World's Most Remote Village: Growing Up in the Himalayas | Free Documentary

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[Music] this is where I was born and where my parents still live karang village high in the Himalayas in Nepal but me and five of my sisters couldn't survive [Music] there my parents brought us to a children's home in Katmandu one by one first my eldest sister zor she had a serious back problem and could go to the US for surgery she was raised by an American couple few years later my second sister Sumo was left in Katmandu she rolled into a fire and was seriously burned a Dutch woman adopted her [Music] then me pemma when I was eight I nearly died of measles my father brought me to Katmandu and left me in the children's home I was happy there I lived a different life in the big city I had to study hard at school the village and my parents soon fell felt far [Applause] away my two younger sisters domma and TI I convinced my parents they should have an education like me they missed our parents at first but soon I was like a father to them [Music] we are not it's my dream to be a photographer travel around the world and meet new people I hope to live in the west like my two sisters work to make a career and follow my heart give me your hand and call me show me what love is my [Music] 3 years ago my parents came back with an unexpected message they wanted me to come back home and marry a local girl [Music] foree foree foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I did not go back to the village and recently I got a chance to study in the Netherlands and live with my sister suo and her Dutch mom when I arrived my American sister do came over for a visit so that the three of us could spend some time together how are you good are you [Music] like DJ sujuk and me always kept in touch through the internet but it's the first time we are together again we cannot speak the same language anymore we have to talk in [Music] [Music] English take that SN that put out done sou thank oops my carrot dor had to go back to the US and I have started studying tourism management my new Foster mother thinks it's the best option for me to make a career now when I'm finally living in Holland I feel homesick for cut money okay stop stop that's it your times up um okay pemma can you please count the number of words yeah my sister sujuk is my only close friend sometimes we share the same room again like we did when we were small he passed away really that's good yet onion I feel further away from my parents than ever on but then I hear from them again there is a phone now in the village hello [Music] foree spee I can't escape my mom not even at the other end of the globe I have to decide if I will return to my Village to help my parents or live in the west and follow my own dreams I must go back to karang to find a solution sumuk wants to come with me to support me and because she's longing for a family reunion we agree to take our two younger sisters as well t e [Music] [Music] foree spech spee fore [Music] wow thank you this is my sister suuk doesn't have any memories of living here she was too young and only stayed here for a couple of months before she was adopted dolma and sinting still live in the children's home we grew up here together but sujuk hardly knows them wow where where's your bed this is my bed why are these where did you took this P Comm room there there no ST room room okay this is who made this nice speech when my father brought me to Katmandu he had to walk for a month carrying me on his back Crossing countless mountain passes now we will cover most of the distance with two small airplanes and then we still have to walk for 10 days we will do it like westerners with a guide sharepod and muls to carry our tents karang lies in Upper dula a border area of Nepal where mostly live I remember the smell of the mountain flowers in summer in Winter of Village would be covered in snow and I had to stay inside near the fire for weeks on end [Music] [Music] after a few days we have to stop to get used to the high altitude we still have to cross a pass of over 5,000 m good when I am not around to translate suja can hardly understand our little sisters I speak English with suuk nepales with my younger sisters and Tibetan with my parents do you need some warm water what no turn a little bit hey you can do don't you can p her where she gets C okay okay yeah you also have so need hot no I need hot water foreign spee spech foreign speech for for for it's now only three more days walking to the Village my sisters are getting excited they are looking forward to have a happy family reunion with our parents and the one sister who stay behind foro it's the first time she returns to our village she hasn't seen our parents for many years but I feel worried about things to come [Music] [Music] [Music] get off the horse Okay can hold the first put your feet here oh yeah wait where's the wait good to see you [Music] as a traditional Tibetan healer my father is used to travel by food around dopa my mother spends most of the time alone in the village taking care of the land of our family [Music] check foree speee speech karang is now only few