WoW: Histoire de Wrath of the Lich King

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I have not missed anyone after these I collected you worked the mercenaries at 2.7 but I am and hello everyone I hope you are doing well we are meeting again today for a very special video, really very special that's why it's the first time in the history of a hero that I put a really different intro I would say is also quite simply the fact is good that I change the background especially for this video because that resurface king it's a huge piece I have already attacked of course vanilla and butter or cruzel that I recommend you if you are finally if you come to land on this video I also made the history of warcraft iii and l The introduction that you have just seen is simply the conclusion of warcraft 3 frozen throne why I put them simply because it has a very important role and well in the video that follows since I will a lot there will be a lot to come back there above but so for juice you before simply attacking the very beginning of the analysis concerning oasis king I will remind you that this video you still have to put things in place you have to frame things well I will potentially hurt your childhood memories I will potentially destroy a myth in your eyes wrath of the lich king today it's only a question of history I won't quit I'm interested in colors the gameplay it's something else after all be aware that even at the time of walking there were methane concerns there were also gameplay concerns one always and I would remind all the same that for all those who say that walking is the best expansion in terms of gameplay it is also what brought back the fg one something that is rather criticized by people but here it was the small point I will not speak about the gameplay it will be only the story of the king wild goose which interests us today a problem extension in the preferred extension of the players this is also why I say that it is she is her and she is going to be tough and on top of that it is quite simply the extension that often considers the players to sell this extension as the best and that the 'we never managed to match it in terms of history well we will be able to attack from today the story of jing brewing so first of all the king sage to prepare this video we took a lot a lot of time we had to go back to everything that happened at the exit quite simply to throw to the kings so in particular and well the walking was released on November 13, 2018 I am going to give you some little information that will have to be kept in mind. head for the rest of the story of the soul king i.e. 2 after pirates of the caribbean 2 and 3 there you say to yourself since it report we will also come back to it two years after battle for the land of the middle of them is uncertain and the expansion called rise of the witch king is also alo rs that's just for the troll but first expansion under activision-blizzard activision-blizzard t1 early 2008 so it was pretty funny so here you have to keep that in mind since I will come back to it just after not for the activition what i was saying so first of all wrath of the lich king as any expansion has been prepared by different extended universe different often different just manual storytelling and so they are going to be narrated in fact at certain events are going to be narrate and it is supposed to prepare precisely the arrival of the extension wrath of the lich king so for that you have the novel one of the best known one of the most illustrious novels and in particular the one which is convincing the most famous I would say of christie golden to know the rise of the lich king so rise of the lich king and suddenly it just doesn't have all that happened in warcraft iii for arthas so not quite we will come back to it just after we also have the comics on age ring er therefore carrier ashes that will tell us about a certain dario seeds in some thirion ford ring we will also come back to it and finally there is a manga called bedside of death including that death knight which tells us about your sarrians and this what's funny is that even before I told you that we were attacked rolls royce king just what is happening a little bit rancid rise in wall street king already has problems since well within these three universes some of the stories will contradict others in particular and of course to sarrians who represented as the right arm of arthas in warcraft iii while the rise of the lich king does not speak to us at all to sarrians but speaks to us about fellering and marwin we are hungry so there are already inconsistencies within this extended universe which is supposed to prepare lost vikings it started badly look it started rather badly so well we will be able we will be able to simply attack the opening cinematic of race holstein m we don't care about your birth, even the forests of lordaeron jean it is with pride when i saw you grow up 6 arthur remember our line is always with strength and wisdom and i know that you will not hold back the exercise of power bah but the most beautiful of victories my son is to share I entrust this to you because when my life is here with us then this cinematic which it has made a lot of talk obviously since it is the generally preferred cinematic of players quite simply it is the cutscene that many people consider to be the best that blizzard has ever done and first of all is good what is very interesting it is not for nothing suddenly you may now understand why I chose this introduction because the finger-on-shopping intro cutscene quite responds to the closing cutscene of an episode that had been considered down also the best warcraft game of all time before arriving in their pants remains at know warcraft iii and therefore we find arthas exactly in the state where we had left it in frozen throne the music and even remixed we reuse the closing theme except that this time he in a woman's voice we hear a voice of child it's the same child we'll go straight away we'll talk again since well we see that we want to appeal immediately to the soul of the warcraft player we want straight away to go back a little bit to the sources and inevitably it did not leave indifferent the warcraft players obviously so let's start the celebrations since the end of the warcraft iii video told us when tartas put on the helmet that there was one we are no more than one there is an idea fusion between art as he hnr role if you have read the warcraft iii manual in fact ner'zhul if you have played warcraft iii reform has just been released it's perfect to we just lite we see a lot of times during the undead campaign and even during its night elves when d he said dan confronted arthas art asia precisely that his master had a plan and that overall in fact he had planned a lot of things in the manual of warcraft iii reign of chaos we also learned that from the beginning nerius has always since he n ' has no body has always wanted to recover finally become the water finally recover another to be able and to exercise his domination well and this high and well if he has chosen a champion it is arthas and suddenly this facelift will end and me personally I was afraid that the staff precisely because I liked a lot of money but I liked arta a lot I was afraid that the character of arthas would be permanently destroyed since it is ner'zhul who returns the end was strange since 'there was this we are no more than one is arthas still present is what results totally taken control and well the kinematics of wasen to the kings directly does not speak at all given a zoom and only speaks to us of 'arthas with on hears the voice of terrenas the father of arthas who speaks and there comes the big first black point of the soul king, that is to say that from this incredible intro which puts us in the eyes we understand that something happened in the helmet and this is the book I told you just before so The Rise of the Lich King the Rise of the Lich King which actually explains what happened in the last five pages to say that the whole novel is only paraphrasing the campaign so when art enough in warcraft iii the frozen throne campaign and the campaign should finally nine cases where these 130 funds in order is celebrating and well despite the merger of which which was plan 2 does not roll and which was said in the cutscene at the end of frozen throne and well in fact tartas freed itself from the yoke of nerves rolls so the first Lich king let us remember until when tartas took control of the children took the countries he lost totally his will and he became fully subject to roles but suddenly when he puts on the helmet because frankly we are only an extension of the armor of the 1st role therefore an extension of the will of roles so basically it enriches if you wifi necromantics if it is necessary to s' express when he puts on the headset that is to say when to plug in the ethernet cable and that it is directly connected to the necromantic boxing and well therefore that is to say he is in front of the immense power of the one who called the black lord and it's not me who makes superlatives it's warcraft iii on that and well in fact arthas boot ner'zhul he massacred it in the mind there is a battle in fact between three people and game there you tell me 3 but you just talked about them ah no three people arthas ner'zhul and the nice sharing there is now a nasty sharing art a nice enerzine who fights all three in the helmet and at the end so during the five years of the cases of tartas on the throne and well in fact no no he was not in the bathroom he was fight with the other two and finally at the end of the five years he defeated neyrolles so itunes and rolls in thought and he talks about it but rolls and therefore his master who totally controlled him and to whom he was totally devoted who frees at the end anyway and they also kill so his nice part so apparently hard has a split personality and he kills his nice part which is called mathias the nerves which is simply an anagram so what represents an anagram of arthas menethil and which is simply his kind part his humanity so he was silent tut everyone in fact and he becomes the only master in control so of france my nose of the helmet and suddenly he becomes the only lich king so we still left with there to a fusion but in fact not quite and yet the theme fully responds to the conclusion so that's still quite extraordinary because in addition logical king and I challenge you to try to find and go for it because what e we worked a lot, especially with the one who helped me without whom this video would not have been released, it's simply evans boom who helped me enormously with whom we spent hours and hours and hours not checking bad things I will put the sources in the description besides there is also juice of playing time and in this case well there is never I say never mentioned in the extension wrath of the lich king data rolls we are talking about there is a skate at one point where art said he was born he was at man in the past it is still extraordinary since if arthas has totally regained control of the helmet down he is supposed to have killed their zoom so at no point in art to that and hetian so it is still a terrific so in fact and even the creators because there is the community its loops asked a lot of questions so in the questions answers often asked but there really was fusion since in fact arte to its only ones s last meters on board etc and 10 90 of the nizam channels only not the kinematics at the end of there was indeed fusion there is indeed fusion but three quarters of the time even more you are told that in fact no there is only art on skis and master on board what is extraordinary what is extraordinary and the neck extension on the Lich King we never mention the first Lich King it's still great let's talk before attacking more negative points than saab he can -be still of course reminded that roissy reaching like all extensions in their map even the worst we would write and no well there are positive points as there are positive points and we will be able to list them and because it is true that it was on burning crusade on my downing crusade video one of the criticisms that had been made to me was maybe I should have put a little more emphasis at the beginning with a nice visual on the points positive so we will do this for frozen too high for a swing sorry slip of the tongue so of course rousseau jean king has strengths but what is quite funny is that even in the strengths you will see that there are weaknesses since we are going to start quite simply with the zones the zones to see so is king le northrend le norfendre in french are magnificent it is clear that it is beautiful and what is quite funny besides is that it is not the only king game that created these areas so they do not have it is not a creation specific to walking it is one that comes from the rpg therefore the paper role-playing game of world of warcraft which had been created two years earlier and in fact then imagine we can imagine that they were already How about starting to work on the hotel because in the end it comes from the rpg which I remind you the rpg is not canon but all the areas will be integrated almost line for line with wild king geese so we also have the breeds for the most of them are not creations they are creations of froze n throne so warcraft iii and rpg so you have the uac cases so these walrus men the wrong magnates you have the guardians etc the ice trolls