 50 or 60 with the same exact politics and beliefs that they had when they were 20 we all all grow and change and hopefully for the better and college is a hot House of personal and political growth while our beliefs will evolve and change what I hope for you today's graduates is that you will maintain your ability to engage civil with others about those beliefs in a way that not only respects but seek out those who differ from your own you know it can be increasingly difficult in a world where we get most of our news online but also engage with others there as well the internet has given us a lot of great things online learning personal connections funny pet videos but Society is not well served by increasingly sophisticated algorithms that show us what we already know and like and serve up only negative news about things outside of our sphere it strips away nuance and presents whole groups and political parties religions races nationalities as monoliths monolithic thinking dehumanizes us all and that is perhaps our greatest challenge not only accepting but embracing the fact that for all of our differences we are all human beings so at this time when the forces of polarization nationally and globally seem to grow stronger I would ask that the best way to counter them is to engage with other people in the real world Civil respectfully and openly it is my hope that your education has given you the tools to persuade yes but that it is that you will also be open to persuasion when the counterargument is a sound one people who aren't open to changing their own minds are rarely successful at changing the minds of others toward that end our presence here today refer affirms the power of coming together to celebrate both what we have in common and What Makes Us unique you know from my vantage point I look out to a sea of graduates each in the same in some ways and different and others we're all WP Pioneers we're all 2024 graduates we're all dressed in black grounds and caps with orange tassles but at the same time many of you have customized those mortarboards to make a personal statement many of you have stols that part tell part of your story as a first generation student an honors awarde a veteran a student athlete an eof graduate a black graduate a latinx graduate and many others these are a designation Central to your personal identity far from dividing us all of these differences have been opportunities to learn from one another indeed you have all learned some of you have lived on one of the most diverse University campuses in New Jersey it is my hope that you have also learned to appreciate and respect those who look think worship and love differently than yourself it is also my hope that you have learned how to engage with those who look think worship and love differently from yourself may we all commit these lessons commit these lessons and commit our talents skills and energy to building a better healthier and more just World be that person who brings your communities together even when the conversation is difficult be that person who brings people together to celebrate someone else's success in doing that work I hope your future also makes room for lots of laughter dancing singing and great food you deserve a happy and productive life defined by all these things and by the love and friendship of others I'm confident that you're soon to be conferred degree at William Patterson Career Success will come but always remember these Sage words from Winston churel we make a living by what we get but we make a Life by what we give combine it with personal fulfillment and you will create a rewarding life for yourself your family and your community class of 2024 you are my most optimistic hope for the future congratulations and I can't wait to see the amazing things that you are going to [Applause] do we will now present Senator Nelly Poe with the honorary degree assisted by trustee adriz Rodriguez Vice chair of the board John gandek who will read the citation the honorary will be hooded and presented the honorary doctorate by President Amer Kathleen Waldren and yours truly trustee Rodriguez good morning good morning I like that just wanted to make sure you're still up after that wonderful speech each year on this occasion the university presents an honorary doctoral degrees to members of the community who have made a significant difference in a particular field or discipline the university confers this honor upon individuals whose accomplishment both personal and professional are held in the highest esteem and regard this year the university is recognizing our very own Senator Nelly po you can [Applause] clap as you're about to hear Senator pole has a long and distinguished career in public service I've had the privilege and honor of working with the senator for many years including as her former Chief of Staff when she was in the State Assembly and I am thrilled so thrilled to be here today what a difference a year makes say as a William Patterson not only trustee but as an alumni of William Patterson and friend to see this honor bestowed upon my very good friend Nelly Poe I now turn the podium over to Vice chair of the Board of Trustees trustee John gandak to read the senator