Worship Songs 2024 || Best Christian Music 2024 | Top 100 Praise and Worship Songs 🙏💕

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[Music] [Music] you called me out upon the waters the great unn Fe May f [Music] and there I find you in the myy in oce deep my faith will [Music] stand and I will call upon your name and keep my eyes above the w when oise rest in your Embrace I am yours and you are [Music] mine your grace bounds in deepest voice your s hand will be my gu my Fe May Fail fear surrounds me you never failed and you won't start now so I call upon your name and keep my eyes above the W when otions rise my soul will rest in your Embrace for I Am Yours You are [Music] my [Music] and you are [Music] my spirit lead me where my trust there without B let me walk upon the wat whereever you would call me take me deeper than my feet could Wonder in my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my savior Spirit Le me where my trust is without B let me walk upon the wat whever you would call me take me deeper than my Fe ever want and my Fai will be made strong in the presence of my savior Spirit Le where my trust is without me walk upon the wherever you will come me take me deeper than my could Wonder in my fa would be made stronger you presence of my savior [Music] oh Jesus my [Applause] [Music] God I call upon your name keep my eyes above the way myself I rest in your Embrace I am PS and you are mine [Music] [Music] [Music] oh just lift up your hands and bless his name [Music] Hallelujah you are here more than in the M I worship you I worship you are here re arranging Destinies I worship you I worship you are here you are working miracles Miracles I worship you I worship you you are here you are turning lines around I worship you I worship you s CA way makeer Miracle Worker promise keep keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are we call we make Miracle work promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is you are here you are here in this place I worship you wave your hands I worship you you are [Music] heing every I worship you I worship you you [Applause] are turning light Lord I worship you I worship you you are here are you are working miracle I worship you I worship [Music] you we call make mirac promise keeper my God that is oh we promise keeper light in the [Music] darkness oh he wipes away off te he to Broken is a answer to we LIF up your hand all Jesus [Music] Jesus he windes away all Tru He Man the broken heart is the answer to we all to we all Jesus lift your voice do you call make mirac work prise keeper my God my [Applause] come on you want to lift your voice what you make Miracle work promise keep light in the darkness is lift your hands to him that is who you were healing is who you are salvation is who you are Deliverance is who you are that is who you are powerful and all you are sick all you are that is who you are come on we make Miracle promise keeper my God my God come on wave your hands to him what are you going W mirac work the darkness that is you lift up your hands [Music] to I Love You Lord and I lift my voice to worship you oh my [Music] SJ take joy my king in what you hear may it be a Sweet Sweet Sound in your I Love You Lord and I live my voice to work worship you oh my soul Rejoice take joy my king in what you hear may it be a Sweet Sweet Sound in your [Music] ear I Love You Lord and I lift my voice to worship you all my soul Rejoice take joy my [Music] king in what you he may it be a Sweet Sweet Sound in [Music] your may it be a Sweet Sweet Sound in your [Music] ear [Music] yes the world will bow down and say you are God every man will bow down and say you are King so let's start right now why would we wait king of glory fill this place we just want to be with you we just want to be with you King Glory fill this place we just want to be with you we just want to be with you come on and help me sing yes the world down God every man will bow down and say you [Applause] are so let's start right right now why would we wait we can praise you now it he come on worship you we just want to be with you we just want to be with you king of glory king of glory K we just want to be with you we just want to be with you so we'll sing Hallelujah until you come again and we'll dance in your presence until you come again come on we will sing Hallelujah until you come again anybody ready to praise him right now and will dance in your presence until you come again we will sing We Will Sing We Will Sing Hallelujah until you come till you come again we will dance we will dance in your presence till you come again we will sing Hallelujah we will sing Hallelujah we Dan in your pres Dan in your pres in your in your in your in your your glor feel this place I just just want to be with you I just want to be with you just want to be with you he know glor glor this I just want just want to be with you I just want to be with you just want to be with [Music] you king of glory fill this place we just want to be with you just want to be with you one more time King The Glory feel this place we just want to be with you we just want to be with you Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] hallelu Lord I come to you let my heart be Chang renewed flowing from the grace that I found in [Music] you Lord I've come to know weaknesses I've seen in me will be Stripped Away by the power of Your Love hold me close Let Your Love surround me near draw me to your side I our rise of like the and I will s with you your spirit leads me on in the power of Your [Music] Love Lord unil my eyes let me see you face to face the knowledge of your love as you live in me Lord renew my mind as your will unfold in my life in living every day by the power of Your Love Me Close Let Your Love suround meing Me Near draw me to your our I Rise up like the E and I will with you your spirit leads me on in the power of Your [Music] Love be close Let Your Love suround [Music] Me me near draw me to [Music] your our