most of these creatures the olive on the box of course it was created already at the time of warcraft 3 another area which we will talk about later but another area that the players liked a lot is the waters the ulduar area obviously with the terrestrial guards i will make a special video on so jean will have two on the guardians we have already talked a little about the black empire but I'm just going to the next cosmogony video it will be precisely on the scheduling of azeroth so where the guardians are going to have a preponderant role and there is will have a genealogy video on the dwarves and suddenly we will talk a lot more about terrestrial but it's the same that also it comes from warcraft iii all that is guardian etc the old gods 13 it was created even if it was not yet well developed to warcraft iii and the rpg goes go further we will say for in the explanation so in the end even the strengths of my only line are not so much creation that we were going music of course they are very very good on walking funny also is that we saw that for example that the very famous invincible theme which was that of the intro of the conclusion of frozen throne is that of the intro wild geese king in the end it was a city music to have strong 3 which was remastered So it's a little sad at this level that will say but after the musics are very there is very good music of course we also have a strong point the scenario arc 2 huldra that with all the end the end of 'a complete civilization that of the ice trolls who are forced against their war in their fight against the scourge are forced to sacrifice their lot to etc we understand a little better how the oat system works how silesia works lisation troll c' is quite interesting again this genr e of things had already been approached during the war of the spider a video which arrives on it I know you asked it not to worry it will arrive in the wake of that of walking had already been evoked in the years war finally in the verdon in the spider war even if of course it was much more detailed is quite interesting therefore is also a very important point to note it is the grisonnes which will be reused especially the legion so much he did a good job on the area so that's very good points, a problem all the same for the areas is that obviously we are on a mmorpg we are on gameplay and the player must feel disoriented and of the layer all the waters must not be alike or there is a problem even you see in the positive points of the zones there is already an incoherence of story script since in fact not for example you go in the howling fjord or in the grisonnes there is almost no snow t contradict him bass by well we simply attack the summer we attack the simplest reason it would already be brewed no big deal we attack northrend the summer precisely when it is not yet too cold etc it is better to attack the Lich King yeah the problem is the lich king just woke up and it was already something 10 with the old lich king ner'zhul when the lich king wakes up and he's at his peak of power bah c is a little bit like Game of Thrones he manipulates the climate in fact so through necromancy he can he can change things so that's why the ice powers airplane lists are thanks to the Lich King so bah no in fact normally the continent stull attacks while the Lich King and wake up and at the maximum of his power eh well we are supposed to have frozen lands everywhere and I remind you that arthas landed at the howling fjord at the base and the howling fjord goes to warcraft 3 it's so I already have a fart it consistency problem concerning the zones after it is for the gameplay it is not that everything is white because otherwise a line the extension is all white but we already have a small problem because we are supposed to be attacked arthas this that could have been moreover totally justified it is in fact tartas has just woken up the not yet finally the Lich King has just woken up the not yet quite at the height of his power but no that has been said well that well been specified he is at the maximum of his power he has just twitched he has just killed the other two in his head he at the maximum of his power sexy halperin you try to say that he at the maximum of his power bah it does not fit suddenly that not stick but hey that's a point now let's tackle the start of wrath of the lich king so with the events of the near extension so quite simply the transition between burning crusade and hotels cases which were not as well done as later but the idea it is simply is well d To take back something that had already worked the gameplay requires we reuse what had worked before namely naxxramas who had launched a concept that I have already mentioned to you to ban and lower what I call the safari the safari what is it is you trade nax you sir few in the mass and known warcraft 3 sapphire characters among other well, we'll throw you all we will warcraft iii and you go all the massacres and one after the other burning crusade is probably the pinnacle of the safari or such case continues with everything related to the lich king and the north side the thing is that suddenly when we will reuse the system we will also reuse what works naxxramas had worked very well well we will reuse the same attack of the plague on the capitals namely the elbow and the necropolises which arrives above the capitals attack of the attack of the plague and it will start directly with an intoxication before ec contaminated grain if you know warcraft iii or have played arif barley that must tell you something this story of contaminated grains that's how the plague the living dead started we attack it finally quite simply the food we are forced to eat living beings are forced to eat their weak points are used against them which transforms them into living so that in the end you constitute yourself a huge army of living dead and you crush those who have resisted all there interest had arisen with a lot of subtlety in warcraft 3 c which had a little bit to break the defenses of the alliance of lordaeron which is considered all the same as a force and the one which triumphed over the world etc it is all the same a very big union a very big coalition of two peoples even if of course it had already been a little weakened from the inside we will not come back afterwards but in the genre of the dragon in another video but in this case there we can see aque completely frontal the necropolises whereas in addition to the limit the alliance has a lot of grievances with regard to arthas and the Lich king on the horde side you are going to tell me bah yes there are the blood elves is condemned yes c 'are the two most minority races of the horde the orcs the vise reindeer and the trolls they have nothing to do with the Lich King so in the end what a Lich King could have done a little sane a little tactician knows we attack the capital from there we attack the sensors of the alliance before we break what they are doing then we will not piss off and then we deal with dollars no there the Lich King big nag no more subtlety to the warcraft iii is in balance everything we see all directly on the capitals because in fact the plan is to make them go to serene gold to make them attack them in order to attack the positions of the Lich King directly so what is still this which is still a little a little bit funny is that we are going to have shot of contaminated grain of contaminated grain that goes as I say the plague dead alive in a warcraft iii way the problem is that of course there will be conflict so with the ghouls etc which will be created during the plague but formidable we are in an amazing universe the paladins and all that is the church of light is going to succeed in bogging down a corruption and contamination so basically the paladins are going to use their magic spell and pouf saclay there is no problem his class so we manage to clean all that and in the end the plague and stop like that then small problem small problem is that in warcraft iii and it is simply the script that surrounded rtas and it is also a peacock who will consider other characters in front of their art like damian green if you followed a little bit the news concerning the ai drid finally there is a news which was brilliant at burning crusade concerning the ai drine i invite you to go watch them go r the lyre it is free on the internet in fact it is that the light is ineffective against the corruption of the corruption finally against the undead plague the light does not work if the light works it would not be as problematic to counter the plague marie sell so the magic it works so in warcraft iii at the time when the paladins are at the height of their power or the order of the paladins is very recognized and quite monstrous with names like earth etc they did not manage to heal the plague man ray sales but a whole of warcraft while we only have random no problem a magic wand a little a little blink and it's good it's done again lack of subtlety and the explanations it 's shut up who cares it's magic it's to heal it's a problem because just with that stops stupid the whole scriptwriting arc of artists because you have you a paladin he just had to use the light thank you and it's good it's settled no p problem no need to reread north stream it's all the same for the ia drine the drina the just stop the priesthood and the paladin patients so she switched to the warrior side earlier on the vindictive side because precisely the light was no longer working ella ella she could not take care of her fellow citizens it is still a bit of a shame to throw rather constructed and rather intelligent stories in the trash like that during the assault on the capitals we also have therefore we also have because I I just didn't talk, I would still have to say it very quickly but during the assault on the capitals trâlée g and trolls forgiveness is the son of grand mail this crime which garcher scream will indulge in the mac gora I let you go see the video on the loot will miss using the powers and we did not treat you we did not treat cheaters I let you go see the video on lamah gora but here it was during the assault and that's what will decide Finally, well you're bitching to send this crime off as the leader of the serene golden horde forces during the same at the same time we just have the death knights scenario that is going to start here with in fact and well during the assaults they also send one of these necropolis above the city of the shooting hand which is a city totally to the east of lordaeron and in fact is indeed there religion because you directly will carry out the operations on the spot attacking the shooting hand and he will release it's his choice he will drop his best warriors namely hair and death and it will recover from these attacks it is precisely recover the bodies ddd soldiers killed to make new death knights so it's just the players I'll let you go see the video on the death knights I know I'm going but I have to save a little bit of time too it's in the video would be much too long d onc I'll let you go see the video on the choices of death I spoke a little bit about it already at that time there are inconsistencies so I'll let you go see them for more details on life not very long concerning the choices of the front then of arion therefore the leader of the death knights dario mograine who are istres this character does not come out of nowhere he had been created in the comics precisely hbh ringer and that is why you see in hand they carry this sword ax bringers so we reuse the comic that was used to prepare a breaking piece of arion and the hair of death is leading the offensive against a place on the other hand which is totally created by working il this is the chapel of the hope of the light so the building was present in baniyas but it was just a festive chapel is before that of king this monument this building will retroactively become in fact pretty much the biggest church a healthy place as impossible e t fortunately fortunately since in fact this place is the last bastion of the paladins of light the old paladins of the silver hand who today form the last bastion the last resistance against the Lich king of the blow in fact is well arthas will send his best troops years because I recall that the scale of death in the soul in the hierarchy of the scourge supposed to be the elite of the troops of the scourge we are going them going there send them simply the arthas is in celebration and of course this sacred place he will realize the rays and it is that of death will be completely pushed back it will be a butchery so there is a small subtle reference to three hundred 300 paladin 1,300 resistant in contradiction with a thousand scourge troop all this all this subtle reference to thermopyles and therefore and despite everything the light is too strong in this place it is a consecrated place it is a healthy place and suddenly the death knights are defeated instant rights lasso is broken é in the end well that's what will allow dario for a short time to see his father's lam his father's mind knows how to unseat him he will drop the thirion sword will recover it he will put a a little bit of polish auxi actions akka the light it will instantly clean the blade which becomes again to admit it is a blade a worse it will become a blade of light again because at the time the shadow is the living death c 'is light is life so that we find its shadowlands do not worry it's just that there was a moment in the