WORLD'S LONGEST KILL | THE DEBRIEF | British Army Sniper Craig Harrison

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I went on tour with 16 guys I came out with six I got blown up twice on that tour the bullet to the helmet shook me the most I get migraines to this day now an extra new and RPG is in past hit the ground bounced they counted 136 bullet holes my Chevy can spare wheel my wheel had gone and then three weeks off that I hit an IUD I always said it would catch up on it and he said no I'm fine when the lads were going on exercise I was taking it a step too far I was stood in afghan that is the only reason I was shooting that far yeah I did a sniper shot 2475 yards and he goes back on I said no on the Sunday open the papers and what about me before we started getting death threats they bought an out of season fire to hunt me down found a car lined out with plastic and my photo was in the car and it was a plan to kidnap me and it's got my head off thank you [Music] okay today's guest is Craig Harrison he's uh 23 years served in the Army tours up the yin Yan you name it he's been there he's done a load of stuff and we're going to find out all about it today Craig how are you buddy all right good yeah thanks for having me on cool that is our pleasure to have you on I've obviously I've read loads of stuff about you I've seen you booked your books out so we'll plug that straight away um let's go let's start at the beginning should we start the beginning yeah yeah young Craig yeah what was young Craig like I had a good childhood you know and uh my mum was a single parent single parent and uh we just sort of bounced from houses to house you know trying to raise me up properly me and my brother you know um I used a year older than me okay yeah he joined the Royal artillery well okay yeah well King Street so she's still there no no he's done his 22. yeah so he's out between you I can imagine I don't really talk to him you're not no I haven't spoke to him in 13 years really I haven't spoke to my mum in about 15 years fall out yeah really yeah what to do with Afghan to be believe or not yeah yeah that's that's that's a I mean that's the side of things people don't see as well I mean you know we're going to talk about all this stuff but you know the fact that they're split your family so badly oh massively it should have been something that pulled it together yeah yeah my mum was very Victorian so uh you you didn't really I was going to swear then can you swear yeah yeah so we didn't I was too scared to [ __ ] up because mum sort of run the house with a nine fist well you know and um she knew I was going to join the Army would you say two boys yeah in those days yeah you know and she'd have been presumably struggling a little bit with some of the stuff you know I mean two boys you you need to put the fist in didn't you yeah it was pretty good as a kid I think um I didn't cause as much drama with the police or anything really um my granddaughter was my father figure you know and he passed away in 94. any service were you Grandad he was in the Air Force okay my mum's in the Air Force as well and so is my dad how they met okay yeah and I was just devastated when my grandfather passed away because there's massive impact in my life because I didn't have a father figures a lot of people who were close to the grandparents yeah you know I only ever met my granddad I didn't meet my dad yeah I mean so my granddad was sort of like wow they step up didn't they yeah you know top top [ __ ] bloke and then um I knew I was going to join the Army at 10 years old really yeah you got the bug straight on I did get the bug my mum said this is what you're gonna do yeah this is what you're going to do that's what you're having I've bought in Cheltenham and there's nothing going on in Cheltenham you know they said that's why old people go die you know those elderly people there and the Racecourse when the goal um when all the cups are on the Racecourse but uh nothing really spectacular and I had horses when I was younger I was privileged to have horses um probably from the age of nine or ten years old my mum got me a horse and oh that's all I'd done in horse is horses horses and I wanted to be a farrier so um because my granddad always said you get a trade get a trade and he said I know you're going to join the Army get a trade get a trade so I thought what can I do I said I like horses I join the outside Cavalry go to Knightsbridge to afarious apprenticeship yeah stay there because you're time barred there and what that means is that you've got to do a certain amount of years the monies the Army's spent into you so okay yeah none of those things affected me when I joined I was yeah yeah so you like time barred for like four years or five years to be a family because I invest in you yeah yeah and um so I um yeah I I went to Knightsbridge um but in the 90s the forge was very Victorian and clicky my face didn't fit um and plus I was dyslexic as well so uh when they sent me homework at night to do I was doing the homework I was doing more illustration work then I was written work okay so when