Worship Songs Of Don Moen Greatest Ever 2022 - Top 100 Don Moen Praise and Worship Songs Of All Time

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[Music] lord i stand in the midst of a multitude of those from every tribe and we are your people redeemed by your blood rescued from death by your love [Music] there are no words good enough to thank you there are no words to express my break but i will lift up my voice and sing from my heart with all of my strength hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah by the blood of christ we stand every time every tribe every people every land giving glory giving honor giving praise unto the lamb of god [Music] [Music] and through us till we are changed to be poor like you then all the nations will see your glory revealed and worship you hallelujah [Music] glory giving honor giving praise unto the lamb of shall god every tongue hallelujah [Music] every lamb give me glory give me honor give me praise sing it again hallelujah by the blood of christ we stand every time every tribe every people every land giving glory giving honor giving praise unto the lamb of god [Music] of god giving praise unto the lamb of god jesus christ [Music] i need your secrets to see me through [Music] so i'll run [Music] [Music] and i run too [Music] i need your mercy and grace to see me through [Music] [Music] oh you will [Music] [Music] [Music] my strength [Music] you are my you are my strength [Music] you are my sheep [Music] you are my eyes and i run i need your mercy to see me [Music] [Music] [Music] to you [Music] [Music] my hiding place my strong tough [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] my [Music] we give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks to the holy one give thanks because he's given jesus christ his son give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks to the holy one give thanks because he's given jesus christ his son and now let the weak say i am strong let the poor say i am rich because of what the lord has done for us and now let the week say i am strong let the poor say i am rich because of what the lord has done for us give thanks [Music] we give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks to the holy one give thanks because he's given jesus christ his son his son give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks to the holy one give thanks because he's given jesus [Music] let the christ say i am strong let the poor say i am rich because of what the lord has done for us and now let the wings set i am strong yes because of what the lord has done [Music] for us we get [Music] i see the stars [Music] [Music] [Music] how great how great the lord then sings my soul my [Music] thou savior and when i think [Music] [Music] that on that wrong [Music] he bled and died to take away my sin [Music] then sings my soul my savior [Music] my soul my savior [Music] [Music] what joy shall fill my heart then i [Music] shall proclaim my god [Music] me [Music] [Music] god [Music] oh god our father [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] how great thou art [Music] my savior [Music] hungry [Music] i come before you today [Music] there's just one thing that i want to say you lord thank you lord for all you've given to me for all the blessings that i cannot see thank you thank you lord thank you lord with a grateful heart with a song of praise [Music] thank you lord well i just wanna thank you lord thank you [Music] all you've done in my life [Music] [Music] thank you lord you took my sin in my you took my sickness thank you [Music] you lord with a grateful heart with a grateful heart i just wanna thank you lord thank you [Music] want to foreign you lord thank you [Music] today for your goodness for your mercy [Music] thank you for your love for loving us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] with a grateful heart [Music] thank you lord [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you lord [Music] oh thank you [Music] there is a longing only you can fill a raging tempest only you can still my soul is thirsty lord to know you as i know drink from the river that flows before your throne take me deeper deeper in love with you jesus hold me close in your embrace take me deeper deeper than i've ever been before well i just wanna love you more and more [Music] [Music] sunrise to sunrise i will seek your face drawn by the spirit to the promise of your grace my heart is found in you a hope that we'll love by here in your presence forever satisfied take me deeper deeper in love with you jesus hold me close in your embrace take me deeper more and more [Music] deeper in love jesus hold me close in your embrace take me deeper oh yes deeper than i've ever been before well i just want to love you more and more [Music] oh yes yes [Music] [Music] [Music] just remember the lord will hear and the answer is [Music] he is faithful he never sleeps he never [Music] when we are big he becomes stronger [Music] do you feel that the lord has forgotten your need [Music] just remember that god is always working in ways our god is he is mighty he is faithful he never sleeps he never tries he never sleeps singing he never [Music] speaks when we are weak he [Music] [Applause] the bible says to cast all of your cares on him because he cares my friend it's more than a promise it's a command so be at rest because while we're worshiping guess what god is working in ways but you cannot see he never sleeps he never sleeps he never tires of [Music] he [Music] is [Music] has gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] my heart is fear songs of praise you gave me hope now i long to live in your presence for all of my days [Music] my soul sings my spirit shouts with every breath i'm crying out i want to live for you alone you have captured my heart [Music] i give you my whole heart [Music] amazing grace has rescued me you paid the price you set me free yes you did i will sing your praises forever my savior my soul sings my spirit shouts with every breath i'm crying