WORST Things Doctors Overlooked!

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doctors of reddit what was the worst thing you've seen for a patient that another doctor overlooked [Music] during my residency we had this lady in her 60s who was getting progressively more forgetful just overall declining and getting less and less able to take care of herself she had been seeing her pcp who diagnosed her with dementia and she saw a neurologist who agreed she was not really able to provide an accurate history after talking to her family and friends it became apparent that her symptoms were progressing unusually quickly i remember seeing the point where her new hair growth met her bright red dye and also her grown out nails with hot pink polish thinking wow it really wasn't too long ago that she was not only taking care of herself but like going to get her hair and nails done the lady in front of me was so far from that the neurologist i was training with recognized this had her admitted and did every test including lumbar puncture workup eventually showed crude full jacob disease mad cow which there is unfortunately no treatment for she died a few months later but at least we were able to prepare her family that she would only continue to decline so they could make arrangements really sad situation rattlesnake bite on a two-year-old patient and dad out in the fields near a small town that is several hours away from the nearest big city where i work dad takes the child to the er in the small town with an obvious snake bite doctor there says hey it's okay she probably didn't get envenomated doesn't give the patient anti-venom which they had at that hospital and instead of electing to send the child to us by helicopter he sent her by ambulance several hours later patient shows up to our hospital coding and ended up dying probably didn't get invented question mark what the frick kind of stupid ass idea is that if a tiny child gets bitten by a rattlesnake you assume they've been envenomated and you treat them as though that had been that means antivenin physiological support etc completely absurd he put the pacemaker lead in the subclavian artery and across the aortic valve into the left ventricle the proper approaches subclavian vein to right ventricle and then he didn't notice it for over a year i saw the patient a 25-year woman who didn't need the pacemaker in the first place when she was in congestive heart failure because the pacemaker lead had destroyed the valve a surgeon and i had do surgery to remove the pacemaker and lead then replace the aortic valve totally inexcusable well fifty percent of doctors are below average but everybody thinks theirs is in the top ten 10 neurologists sent patient to our red without informing her that imaging showed a glioblastoma assuring her impending death he didn't overlook the disease he overlooked the communication i'm not a doctor but rrn this happened to me but isn't nearly as bad as most of the stories on here when i was in college i got to where i couldn't swallow it started with difficulty swallowing progress to me having to swallow bites of food multiple times regurgitating it and then got to where all i could swallow was broths and mashed potatoes with no chunks i went to the doctor multiple times and was told every time it was acid reflux and part of my anxiety disorder i lost 30 pounds was only 120 when this started and was just generally miserable finally my grandma was tired of watching me be sick all the time so she called the gi doctor herself they said we needed a referral but she explained the situation and they got me in the next day did an endoscopy and my esophagus was 95 occluded at the gastroesophageal sphincter for some reason some of my primary doctors notes ended up in my discharge paperwork i guess they had to contact her to get my information and she had told them it was acid reflux and basically i was being over dramatic she stated she did not recommend them to do the procedure needless to say i switched doctors frick that [ __ ] was not a fun year [Music] not a doctor but for years i've had migraines they were mainly behind my eyes but i chalked it up to stress and hormones so did the neurologist i went to see for them she seemed annoyed that i kept saying the pain is behind my eyes in my temples and the pressure was insane she gave me immatrics and sent me on my way i went to visit my eye doctor for a checkup and she did the exam and asked if i'd get headaches i told her yes but it seems like i always had one she told me my optic nerves were very inflamed and excess spinal fluid or a tumor can be the cause she sent me to a neuro-ophthalmologist where i had a brain mri a spinal tap a new medication to help keep my spinal fluid in check the neuro-ophthalmologist said i was about six months away from vision loss that i was lucky i mentioned my headaches to my eye doctor after the spinal tap they took out about 100 ccs of fluid and measured the pressure at 42. when normal spinal pressure is 8-16 big middle finger to the neuro who shoved drugs at me md here recently was called over by a nurse who told me a patient's bandages were wet as they were bleeding a little patient had recently had his leg amputated we pulled his bandages off and found a spurting femoral artery at this point the patient passed out patient was sent to theaters for an emergency operation close call for sure i'm an emergency medicine physician i think the biggest miss i caught was a steamy i took signature from the previous doctor then i usually go through every patient's labs imaging and ekg found an ekg that showed a massive heart attack that was done about eight hours prior by the time i took over the patient no longer had pain the new ekg that i got was more normal and the cardiologist didn't take him to the cath lab here's my story a guy came into our aiku and was very septic but still talking he had visited his primary care md with complaints of a sore throat for a couple of days dismissed without any intervention since he didn't appear to have strep throat or the flu at this point he was having pretty severe abdominal discomfort so we sent him for a ct scan as the scan was finishing he coded and had to be intubated multi-organ failure etc the ct scan was horrible he had all kinds of poop all over his peritoneal cavity his wife told us that he had choked on an ice cube a day before he saw his primary care md evidently he swallowed a whole double half moon shaped ice cube that perforated his esophagus with a huge linear for 25-inch tear allowing a significant portion of his swallowed food and drinks to get into his peritoneal cavity instead of his stomach to make things worse he had some reflux that allowed stomach acid to get in there as well likely while he was sleeping once we realized what was going on he went for extensive washout and exploratory surgeries to repair the damage