WORST to BEST SpongeBob Episodes - Season 9

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[Music] welcome everybody to cars Midway it's been a while since I said that and ever since my last seasonal spongebob ranking was released so much has happened on my channel that I didn't think I'd ever touch another season of this show but it was you're more than restless support and eagerness to see another episode that made me decide to come back to the season that not only took the longest to air in its entirety thanks to the release of the second spongebob movie but just like season eight is one I had previously not watched a single episode of only well into season 10 did I even consider going back to the series and thanks for this one's long gap and between the first and second half I genuinely didn't know if the show would even eventually go on I had no personal vendetta against the season in particular I was just completely done with the show at that point but judging it based on the few reviews I saw online alone seemed a little unfair to me it's over time I sort of plucked my way through some single episodes which I gotta say did make me somewhat excited to finally check it out in its entirety how did that turn now do you ask well there's only one way to find out this is worst to best spongebob episodes season 9 number 49 little yellow book what an awful awful episode squid or taking the liberty of reading SpongeBob's diary is bad enough as is but seeing the whole town joining in on making fun of him for no reason other than to ridicule him just really rubs me the wrong way we may have had episodes like Rama's kisses and April Fool's in the past were either or the other were the case and spongebob also saw himself first to justify his behavior but never did a drag on for as long or was as unpleasant to watch as in this pile of garbage the worst part about it is that it doesn't even feel good to see Squidward get the punishment for what he did afterwards as those parts are equally unfunny but dragged on for even longer but it's that wasn't enough we then also have Squidward not having learned anything and just going on to read SpongeBob's other diary and obviously having as much of a blast I somewhat get that this episode was trying to go into the direction of showing her rules are to be broken and that is fun to find out stuff about other people they wouldn't normally tell you at first but in any other cartoon the character responsible for it would at least get some sort of comeuppance and not just continue making the same mistakes that would at least make me have some respect left for this one but as is it's nothing more than an irredeemable and unfunny mess number 48 squid baby I tried my best to talk about this episode and understand what the thought process behind making it might have been and no matter how hard I try I really can't think of anything else than it having to have been some sort of weird fetish the writers had and even if there wasn't a reason for it to be made it still was and now we have to live with it it's good baby is one of those episodes that is simply way too bizarre for me to even comment on I mean you've all seen it what else is there to say squid gets turned into a baby with a weird deformed head that spongebob has to take care of that's basically it it's not expanding upon that jokes no satisfying conclusion just spongebob taking care of a baby that just happens to be Squidward well that alone wouldn't necessarily make me consider this one of the worst episodes of the season it's also this constant whining and fire jokes that Rockabye by well for example was able to pull off so much more gracefully that it seems like nothing more than wasted resources to me number 47 Kenny the cat's going into this list this was one of the episodes I heard some of the worst things about and when I first watched it I genuinely didn't understand why SpongeBob's obsession with this cat as somewhat weird yet relatable it puts a different spin on it than biggest fanatic had and there are some decent jokes here and there oh this is the fact that he was a huge jerk and didn't get any punishment for it isn't it yeah no I get it now Kenny really is a character that had so much more potential than what he turned out to be in this episode neither his design nor the one characteristic everyone seems to be in to really make him all that memorable and not even as voice seems all that fitting in my eyes his conflict with the only other land creature could have been the key element of the story but instead it was more like Kenny expecting everyone to forgive him for something he had full control over and due to his poorly written personality makes him hard to sympathize with hey maybe when is inevitable return in season 19 nose around I'll be into him who knows number 46 means when exactly did spongebob episodes involving ghosts go down the drain so badly as this is an entirely bland and forgettable episode whose premise could potentially lead to some fun hijinks involving ghosts but while I appreciate some of the animation and the ghost designs in this one which look much more appealing than some of the other episodes in the past there's still just not enough substance to this one which won't make me want