Worst As Seen on TV Products - 2018 Year in Review
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Vivian Tries
Views: 308,641
Rating: 4.7016096 out of 5
Keywords: worst as seen on tv products, as seen on tv, Worst, Seen, TV, Products, bad as seen on tv products, tv products, as seen on tv products, asseenontv, as seen on tv items, infomercial products, as seen on tv gifts, as seen on tv store, ad seen on tv, as you seen on tv, best as seen on tv products, as seen on tv reviews, as advertised on tv, things seen on tv, as seen on tv stuff, products sold on tv, tv infomercial, things sold on tv, as seen on tv gadgets, vivian tries
Id: 0M1ypLH_6cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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