it came to the choice who's going down to metal Mulberry because that's where the veterinary school is that's where the lads go down to do the film um I just wasn't up to scratch so yeah so that's why it ended really so you joined as a junior didn't you yeah the the juniors are passing out today at harrogant I said look at the nice message today so yeah yeah all the young Lads and ladies up there passing out I was at the guards Depot oh okay yeah when it was the [ __ ] guards Depot and I was a donkey in my routine Irish grenadiers yeah I got picked on [ __ ] constantly by the sergeants everything yeah you're a big land though I trained at a young age as well because I was doing triathlons on the horses so I was running swimming riding and shooting so I was pretty fit when I joined the yard yeah yeah yeah so I didn't really worry about my fitness level at that time you know I always say that people know that it's one of the key things for me is if you can stay fit it's one less thing to worry about it exactly so if you can go for your training you ain't got to worry about right outside Lads in your PT kit and if you're not bothering about that it don't matter does it just get on with it which is great brush it off and get on with it so you your time in Depot tell us a little bit about your time in Depot uh so I joined in the 90 yeah and uh I remember going to Brickwood station uh getting picked up by a full Turner a big oer Sergeant outside calling names and I did I was I was going to join the household Cavalry okay and I didn't know the Cavalry was broken down into lifeguards and pollution Royals then I just thought it was the household cavity yeah you're teaching me yeah because I don't have a lot of people the lifeguards in the house and blues drawers Amalgamated because they're doing the same job okay so they thought well you might as well amalgamate them yeah and but they kept they kept the cat badges the same different as well so large guys and I remember lining up outside the uh the squimpses office and uh this side this officer came down Captain Fox's name was and he was going life go to Blue and Royal and I paused and I thought oh [ __ ] you know this is what blue ball blue live color blue to the next guy you know and I was ah [ __ ] I'm sorry and then that's why I ended up being a balloon Royal really you know just yeah not from choice just because I palixed blue oil yeah that's it that's it yeah maybe that's tremendous so did you enjoy training did you did you loved it yeah see I always say that I'll do me a few people that don't have such a great experience but I think because I'm always learning I'm always on the go and I have to keep going yeah I think because I joined at a young age at 16. I knew no different so I didn't experience civi Street I think if you join at a later age in experience of History then you get not an attitude but you you understand what CVS are like to the Army life so when I joined at 16 I was a clean canvas so getting beats up and down a hill I knew no [ __ ] death this is what the Army's about yeah you know and uh so yeah I loved it I love going on next exercise I was more of a camp rat of wet on exercise I excelled yeah yeah I was always I always said you know no such thing as a field Soldier I'm afraid there is definitely all the way through my Army Career yeah you know been in Camp I didn't enjoy being in the field sniper in or just looking after the lads yeah outside of the office yeah every town can't get their hands on no no no paperwork to fill in no computers or anything make your own luck exactly yeah so you passed out where did you go after you passed out um I went straight to Knightsbridge that's ceremonial time yeah it is yeah so I went to Windsor and that's where our riding school is okay um and I started doing the riding school there and basically civilian riding is nothing like Army riding so I thought I went there um you've got brown kit and black kit the black Kit's a ceremonial kit and you've got the brown kit which is just a normal Bridle yeah and all type of stuff yeah there you go and their ceremonial saddle and um without the sheepskin on you use that to ride with the brown kit as well okay so yeah it's totally different you you ride longer in the leg you know um you do more sit in Trot than you do rise and trot in the state Saddles as well okay so if you get really [ __ ] horse that bounces like a razor blade you get some swords split your Gooch but yeah that sounds honky oh yeah mate I do a lad I do a lot I will say his name now did um had a really bad sit down on the horse squashed his bollock have to have his bowler can't be tell you just crushed it you know so yeah yeah you put me off it off I was gonna have a go but I'm not now so you you passed out at the time you what is how did you find the ceremonial stuff the the thought like because you're almost like a show Pony then yeah you're in the public oh but you you think I left the I was 17 when I got to Windsor yeah um and then you signed for nearly quarter of million pounds worth of steak kit wow you know uh so you've got responsibilities at a young