hours away I wish I could feel excited like my sisters and I try to push away the thoughts about why I'm here but I know sometime in this coming week I will have to confront my parents [Music] where's our village where's our house I want to wear CH because I think mother likes wearing in fact you look very dirty so you have to wear ch speech forign speech ] fore fore speech fore speech forign speech speech IGN speech forch spech where's miror where's my music [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] speech speech [Laughter] [Music] fore speech [ spech speech [Music] IGN speech IGN speech foreign [Music] spech Del [Music] [Music] helloo go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I foreign speech fore this play speee fore spe spee it's too hold at both side and for when I came here when I came here pull [Laughter] welcome home let and so like what I want to ask that how was I was like a baby you know when I was small you didn't eat much at this then they had to feed you from the mouth from their mouth to your mouth like cha you know was that oh because of the accident or just just from the very beginning you were like that for spee foree spech foree forign foree foreign speee fore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e this my sister CH comes to visit for a day she's the only one in the family who did not go to the children's home she was the strongest and my parents kept her in the village she worked the land with my mother since my parents married her off to a local Farmer in the next Village my mom has to do all the work on her own again okay three I'm a toxic [Music] spee fore foree speech forch foreign spech IGN fore foreign speech fore spee [Music] fore speech spech get a probleme foreign speech foreign foreign foreign speech foreign speee [Laughter] foreign spe speech IGN speech ] speech speech spee [Music] yes scarf scar Scarlet [Music] [Music] [Music] speeech spee speech spee speech for foreign foree spee how could I ever live in this isolated place it's the land of my ancestors but my world is so much bigger now how will I ever make my parents understand for for for foree [Music] foree for foree for Fore fore fore spee speech foreign for speech [Music] speee for speech speech fore spe foree [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel trapped to get some air away from the tensions in the house I go with some job to visit our sister chunam I hope she will understand me and can help me find a way out fore spee yeah fore I said she she had a five baby five kids yeah and said two passed away and I said do you want to have more yeah I still want to have 20 kids she's kidding for for fore speech [Music] [Music] speee where look fore spee speech foree foree foreign do [Music] suddenly my brother-in-law comes home he went to China with his Yaks 2 weeks walking away when the mountain passes are open in summer most men are away for months to buy supplies in order to survive The Long Winter [Music] [Music] with the cap fore [Music] foreign speech fore for [ speech forch foree for foree spe fore fore foree foreign spech for [Music] spe speech spe fore spee foreign speech foreign foree we have to return to my parents' house because we have only two days left in karang foree fore fore foree spee fore foreign forch speech foreign spee for spe [Music] go [Music] do [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] spe spee speee fore foreign speech foree fore foree fore [Music] foree fore for speee forign speee foreign speee spee fore speech foreign fore speech [Music] hi Mama Hi [Music] yeah oh my God name [Music] yeah for my sister and her children have come to say goodbye we will be leaving early tomorrow there she St for spee [Music] I won't give one tomorrow fore for speech oh I have [Music] to for foree foreign for speee [Music] [Music] [Music] father brings us to the air strip 10 days walking from karang it will be our last day days together for a long time to come [Music] [Music] looking at my little sisters I feel worried about what will become of them my head is full of confusing thoughts I and spech [ foreign speech ] foreign speech ] speech foree speech for speeech speech ] forign speech speech speech ] [ foreign speech ] spee fore speeech ] foree speech foreign speech foreign speech speech ] speech spe speech ] fore speech ] fore speech speech for [ for speech ] foreign speech ] foreign forign speech [ for speech foreign ] foreign spech ] forign foreign spech ] forch forign speech ] for ] Fore speech ] foreign speech speech ] speech spech [Music] send [Music] [Music] that foree I know now I have to live my own life I will return to Holland and stay there maybe for good I know jolma is considering going back to the Village like me she can't stand the feeling of [Music] [Music] guilt I'm still waiting for a miracle [Music] [Music] a I [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 54,519
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Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre)
Id: k8RDm3_ERm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 25sec (4645 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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