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today we re I like that well it's a very green Minecraft world it is uh famous hello Nathan aha your boy Faden me hopefully after that right made this map for you hope you will enjoy it is multi map I don't know if he meant multiplayer because if he did I have no friends maybe I can build a Margit there we go well you look at that hello Margit now if this map is multiplayer we can play it together what do you do are you reading the rules so over here is a bunch of different levels I guess there's six different levels but then this one says slap if you finished the map so I guess we'll save that for last now I have no idea what to expect I've never plays map but I want you guys all to leave a like on this video if you guys are having to want to play it if you're not having it on a plate but in this video I hope you are because I'll be unthinkably awesome and try to make you guys happy in okay let's just do the video oh it's one of the war I love these all this one goes up what oh no again stop laughing oh there's a giant flip as well oh this is epic oh I fell oh I'm falling to my and wait for apt bomb hello my guess is you didn't want to join me it's so far this first level is pretty sick I like it I I really do I like it I like it it fits my if it's my style I just I I like that I like that I'm running through my mouth like that's that's pretty cool as well but there's something that messed me up on this how do I make it over there there's no way you can jump that far okay hold on I'm trying I'm trying this again okay ready what there's barrier blocks I see how it is I see how that what you can't make it okay so I guess I beat it parkour easy every time someone says easy it's like impossible my gosh about to parkour up my mouth I hope there's a lot of water in here there's a lot of saliva I guess not okay the map grader says this parkour is easy and if he says easy I already you guys know I'm just the best at parkour right right you know I'm just I'm just I'm just so good but you know in reality what makes me bad at power core is my keyboard this parkour is actually pretty easy I might have failed once but I will not take an L again okay okay what how do you expect me to do that oh just like that oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh you had just had to put the head okay not okay okay okay okay oh my gosh what I finally made it back up here and I think I'm ready whew wait can I just press that yes oh to be fair he said the parkour was easy it was our bad Margot did you did you enjoy it find the button find the button lobby level one oh there's multiple levels okay am I supposed to find the button in this giant village oh okay there's an end okay there's barrier blocks okay I was about to say like is the button all the way over there like this oh that map creator you oh oh that would have been savage right there is a button down there that'd be a pretty good place what what is that shutter button there's a button secret lever where I'm supposed to that there's there's button right there ah okay okay okay huh where's the secret lover maybe it's just a fake one I don't know I don't know is it oh wait a sec aha sometimes people hide buttons under here like between there they think they're sneaky but they're not okay let's try to go down okay I guess that's not an option I guess that's not okay I can't go back here either how I just saw myself in this guy how am I supposed to get this thing off of here I've literally looked everywhere there's no type of Liebherr iron button or anything like that I don't understand what I'm supposed to do it would be pretty legit if that was a trap chest oh you didn't see anything what oh I can break that off okay that's pretty legit okay level 2 is a snow temple Oh can't break carpet Oh what you hiding from me boy what is that what is this what is this is the button down here I would assume it is if it isn't and that's just kind of weird Oh see see I found it there's two ways I can't break that yeah okay okay well I'm just gonna Margot how did you like to find the button was it fun looks like you really made some progress in here you've really moved a lot we're gonna try the dropper now okay I have no idea what to expect but if my face is on it I might scream we dropped this way what did we drop you're dropping here oh yeah oh snap okay okay I see I see I was like is that a is that is that just a random hole am I supposed to okay all right let's try this again yeah we go here go stop okay yes okay that's a pretty sick dropper I'm not gonna lie all right and then I guess for the last level I don't know if this one's a level I have no idea what to expect but I guess this is the last level I don't know I don't know it just says press if you're done so oh this is the icy Boat Race am I supposed to get am I supposed to get a boat from this ah ah would you look at that well I'm not really racing against anyone oh geez oh this is extremely hard this is extremely hard oh my gosh have you guys ever rode a boat on ice before it's it's like it's impossible I'm gonna try to really take my time I'm good oh my gosh it goes all the way down there how am I supposed to like not fall off this I'm so bad at driving boats on ice now when it comes to water I got it nailed down pretty much I could go down some of the narrowest