WoW Mount Farm World Tour — Northrend

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the Y amount found World Tour is back and this time we're going to be taking a look at the mounts you can get in noir from the ones that make sense for the series at least anyway in the previous episodes we looked at Eastern Kingdoms Kalimdor and Outland so if you missed those episodes there will be links in the description below for you to catch up there is a lot of mounts in those videos so if you are new to mount collecting I definitely would recommend them our first stop is going to be Borean tundra and off to the northwest of Borean tundra we're going to find a massive land cold caldera you wanna head there and we'll find the raid i have eternity there from i have eternity we have a chance of game one of two mounts or both if you're extremely lilka the first is the blue drake which is on a two to three percent drop chance and also we have the azure drake which is also on a roughly two to three percent drop channels as i mentioned if you are very lucky you can run the raid once and get both mounts drop at once but adds extremely unlikely so good luck with that one to find eye of eternity once I head into the center of caldera and there'll be two instances one at the very bottom one in the middle and those above dungeons we don't care about those instead make your way to the very top and you'll find the raid entrance which will take you inside I of eternity this is very simple for a 120 character and people kind of 90 to a level 100 shouldn't have much issues either just DPS down the boss quickly kind of Albin the middle to start the fight bps down the boss and then you'll have these ads spawn kill one if you're Mellie and you don't have many range spells and a disc will drop you can jump on the disc and then fly around and kill off all the other mobs and then you'll be on a Drake which will be kind of like a vehicle and he basically just want to click I think it's button one about three or four times and then button two or three which will pop dart on the boss and then repeat those until it's dead buddy should die pretty much instantly anyway once you're done with that loot the loot and hopefully you've got a mint now while we're also in the area of cold are just below cold ariel found an area called amber ledge if you quest through this area if you've never done it before and you'll progressively be getting wrapped with the current tour and a little bit later on with the worm rest accord and it's actually pretty important that we get through friendly at least with the worm rest accord so would recommend questing through their quests while you're here it's a very straight four questline and just keep going to you here friendly and that will allow us to buy a table add later on yes table add later on in the video which will allow you to gain reputation through grinding dungeons so I would recommend getting it done here or alternatively you can quest for dragon boy instead it's up to you but either way you do need to get yourself to friendly with the worm rest accord a next stop on the tour is going to be dragon Bligh and smack bang in the middle of dragonblight we're going to find the worm rest temple so head there and you want to head to the lower section which you can find in the massive crack in the ground head down there and you'll find the red obsidian sanctum from obsidium sanctum we can get the black Drake which is on a hundred percent drop chance from 10 man all the Twilight Drake which is on a 100 percent drop chance from 25 men the pink your raid size the difficulty doesn't matter normal heroic is that truck doesn't make any difference it's just the raid size that's going to impact which amount you get to pick the right size that you want and this should be so Lobel for any character above level 100 so you could do 10 min on one character bring in an ol and do 25 min on that character or you can wait for the rate to reset next week and come in and get the amount that you'll miss him so head inside and the main thing you need to know is to not kill the three Twilight Riggs around the room they'll be one to the left one in the center one to the right do not pull and kill those before you pull the main boss in the middle if you do that you'll basically prevent yourself from having any chance of getting the amount they need to all be alive when the boss dies or at least the boss is agro it I should say the trash you can kill off if you want to there's not really much reason to but if you're struggling you can kill off the trash before you pull the boss because it will all aggro so pull the boss deal with the trash whichever way you want and then once the boss has been killed there'll be a chest in the middle and that will guaranteed give you the Drake as long as you've left the Twilight Rick's around the room alive before you pull the bus so now that we're done with obsidium sanctum we're gonna head outside back to the warm West temple and you're gonna fly to the very top floor of the worm rest temple there as long as you've got friendly with the worm rest accord which was talking about earlier a weld to speak to the Quarter Master and by the tab odd with the tab odd will Beltre grind dungeons in nor friend to game reputation and then that reputation will allow us to purchase the red Drake from the vendor once exalted and that's a quite easy trick to get what I would recommend doing is you want to do all the dungeons on heroic in no friend first because I was going to give you a massive jump and reputation and you can do that every day if you wanted to and you'll progressively get there but you could do them all on heroic and then once you've got your bursts of reputation from heroic I would recommend then farming halls of lightning on normal it's the most efficient dungeon to farm on normal to get your reputation up so it's up to you how you want to go about it but that's method