age and it is [ __ ] hard it's they say it's more intense than doing selection yeah and because you're up at four o'clock in the morning three o'clock in the morning you might have just had half an hour of sleep because you've been cleaning all your kit all the way through the night yeah and people forget you've got your stake kit which you wear and you've got your horses kit as well so you yeah that's how it sounds Grim it is grim we had the hell we had the highest AWOL rate in the British army God honestly seriously I went AWOL too early yeah I went AWOL not proud of it but I went to join the phone Legion and I thought [ __ ] this because I didn't get in the Forge oh that's so you you come off guard clean your kit go back on guard do they call it doing they don't do it as much now um because mental health reasons you know you've got to look after the lads but you used to bounce them like you do and bounce another guard another guard and then they give you a 40-hour leave pass and you think [ __ ] put I got foot they put you on guard on the Monday so you gotta combine Sunday to clean all your steak kit she didn't really get the 40 hours so yeah it's all it's all [ __ ] it's working hard you go from that sort of a routine which now having looked at what you just said sounds absolutely nice to me right okay then you've got to feed in there's an operational element to everything you do you're not just there to stand outside of Windsor Castle in the palace and that sort of stuff when was your first operational stuff when did that sort of like kicking uh night four I went to Bosnia okay yeah so I went to the core Majors where it's called major we call them because we're not allowed to call sergeants in the house or cavalry because um the queen didn't want servants protecting her so she gave us a different rank structure like copper the horse and stuff yeah yeah the guards do as well yeah that's it yeah yeah yeah cool and um I went in and I said look I've just come back from being AWOL uh I've done my time in the Nick come back how long did you get uh 14 days yeah and so respite I was in and I was in Camp nick uh because by that time after I got out they started taking people to Colchester for short period of time I was lucky I did mine in cash um so yeah I've done that I went to call Major's office and I said look this is I oh she goes how can we keep you and I said what I want to um I want to go to Windsor I want to go to the armored side so they took me to the Army site armored side okay which is to reconnaissance side [ __ ] excelled you know I'd never looked back anything yeah because I got in so much drama in London yeah you know you think I was quite shouted as a child doing horses going to school coming back doing the horses going to do like a routine yeah being a London getting a wage packet I was a [ __ ] weekend millionaire you know I was going [ __ ] women kissing yeah I've never been drunk in my life getting shit-faced and going to nightclubs getting into fights and I thought what the [ __ ] is is this it is this what it's about but it wasn't no you know I needed to screw the nut honey to the buckle down underneath to concentrate on my army career and when I went to Windsor never got charged never gotten any drama since okay so that's all I took the steamer to be fair right you say about going on when you've got a job that entails the sort of tediousness of polishing kit every day and then standing there and then getting up at the camp of aspire as far you give me more than five minutes off I'm gonna behave like an absolute Mania and Lads do and that's that's how it works they can't see it you know why couldn't he say that was it um well they saved something it donated to the regiment your submit to the regiment lowering the esteem of the regiment or something yeah yeah I'm becoming an office half the time I didn't start the fight so just because I'm I was getting bigger because I was trained in as well and I got into the gym because when I was a young lad I was in the gym all the time and I was just getting bigger people would be like me I'm six foot four you know what I mean people just go I've had a similar yeah yeah and my granddad always said to me it takes a man to walk away from a fight then get into a fight you know and I and that always stuck in my mind sometimes yeah yeah sometimes they go too far yeah it does it does you went to the Armwood place right yeah they know you're going right this is soldiering now yeah you can you can concentrate on what it is the bottom of the totem pole you know I started off as a driver like you all do so I went to bovington yeah to do the track license courses and my driving license and stuff like that and then coming because I've looked in some of those Vehicles you don't get a lot of space [Music] well you're crammed smaller drivers are better ones yeah you know not a not at all bloke you stick out and when you shut down your feet don't go down high enough so is she looking for the Periscope he's all crunched up yeah [ __ ] daylight yeah I know I know yeah but yeah so at the regiment uh first tour Bosnia and everyone