Po's citation well Senator Pop please join me president amerit Waldren and Dr hel dobler at the [Music] podium whereas William Patterson University is proud to recognize the accomplishments of New Jersey state senator Nita Poe representing District 35 which encompasses the communi surrounding William Patterson University including hailen North Halden Patterson and Prospect Park whereas Senator po has served as a state senator since 2012 and as the Senate majority caucus chair chair of the Senate Commerce Committee Vice chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee chairwoman of the New Jersey legislative Latino caucus and serves as president President elect of the national Hispanic Council of state legislators whereas Senator po has championed the initiatives to promote the health of the community and the safety of Youth including as part of the New Jersey task force on child abuse and neglect the P Bergen County HIV Health Services advisory Council and through Service as the pay County youth program coordinator we're a senator po has been a fierce advocate for the community she represents including William Patterson University and its students by advocating and sponsoring multiple legislative legislations to Aid the institution and help shape higher education across the state more than anything she is a friend and an ally and someone who cares about our institution and the students it serves therefore be it resolved for her achievements as a public servant for her initiatives focused on higher education access and affordability and for her leadership and commitment to improving the lives of all citizens in the state of New Jersey the Board of Trustees of the William Patterson University of New Jersey is pleased to award this 22nd day of May 2024 the degree of doctor of Humane letters honoris Kaa to Nita po [Applause] for [Applause] Senator po will now offer comments to the graduating [Applause] class thank you thank you so very much um trustee idid Rodriguez my very dear friend um and I know that you certainly understand the value of your education through your own Estee papelito Foundation um where I where you help to open doors and Empower students to pursue their dreams so thank you my friend I love you good morning good morning Dr hel dobler good morning to president am Meredith Katherine Waldren good morning to all the members of the Board of Trustees distinguished faculty honored guests and most importantly the members of the class of 2024 and all of your loved ones that are here filling the arena I stand before you today with a heart full of gratitude and humility as I accept this prestigious honorary doctorate degree from William Patterson University but this moment is not just a personal honor for me but a celebration of the values we all here hold dear Education Service and Community to the faculty and staff of this esteemed institution I extend my deepest appreciation for your dedication to shaping the minds and futures of our next generation of leaders your commitment to academic Excellence is truly commendable to the students of William Patterson University I say to you take risk step out of your comfort zone and embrace Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow you are The Architects of our future and your potential knows no bounds as a proud Puerto Rican and daughter of Patterson Patterson New Jersey I carry with me the lessons and wisdoms of my upbringing La laa as we say it is in in this Spirit of unity and solidarity that fuels my passion for public service the work ethics of my parents neighbors and my teachers have molded me into the person that I am today instilling in me the resilience and compassion for others throughout my career as a state senator I have been Guided by the belief that in the face of challenges and adversity we must remain steadfast in our commitment to serving our communities and advocating for those who are marginalized or voiceless every obstacle is an opportunity for growth and positive change this the honor the award in of this honorary degree from this prestigious institution based upon my values and my work in the legislature is a true public expression of William Patterson's University's shared commitment to creating a more Equitable and just Society I must also acknowledge the incredible support the incredible support of my colleagues mentors and friends tell me who you walk with walk with and I will tell you who you are I am fortunate to have walked alongside dedicated individuals who have inspired and guided me on this journey of public service and I am so so very grateful so so grateful for the love and support of my family whose understanding of the importance of this work throughout my 27e career have permitted me to dedicate so much time to this cause to the Future Leaders and change makers in this audience I leave you with this that sums up the grit and perseverance that drives the willpower of pioneering people people every setback is an opportunity for growth and every change and every challenge is a chance to rise stronger and more resilience than before seize every moment and make it count never forget how far you have come everything you have gotten through all the times that you have pushed