WORLD'S SMALLEST HORSE - The Miniature Horse

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hello and welcome to animal watch and today we're meeting miniature horses now did you know that there is a horse breed out there that only stands 34 inches tall has a delicate face like an Arabian horse and is identical to any child's fantasy of what a miniature My Little Pony would be like if you could keep one as a dog-like pet today animal watch travels to meet the world's tiniest horses they are beautiful friendly and kept as pets all around the globe meet the miniature horse and their babies [Music] foreign horses are tough to keep expensive need loads of outside space High vet bills someone has to look after them when you go away and this is why most people keep horses to serve a purpose rather than as pets but what do you give the child who dreams of that Arabian horse which you can't afford or keep due to lack of land and space well this might solve your problems meet the world's smallest horse the miniature horse the American miniature horse was developed over the last 100 years from British and Dutch pit ponies brought to the USA from the United Kingdom and some descendants of small horses bred in England by Lady Estella Mary hope and her sister these perfectly sculpted horses are kept simply as pets you can even train them like a dog and they are far easier to keep than full-size horses some are simply kept in large back Gardens as long as they have plenty of company and love as they are very very sensitive they are so intelligent that some are even used as service animals aiding the disabled or visiting hospitals when I've seen small horses before on the Internet it's usually horses suffering from dwarfism these horses are not symmetrical looking and it's obvious that there is something very wrong with them so when I found out that a perfect healthy miniature of a horse existed then I was so Keen to meet them hello hi I'm Annika I'm Maisie nice to meet you welcome to Pandora's miniature farm wow and we are talking Miniature here I mean this is a full grown this is a full-grown adult yet who's this one this is Alice Alice and she's yeah she's very friendly hello Alice she is normally interested in everything hey Alice you're so small oh very gentle yeah so if somebody is like a little bit scared of horses they'll probably feel a bit more comfortable around these yeah they are perfect with kids and for anyone that's a bit nervous around them um I guess it helps because yeah they're a bit more your size and who's this and this is honey honey she is actually the youngest out of this bunch she's only a two-year-old she's two years old yeah she's a baby really don't you yarn is just a little bit more reserved and everything seems to be on her condition so it's if she wants the fast and she wants your attention and if she doesn't you know she'll walk away from you she'll walk just the asbestos to leave her hello it's funny how even though they're all the same breed their personalities are all also different yeah we've got another one over there yeah and over there we have got kisses you've got such a lovely little face look at this look at this face like a little dog Pandora's miniature farm is a family-run farm located in Tunbridge Wells Kent in England they breed and show miniature horses and strive to breed the Arabian look in miniature they have achieved some of the highest titles in the miniature horse industry including European Grand Champion European National Champion amha world champion and Maha world grand champion while these horses were a delight so tiny and perfect cheeky and affectionate we compared one to a full-size horse and you can really see the difference she was so overwhelmed by the large horse that she let out a Winnie just to let the larger horse know that she was just as important as he was and to not tread on her now if you think that these horses are small then it was time for us to meet some even smaller ones the babies were so adorable and delicate and after some coercing Jules baby totally bonded with me and I fell for her I finally sat down with Maisie to chat about what it takes to have one as a pet we've sat down and they're still smaller than us I've filmed some of the biggest dogs in the world definitely the tallest dogs in the world so I've met the Irish wolfhound the malakly from Turkey which is also pretty tall and the Great Dane and they are big yeah I mean like their Batman is up here these are smaller these are smaller I mean they're very cheeky um very cute they make you laugh a lot hello their feet are so tiny I mean they're dead they're so delicate they're so compact yeah what's the demand for them do you think so I go to shows a lot of people have them and take them out as a hobby and compete they're great with kids as well I think sometimes big horses intimidate kids a bit or people a bit nervous around horses so because they're a bit smaller they're perfect if these weren't in your house would they just poop everywhere it's a possibility do you think you could train one to come in the house and be quiet they are very easy to train Miniatures they're very clever yeah so what can you get them to do that is pretty cool um you can do like Liberty um an obstacle with them jumping and you can actually drive miniature horses as well um yeah and you can teach them different tricks um thousand years ago I taught a horse to do like Paul I would like a dogwood and they get on with other people's pets so do people have them with like dogs and yeah and they'd part with all sorts of animals