Would I Lie to You? with Warwick Davis & Katherine Ryan S10 E04 - Full Episode | Banijay Comedy

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening and welcome to would I lie to you the show that sorts the faction of fins on Lee Max team tonight an actor who shot to fame as an Ewok an Ewok is an alien being in the Star Wars films and not as I thought an electronic cooking device okay and a comedian and actor whose father was a bishop which meant growing up he was always on the Move diagonally it's Hugh Dennis Alexander Mitchell's team tonight he's the BBC's world affairs editor who spent decades in the middle of mindless stupid conflicts so welcome home it's John Simpson and the comedian who once went on to a cookery show and made an omelet in 20 seconds you've heard of death by chocolate this was a death by salmonella it's cash and Ryan and sold to round one home trees where our panelists each read out a statement from the card in front of them to make things harder they've never seen the card before they've no idea what they'll be faced with and it's up to the opposing team to sort the fact from the fiction Catherine your first up tonight okay my motto is never give a child a one syllable name because life has taught me that people with one syllable names are generally dim [Applause] so you mean your own children or nobody should give their children one syllable name it's just my motto no one should do it who do you base it on anyone I've ever met say anybody you've ever met well say what you're going to say first and let's see where it goes anyone who you've ever met with one syllable known yes keep going in my country rescue [Applause] I'm from Canada and it started with boyfriends I dated a Bob I dated to Steve the 1970s sorry because Bob's not really the name of it because I'm guessing this was it's not quite as now as Lee I'll give you that I mean that doesn't smack of 1970s inner city deprivation does it sorry for Dave in the mid fella he's got one one syllable I'm on this program you have this Institute towards British people as well you were just saying that way you actually do believe that everyone with one syllable name I just think your expect ing a child you have a long cigarette you want to give that child a name that can transition them into any field of work in life you how do you feel about all this being a one-syllable loser I'm not a one-syllable because that is my middle name my God that's this is like EastEnders isn't it my real name is Peter why are you called Hugh then I've always because when you know when you joined Equity did you ever join Equity of course I did I'm dead so when you join Equity you can't have two actors with the same name and there was another piece of Dennis and he was at that I was like 23 and he was in his mid 60s so my agent Rachel actually and said look Canal Peter down to be called Peter Dennis because there's no chance confusion with the other Peter Dennis he was about to retire et cetera et cetera and they wrote back and said yeah under normal circumstances that's that would be absolutely fine but you've got a problem the problem is that the other piece of Dennis is the chairman of the equity name change committee [Applause] so you don't see yourself as a one-syllable name real name no no partner's name my partner moved to Japan this morning so what was his name I think we broke up he broke up this morning I think so because he just used to think so wow did he have one syllable name no his name's Alex as you'll Now call him Al or X X [Applause] and ask a question so you you live by this this rule but have you ever thought about the psychology what's going on here I have started through I think that dim parents just have dim children my parents had one syllable names exactly is she telling the truth or is she made this all up under normal circumstances I would say she's just saying any old rubbish but she's under a lot of stress at the moment because there's someone not like last week or a couple this morning that's added a new little energy to the room wasn't it well you know if it is her main motto and and I'm sorry to hear that that Alex has gone but then he's got two syllables so he it doesn't really work does it because obviously he's dim leaving you oh yeah yeah I tend to think that you think I think it's a lie we better go live we're gonna say lie I hope it's a lie okay Catherine was it the truth or were you telling a lie it was a lie I lied about it all at all [Applause] Catherine doesn't go by The Motto never give a child a one-syllable name uh Warwick you're next a possession ah there'll be a box under your desk there is uh put the object that's in the Box on the desk first and then read the card please this is the bottle of hand gel I used to wash my hands before I handle my main bottle of hand gel [Applause] [Laughter] I think we can see the reasoning behind that so so explain your process in this day and age you have to be very conscious of germs and and I meet a lot of people and have to shake their hands and some of them you know potentially a bit unsafe so I will have a bottle of hand gel cleanse my hands then I can get the other bottle of hand gel now that yeah the outside of which that so the second bottle remains pure the whole time very pure yeah but if you take the bottle in the hand you didn't yes the person's hand with so that hand is clean all you need to do is just pour it on both hands you'll have no problem yeah well you make it sound so easy spotted and I think there is some it's time when you picked up that box there is some sort of trauma that I've got and it was from a time being in a gents toilet don't happen was I have trouble reaching things in the toilets you see and one occasion I went what are you trying to reach for whatever normally you need this stuff this is how I develop I I squirted some of this cream soap on hello but he was only there and I realized I couldn't reach the tap from that moment on I I pack a couple of bottles of hand gel how soon after meeting us we were all here about tea time today weren't we how soon after that you came in with a lovely day great to see you again we wish everyone was shaking hands how soon after that did you Scurry away furiously what's the gap well it's just it's just whenever I would get a quiet opportunity to I think this is the truth because I've