ldu during warcraft where we went from the shadow the void against the light there no asthma at that time it is indeed the shadow and well death and in shadowlands the shadow becomes death again so arion will finally be released from the shot we will recover h bringers and at that time it will be simply pass the duel very the great duel between thirion the paladin and arthas the death knight who now lich king in front of the chapel of the hope of the light they put on the face and well as they are in sacred ground in consecrated ground thirion will succeed in pushing back arthas who is going to be a little wounded this wound will simply free the knights death from the control of the king Lich it is simply an echo would have proved in warcraft 3 that when the Lich king of the ner'zhul era was a little jostled by a zidane I mean a little bit because it is as said badly jostle when you have a whole continent that trembles it's rather jostled and in the end so it's not just a small cut and in the end well you have the link in fact two the necromancy control link is going to happen to filch what makes that that of death goes so that then I also recall a little thing concerning warcraft 3 the soldiers who had therefore the reprobates who had managed to free themselves from the against him relieved he was not right next to the reich that they remained under the control of the Lich King example in bare arak yet he barak he rather has grievances against the Lich King with regard to the local networks final the condemned were very very very far from the king which made it possible to understand why the year the link of necromancy had weakened the wrta if it is right next to it but we will say tgc the light so it is the light that also helps during the injury bedside of death is released and arthas will flee the area there is wounded and then his own troops abandon him and turn against him so he leaves at that moment and well the dario mograine and the death knights will form a new order of resistance against the Lich king namely the ebony blade we talked about in another video on arte as it's pretty funny because they want to free themselves from the influence of the Lich King and finally they will fall back on it to legion but suddenly they are going to cost to make a pact of arion and would go to make a pact thirion had fought in the sides of the father simply two of arion so there is a link a little bit we will say of father son that is created between the two where your link from uncle to children and in the end is well drawn we will use his influence to make the death knights finally accept the hair and death knights in the alliance and in the horde on the alliance side and to sarrians everyone guy who was preparing then soviet who will become the leader of the ebony blade alliance side horde side it is simply a collar pulled which is very funny that the shot is enough that it is an elf so not an f2 meaning but who cares years and the same so a blizzard space is the same so well in fact put one in the elf at the head of the death knights on the horde side we'll just say he's a outcast it will be easier and in the end it's good so it's very funny because thirion jousts is his influence on the horde side what he said the director but when we have a common story I send you guys waste of death stuff that's supposed to be evil you faced them at mont hyjal this all that you take them or part they are nice i my word my word they are nice so here we accept them without any problem and the greatest enemies of sylvanas but we can imagine that if mana you use it no problem it is not to explain but we will say that yes it validates and in the end is indeed an assault since they were attacked and in addition the capitals said the ten capitals of the different factions and attack so we will simply launch the northrend offensive and the horde and the alliance sent me their troops so they will land on several places so it's a card which was made by evans and sister because in fact in chronicles unfortunately there is not this card there since apparently we are too stupid to understand a card they simplified the thing in border mode arrives on the left so at the west the alliance came to the right in the east here is then that attention in the game it is not at all that and the chronicle has absolutely not d canonized this fact the thing is just that chronicles takes us a little for idiots and suddenly they have simplified as much as possible so that it is clearer but it is well it was not at all canonized as what the order arrives at the same time on the western front is at the same time on the bottom s and the alliance arrives only western front and on the eastern front in fact what you have to understand is all its rebound and that of logic all the races of the horde on the west side which are in the majority will attack in the west the races of the horde minority from the east will attack as easily so the reprobates and blood elves will land in the east the orcs the trolls and orange will land in the west conversely for the alliance the majority troops of the alliance are going to land in the east so gnome dwarf humans are going to land in the east in the west are going to land at a part of the hum ains de terramo reggina as well as quite simply and well the drainages and the night elves even if we do not have masses to have arisen but he disembarks in the west so here is for the arrival of the forces of the The alliance and the horde we also have as you see the scarlet crusade which will also lead its assault against the Lich King by arriving at the level of the desolation of the dragons I will talk about it in a few moments we have suddenly during this j '' will talk a little more about it in the video on the boulevard but the front is what is quite funny is that it is rather well enough done each one makes his bastion to try to push back the troops sent by the plague in order to have a solid base to be able to land on the continent better but what is very funny is on the other hand the east front of the alliance so I am neither gold nor alliance not lying steaks of this2 ce2 this duel of children five years old but what is very funny on the other hand is that nd even that on the east side therefore the great landing of the alliance it happens it is absolutely stupid and besides the first missions that you are going to do it is with thin flap our base it is right at the bottom of the cliffs which are controlled by our enemies book sinks there and if we install our base here in thin but well in fact the parade we do not control suddenly we lost half of our fleet in dirty hands hours it was not at all predictable these ladies and gentlemen was the tactical genius of the great alliance commander the general forgiveness the generalissimo jedir the general the generalissimo boulevard fort dragon we will talk about it again in a video dedicated to basel towards fort dragons but it is still a sacred blow military and tactical genius and by the way a little joke but don't hesitate to try to count within the game and I'm not even talking about the players to count the number of generalissimo on the alliance side it's twisting a general 6 reminds me this is the c Onnétable roughly it is the chief of all the armies so when there are more than ten generalissimo who walk in the same place which is the chief of the armies there is perhaps a problem hence the berezina of the landing of the alliance maybe on the side of the herd at the level of the tundra edge and n we will come across a people sewing rates reindeer namely layton case and during this extension is well layton case will join the horde officially 2000 are not joy for Have you got a little anecdote but maybe one day we will have layton because to ally I hope honestly it's cool and their story is already made little return on the scarlet crusade so there it is a parenthesis but it is still important for the continuation you towards we quite simply therefore in the east the troops of the reprobates thus of sylvanas which unloads and which go as usual and carried out exactions against the various forces hostile to the horde and would have proved so there is going to be d The massacres of the troops of the alliance massacres of work there flow massacres of the troops who serve the Lich King it is a little bit the extension for the condemned since I recall that their final goal is nevertheless to massacre the Lich King so it's completely understandable I put this little visual for you, it is of course to open you to the 2d video good cage 2 sylvanas for those who think that if vanasse has changed between warcraft iii and bf a si you are never from the West Indies silvana is that you are already convinced by this image I invite you to rather watch the video on the a8 point 2.5 namely the end of the military campaign of the horde or there and indeed I show that It's not that bad sylvanas villain either, so here it was a little reminder but during warsage king sylvanas is simply going to be massacred because she is going to enjoy the delirium at the same time we can not blame her she is a rather a clever harri scarlet crusade s and supposed to be the greatest enemies of the reprobates after the plague she sees them land she says she is free if we wouldn't do two birds with one stone we destroy all our enemies at once she is going to massacre the scarlet assault c ' is to say the landing of the scarlet crusade and it is just going to kill them and even had to destroy its own troops which are made captured so it is going to be a carnage the scarlet crusade is going to be cut up and hey it was blows is what 'we can blame them but it's pretty funny since we will come back to it you don't worry a little after keep that in memory we will come back to it later here is how the assaults continue between the horde and the alliance against the plague they are not enemies a game reminds us we are in a situation of passive war between the end of the cold war between the horde and the alliance so despite some small exactions as we said with silvana overall the conflict is rather focused against the scourge during this time and very incredible place great cities of dalaran which had been destroyed by the plague and in particular by archimonde who had magically to show his superpower and well he had played at the sand castle with dalaran he had destroyed the city in warcraft iii frozen throne we had walked around the city and are silent ruins everywhere completely dilapidated in wow vanilla we saw a kind of little purple bubble but if you did the quests you can always go do a classic in the foothills of high brandon they sell them off could do the quests you see one of the members of dollars actually are members of the kirin tor and members of dalaran who try to find three magic objects here and there and who try to survive but overall and even we even have the situation inside the dome the dome is no longer an asylum the city is totally in ruins also the interior was said by the njs to your classics donation c to ufo in dalaran still in ruins but here we are going to witness the biggest shutouts it's magic in the whole history of world of warcraft in the space of three years so well the dalaran city will be totally rebuilt and this which is very funny is that in the different sources which do not explain to you what I am telling you it has been rebuilt it is good we even have sources which will contradict each other very well concerning dalaran since there is a manga that goes come out afterwards and who will talk to us again dalaran is in fact there are some who say that it was rebuilt others that in fact it had never been really destroyed the end etc it's incredible they contradict themselves in the end dalaran is totally rebuilt after being swept away an archworld parent one of the most powerful demons of the burning legion and on top of that now the flying city magically rebuilt and now it flies no one never seen this in warcraft but e she flies so she flies we do not really know how a magic in a magic choir all this which allows below the 2 to make sure that dalaran flights but not just flight from time to time infinitely constantly flying every time we presented us like that this kind of magis required a lot a lot a lot of magic power it was also explained in warcraft 3 how the necropolises shutter it was precisely because the roles the Lich King had a lot of power managed to fly stuff there we don't normally know half of the 20 plus three quarters of the most powerful dalaran mages had been killed in warcraft iii so we don't really know how the city flies but it flies and plus it is able to teleport from one continent to another since it arrives in the middle of them in the middle of the north end in the middle in all senses of the word that is to say in the middle of the continent above the forest of cries tal and the forest of crystal chambers and on top of that it is in the middle of the air territory of the living dead little reminder of the living dead there are still ice urns as you saw in the intro cutscene 1 it was sindragosa the first woman the first wife of mali kids we'll talk about this little guy there and we also have blue dragons of course we also have ice urns and gargoyles which are basic troops in warcraft iii it's gameplay okay but specialized aerial lenses entirely nothing dalaran spawn in the middle of it all is absolutely no problem no attack from the plague and air troops at not mine I'm at the rally I see something landed