Wow! What an Amazing Organ! | Gackenbach Dual Organ!

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good afternoon as you can see we're out and about again in the car and we're going to visit a rather exciting organ or actually we're going to visit two organs in one church but more on that in a minute as a couple of things I'd like to say first we're gonna use the use the time while we're driving along here was very sunny today's fine Spring has finally sprung we're gonna use the time in the car to to actually to say thank you my my organ YouTube channel has been up for it's been up for a few years actually but I didn't really do anything with it until the end of last year 2018 and my my good lady and myself we decided come let's give it a go again see if she you know see if it really picks up again and since october things really have been picking up and shock horror I couldn't believe it I've now got pretty much 5000 subscribers on my channel I mean we're talking organ music here yeah and 99% church organ music here I never thought that would have been possible so a big big big big thank you and I hope that that continues for a very long time because it's actually it really is a lot of fun doing what we do I get to visit some rather interesting instruments and of course I get to meet some rather cool people when I'm doing it and it gets me out and about you know my missus and I we both have sort of other jobs on the side and not on the side we have real jobs and this is on this side but by the looks of it this could actually take the upper hand at some point which would be absolutely brilliant that would be great I've been a self-employed musician for years and well if this is going to be my self-employment then yes please so what we've done and I hope you don't mind we've sort of said well if this is going to be a kind of a full-time thing and we're gonna need to sort of build our business a little bit yeah which means we're gonna need some more equipment at the moment we're doing this with my iPhone okay I bought one of these microphones recently and I'm using microphones I bought years ago to record the organs they're certainly not the best you can get but you know they do the job it makes it sound but you know eventually we're going to get to some really interesting organs where we're gonna need more to make it sound good and all of that stuff is quite expensive by the way for the international viewers I've just joined the German Autobahn and this is a D restricted section so I could have some fun here but I'm not going to I'm gonna behave myself anyway back to business so what I've done I've set up two things two links on my page one of them is a normal PayPal link where if you feel like it if you're enjoying what you're hearing and you think I'd like to support Frazer in a different way not just by commenting on his videos or subscribing and liking I'd like to like - I'd like to support him financially and we've enabled that with this PayPal me link where you can send over something and there will of course be thank you for that you will receive something from me there is however another another variety as it were theirs [Music] sort of it's a monthly thing it's like a monthly subscription if you like to be a member of my channel now this is not YouTube membership this is something else it's called steady and at the moment I've set it up in German only but I'll see if I can get it set up at least in English so that you understand what's going on and the idea is you can sort of send it you know a small amount of money every month for as long as you want and for that you get a membership to me basically and you get some advantages there I'll send you emails in advance of everybody else or maybe you get special videos just for you you can tell me what you actually want to happen in the videos and rather than me just add it to the list of things that maybe happen I will actually get round to doing it and so on and so on so you get the idea now nobody really likes asking for money and things like that but it's like I say this is this is turning out to be something we never expected and we've got to be careful that it doesn't sort of go overboard at the moment so anything you're willing to support us with is more than greatly appreciated and I'm just going to say thank you and leave it there how to concentrate on my driving because we're heading off to a rather exciting place with some rather exciting instruments see you in a minute boss swamis a meet or should I say good evening friends we're in a German church and this is a French sounding organ [Music] but look closely I'm not sure if you remember this from another choice we visited do you recognize this recognize these little decorations on the keys don't they look rather similar to an organ we visited recently when we were in Vegas don't you remember that an organ by the builder named AG occur from down near Heidelberg and he builds sort of French style organs here in Germany and this is organ number one in this church where are we well I am posted a comment yesterday and asked everybody where do you think we're going we're going to visit a church where well the first organ wasn't big enough so a second one was installed some people thought we were going to Cologne Cathedral that would have been quite nice but no we're still in the rest of odd region of Germany and a