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sharers this is our insane Nerf collection that you helped build by sending us awesome Nerf guns in the fan mail what is going on shares welcome to the vlog welcome to another awesome day oh it's so gorgeous outside and best of all we have my brother Carter here Carter what's going on what's up shares welcome to the vlog I got the nerf Rocky low so that actually shoots real nerf rocket oh yeah shares this nerf gun rocket launcher is crazy Carter through organs are ready to go it's almost working it just needs a little bit of fixing to make it shoot nerf rockets if you guys want to see this thing shoot don't forget to subscribe to this channel if you have it already it will launch this thing up oh yeah make sure you subscribe hit that subscribe button right now so you don't miss it when we fire this thing off oh speaking of nerf guns shares you gotta come down in the basement of us we have the most insane nerf collection now cardi ready so are you gonna try to off-road with that hoverboard okay I'll go this to my car I'll meet you in the basement whoo this nerf gun collection is awesome and the coolest thing is it's almost all fan mail sent let's see did I beat Carter hey Carter Oh Carter I beat you second play is not bad let's go check out all the nerf guns uh Carter where's the nerf guns oh that's right well this closets the entire closet is filled with nerf gun it's crazy because it doesn't look like much it looks like one big box one big bin but then we have three boxes underneath they're filled with nerf guns yes crazy start pulling about here's box number one this has got some awesome awesome a homemade nerf gun that was came in the fan mail so cool oh when you remember this let's see this is that double breach that way they totally bought it out and it like exploded Carter you're bringing the nerf gun on fire Oh guns on fire it's oh my gosh the nerf guns actually on fire oh oh stick it in water quick oh yeah shares so it looks like a working double breech but check out the tip here it is all completely melted yes it seems again still shoes but this thing is like exploded oh this is the cyclone try this thing is awesome we got the brain saw oh oh did it break oh there we go the frame saw oh and check out this hyper fire this one's so cool because you push the button it charges up like this and then when you're ready to go you pull the trigger in three two one whoa this is already a lot of guns right even through the first box let's start laying the middle oh and look at this one it's called it a dart tag this one's cool whoa Oh zombie strike and the Recon nerf rivals are super powerful whoa well that's box number one check it out and so many guns yeah all these guns are from this little box and we have how many boxes left quarter four I think we have like a few more boxes left yeah let's go grab the next box chairs I told you we have a lot of nerf guns it does not look like a lot but there's a lot let's go grab this next box oh there's some good guns in here come check these out oh yes the nerve trash strike is so cool we can do like endless mods on this gun it's crazy oh oh sure is these next nerf guns are my all-time favorite they're pump actions rapid 20s they're so cool they shoot like 25 Nerf darts literally in one chinese go like what's it like this that's what I'm talking about shares 25 nerve shots in one second let's add these to the lineup the last nerve cut in the second box is the classic flip fury oh yeah oh look at all these nerf gun this is crazy and that's only two boxes I think we have two more boxes to go at least two more yeah there's a lot more left so let's get to it oh this one right here oh there's a lot in that one well this one is packed to the top I've even seen my team one this brand they were still in its original wrap it gotta check this out what is in here whoa just to start I have never even seen this gun this is so crazy look at this the nerf modulus oh it's such an awesome gun they get green one and it's got like a handle on top this is so cool I've never even seen this one yeah sure scars never seen that before that's because this nerf modulus just came in the fan mail yesterday oh and I just realized look oh there's batteries in it and everything it charges up like the last one let's try it what's good to see a test-fire in three two one oh that's so cool but the coolest part about this is that it's a modular so you can add in remove pieces check this out we're gonna add a big mag well add a handle like this well and a barrel to the front and this piece on the end oh now look at this that gun is huge now you gotta try firing this now we gotta try it and firing in three two one yeah keep going that's awesome oh this looks like it's the biggest gun yeah look at that it's so long it's crazy it's like twice the size of the double breech speaking of another gun that you can mod this is the retaliate err and you can mod this one - oh yeah shares this thing is super cool and then to the collection oh and here's one that's brand new Knight and open let's open it up oh no wait isn't this skwerkel this is so cool it's technically not a nerf gun but hey all guns are welcome in our nerf collection Oh Steven check out these sweet this is a nerf rival blaster so it shoots the yellow balls this is a mega blaster so it shoots mega nerve turrets and this is another mega blaster that we monitor with silly string one of the solution mod still works I don't know let's give it a try sure is this mod can get a little crazy so we're gonna take it outside silly string mod let's