to come back to it number 45 snail mail it takes a special kind of episode for the narratives have to spell out what the resolution is going to be before the problem has even arisen number 44 a goodbye krabby patty sometimes I feel like I'm a bit so harsh on Sponge Bob specials and later seasons so let me start with the positives for starters I think that Sponge Bob slow descent into depression as he isn't able to serve up Krabby Patties anymore is portrayed very realistically and seeing Patrick at the center of her tension felt refreshing at least in terms of Krusty Krab related episodes the mansion he finds himself in is designed very creatively with all these pieces of modern art above the walls and there's some neat design choices here in general and their friendship being what says this whole episode in motion felt sweet and satisfying when the reconciliate it very much unlike most other episodes involving a conflict between the two the storytelling itself is what really falls flat though there's boring and played or premise of mr. Krabs selling of the Krusty Krab without considering the consequences and subsequently causing more harm than good I've really seen enough at this point we never got any explanation as to why Patrick couldn't just quit his job but he was shown so many times before to just jump out of any situation without any hesitation and yet here these moments as sad as they may have been really came out of nowhere had there at least been some clever jokes to go along with this I wouldn't have minded it as much but a good chunk of this episode to extract on for way too long and was way too repetitive for my liking I can see why the good parts may overpower the bad for some people but you're not going to love me in with those bonds hon number 43 salsa and basilica's yeah watched an episode and like you're actively losing brain cells were doing so number 42 Gary's new toy well it wasn't surprising to see that the red ball Gary gets as a present wasn't gonna be a long-term solution for their problems I was still so happy for him to finally have something to pass the time and that probably insufferable hellhole he believes Sponge Bob cells to be most of the time it was a short fun relief in the first half but pretty predictable and weary in the second so weary in fact that I'll let someone else cover the next one spongebob you're fired this was an endlessly marketed television special and particularly due to its title feels like it only exists to grab the attention of people back onto season 9 and well it worked five million people tuned in unfortunately what they were greeted with was a groan worthy episode in which spongebob spends the entire episode looking as miserable as I felt watching it in the episode mr. Krabs fire spongebob just so he can save a nickel and because of this spongebob rapidly falls into a depressed stupor completely lost without his job it's just never felt to me like this is a spongebob we've come to know and appreciate from season 1 onward the Spongebob who gets up from every loss and setback and tries again with boundless optimism his character is essentially completely overhauled just for this one episode this new SpongeBob's entire purpose in life just seems to be to work as a fry cook what about SpongeBob's karate hobbies or as jellyfish hunting there's a ton of other things about spongebob that define him rather than just his slave labor job at the Krusty Krab not only that but this episode gives a very ugly biased message about being unemployed treating anyone who is unemployed is somehow stupid or worthless because of this and trying to push the weird idea that apparently being unemployed is a lifestyle choice which for anyone who's struggled to find a job certainly knows it isn't spongebob you're fired was completely forgettable special they never had any business being a special at all to begin with number 40 spongebob long pants I decided to put this one very close to the one before it for the simple reason that there really isn't much that separates the two sure the other one as a special wears this one's regular 11 minutes but had the same basic premise of Spongebob starting his life in needing to find a new job etc there isn't much about either of them that makes them stand out from episodes like spongebob brown pants either and has just as little moments that make it the least bit memorable is not exactly as bad as spongebob you're fired but just as dull and unfocused number 39 don't look now there are times during which I genuinely have to question squirts intelligence not at any point in this episode that he have to put on this fisherman schtick and really only ended up making things more difficult for him when SpongeBob and Patrick would have gone to bed way before that already number 38 food con castaways have you guys ever been to a food convention no don't really know if they do exist in the forum this episode would like you to believe but the closest thing I can think of is that ramen festival was at in Japan once which was definitely fun if you take the 40 minutes waiting in line with my broken headphones out of the picture still I have my hopes up that spongebob is show send around a fast food chain employee would find some creative way to make a