couple of weeks ago we visited Vegas with the organ from the same building here a couple of weeks later we went to the up time arranged at the great big of Riga organ with four manuals and today we are in a tiny tiny little village right up in the in the in the in the stuck right up at the top of the rest of our if you like a village is called gakuen bah and gotten back is world-famous I'm not joking it's world famous for its organ there are two of them this is number one this has been in the church since about 1999 2000 and like I say it's French and style two manuals few a few stops as you can see it's got a lovely sort of fresh crispy french sound but there's something waiting for us downstairs so maybe I should say a word or two about this French style instrument before we go and look at the other organ at the first glance it may appear quite small but it actually has everything a proper French donor organ needs it's got the it's got the fruit our Monique mm-hmm it's got the sort of the nice stringy sound [Music] it's got the big fat principal sound the mantra that you get in a in most French organs [Music] yeah and if you sort of get everything together um if you get everything together which we're gonna do here now wait a minute let me get this and this and here and here and here and here and here and here and here that's everything cobbled together and we've actually got everything like I said everything you need from a French sounding organ for your French repertoire and not only that we've got a wonderful acoustic too right I think it's time we go downstairs and have a look at the other organ come on have a quick look at this before we go downstairs we've been crawling around and quite a lot of organs over the years and I have never in the time I've been doing this never seen an organ as clean as this look how perfectly clean and shiny and dust free everything is here it's absolutely unbelievable and this is all thanks to the work of one man and this is the one man who's responsible for not just this organ but the organ downstairs as well which we're about to go and see and the organist here in the church his name is Ralph Cicely and he's been here for quite a number of years as organist and he's made it his sort of life's passion to install and maintain these organs in this church wonderful guy so there you have the French organ that's what it looks like from down in the church and then when you turn around and sort of look around the church as it is you can't see the second organ or can you I can't see a second dog but if you walk in this direction with me and sort of look into the into the transept at the side there what are you gonna see there it is hidden in the corner there it is the second organ or welcome to the master console of this magnificent instrument and when I say master console what I mean is that this for manual console here controls both organs that's this one here have a quick look at this lovely pipe work here it's just as clean and shiny as the organ upstairs I think this is probably the cleanest and most beautifully presented organ I've ever seen in my life and I mean that quite seriously it's quite something and that this magnificent console for manuals and an incredible number of stops left and right from the organist when you first look at it you think I'm never going to work my way around this but it's actually quite easy on the left we've got all the stops for this organ and on the right we've got all the stops for the organ upstairs that we just looked at the French organ yeah so what I can do I can for example where I played just before we came down I had something from the French organ I can do exactly the same here if I get all these stops here and here and here and here and I can think about this but this should work so there's the French organ controlled from this console let me clear that and let's move over to this side what is this organ well it's an English organ and if you remember a couple of weeks ago we went to visit an English organ in Bonn and the story with that English organ was it was taken from a church taking over to Germany cleaned and tidied up and sort of restored a bit put in the new church one or two new stops added and that was it this organ has a very very different story this comes from the organ builder Nelson and company this organ was installed in a church in Durham in 1904 it was a very small organ it only had 13 stops now if you look at this here that's rather a lot more than 13 stops over the years Ralph has added to their organ and it now has 43 stops and actually there's some more additions to it but we'll get to that in a moment and there's something planned on top of that as well but more on that later like I said I've never really seen this organ before I've only ever heard about it and I have talked a few times with Ralph about it and visiting it but I've never been here and we came into the church and we had a look upstairs at the French organ first then we came down had a look at the console to talked about it didn't really sort of go into too much detail but when I finally sat down at the console and started to play something something struck me and it's not just that it looks like an English organ and it's not just that it sounds like an English organ it smells like an English song and that's something I really can't explain I don't know if it's the wood