I would recommend to get yourself to exalt it with the worm rest accord and purchase yourself the red drake so now that we're done in drunken boy our next stop is going to be how and there you'll find the area or the sanction called up card keep pretty much in the middle you can't really miss it do you want to head over there and you want to head to kind of the north side of this where you'll find the entrance to up guard pinnacle you want to make sure you are on heroic for dungeon difficult er and then head inside from this dungeon we're going to be able to get the drake the blue proto drake it son roughly a 1% drop chance and that's going to come from the third boss of the dungeon it's a pretty quick run to do luckily so you're not gonna be wasting too much time here so run inside if you are wearing the worm rustic or Tabard then I would recommend throwing that on and killing all of the stuff in between but if you're not then you want to be efficient and quick and you can skip most of the stuff you can actually skip the first two bosses so we're gonna run through the dungeon we must get the first and second buffs and then we're gonna head over to the third boss once you're out the third boss can either roofless you kind of want to run down the runway right to the end where the harpoons are and you want to be killing off the mobs of harpoon in their name once they die they will drop a harpoon on the ground and then once Skadi is in front of the harpoon guns with his proto Drake you can click the harpoons those will fire and they'll do about 33% damage to him so we'll three take three to knock him out at this guy once you've knocked him out at the sky you'll be able to finish the fight and loot his corpse for roughly a 1% drop chance for the blue prototype once we're done here we are fully done with how I'm cured so what I would actually recommend doing is her fin or whatever method you've got of quickly getting yourself back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar the reason for that is there is the portal room now and in the Poulter room there will be a portal to Dalaran in Crystal song forest which is actually going to be our next destination so it's gonna get you there a bit faster but if you want to fly or whatever and head your way over to Crystal song forest once for $8.00 and there's going to be a mount vendor just in front of like the pet section and this vendor will sell us four different mounts one of them is different for horde and alliance we'll get to that in a moment the first is going to be the armored brown bear which is 750 gold next is the woolly mammoth which is ten thousand gold and we've got the travellers Tundra mammoth which is twenty thousand gold and this is a mount that has a mount vendor and also a repair vendor on it so if you're after a very cheap Bowl cheap a repair mount this is definitely one worth picking up then we have for the hoard blue wind rider mount and then for the Alliance we have the armored snowy Griffon and that's buffalos a 2000 gold and the price of these mounts does come down if you have reputation with the caring tour so if you have an old character whatever that is exalted with caring tour it is worth logging on that character just so you get a little bit of a discount now that we're done in Dalaran our next destination is going to be winter grass we're gonna head over there now the tricky part about this zone is your faction needs to be in control of the zone was to do what we need to do and to get control back you even need to wait for the battle to start and then take power and basically take control it's normally you verse like one or two other people but it is a bit of a pain to win or you can just wait for someone to go and do it for you and eventually your faction will be in control but there's been times where it's been days until my faction has actually got in it either way though once your faction has control head to the main kind of building just kind of nor fish of the area and outside of the main gates will be a pvp vendor and they will sell you the black war mammoth for 15 marks of Honor so do make sure you've got some likes of when I'm hanging around if you don't want to buy that or you've not got a max to buy it right now then head inside and mobile to enter the raid the vault of our coven and killing each of the bosses here will have a round a naught point 5 to 1% drop chance the grand black war mammoth so it is worth killing all four bosses because each of those are going to have roughly a 1% chance of gave mmm so fairly good odds honestly having four chances per week per character again in the mound eventually you will get it drop next up we're gonna head over to show Lazar basin and from there we can go through a question which will lead under Daly's which eventually when you hit revered with that faction you will to purchase the mysterious egg and from the egg you'll have roughly a five to six percent chance of getting the green proto Drake this is gonna be fairly lengthy that initial question is gonna be about 40 minutes of your time so do make sure you are ready for this grind so with that in mind our first destination is going to be rivers heart which is pretty much smack bang in the middle of the zone and there you'll find an NPC called Tamara speak to Tamara and they'll give you the quest part-time hunter which will be to kill a named mob you'll fly over you'll kill the mob and then once the mob is dead you'll then have these NPC stand in front of the mobs corpse being angry at you for steel in their kill and they'll demand you to help them for basically repayment so pick up the quest with them and go aid them you don't have to turn in part-time hunter anymore if you don't want to just make sure you are assist in the puppy men with their questions and that general stuff and continue through that chain with them now one thing to keep in mind for these quests quite a lot of them with the