on even when you felt you didn't you couldn't all the mornings that you got out of bed no matter how hard it was the times that you wanted to give up but God gave you the strength and made a way when you saw no way today is your day so [Applause] graduates so graduates as you embark on this new chapter of your life remember to embrace the opportunities to engage with the work around you to make a difference and to leave a positive impact let us commit ourselves to being active participants in shaping a brighter future for all I want to express my deepest gratitude to William Patterson University for this incredible honor your unwavering commitment to AC academic Excellence stands as a beacon of light and an inspiration to us all let us continue let us continue to work together United by the common gold of creating a brighter more inclusive future for all let us Forge ahead with courage and determination knowing that our Collective efforts can create meaningful change I will forever forever be grateful to have shared this time and space with you as a fellow member of the class of 2024 so once more felicidades congratulations may you continue to strive for excellence in all that you do too thank you so very much God bless you all [Applause] congratulations thank you so much Dr po so now in just a few minutes you're going to walk across the stage and you're going to go from graduate to Alm so just before we do that important step we're I'm going to invite to the podium uh Dr uh Dom Deo president uh of the Alumni Association who was a 1997 and 2021 uh grad of William Patterson [Applause] Dom thank you wow what a day lot of energy president H dobler and now our newest Dr po assemblyman W Wimberly members of the Board of Trustees graduates family and friends I am pleased to bring you greetings I am so honored to congratulate the members of the class of 2024 and I Jo yes let's make some noise [Applause] congratulations and I am honored to join the rest of the university community as we recognize your achievements when President hel dobler confers your degrees you will officially become William Patterson alumni and I am proud as president of the William Patterson Alumni Association to welcome you to the community of over 87,000 Pioneers who live throughout New Jersey the nation and the world and we proudly represent our institution as accomplished leaders in every profession I know each and every one of you will find continued success as I have because William Patterson graduates have a unique quality about us that separates us from from others these qualities in part come from the education we received here and the professional relationships that we have built with the exceptional faculty staff mentors alumni and peers while you will be graduating please know that William Patterson will continue to support you celebrate your achievements and value your involvement please remember that we need you too think about the graduates who will follow you in the future years and how as we as alumni can positively impact generations of pioneers I encourage you to remain involved with your alma mater and maintain a strong connection to William Patterson University as I and many other alumni do we look forward to welcoming you back to the campus so we can continue to share our experiences and make new William Patterson memories your amama moer looks forward to hearing about your great successes and achievements and now in just a few seconds I will step off the platform so that I and fellow alumni and W WP staff members Roy Garcia class of 1999 Eva Reyes class of 20 2015 and 2017 and Sonia Wilson class of 2019 and 2021 can present each of you with your first William Patterson lapel pin right after you receive your degree as the newest members of your of the Alumni Association I hope you will wear your PIN proudly once again congratulations to each of you on this special day thank [Applause] you the Provost and Senior vice president for academic Affairs Joshua Powers will now present the candidates for their degrees thank you we want everyone to have their special moment and I want to remind all the graduates that while you will receive a diploma cover when crossing the stage the president will not officially confer your degree until after all of you have become forward to be recognized by your Deans therefore does imperative that you return to your seats until the president confers your degrees we ask everyone to please remain in the arena until the degrees are conferred degree candidates will be congratulated by their Dean members of the Board of Trustees and president H dobler I will now ask the candidates for all bachelor's degrees Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Music Bachelors of Science and Bachelors of Science and nursing to come forward by college to be recognized by the college team we will first present candidates from the College of Education who will be graduated by Dean Amy Ginsburg and trusty gadek and from the College of science and health who will be congratulated by danan venat Sharma and trusty McDow not we'll be presenting C we're actually presenting the candidates for the College of Arts Humanities and social sciences along with education so we're please for