gathering like that look exciting and a similar veinous the fry cook games but no mistress the lame a version of club spongebob for 90% of it just imagine if the episode actually was done being stranded at the food con like that one dude who lived in an airport for 18 years like Tom Hanks in castaway responds bubble frightening a burger it's not too late to make a better to love a patty number 37 in layman food shooting I really like the premise for this episode as a kid I always loved fortune cookies and imagine what those vague messages in there could be supposed to mean I may have been made aware of the fact that there were hoaxes but it was still fun to believe and so seeing it could turn into a full-fledged episode makes me wish I could have gotten to see it when I was younger maybe I could have even been able to enjoy this one more than I do now because somehow I feel like the plot was or plankton switching out all the fortune with my fortunes is way too predictable although I will admit that that ending gag is pretty funny now the 36 company picnic spongebob has often been described as a perfect stoner show and fuel and drugs over time anyway and so seeing that actually be the case for once for plankton making them see this warmer land of fun was a nice reveal at the end but all the more disgusting considering what they did in the park the episode also dragged on for way longer than it should have at times and could have used a more specific conflict number 35 it came from the goo lagoon as simple a premise as alien purple goo being discovered in the goo lagoon on plankton trying to use it for an evil scheme is they made a solid use of it here in terms of just how fun it was to they're messing around with it and the effect it has on the town it's not even that some form of tension wasn't present either in fact the action sequences were done a lot better than most other ways and special episodes that ultimately it just dragged on for way too long and shut as hard as it could to not have it either feel like a ripoff of a gift of gum or fungus among us by the way why would you want number 34 Yeti crabs okay I get it there was a huge gap in between this season and a lot of time has passed since season seven they probably forgot all about it don't you think it's odd that we only now get an episode center around a Yeti counterpart to mr. crabs who would have been perfect to end up doing something snow related to the restaurant in the end when rargh was previously one who ended up fulfilling their purpose as it stands Yeti crabs really just came and went leaving no impact at all and was about as boring a villain as it gets which doesn't really excuse how hard this trust to be graveyard shift during daytime number three three copy Bob did Oh pants I don't know about that number three - the fish bowl how can an 11 minute episode go by and by the seven minute mark I'm still wondering what the point of it is don't get me wrong the premise of sandy observing spongebob and patrick behavior isn't an inherently bad one oh how much time she spent on even just setting up her equipment the episode felt like it was over before it even began patrick was also a bit too much of a jerk here but I still liked how excited scooter was to get a scoop of ice cream since we don't really get to see his childish side too often anymore well okay we did it's quits baby I guess but we don't talk about that one number 31 evil spatula if you can overlook how overtly stupid spongebob was in this episode for not once questioning that this random spatula was ordering him to do basically everything plankton used it in the past I'm sure this could actually be an enjoyable episode but I couldn't and this is my list god damn it number 30 married to money I needed to do some real hard thinking on this one and still can't quite put my finger on what it is that makes me feel so indifferent about it on the one hand I kind of like plankton using mr. Krabs biggest weakness against him and actually looking like he'd succeed for once on the other he went about it so Pauly was such a cheap ending that it kind of ruined the entire setup on the one hand some jokes in this one were really clever on the other this one really brought out somewhat and pearl who is usually one of my favorite characters well at least it certainly gave us one of the most pleasant title car tracks number twenty nine cent he's not mayor number twenty-eight as much as I like the dress obscene what plankton tried to get the ocean to get out from under the grill and then running away from such a small being in some pretty hilarious ways I did feel like it got a bit repetitive after a while it's not enough to drag it down and to be low mediocre territory but for as good as the comedy was at times I would have liked for them to maybe do without that an entire ending gag response about going around bikini bottom only to arrive back at the Krusty Krab I'd still like to see a trend of these urchin costumes coming about though cuz damn that's not so terrible it could work number 27 weary just stop screaming please Fonz Bob literally turns into the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons in this episode and I can't say that it's too bad of a premise sure you went crazy like this