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Worst roommates ever! Some roommates suck some roommates ... are okay, like sometimes you have to live with somebody and they're not really your friend but you like need them to help pay rent You don't really like them and your wish you could just live alone but you can't because you need them to pay rent and you don't really like them and you wish you can just live alone but you can't. "Its your turn to do dishes" bitch I did dishes last week! whatever, I'll do the dishes So I gently put them in the dishwasher, right, ahh? How does this happen don't ever ask this guy to do dishes again. I mean if you want to do dishes Just like do one by hand or something Or you know be like me and use paper plates that you could just like throw away after like no dishes or anything? but basically the dishwasher just Overflowed they put too much dish soap. I don't know my penis was all over this don't touch Its what's on the inside that matters And that looked like a new gallon of milk i mean it's as cherry hasn't even been popped yet This guy decided he wanted an aquarium. He didn't know where to put the aquarium So he put it in the fridge, did those fishies die? doesn't the water have to be like a certain temperature Why does that water look doodoo brown? I give those fish two hours at most before they all eat each other's shit and die So awful and then when they die you could just like pickle em up put them in one of those jars add some salt put over the Rest of those jars got yourself some anchovies. I don't know who thought this would be a good idea like hold up I need a place for my fish real quick. Let me just put them in the damn fridge drawer You know the toilet would have probably been better this roommate left the sink like this I don't know where these dishes have been. what did this gunk? Like he was feeding animals from his farm from the ice tray. You know I hate this This is what would drive me insane if I ever had like a roommate I hate mess and I hate like dirty mess like this so the girl posted on Instagram I literally had to box up and throw away the dishes b- that's mold! damn that mold grew hella big Eric I had sex on your bed. Sorry about that Don't use your pillow matt you have your own damn bed. We even have a couch Yet, you are going to go on my bed, and do the dirty with that thot There's only one thing you could do Get him back. Do it on his bed except It Won't just be "don't use your pillow" Don't use your whole damn back throw out that whole bed and get a new one This is so damn petty and disgusting someone unclogged the drain and took all the hair all the nasty moisty hair out of the Drain and decided to leave their roommate a cute message and just wrote that on the shower with that nasty moisty ass hair Thank you, thank you for cleaning the drain now you're gonna have to clean that wall Sometimes we got to use the couch as a trashcan. Can how could you live with somebody? That is so damn sloby? We've got Capri Sun Pizza this can only be one thing this is a man-child now I feel bad for this girl living with somebody like this so a lot of roommates They got trash Issues cuz nobody want to take out the trash nobody want to do the dishes this guy didn't want to take out the trash damn What'd this guy do order a pizza every single meal? he got like 20 pizza boxes just stacked up on top of each other like nah I aint trying to take out the trash It could just like sit there imagine what that house smells like imagine 20 day-old pizza boxes just In the middle of the house just right by the fridge every time you go to the fridge and open And you smell that nasty-ass hot trash No my roommate left plasticware in the oven This was the worst of the damage Y'all ruined a whole range someone's dumbass tried to cook plastic looks like you asked me to like be wifey and shit And I like wanna that make you something mac and cheese I didn't want to be like basic and just like Microwave it so I tried to be like fancy and do like a baked mac and cheese but i didn't know plastic burns You cannot put plastic in the oven I thought this was common sense or something But just like Gucci says common sense is not that common, okay? But I mean y'all charging five hundred fifty dollars for a white shirt That says that I feel like this is the irony in this shirt tell that to all the idiots who spend their $550 on this I thought that was bad for $360 you could buy a Plain red shirt, but but but but hold up the tag says Gucci on it Just like they said common sense was not that common. Okay now This is a pretty good harmless prank you can do to your roommate so she got a water bottle and pretend to pee on him While he was sleeping Lizzy oh my god, what were you just doing my roommate pooped while eating an apple and left it there Congratulations on being the worst you disgusting disease Damn usually people