both of those groups no he's right somebody's for Maggie May albz Thomas James arigoni Marissa Rachel Shay Caitlyn Donna Eldridge shuti udar Jane Amanda Lindsay Marian Laura anid Hernandez Stephany k roas Deborah Rebecca Gonzalez Vargas Mariana simos [Applause] [Music] Barbosa Alexa pontorero Karina Corgan okay Christine Martinez Danielle Marie Mena Amanda Brandon mateline barar Michelle Stephanie Martin Angela Jasmine Rodriguez taiwo maranne adapa evani Perez Briana Schultz Gabriella Christina lirano Perez Lillian weissberger Megan Lynn Ramos Claire Justine Johnson Aaron Thomas Hogan Alesandra zonzini homi Grace takazawa Caitlyn Rose Walters Veronica karati Sarah Charlotte TFA Maggie brazus DZ Hannah Rose steinel Lisa Joanne delusi Rachel Elizabeth Joffrey imal akur Madison Elizabeth Felder Allison Marie Venegas Lilia D'Angelo James Daniel kogler Elisa Saray Gonzalez Caesar Manuel MAA dieago Michael J Alvarez Alexandria corio Brian a Cabrera Maran C ehama Grace Anne Elizabeth Gaskill Fritz looy Napoleon Waffa Rafi Nicholas Dante Wilkerson Caitlyn Rose mcleen castano Gomez Moren Grace O'Brien Ayan furo jacalene Paige Newman Vanessa Smith Daniel aara Buu Mia Grace cavaso Rael JL palao Pierro Lopez Rodriguez GAA Nicole Maria Kaw just changan Yi Miguel a Carmona Grace Mary faran Muhammad al-bab Randy Anderson arenis Perez Mahin Rahman Britney Patrice bugs Bailey an codington salvato Dylan John Green mael G Penfield Katherine O'Neal Jane Teresa jallow Elizabeth Anne bragan kend Elizabeth adapa jelle Rosario Emily Elizabeth muus Holly Marie winens Isabelle Maria birer Seda Amman Brianna Yadira Martinez Alexis bana cuadros Gloria Maria Perez Ino Francisco Javier Chavez Salasar Jessica Linn bodai matin Selman Samantha Marie Escobar Scott libowitz Milagros asencio chren lus Takira a Hinton Daniel Joseph neuser Andrew Steven Elie Sierra Renee little Jaden Quinn Mendoza nihal chalri shared Herta Christine Elaine Portugal Marquez Sara De La Cruz Jimenez Paula Isabelle medalia Cruz minala walled [Applause] Ibrahim Aisha Lee Fallon Grace Cooper nii Raphael Tara Lisa Dixon Kaylee Gomez Daniel vivar Mia Alfred Zachary bjack Melissa toppal Hillary o agula Marissa Lyn Murino Tiffany Vu Bruna do Reyes Emily Brianna loano Megan kochan Rochelle Estrada Jahida Hernandez Alexis Angelina Flores jida Hernandez Alexis Angelina Flores Alysa hulahan Castellano Nubia safira do Tanner Michael Linder Cleopatra tinglan Alexa Jade Barbara Michelle maroko Alexa Jade Barbara Michelle Morocco George Trey Davis okay we will now present candidates the College of science and health who will be congratulated by Dean venat Sharma and trusty McDow Justin Robert Stanton Dylan Thomas chikowski Matthew F Morelli Daniel Emilio Cruz Kyla Ashley Jones Steven Matias Salas niia Campbell Lewis Nazir cier Libya L Hill Tina Marie Pata Kayla Marie sto sahira Duran Jack Michelle mimbreno ran Laura Jessica Castillo Munoz Ricky Oriel majida Abu Amir Liam Andrew Ethan Alexander Jimenez chiri amadi Liam James Baron lth morocho Nazir Gad Michaela rusio Keandre Tarver Genesis Rodriguez Byron Maris Martinez Alexa Ray Henry Julia Christine sandom manega Keandre Tarver Byron Maris Martinez Mark tabber Tiana Nelle Barry opua Emanuel oloco Jania deari Osborne Chad Maurice Howard Deja Johnson yanelli tahada Shas Kumar Valerie Andrea arango Mabel carabio Fernando Jose Ramirez Roger burjo Vincent L Ceta Jr Malay Jamar Stallings Jr Jess carfello Ariel igera Nicholas Anthony sortino Cedric Noel Gaston Marcus cosmus Adam Grant Christopher Douglas liberg Anthony Amato sha Summers JR Patrick William Monahan Tyler Tobias Brooks Tyreek Amir Montgomery Justin Clark Brown Daniel R castanada Isabelle Rodriguez aluan Bell Mark Richard Brandt Andrew M ballistreri Asma mbaby Delane Gyra Morales JN Grace C Romero Warez Briana Rose Rodriguez Neil Matthew Giannis Scotty Adriana maniri Paola type Todd Marshall Delo pedit feron Patterson Jr Jade J Gibson Jack Joseph clausman Caitlyn Patricia oror John malucci Valeria renia gajo Jonathan Bo gwenith El crisano Franchesco lza Nick Valeria Ria gajo gwenth El crisano Eric s Garza Stevens kpe Matthew Raymond walosi jalisia erene Ford Billy Naji a Davis Gabriella Renee latza Darcel McFarland summer cre Benson Chris Jose Tavarez Cameron Jackson Matthew Preston Kushi Patel adth Sorano Grace an ctis ivy Joel Ramos Bianca Jean lubansky Tyler Sanchez Bailey Justin Lara freal deedo Joshua kazel Liz rosenblat Robert Damiano cardillo Danielle Lindsay dicks Essence Ivon Johnson Tracy Sims jariana bur penos Albin morate Dalton Lewis Taylor Fernando roas Samantha Ros Gonzalez Brandon McDaniel Nicole Lopez Seth kones mariama CE Patrick Riner Gro anniah Brown Samantha Kia Sylvia mik Devin Christopher blunt Joselyn Serrano Matthew Anthony Clark Ariana Teresa valard Taylor Marie hoyes Matthew Enrique Salazar Sister Anne margarit Weiss Andrew Kent large Victoria re Alex Andrew NZ Danielle Marie santillo Bernard Larry bolar Kayla Knights Melanie Hernandez nla F Zion Hazel J loxa Sophia balanos Anthony James Myra Quintero Marilyn Guadalupe Garcia itel Fernandez Miriam Elisa Falcone Connor John Gallow Jan Nicole Sher Victoria chavaria Jenifer Judi Gomez Armani Alexis oxner ARA bessam Naji enur Sherelle M Williams Demi Rosio Valverde