see if it still works in three two one that's awesome oh yeah it still works the less guns in this box is a tiny nerve jolt in a maverick oh these are all the nerf guns from three boxes and we have one more box left yeah and it's the biggest box - so let's go get it I actually don't know what nerf guns are in this one I know there's a lot of big ones but there's also a lot more I think we haven't seen yet so many in here that we have a bid through them all so excited to see what's inside whoa this is really heavy ah careful don't drop those all chopper woo alright is it good yeah I guess we should start from the top right oh we got the nervous bulk in this one is so cool cos got the chain link this is definitely the biggest gun we got right now check it out is huge biggest and most intense nerf gun ever Oh Carter wait a second this one is way bigger check this one we're using it last of all it's thing is so crazy this is insane oh you got to give it a test fire ready yeah give it a test fire Steve in three two what whoa do that one again three darts at once fire whoa Steve this thing is so big look at the front of the gun and then it goes around the side it's this hugely not that heavy now let's add this one to the collection and yeah Carter oh my god it's not as long but it's definitely fatter look at this thing whoa look at our nerve collection this is really starting to pick up and another big one I just found Oh the mega twin shock whoa that thing is huge super long and super wide now this might be the longest nerve got in our collection whoa check out all these nerf jokes sent to us in the family all this blue ones from Dillon and this orange ones from Joey who Steve you thought those a lot of fan mail Joe let's check out the fan mail triads we got this awesome white one from Zephyr and that's awesome blue one from Bella wait see there's actually some more yeah we have two brand-new ones that are unopened and this was from Sam you gotta add it to the collection oh yeah this zombie collection I've never seen this type of nerf go oh those are so cool they look like you've got clamps on the end how cool is that yeah what are the other ones we've got to clamp downs and a side strike whoa it's even check out this one you won't believe this is a Newark gun but it doesn't shoot nerf darts it shoots these like discs what I've never seen this gun before I've never seen it either but let's give it a test fire what's he even called it's called the proton-proton let's give it a test fire test fire in three two one whoa the thing is guides for the air yeah I think it'll go all the way down the hill we shot it oh sure let's shoot this thing outside let's see how far it goes I feel like it's kind of like a frisbee and it's kind of windy out to snow car this might go pretty far yeah I think I could probably at that tree down there you think so I don't know what do you think you think I can shoot it all the way down to that tree if you think it'll make it to that tree coming right now hashtag nerf only one way to find out let's do it here we go in three two one whoa whoa whoa whoa that is far it's have you ever seen one of these before I have never seen one days before ever but they're super cool I didn't even know they existed yeah I had no idea these you're awesome oh by the way major shots Ian and Cooper for sending us this mega big shock let's add it to the collection another major shout out to kaolin from Pennsylvania for sending us this blow shock yeah shares this is awesome this nerf collection is growing so big it's all thanks to you it's all fan mail nerf guns yeah check out this one Frick is he in Florida what I've never seen one like this whoa check out these two this is from Lenny and Bianca and this one's from Dominic these ones are sweet this awesome nerf gun is from Chi and Chi even sent us this awesome fan art check this out Oh Kirby can't forget about our awesome modded play doh nerf guns oh those are so cool holding up so well - oh yeah the coolest part about these to play doh nerf muds they started out as regular fan mail nerf guns that you sent to us and then we added awesome plate under from on - it sure is they turned out great if you want to know how to do the play doh nerf mod just like these guns make sure to check out the vlog oh yeah sure is and I think that is all of our nerf guns right now Gracie knows almost in zigs is so small but check it out we got one more nerf gun whoa it's like the world's smallest nerf gun thing is so little this has got to be the world's smallest nerf gun ever that doesn't actually shoot anything you that's it let's open it up and let's find out all right there we go we're open it up there's the gun here's another piece I don't know what that piece is and there's not a piece there and then there's even this piece - like a carrying case that's a carrying case Carter I don't know this gun does not look functional at all it looks like if this will fit right in here into the carrying case like that oh and then this I guess fits in here well that's a stand and this fits into here like that and then it locks up all in one little box so this is definitely tiny everything fits in this little box so let's see if this gun actually works or is it just like a keychain Jers what do you think do you think this world's smallest nerf guns actually going to fire anything sure I don't think it is but if you think it is come right now hashtag nerf Carter what do you think well Steve look at this the Nerf dart is bigger than the gun itself so I don't know how this is gonna work but there's more pieces so let's put it together