out i want to live for you alone you have captured my heart lord [Applause] [Music] how you rescued me [Music] i'm the guilty one but you've sacrificed your son you're the one and only now i stand before you plainly [Music] oh [Music] my spirits shout with every breath i'm crying out i want to live for you alone you have captured my heart my soul sings my spirit shouts with every breath i'm crying out i want to live for you alone you have captured my heart me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways i will hear from him forgive their sin and heal their land if my people will humble themselves and pray return to me and i will return to you you will be my people and i will be your god [Music] return to me and i will be turned to you i'll give you a heart to know me and i will be your god if my people will humble themselves [Applause] [Music] [Music] from the way we confess we have faith we humble our hearts today will you hear from him forgive our sin and heal our land as your people we humble ourselves and pray [Applause] you will be my people and i will be your god return to me and i will return to you i'll give you a heart to know me and i will be your god if my people will humble themselves [Music] mercy on your people we humble ourselves and pray turn from my wicked ways lord have mercy on our nation forgive us of ourselves revive our hearts again we return to you we'll talk to you we return [Music] [Applause] [Music] you said return to me and i will return to you you will be my people and i will be your god return to me and i will return to you i'll give you a heart to know me and i will be your god if my people will humble themselves and pray if my people will humble themselves if my people [Applause] [Music] begin to cry out to god come and heal our land oh have mercy on us cry out to him come and heal our landlord have mercy on us we cried out to you we cried out to you lord have mercy on your people we humble ourselves turn from our wicked ways lord have mercy [Music] again we return to you [Music] yes we do we return to your return [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i just wanna be where you [Music] i don't want to worship from afar draw me near to where you are and i just want to be where you are [Music] in your dwelling place forever take me to the place where you are [Music] cause i just want to be [Music] feasting at your table and surrounded by your glory [Music] in your presence [Music] that's where i always want to you i just want to be i just want to be with you and i just want to be where you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] draw me near to where you are [Music] and oh my god you are my strength and my songs [Music] [Music] and i just wanna be where you are [Music] if you're take me to the place where you are [Music] because i just want to be i just want to be you [Music] i just want to be i just want to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so with every beat of my heart every song that i say every prayer that i pray every offering i break every thought that i had every word that i say be glorified yeah yeah from the start of each day of the night let me bring praise let me bring light lord i offer my life as a sacrifice be glorified to reflect [Music] [Applause] is you let me lift up your name and bring honor to you let the words of my mind only speak true be glorified yeah yeah well this is my prayer lord i want my life to reflect who you are is [Music] tommy [Music] [Music] well this is my friend my prayer it's the cry of my heart [Applause] [Music] every song that i sing every prayer that i pray every offering i break every thought that i have every word that i say glorified oh yes be glorified be glorified be glorified in everything i say everything i do oh god that's my friend in every situation every conversation oh god [Music] [Music] be glorified that's my prayer be glorified [Music] [Music] [Music] lord i offer my life to you everything i've been through use it for your glory and what i offer my days left in my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice lord i offer you [Music] every day lifting my praise to lord i offer you my life [Music] things in the past things you don't see [Music] wishes and dreams that are yet [Music] my heart and my hands are lifted to you [Music] use it lord use it for has a pleasing lord i offer you my life [Music] [Music] [Music] so sing it together [Music] to you everything i've been through use it lord use it for your glory before i offer my days to you lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice lord i offered you my [Music] my life oh yes [Music] [Music] when we walk with the lord in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our way while we do his good will he abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey [Music] trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust [Music] not a shadow can rise not a cloud in the skies but his smile quickly drives it away not a doubt nor a fear not a sign or a tear can abide while we trust and obey oh trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust [Music] then in fellowship sweet we will sit at his [Music] what he says we will do where he stands we will go [Music] trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey o trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus what to trust [Music] sweet to trust in jesus just to take him and his word [Music] just to rest upon his promise just to know the sin the lord jesus jesus how i trust him how i prove him jesus [Music] preaches jesus oh for grace to trust him more lord to trust you [Music] and god will make a way where there seems to be no he works in ways [Music] [Music] he will make a way he will make away [Music] oh god make a way where there seems to be no he works in ways [Music] [Music] with love and strength for each new day he will make he will make [Music] rivers in the desert will i see heaven and earth will fade but his word will still rebate that's right and he will do