Lara Lanka Helen Toledo dasis maleni Morales Hernandez Isa Khan Gabriella Angelina cizio Sam Liah Jessica Lee Britain Lara Maria Fernandez Mendoza Amy meline kulp Lisha Siri Blanco Lisa Mary Herrera Simon Gavin Michael rampel Valerie Lera Jason Matthew nahara Rodriguez Yia Nadia constantina shahada Joseph Dennis pascarell Kayla an sadori Franklin Fleet Penna melik Lena Jonathan Matthew Martin Max Steven Catman Dev Patel Alexandra Noel Spectre Anthony Scott Newman Cole Francis Peter Moran bariso Melody Espen Johan Melvin Martin Larsson Andrew Colligan Kean Fernandez Seline Alexis Chambers Nathan inkland yuir roas Herrera Raphael Andres Espinosa verer Justin Estes Kiara Nicole coyazo giran cipit Sana Whit Raul K Rivera andrena Isabel Peña Jas millenni TZ Latasha irisari Emily Rodriguez Tyler James Bergos laa [Music] kle Kimberly Adriana Guzman AA Celeste Matos Aras miky g katrib zoron m Pier Islam jabon yazan zwier Caitlyn Taylor HW Mohammad M husin JIS moring Santino Miguel viat Lista McKenzie Taylor ladlo Mohammed lenina lose celest waret shamera Angelique Campbell Grace pante Leon Chris Leon riam lfta UDA David C morera Samantha Marie Solair Brandon Stewart Marbel sto nexp sabani darar Muhammad Yahya estras Gom Brian Menendez Delano Mitchell Justin Palmer Bautista bambo kios Maris beo Luke Anthony lzy Hamza Abdul CER Alexandra Tiffany Brea Zachary Kelly Hamza Ahmed Jonathan alcaraz Matthew Ryan Jensen Matthew fbos Steven maaka Santiago McAn moriset Don arbert Arias dear Roa Kyle David Henderson Fabian caretto vianca jalice Burgess Peter Michael gabart Darin a Chakan Hernandez Maha Salam yurisa Chavez Sadia Islam Tarin Shaker Azam Chelsea tavas Ryan matate Romel orisa kamacho Isaiah sha McKenzie Joel Santana Alexandra Suzanna Baris Hubert Reginald Tindle Daniel M par tarhan Ahmed halim Daisy salamona Martin reggae liba kid silfa Patricia Martinez Perez Nicolas Santa Ibrahim M Regal Orville o Dawson Kata Alicia Antunez Kevin o Garcia Christina seski Aaliyah NJ a Jefferson agilar Marcel Kevin stojack Arvin James manise Shamir Azad Khan ector M Sanchez Omar Mansour Hamed Samir hyek Ronda Dixon Muhammad Adel Abu Alia Alexander cada Cruz Ahmed Abdullah Karen Ali Morales Raul amadas hak Giana brendisi star monu Timothy ishma mandir Diana Sophia bolenbaker Marcus Edward green Zachary Jacob ma Alfie Lorenzo jyra a lanai Marsen croll Jordan immanu Joseph Anthony Vuitton Makai Aramis Reese Sebastian morio Dominique Hicks green famid beum Steven Paul Perez Jr Ryan n jerco Manuel Victor Robinson desan Leo liba Jeffrey Taylor Lee Jr Justin Duke itter L Gonzalez Tamir al-hakeem Styles Jr Giani Ramirez William Hennessy nerri Khan Samantha yube AA januk Gavin Paul Richard trer Johan Alejandro Ona Gamo Rose Marie Larson Mohamad y alali lesie Panetta amidza capadia Nicholas Portilla Jaden Fortuna Zer eafy Michael Matthew lendus alisandra tardibono sha Michael jabak Erica Nancy frodella sha Michael grian Nicole Guerrero Tyler David Fishman Hannah Grace dangi Jonathan Enoch Leong Georg Elina Guzman Jay Patel Amir a rajabi Hannah Grace dangi Georg Elina Guzman gonzale Amara Dynasty Jackson Bryce Alexander berer Joanna viaga Omar elshahawi Indra dlan Christopher Elijah Whitaker Chantel Marie Tino Dominguez n K nah Nicole epinger Sebastian Roar Emily verella Jennifer Pimentel Alisa Zuta Michael tox Jennica Manoj Patel Jamie Gutierrez John Carlo Cano Mark durac aiz T lissi Natalia croll Ahmed abua Francis UA amedu Nicholas bchi James Ryan Chen Tristan juriel Gale Tucker David Lynch Francis UA amedu Theodore Francis ambrogio Emma Andrea Del Owen Joseph mcgilligan Nicole ketta SN Richard J crizo Nicholas Croy Columbo Alicia shova Griffin lery Daniel James Toro Carlos Jordan okendo Payton Tanner Willie nasma a alladawi Kevin MC Nicholas Kirsten Jones singer siia Marie Spivey Ethan C Sanderson Rayfield jeni Ramos Nicholas sha belcaro deara sylvenus magallanes Jenna januk Emily Jazelle Gonzalez Bella Haro India Kirkland Solange vialon Patrick green Ryan Anthony malabunga Wilson Monza Brian Anthony hwa marel gekos Miranda Shakira De Jesus Ahmed Mohammad Abu shawish Randy seos Jason Peter Dominguez Irene es capotas Dylan James darnowski shironda [Music] Weatherspoon joyus loano Familia Ben Tapper Jr Brooklyn Renee Williams janthony Hernandez Marie susette dezman Edmond Nico delzo Matthew Ryan Rivera Ryan delc conso Ty Alana Walker Gabriel graines Marisol kaedo kalista Sheridan long Crystal Goodwin rugan Christian viad Lista Tasia Naf Johnson Briana Gwyn William Joseph Tomas Tiana Williams Alexandra juwel palowitz Alejandro kosme Desiree ciso Diana guad Jessica Adriana Ramos dafa Camille luus glenis Castillo Yodi tyam Mescal Lisa Anne Fifer George Joel barquette Janice delcarmen Gill Xavier William Monroe malda Z cavana jabri pton Cara Mayer Stalin Campos Joseline tonco ranessa gbesi Enrique Haro Mendoza Malak Shada badwan Muhammad Abdul raheim John Thomas Palace Tamara ler Erica Esther Carion giovana liseli Vasquez ignasio Cordova Angelina cuadrado Jasmine Mercedes Roos Estes leaya Watkins Celli e oond Stacy Anne Elizabeth green Delila Perez narissa baros gariel de los Santos Emmanuela C Derber Caitlyn Marie Galindo Angelique gathers Luc Diaz alonte Vicky Delaney Gina Marie prle Analise deell Melissa Estes