World's Longest LEGO Walk

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what's up guys welcome to overtime episode 2 we got a great show for you guys today same set same guys same fake mics it's gonna be a good day tall guy for your twins purple hoes I do perfect and over time Paul got beer twins purple holes on our head to over [Applause] that is a good song and this is gonna be a good episode I'm particularly excited about it because we've got two brand-new segments for you guys but I say we jump right in with everybody's favorite cool not cool oh yeah alright so as you guys may remember Gera absolutely blew us out of the water last time with the pancake bodies I feel like he's earned the right to go first chair tell us what you got what if I told you that I bought each of you guys one acre of land Oh Cory location location location I'm not sold yet well we each code collectively five acres wait there's more would you buy it from Buzz Light I've bought you all a hundred acres on the something wrong we haven't figured out how to call an Isis on yet but the moon all right I'm in you know what I think it's kind of the biggest scam job in the world selling space land to people yeah I gotta say that the website was a little sketch okay I'm going there it is right kind of like to call it a son you got Elon Musk out there that's just gonna help us just colonize all these planets pushing for the Sun well you know after I buy him a hundred acres you never know not a bad items let's mix it up a little bit coach how much you how about you go now all right you guys didn't cool my thing last time he didn't cool his thing you did it you you didn't give the violin it to show you mean we not cold your thing correct okay right here I have a real-life Pocket Canada my gonna pair to be a maze is that a post-it note funnel that's real gun pop oh my I'm here for this I think more gunpowder the better that you have like something we can shoot at core water but it's gonna splash zone you good [Applause] burning and I'm gonna go ahead and give you guys a virtual button to hit at home they're all they're all mashing okay would anyone like to go neck okay go we would like to go neck all right guys I'm pretty excited about this oh my gosh look guys it's a snuggle pillow okay let me paint the picture for you so let's say you're on an airplane you're sitting in the dreaded middle so you pull that out on an airplane I'm getting off a plane stop talking now boat boat Cory go hey yo I'm sorry guys I forgot to take the green button that's amazing anyway Cory you're off put this pillow wait we're losing viewers fast nothing more boring than just handing somebody a greeting card let me show you guys a way to spice it up Cody hey Gil my friend a wounded butterball exciting if you did that to me and realize that in the stage setting I might have just punched you in the face scared for my life I think the concept is great and that's why I will give you a green let's lose the butterflies okay make it something else Cory you seem a little lonely over there if you want to just hang on to that this is better than the last one ty redeemed this segment to the viewers ladies and gentlemen may I reveal to you chocolate [Applause] [Music] one percent milk chocolate Prashant nice dare pull that pin Oh fight oh this is only dangerous because it's delicious oh very good this is absolutely incredible it's something that you can take to the moon you know what I mean nice nice boom we need to clean off the desk so cuz we got a brand new segment for you coming up absurd recur oh it's gonna be three welcome to absurd records where we attempt to break crazy world records and fill up the wall downstairs because to be honest we've got a few blank spots yes we know absurb occurred - spelled wrong Garrett tell them what it rhymes really no other reason other than that it just sounds better so we've got our good buddy Michael from Guinness World Records that you may have seen in a couple of our other videos downstairs and we're going to head that way and see what he's got in store for us let's do it alright Michael good to see you again Steve I thank you for joining us so as many of you know one of the worst things in the world would be stepping on a lego barefooted Michael would you like to tell them what we're gonna be doing today Tyler today you are attempting the farthest distance walking on Legos barefoot oh oh wow the mark to beat is 25 meters which is 82 feet sounds like a long way let's walk on some blanka's is it this is the moment that we've been waiting he's trained his whole life for this moment all the other records or hogwash compared to this it's just gonna be horrible this might be the worst five minutes of your life you see your view here see it's a long view go ahead take a look hard to see the other end honestly starting in three two one kind of hike through it come on team Oh oh there had to be a sawblade Oh Tyler you can step off the mark to beat was 82 feet that tape measurement is 146 point nine four feet Guinness World Record final congratulations my core is always thanks for joining us roughly we'll see you next time quantum surge occurs feet feel bad records feel good I'm gonna be honest I caught one right on the heel you had one little section where you were stumbling a little bit I would put that excitement on hold because this is bound to be someone's least favorite segment it's time for real unfortunate this is my name in there still you're definitely still