Worst Judge Ever! Lehto's Law - Ep. 5.97

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hello welcome once again to Latos well I'm Steve Leto today I'm talk to you about the worst judge I've ever been in front of the worst judge ever in my experience I'm an attorney in Michigan I'm a practicing law out here for 27 years I've appeared in courts all over the great state of Michigan State district courts state circuit courts and of course federal courts and along the line I've encountered many judges and some I had issues with you know they ruled against me or I didn't like their attitudes or whatever and I've had some good judges I liked I've had some judges that befriended judges I'd actually swing by and say hello to even if I wasn't in front of them on a particular day but simply because I was in their court and I liked them but the one judge that I've actually made a point of avoiding is the one we tell you about today judge named Theresa Brennan in Brighton Michigan if you don't believe me Google her you'll quickly find what I'm talking about and here's what happened a couple years ago a couple of friends of mine mentioned to me that they had problems in a court in Brighton Michigan and Brighton is a town I guess about 45 minutes maybe an hour northwest of Detroit it's a neat little town and a couple couple different friends of mine mentioned they said yeah have you had any cases in Brighton lately and I said no - well there's a judge there who's just out of control I said okay what's the story and they said well this is a woman judge and she will just berate you and and she beats people up you know verbally and she treats everyone with the most utter contempt that you'll be sorry you set foot in her coram and I said why and they don't know she's just out of she's out of control and so somewhere along the line I had someone contact me and they needed my help in Brighton and contrary to the advice I've gotten from my friends who said don't file cases in Brighton if you can avoid it I filed a case in Brighton and it got assigned to judge Theresa Brennan and I went to a pre-trial conference which is normally where you just stand up in front of the judge and that both sides of there the judge normally would say what's the case about how long do you guys need when would you let me set it for trial and is there any way I can help you possibly resolve the case and so I go to court for the pre-trial conference mypos councils there and I got the opportunity to watch a few people who went before me a few cases of informing and she's beating everybody up and and and it's so hard to describe to people who aren't in court very often but there's a certain decorum in the courtroom and a certain amount of respect you you show the bench respect you you you you treat judges with respect but you also expect that the judges will treat you fairly possibly with some respect as well and I got up there and I introduced myself and my client and you know opposing counsel does the same thing and the judge starts yelling at us and she's and she asks me to pull the complaint out the lawsuit out and she starts going through it line by line okay paragraph three what does that mean paragraph four how are you prove that paragraph five what does that mean paragraph six how you proves paragraph six and there's a process in civil litigation where an opponent can look at a complaint and say I don't think this complaint is proper and they can bring what's called a motion for summary judgment or summary disposition is called in Michigan asking the court to rule on whether or not the complaint is sufficient to go to trial and about halfway through the questioning by the judge I said Your Honor I wasn't expecting to be arguing a motion or summary judgment this morning and she cut me off and just like no that's not what we're here you know but I have the right to ask is quiet of course she's got the right to ask the questions but that's still a little bit odd and so which she'd fire questions at me I said I don't know that I'll let you do this out you know and it got to be so weird I'm like this is crazy but then ironically she does the exact same thing closing counsel she's just ripping apart that guy's the answer okay you said this what does that mean we said this what does that mean and it's it's such an unpleasant experience that I've spoken to people and said does she do this in the hopes that you'll be so sick of dealing with her that maybe you'll settle your case and go away and if the case settles it's a good thing right maybe that's what she's trying to do but I heard so many stories but crazy things she did that I thought okay this is not a plan on her part this is just the fact that she does not have the proper temperament to be a judge and and in in case you think I was being a little bit overdramatic I'm not I'm playing how bad it was and I had to go in front of her more than once and I saw her beating other people up she beat me up time I've verbally from the bench the the most disrespected I've ever been in a courtroom and and I've had people who didn't didn't respect me and she put them all to shame okay so just do you think I'm not making this stuff up everything not gonna tell you is from mainstream media okay you can google this stuff if you think I'm exaggerating one bit December 18th from the Livingston daily which is the local newspaper because this is all going on a Livingston County a Livingston County District Court Judge Teresa Brennan was arraigned on perjury and two other felony charges Tuesday morning in the Livingston County courtroom okay so I was just simply talking about her demeanor on the bench turns out the accusations are much greater than that and that's the interesting thing if all I see is her on the bench for a 10 or 15 minute hearing two or three times in the period of a year because I have a case in front of her that's nothing compared what's going on behind the scenes so Genesee County Judge David Gwynn ordered Brennan to surrender