just like Chillin on that phone, when I'm on the toilet I like to play insert shameless mobile game plug not But really this dude is taking a dump while eating an apple Not just any apple Granny Smith while he's taking a dump. He didn't even eat it all the way either Just like took a few shallow bites. Let's leave it on the counter. Maybe it will decompose ah, ah No No say it ain't so come on man This dude is a grown-ass man has his own place his own couch does his business on the couch And he is just gonna leave it there like It was an accident, man, you're an accident, so I'm not really surprised This is why I never want and you want to come over to my house and sit on my couch Just for the tiny chance that this would ever happen You know damn well im out that damn couch buy a new one another one This is a thing amongst adults. I love coming home and finding a random stranger peed in my bed gotta love Inconsiderate roommates so her asshole roommate let her friend Sleep in her roommates bed like hey ashley hey. I'm like really fucked up, it's okay. Ashley you could like sleep with my roommates bed. She's not here tonight, okay? You sure about that. Yeah, she wont really only mind or anything. Oh the girl is gonna sleep in her bed and Pee in it This is real life. We're adults pee themselves on other people's beds and couches I was on my roommate bitches is your bed now you ruined it you buying me a new bed Or you giving me your bed hashtag TVT to my super disgusting roommate freshman year What the hell I mean to be fair That's like her corner of the room so all her stuff is there when I mean all her stuff all her stuff is there in? The square she can utilize that space however. She'd like if she wants to be a nasty pig she could be a nasty Pig Look what my roommate did to my bear. She's a monster who does this your bear? your stuffed bear You spend way too much time with that bear. I'll show you She hung my teddy bear Hello 911 there was a murder? She's committed a murder. Ank's AT&T our TV went out during the World Series that my roommate was so mad he punched me and broke my nose a ahh fortnight is down right now i need to punch somebody in the face! at least he is a good sport about it. He's very supportive of his friends abuse No, it means you an idiot? He broke your nose! Because the TV went out ok see I used to have anger issues, but not like this damn just take it out on your roommate like hey, what's wrong with the TV, man? why cant i Watch my shit whoa man you need to calm down shatthefuckup! This roommate here. wrote a never so considerate Note. I am sorry I have to put my pee in the fridge I sealed it in a plastic bag then this box then I taped it shut I want to know why just why Why do you have your pee in the fridge in the first place? I know it's in a bag and in a box and it's sealed but Why just a friendly reminder your rent is due with rose petals Damn they do this every other month whenever the rents due friendly reminder At least this one is nice ish Another cute note. adjust while I'm asleep and I'll cut you oh That's a very nice warning dear Evan hey, that's sausage my parents are coming today. Can you please wear pants allday? Thanks, it's a spot-on sausage anybody comes over. I'm streaming. I'm making a video, baby You gotta put pants on now? This is just straight-up petty if you use the last piece throw this away and put a new role on this person Purposely left this little sliver of toilet paper on the roll So it's like if you use this last piece you have to replace it bitch. Let me tell you it takes two seconds To swap it out for a new role How long did it take you to write this little haiku so my roommate went out of town? And they put aluminum foil on everything I'm surprised that shit didn't rip like it must be heavy-duty that heavy-duty Foil I like it I like this look very modern all the millionaire's are doing it another sweet note haha now Take the walk of shame this person has felt the wrath of the walk of shame And now he's gonna let you feel it man. This sucks. Especially if you're a girl I don't know what a slick if you're a guy, but if you're a girl and it drips no This guy made a meme out of his roommates trash trash, it doesn't throw itself away Oh, these are the prehistoric memes leave a like if you remember those memes, but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that that like button the face! and comment below the most annoying thing a roommate or somebody that lives with you has ever done and subscribe join the Wolfpack I Love you guys so much. Thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,472,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, roomate, roommates, worst, too far, reacting, reaction, funny, worst rommates that went too far, dorm, college
Id: VOc-RlF9c8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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