our rise up like the and I will with you your spirit leads me on in the car of your love I will with you your spirit leads me in the power of Your [Music] Love [Music] sing Hallelujah to the Lord sing Hallelujah to the Lord sing hallelu sing hallelu sing Hallelujah to the [Music] Lord [Music] Jesus is one of Heaven andus Lord of Heaven Jesus is Lord of Heaven and Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord of heav [Music] [Music] Jesus is living in his church Jesus is living in his church is Jesus is living Jesus is living Jesus is living in his [Music] chur Jesus is coming for his Jesus is coming Jesus is coming coming for his is Jesus is coming Jesus is coming Jesus is coming for [Music] his [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] a this is my desire to [Music] you Lord with all my heart is in [Music] you all I have Within Me all I have within me I give you praise and all that I adore is in [Music] you Lord Lord I give you my heart I give you my [Music] soul I live for you alone every breath that I take every moment I'm away Lord have your way sing it again Lord I give you my heart I give you my soul I live for you alone every breath that I take every moment I'm Lord have your me sing this is my desire oh this is my [Music] desire to H you oh Lord with all my heart I worship ship you all I have within me and all I have within me I give you praise all that I adore oh all that I adore is in you [Music] Lord I give you my heart I give you my soul I live for you alone every breath that I take moment out [Applause] way Lord Lord have sing it again Lord I give you my heart I give you my [Music] soul I live for you alone every breath that I take every moment I'm [Music] away Lord come on s tonight Lord I give you my heart I give you my [Music] soul I live for you alone every breath that I Take God Have Your Way in me [Music] [Music] coming back to First Love Lord I give Lord I give you my heart I give you my [Music] soul I live for you Al love every bre that I take every moment out way Lord I give you my heart my soul I here every that I take [Music] [Music] my [Music] soul I live for you alone every breath that I Take God every moment way Lord have your way in [Music] me come on we're going to sing that one more time hope in my Lord when the world has fallen quiet and you stand beside me and give me a song in the night Jesus I need you every moment I need you and here now this gra for Sing Out your praise forever and beauty fores and you find the we conried hard shoulder is burdens and carry it into the light and change Jesus I need you every moment I need you and H now this grace for heart sing out your praise forever and Jus I need you every more men I need you and here now this gra SP heart sing out your praise forever [Music] oh remember love remember Mercy Christ before me Christ behind me your loveing kindness has never failed me Christ before me Christ behind me remember love remember Mercy Christ be for me Christ be behind me your Ling kindness has never fail me Christ before me Christ behind me and Jesus I need you every moment I need you and here now this grace for heart sing out your praise forever Jesus I need you every moment I need you and here the this gra for are sing out your prise Forever remember remember Mercy Christ before me Christ behind me your loveing kindness has never fail me Christ before me Christ behind [Music] me [Music] the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new Every Morning new every morning Great Is Thy Faithfulness oh Lord Great Is Thy [Music] Faithfulness but fast love of the Lord never cease his mercies never come to an end they are new Every Morning new every morning great is thy faithfulness oh Lord great is thy faithful man the stay first love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new Every Morning new every morning great is th faithful oh Lord great is thy faithful [Music] they are new Every Morning new every morning great is thy faithfulness oh Lord great is thy [Music] faithful [Music] All to Jesus I surrender all to him my freely give I will ever love and trust him in his presence daily live I surrender all I surrender all all to thee my bless and savior I surrender all oh to Jesus I Surrender humbly At His Feet I bow worldly pleasures all forsaken take me Jesus Take Me Now I surrender all I surrender I surrender all all to the my bless and saor I surrender all all to J Jesus I Surrender make me savior holy Vine let me feel the Holy Spirit truly know that thou are mine I surrender all I surrender I surrender all oh all to be my blessed savior I surrender all All to Jesus I Surrender Lord I give myself to thee fill me with thy love and power let thy blessing fall on me I surrender all I surrender oh oh W to the my blessed savior I surrender all All to Jesus I [Music] Surrender now I feel the sacred flame oh the joy of full salvation glory glory to to his name I surrender all oh surrender all and all to the my blessed saor I surrender [Music] all [Music] God will make our way where there seems to be no way he works in ways we cannot see he will make a way for me he will be my guide hold me closely to his side with love and strength for each new day he will make our way he will make our our way I'll do that one more time oh God will make our way where there seems to be no way he works in ways we cannot see he will make our way for me he will be my guide hold me closely to his with love and strength for each new day he will make our way he will make our way by a roadway in the wilderness he leads me rivers in the desert I will [Music] see Heaven and Earth will fade that his word will still remain he will do something new today oh God will make a way where there seems to be know he works in ways we cannot see he will make a way for me he will be my guide hold me closely to his with love and strength for it new day he will make our way he will make our [Music] way maybe let's just sing this together will make a way just speak over your