enough until you go back to back [Music] Geir I have some news it's good news because I saw a CEO could this be back-to-back wheel spin could ya the first wheel spin for one of the twins that's not what I'm hoping it is time we find out in three two waiting oh what a sense of relief look we won for Tommy - it's my favorite segment you can fight it Wisconsin today for Boise good I gotta say it's way more fun when it's not your name all right Corey it's time to head to the wheel I just get to enjoy watch it this is amazing ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the greatest game show on earth I'm sure you know who I am but just in case you've been living under a rock I'm dead Forrester the golden boy that was on you put it by n just give me the golden boy anyways we've got a special guest joining us today I believe his name is Corey cotton Corey come on down all right Corey uh how's it go today how you feelin it's not good to be here this is not where you want to be you know don't be bringing any of that trash in here I might have to kick you in the head with an iron all right I'm sure you know you're gonna be spinning the wheel behind us here reel clicking behold my microphone [Music] dead Forester right back at you spray tan level 10 is off the board Jody codes went ahead and took care of 430 was pad for three weeks that's unfortunate but that's why we play the game and Corey I think we've got one for you to spin big boy spin that wheel oh there's a there's a spin with some authority haven't seen one of those in a while it's good spins come around anything looked at all right wheels coming to a stop looks like you're gonna be safe for bonito cat car wash the truck Cory Cod congratulations well as we say around here that's good for cheating ha ha door why don't you group up with the boys head head out out to the carwash that's basement all right [Music] well unfortunately cor we forgot that we all have bed covers so uh I think right up here in this region is gonna do [Music] [Music] all right core we'll have you warmed up yet dude I'm trying thanks again guys I was just man that was an honor what a treat to be on the greatest game she of all I know I'm not entirely sure why we keep going with that there's Garrett called it that it says you are welcome I will be honest I did get a little bit worried when the mainbar came down on the front I totally thought it was gonna grab you and then just sweep you up into the machine and just actually on top would have been unfortunate all right well before we head into the next segment we always get some awesome fan mail from you guys here at D phq-2 and I say it's time that we take a look at it we've asked our editors to come up with a creative way to deliver our mail to us each time let's see what they've come up with all right Wow is the male in the balloon the male is in the balloon oh my gosh I don't even want to know how long that took unique and unexpected are the words that come to mind all right boys Raoul it's Mel time okay so let's take a look at what we got oh wow sideline reporter and will unfortunate home ice is drawn by Clara herself give it up for Claire look at this amazing drawing look at this person as stereotypes I'm dressed Wow Kobe I would like to nominate that for male of the week here here here here very impressed with the fan man well thank you dress down below if you guys want to send us some more stuff great job I think it's time now to head to the final segment of this show and that is sorry there buddy [Music] thank you thank you so much where the cheese weasels in it is so good to be here tonight we've got a song for you tonight inspired by our very own Kobe cotton who in a recent video launch the rocket completely sideways it goes a little something like this [Applause] [Music] Koby launch - rocky couple videos ago and it's predicted by Gary his year has started pretty slow took a turn for the worst headed straight for the pasture similar to his other battles did not kill a cow what a disaster but we got to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we we gave him the triangle because it doesn't take a lot of talent to play that instrument chord it very nice Toby don't leave me out but I'm going to [Music] [Music] [Applause] like red wet [Music] Thank You cheese in the back for everybody thank you thank you so much for coming today weasel I meant via weasel that's our tagline so use it see what in the world okay I'm not gonna say it's the most well written song of all time but it's certainly a little catchy stuck in my head not bad just want to say thanks to you guys we just hit 27 million subscribers BIGBANG and for that I say it's time for a giveaway so if you're a dude perfect subscriber and you share this video we will be sending five lucky winners dpi C white and a hat it's good stuff next week we've got March Madness stereotypes coming out click down here to subscribe so you don't miss out also if you want to see the last video click right here and if you want some awesome DP merch click right here signing off for now DP overtime where the show is real put the mics your pay yeah [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 54,624,400
Rating: 4.8405404 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, overtime, lego, barefoot, car, wash, wheel, unfortunate, records, cool, not, sing, song, cheese, weasels, cow, cheese weasels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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