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where we at make sure you brought leg straight what's your name right Yeah right oh man nice to meet you man and how's your board Brett porch it's pretty good it's pretty good yeah your checks are loose good keep killing it uh Thanks we're gonna give this board away to the worst board yeah you seen any bad ones yeah I've seen this one done skating with the crack board good how are you good to meet you too what's your name Alex hey Alex how's your board it's pretty good that's pretty bad really bad can you do a trick for me yeah sure alright go ahead it's gonna do a fakie nollie double heel Bakey double ollie thank you don't worry that's good what we doing what's going on we're gonna give this board away to the worst board this is a rad board look at that nose isn't it yeah I did a present are you guys playing a game of skate dude I'm gonna mess up playing game Ice King you got that how's your board oh look at he's repping the local shop this might be the worst it's chipped and cracked look at that thing okay you just you just hang on to this okay just just don't break it we'll be back I just got to check the whole park and see where Chris how's your boy side that's good I just set up two brand-new although this bird is fine how's your board dude crazy yeah it's not bad how's your board it's good let me do a trick for me Oh first try got my board ISA how's your board good good guys again yeah I like your shirt Oh how's your board I said nude yours is pretty dead normally this might be a contender but somebody over there man I swear everything was wrong with your board literally hmm what can you do a trick will check any trick what are you one you want everything yeah all right you won the whole game is skate up against everyone will do any trick and then your get is back okay Wow as a good tray foot now you know you don't have to do the tray flip just any trick holy Ollie ollie well done on winning here's my board Oh everything's been good luck last oh my gosh yeah it's awesome oh sorry just ran into time off here what's that bring your board to the skate park we're going to walk around and we're going to compare your board everybody else's board that's got to be the worst okay let's go down Chris your name Brian Brian yeah sighs a board to escape this is a sample ascent 5 what I usually skate good because this is a seven point seven plot then I scale it alright so you can rock a seven point five yeah okay I'm going to interview everybody else and see if anybody has anything worst name tips on every side in a full breakdown the middle but that's still right right yeah okay high kicks away you can kickflip on it how's your board and you got a chip what's your name Alex Alex can you do a trick for us any trick don't overthink it got him what do you got triplet first try try foot rocks rock-solid nobody saw that nobody saw that how's your born dude that part is bad normally after how's your deck it's pretty good I thought earlier you did like a 540 shot oh thanks man yeah let's hit it you ready first try first try first try first try okay well it's conclusive you definitely have the worst board in the park it's not to like make you feel bad it's just that's a very huge board it doesn't get any worse than chips everywhere and that so here's how this works we decide the hardest trick you think you can do on that board and you do it and then when you do it you get this board paper tray foot let's drape a bit first try oh now let's write the rail you got that you got that a little more speed little more commitment what happened your rows well if you don't land it you don't get the board just kidding what happened what just happened oh man so no um we should break it more I mean right you want to break the rest off you got this you watch the tutorial on how to focus the board yeah there you need my help yeah okay here that's one I'm just doing it to help you out now remember that word for it at the park no this one's coming out I think I might be as far as it's gonna go hey where'd your blood go somebody stole your marsh okay so that's all yours thank you free and clear this was the worst board now you have a brand-new one yeah you're welcome so what's your name again right right do you have an Instagram Brian on this board faced with three guesses Brian underscore bass with 3 s's ba SSS right Brian bass good you straight destroyed it you killed it at apical super sick now you have a new board that is all now you say please subscribe like and leave a comment below bye bye leg Street please like subscribe new Hahnville oh by violence good nailed it perfect first try there's your trucks Merry Christmas definitely check out skateboarding made simple it's available on all these platforms ibooks rail skateboarding comm and Google Play it's the most comprehensive video we've ever made and it teaches skateboarding better than anything else out there you won't be disappointed
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,863,036
Rating: 4.7985773 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, howto, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro
Id: DpoqIRJbg2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2016
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