her passport and set bond it doesn't require payment for her to be released Brennan was charged last with perjury tampering with evidence and other common law offenses by the Michigan Attorney General's Office and here's what happens she's also arraigned on obstruction of justice charges the Livingston daily reported a couple years ago that Brennan was initially under investigation by the judicial tenure commission transcripts from depositions in her divorce from her now ex-husband Don root raised questions about whether she was having an affair with a michigan state police detective Shawn furlong during a murder trial for Jerome Kowalski so here's the story a guy named Kowalski's on trial for murder the judge is this judge and she's up on the bench the defense guys over there Kowalski's the defendant he's got an attorney and on the other side the prosecution and detective Shawn furlong who's there on behalf of the people and the allegation is that she may have been having an affair with the Michigan State Police detective who was there in a trial shoes presiding over court documents show Brennan made three extended phone calls to furlong during the Kowalski trial in addition records show 231 phone calls spanning over a thousand minutes between Brennan and furlong from November 2011 through December 2012 furlong was the key investigator in that trial and Kowalski was convicted brennan sentenced him to life which is mandatory for first-degree murder they've now had a bunch of hearings about whether or not Brennan should be on the bench she's been removed from the bench but she still technically as a judge and state senator Jo Hyuna Fowlerville attended the hearing that they had regarding the judicial tenure Commission and said afterwards that Brennan needs to go Huhn called for Brennan to resign in more than six months ago and called again for her resignation on Monday saying citizens have had enough of her antics but she refuses to resign Brennan was removed from her caseload June 13th amid the judicial tenure commission complaint but continues to be paid and by the way pays very very well to be a just a judge in Michigan six-figure job so she continues to be paid while the complaint process plays out but of course she faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted on the perjury charge and we'll get to the details this in a second but just so you know when she's berating me in court and basically berating everyone in court and treating everyone with utter contempt she's the one facing felony charges right now the Michigan Attorney General's Office alleges that Brennan gave false testimony regarding a cell phone that was considered a marital asset during hearings in her own divorce case and that's another story all together we'll get to that in a second and that she tampered with evidence in an official proceeding it also said she committed misconduct by failing to recuse herself immediately from her own divorce case and used that delay to dispense of evidence so again like I said we'll explain all of this in a moment it's very convoluted but it's hilarious during a judicial tenure Commission hearing Commission hearing in October Brennan's court reporter Felicia Milhouse said she was asked by Brennan to look up how to delete Hotmail and Gmail accounts from a phone the Michigan State Police Computer Crime Unit confirmed that Milhouse's work computer was used to make searches on how to deactivate and terminate a hotmail account two days after motion had been filed by her now ex-husband to preserve evidence in the divorce case according to the charging affidavit amid the same commissioning hearing Brennan admitted lying in a divorce deposition stating I never intended on making the other attorneys job easy and referring the other attorneys the attorney represented her now ex-husband while the perjury charge is punishable by up to 15 years in prison the charge of tampering or destroying evidence is also punishable but the four years in prison and the charge of common law offenses may be five years in prison okay so if this plays out the way I hope it does prison time is in her future the resolution is pending in the house committee on the judiciary if the resolution I'm sorry local state representatives have introduced a resolution in the State House in September calling for Brennan's impeachment so in other words she's she's technically still a judge she's had her caseload removed so now she sits at home and collects paychecks so the legislature said okay we may have to impeach this person to get her off the bench that resolution is in the House Committee on the judiciary if the resolution is approved by the State House an impeachment trial would take place in the Senate and if convicted there Brennan would be removed from office so there are people in Lansing we're trying to get her removed from office and again like I said in 27 28 years of practice she's without question the worst judge I've ever been in front of and it got to the point where for over a year now I've been turning down business and Brighton if someone calls me it's a Steve I need your help I bought a car it's defective buh-buh-buh-buh-buh walk it's the whole process if I say where are you from and they go I by the way it's in Brighton the case will need to be filed in Brighton I've actually turned down those cases and I think it's people say why and I say Dino judge Brennan is they go oh yeah I said well I I wouldn't go in front of her I refuse to go in front of her I'm sorry I won't do that I know that some people who watch these videos gonna be shocked to hear that turn down business because I don't like a judge the problem is as an attorney I feel the need to represent my client and get the best results and I can that's allowed by law if you go in front of somebody who's that out-of-control and unpredictable you don't know what's gonna happen and so if I represent somebody in a situation where I don't know what's gonna happen and bad things happen it's partly my fault