they use here in the in the console itself it's the would be using the keys if it's the wood from the pipes but there's a very sort of as a very distinctive woody smell that you only get in English organs I never found it anywhere else sort of a little bit homesick when I smell it it reminds me of the old organs I used to play at home mmm interesting I wonder where that comes from maybe someone can explain it or maybe it's just my brain who knows anyway what do we have in this wonderful English organ well we have the typical sort of string sounds they're enclosed in a smile box we have one of these cheeky little flutes a very dainty little fruit I can open the swell box now we've got the usual sort of slightly smaller open-die affairs and you would find in as well organ I'm going to add the full foot to that we've got a sort of a choir accompaniment sewn [Music] and of course we can close the swell box and that which gives it that lovely dynamic effect okay in the in the main manual now we've got like an born there were separate open diapers and principles and here we don't have two we have three or is it three three number three is quite a sort of small small sounding diapers and it's rather nice [Music] that sort of fills the church rather beautifully number two is a lot stronger but it's still not overwhelming [Music] when we get to number one [Music] so if we were going to build this at a principle chorus I think it probably is number two at the for food and the to food to that and there we have our sort of typical typical SAP [Music] that's the basics of our English organs so far we're moving up them something's missing up to now and that's the that's the Flutie sound we got the French organ has it it's got its flute harmonic and the English equivalent to that would be a Clarabelle flute or a Clarabelle a--sometimes and this organ is called a Clarabelle flute and it's here in the solo organ that stops it right up at the top here and that's the third manual here and that's this rather beautiful sound would change some accompaniment for the pedals you know I'm working a company ideas [Music] [Music] quite nice isn't it [Music] no organ will be complete without a battery of read stops and I think we're gonna start with that one that was the core no payin core no pian core Nepean various different ways of pronouncing it everybody argues about it I dare say there will be a million in one comments about it how to pronounce it properly well get on with it that's the kono pian it's in the swell of this organ and it's actually the only readings were that swell above there are other reads that have mentioned under this well organ there but they're outside the swirl box so they're not really swellable if we move up into the up into this solo division we have an orchestral clarinet that's I've got a beautiful big fat fruity sound I love that very creamy actually I do like that that's a rather lovely sound I can also accompany the clarinet of course if I have this well strings again it should work like this [Music] I do like that rather lovely scent there's also an orchestral oboe which sounds rather more nasal than the sort of French style over you would hear if I add the trim uhland you can hear the whole organ shaking away [Music] they will get rid of that trembling before the whole organ falls apart there's a trumpet up here as well what does that sound like [Music] solo trumpet not bad I've just discovered something rather interesting there are 100 trumpets in this organ listen to this in the grant a great organ contour I'm talking French already in the great on [Music] in the solo and upstairs in the French oven that's something you don't find every day I think if I was organist here every Sunday I would play pretty much like this what I've done I've taken the the great principle chorus and I've coupled this well with it I've stolen the mixture up from the solo organ and because it's in this in different swell box as well and all of that coupled together gives this rather lovely effect [Music] and of course if I start playing around with as well boxes I get that beautiful crescendo effect [Music] it's probably far too loud actually to accompany any kind of congregation but that's how I'd been working remember when we were in born I was sort of waving a key around actually I was waving it around and I said look everybody Big Ben and then a few people got on the high horse and said no that's not Big Ben Big Ben's the Bell inside that Tower yeah well come on it's for an international audience let's not be pedantic about it anyway this organ is no different there's a key you can turn and it starts up a second motor actually a third motor we've got an engine from the English organ we have a motor for the French organ and we have a secret key for the tuba from this organ and the stops are way up here way out of reach that's perfect for small organist they can't get their hands on it and this tuba is apparently something rather special if you look at the website for the for the for the organ here in Guttenberg it describes the tuba as being one of the finest in the world which I thought was a pretty bold claim to make then I arrived in the church and played it let's see what you think [Music] check this out this is where the pipes for the tuba is a rather compact solution up there I think but it's very very clever what happens what what