in the past and nothing about this one is too outstanding but it was handed somewhat pleasantly and had both a fun conclusion and decent pacing I could have done without some of the pseudo gross-out humor but it's not a bad episode at all number twenty-six patrick-man ever since creature of the krusty krab came out i was in love with everytime Patrica to play the role of the hero for once and this one normally would have been no exception if it wasn't for the fact that they just had to go and make him ten times more stupid again still mrs. Puff's interaction with the police was pretty hilarious and for as random as it was I did enjoy seeing the Dirty Bubble returned for once number 25 lust in Bikini Bottom spongebob making his way for all these parts of town we have never seen and had something really classic about it like this honestly could have been an episode from seasons one through four or to bring this back to the games again even eleven from one of those PC point-and-click ones they used to make there isn't something huge very fancy about this premise a spongebob getting lost on his way to work well with all these more or less interesting characters on the way it was still somewhat enjoyable yet not exactly memorable nothing against this one but also nothing noteworthy aside from maybe mr. Krabs randomly waving at Sponge Bob with that high-pitched yoo-hoo which somehow never fails to make me laugh number 24 when I heard the titles of this one I could have sworn it would just be another episode where mr. Krabs would sell off the Krusty Krab for some stupid reason and therefore I actually kind of enjoyed the different direction they went with some square roots interactions with both spongebob and patch and trying to convince them after houses new owners were also really fun and them literally flipping his house was also a nice twist number 23 squid defense I genuinely enjoy seeing how excited is good at God when realizing his training actually paid off for once it was also great to see that he succeeded in defeating what he thought to be a regular crook even though turned out have just been a misunderstanding which was a bit of a cheap ending I will admit and it wasn't the funniest episode ever but I would still recommend it to number 22 bumper to bumper 21 sharks versus parts I really loved the visuals in this episode there's not really any reason for it to have these guests animated sequences as it's not much more than West Side Story parody and easily could have done with the usual style at the simple inclusion of these dance segments made this episode a whole lot more enjoyable and fun to look at for me and between a pineapple invasion let's be real here there isn't much about this episode that's really outstanding the bulk of it is pretty basic plankton trying to get the formula and disguised stuff and the only difference is that is in SpongeBob's house this time around but elevates this one above the others it's that entire sequence of him being inside Gary's shell which leads to by far one of the funniest twists on the show just overall great MC escher esque visuals which along side some great jokes in there made this a pretty solid episode number 19 square a record for how often the conclusions to the latest episodes tend to disappoint me this one not only came as a surprise but also essentially ran at the entire episode useless which would usually annoy me but somehow made up for it with some records that was so out there an idea and execution that I couldn't help but laugh at them yeah it's random but it's the good kind of random like out of context twitter accounts what are you doing here get back in my ass god damn it number 18 squid plus one this episode made me one a spongebob spin-off Senate and tiny or not in the man man so badly they could just use mr. postman as a theme song if we'd have a done deal that's basically what Portugal the man did a few years back and I don't see anyone complaining about that his relationship with Squidward is really sweet he got some fun moments like when he flipped through all these empty pages in his address book and desperately tried to become friends with literally anyone in town besides spongebob but I'm mostly just really appreciated and also hate how relatable Norton number 17 and Patrick the game this is a small thing but Squidward is squid not an octopus bro Squidward is a squid not an ostrich would you pleb it's in his name so it is not an octopus ha number 16 mm do you think this episode is meant to be a metaphor about how too much positivity you can ultimately lead to you seeming disingenuous your friends starting to leech out the two feelings about you and you end up becoming morbidly depressed just because you wanted to help and see your life slowly slipping away from you cold thumbless fingertips as you steer emptily into the abyss waiting for the Grim Reaper to finally take it to where you belong number 15 jailbreak the idea of Chum being what ultimately leads to plankton being disrespected criminal mastermind is so ingenious it didn't even care about what happened in the rest of this one bikini bottom's inmates using the very food plankton so desperately tried to sell to people for years now to go about their schemes that is so beautifully