to his esophagus and other organs thankfully he made a full recovery but he was very close to not making it i found an obvious huge rectal cancer on a patient who was previously told over and over again that she had hemorrhoids in residency i saw a cardiologist mrs steamy heart attack by the time the patient came to us some of the muscles supporting one of his heart valves had completely died and he was in cardiogenic shock basically his heart function was so bad that it wasn't circulating the blood in his body enough to support life it was awful happily he made it through though once when i was a medical student on surgery rotation in trauma we had a patient come in after he fell on the street and bonked his head well apparently he had fallen once earlier that day and was discharged when the trauma woke up at the other hospital was negative for injuries we examined him and noticed his eyes were kinda yellow so as part of our trauma workup given that he couldn't give a great story and we couldn't be sure what happened we see t scanned his abdomen and saw his common bile duct was like three times normal size could drive a truck through it about that time next set of vitals his temp was 103 f guy was floridly septic from ascending cholangitis which is why he was falling down big miss mission that is an emergency young student from i think pakistan he was complaining about his neck feeling stiff he went to a doctor some days before and he was told he was having joint pains that would pass with some common anti-inflammatory drugs when i visited him i saw many of the lymph nodes in his neck were swollen which probably caused the stiffness and not painful not a good sign sent him right away to have a chest x-ray that showed a huge mediastinical mass suggestive of lymphoma sadly i don't know what happened to him i've got a good one albeit sad i was working nights and a patient came in for a nail bed repair under general anesthesia it was a slow night as they are anesthetizing him he asperates so we do a chest x-ray to see if he's got any spit blood in his lungs what we didn't know is that prior to this emergency surgery he'd been going to his gp for over six months complaining about chest tightness they'd put him on various different asthma medications but none had any effect on him the x-ray showed a massive dark mass in his left lung we kept him asleep and transferred him to haiku his wife and three-year-old daughter were waiting for him on the ward we had to tell them where he'd gone why he'd gone there and what was going to happen he died from lung cancer within the month edit a general anaesthetic is absolutely ridiculous for a nail bed repair but he refused to have it done under local a commenter below rightfully corrected me and after talking with a colleague the dark space in his lungs was the normal lung and the rest was whited out because they were riddled with tumors this man was in his late 20s a non-smoker and i couldn't move past the situation four months after it aids as in the patient had no working white cells whatsoever it all started with what appeared to be a fungal infection in the chest but after many pulses with the trachonazole the plaque was still present and growing so the physician called me to check the patient and the chest plaque was indeed very suggestive for a fungal infection the direct examination even confirmed the existence of the fungus but the treatments were doing nothing so i rechecked the file and lo and behold the leukocytes count was quite low a quick hiv test later in the patient was diagnosed with aids on top of its body fungus to the credit of the physician that called me the patient lied on the clinical exam as he marked he had no active hanky-panky life but when confronted with the evidence he spilled the beans turns out he was a regular with the local hookers but also quite active in online dating public health wasn't happy to say the least i work in ms we got a call for a female with leg pain when we arrive on scene this woman's leg is three times the size of her other one blue and purple and she has no pulse in her foot she fell on ice a few days prior in the urgent care didn't do any x-rays told her she had a sprain and gave her a walking boot in reality her tibia and fibula were both so badly fractured they were cutting the blood vessels and muscle tissue she lost her foot i have a story in the opposite direction a woman came into the ed for extreme fatigue and spontaneous bruising they checked labs and solo white blood cells red cells and platelets they told her she has leukemia and will need chemo without actually doing any confirmatory tests they admit her to my service she is crying and screaming and fear get more history and find out she was just started on a medication for her rheumatoid arthritis that can cause decreased blood and platelet cell counts as a side effect did some further work up and found no evidence of leukemia stop the new medication and within a week she was completely back to normal one that comes to mind is when i was a resident the ed doctor wanted to admit a mild septic patient with a ut i review her labs and knowing that she is a diabetic it was obvious flora dka diabetic ketoacidosis that kind of admission typically goes straight to the aiku to get insulin via a drip and aggressive iv fluid rehydration she was just in the ed hallway with no medications at all looking like crap i'm not a doctor i'm a nurse but not in med surg my sister had her gallbladder out routine surgery and two days later woke up at 4am in searing pain went to the er by ambulance i met her there the er docs were all apparently convinced she was a drug seeker and did not even conduct a physical exam beyond taking her vitals they snowed her to shut her up because she was just yelling help me help me i'm dying they did eventually do an mri but said it was negative and sent her home she didn't want to leave insisted something was terribly wrong but they said they would call security and have her thrown out at this point i'd like to mention that she had no history of drug or alcohol abuse she continued to get worse at home and the next day went to a different hospital they did a work up and found that the metal clip that closed off the bile duct had cut right through the tissue and she had a large bowl leak that was literally burning all her abdominal organs she had to have three surgeries to fix it and was hospitalized for nine days left with chronic pain from adhesions and chemical burns when the new hospital finally acquired the mri from the original er visit she was told that the leak was small but clearly visible in that image [Music] hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Stories
Views: 2,900
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Id: hZ1GNQk7g-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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