knows what Bosnia like you know um more of a peacekeeping patrolling sort of scenarios more than anything else because I think when I did it uh the fight had already stopped um so there were bodies knocking around and I remember um being in the uh we call it the Potato Factory um and before we moved to the metal Factory in banulu yeah we used to come in yeah yeah and there was a pallet outside the gym and I've been remember being on the punch back and somebody threw a grenade into the Spud Factory and it blew up and next to it I knew people are running I could hear gunfire and I thought [ __ ] we're kicking off here so I'm in the gym kit and I thought I got my rifle with me I thought well I'm gonna go out and have a bit it turned out people would have run across this palette and it sounded like gunfire so I've come out I've come out the Spud Factory like ah screaming and I'm thinking oh no [ __ ] [Laughter] tits off in the gym kit but what's he doing you know but uh yeah it was more of a peacekeeping role I ended up doing three tours of of Bosnia all together I was bouncing them um so but you're outside of car parking so you oh yeah you're doing stuff yeah I love it I loved going to the troop houses yeah you know where you take over the house and you make love being self-efficient yeah you know you've got your kit you got your backpack you've got everything in there you need all your vehicles got everything you need and off you go and that's what I used to enjoy you know that yeah yeah that side of it so when did you start looking at the snipe Inside Stuff um when I went to a rack uh we were the first ones into Iraq uh so we went to Kuwait uh queued up in Kuwait yeah uh waiting to go over into a rack and um I remember when the berm blew up when they blew the boom up yeah uh the engineers lighted all the strobes and all that it was like um nothing I've ever seen you know because I've never been I thought I got shot at in Bosnia but I've never been shot at as much as we went across the border you know because they slammed all the all wells off set them on fire they were making tank ditches they set all them on fire and everything like that and it was [ __ ] horrendous you know it was like um 11 o'clock in the afternoon but it was Pitch Black absolutely pitch black smoke yeah we just blocked out the sun you know and we went into Iraq and I remember we the Americans went on to Baghdad uh to nazarea they didn't want to Baghdad yeah and we went on to alamara uh to take over that City and yeah we had a mass fire fight going there all sorts of problems for a lot of people didn't they that's where Bahari won his VC up that one yeah it was yeah that was proper banded country yeah look at Goosebumps talking about look because it just I remember being on a Scenic building roof fighting um shooting and remember to to SF Lads there with a 50 cal and they were bouncing from roof trough to Rooftop you know and uh that's always sticks in my mind that does but when we took over alamara we took over the football stadium there the big stadium and I remember we fortified it and I remember had a couple of hours downtime so if I go for a quick walk because I've always been a bit of a loner yeah always you know I've Got Friends colleagues and Associates but I like my own company so I went up to the football stage and I right to the top and they posted snipers all the way around and these were all Irish and I remember going up to him and just started talking to him he never took his eye off the glass problem zoned in [ __ ] scanning these arcs everything and I thought [ __ ] this guy's professional you know and he was talking to me as he was checking his arcs and everything and didn't even look at me once and I thought this is what I want and I realized I noticed all the um snipers got treated like adults as well because they've got more responsibility yeah you know they've got a decision rifle that you you are doing some long serious hours up there yeah when you come off yeah yeah no yeah no exactly exactly and I said I want to do that this is what I wanted to do um because I was in the house recovery because we're recce because we're in the Armored Division there was no spaces for snipers in the Armored Division yeah so I was just saying about um sniper and he said yeah I'll put you on the course [ __ ] brilliant the trouble is there's no regiment a sniper why do I get my beat up from to go on the course right okay so did they did they fire me out somewhere to do it I just went straight onto the course uh totally [ __ ] raw I tipped up there with my kit bag for nine and a half weeks I'm sorry I did it the um okay so with the powers and the guards yeah so yeah that would have been a proper cane cause yeah 30 on my course all together and I tipped up there and I did have a rifle spot and scope I knows I didn't have [ __ ] all Compass anything oh you must have stood out a little bit I did yeah because everyone's like why are you here and I was the tallest there as well oh and I thought and I thought I thought they'd give you the kit yeah you know um but so every weekend every time I had weekend