Wow, New Mysterious Fifth Force May Have Been Just Confirmed

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hello wonderful person this is Anton and in this video we're going to be talking about a new discovery of what might be the so-called fifth force in the universe let's talk about this and welcome to Odom a so let's start with baby steps what exactly are the first four forces well two of them you're quite familiar with first one is gravity the stuff that keeps you here on earth and is basically the force that we can easily see everywhere in the universe the other one is electromagnetism which is not just the force inside Magnus but it's also the way we currently generate most of the energy around us so these two forces are quite obvious and quite familiar to us but there are two more forces that are difficult to understand because that's the realm of subatomic physics reso called strong force is unfortunately invisible to us here in our realm on our scale but once you start zooming in to the level of particles you start noticing that things do interact a little bit differently there and in this particular image you see the force represented in black and as you can see the closer to the atomic scale you get these stronger the force gets when it's basically at the level of protons and neutrons the force is about 140 times stronger than the electromagnetic force and this is why it's known as the strong force it's basically the strongest force out there and to kind of wrap your hand around what it does it basically holds atoms together here in this simple picture you can see that the protons and the neutrons are held together by something and this something is the so-called strong force without it the atoms and the subatomic particles would actually just fall apart completely which now brings us to force number four the weak force this is a little more mysterious and was only officially proven in 1968 but this force kind of explains the so-called atomic decay or basically how atoms change into other atoms with time the concept of half life depends on this force here weak force allows subatomic particles to change their type or their flavor as it's known in physics and by letting these quarks change from one type to another the weak force allows the atoms to then change as well for example changing the neutron into a proton and allowing for the so-called nuclear decay when the career Dicky was originally discovered and the very famous scientists Enrico Fermi who was also part of the so-called Manhattan Project responsible for the development of the nuclear bomb basically proposed that there's gotta be something else going on with the atoms that allows them to decay and that something was eventually discovered to be this weak force and so for several decades it sort of remained to be these four forces these forces that have been confirmed to study them in the retail and we know quite a lot about them but we also always suspected that maybe there is another force maybe that force is actually responsible for dark matter and dark energy maybe there is something else going on that we can't really explain otherwise and so these scientists from a hungry back in 2015 decided to actually try to discover something known as dark photons that they believed were responsible for dark matter and to try to discover this they were basically bombarding various types of molecules with very energetic light to try to see how those molecules and atoms would react and maybe discover some kind of a secret in the process for the experiment in 2015 they were essentially using the atoms of helium for and turning them into beryllium eight but while doing so they discovered something unusual as they gave those atoms more and more energy instead of essentially dispersing this energy in a regular way some of the dispersion was very unusual as if another particle or another unusual source of energy was actually changing things a little bit more specifically the angle that was formed right here was actually not meeting the expectations and the patterns that they were expecting to observe it looked as if there was another particle that was being extracted from here a particle whose mass was about thirty times heavier than the electron and roughly around a year later another paper came out sort of suggesting that it was actually not a particle at all that this would be more easily explained if this was a completely new force the so-called fifth force and because this article was published in the nature magazine with its prestige and his reputation to uphold this was a very big deal many scientists try to actually jump onto this discovery and see if this was correct now only a few weeks ago from when I'm making this video a new paper from the same team came out with more proof that this so-called x17 particle might be a real thing they're naming it X 17 because of the amount of energy that it has which is roughly around 17 mega electron volts which is as I mentioned before about 30 times more energy or more mass the so-called rest mass than a typical electron now if you're not really familiar with what I'm talking about here this is the idea that Einstein proposed about a hundred years ago that today we refer to as energy mass equivalents in other words mass is energy energy is mass that's kind of how the nuclear reactors work so this e equals mc-squared flies two electrons and their mass can be defined in terms of the actual election rules and if you multiply this by around 30 you'll get the mass of the so-called x17 particle and this time instead of using beryllium they just used helium and just like before the once again discovered a similar anomaly suggesting something was coming out of atoms something resembling a force or maybe a new particle but probably a force but before anyone jumps into any conclusions here this is all we know about it we basically just kind of roughly know the mass of this unusual particle possibly what's known as a bo-zone which will be responsible for creating this force but at the same time there is absolutely no practical explanation to any of this yet as a matter of fact these scientists who studied this in a world of detail realize that there is currently no physical theory that can explain what's happening and at the same time while these scientists behind his paper were actually trying to explain the mysterious dark matter these signs of which are all over the universe unfortunately instead of finding this dark photon they stumbled upon something completely new and mysterious and as of today this discovery has no unexplained physics or any kind of phenomenon that we can actually a tribute to it and it's very likely not an explanation for the mysterious dark matter as a matter of fact to try to explain what we're seeing it's going to take an Einstein like ability to connect from various studies and various fields to try to understand what's happening why it's happening and how this might actually improve our lives later on if you know the story of Einstein he was able to actually connect ideas from several different scientists and synthesize physics from very different fields making them into one clear idea something that he was very good at and something that many people admired him for however since then a lot of new ideas have been proposed and so this synthesis or this idea combination has become a little bit more tricky it takes a lot of reading to try to figure out what's really happening and how it might relate to real life however if this is a discovery of a new fifth force it's definitely going to redefine our understanding of the world while at the same time possibly rewriting the physics textbooks if all this is correct now it will probably take a lot more research and a lot more scientists participating in this to try to either explain this in some other ways or to try to understand what's really happening there and if we've discovered something that's fundamentally different if this really is the so-called fifth force we don't really know what it does why does it and how it affects the universe but this is where things get really interesting because in the next few years I'm sure someone will actually be able to explain it until then that's all I wanted to mention this video thank you for watching check out the paper in the description below and subscribe if you still have it share this was someone who loves learning about space and Sciences and maybe come back tomorrow to learn something that you might have not known before and also consider supporting us on patreon because it actually does help me a lot and if you'd like to remind yourself of how much of a wonderful person you are and check out the merch store for this channel this is the first poster I've created for this and it also comes in a t-shirt format that I'm wearing right now anyway I'll see you tomorrow space out and as always a bite [Music]
Channel: Anton Petrov
Views: 527,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anton petrov, science, physics, astrophysics, astronomy, universe, whatdamath, what da math, technology, steven universe, space engine, universe sandbox 2, fifth force, fifth force in the universe, fundamental force, fundamental forces, electromagnetic force, strong force, weak force, gravitational force, x17 particle, x17 force, x17, dark photon, dark matter force, dark energy force, unusual new force, new boson, boson
Id: Q6GhM_2_P_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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