Santos Adriana Lara Rose Marie aosta Skyler dilia Mancini Julianne Irina Sanchez Sarah Margo Gonzalez Milani a Rosio warud alaat Katrina May obaro Santa Romana Katherine E Wilson Angelica D Garcia Don Kristen Meeks Jessica Williams Janine katchin maten hadison San Britney Lee matsco Hannah Ralph daska delva Tiffany Denise Caldwell ugochi woko charel Pearl Snider Michelle E Solace Roger Andrew degot III Sabria Mecca saterfield Ali Stephanie rouer giri song young kame Rivera blessing a eigbe Cynthia pampena nikel May Espinosa Jonathan Rodriguez Jordan antonides Brian Austin Valentine Julia jablonski Gregory Moore bana Marie Washington Brian Keith Williams Jr alnisa C Anderson Gina Garcia Stephanie Maria Fernandez Daniel Victoria Hansen Kiara Isabelle adorno Sasha Lee sanj Miller Kirk Carmine palar Roo Caitlyn Miriam Maldonado Caren Bari singer Kimberly M Sanchez Caitlyn Rose Hernandez Andrea Cassandra Jennings Lauren Dolores carabio Nicole gianina strapon jayen Jones Akia satin Julie patino Amy Russell Mia Rose Morano Jan Darlene Morgan Noel Marie Carr rakaya Nicole Downey Lisa Kamar Esther Nana no Ugo Cynthia Maria Levi Slava mativa Haley Rose oconor Marcus Diaz Jade ner Muniz Leo rapael gonalez larett Isaac Christian Davenport David James Montgomery Ashley Kate pimel Ranger Mitchell Lauren hannenfeld Leona Camille schal Lauren Elise Martinez Maria Fernanda Diaz Marina consuello mckin lesie Castillo Lopez Dakota a brown Julia May messic mateline Ramos Matthew Harris gandelman Raina Garcia Perfecto bernardet and Duran Zuri Zenia Robinson James K [Applause] Schwarz David Keegan Christian D pomerance Michael Mugo Aisha Sako Thomas auu Tiana jacen pigf for Thomas Deborah Esther waru bua Kirsten Howard Emanuel Bernadet Marie Windler shakina tangan Samantha r zanakis gadir hemen Christy Lynn Hull raki camo Adriana Costa Owen omara Helen Yousef Richard larouche Tyrell Benton Matthew David muso Ali Hussein Crystal [Music] Yun Nua Kelly Morales Nicole Pike Nancy Rosa Jimenez Gino M Denton Jasmine a Hassan Jessica Sarah Miller beatric Guido Evelyn Cabrera Irene Aaliyah Pacho Alex De Oliva Diana Abigail Diaz Harrison Strunk Amira lyanna Ali Ernest royen Melissa ronceros Cassandra Marie Sutter rashed a alhara yuana magdi safan shinuda Nina Marie anad Andrew David Jones Kelly King Shauna eer Nadia saichev Valeria sto Diana crean yissa Maria Gonzalez pagero dillian Vanessa Hill Thomas Jefferson MAA Monica barzola Haley Margaret Longo Shante McDowell Matthew Isaiah Rodriguez Regina Nicole Hodes Abraham Breton ya Cudi Christopher Michael Dunn Isabella a Katan Scarlet Audrey Horvath Samia Bari vivana kazubski Cindy cak tagra Christopher antoan Leva Cristiana uaka Yin Sola aola Alysa Jane Toton Robin e Kish Cornelia Harmon Jason Vincent brawn James Michael sakala Johan Rubio yobi Theophilus bosola Daniel Mark Gula Connor borwick Haley Kathleen Deon Zoe Kim vandergast William Fields Jessica mamman Jeffrey Benjamin Fay Luca Brody Colona Emily Woods James Wallace Bal Jennifer Noami Irigoyen Alexander M feedler Denise tros Risa s Leon Angelo Principe Michael Gilmore Diana urgiles Jada Briel Robertson [Applause] Maui Alcantara Melissa Maria Crosby Shirley Mary shaffrey Lissa Prince Esther rukat ASA Abdullah Austina Boden Aileen carvalo Isabelle ZF douu Cameron Dockery Nia Abigail Brown Emily G Galvan tazmir Burton Danica Marie Gan abides William Antonio Valentine Jr Brendan Anthony how Matthew William Mullins Tiffany Alexis Tory good job Sarah M Matthew William Mullins Mila bellaa Sophia Hawken David Jazelle Santos Rano ivania J Garen Isabelle Jean fod mini song elaj Evelyn Sky Huffman parent Kyle niiko Kow vien taan voy Aron matakti Matthew Jordan Ray Rabino alajal Evelyn Sky Huffman parent ven taan voy juil Sanchez Guzman Roberto Osorio dionisio aelio ernandez Martinez Camila miloa bazan Erica Beano chenet Ariana Walker Domenica Gonzalez robalino Isabelle Marie Flores Carly Susan sanui Lauren Alexis Weinberg Louise Cecilia nastasy Jennifer Ventura hanen hammad Jasmine Solis Vanessa Ruiz gon Lisandro himz Amanda Rose Costa Bri Asia terado Bradley Abigail Mary mandro Isaiah Wayne Clark Amy Elizabeth marelli Camila orelio Bell Lyn kaputo inz e palasio Ria Omar hamude nelli Paulino razan matuk Jessica Sabina David Kiara Rivera Emily Martinez Daniela amap pooku Chelsea Marth Valley Crystal Joyce Danon Alicia Nicole Thompson Natalia M chaparo Caitlyn rice Jasmine Marcus Christopher S Sanchez Velasco Kiana prior Isabella Christina Alvarez James McCrae Kiara Nicole Vega odinaka s agba Shirley Vargas elizaveta panv Tyra Monique Caldwell Kelly rigs Gloria Lett Rivera Marvel and Ellen Sarah demiral Isabelle El muhia Anna silio Nicollet Dorothy Lanos Amanda ketta renti Karen Tamar istan McKenzie Elise clear emj Ford fasia nahal Kamara neli woha Danielle bosquet Bellin Rodriguez Hannah R Perry bibian Charles marichka Ruth etan Aaliyah Bach Amanda and duar alberes benois Fernandez Kelly Cruz idesco Perez roas Carolyn Franco zor Margarita Lara Mario Diana D hassa Daenerys Santiago Haley Marie Ryan Michelle P Castro thini yapen Anna I Steven Sama Jaber Janine sannon Tia M Scott uin Gloria oena Jason William Theodore Lagos Maguire Roxanne McKenzie Adrien Marie Dykeman uin nisat aande hiy Weinberger kamich Neil Maria