especially if I knew going in it could happen so I have to avoid that situation so unfortunately it turned down business and I know other attorneys will have as well so there are attorneys in this area if you ask them will you file a case and bright and they'll say no will you handle a case in Brighton not in front of that judge no won't do it and there's a reason so the judicial tenure Commission is the body of people in Michigan who oversees judges and if there's a judge on the bench who is out of control or has problems the judicial tenure Commission will then step in and review the judges performance and then make recommendations to the Supreme Court about whether or not that judge should be you know remain on the bench so the judicial tenure Commission decided to do an investigation a full-blown investigation and they assigned a guy to be what they call a special master and the master the appointment is a getting William geo von william giovanna is a retired Wayne County Circuit Court judge who I've been in front of many times and I can tell you right now this guy is as honest and respectable as the day is long and I think I used the cliche a couple videos ago I apologize but william giovanna is one of the guys if you said steve pick a judge out there you know on the bench you're retired who you want to hear your case you you're going to trial for something important who do you want on the bench I would have said I want Giovanna I want this guy he's that good he's that respected not because he likes me he probably even know me I'm one of just thousands of attorneys who appeared before him over the last 20 years before he retired the point is he's that honest and respected and that's why they appointed him the master to oversee this so he held hearings and he took testimony and affidavits from people including it Brennan and he issued his special masters report I'm looking at the Masters report right here you can get a copy this off the internet okay and he says On June 12 2018 the judicial tenure Commission filed formal complaints against respondent Teresa M Brennan a judge of the 53rd district court located in Brighton the Michigan Supreme Court appointed William jgo Vaughn retired Circuit Judge as master on June 14th petitions and pre tailor motions were filed the principal result of which was that the examiner conceded that the complaint does not allege the respondent detective Shawn furlong had sexual relations prior to the verdict in the trial people versus qual ski so one of the big issues was whether or not the judge was having a sexual affair with the State Police person during the trial and and and Giovanni Mardan says no - apparently not at least there's no evidence of it so he makes it very very clear that that was not happening however the next twenty plus pages indicate there are other things happening the first phase of the public hearing commenced in Livonia on Monday October 1st and ran for eight days so this is a very lengthy investigation okay total of 16 witnesses testified voluminous exhibits a second amended complaint was filed 91 pages with 397 numbered paragraphs addressing 17 counts of alleged misconduct and then he finds facts and conclusions of law that he issues in written form number one misconduct for respondents failure to disqualify herself in the People vs Kowalski perhaps the most serious charge proven against respondent Teresa Brennan is her failure to disqualify herself from the case of people vs. Kowalski it was not only serious misconduct but also one that infected the integrity of a serious criminal proceeding a charge of double homicide first-degree murder that resulted in a sentence of life imprisonment without parole he talks about how on the morning before the start of the trial an attorney named Thomas I faxed a letter to the Livingston County prosecutor that contained allegations about inappropriate context between Judge Brennan and the detective and the trial prosecutor pamela masse gave the letter to defense counsel and the two of them attended a pre-trial conference that have been scheduled for that day they had a discussion in chambers with the judge during which they asked her about the allegations in the letter in a long response the judge said she was friends with the detective but her relationship with him a strictly professional she would see them along with others she said at parties charity events retirement parties and the like there's nothing to declare her disqualification she claimed well among the things she did not disclose according to the master was that she consistently met with furlong and another detective behind closed doors in her chambers unlike her practice of signing warrants in the courtroom when other police personnel sought warrants that she had met with detective furlong in small social groups as well as having been to lunch and sporting events with him alone that she sometimes gave her husband's season tickets to furlong to use at football games that she regularly made her cottage available to furlong for weeks exclusive use in addition to having furlong as a guest at the cottage among a small group of people that she'd gone Christmas shopping with furlong that furlong had been a dinner guest at her home that the judge had purchased an airline ticket for furlongs so that he could accompany her on the trip to perform her niece's wedding that prior to the Kowalski case being assigned to her she had told a staff member that furlong had persuaded her that mr. Kowalski was guilty that she had more than 1,500 telephone calls of a social nature with furlong between July 2008 the start of the Kowalski trial let that sink in 1,500 telephone calls that she was on the phone with furlong at least one hour and as much as two hours every month between November 2001 and the start of the Kowalski trial 80% of the calls she had initiated that in addition to the phone calls responded to furlong texts to each other about 400 times from 2010 until the start of the trial did she ever