puppy men and then later on with the Oracles which is the second section of this kind of question you'll have a side NPC that will run along with you and they'll give you quests throughout the quest chain sometimes the NPC goes AWOL and you won't see them anymore and you won't have the item in your bag to re-summon them if this happens head back to the little camp little base and there'll be an NPC will always be the same NPC for the pokeyman and then there'll be a different one for the Oracles speaking to them will allow you to get back the item to summon the NPC's it's gone AWOL so do make sure you have the item it's probably worth getting it before you head out on the quest because for some reason it just doesn't get given to you initially so speak to the NPC get the summon item and then head on your way and that way you don't have to fly back and forth from reach them and the NPC every time because it does get quite annoying so I had to figure that question there isn't really anything special you need to know just keep following the quests and eventually you'll be at a part where you need to kill like a floaty skeleton boy I can the name of the mob type but he's like a it looks like Kel'Thuzad you know he's floaties all skeleton boy what I would recommend doing for this part is using the soft foam sword which is a toy as this will bring the mobs HP low but it won't kill it and when this happens there'll be two little NPCs in ice cubes they'll break free and you'll want to kill the puppy man you'll kill him keep the Oracle guy alive because that's the faction that we need kill the puppy man and then once you're done with that you'll have a quest to speak to Laura chol guy that you rescued and when you speak to him you'll then be friendly with that faction but hated by the Pokemon faction which is completely okay once we're done with that you'll head back to the Oracles base and you'll have daily quests to do with them and you just need to keep doing the daily quest until you hit revered when you hit revered you can purchase the mysterious egg which after a few days will hatch you lump in the egg you'll have about five six percent chance again the proto Drake and then keep repeating that until you do eventually get the proto trick so good look once you're done with the initial question and your dailies the next stop for us is going to be ice crown and the first place there is going to be Icecrown Citadel we're gonna run this raid on 25-man heroic and from the last boss the Lich King we're gonna have about 1% chance of getting the mountain invincible pretty dumb so after mount and one arm still saw and after unfortunately so get yourself there now this is a little bit difficult for characters that a level hundred still it can be done but it is going to be a bit tricky so I would recommend if you are struggling to come back on a 110 character or above and that will make it fairly trivial so run through the raid it's fairly linear for the most part there'll be a section after the Safin boss where you have three different wings to clear just run through them all go for a plague and then blood and then frost and once you're done with all three wings teleport back to the centre where you can access the wings and it'll be this kind of section in the middle that you'll run to that'll teleport you to the Frozen Throne where you can face off against the Lich King activate the fight talk to Tyrion you'll have to go through some RP and then kill him down the main thing you need to worry about is a thing called got a caramel that they're called some shadow traps I think the name is actually as these will be placed on the ground it'll be like a purplish circle and if you touch it I'll explode knocking you flying backwards so either avoid those or make sure your characters face towards the throne so the old won't get knocked off the platform but realistically just kill him down before they even happen and that'll be no problem once the bus is dead you can lure him for the men or potentially looking for the men while we're also here you could be doing the achievements for the 25-man Icecrown Citadel Raider achievement series glory of the ice cream Raider and that will give you the ice bound frost brewed Vanquisher I think it's called most of the achievements are fairly straightforward there's one that you may struggle with as like a warrior because it requires you to heal a bus but you can get by that fairly easily by buying the bandage gun and also bandages from the auction house if you buy the higher tier one's avail to do that no problem and then the other achievement that's kind of tricky is the one that's filled which King himself I think it's I've been waiting a long time for this as it requires you to basically have another thing present of why as it won't work so you need either a trinket that can summon a pet or you need to have a pair orb a total like a statue as a brewmaster monk either way you need to have some other thing present that can count as like a second player otherwise you won't be able to do that achievement so you keep that in mind those are a little bit more tricky but you can run through that on 25-man get the a nice pound frost brewed Vanquisher and then if you're eventually done with invincible you get that you could also run the raid on 10 men and get the 10 man version done as well which is like a the same mount but like a reddish tint and that'll be an end of a mount to your collection as well next up in ice crown is going to be the argent tournament and if you like dealies than this player you're gonna absolutely love the argent tournament because there's deal is for days but there's also quite a lot of malice you can get from this you only about 14 to 15 mounts depending on your class they're quite a few mounts most of them are faction recolors there's gonna be like a white skeletal warhorse for example but there is still quite a lot of mounts so you can bolster