Would You Rather...? JUNK FOOD vs HEALTHY FOOD πŸ”πŸŸπŸ₯— Quiz Kingdom

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hello everyone and welcome to quiz Kingdom Froggy's back with a new fun challenge would you rather junk food versus healthy food froggy has 7 questions and you only have 7 Seconds to make your choice if you're ready hit the Subscribe button for more fun games like this and let's get started first round do you prefer strawberries or marshmallows pick one kick one fruit salad or jelly beans would you rather eat avocado toast or french toast carrot sticks or french [Music] fries which food do you like more steamed fish or fish and [Music] chips fruit waffles or chocolate waffles would you rather be a healthy person for one year or like this video do you prefer raspberries or raspberry pie would you pick tea or hot [Music] chocolate what's your choice oat flakes or cereals [Music] [Music] would you choose hummus or melted [Music] cheese baked apples or apple pie pineapple or donut would you rather eat cottage cheese or cheesecake [Music] would you drink smoothie or [Music] Frappuccino vegetable chips or [Music] Pringles past salad or carbonara [Music] pasta steamed dumplings or fried dumplings pick one kick one protein bar or chocolate bar [Music] which salmon bagel do you like more frozen yogurt or McDonald's McFlurry which one do you prefer what's your pick M&M's cookies or [Music] M&M's homemade Oreo or Oreo original would you eat fruit parfait or ice [Music] cream pick a drink power eight or Coke do you prefer chicken salad or chicken [Music] sandwich cereal bar or Kit Kat bar [Music] baked potato or potato tornado would you choose whole grain pasta or regular pasta pick one kick one maple syrup or [Music] [Music] Nutella would you rather comment your favorite healthy food or comment your favorite junk [Music] food do you prefer toffee apples or cotton candy pumpkin soup or pumpkin [Music] sandwich tomato juice or chocolate milkshake [Music] [Music] would you choose fruit tacos or beef [Music] tacos pick one kick one grill fish or fish nuggets would you rather eat orange or orange [Music] cake yogurt cake or chocolate cake [Music] pick one kick one steak or Big Mac poke bowl or poutine [Music] what's your choice pick one dish cauliflower rice or fried [Music] rice do you prefer sushi she rolls her hot dogs blackberries or chocolate choose your dessert dark chocolate or sores would you choose ham or pork ribs [Music] would you rather drink orange juice or [Music] Fanta vanilla cone or Baskin Robins ice cream let's continue raspberries or [Music] [Music] macarons would you choose a mocha coffee or milkshake scrambled eggs or egg and cheese sandwich would you rather pick mixed nuts or potato chips [Music] do you prefer steamed vegetables or onion [Music] rings which one would you choose apples or candy [Music] bars almond butter or peanut [Music] butter which salad is better Greek salad or taco [Music] salad pick one kick one seaweed snacks or pretzels [Music] would you choose almond or candy [Music] corn boiled sweet potatoes or sweet potato fries [Music] would you rather eat cherries or cherry [Music] [Music] pie never eat healthy food again or never eat junk food again pick one kick one spaghetti or mac and cheese burritos or tortilla chips watermelon juice or Mountain [Music] Dew choose a dish blueberries or sour worms [Music] bake bananas or banana [Music] split would you pick avocados or Sour Patch kits coconut or coconut ice [Music] cream pick one kick one chicken breasts or fried chicken junk food or healthy food which one do you like more thank you for watching the video and now go ahead and pick your next challenge make sure to like And subscribe to our Channel quiz Kingdom for more fun quizzes like this and see you in the next challenge
Channel: Quiz Kingdom
Views: 27,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quiz, quiz kingdom, would you rather, quiz game, would you rather food, would you rather food edition, would you rather junk food, would you rather junk food edition, would you rather junk food vs healthy food, would you rather quiz, what would you rather, would u rather, pick one kick one, this or that, food, junk food, healthy food
Id: ArDRrbKa_zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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