ironic and leads to some pretty fun interactions between him and his fellow prisoners funnily enough we never actually saw how those were recaptured at the end of the episode so for all I know the Menace will still be roaming around Bikini Bottom which is fine by me number 14 the sewers of Bikini Bottom this one also has a lot going for it SpongeBob and Squidward adventures in the sewers were fun and didn't feel artificially lengthened as sequences like it tend to do you a new character trout in heart fish was awesome and only got more likable as the episode went on loss unlike most episodes of seasons 5 through 7 it didn't need any grocer to make the sewers look convincing the idea of having two side plots going on at the same time is nothing new for the show but I can't for the life of me recall an instance where it was handled this smoothly in an 11 minute episode I also liked the thought of there being an actual Football League on the water as it really isn't something we have seen on the show before and makes me hopeful we may get more spot related episodes in the future number 13 extreme sports well so much for that I guess this is actually the very first episode of season 9 and as such serves as a great introduction to this new season in my opinion for his dumb a spongebob and patrick seem at times for suddenly not even knowing what sports are it makes up for it with some of the coolest one of characters on the show in an episode that hits many of the same beats eleven a day but with far more focus on cool action sequences and pretty great animation at times I can't really put my finger on what makes this episode so enjoyable to me but it's definitely one of the most exciting of this season number 12 to resource it's so rare to see mr. Krabs genuinely wanting to help spongebob succeed in something other than actively making a money in fact the only times that would happen was when it was at the expense of spongebob and not actually to benefit him this one proves to me that their relationship can really be something of a master and apprentice type of deal which I really hope we see more of in the future Ronnie Geiger spongebob running into various objects may be a bit played out at this point and much of it wasn't really true - mr. Krabs character but a still farmers have going back to this one every so often so take that for what it's worth number 11 mutiny on the Krusty this episode is good well that was anticlimactic we're entering the top ten we'll Plankton's Pat I gotta tell you guys that was a little on the fence about spot when he was first introduced but after re-watching this episode a couple times I can safely say that it's still not as enjoyable as when he made his return but also that he's a pretty nice sidekick to plankton and just such a cuddly little guy the way plankton is slowly warming up to him and starts to genuinely care for him is nothing short of heartwarming and a nice change of pace for his character I could completely understand anyone questioning what it didn't just makes about a series regular when is that ever gonna okay okay I see your point oh man I pull up a barrel the same reasons I enjoyed squid defense and a few other episodes on this list also apply to this one it's always super enjoyable to see characters on the show be actually passionate about something mr. Krabs may be a crustacean cheapskate and much of the story is probably pretty fabricated anyway but I would still like to believe that at some point in his life mr. Krabs did it for the food and was interested in making people happy his whole story in general was pretty fun to listen to with Patrick being the villain for ones which isn't something you see too often and of course punch Bob and Squidward as incompetent guards I think that's what I enjoy most about this one that it doesn't go the conventional route you would usually expect from the show but rather has the characters take on roles new to them and to be honest I just wish this one was twice as length just like most of the other story time episodes that are Spongebob BC and dances and Dragons maybe we could get an actual fight with a pirate shed that isn't taken care of with one shot that way number eight safe deposit Krabs every now and again I think it's fine to have an episode that is just strictly focused on mr. Krabs obsession of money don't get me wrong it's fun to see and try different things and proved that his life isn't totally controlled by it either but if it means getting scenes like him and a safe deposit box with his money wife and his arms while the scenery around them is burning James bond-style I'll take it the contrast between what is slowly turning into his reality due to the lack of oxygen in that room and what is actually going on as pretty fun to see and also features some equally entertaining scenes a SpongeBob and Patrick Chyna set him free could all of this have been avoided had you just been a little less greedy sure as much of this pretty coincidental and improbable even for the flawed economy of Bikini Bottom absolutely but if it means we get another instance of thick crabs I'll take that too number 7 bulletin board so I'm pretty sure we all got the metaphor for e.l.f online bulletin boards in this episode and I'm inclined