like That I think that makes one of my words of my priorities to shoot this but no problem is in fact we learn that dalaran is not at all the halliche polo absolutely not there for the Lich King they are there because there is a new threat to s having mali kids the blue dragon the aspect of the magic which in fact is well will perhaps threaten the mortal races because well this blue dragon ah we will say grievances with regard to the magicians we come back to it just after small point also concerning dalaran history that the bullshit with until the end dalaran has always been pro alliance dalaran is part of the alliance mmm of lordaeron and suddenly dalaran it was also enemies of the horde in vagnas now dalaran declares himself neutral she was at the problem finally I mean the magicians of the kirin tor by programming to massacre hordes in packs of twelve per packet of meaning even trolls and reindeer rates but a torrent and I will put the trees that is for sure and the goblins also but that's okay no problem finally dalaran declares himself neutral even though they have always been fervent defenders of the alliance absolutely no problem everything goes with dalaran so our good malygos what is he? rrived but a mali kid he is cured of his madness he had started to sink into despair and depression following the massacre of the blue flight by death wing swings we will talk about it again in the video on or to the cataclysm of course he will be really sure to refocus on swings but low malygos he lost everything and I will also talk about it a little bit in the genre of the dragon and well a malygos and the woman once again you saw the dragon you saw ctc in the kozah so his wife he lost his children he lost almost 70 % of his world his flight or even more so he was not very high during the day of the dragon at the extra grail extra za so all a beautiful aspect of life are going to promise him 20 they will simply take care of him at the trial in sport as well as figuratively and they will allow malygos to rebuild the blue flight we do not know exactly that was never really said but suddenly because we on the paper we could say that at the extra zad but no it's magic m But in any case, the blue flight is rebuilding itself little by little and it will also help to heal the mental spirit of mali kids who are gradually recovering from their condition is also the end of the day of the dragon, it is said that the blue flights start to rebuild and in addition bad kid helped against bad springboks seemed rather a good figure rather than bad and therefore we are told that he is getting better there is also a book that came out during bernique les ex call the night of the dragon or malygos again to be the mortal races so we say good bah okay he is he and he is very nice the little malik is rising well no because in fact they think that the misuse of the magic by the deadly races threatens the world of the fiery legion there is potentially a return of legends the events we know what will happen later with legion in particular and well he was right and besides the aspects agree with maligo that's when everything the world is afraid that the abuse of magic will relaunch an invasion of the burning legion knowing that badly and we have just released last vintage with us the legion these prices once again a hell of a blow to the head but bad kids warning about it we say to ourselves ok, suddenly what will the league do and well in fact manigod this cured dragon tsavo madness will become mad again quite simply a dock him who has a debt with regard to the other aspects well he will attack the deadly races despite the same aspects agree with him and bas is not going to wait to make a decision he is going to decide to attack and make an already so abusive use finally he wants to counter the misuse of magic but he will do almost the same, which means that it will create openings with the void and it's good it's great wac art but in the end malygos so here it's still incredible the aspects and dalaran go to us send to counter the invasion the ag feelings of malygos therefore roughly dalaran declare themselves openly hostile to malygos in full territory of the living dead quickly of the scourge in full attack of the plague at the time the lich king and the most powerful therefore roughly dalaran should get his face broken and should be make attack by the forces of the scourge therefore the living dead and also by the blue dragons when we see what swings do we will talk about a cataclysm and when we see the destructive power of ds winga cataclysm why my league also destroyed no dalaran in fact then certainly he is less powerful of the swings but he knows in asp he is quite able to destroy the flying city and it is the aspect of the magic he does hop and the engine they work more dalaran his falls so it's a little bit weird but they don't attack dalaran the only dalaran attack in the game by the blue flight is they are trying to free the magic prisons of dalaran 1 it's not really if you have a pro problem in your life should not really be called blue dragon because they are not really the same the most reliable source dead but suddenly what is incredible is that the players are going to be worth that we are going to them therefore entrust the players with a lot of missions and to cure someone who is going very badly in his life nothing better than to kill his wife his new wife namely saragosa who is his new wife with whom he will rename a little the blue flight and we go there burnt in front of her burnt eyes someone's wife in front of her eyes it helps a lot for mental health it is the best therapy but it's not over the red dragons so the drive the red flight So that is to say the protectors of life will entrust us with the task of destroying the waters of the blue flight so the protectors of life want us to sabotage their own work which had been to facilitate we will say the outbreak blue theft etc we will also massacre the children of malygos therefore quite relevant big cataclysm inconsistency will show extras like she is not even ready to kill so in this case the reluctantly done cataclysm black dragon eggs so badly can be the protection of life and even if she knows that the two little dragons are going to be corrupted a bit like saving them but in hotel case no problem we massacre the blue dragons and we are going to destroy them quite simply so malygos and well will become a villain he will therefore go hard what he will try in the nexus that we call the nexus 1 station he will try in the place of roughly blue dragons who will try to resist and eventually will be killed extra za will shed 2.3 tears but not serious mali kid of the most emblematic characters of the world of warcraft who will be his beauty like that without even a patch no problem no problem for the aspect of magic and he gets so destroyed in the story and by the artworks the two actors that i showed you are just blue dragon warcq art but it's not my osmani gosset league hardly ever represented so it's great let's attack now with other things happening to see its logic we just have to this young ribbons a young group which is the great bastion that we will evoke a lot in the war of the spider to young mary petit and the great bastion of the former troops of yogg saron therefore one of the very old gods therefore it ' is kind of creature reigned what we call the streets well and well we are going to have neo rugby assaults all over the continent since I rup them it is almost half or even three quarters of the continent but in depth therefore not to the surface but in the ground and in the end well we will attack jallais the problem is that at the base a young mary it was planned to have a complete zone of a young mary who would have been one of the so it's not me it's the developer s who often spoke about it is also their biggest regret is that at young people the colds could not get out of the game and the street young people quad it will be only two dungeons but a young person the streets at the base there was the ambition to make it one of the largest areas that ever existed in kraft hell finally and well because of a lack of time and a lack of means and well it was necessary to reduce the resources that they were deployed for a young person the streets for hull duhart and suddenly and we did not have horrible jeanine we had the dollar was a little bit unfortunate maybe one day a young group will be reused on a future expansion I hope so because I will say it is an area that I find extraordinary and suddenly we had two dungeons 1 where we face and we cancel barak just the right arm of arthas and So we have in a dungeon and we also have another dungeon where we are going to massacre the neyruz although they are trying, who are loyal to the street well alive q ui sends us who sends us to kill streets although they are faithful to ioc sound so here it is moreover it looked interesting this arc but it will have been sent in a dungeon then because we speak of lieutenant of the principal lieutenants of arthas and well in the desolations of the dragon so there we will say roughly the middle of the north serene the horde and the alliance progresses and will be stopped dead by the part of a necropolis namely naxxramas the necropolis of kel'thuzad l 'other right arm of arthas we will say that annie barak and the armed body that they used from the magical spiritual body of arta within the Lich King in the end and although she was z tactfully arrives and picks up and we go quite simply reuse the vanilla naxxramas that we are going a little bit remastered we are going to take back almost all the bosses except an alexandre rise mograine so the father of dario mograine who will be replaced post for post 1 exit of number 9 alexandre osm au grain and we replace it with another character that the players had appreciated in particular you have stratholme namely the baron rivendell therefore baron sell in france and therefore all the same characters come back even though they had been killed had no problem they are those of the living dead no explanation what uses at least we have an explanation in fact the lich if you do not master the phylactery the the lich gold can resuscitate others no problem his daughter we are here again we kill him no points so his round girl he was replaced post for post by sunrise at the quay an ice warm but even bigger voices and useless so we go all the tubes that's still incredible what use will be defeated but no speech bubbles destroyed so he is always supposed to want and it will be canonized with chronicle I let you go to see the video on arte what is very funny is that in addition in no I wanted to know the video on arte to my respects for what use then the safari co ntinue à ibaraki kel'thuzad came out like that very easily because I still remember that kel'thuzad is probably one of the most powerful matches in the universe of azeroth and annie barak according to the king of a civilization who is the protector of the hawks aaron one of the most powerful very old gods in the universe of warcraft it's ok no problem these two characters there are dispatched and even at the time while yet everyone salutes the story and the genius of their sun which already at the time it will yell for a naked barak since he had explained in a dungeon and people tell me it's still a little disgusting to ship barak like that and there had been a little grumbling from the blizzard players will listen to them we will come back to it later it will be great so the armies of the alliance and the lord pushes so well the campaign is going so well that they are well repelled the forces of the scourge until 'we call the black door sorry what we app she the portal of wrath the portal of wrath in bold late and in the end I still had some I still wanted to show you with this visual that will be late it is a little bit the black door of the lord of the rings it is a little bit the morane we are in the end I take advantage and this is where you will understand why I told you about the release of rise of the witch king it must echo rise of the lich king a little if you look a little bit at the buildings of the walking scourge and you are going to say yes to me but it's because you are a fan boy high school students of the rings blah blah blah there is no parallel all that all that still really makes the black door of the lord of the rings from the films of peter jackson if you go to the icecrown we have buildings from the scourge of necropolis with in particular russian acquired one with a blue eye and finally ice crohn which simply looks like a mix between minasse margut and bach adour we are no longer really in the inspiration n it is a mordor of ice them of a mordor of darkness and there is a lot of resemblance with ang marc de rise of the witch kings bay the little parenthesis we have then during this battle so there the horde and the alliance will even collaborate will even we have once again in this aspect of the cold war or suddenly the alliance is the time for you to collaborate in union against the forces of the scourge I therefore the police will be carried out no not by ga rochelle this crime which is the great general of all the hard offensive but quite simply are finally one of his right arms namely to run out or on cros in what we call his recruit the young surfer the young baroque son leaves fang who will bring the assaults the assaults of the hard and leaves the side of the alliance we have the generalissimo one of the