had several interactions with work Davis and I don't think that this is something I would have missed he certainly didn't do it after immediately if he does it he's subtle you you have to be don't you I mean I can't be seen to be going oh hello because that's rude and it's not just hello it's hello can do it you know if I'm sitting at a table and I meet somebody I can do it down here [Applause] [Laughter] take a guess all right what are you going to say it's a lie it's a lie lie it's a lie it's a lie it's a lie Warwick was it the truth or was it a lie it was a lie yes it's alive if that isn't the hand gel that Warwick uses before his main bottle of hand gel John you're next okay I once crawled through passport control on my hands and knees because I'd forgotten to pack my passport where was this uh Brussels on the way in or on the way out on the way out uh it's overall when Brussels are on the way out so how when did you start the crawl there was a passport official sitting there at this High desk reading of adult magazine oh oh well I got stopped let's get that image first of all the man is is it passport control and he's reading a girly magazine first of all why does he think he's allowed to do this and get away oh it was 9 30 at night I suppose he thought he'd had the Last Passenger through he a few obviously wants to believe that everyone's going through this [Applause] all right when did you realize you didn't have your passport when I saw the desk because I put my hand in my pocket and I realized I'd left it in my wife's car when she dropped me off at the airport and how how far would you say approximately the crawl was shall I show you please do yes that would be better right okay now no and also I get to look at all the um from behind right okay that was the title of the magazine was it I see he's looking at the magazine I see he's not looking at me okay so then you know so I I got up and about here yeah I got down on my knees and I crawled along here in front of him a seat with his the desk was much higher okay much higher it was about like that I think actually Rob in your case you better stand on the chair [Applause] educated man right yeah and so here machine quite heroic isn't it yeah it is magnificent okay [Music] okay the desk is up to there and I came along like this a knee on my hands and knees yeah go on and then I carried on a bit and then I ran like the clappers stay there just in case I ever forget my passport [Applause] so what are you thinking pretty ridiculous isn't it actually I think it's true so Warwick says it's a lie Hugh says it's true I will say it's true okay John truth or lie well it's uh it's in fact completely true wow our next round is called this is my where we bring on a mystery guest who has a close connection to one of our panelists now this week each of Lee's team will claim it's them that has the genuine connection to the guest and it's up to David's team to spot who's telling the truth so please welcome this week's special guest Michael so Hugh what is Michael to you uh this is Michael he once tried to sell the remains of my lunch for a hundred pounds how do you know Michael this is my neighbor Michael and I first met him when his shot put came over my garden fence finally Lee what's your relationship with Michael this is Michael and last summer I threw his phone in a boating Lake so there we have it is Michael Hughes snack seller Warwick's shot put Slinger or Lee's phoneless friend David's team where do you want to start oh should we start with Hugh and what was this lunch and where were you having it uh it was in the cafe in Cornwall all right that Michael used to run and I had um well I had a sandwich I think now I knew nothing about this selling of my lunch until much later well I was told by a friend that in fact what had happened was that Michael and set up this thing in the cafe called um the Museum of celebrity leftovers as long as I know it was a sort of a little jar with the leftover just a particular person sort of like a specimen bottle it wasn't like a proper leftover it was just essentially crumbs it was crumbs then put into a glass so it wasn't me it was various celebrities various who were the other celebrities yeah Jen Leeming only what at the moment you are the best yeah uh Michael Winner I think was that all right um and Prince Charles Prince Charles do you know what Prince Charles did I think it was bread and butter pudding how much did it go for in the end I don't know surely you know how much your own memorabilia the only bit of memorabilia I do know about was is on eBay My Autograph one pound 35. if I found out yes yeah [Applause] so what would you like to ask so uh Warwick Michael is your next door neighbor yes what does Michael do for a living that he can afford to live next to you he's a very successful uh businessman and so the shot put is just a hobby for him well it was something he used to do in his younger days he was in the Army and they used to have a sort of sporting event and the shot put was his particular specialty so yeah what describe the incident okay um I've got quite a large garden I was having a walk Round I was on a two-day Expedition [Laughter] yeah you could almost feel the ground sort of vibrate a little bit and what on Earth was that and looked around behind me was what I thought at the time was a cannonball divot in my you thought you were under Fire from a medieval yeah I don't know what happened and your instinct is to look up you know I don't know what I was expecting to see but I looked around and I heard this little voice so sorry uh and looked to the walls of the fence and Michael's looking over and then if you've had any sense you'd have got it next he had lay down like that does blame as a claim may I approach Michael you may approach Michael okay so like one of my many talents is that I can spot wealth in a man [Applause] And yet when I do this to women so do you from your inspection Catherine do you think that Michael is sufficiently affluent to live next door to Warwick where do you think Warwick lives in Graceland or something he's been in a few films with no disrespect [Applause] um Lee Yes um you threw Michael's phone in a lake see he agrees it's true why why did you throw his phone in a lake because um I was trying to give him his phone back and he was in a boat no on the lake I was