something he works in ways we cannot see he will make our way for me he will be my guide hold me closely to him with love and strength for each new day he will make he will make [Music] he will make a way he will make he will make a way for you [Music] blue [Music] as we gather in this place today as we lay aside our own desires sweep across our hearts with holy fire and this is your house this is your house it's your home we welcome you today as we offer up our hearts and lives let them be a living sacrifice be glorified in everything we do yes lord be glorified in everything we say this is your house [Music] today it's your [Music] cause this is your house it's your home we welcome you lord this is your house it's your home this is your house [Music] this is your house it's your home we welcome you today we welcome you today yes we do we welcome you [Music] oh today [Music] one thing have i desired [Music] forever will i see [Music] to behold the beauty of his holiness [Music] and to dwell within the presence of the king [Music] well how could i ask for more he's done so much for me for i have tasted up the goodness of the lord [Music] and i feast it at the table of the king [Music] i just want to know him i just want to know him [Music] well you've called me by your name [Music] and filled me with your love you have covered me with mercy and with brains and have showered me with blessings from above [Music] and yet [Music] i hear you calling me to a place where i have never been before where your love is flowing deeper than the sea [Music] i just i just want to know you more [Music] open my eyes lord i want to see all you have promised and given to me oh i want to know the secrets that are hidden in your word i want to know you i want to know you [Music] and one day i'll see your face [Music] and i'll look into your eyes and through all eternity i'll sing your brains and forevermore fulfill my heart's desire [Music] i just want to know you more i just want to know i just want to know [Applause] [Music] i just want to know you more i wanna know you i wanna know you i just wanna know you want to more you more [Music] [Music] lord you seem so far away a million miles or more it feels today [Music] and though i haven't lost my faith i must confess right now that it's hard for me to pray [Music] with all that's in my heart i will say i will praise [Music] [Music] to honor you because your word is true i will sing [Music] lord it's hard for me to see all the thoughts and plans [Music] but i will put my trust in you knowing that you've died to set me free but i don't know what to say and i don't know where to start but as you give the grace with all that's in my heart i will sing i will praise [Music] i will praise lift my hands to honor you because your word is true i will say [Music] [Music] because your word is i will sing yes [Music] [Music] if we call to him he will answer us if we run to him he will run to us if we lift our hands and he will lift us up come now praise his name all you saints of god sing for joy [Music] give him your love he's in love with us he will heal our hearts he will cleanse our hands if we rend our hearts he will heal our land yes he will say for joy to god our strength we'll sing for joy to god our strength [Music] us if we lift our hands he will lift us up come now praise his name all ye saints of god draw near draw near to him he is here with us give him your love he's in love with us he will heal our hearts we will cleanse our hands if we rend our hearts he our strength [Music] our strength or sing sing for joy to god our strength we'll sing for joy to god our strength we'll sing sing for joy to god our strength our strength [Music] hear our prayer we are your children and we've gathered here today we've gathered here to pray hear our cry oh lord we need your mercy and we need your grace today [Music] halloween our father hear us forgive our sins we pray hear our song as it rises to heaven [Music] see our hearts every move anything standing in the way of coming to him today our father our father [Music] our father hear us from heaven forgive our sins we pray river before and this is the song we'll be singing forever [Music] [Music] let's worship the lord [Music] holy is [Music] hear our prayer we are your children and we've gathered here today we've gathered here to pray hear our cry oh lord we need your mercy and we need your grace [Music] [Music] hear us heaven forgive our sins we pray our father our father [Music] forgive our sins we pray forgive our sins we pray [Music] forgive our sins we pray [Music] oh yeah [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] my jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let every prayer [Music] [Music] mountains bow down and the seas [Music] you [Music] sing it rage [Music] i want to raise the wonders [Music] let [Music] you shout to the lord on the earth let us sing power and majesty praise to the king mountains and i sing for joy nothing compared to the promise i have in you [Music] sing it shout to the lord shout to the lord all the earth let us sing [Music] [Music] of your name and i sing for joy at the work of your head forever [Music] nothing compared to the promise i am nothing compares to the promise i [Music] am oh nothing compares to you lord you
Channel: Top Hillsongs
Views: 6,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, praise, worship, gospel, gospel songs, christian songs, christian, Christian Worship Songs, worship songs, top hillsong, Don Moen, Don Moen Playlist, Don Moen Album, old christian songs, Don Moen worship songs, Don Moen Top Hits, praise and worship songs, christian songs 2022, religious songs, Praise Songs of Don Moen, Old Worship Songs Of Don Moen, don moen songs, don moen worship songs, worship songs 2022, christian music 2022, Give Thanks, Thank you lord, prayer
Id: P9SqhWg_esQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 32sec (5552 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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