generalists rather likes boulevard lighthouse dragons which is well directs the troops of the alliance so i won't stretch too much and i won't show the cutscene because reading a video there on the boulevard and it doesn't have much so I would put its cinematic in this video there so I'm going to pass a little to the side but here we have the weapons and which are directed by these two figures and these two figures will wright rather bet we will say badly by the arrival of the Lich King since boulevard will say arta get out of there come here that I stumble in the forest and arthas 10 in the water he leaves the door and he is simply and well at that moment jadran auch who like a legend like a heroic orcs and well will charge and literally get one shot per arte as she charges heroic 2 in the lair of the greatest orc generals who is the horde has never known he gets one shot by arthas arthas recovers his soul after that is when boulevard will rush forward to attack arthas himself even if he has been a little damaged in seeing that this big organ brute getting fucked hard and that's the moment that was simply waiting for t one of the emblematic figures of the reprobates not at all a character that we had come to know a little bit a burning crusade namely the apothecary could very healthy in French or pu braid in English which is not even often very confused we believe that it is the chief of the apothecaries it is not the chief of the optics r it is one of the great apothecaries but it is not the chief the chief of the Sephardic apothecaries she never reused never really very used it was taken in manila has in any case what is certain is that during vanilla and even in burning crusade you had as a faithful player of sylvanas condemned you had improved more and more the death penalty and well here we are going to use this art that the airlock for once it was very well done we are going to reuse the plague which had been developed and improved by the player insulted to hibernate cruzet but the thing is that you did not know it farhan she is still loyal to sivan sowed then very s ain betrayed him and in the end well he is not the thinking head say this is very c varies matras and yes we will talk about it again just after paris will put especially who would shelter that it is the same this theme I would not put it as I say it with the video of the boulevard but in any case the condemned will ultimately betray everyone so this small group to condemn because all the condemned do not obey it is a betrayal towards sylvanas since very healthy and varied matras who finally and well sent meat carts and swing all the plague which will kill both the forces of the alliance and the forces of order and also the forces of the plague since is a plague which you are the living and the dead alive arthas is seriously injured and will leave and it will simply kill boulevard fort dragon the cutscene shows him in any case well dying with the eyes that close but the thing is that by seeing all this is the plague could spread well there the red dragons are going to intervene so it was by alex trezza directly his the red dragons and the red dragon will burn you the area they are going to burn everything and to prevent the plague from spreading so everyone will die burn or very healthy will escape anyway for sale before before offering me this fact not burnt him by when the dragons arrive the barrel has it all figured out but most of the other apothecaries who betrayed will get burned and boulevard will be badly burnt we will speak again at the end of the video what is certain is that suddenly and very healthy and varied matras declared their betrayal in the eyes of the world and there well we will not be happy so vary matras everything was planned obviously varies matras the traitor of course who in warcraft iii had killed one of his brothers bal d'hazard to show his loyalty to sylvanas varie matras who I redone all the reproved quests in vania and I can tell you that for a traitor i he is incredibly loyal and zealous in the service beyond the banshee queen but it was so well drunk and suddenly it is not in development that had been planned in a way it is the comics hbh ringer therefore carrier ashes who had chosen to reuse ball of hazard since ball of hazard banny had made the mistake of putting back ball of hazard which was completely stupid ball of hazard had been killed and finally they are 10 but wait if we made a brilliant plan in fact it was said that varied matra is not god ball of hazard and that in fact they betrayed from the beginning is in fact if we said that the whole arc as what damage to the mast traces had proved loyalty and that he himself had doubts and said to himself that he could not kill because it was a code forbidden in the net regime to kill one of their relations if we destroyed all that in warcraft iii when it was suddenly one of the few nat regime who were going to obey forces we will say sylvanas allies down if we destroyed all that to say that in fact it was a plan from the beginning that was planned aaa is in fact all the seniors of the terrified and well are not leaving everything in consignment sale are not dead haha ​​it's okay be incredible which makes us totally stupid warcraft iii and its stakes with sylvanas in particular if you have played craft 3 you can see that varies matras contitue ball d'hazard is not really very very happy and he himself does not do comedy or anything or not at all theater in vanilla there is never any question of betrayal of to vary matras so it is really a delirium that was created with the success of hazard's ball and the silver crusade to the scarlet crusade sorry and suddenly in the end the comics age rigor will redcoon perfectly what happened with the sisters of the poor and it is thanks to that that we will have later warlord audrée nord with all the demons who resurrect magnificent creations so let's come back to silvana what is going we finally consider we are afraid at this moment that that vanasse and betrayed the horde and the alliance sylvanas in fact had of course was at the head with that rhyme with traces of improving the lap is simply alive in timorous sales and anti human sales live there sorry but sylvanas wanted to use it against arthas and not against the own troops of the order or the alliance so in the end she had simply planned to use the plague against arthas but not to At that time, therefore, it was she who was behind the improvement of the plague but not in this way and in the end well there will be the siege of under city therefore of gravedigger by the troops of the order and the troops of the alliance so yes yes you heard of course we are in the middle of a war against the scourge we had lots of losses eh well we recall so have all the work we had made advances has been useless we start again all that 'we pack up and lay the siege to the city leaders to defeat pu very healthy and varied matras do not worry they will go all the land they lost they will be able to recover it just after of course we are in a mmorpg suddenly speaking of fright seniors who dream of returning if we speak of an extension on the Lich King on arte as etc it was of course necessary to resuscitate the most famous milk lord who can be three years old with which contribute, of course, it is about evil ganis malg in nice who in warcraft 3 was the leader of the scourge that had attacked Lordaeron well badly ganis so arthas had years all his people and all that he is but to be able to defeat badly ganis in fact it was useless all that he made all these sacrifices n ' have served for nothing malg in nice is here again to replace post for post once again in replacement which pays off in this race of the lich king match malga nice which replaces post for post bal d'hazard who was the leader of the scarlet crusade and well in fact the aso scarlet it was badly ganis who was behind all that but that is to say but the sobeca relates was massacred by the effort would be proven but sylvari matras had foreseen everything why he did not warn malg in nice of this moment there no big deal when they work together but not quite apparently and why suddenly and well varied my trace in vanilla had such a she killed the scarlet crusade they work together but not quite suddenly we massacre all destroyed ball d 'hazard have finally shown that ball of hazard was at the head of the scarlet crusade ravary matras we must not piss him off invisibly in the cradle he did not get along both suddenly badly ganis comes back and he is going to get caught in fact he will become done he will possess the admiral of the scarlet crusade namely the admiral west wing or good wind and when the scarlet crusade is massacred to the desolation of the dragons by aof the desolation of the dragons by the troops reprobate and well in does it go to a c oup while almost the entire workforce has been killed with the survivors well it will go back to the north of warsaw king finally north of the mainland street sorry to northrend so north of the wasseiges king zone playable is in fact is good in the space of not even a few months because I recall that walking for a year so we are going to say that the ASO lasts more or less come on we start at three months we are nice that means that the guy he had maybe be less than six months to 6 months 9 months to rebuild a whole fort a whole castle a huge installation of the scarlet asu no problem because he wants revenge on arthas in the end we will kill him and at the end and ferrara and he goes into the twisted nothingness saying i will come back and exercise my vengeance evil ganis has been resurrected to do nothing since evil ganis even the extension which concerns the burning legion and good evil wins will be present at the shore broken but won't do anything else it won't do anything more it will a totally useless so we destroyed a part of warcraft 3 we destroyed the sacrifice of arthas to bring malg back to nice to do nothing with it congratulations magnificent return of evil ganis let's talk about resurrection which have served the world of warcraft a lot of warcraft we have another name another person sorry who will be resuscitated this is murat dean bronze berd or murat dean bronze park and in the end is much better stingy so what is very funny is that the rays d 'Elsewhere are jokes in heroes of the storm afghanis himself said boyle right where shattered shore but i was useless murat dean said exactly the same in rare i was dead but warcraft fans but but so much that I had to be resuscitated we are on the extension that talks about the Lich King of Arthas and the North End of course we had to bring back murat dean we had visually shown that he was dead arthas told us that they had been killed the book that was just preparing the ascension of the Lich King so the book they were preparing absolutely does not say that in fact mature annie born just hurt and could have said yes in fact mature said mrs weil therefore live even that and therefore remain the same the book which prepares a wise king eric kohn by the game of the blow since once again in frozen throne there were the survivors so the dwarves of murat dean the survivors who had escaped art ascii a want to avenge murat dean but they did not even think of go see if the guy was still alive suddenly everyone tells us a charger there are very few people we are told to such an extent he is dead there have been at least three sources or even 4 who tell us he is dead but not at all originally in fact he was pierced with planes of stalactites but in fact there he just had amnesia and he was found wandering in the snow with amnesia so it is the new jason bourne murat dean bourne and he gonna be saved by the frost dwarves energy of which cousins ​​named 2 of northrend from the continent of northrend and his dwarves will take care of murat dinner they will take so much evening they will be so impressed by the genius of murat worthy of his strength and his courage qemu stingy will become the king of the djivan dwarves he went very very well there it is a great a great cultural success 7 we have well we have just welcomed has become the king of non-food and in the end is well in the end he will recover his memory he will realize who he is really mature at dean bronze berd and the end will be but absolutely unbelievably ridiculous in the space of a second actually mcnee and the brother the two brothers de mardin so mcnee bronze baird le king of the dwarves and so we have bran bronze baird the explorer who will come back and who will tell me the blackberry said was not dead it's incredible it's so nice to see you we know that the dwarves he loves the bottle he love beer but there and well mcneely good al lez i'm good luck against arthas me i have a g1 people led so eh well i arrived in two seconds to say hello no problem i leave immediately dry iron forget we need me and bran him who stays there for the pleasure bombay - he is going to celebrate the return of murat dean he was still pretty sad that they were dead bah no no no he is going to quit he will resume his explorations so incredible better stingy will be used at the end during the assault on the citadel we will talk about it again the ice horn citadel we will talk about it at the end of the video and otherwise it will never be used again for the story of two key values ​​kraft it will replace post for post mag nor as head of the bronzes baird but it will no longer be of any use in the incredible resurrection story which once again