disclose it during the trial she talked with furlong on the phone for more than a half hour in addition to texting back and forth with him nor that she had another 20 phone conversations with furlong totaling more than four hours plus more texts between the verdict and the sentencing the foregoing and this is the Special Master not talking the foregoing was more than sufficient of required judge Bennett Brennan's disqualification so she should not have been the judge presiding over this murder trial and and the fact that they asked her about it and the fact that she left all that stuff out would indicate a problem in fact the master wrote the relationships noted above by themselves tend to reflect as much but there is still more compelling evidence and judged to in 2007 judge Brennan had a milestone birthday later she told two persons that she had shared a kiss with detective furlong in her chambers around the time of her birthday so the fact that she admitted to kissing the police officer in her chambers would also be something indicating some kind of relationship there that she should probably have disclosed this story is so convoluted so detailed we actually have to go into extra innings I hope you don't mind so she admits the kiss with the police officer back in chambers and she admits that to two of the people that she works with in the office on April 22 2013 7 weeks after the Kowalski's sentencing Kristi Cox went to the judge's chambers in preparation for the afternoon court proceedings and found the judge curled up in a ball in severe distress I'm guessing she's laying on the floor in the fetal position but he says curled up in a ball in severe distress another person testified that she wanted the judge's chambers that day and found the judge and detective furlong they're both in tears judge Brennan told her that her distress arose from furlongs announcement that the two of them could no longer see each other according to both versions of the events the other woman's in this woman's they decided that the judge should not handle her afternoon docket and instructed the staff to cancel it and tell the public to judge had food poisoning to hit and so that's obviously nonsense so what is the trajectory of a romance between judge Brennan and detective furlong that started sometime before her birthday in 2007 and continued at least until sometime in late 2013 when Judge Brennan says they first had sexual relations January 4th 2013 the date of the disqualification motion fell at the hottest part of that trajectory again I'm reading directly from the Masters report so he asks rhetorically should Judge Brennan have agreed to disqualify herself at the time of the motion the answer seems to be obviously yes but as a practical matter it was a near impossibility for her to do it at the time because it recusal in response to the motion would have acknowledged the travesty of having presided for four years over a criminal prosecution when she had a close relationship with an investigating officer in charge and principal witness so he says what should she have done when the Kowalski case was first assigned to her she could have quietly recused herself sua sponte meaning honor her own motion with a vague reference to preserving the appearance of the propriety that would have saved us and herself a lot of trouble the respondents concealment of a relationship with detective furlong and failure to recuse herself was gross misconduct that violated several canons of the Michigan judicial code of conduct but that's not all okay I'm only on page 7 delay in disqualification in order to destroy evidence so judge Brennan was married to Donald rout in 1990 he moved out of the marital home in 2013 and a couple days later filed for divorce well because he filed for divorce in this district that divorce case was assigned to judge Brennan his wife his soon-to-be ex-wife is assigned the case and obviously everyone knows you can't do that you can't be the judge in a case which you're a party but the problem is that that's just how the courts work and that as a matter of fact gets assigned or a matter of routine and then of course it's up to the judge to say oh I can't handle this and hand it up to somebody else well the case was assigned to judge Brennan by the local rule and chief Circuit Judge David reader gave her a Curtis call to inform her of the filing he didn't mention this qualification to her because he assumed it would obviously occur immediately to her but no disqualification was submitted nor did Judge Brennan disqualify herself on Monday that afternoon she spoke with her attorney for 17 minutes on the phone at 11 a.m. on Tuesday mr. roots attorney Tom Keizer filed a motion for entry of ex parte mutual restraining order regarding a duty to preserve evidence which sought that the parties preserve evidence including things about phone calls and phone records upon learning of the motion being filed judge reader instructed his secretary to call judge Brennan to emphasize the immediate need for disqualification order so a couple days has now passed and mrs. MS Pratt did call and also emailed the judge a copy of both the ex parte motion and disqualification order telling the judge that she would travel to bright and Kortney afternoon to pick up the executed order they were asking her to sign the order to make it official miss Pratt did go to Brighton but Judge Brennan told her that she would not be sending the order until she spoke with her attorney which so about 3 p.m. the next day judge reader was informed by judge Brennan's office that the disqualification order had been signed and was in the court mail it was not in the court mail however when the courier returned to Howell that afternoon that his qualification would received in Howell on the morning of December 8th so there was a six day delay for that judge to sign that his qualification order saying if she couldn't oversee her own divorce case and that's what an emergency motion was pending so the judge who's