situation say God Will Make A Way here we go say God will God make our way where there seems to be no way he works in will we cannot see he will he will make way me he will be my guide hold closely [Music] to with love and strength Rich new death new day he will make our way he will [Music] make the love of our father is so strong that it reaches through the darkness it reaches through the chaos and it finds us where we are so this morning we sing about that great love of our creator the love that our father has for us thank you [Music] Lord before I spoke a word you were singing know me you have been so so good to be before I took a breath you breathe your life youve been so so kind to me come on let's sing it out oh the overwhelming NeverEnding wless love God oh it chases me down F till I'm found Lees the 99 and I couldn't I don't deserve it still you give yourself away all the overwhelming neverless [Music] love oh we thank you for your love it's so good to us so good to come on let's compare this together When I was Your F still your love for [Music] me you have been so so good to me yes you have [Music] God when I felt the word You Paid It [Music] All you have been so so [Music] all the overwhelming never with of God oh we chases me down could God don't deserve it still you give yourself away ohly overwhelming nevering bre love [Applause] God we thank you for you [Music] love there no Shadow you w light up Mountain you won't climb up coming after me do you believe that today there's no wall you kick down you tear down coming after [Music] me no Shadow you won't light up Mountain you won't climb up coming after me come on let's shout it out there's no more you won't kick down now you won't tear down coming after [Music] there no sh you won light up Mountain you won't fire up coming after me no kick down you w te down coming after me there no to you won't light up Mountain you won't my coming after [Music] me there no more you w kicked out you w't out coming out to bed hold be over [Music] everless love God oh we chases Me Down fight till I'm I couldn't it I don't deserve it till you give your away all the overwheling nevering W love of [Applause] God oh we love how you love us we are your sons we are your daughters [Music] God [Music] in moments like these I sing out a song I sing out a love song to Jesus in moments like these I lift up my hands I lift up my hands to the Lord singing I Love You singing I Love You Home singing Love I love you Lord I love [Music] you moments like things I sing out a song I sing out a love song to [Music] Jesus in moments like these I lift up my hands I lift up my hands to the Lord singing my love you singing I Love [Music] You singing I love you I love [Music] you [Music] blessed are you Lord God of all creation thanks to your goodness this bread we offer fruit of the earth work of our hands it will become the bread of life blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God forever amen blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God forever [Music] amen bless are you Lord God of all creation thanks to your goodness this one we offer fruit of the earth work up our hands it will become the cup of Joy blessed be blessed be God blessed be God forever amen blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God forever amen [Music] bless godess God bless be God let Set be God has God forever blessed be God bless God blessed be God blessed forever [Music] am Worthy is the Lamb was slain holy holy is he sing a new song to him sits on Heaven's Mercy SE Worthy is the Lamb who was slain holy holy is he sing a new song to him who sits on Heaven's Mercy SE holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come with all creation I sing praise to the King of Kings you are my everything and I will Adore You cloth in rainbow a Living Color flashes lightning roll the Thunder blessing in all the Str glory and power be to you the only one [Music] king holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to [Music] come with all creation I sing praise to the King of Kings you are my everything and I will adore you filled with wonder all struck Wonder At The Mention Of Your Name Jesus your name is power bre The Living Water such a marvelous myy Jesus Jesus your name is power breath and Living Water such a marvous myy Jesus your name is [Applause] power Living Water holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to God with all creation i s praise to the King of Kings you are my everything and I will adore [Music] [Music] you after this I looked and behold a great multitude that no one could number from every nation from all tribes and peoples and languages standing Before the Throne and before the lamb clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands and crying out with a loud voice salvation Nation Belongs To Our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb and all the Angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures and they fell on their faces and worshiped Before the Throne they worshiped God saying amen blessing and glory and wisdom and Thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our god forever and ever can we join with Heaven lift up your voices and say Amen we bless you God sing holy holy holy holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come with all creation I sing praise to the King of Kings you are my everything and I will you holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is all creation we all creation our sing praise to the King of Kings you are my everything and I will [Music] [Applause] you [Music] I keep on searching for doors that are open but they keep on closing on me I know we your timing but I keep on striving cuz I've been relying on me I really got to slow myself down just Bree cuz the truth is that I just need you to lead the way I know my Visions insufficient leave the way my enough can meure so have your way take me Father you're the poter I'm the clay I need you to I need you to need