Louisa Solis Jennifer anail Alexandra giovana Valdivia Angelique siwa Julie an sanguo Alvarez jrin darelene Juliana Andrea ernandez Aya Musa Jennifer Cespedes Nicole visco n Asun letia duverge Angelique Espy Samantha Rose M Alcantara Kayla Payton Angel Sky baragan Johanna Calderon Raina Nicole Thomas Giana Karin gaspi haam GBU G Alysa rajda Len Wun aebe Richard Hadley Ashley Kim Olsen Brianna ARA Roka rapael Gonzalez MOA Brian barbaron Idris Wally Tyler Austin Gaffin Marie Sarah fidela estabilio Tobago Chiron Darnell Huggins Jr LeAndre Leslie low omyra Basset Joshua marcario pagdanganan Chanel J Tiff Thomas Elisa Melos Santos corpo aan Joyce Dexter sha B sweet siia McBride Alicia Maria Serano Roa Mariana M lacota Justine Alisa Garcia tayag antonina Nicole dimagio Andel fde Grace Camille Bal Noelia Diaz Alexandra aalos Alesia Marie Ramirez Emily Tatiana Pinto Anna Rosa ramdeo Kevin Gonzalez Alison Riley McBride Ranna Elias Tiffany Moore Stephanie Cabrera Haley Marie KUSI Kevin Victor Goslin Paola Michelle Ventura harumi Jane GMA Dana El Haney II Camila Haro Miguel antona aretta Christen weeby Anastasia Gucci aind Cole Thomas Bugan atar morgani Hussein Mohammad Isabella Nicole coyazo Kylie Elizabeth Mulholland Antonia kinia hund Shaina Lauren Kayla terz Lor Faith adeg Tiffany Mia chimanga naen Riyad hamder Patricia Lauren ruo Sophia Denise gabori jelle Nicole vidals Mariah herrell Elana a escara Alysa Marie westner Scotty porna Isabelle neimat Karen Patricia Velasquez Taylor Jania L Ric Swindell Mel jerik Nava espineli marowan elsaed Jessica Ray centenno jacalin Cantu Nadia Gonzalez Malika Aisha Howard Brenda Hernandez Aiden Ruth Keeley Ariana Sarah Figaroa John Anthony T crei Jr Emma Ayah B Alexandra saluri Alyssa Taylor Novak Ariana Sarah Figaroa Jack Lawrence Miller Rosemary D pigero Christian Marte Juliana Posada Ryan Thomas Marshall Tiana El sahu Colin James lagard Jordan Cheyenne Jones Gabriella Perez Sam carass Crystal n Tucker Eric Joseph holap Bessie De Jesus Jennifer Pablos salvator green Sarah Martinez Anthony Paul cornetta osbaldo Jr roas Abad Patrick Vincent campomizzi agalina Ortiz Sabrina n bashara Franchesca konz Lewis Joseph patelli Kalen Diaz Jenna Marie AB Shakira Banks Pierre Richard J Eugene Elizabeth Anne lley Kiara Miranda Cabrera Kiara Nicole Guzman Adriana Martita Ramos valiz Carla Gonzalez Carol Fable raaza oena Cante wamani Samantha Denise Sanders quadria eatman Rihanna Reyes Morgan Ashley Aurelio marade Lynn Monica bash Alexandra an Bergen Cheryl Alysa Gant Anna Nicoletta seelin rosabel roas Asahi Harris Paige Lauren Graham Ana Jones Karina Santos henriquez Noelia gereni Taha Romero Justina sad Natasha Guzman Courtney B cpio kolina Noelia gereni Taha Romero tan Natasha Guzman tan kolina thenen Latif yag sakir Charlene Claude Angel y Vasquez Alexandra Quintero Melinda Mariah Kenzo Rachel gyamera forour suab ziden Maria and Eve Johnson Jacqueline Mendoza Kyla cyan Barnes toia spanu Amanda Pacho Darlene Matos Giana Luchia molat giovana de Martino Heather stalker Alexandra Silva Kyle Joseph grian roel y Flores pedford miles bowy Marissa Katherine masseron Ava casano Briana Mary Ingam Wilma Abu Elliot Sheree Hayward Taylor Lee lakona Hector Jimmy Santiago yipsy Cassandra Santana Diana Martinez sah Lyn Reyes Alexis Christine loing Michael chachinsky Daniela a Crowder Rihanna Christina aroyo Skyler Francis wisinski janelli qul McKenna Balz Fatima elreda Jayla Harrison Natalie Garcia Joselyn Justine Solis fugga Florence akonami IET Latrice Reed Joselina Trejo Victoria Rose Alisa Roa alhara Wendy M Vasquez Nadia abum mues Angelica Santos Moya Christina alleron Maria araco Robert ernandez Leticia delarm Pon Irwin Dan and jakai Reena paa rosazza Brook Bernice Hopkins Briana D Norris Samuel olivarez Virginia a Jackson Darren Ardo Alvarado Veronica Marie bratos Joseph Angelo VCA Juliana Diaz Michael Ruto Jr isatu bio James David Keys Jr bana lé Davis Anice a Sal Estephanie Violet Fernandez Luis Antonio suriel lakia Michelle Bradley OG balija té Maria Suzanne melis Benjamin m trinsky Rachel Marilyn Simon Mark Angelo Ramos agapito Jessica Elisa Amaro Tatiana yasar Christopher gujan Angelico Benedict viuz leonis Melendez Ashley Pig Kalia Jennifer Priscilla Cortez Amaya tyena Barrett Dixie Evelyn Romero Sheniqua teler rashonda Monique and McCrae kvia Shamira Martin ATM mered Ahmed Isaiah Smith Franklin aasu hega Kelvin carabio Nia Kennedy Jasper Kelvin carabio Nia Kennedy Jasper Brenda Lee dwarte you can rest you can sit down yeah Nicole m kak Brenda Lee dwarte marilise James palanco chaneli Diaz Jennifer Marie Garcia Gabriella Marie Pimentel annel Neils Alexis Mane Armstrong Heavenly Sylvester Ariana an Chaya we will now present candidates from the kakas College of Business who will be congratulated by Dean Anthony Bowen and trustee Neely yeni Mendoza Kiera Moore Betsy alvarenga Rodney Matias Tiffany Michelle Marzano Alexis Rose Solomon Devin Paul Barbieri Jerry Leon Nicole Samantha tragora Kimberly Marie quas Jana panakova Nilda Medina Gill Katy merville LC Stella Cruz Mariela mato Kevin Pastor Bianca Isabelle ernandez Vall VJ Patel Paul kvaka sedan no Javier AR Nasir Mia isak Mia Brett Mason DeBlasio Dennis W ion darald Altin EAD amef Khan Rosetta coochi David