streams some of the intense jungle Valley rivers but when it comes to riding a boat on ice it can call me a noob this is such a slow to you I just don't want to fall and I don't know what to start over because I feel like I've made a lot of progress come on and then we got like a waterslide of death on the next Oh No I'm just I need I need I need to calm that I need to I need to de-stress just keep icing just keep swimming what do you do when you swim you okay this is like way less intense than I thought it would be I'm trying to go as fast as I can but I'm also trying not to fall off the edge but wait a second oh wait oh no oh oh my gosh oh my gosh wait I can just land right here and skip everything right can I do that can I do that oh my gosh oh my god yes okay I didn't skip that much I was a little okay I literally landed right behind me I didn't skip that much I skipped like maybe just a little bit of the map I should land like all the way on the other side should just skip the whole thing that would have been changed the thing is is you can't go that fast like even if I wanted to I couldn't go that fast because all there's all these blocks in the way that slowed you down like I'm basically like flooring it right now but when you get to the eyes then you start going fast but then if you hit these blocks but it's good that they have these blocks here because it basically like prevents you to fall falling off because it kind of like stops you like if you hit one of these blocks you're basically like you turn into an incident snail it's the snail activated oh my gosh she goes all the way down again I'm sorry I'm not gonna lie I love this map it's awesome I love the map creator and this is so cool but this is probably one of the boringest things I've done let's just all stare at the screen for a solid 20 seconds ready and go alright we have finally made it to the end I want to die here or anything okay you know what just Yolo it's just yellow wait just go just go just go go go go go go go go actually don't do that don't do that don't do that I don't know where I'm supposed to go okay all right where am I supposed to go now oh oh oh that that didn't really work out give me my give me my bow oh I'm supposed I think there's like a cave or something down here I'm supposed to land in oh okay well now case hold on there we go here we go here we go here we go [Music] I think I was actually supposed to bounce back up there ah we'll be right back all right we made it we made it we're good we're good we're good okay and then I think that's the lobby button okay we have made it we're good now for the last level I don't even know if this is a level slap if you finished the map I finished the map and it says thanks for playing okay so I guess there isn't a level here but that wait is this a giant unspeakable oh no it's just a platformer I thought it was like my head and I thought like my character went all the way down to the bottom I was like we're pretty far from from Blaine is this my head but I want to thank you guys so much for watching this video hopefully you guys have enjoyed this now I absolutely love it playing fan maps and there are so much fun at now I have something really special for you guys I have a link in the description to a Google Form page that you guys can fill out and submit your fan maps to me for me to play so if that's something you guys interested in and you want to make me a map and submit it the link is down in the description there's some information to fill out like your name your email what category map it is what the map is made for because I'm also taking maps for my second channel as well for unspeakable plays so if you want to make me a map on windows 10 edition instead of you know PC Java Edition then you can of course do that as well and I can play on there if your map is accepted after it's reviewed by the team myself and a ton of others we'll be reviewing the maps because there's going to be hundreds of Maps probably submitted every day so it takes us a lot of time to look through the maps but if you do submit a map it will be reviewed and if it's good enough and if it's unique and interesting then I will record it and it will be at me go get some map bacon it's submit your maps there's no deadline to submit your maps you can submit your map five months from now if you want to or you can submit it today or tomorrow or yesterday anyways guys thank you so much for watching I hope you guys have enjoyed this map and also I do want to say your CDs these are brand new if you guys ever want to support the brand and get yourself some unspeakable merchandise there is a link in the description over to my merchandise store we have so many products over there it'll blow your mind we have so many new products coming out almost every week now it's crazy so if you guys want a head over and check some stuff out that would be greatly appreciated as well but I want to thank you guys again so much for watching I hope you guys have a safe and fantastic us today and I'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new [Music] [Applause]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 2,732,294
Rating: 4.908433 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: -TWFJuL5st0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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