to agree that the way they handled showing what negative effects comments being taken the wrong way can have on people and that it's often hard to communicate how you feel through text really well especially without any of these emoji but I think what this episode did particularly well was portray the mob mentality comments like these can often result in when one person points out with some others may have been thinking but were either too afraid to say or couldn't put into words I also like that the Denison of the episode aren't having to solve the mystery of who pista 7 is but rather focus on delivering a strong message about clearly communicating your thoughts in a very fun and varied way now if only actual online arguments could be resolved this easily number six What's Eating Patrick normally this will be about as basic a parody of sports movies as it gets where the newcomer has to face off against the veteran and prove that he is made for this it's the one chance to prove himself and by getting help from a little boy who never stopped believing in him manages to find the strength and you know the rest but the way this episode not only makes it feel as though none of the two even really care about this competition but also has a tone so over-the-top even the scoreboard just breaks through another digit at the end there's pretty basic promise into a partially exciting and partially pretty deadpan episode that balances these two elements perfectly with a lot of great jokes involving Patrick's eating habits which in some other episodes probably would have been portrayed as inhumane or somewhat disgusting but here it seems like Patrick just genuinely didn't want to let anyone down and while not exactly a position you'd want to be in it was still somewhat thrilling it was also somewhat surprising to see just how cute Patrick's tastebuds are number 5 the executive treatment there's a lot to love about this episode the way all these businessmen constantly repeat the word business Patrick some are suddenly being an employee at this random branch they're very frightening yet also somewhat delusional boss who kinda reminded me of Phil can seven lines like giving new meaning to the word meaningless are already part of my favorite spongebob joke repertoire and I also like that Patrick's charade didn't just go on for the entirety of the episode that he was eventually exposed for it and while he may not have entirely understood what was even going on he really tried as hard as to fit in and figure out how to be a decent employee he even managed to break out of prison in the end there are some serious security breaches at that place number four a Larry's gym as you may know Larry has always been one of my favorite characters especially in episodes like spongegar on duty where he helps spongebob become just as popular as he is desirability aside he was never one to give up on his pupils and in this episode again shows just what a great teacher he can be giving him his own gym was really just a matter of time and with the inclusion of mr. Krabs who got some of his best lines in this episode it might not seem like a really fun place to be at and the episode was even somewhat educational Alliance message about staying healthy and fit while I'm surprised sandy didn't show up in this episode at all I felt like all the characters that were included really shown on their own and it's definitely one I'll go back to every now and again in the future number three the whole truth I feel like I've used one or two characters being cute as an argument for an episode being great way too many times on this list but I just can't help it they really upped the ante when it comes to adorable designs in the season not only is patrick dealing with this issue of losing one of his precious baby teeth pretty relatable it is also handled in a very friendly manner on SpongeBob's part making this one of the very few episodes in the season that actually remembers that the two is supposed to be the best of friends all the jokes in this episode are also excellent from the ominous music being played at the dentist's office his name being beige Monday into the to ferry being literal tooth fairy it was also satisfying to see how in the end it turned out that pulling out his tooth only takes about a second I don't have anything to complain about this is just a great episode at number two license to milkshake license about right because well this might as well have been another boating school episode for all I care it's very similar to mrs. puff you're fired and promised alone and even features a teacher that's basically just a slightly less extreme version of such an Roderick I think this one improves upon most episodes taking place at the boarding school though is that not only is it a skill spongebob knew at some point but forgot over the years but also one that allows for far more creative ways to fail out then boating would and they really do make good use of it and having his teacher float from the sky using whipped cream of the intricate terminology has to relearn in order to become a professional milkshake maker it's also dumb and I love it it's also great that mr. frosty isn't just this one-dimensional meanie but has an actually tragic backstory