and see what this thing looks like I think this probably goes on it looks like this probably goes on right there Oh No way look at that and then it opens up as like a little stand and then there's this piece here I don't know what this is I would assume maybe those are the darks for us so I think this is the tiny little darts and you stick the little darts on the end of the gun like this okay and now I guess what do we do we maybe we pull this back to load it oh my you think this is actually gonna work I have no idea let's just try this try shooting it ready yeah in three two one whoa something happen I missed it we got yet again sure is it that little tiny nerf gun really shoot a dart whoa see it's all the way over here so a definitely shot you gotta try this again that is crazy that is so cool yeah so I think this actually is the world's smallest nerf gun that actually works let's do another test fire here we go in three two one whoa oh this is so cool I can't believe it's true these little mini darts I just wonder if we could like mod this so I can shoot a regular Nerf dart oh really no it's like bigger than the whole guy no this is like bigger but what if we like stick it on the end like this oh now let's give it a test fire you think this is gonna work this looks crazy oh my goodness shirts do you think this is gonna work smash the like button right now yeah oh boy okay let's pull the plunger back the gun is cocked and loaded let's see if this is gonna work you ready I'm ready in three two one woah no way no way that just shot a regular nerf store that's bigger than the gun sure they're already smashing like button smash right now because this is one awesome nerf gun Oh Cory you put that many tiny tiny tiny nerf start inside of this Nerf dart what if we did that same thing again but then we stuck this mega Nerf dart on top of everything Oh like this yep slide it in I don't know this is gonna fight this might be too much weight that is crazy you think this is gonna work I have no idea but you know what let's give it a try alright let's give it a try ready ready let's fire this thing in three two one whoa that's awesome whoa with a little modification looks like the world's smallest nerf gun can shoot any sized nerf dart yeah I can shoot the regular elites they can shoot the mega this is so crazy yeah it's definitely an awesome gun Carter let's add it to the collection now Carter this is the smallest nerf gun ever so the question is where are we gonna put it because we don't want to lose it I'm gonna add it right here next to the biggest nerf gun that we have oh my gosh it's so small chairs this is our insane nerf collection that you helped build by sending us awesome nerf guns in the fan mail check it out shares this is everything this is so cool we got all these ones over here we have this row over there we have these ginormous ones and it just keeps going on and on and on and on oh the world's smallest nerf gun - we got everything here this is awesome yeah sure is covering out which nerf gun is your favorite Carter I think mine has to be the world's smallest nerf gun yes Steve that one is super cool I'm thinking my favorite is the biggest one the judge look at this thing it's so big but there's also so many to pick from so shares which one is your favorite well sheriff's this is our insane fan mail nerve collection oh yeah it's absolutely huge and if you ever want to send us fan mail our fan mail address is in the description below you can set us nerf guns snacks anything you want yeah sure as we love fan mail and until next time you know what to do stay awesome and share the love bees
Channel: Stephen Sharer
Views: 12,251,348
Rating: 4.8505988 out of 5
Keywords: nerf, gun, nerfgun, #nerfgun, worlds smallest, small, smallest, vlog, stephen, sharer, nerf gun, tiny nerf, small nerf, small gun, huge collection, nerf collection, fan mail, stephen sharer, steven sharer, huge nerf collection, worlds smallest nerf, worlds smallest gun, sharer the love, worlds smallest nerf gun
Id: rII2WszMe7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
Reddit Comments

This is some fuck shit

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/gottapoopASAP 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

You can skip to any part of the video and you’ll hear them say “WHOA!”

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/I_ama_Borat 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/Pduke 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

I mean, someone's gotta be the one to make kids content. Not even gonna bring up the money they are makin, but this is is essentially just a children's show.

👍︎︎ 170 👤︎︎ u/LasCoL 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just read the comments on the video. Does it sound like anyone is cringing? It actually sounds like a bunch of kids are amazed at toy guns. This is entertainment for kids. Kids wanna find cool Nerf guns, saw the video and are now hyped

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Khodaka 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thanks I hate it

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/purebishop 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

You can see the sadness in their eyes. But if you look closer you also see small money signs.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/holamund0 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/efficientseas 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ClearSights 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
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