Tayo Diana lth roas Mela serani Samuel Benjamin Hardy ranissa Michelle TR Mariah Rita sabat s budar warude Roger Michael stanisa paser Tiffany Marie Hernandez deia a Lawrence Eric Carl Collins clar Bell Garcia Jennifer Lopez marielis Lopez Angeli Herrera Anthony James Valvano Noah William franettovich Nicholas Robert neelsen Kevin menardi fisnik J lulani William James droski isada dorelan Vincent lemon Natan Pon Jim Gerard Philip D Lewis Cordova muhaned Musa Robert Samuel oduro Jr Jordan padila selvie Lita Brandon tattersol thean dusza e Silva black Nadin alur Diego de Olivera Da Silva Wendy alfero roshika G Williams Jonathan Fernando heras Ryan Matthew Cruz Patrick John werton Paul a vogle Elena vitkovsky Scott Henry Huber Mazen Abdullah Ryan pava Aileen Roso Jessica Alvarez miky Michin Karen C kayas Tobar Yeshua ASAS Perez ateri y poo Adrian a Bailey Thomas Poe Bianca Moren F J Williams Mariana Guerrero Gomez Kareem ABD delater William green jorgo trusi jelle Rodriguez Amy Cortez janderson Castillo Omar Ahmad al- nabali Matthew e shahinian k Wallace Joanne Elizabeth Rudy Sebastian sto Priscilla Abu Silva Harrison hadwan Jacob giki Jazelle oligario Sabrina Salam tamman dark Abdul aiz Awan Monique Welch Donna Vanessa Wilson Kathleen Giordano ELC Castillo Katherine Maria urina Alexandra Angela Zarate Kya Raquel Diaz Amador Stephanie Andrade Laura Candice Jackson Shaquille ch Asmar Edwards Alyssa Nicole Supa Kuby darcin athanasia strani Amanda nbar Rihanna purad Shane Angus l Birdie Alexander ikuku ioa John C iosia Richard Taiwan Massie Ryan negler David Frank nine Elijah Charles basam Isaac Patricio Cortez kolina Rodriguez Alysa Lynn Elliot Anthony Julius zilani Brian Gabriel Peña McKenzie sorg Julia Castillo Jordan Duncan farzana Ahmed Michael Miguel fgi dust Arion merini Sabria mâché Mitchell Cheryl Luise Sanchez Urbano hadti asool Christian Hannah Gomes Peter Castro Elon Mendes Darman frean Reva Cameron Parker Kaye dieno foshi conam Maya Banton kija Brown Mia Sierra Amani Rivera Joel caragen Torres p badic Aquila F Rush Alysa Lee Crespo Danielle Anne vandercoy Dar Elina e Rodriguez kaiwa morle Vitali deri Elina e Rodriguez lazette Esperanza Rodriguez Ethan Matthews Maris Lamar Buckingham Chelsea and balone Alysa Angelica Giani Francis uran Isaiah Herrera Kelly Suarez Julia Marie fiorito Leah Jones Julia Marie fiorito Leah Jones Malia M puu Jonathan Gonzalez Murad Koka shahim Al Jaquan Larice chatelain Alex [Applause] Rivera Alani Smalls nen M sidawi Tiara Parker Jose Danielle concepion Angie Santa Maria Manuel Vasquez Christopher nicoletti Manuel Vasquez Fran Christoper nicoletti Franchesca D pasal Nasir s gifted Giana Marie Scarpa arelis sarapura Hunter cotch TBA Hussein Alexis pya Ashley Castillo Mitchell L schwi Mark boty Maria a aosta Medina Natalie Eileen Teno Morgan Katherine fiser [Applause] he's got it after the conferral of degrees univ University mascot poo and president hel dobler will lead everyone in One Last willpower chant the recessional will follow which will be led by President hobbler poo and the platform guests for safety reasons the new degree holders will enter the recessional following the platform guess president hel daer is a pleasure to see you sir all the degree candidates have now been presented and I am pleased to report that the candidates presented have completed requirements for their degrees during the Academic Year 2023 to 2024 and are recommended by the faculty and certified by the Board of Trustees for their respective degree conferral well now let's get to the moment that we have all been waiting for will the candidates for the bachelor's degrees who are eligible for Latin academic honors Summa kumla Magna Kum and kumla please rise these honored candidates Merit special recognition [Applause] for their high level of academic accomplishment that they have attained will all the remaining bachelor degree candidates please rise and will student speaker Michaela rusio and student trustee Courtney suio please rise and come forward and stand next to me will the faculty and those administrators holding faculty Rank and University trustees please rise and face the graduates by the authority vested in Me by The Board of Trustees of the William Patterson University of New Jersey I confer upon you each the degree that you have earned and for which you have been recommended with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to congratulations you may move your tsos from left to right congratulations to the newest graduates of William Patterson one more willpower chant I say will you say power will power will [Music] congratulations you say power to [Applause] we are the you founding Community we strive for hon Justice and for University of newy we [Music] are stand committed throughout our years to Willam by [Applause] I say will you say power I say will you say power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] PA la [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] PA la [Music] la oh [Music] la PA [Music] e
Channel: William Paterson University
Views: 2,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 255min 45sec (15345 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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