overseeing this case the master asks a bunch of questions and he says the evidence commands the conclusion that her intent was stalling for time in order to obliterate the data on her phone so it would not be available as evidence against her he's saying he thinks she did it to destroy evidence between the time respondent was apprised of the ex parte motion and December 8th she asked her courtroom staff and a police officer for assistance and deleting information and an email account from her cellphone on December 8th she asked her court recorder Felicia Millhouse to try to delete the hotmail account from the phone for her and then that's when the Google search was came in and all that he says the master does more likely than not judge Brennan's attempts and eventual success in obliterating the data from the cellphone rendered her guilty of a felony described at MCL 7-5 0.48 3a 5a which is knowingly and intentionally removing altering concealing destroying or otherwise tampering with evidence to be offered in a present or future official proceeding and then he says judge Brennan delayed disqualifying herself from her own court case when she should have done so immediately and that would be conduct violating several canons of the Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct okay but that's not all she failed to disclose relationships and her discs are to grant disqualification in cases where an attorney named Sheree polish or her firm service counsel and I'm not gonna get into this one but but it turns out that she was a longtime friend with an attorney a local attorney and they spent lots of time together ski trips together book clubs together vacationing at each other's cottages and so on and whenever somebody would ask about that relationship and you know should the judge recused herself on cases involving that judge or members of her firm judge Brennan refused just said no there's nothing in you know inappropriate about that so the judge master overseeing this contender Commission hearing says the respondents failed failure to recuse herself in cases where a ms polish or her firm or counsel violated canons one two three of the Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct but now we're gonna get to the fun part and this is the part that everyone is familiar with and it's not as big in terms of the crime the crimes that are alleged in the first couple instances but this is what all the attorneys know about persistent abuse of attorneys litigants witnesses and employees the evidence establishes that Judge Brennan has been consistently abusive to attorneys litigants and witnesses and to her own court staff as well as was the universal opinion of any witness who testified up the judges demeanor I didn't get to testify I didn't ask that but if I did I can confirm all of this it was almost a daily occurrence one person said that judge Brennan would shout yell or cut off attorneys during their arguments David Kaplan an attorney with 44 years of experience the courts characterize judge Brennan as unique for having the worst demeanor of any judge before whom he'd appeared in his lengthy career her behavior included degrading attorneys in front of their clients when there is no necessity to do so I'm telling you in 27 years I agree with this this man's got 17 years on me but trust me worst judge ever Carol Lothrop Lathrop Roberts is an attorney who practice Livingston County for 30 years and appeared before Judge Brendan four or five dozen times she estimated she found respond his courtroom behavior appalling abusive and routinely unpleasant disrespectful and intimidating to litigants and attorneys she deemed the judge a black smear on the judiciary and that's a quote Bruce sage is an attorney 44 years of litigation experience he testified that he's been respected by all but one of the judges before him whom he appeared the exception the exception being judged Brennan in his case it's cited here because he felt he been mocked demeaned and threatened and that case went up on appeal and part of his appeal was he actually asked the Court of Appeals to look at what this judge is doing and the Court of Appeals agreed with him and sent it back down and they said the record is replete with instances in which the judge treated defendant or her attorney Bruce aged with apparent hostility and then there's several paragraphs where they described what happened in that case I won't go into them here it's crazy but Judge Brennan was continually abusive also to her own court staff as well francine Zisk employed elsewhere at the time of the hearing had been both the chief probation officer and the court administrator at that court serving daily under the direction of Judge Brennan according to miss Sisk every employee who worked for Judge Brennan complained about the treatment they received every employee indeed by the year 2016 or 2017 somewhere between 17 and 21 he's actually left the court because of their treatment by Judge Brennan at least 17 employees had left because of judge Brennan according to several witnesses the judge was conspicuously and continually abusive to her secretary court recorder Christie Cox who herself testified to the same she was later diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of working for Judge Brennan I believe it that's only in front of her for 10-15 minutes at a time and I felt abused imagine putting up with that for 40 hours a week okay so judge Brennan's persistent abuse and discourtesy is a violation of the canons two three three and subparts and so on and and again he finds that a violation of the rules regarding judges and then finally no I'm sorry this isn't final that's two more things lying under oath you know how a judge asks you to take an oath judge would tell you to raise your right hand and swear and then the judge will give you the oath where you promise to tell the court the truth the whole truth so help you God guess what judge Brennan did when she was under oath lying under oath the