thrown in there and had forced the Sponge Bob to not only learn the last step to becoming a master himself but also save his own teacher I don't know I just found that really sweet it's not a perfect episode but definitely deserving of the number-two spot and the number one best spongebob season 9 episode is mall girl pearl if there was ever an episode that made me question of someone working at Nickelodeon evanescent back to what I was saying or had been stalking my interest for years before it is this one for example I love malls shows like 16 and movies like paul blart mall cop the crowning jewel of western cinematography already one step above literally anything else simply for the setting inside a shopping center another example I love pearl I think she's one of the most underrated characters on the entire show despite how many floors had repeatedly tried to write into a character over the years and for as simple a promise this one has it made fantastic use of it and telling a story not only relevant to the situation profiles herself in but also about her even old people can have and be fun which is something that didn't really hearken back on since the show's original run the mall setting also allows for the return of countless secondary characters like bubble buddy the crazy snail lady from have you seen the snail Carl that one lunch lady from season one what top it off the gags in this one were also hilarious from the pretty meta photo gags they're making a stink Beatrice's co-worker has died when really she was just on vacation to the Hot Dog on a Stick parody it's also great how it never felt the need to rely on spongebob in any way sure he may have shown up in the beginning and at the very end once or twice but for the most part this is a story purely centered on peril and I couldn't be happier it was really this season that started the trend of them exploring some characters we may have seen a bit off but never to the extent that an entire episode would be focused around them and this was a fantastic way to kick it off with great comedic timing fun character interactions surprisingly good animation for such a simple setting and a classic yet striking message about how you shouldn't judge others based on their interests appearance or in this case even age alone so yeah season 9 if you're going into this list expecting me to fume with rage and completely tear the season to shreds then I'll probably have to apologize for disappointing you of all the recent seasons we've checked out together this was actually the one I found the most enjoyment in don't get me wrong I wouldn't exactly call this a complete knockout or return to form if you want to call out that but so many elements of this season simply work together in such a way that made it far more pleasant to watch the most of the other seasons not only was there far more focus put on the show sight characters which usually worked out very well there was some great jokes throughout that elevated even the most simplistic episodes to being at least somewhat memorable and the mean-spirited nature we've come to know of characters such as Patrick and Squidward has almost entirely disappeared from the series safer a few exceptions I've seen a few people comment on how the second half of this season was a bit better than the first which I can partially agree on seeing as how many of the episodes are really enjoy such a small girl peril the whole tooth and Larry's gym can be found in it but even the first half are additional signs of a Genesis of improvement upon the tone of this series and shift from being nothing more than a slog to get through to giving me some pretty hefty laughs at times which Loren said the chemistry between its characters is most of what I watched spongebob for the days of every single episode concept being an entirely new and unique one have long been over it but that doesn't mean that the writers don't try their best to infuse every last one of them with that special spark that makes spongebob spongebob and I truly think that especially this season is what not only continued this trend but also pushed it into the exact direction it would steer into his seasons ten eleven and now twelve if I were to rank the season amongst the others I've covered I would probably be fitted right above seas made with some wiggle room for possibly pushing it above season one one day but I still have too much of a soft spot for that one right now if I'm being honest thank you for watching this ranking of Spongebob season 9 and please do let me know which episodes you would have put on which spot instead I'll see you next time and hey enjoy the Superbowl that a diamond forget about shop speaks you stop every time without your thumbs your all times [Music]
Channel: Cosmodore
Views: 259,601
Rating: 4.9094014 out of 5
Keywords: best episodes, top 10, superbowl, worst to best, spongebob, worst episodes, worst to best spongebob, season 9, football, worst to best episodes, halftime show, spongebob new, paul blart mall cop, phantomstrider, every episode reviewed, sweet victory, cosmodore, nfl, spongebob ranked, 20th anniversary, maroon 5, ranked
Id: TwJtvLAtUCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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