destroys all the stakes and all the history that had been created by warcraft 3 the patch we were talking about branne and well bran bronze baird the brother of murat dean and well we go simply to fall on the ruins of the luart so a titanic complex within and well there are guardians who watch over the proper ordering of azeroth and who fight against the very old gods and the corruption of the void on the world so it's hull due to a dungeon that will have greatly pleased the players and in the end I will not give you the cutscene because I still have a lot of things to tell you so I don't want the video to be too long at the risk of already being long but I do not want that they are they are even more so but mag ni broke bran is so happy to see better stingy who falls who explore the art and he will simply stumble upon a dark secret namely the fact that there he is red-haired, one of the four very old and well-imprisoned duets and he is gradually starting to free himself from his prison, it's not something that dates from yesterday, it has already started on several one of the guards loken therefore which is quite simply loki but to which we add e t locals are therefore struggling loken which actually has betrayed like the water which in Scandinavian mythology his brothers and sisters and he is also responsible for the death of one of them guess which one and in the end is well a look n va has fallen under the yoke of yogg saron we will have to free it we will have to destroy the threat posed by the sarong what is magnificent is that we are in the middle of the campaign against the scourge so is what there is an armistice which was signed with art as we do not know but what is certain is that everyone is packing up the horde and the alliance has again taken hostility we refuse each other on the face and new conflicts years of alliance because of the door of wrath the alliance considers that it is the horde which is responsible the art of the blow defends itself against the attacks of the alliance and in the end well we stop attack the scourge to attack either mutually or attack the threat of yogg saron so that's it of course it's a very old place it threatens the whole world mailhac will they still be locked up even if they gradually start to free themselves is not yet an emergency on Thursday in the escalated in the hierarchy of emergencies the fact that there is a Lich King who threatens everyone and who send troops day and night to attack you it is perhaps more urgent to put down than there is that it makes no we will take care of the axes aaron victory 2 of the champions victory of the coalition world alliance against ioc sarron and all the henchmen of the guards to support them from locals who have fallen under the control of luxury aaron incredible victory I know there I go a little very quickly he had to art and loken only because I will make a video on the terrestrials with the genealogy of the dwarves and I will also have the order in its the next cosmogony video it will be on quite simply the ordering of the world of azeroth with the role of the guardians and in particular of the open so here we will do that on another video that hurt me saves a little time because there is still a lot to say the patch after 3.2 the call of the crusade this famous silver crusade which quite simply is the old silver damascus paladin the silver crusade that we had seen during the scenario of the hair of death at the beginning and well thirion kyi and the generalissimo still a generalissimo of the hand of the old of the silver hand of which claude dargent and well will lead will choose it is time to attack and the fortress of the Lich King but the problem is to know who will attack the citadel rather than send all the troops and well we will decide suddenly like how to organize a tournament organized a tournament when it is the great war and you are supposed to face one of the most dangerous males that exist in the world which made that in the past naga it is bound with 200 wings who allied with demons to face the living dead and well there we are going to organize a tournament in the middle of the war and not anywhere we will do it at the foot of the citadel of what and what it represents absolute evil at that time so the black lord namely the king Lich well we are going to organize a tournament at the foot of the mountain to quite simply find out who will have the pleasure of coming home first to go have a bite to eat with the Lich King, it's still incredible at the foot of the citadel of the crown ice at the foot of the scourge hq so I know of course at the start it was not planned to be there the tournament was planned on the other hand this bullshit remains planned but the base and should not be here to had to be in the forest from the crystal field the thing was under dalaran so it's lagging too much so we had to send it to an area where it was not lagging or was it not lagging far north of the fine silver crown where everything north of nice cannes and north of haiti crohn and well so that is to say just next to it tee of the citadel dice koren so in the citadel quite simply enough art of the Lich King which is great there is a problem with this tournament already that we will start when thirion in full war or alliance because there that resumed hostilities same chronicle i say hostilities offer of alliance resume when thirion arrives is said stop fighting we are going to organize a tournament we are at war is what you know what a tournament is ladies and gentlemen a tournament is during zones c during times of peace precisely to prevent the knights from looting the towns of farmers of these therapies and villages we organize tournaments so that simulations of war are not at all war because it's very choreographed we'll say it's more war very nice it's absolutely not war even so it's very nice and and it's festive all that all that but there it is probably the most dangerous and powerful war that the troops of the horde and the alliance have ever known since the battle of the mount hyjal so we organize a tournament in full war which makes no sense since it is a tournament is organized in peacetime in mock war to occupy the troops there the troops they are rather busy facing an evil that never sleeps who attack day and night who do not eat who do not rest we have a tournament in more of that at the foot so imagine the lord of the rings one second you know the battle of the last alliance the moment they last that i have you the ring in the flames of fate send at the beginning the ultimate alliance between the men and the elves who face will directly imagine that when they arrive the guys do no wait we will organize a tournament which will attack will be first and well we will do a small tournament the orcs waited waited not waited back a little bit come on we organized a small tournament go let's go and on top of that what is incredible is that with this tournament we still have games so the tournaments are very human of course that made very alliance human elves even the dwarves at the limit why not the gnomes and well come on we are nice but at what moment tork of the reindeer rate trolls will participate in this kind of masquerade at which moment they say to each other oh there over there in the tournament they don't even know what a tournament is and the guys face an incredible tournament in the midst of the war against the scourge and even between allianz heard we are doing a tournament history we have a little too much energy to spare we have a tournament c 'is extraordinary it's great all is well with this extension she will already be she will be so much more she is an ex and often a patch that is very very unloved because there was a huge there despite everything there is still had a lot of languages ​​and a lot of problems and for the highlight of the show we will still say because you have because he watches the tournament he does nothing the guy oncoa anyway at the end of the tournament send troops and to nouba who had had a catastrophic treatment and well why not we would put it the icing on the cake we would send art and you barak on a raid get slaughtered by the troops that was supposed to be stationed here that was supposed to make a terrific tournament dealing with this patch now attacking just before the assault on crown citadel of ice let's simply attack a quest that few players know and yet which is extremely important to understand the end of run the lich king namely the quest for the gambeat of tyrion so the bet 2 thirion which is simply a tribute is there that you will understand why I told you about the fact that pirates of the caribbean had been released two years before wrath of the lich king because two to be exact and one year before this summer came out of rnier chapter the third of the pirates of the caribbean to close the arc davy jones all that all that and well two years later we therefore have the mind 2 the mind of mathias lenner so the the human part of carthage you said at the beginning of the video he had who had killed her in the book The Rise of the Lich King and well in fact this little guy there he is still there when he had been killed and he will present a little bit what is happening and tell the players well in fact here is arthas despite having killed his human part namely mathias lenner i am still there so who killed me but in fact i am there and as he killed his human part well he has still feelings and yes despite having killed his human part he still has feelings the guy is dead alive Lich king he killed his human part so all the feelings etc that is not enough they have to kill his human part again while he has already killed but it is not mathias enard this time who kills it is his own heart he takes off e his own heart while it is a [__] of living dead and he is going to lock it up because they consider that it is the feelings of course it is the heart its forces on this formidable it is the heart and not the head that shows that there are feelings suddenly he's going to take that heart away and they're worth locking it in a safe obviously and this chorus and although they supposed to represent the feelings and he's going to lock it up somehow leave and we will find it thanks to the intervention of the little guy who felt it and finally that he was supposed to have killed so material this liner and it is thirion who will say to himself that it may be something to try to find out and has just seized the heart of arthas to potentially beat him well he will finally during two sequences has incredibly interesting irony of course he will succeed in finally going to a cathedral with by a kind of 'ungodly church of the Lich King where there are orcs all that stuff and finally well he'll grab the cof fre he is going to nab the heart and wants to put a little bit of dover bottle in it so a little bringers look that will destroy the heart and in the story of davy jones when the heart breaks you davy jones and suddenly you replace so the flying dutchman kills replaces the captain the flying dutchman with a new one so thirion who kills arthas the heart all that all that then it does not kill at all art to his art sitting there it's as if eating chinese food and there a problem of cans he kneels down but eventually everyone is forced to flee because despite being weakened can kill us all in spite of everything we go away we flee and finally we have killed a quarter of arthas but it doesn’t 'was not enough but what a terrible disillusion to keep that in mind once again you always need a flying dutchman the captain of the flying dutchman coughed cough davy jones keep it in mind it's not over so we will also infiltrate the citadel of the icecrown of the c removed from the alliance it is thanks to giannina on the side of the order it is thanks to sylvanas of characters who are linked with the story of arthas and the lich king therefore sylvanas for his vengeance china because it was the love of his life we ​​are going to arrive in a place which is quite simply the hall of reflections the saddle of reflections it is quite simply a copy of the war completely in conformity with it there is not two there n ' there is no criticism 1 it is simply a cover of a very famous place it is the place where arthas killed his father terrenas menethil the king of lordaeron and it was the place to celebrate the throne the room of the throne because you have had the Icecrown citadel redone as a tribute, it has twice massacred feelings but obviously there is still enough to redo the room of reflections in the image of the old room of the throne of the king of lordaeron what he is supposed to have become apparently he still has feelings so we have and by the way he poses harry frankly puts down his sword the extension of his armor the extension of his will he affixes on their workshop which has become the room of reflections so far from him after it was maybe an ambush why he can -being to pose France world we face the ex captain the former right arm of arthas years living namely the former captains manufactures and marwin which shows us that precisely the manga is precisely hard on the start and death is not canon since it is not your laughing at sarrians the manga says that it is sarrians the captain when in fact obviously it is not the captain and we must and well at that moment arthas arrives and we will have to flee it just before we still had another dear utair a spirit which showed itself we had carla banger of a cutter the carrier of light