they seem to just take everything in their stride and they don't seem to be phased by much yeah what does stallions like their character versus the the females I think they are a bit sassier I would say definitely yeah I think they're a little bit sassy yeah but you again they all all of them are so different in their personality some of them they're a bit more confident perhaps can be a bit more sassy but then we've got something really very chilled out how tall roughly is one but 34 inches is sort of 34 inches and where is that to the withers that is yeah and how much do they weigh I would say they weigh around 100 to 150 kilograms I would say right yeah so still pretty heavy so you're not exactly going to be picking up no so they're all muscle yeah they're all weird on everything they like being petted yeah they're like a dog really scratches and stuff because they've really been eating the grass yeah if you start giving them a good old scratch they will stop eating the grass and they'll really get into it yeah they love a bit of us what do you have to have to give one of these a home I guess you need grazing you couldn't just stick them in a very big Garden or is that okay I mean they normally say I think an acre to a big horse so I guess you could say they're half the size of a big horse or half an acre half an acre of lawn yeah would do I would do one uh probably a fence they'll Escape yes fencing electric fencing doesn't always work well with them because they know they can just fit their heads underneath and try and Escape so you need to cure fence in do they like company do they need to be more than one yeah a companion would be better I could have two at least I would say yeah they say they like that and expensive to keep um You could argue that the just as expensive as a big course but at the same time they're cheaper I guess because they're smaller they eat a little bit less food so what is the life expectancy of one of these compared to a normal horse um so I'd say it is fairly similar to a big horse however they can live to about a third longer than a big horse in general they are very healthy and can live as long as they be course and but perhaps they're not giving up on so easy because they're a bit easier to care for yeah imagine it and because like big horses lots of people use them for certain things yeah these are just pets yeah fun animals so um if you're having a few issues they're more low maintenance how about grooming do you have to groom them all the time I guess so yeah I mean it's much quicker to groom a miniature than it is a bit cool so that is one nice benefit to them do you put little horseshoes on them or not no all of ours are Barefoot is that just because they stay in the field all the time yeah so I guess they're not used on the roads and stuff like the big horses so they're generally just unsure their effort and then you get shrooms yeah six weeks like if they were to like go out on the road even if somebody was just to walk them to the shops yeah on a lead like a dog would they need to go and get a horse yeah it's possible if they're wearing down more foot than they're growing they're like a bit cool so they would perhaps need that protection of the shoe so tell me why do you love them so much what is like the most amazing thing about having one of these uh it's so hard to choose one thing but I think it's just the personalities I think yeah but they're just they're just all so different and they've all got their little quirks in conclusion I am totally besotted with these horses they are so beautiful and healthy they have a deep Soul which means a beautiful connection with a human they can be cheeky and naughty with one another so don't expect total obedience there is definitely a herd ranking to which they adhere to one thing is very clear is that these beautiful horses must only go to kind and responsible homes where there is more than just a large garden horse company for them as they thrive on this and plenty of warm shelter it breaks my heart to see so many abused horses in this world and I pray that these delicate beings won't become another fad lastly remember these are not riding horses for heavy kids they are unbroken companions for those who want a connection not to use or abuse them so what is the website if people want to find out more about your horses so our website is www.pandora's fantastic and you guys are based we're in Kent aren't we yes yeah this is this is what part of the world they're in you can go on look up all their pictures you've got social media as well your Instagram accounts I'll write that all in the description they are so funny I'm so cute and um if you enjoyed this episode then give us a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to the channel by clicking the button in the bottom hand corner and tune in every week when I'll be thinking you more amazing episodes on dogs wolves horses wildlife animal rescue conservation bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Animal Watch
Views: 66,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Miniature Horse, miniature horse, American Miniature Horse, horse, horses, foal, Miniature horse foal, baby miniature horse, pet horse, dog horse, horse lives in house, horse does tricks, service animal horse, miniature donkey, miniature donkeys, cute horse, baby horse, tiny horse, small horse, smallest horse in the world, shetland pony, Shetland Pony, pit pony, tiniest horse in the world
Id: 6O-__m8Yg-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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