in the boat do you know Michael I no how did you know it was his phone because he was shouting at me from the from the bank out he was saying throw me my phone he was saying across the water to somebody he'd never seen before and he was throwing quando all it is he didn't know this is what I heard at the time excuse me he said hello oh yeah your miles away and he said bye telephone no oh and I thought that's an unusual way to talk cause I'm shaking his hand at the time eventually I work out you say my phone is in your boat so I I sort of look around and sure enough under my seat was a phone but why didn't he just wait until you reached the shore which is what he wanted to do but I being a bit more uh confident in my throwing abilities than I should be I thought well I'll just I'll go you know I'll row towards him a bit and I went like that and I just did the worst that I've ever done and it just went straight into the water do you know Michael's surname I don't know how did you get on to him to invite him onto the program oh I think you'll find that I don't deal with the admin okay [Applause] but it is it seems to me not absolutely impossible that the admin people would have said that's an interesting story what's Michael's other name so that we can have the rest of the story have you yeah I felt see and so I decided to buy him a new phone ah and so I said give me a number because obviously you know I could his home number and I will phone you when I've got the other phone for you and I'll deliver it so when the people working on this show heard the story and said cool blimey that's quite fascinating I don't suppose you know his surname do you I said I don't and I've got his number oh yeah it's a great Chuck it over well I threw it it went straight out the window we need an answer so David's team is Michael Hughes snack seller Warwick's shot put Slinger or Lee's phoneless friend well Hugh's story I don't think Hugh was even trying to make this story and so there's a chance that it's a it's a fiendish double Bluff and that means it's true I love the idea of a celebrity leftover Museum but it sounds what do you I've been to Cornwall and it sounds like it could be quite an attraction [Applause] um Warwick store that could be true Michael he looks like a a shot putter I mean he wouldn't put it over somebody else's fence would hear so what are you saying you think it's Lee that's in which were you leaning I feel like the shot put story is real and that is because Warwick looked up to Michael a lot I feel like they have a certain intimacy then again it could be on the Boating Lake the the phone mishap it is I feel like a more likely admin story as to why Michael is here after Lee throwing his phone off the boat is perhaps Michael got on social media and was like laymac threw my phone into a lake and the show reached out that way I don't want to stereotype but to me Michael looks more like someone who threw a shot put in the Army a few years ago than someone who's massive on social media yeah [Applause] okay Michael would you please reveal your true identity my name is Michael and I did try to sell the remains [Applause] thank you very much Michael which brings us to our final round quickfire lies and we start with it's David last summer I lost a tennis match when a bee buzzed up the leg of my shorts at a crucial moment please team right what was the crucial moment match point what was the score at that point in sets I'll be honest we only played one set and what was the scoring games at that point at that point yes I think you know what I'm asking you David was or at five four two three two one I'm gonna tell you it was five four to you no no I lost oh of see a crucial point right so did this be sting you or did he come in have a quick Shifty and exit a Shifty and exit did he exit out the other leg what was anything blocking his Passage do you play regularly I don't really know I used to play more regularly but now I founded would you say you are if zero is someone that's never played an ever and ten is Boris Becker what are you what's one Tim henmann [Applause] 0.3 would you give us a demonstration of your serve technique oh yes be lovely I think for Lee and his team if they had an idea they look at this serve they say well there's a guy who wouldn't be Bamboozled by a bumble or maybe he would I have to say I think this is totally pointless I'm so sorry is it just a waste of your time this is the racket in my right hand David why don't why don't Rob okay caught it [Applause] ready yeah we're gonna actually if you're not gonna fire it with me are you I'll Zing it down that way please do yeah okay [Applause] no I want to see your feet off the ground and put something I want to see you grunting well hang on wait a minute got that ball love you you went over there [Applause] all right ready right come on then I'm gonna I'm gonna Grant don't forget we're gonna put my back into this go on then I'm gonna show I want it you did very well okay and that was lovely thank you that was more than we could ever have hoped what do you think it doesn't look like a tennis player he's probably has picked up a tennis racket I don't think he's claiming to be at county level he doesn't look like is it it will be any level no I think it's a lie because he wouldn't maybe a bee flew up his shorts when he was having an ice cream but he definitely that's the most belittling thing I've ever heard okay we're saying it's in life okay David was that the truth or was it a lie it was alive noise signals time is up it's the end of the show and I can reveal that Lee's team have won by four points to one thanks for watching good night [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Banijay Comedy
Views: 48,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: british comedy, british comedy series, Comedy, best British comedy, would i lie to you, wilty, lee mack, david mitchell, rob brydon, lee mack would i lie to you, david mitchell would i lie to you, rob brydon would i lie to you, would i lie to you series 10, would i lie to you series 10 episode 4, wilty series 10 episode 4, warwick davis would i lie to you, katherine ryan would i lie to you, john simpson, hugh dennis, hugh dennis would i lie to you
Id: 9sW_bsQp6Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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