which appears in ghostly form he escapes in fact from france world and he tells us that he will explain to us that the Lich King can only be defeated u top of the icecrown it can't be defeated elsewhere on it's funny it reminds me of something davy jones that can't be who doesn't go housing it's funny it reminds me of something and by the way during the campaign of him during the beginning of the scenario to help that he can not enter a land consecrated two sets it reminds me once again a little of a film one I wonder which one and suddenly it is all the same the incredible format is that there must always be a Lich King otherwise the plague sweeps over the world which cutter is explaining to us that arthas is in fact holding back despite having more feelings than he killed his human part he removed his heart so as not to have any more feelings and well in fact he retains his arm and he does not send it all the full power of the scourge against the world is celebrating well he is holding back his arm from the start despite his heart despite his nerves all that all that in fact he still has feelings and what is great is above all that we are told that and that in addition there is always a need to have a Lich King so I remind you that the Lich King for the history of warcraft is enough recent 1 will not talk a little bit about it in the spider warfare and I have already spoken about it in the history of warcraft 3 in the end the Lich King barely 20 years in the history of warcraft and before the world is wore very well there was absolutely no Lich King the first general Lich King we are like in an extension which tells us that we must always have a Lich King when there was a time they were not allowed lich and that would mean that nervous where he is held his arm and that also means that arthas now holds his bar while he killed the part is rolls and he killed twice his feelings and his human part c ' is great it's absolutely great an exceptional writing and it's not finished suddenly we are going to have the patch from 3.3 to savo ir the fall of the Lich king and the assault of the verdict of the ashes what is the assault of the verdict of feelings the union of the silver crusade and al alam of ebony thirion again leads the sage precisely against the lich king thirion is present everywhere from the start against the fight of the lich king he pierced the heart of davy jones is supposed what makes you become the captain of the flying dutch you always need the flying landais to hold the flying dutch always in rally or be able to hold the scourge anyway a pattern is emerging I wonder what pattern during this time the war alliance hard continue to resume more beautiful during the assault against the Lich King what better way than to get [__] on the face but hey that this is completely consistent with human and orc stupidity so it was absolutely no problem ultimately so there is going to be some confusion between the horde and the alliance which causes the horde to have a personalized murat badge dean allia nce goes before abbas personalized during the assault of the gunboats namely goes rock comes out late and the father of nauche sheets who saw his son the head of the scenery quite simply that the guard of the supreme guard of work thus had to be killed in the room. 'egg was the boss of the coup dad temporarily takes command of the sets that we are and well they will deliver on the face and suddenly each will have a different boss according to your faction the sacrosanct axis of symmetry we could d 'elsewhere to say that seeing that Josh was killed was the guy to beat for the horde of leaders that the axis of symmetry would have been that in fact on the side of the alliance this evening boulevard but we will come back to it after we finally learn from the suddenly that boulevard is not dead contrary to what we had seen a big fat late we have not just seen wedding sheets coming to complete death we could have suddenly had boulevard at the bedside of death well no the guy who died of the plague of the times and then who died have burned the mouth by red dragons who is not the ex trader I remind him but of the simple red dragon she is in fact he is alive because the fire of the dragons it preserves it is a novelty out of the incredible scenario hat so we know characters who have had their mouths burnt by dragons they have not been very very well preserved we have fangs under the right arm we have necrosis quite simply who was the right arm of ben I have a hole chief simply the right arm of the chief of the clan dragonne word therefore mouth of the dragon it was under the wadi the chief and the blow of butt and the right arm nor cros he was vaporized uncontested with the extra itself and sap made little daisies this one completely vaporized and the other very famous figure and which will come back to bf a it is quite simply cultures of his own which were burnt out during the second war so warcraft give them all a line a whole crop fleet at his had his face burnt by dragons the unfortunately the boats sank and everyone died one of the brothers from jane to derek marc valiant so risks advocating death he was burned and he died then him his body was still conscious his body was there but he was dead he was not preserved or anything he had to be resuscitated by the Valkyries and suddenly he had to be resuscitated by necromancy he was not kept so all the cases and all the others of the crew they were either vaporized or drowned there was no conservation by the fire of the dragons whose boulevard was incredibly powerful it's fantastic arthas in fact going up from more and more the citadel of the Icecrown in fact we realize because you have therefore we learn from boulevard and living and we learn cartas wants to make boulevard one of his champions because the light is very powerful in him. very strong shaking and the light is so powerful in him because you have become very very stupid and then they were already he becomes even more so because in fact arte has stopped questioning, trying to bend the will of boulevard in his eyes I recall that there he finds himself suddenly at the top of the citadel of the Icecrown so the place the necromantic power center of the Lich King and it is not screwed to bend the light is not screwed to bend boulevard so we will make a video on boulevard which I will not go into too much detail but I was forced in this video to talk about it because he just goes there so arthas could kill him and resurrect him to piss off death as he affects everyone and he stumbled to be much more powerful as sapphire have such and brought them back as that brought them into DHR as you're ice such Sindragosa he did the same but is unable to put France world in the belly of boul Evard definitely kill and bring it back as a juror death not not he can do with everyone with Silvana if he did it with lots of people but it is unable to do with Boulevard because n just didn't think about it so instead they try to mentally beat him to try to torture him to try to have him celebrating and well the light is so powerful in him that he resists torture while still once delay doesn't need torture and he just has to kill it and resuscitate it it's amazing it's really really getting the writing of star wars 7 8 and 9 ccfa from it it's fabulous so at this moment there and well we will fight arthas so the champions who won during the silver tournament there the great chance to be able to go face arthas directly and well we face arthas thirion who has been with us from the start and who by his destiny must face arthas and I read on the spot by the powers of arthas it is of course a scriptwriting tool a gameplay tool sorry for us not that it is thirion who wins the fight but so that it is us the players who the quilleuc he confronts what is good is that in chronicles of the blow vicky canonizes the elders elements he could have said that in fact if really he was never frozen and that it is he who beats arthas but not therefore he is well locked in a block of ice and in fact we learn the plan which was there since the beginning concerning arthas that is to say that in fact he sacrificed thousands or even millions of too many his greatest generals to know what naked use by haxafir we are all for so he lost wedding sheets in the fight we faced sindragosa cédera gaza is dead we lost all his great generals there but for only in fact allow to find the best worst fighters that he will be able to resuscitate now who killed them because arthas beaten and the players he is going to want the resources usciting as a death knight basically who I remind you are already supposed to be the elite of the scourge troops that was the plan in fact since the beginning of arthas needless to say that it is a plan of villains of series b is in fact he wants to transform these champions into a death knight to be able in fact behind transforming the world involved the world at his will and suddenly in fact dominate the world where there would be only the dead living who could suddenly at that time withstood the very old gods and then 13 years old cannot directly control the living dead so that was the initial plan of arthas in the end so as I said sacrificing her millions of troops his greatest generals all that all to bring back a handful of guys who will be his elite of fighters who is already supposed to have launched the elite of the elite of the elite of the elite of the scourge but no problem It's okay and by the way in war the lich king it has had at least five occasions to kill the character reacts well at least 5 because sometimes a spirit appears often we are not sure but he has had at least five times the possibility of killing the player but concerning this possibility there he says every time it's not too much it's too early yet to be able to kill yourself you're not ready yet cough cough cough cough it's exceptional suddenly finally thirion will manage to free himself while the players are dead irions will succeed in freeing himself from the block of ice and he will quite simply finally start the duel which is quite simply teased since the beginning of the extension see the comics hbh rigor or even the Roman since in the novel they inserted a little trick it is the idea that in fact like france moon then and a binocular blade namely hbh ringer thus carries ashes which would be in fact a blade which was conceived to be able to overcome being able to destroy the sword of the Lich king the trick c ' is that the sword of the Lich King it was made by the ardent art legion we will see in warm apparently the ardent legion is not only responsible for the creation of the armor of the Lich king and in particular France world what is certain is that it is immensely powerful forces which made france moon and with all respect for the dwarves who are peerless craftsmen h bringers is absolutely not a twin blade that was created in the set with france morne it is a blade created by dwarves to be able to respond to the power a worse we will say suddenly we try to say that in fact to convey because it often happens that in mythology and all that there are twin blades and stains but they are absolutely not binoculars is the soul is actually Sebring hours would be the only soul that they can overcome this amazing shot pro world incredibly lucky fate is therefore h Brinker sword forged to defeat France while world the dwarves had never seen the world but it's okay so thirion comes out of his block of ice to finally put a sword that will be blocked by frau this world but in fact the ringer tolls carry him are at the door ash is too strong for france-world breeze the sword in two and the fact of breaking the plans of his will release all the souls because you had to accumulate by killing people they had seen their souls again in particular it will start with his own simply by recovering the sword and suddenly all souls are released including that of ter and terrenas so characters who had guided us a little interests are not washed heard during the introductory cutscene and utair in the room of reflections had helped us and well we release all these souls and it is terrenas the popo the dad of arthas card to get used to you know this magnificent cinematic and well terrenas returns and terrenas and well is part therefore as I the ten cities of the friends released and this at this time during that thirio n is opposed arthas terrenas who will discover the joy of being a paladin for a second because thanks to king wild wood all the knights all the warriors etc if you now want to be a human hero you have to be a no tooth otherwise you can shit apparently which is still ironic when wall of warcraft iii mans the most popular character among players in general of course there is one who will tell us that his favorite character was I do n't know there it was marked jonathan but apart from a few illuminated the most charismatic human character the most appreciated and overall players had been variane who is absolutely not a baladin but a warrior but apparently you just need now if you want a charismatic human because that there is no cap because he has no charisma it is absolutely necessary to give him powers of light etc suddenly they are all paladins thirion boulevard is transformed e n paladin rostowski while he had paladin and warrior spells we weren't sure it was even a debate whether they weren't there a handsome knight come he's a paladin and terrenas now while he's just a king set he's never been said to be a good fighter plus he's more of a great diplomat a great politician f a terrenas as a ghost he knows all that is going on pass there all the secret all the manufacturing secrets of the helmet of the epc which knows all and in addition it is not thirion utair that goes with it will resuscitate the players not it was reina which now in a second will be able to assist everyone they were going to be able to death no problem it became a paladin and resuscitates with all your hands no problem and in the end arthas and frightened all that all that finally arte enough defeated by the union of terrena and tyrion finally thirion but the death blow terrenas in ghost will take care of her son who is in tra end of dying and who says father I am afraid in cold I only see the darkness and he is going to die I only see the darkness opening to potentially the world of shadows so why not and well a return of arthas to shadowland we have made a special video on it so i'll let you go see the video on arte in aesch adoland we suddenly have and well as you always need a lich king the flying dutchman always needs a captain well somebody has to be m the helmet and who other than thirion who were already there who had already faced arthas at the start of wrath of the lich king in the facts of death storyline throughout the thirion expansion and the link for the horde and for the he alliance of the fight against the go against parma legend against the Lich king he has been there from the start he is there he created the silver crusade he was at the origin of the tournament which calmed the tensions between horde and the lich a little bit. 