either way I can look backward and see both your hands working good for the future ahead and if you can be faithful when I wasn't aable I know you will do it again so I'm going to slow myself down just breathe cuz the truth is that I just need you to lead the way I know my Visions it's aici lead the way my enough measure up all have your way take me farther you're the part I'm the clay I need you to I need you [Music] to [Music] Le the way through my insecurities Le the way when every part of me too afraid to step out on the way I need you to lead the way through the darkness lead the way God my heart is yours today it's yours to take wherever you leave the way lead the way lead the way I know my been to sufficient Le the way I enough can measure up so have give away take me from you the P I'm going to play I need you to I need you to leave the my [Music] leave way [Music] way here I am down on my knees again surrendering in all surrendering all find me here Lord as you draw me near desperate for you desperate for I Surrender [Music] [Applause] [Music] Str my soul mercy and Grace sful hunger and thirst hunger and thirst with arms stretched why I know you here My Cry take to me now speak to me now I Surrender I Surrender I want to know you more I want to know you more I Surrender I Surrender I want to know you more I want to know you more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh like a rushing wind Jesus Brea with Lord have you way Lord have your way in me like a mighty Stone stir within my soul lord have your way Lord have your way in me like a rushing with Jesus Brea with Lord have your way Lord have your way like a mighty stor stir within my soul lord have your way Lord have your way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] like a rushing R Jesus Brea bre Lord have your way Lord have your way in Me by a mighty stor stir within my soul lord have your way Lord have your way in Lord have your way Lord have your way in me I Surrender I Surrender I want to know you more I want to know you more I Sur surrender I Surrender I want to know you I want to know [Music] you [Music] we stand and lift up by hands for the joy of the Lord is our strength we Bow Down and Worship Him Now how great how awesome is he Together We Sing everyone sing Holy is the Lord God Almighty the Earth is filled with his glory holy is is the Lord God Almighty the Earth is filled with his glory the Earth is filled with his glory We Stand lift up by hand for the joy of the Lord is our strength we Bow Down and Worship Him Now how great how awesome is he and Together We Sing everyone [Music] sing Holy is the Lord God Almighty the Earth is filled with his glory holy is the Lord God Almighty and the Earth is fill with his glory and the Earth is filled with his glory and it's riseing up all all around it's the Anem of the Lord's reown it's rising up all around it's the end of the Lord's reown it's rising up all around it's the an m the Lord's reown it's riseing up all around it's the end of the Lord [Music] [Applause] reown Together We Sing everyone [Music] seeing holy is the Lord God [Music] Almighty the Earth is filled with his glory holy is the Lord God Almighty the Earth is filled with his glory the Earth the Earth is filled with his glory the earth the earth is fill with this [Music] Glory change my heart oh God make it ever true change my heart oh God may I be like you change my heart oh [Music] God make it ever [Music] true change my heart oh God may I be like [Music] you you are are the P I am the CL the CL mold me and make me this is what I pray change my heart oh God change my heart oh God make it ever true make it ever true change my heart oh God change my heart God may I be like [Music] you you are the P I am the I am M me and make me this is what I pray change my heart oh God change heart oh God make it ever true make it ever true change my heart oh God change my heart oh God may I be like [Music] you I can't write a song Quite like Joel Houston does the deepest words and simple verse echoing your love I can't sing your praise quite like Chris Tomlin can a single voice to you anoint to lead with lifted hands let my life be the worship song I sing let my heart beat the rhythm of the redeemed I walk with you in Perfect Harmony let my life be the worship song I sing where I can't preach the word quite like biley gr but I can love my neighbor with everything I have and I can't change the world the way that Jesus did but I can live my life glorifying him let my life be the worship song I sing let my heart be the rhythm of the redeemed I walk with you in Perfect Harmony let my life be the worship song The Worship song I sing yeah oh I live to worship you in everything I do there's nothing here to prove when living in your grace be on the song So when the music Fades my love for you remains I give you all the praise in every single way let my life be the worship song I sing let my heart beat the rhythm of of the redeemed I'll walk with you in Perfect Harmony let my life let my life be the worship song I sing let my heart be the rhythm of the redeemed I walk with you in in Perfect Harmony let my life be the worship song The Worship song I sing the worship song I sing the worship song I [Music] sing [Music]
Channel: Trust In God
Views: 351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: praise and worship songs, worship songs, christian songs, christian songs with lyrics, christian music, praise and worship, gospel music praise and worship, top 100 christian songs off all time, gospel worship songs 2023, worship songs with lyrics, Praise Worship Music, Praise worship, Praise and worship songs, Christian songs, Praise & worship songs, worship songs 2023, CrmsMTV6-Gc, Worship Songs 2024 || Best Christian Music 2024 | Top 100 Praise and Worship Songs 🙏💕
Id: CrmsMTV6-Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 39sec (5199 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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