scope of judge Brennan's willingness to give false testimony under oath is breathtaking let's just savor that for a moment the scope of judge Brennan's willingness to give false testimony under oath is breathtaking this is word for word verbatim from the Masters report she testified falsely in depositions in sworn answers to Commission questions and during the hearing as well if this opinion should attempt to address each instance or even most of them it would be verbose in what has already been a lengthy process accordingly we'll note instead the examiners painstakingly enumerated the instances of the respondents false testimony in a document entitled appendix to false statements in other words she committed so much perjury according to master that he didn't want to put it all in the report he made a special appendix for it at the end it's it's that big and that it would it would tie the report up it's a special appendix at the end okay and then finally the thing I've got to point out to you which to me is another great example of how abusive somebody can be in a position of power directing employee I used to perform the judges personal business many complaints were made against judge Brennan that she would ask people to do things for her that were not part of their jobs such as making personal appointments to the judge getting coffee next door making travel arrangements purchasing tickets online and dropping off mail on the employees way home and in the master poinsettia using most of those are things that might be common in an office my secretary is to get me lunch all the time I often paid for it and a lot of times I'd call her and say you want me to pick up lunch we did that back and forth it was it was exchanged I guess that's not that big of a deal it goes beyond that Jessica Sharpe was a law clerk and magistrate who worked for Judge Brennan for two and a half years among the things that Miss Sharpe did the judge was to stain the deck at the judges home over a period of three days two of which passed while she's being paid by the county there's no way you can say staining the judges deck qualifies as court work beyond that miss Sharpe was sometimes required to leave the court to pay the judges bills and on another occasion when the judge was on vacation she was required to go get the judges to go to the judges home to get water samples bring them to a testing site also under the judges home to facilitate getting a television programming and was even directed by the judge to take her motor vehicle to a car dealership and wait for the performance of a list of repairs so that's that's some crazy stuff and there's also allegations of campaign activity being performed by her and her employees during office hours you know in company time and then misconduct during depositions I won't go into all that I'm just I mean I'm just I'm hitting highlights here but I this is already gonna be the longest video of ever made and I don't want to bore y'all to death so the master released that report things look pretty bad for judge Brennan right now if anybody wants to bet me money and of course I don't gamble so we can't bet real money but I'm pretty certain it'll never have to appear in front of her again but I have to tell you that in all fairness according to the Detroit News a couple weeks ago Judge Teresa Brennan disagrees with the findings of the master and she claims that the findings of the hearing were blatantly sexist and a new hearing with a different judge should be ordered Livingston County Judge Teresa Brennan on Monday asked a judicial tenured Commission to reject the report I just read to you parts of the Commission serves as the state's watchdog over the judiciary and she claims that sexism is irreparably tainting the findings I'm sure you heard a lot of the things in there were obviously sexist right so in a separate criminal case by the way brennan is also accused of perjury and destroying evidence in a divorce case i mentioned that state police say she lied during a deposition about her race and data from her iphone shortly after ex-husband fought for divorce so what we're talking about here if you want to sum this all up is there was an out-of-control judge on the bench in brighton cases that were going to brighton you nude windup in front of her and if you went in front of her you were in for a beating didn't matter what you did didn't matter if you're right or wrong she beat up everybody she was out of her mind okay I know attorneys wouldn't take cases in her quorum I wouldn't take cases in the courtroom attorneys with 30 40 50 years of experience or at least 40 years of experience and more have said she's the worst judge they've ever been in front of I've never been treated that badly before she's currently facing criminal charges and there are currently cases that went before her that may now have to be reversed or at least brought back down for new trials because what she did so just in case I did not make myself crystal clear on this Livingston County Judge Teresa Brennan is without question the worst judge I've ever been in front of and I believe that that is not just subjectively true I believe that is objectively provably true but the good news is that the court system and the various processes that come into play when judges get in trouble will be the ones who will put the final exclamation point at the end of that so that again is the story of Judge Teresa Brennan and I will update you as this story progresses but I thought you should know about it because people often ask me to Steve who's the worst judge ever been in front well that's it judge Theresa Brennan questions or comments fire away otherwise thanks for hanging in there talk to you later bye-bye you
Channel: Steve Lehto
Views: 234,601
Rating: 4.9305773 out of 5
Keywords: lemon law, michigan lemon law, lemon law attorney, lemon law lawyer, http://www.lehtoslaw.com
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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