'alliance he was is the one who destroyed the heart so he is supposed to become a little prophetically the new Lich King well no well no boulevard the light is so powerful in him and well who's going to say let's attract no you still great things to do thirion namely to die on the shore broken like a shit eh well i will take the burden of becoming the new lich king stay alive thirion the world still needs you keep my presence a secret hide my presence said the lich king has been defeated and there is none has more he puts on the helmet and he ironed in the shape of ice cubes as incredible lich king thirion has so many great things to accomplish i will give you this official statement which comes from the magazine or to the sons so official magazine volume one party three interviews of the great dad of the time at the time namely chris metzen who did a crazy job eh on warcraft licenses but here is what was not part of this crazy job unfortunately I am reading you for it Lich King for example we cannot say that a boulevard was one of the main characters obviously this text I would use for the video on the boulevard he is one of the human characters that we wanted to highlight but he did not do much talking about him however we gave him such a dramatic end at the portal of wrath that the forums were suddenly taken by storm pulvar speculation and debate on the character story what he was to become was going well so I put him in between pascal extra parentheses says that the world should never know what happened to boulevard roughly it was going to become time in the garden sheet and suddenly there was a lot of speculation about what was going to become was going well this n ' was just a cog in the storyline that we didn't have that we had worked out but this character was going to unleash such passions on the forums that we made that we made him the Lich King it's not really that What was planned when we wrote the script for the Wrath Portal thematic not what was planned once the cutscene was produced but it will have been one of those moments when the community to see their initials were so on fire that we let go that we let ourselves be carried away by his enthusiasm we decided to follow them headlong even if it was not at all what we had planned and if you have played walking and you see a little where I come on it is very likely we will never probably be but it is very likely that boulevard should have been a death knight and should have been the opposite of sheets nov so drano would have been for world players down this knight of death because you have to turn against us and on the alliance side it would very probably have been it would have very probably been boulevard fort dragons which would have been the boss that the alliance must face who was previously an anci by commanding from the alliance the sacrosanct axis of symmetry that we all adore of course and which is so damaging to history is for the moment they did not have it they have for once they have destroyed the kz2 symmetry with the players ask but besides the worst it was because of that because it had to come back as a game and most likely death and who had to be the Lich King it had to thirion and that's why in the cutscene end you have thirion who keeps the helmet and who is on the verge of putting it on because that was what was originally planned there is a good chance that it is thirion all to coincide with the fact that he broke who them impale the heart so like the dutch stealing all that all that he's always been shown as the opposite of the Lich King throughout the paladin campaign in versus death chalet which has always been the opposite in warcraft iii for example in go is also the case the fact that he directed a little bit all the operations. ons also the fact that his ep is supposed to be the one which will be the destructive milk of france world everything seems to indicate that thirion was to be the lich king let's take a little tour on the safari the hunting board of this swing expansion with the big figures who are dead we therefore have to begin with yogg saron in lorient auxerre we are not quite dead in this is not a definitive death for the moment for nothing that we since rockstar we just know that bass and its shape which was in escaping which was defeated but we will learn how to kill the ancient gods 13 later, especially in battle for azeroth and suddenly there's only that rumba on paper it's still there we also suddenly loken that you So see from left to right in loken so that they have all rhyming lockit moments which all his mentor Freya who frightened we have to say who is according to me miron who is mimi therefore breaks the guards quite simply that they are controls these co n controls from scandinavian mythology we then have murat dean who had been defeated not killed but who had been defeated by simply the forces of the horde and we have from the convent at roquefort fang which had been defeated by the troops of the alliance who had done this axis of symmetry so well that they had exactly the same armor but one in red the other in blue obviously the blues against the reds we then have so drano ch who was defeated as a death knight the two you see at the end on the right were made and melwynn marwin sorry falklands who are fabricated and falklands who are simply the two captains who followed arthas during his passage to the dark side we had barak not once but twice once defeated during their only china we have some uses we have his round daughter who has left her place for the moment a gift which to this day are not their age and after the baron rives nder therefore the ball the baron availl es split which was previously statoil but which had been brought back an axis picks up we then have maligo it is obviously the aspect of magic that will be defeated with so much love we then have the moment of his daughter have to know sindragosa who will be and well defeated in the raid of the icecrown we then varied matras and finally malg in nice which closes the characters saying sure important before attacking and two great emblematic figures namely 2 lich king will die during this extension arthas like we just mentioned soul nerves which has the immense honor of never having been named on an expansion that talks about the Lich King it's still incredible when you are the very first Lich King and that in warcraft iii call you as being the dark lord the dark lord it's still incredible so basically it's as if in the sorano at the bottom end will be there will be no problem and suddenly to come back on this expansion also the narrative arc its beauty for two iconic characters of the saga namely sylvanas and jane a as i say previously which had a deeply linked story is anchored in glass art ace and the lich king sylvanas because it had really been the first person to s being freed from the god influence of the Lich King Lord Steely Dan had used the saga eye sargeras that's all and jane to whom she is the love of arthas and who talks to see had to end their affair these two oral characters suddenly a single interaction 1/4 cup and that of the room of reflections which will have been rock passes because you threatened to the goals and therefore it was necessary to start small anecdote besides Sylvain in this fight already use chains number shadowland coughs at the end of bf a and in the end we have well these two characters there that they will never have really had any interaction with art as and their script arcs will not have been able to advance d 'an iota whose role in sochi on will see after a cataclysm for sylvanas and for jean at the end thanks to jean king it's all just a story it's all according to a scenario who die under a shower of applause from the fans it's amazing this expansion is considered the best story extension globally in on combat polls can be seen on facebook on social networks on twitter and others it is considered the best gold extension by the vast majority of world of warcraft players it's amazing from the beginning before even a single if they start until the end it's full of inconsistencies and stuffed with stupidity of ease of scriptwriting facilities of the great anything d it's even more of the 'tribute because making the water match is always important and for example the greenhouse tributes of the rings it has always been the case in warcraft but a recovery 1st pumping also abused also seen while it destroys all the scenario writer's stakes iques that had been put forward that absolutely respects no timeline that had been done in warcraft iii and it is simply the image of a bad fan service because the fan service is not a bad thing the idea from a fan service fan and we take elements concluding to the players and we integrate them into a coherent scenario when you integrate chips just because the camps integrate you just things because people liked these things whereas it won't have a place here and it's done in a crass way indulges in wrath of the lich king and people liked it and today consider it the best expansion it was better before and that today the dormouse of bourlens hits it's shit it was much better before especially with downing crusade and wrath of the lich king it's incredible it's really great to see that so here is the end of it king wild goose is just to conclude this video which we have qu and even cataclysm that happens and art to this will not even be the last walking boss it will simply be a john dragon rank to know in lyon who will be the last two races boss in djing to prepare well on world of warcraft cataclysm i know i'm tough i maybe a little bit aggressive at times but you can love king this till i'm not saying that ain't the king of memories on king you may like to laugh that up to but you must realize all the errors that they are but immensely numerous and I cannot even tell you everything I did only the big points and already just with that it's already almost two hours wild geese king is one of the worst sets in terms of writing and screenplay and role of warcraft storyboarding you may like it because maybe it was your first world of warcraft experience or it was one of your premieres or in any case access the theme of music that have marked you but you can not at any time say that it is a good extension in terms of history these are facts that I showed you is not an opinion but facts thank you all for watching this very long video but there was a lot to say and still I could not put all the cutscenes I would have liked to show more things but I hope you enjoyed this video do not hesitate to share it around you because unfortunately a lot of received ideas are born from this extension which is really when once put on a pedestal it's funny when it talks about France world but thank you very much for your support and for making the channel grow I hope this video will have you pleased and will be able to convince you of the fact that there are small writing problems, had a very good day or a very good evening do not hesitate to follow them the other gold videos whether on the history of warcraft or starcraft diablo or watch and others I do lots of kisses we will soon say next video to more than one and the nexus of manigod is obviously
Channel: Malganyr
Views: 37,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: malga, malganyr, wow vanilla, wow classic, wow classique, wow histoire, wow lore, humains, azeroth, orcs, thrall, alliance, horde, world of warcraft, garrosh, sam vostok, yunathael, ydrae theramore, wrath of the lich king, wotlk, arthas, roi liche, uther, bolvar, saurcroc, saurfang, ner'zhul, anub'arak, kel'thuzad, malygos, ulduar, tirion, varian, angrathar, icecrown, sindragosa, varimathras, mal'ganis, dalaran, nexus
Id: zVGs7H_60Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 59sec (6299 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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