off I'd go home and go into the tailor shop in Camp and make mcgilly suit wow you know make me Ops board make mistakes um make my trousers and stuff like that and I and I never saw my misses she used to come come into the tailor shop and sit with me and I said this is what I want to do you know I want to excel at this sniper so I was making myself more and more comfortable in the field by making my ghillie suit twice as better than everyone else's yeah that's what I wanted to do you know and then obviously you do the shooting phase so you do four you're a good shot naturally uh yeah I think because I'm a useless shot I'll be quicker to go down and punch someone else I was uh because I did shoot when I was younger okay um I was all right you know and um because you've got to be you've got to be right it's not like 95 of whatever you're doing you've got you've got to get really high scores yeah you have yeah it's you do uh near Mid and far yeah mid-range is three to a hundred and then you do uh 600 to 300 and you do a thousand to 600 and you've got to get 95 on everything um one down you [ __ ] gone and that's just your shooting phase you're not even started the sniper in yet that's brutal as well yeah that's pressure from day one as well yeah on every shot that's yeah and as well as doing map Reading courses you're not finishing until 10 at night yeah because you're doing map Reading exercise you're doing nav exercises yeah yeah you've got all your disciplines you've got it yeah yeah and then you've got to do your dry training yeah you know because it's supposed publishable art you know what I used to do is get my rifle set it up put a laptop at the end of the corridor put a film on and just sit there looking for my scope and watching the film and I just used a dry bolt all the time dry bolt then I used to put a 10p on the end of my Barrel yeah to make sure if the penny for the 10 people fell off yeah yeah it's going too quick you know and I just sit there and just watch the film yeah lay there for two hours sometimes and you know that's also getting your eye used to being exactly because having a eye behind a scope for a long period of time I did the old copper Tunes everything seems massive yeah you know but um yeah I just uh then I I passed the shooting phase and went onto the sniper in and that's when you got to be a sneaky bastard yeah you know and I [ __ ] loved it I used to put CDs out and Tin polish tins um so the op would click onto the shiny and I'll be over on the right our left hand side doing some give me more time to move yeah yeah you know move more freely yeah so you you you obviously when he was a kid spend a bit of time in your back Garden didn't you yeah I think he drew back onto stuff oh yeah massively yeah massively because it's hide and seek for kids that's it that's exactly what it is that's exactly what it is yeah you know but I think because you're bigger and I was bigger than everyone else I had to take more time and go into ADB all the time you know but yeah and I think 30 yeah 30 did our course and four past really yeah yes okay so you excelled amongst somebody we presumably some guards who had pre-courses yeah and I didn't have a pre-course wow and so yeah that's that that's that's good I got voted the most likable guy are there because I was helping Lads I was taking their ghillie suits back to the Daily shop wow and I was doing their ghillie suits as well you know and helping them out because that's also about it's a Brotherhood isn't it I think yeah all that sort of stuff and the young Lads that were struggling you know and I'd go come on mate let's do this let's do that let's watch a film together you know and I certainly I think once you deploy you know you become you you deploy in pairs didn't you yeah yeah yeah you know you've got to be tight you've got to be proper tight haven't you yeah you're going to spend you know anywhere up to a week and a half two weeks maybe even more and me and my number two are still close now major and he's just been discharged with PTSD series PTSD you know he's been sectioned twice you know and um I always said it will catch up on it and he said damn fine I fight but I think I would caught me first because your BTSD kicked in after an incident where you got blown up there I got blown up yeah I got blown up twice on that tour um the second one really got me yeah yeah got me bad you say it got your bad injury wise did you pick up many injuries um or was it more the fact that you were like wow that was close you know I mean you know you know you never had a close one yeah yeah sit down you think about it go I'm in the glad to be alive yeah yeah I now feel I'm quite lucky today I mean but then that can haunt you afterwards kind of because you go I've hitting the bullet to the helmet shook me the most um and they all dish when I went on Afghan tour they dished these new helmets out yeah the uh the Mark 7 Alpha helmets and I had a six Alpha helmet the old-fashioned ones I had one eggs my head's massive so they said oh you're gonna have to wear this one and then through the tour we'll replace it and I think