up your mount collection with and there's some decent ones as well some neutral ones like the argent Hippogriff for you to get so they get started with this we're gonna head over to the argent tournament which isn't like the top corner of Icecrown and they're just off to the west of the argent harming you'll find the argent pavilion which is a big ten inside that if the first M piece you'll see we'll give you the quest called the argent tournament that'll send you over to your faction ten you'll go for a question and you'll be asked to get fifteen aspirant seals just after you kind of trained to be a beginning kind of jouster or whatever 15 seals will take you about three days to get once you're done with that then you'll champion a faction and you'll have to get twenty five valiant seals and then your champion in another fraction you'll get another twenty five valiant seals I think you're like five or so a day that's gonna take you quite a while then once you've championed all the factions you become like a Grand Champion which will then allow you to unlock even more dailies and you'll find those deal is in your faction ten and over at the argent pavilion and you'll have an option on some of these daily quest to get a champions purse if you have that option pick it every single time because that's going to give you a champion seal and champion seals are the currency to buy some of the mounts so you definitely want to get as many champion seals as possible by picking the champions purses and doing the deal is over and over again on top of that you can get yourself a few extra champion seals by doing the dungeon here on heroic everyday I think that's gonna give you an additional four but basically just keep going back doing all the dailies you've got Pete in that until you have all the dailies unlocked and then keep coming back until you have all the mounts going to take a very long time I think it takes like fifty days or something of doing all the deal is off so it may be even more than that maybe like six I don't remember I've been doing it for a long time to get all of the mounts that's all I know and I'm sick of seeing the hydrent tournament but have fun if you do like dailies or you want to bolster your mountain collection now that we're done with ice crown we're going to be heading onto our final destination which is going to be storm Peaks on our noir friend tour and our first place in stone Peaks is going to be all de la which is a raid you'll find kind of north of the zone you want to head over there and from the last boss in this raid on no lights we're going to get the minerals head it's not about a 1% drop chance from the last boss yokes are um while we're also here we could do the old Y achievement Raider series which is going to award you two mounts for doing it it's going to give you the rusted proto Drake and the Ironbound protege both look pretty good now most of these achievements for this achievement series I fairly straightforward you could literally read the achievement a half a pretty good grasp of what you need to do the only achievement there's a little bit of a struggle is the I end wharf medium rat so what I'll do is link a video explaining that achievement specifically in the description below if you do want to try it as that makes it a pretty foolproof method for a level 120 character so you want to head through the raid and as I said if you're doing the achievements just do the achievements if not we're gonna rush our way to yokes are um do that by basically running in a straight line there's a lot of buses in here you can skip the only buses we need to kill is xtd constrictor you need to kill a hologram we need to kill you kind of need to kill area which is the the cat leader you definitely need to kill Freya hold a memoranda and Thorin so I would recommend doing is once you get to this section kill off a cat leader go kill off whole day and tharam then do three ax and then you'll be able to use the teleporter outside a phrase room to teleport directly to memorise room speeds it up a lot Hill member on teleport back to the kind of keeper section and then head over to the descent into madness which is the room to the left of memories head down there and then you'll need to kill general physics and then finally you'll need to kill yog Sorum now when you defeat the four Guardians for your horde a memoranda tharam they'll appear up in the middle the main section and you can talk to them do not talk to them do not do it because if you do that you'll ruin your chance and get in the mount they all need to be kind of inactive and if you talk to them did they become activated so once they're defeated just don't interact with them at all and you'll be good to go head over kill yog so run there's nothing really you need to know about this fight they've made it very simple to solo now at one point it was kind of difficult but just stand on top of the main NPC in the middle Sara these weird monsters will come you'll kill them on top of her they'll explode you'll move into Phase two you'll kill the tentacles around the room until portal spawn click the portal and then kill the brain or run around and kill the ads in the room and then the brain room will unlock kill the brain don't look at the little eyes because they'll drain you senator and then once you killed the brain you'll be teleported out and you can finally kill your own and then you'll have around a one percent chance of getting the mint and with that we're done with yog so run and you'll have every your chance of the mount and then you can be progressing towards the achievement series for this read as well which as I said I would recommend doing even if you don't get it all done in one week because you fail one you're gonna be coming back for the amount anyway so you can just be progressively working towards it and as I said most of them are very very straightforward like literally just kill Bob's in a