that sort of led to that the the tuba doesn't speak in one direction into the church that would be very direct and very bombastic probably far too much for a church of this size but because they've hidden it against the wall behind the organ it's sort of it's a very diffused sound that sounds negative but it isn't it's a very diffused sound throughout the entire church it sort of it spreads itself rather beautifully through the whole church it's a rather clever way of doing things and I like it a lot before this video gets completely over overly long it's probably already very very long but I haven't shown the pedal stop separately there is a 32-foot reed here a contra trumpet which is rather amazing you're gonna hear it in a minute but what I've decided to do I'm going to make up a little piece of music and I've got a dialogue going between the organ upstairs the organ downstairs put them together build up a bit of full organ and actually when I say full organ it's not quite I've left the tuba out a full organ because that's actually that's that really is an incredible effect and it should be should be saved for live actually the microphones we have here can't really pick it up properly so I think we'll leave it at that but this is my idea of what this organ can do hope you like it [Music] [Music] [Music] here's the best bit once you finish making all this beautiful music playing around you get to close the organ up and we have to switch everything off I'm going to show you this first well it's still lit and you get to close these wonderful doors look at this look at this look at this this reminds me of my old organ in Edinburgh we had glass doors like the sliding doors and it gets even better this one sticks once you've got it out you lock everything up and you can still see the console inside behind the glass I think that's absolutely beautiful I wish more organs had that lovely we've switched everything off we've locked the organ up everything's gone to bed the church is once again quiet we've got to tidy up all our stuff back away and then we can let poor old Ralph get home for the night we've been here for rather a long time filming this we've had a great amount of fun together so thank you greatly to Ralph for letting us have the time at the organ here I'm thrilled that I've finally made it here to get him back even though I used to live like just sort of 20 kilometres away I'm a bit further away now but it's wonderful that I made it here and I hope I get to come back soon again I hope I get to come back more often and I think we're gonna close up today with a little bit of a sort of brexit theme because it's still what we started it last week and it's still running unfortunately thanks by the way to Mr Speaker John Burke oh who is hopefully gonna sort things out with everybody if he doesn't manage it then Your Majesty can you please step in and do something about it anyway this organ is a perfect example of what Europe has been like Ralph spends a lot of his time going over to England to visit English organs to visit the cathedrals to visit the organ is to get some ideas to maybe get some new stops to new things take them back here put them in the organ expand expand expand yeah now look what we've got here we're in a German Church and we have an English organ and a French organized it's Europe isn't it it's a you repeat an instrument now imagine a sort of a brick sit maniac came over here and wanted to play a concert wow he can switch the French organ off and only have the English on if he wants to do that or maybe pro-european ante breaks it person is going to come over here and only play the French organ and leave the English organelle well you can do that or you can do what's probably more sensible you can combine the two of them and have a hell of a lot of fun so end of political rant hope you enjoyed the video sorry for a bit for being so long but it's such a wonderful instrument I never ever thought it was really this good I'd heard about it before people that everybody had said to me this really is a brilliant instrument and I thought well I'll have to see it for myself sometime and I'm glad we came out today it's gonna be like I said it's gonna be a very long video I hope you've stayed with us right to the end I hope you enjoyed it please let me know and that actually concludes our series of organs here in the vest of alt ID this can't be top now okay this is that's it that can't be talked for me in this area anyway so anything we visit from now on has to be much further away from here I'm really excited I think you can tell anyway let's leave it there get tidied up time for tea thanks for watching see you next time bye bye
Channel: Fraser Gartshore
Views: 131,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Orgel, Orgelmusik, Organ, Organ Music, Fraser Gartshore, Fraser, Gartshore, Jazz, Swing, Blues, Ragtime, classical music, Klassische Musik, Musik, music, Church, Kirche, Church Music, Kirchenmusik, Organist, Pianist, Dirigent, conductor, Vorstellung, Technik, Technique, Presentation, Tastatur, Keyboard, Pedal, Register, Stops, Spieltisch, Console, Pfeiffe, Pipes, Organ Stops, Schweller, Swell, Demonstration, Bach, Westerwald, Gackenbach, Nelson, Göckel, French Organ, English Organ, Tuba, Wow
Id: e2f5CaZRCW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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