certain order or I'll kill it in a certain time you'll get most of them dumb very very easy I guarantee it so will those done with all the while we're gonna head outside and this is where you can also find halls of lightning all of Lightning is useful for us for two reasons first of all it will be the place you can farm reputation for the worm rest accord so keep that in mind and it's also a great place to farm relics of old hua and relics of all dois are going to be a currency we need for another faction in stone Peaks so if you don't want to buy them from the auction house and holes of lightning is going to be your best bet for grinding them out so do keep holes of lightning in mind while you're here the next destination is going to be pretty much dome Peaks itself as we're going after a rasp on that will drop the time loss proto Drake and that rare is the timeless proto Drake now it flies around most of the zone but it has four different paths that can spawn at and take so it's up to you how you want to go about this book town loss proto Drake is basically a rasp bone of a rasp on either the timeless proto-truk can spawn very raela or instead viper ghost will spawn and if you see that spawn then you know time loss protege won't spawn for quite a while so the best bet which is what I did to farm this was I set a spot just below the temple of storms where most of the paths kind of over line and I'll have a map up now showing you the different paths that the time was protodeacon spawn at and take there's four different paths and if you stay near the temple of storms you pretty much get an overlap with three of the paths so what I would do was I would sit where the overlap is and then every once in a while I would go and fly around the other path that isn't overlapped and then I'd go back and sit at this kind of spot as well alternatively you could sit at his spawn locations instead and that will give you no direct access to when he spawns you'll get him instantly that's what some other people do too so if they're out of her people camping the spawn spots and you're not going to see him fly around because it will instantly be killed so it's up to you how you want to go about it you can pick one spawn spot and sit at it or you can try and read a little bit and sit at the overlap and do it that way either way this one is going to take you quite a while to get unless you get extremely looker so just pick whatever approach you feel more comfortable with and then go about it and good look now for the final couple of mounts and this is kind of going to be a two for one because you'll do one question and that all unlock two different kind of factions to get a mount from so to get this started we're going to head over to k3 and there will be an NPC called Gretchen fizzle spark will start the quest they took on men and you basically want to pick up that quest and follow the question and eventually it lead unto you helping the Hilda near I think they're called big blue women you can't miss them you'll help those and eventually once you're done with their quest line you'll unlock daily quests now these daily quests are quite boogy of recent and you may not see them there so what you need to do to fix this is either switch over to wall mode or off wall mode to change your face and go back and see if you've got quests if not you need to get some people to invite you to another group so you can change layers and check again be the way you just need to keep jumping phases until you do see the world quest or the daily quest I should say as it does bug out fairly often you could go then you'll only have one quest instead of two so do keep that in mind it is a little bit weird and but doing these daily quests will give you a bag and from that bag you'll have the Hilda narrow spoils and inside the bag you'll have a three percent chance of getting the white polar bear mount so once you're done with that you'll continue the quest chain and you'll be sent up tough like a temple you'll find far I'm up there and you'll talk about how he's once to like reconnect with his people and then you'll be sent off to help these sons of HO deer and those are these are big giants and the the kind of other side of the zone now there's the quest is once again fairly straightforward but there is a point where you'll be killing these like fire elementals and you need to be making sure you're looting everything because one of the NPC's there will drop an item and that is a continuation of the quest it's like a quest item so do make sure while you're following the question you are looting everything as you don't want to miss this very important quest item continue with the chain and then eventually you'll be neutral with the sons of HO dear when you're at that point you can then start handing in the relics of all dois which was talking about earlier and then once you hit exalted and I think also revered I'm not too sure if the anti Smurf is revered or exalted either way grinding these relics of all dois he about to buy the ice mammoths for 1000 gold and the grand ice mammoth or ten thousand gold and as mentioned earlier the best place of farming of relics worldwide is Eva the auction house all halls of lightning so get your wrap up with those buy those mounts and then that is done that is the end of the nor friend tour and I apologize for this one I am feeling a little bit ill so I've tried my best to be the normal kind of commentator for these videos but give me a little bit slack on this one as I am coming down with the old winter cold either way hopefully you enjoyed the video look out for more videos coming soon thanks for watching guys yeah
Channel: Syiler
Views: 370,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: syiler, syigamer, wotlk mounts, wrath of the lichking mounts, northrend mounts
Id: R34D25T41vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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