and the new helmets are higher on the ear okay and the low and the old ones seven out and six Alpha helmets are low on the year okay and I got hit an inch above my ear and it went right around the helmet came out top knocked me out for 20 seconds because you think that bullet's going supersonic you know and it [ __ ] knocked me where was this was this in Afghanistan it says Afghan yeah and he knocked me clean out and uh then three weeks after that um I got really bad concussion I felt sick and everything after I came around but I carried on to this day now I don't know what went on but apparently to my driver who was in the Footwear of the vehicle um I stood up and started shooting and then around hit my ammo box on my gympie so across the ammo box so my belt snapped so I didn't know what to do so I grabbed my sc80 start laying down fire and I grabbed my pistol started laying down this is on a routine Patrol what what it was they were they were setting up a PB in Minden which is north of masakala yeah in in Hellman's Province and our job was to protect the Left Flank and there's a bit that I saw that I didn't check so I went up there next we are new and RPG came whizzing past hit the ground and bounced and it's carried on going um my front call sign was his driver was out having a pee at the time yeah you know so he dived into the vehicle reversed and then got [ __ ] rinsed absolutely rinsed so proper full on him oh yeah yeah proper you know and where I didn't check the the ground there were three Taliban down there but they were engaging me from the left hand and then they start engaging us as well and so we pop smoke you know and then we reversed and but I stayed on the hill and made sure everyone got off the hill and because it was all my Lads first tour as well yeah and they all they always wanted a contact they said oh I want to get and I always used to say to him every time I brief him and I said look that's it will [ __ ] come it will come I said but don't not like you said do not wish it yeah I'll say because a lot of Young Learners both my sons it will it will and you can't predict where the rounds are going or anything you know when they're coming near you yeah you know and then um my wagon because you're a battle battle damage uh to your vehicles I think they counted 136 bullet holes on the right hand side my Chevy can spare wheel my wheel are gone and my driver would burn the clutch out because we were trying to reverse with handbrake when everything it was just because we're in open top vehicles in jackals so um yeah knocked me out and as I've fallen at the vehicle and my driver grabbed me pulled his arm out of his socket because I wasn't like all my battle kit on as well yeah yeah I got shot in the body armor got shot in my bag through the strap shot on my helmet yeah I was in it I was in a clip way you know and I'm really bad concussion throwing up everything yeah yeah yeah and then three weeks off that I hit an ID wow so you you were in a proper place on that tour was that do you think that would have been your clip tour without having been the what the the worst tour that you did for for kinetic fighting for being in the tick yeah that was the [ __ ] worst yeah you know um so did you get any sniping done that tour was this yeah yeah that's why he's right that's why I held a record for that okay so that was the door where yeah my last tour yeah yeah I managed to uh do a lot that was something because you bracketed into that didn't you so it wasn't a case of right thing here we go one shot one kill type it was like you had to you had to bring it up presumably because they were firing back yeah they didn't notice that they were being bracket no so I mean if you're hitting the ground in front there's going to be nowhere no Fizz there's gonna be no cracking for them they'd been like we're okay we're doing okay you've got them yeah when you're on yeah well the point was when I did the shot I was trying to get a dicker's head down you know that is the only reason I was shooting that far to get this because he was coordinating the attack and I could see the antenna and everything he was coordinating it so my I needed to get his head down and it worked because interpreter I had said that they're running blind now because he's getting shot out from somewhere in the [ __ ] was from me well okay did he get the Digger no I didn't you didn't get it it's a mile and a half away you know my laser binders just have four red lines and I was testing it on different stuff and it was working yeah it's four red lines wow all right so I bracketed when you started yeah took me nine shots you know to get there and I was on magnification 15 so I wasn't on four mags you've ever on four mag you you're grateful one and you'll get all that real yeah haze around everything and then you get flowing aperture and stuff like that um so yeah bracket it so my target was further away because I was on because I have stadia lines in the scope which is quick um for quick firing and he was on the stadium line I wasn't even on my Crosshair he was on the stadium line because I was just Pasty past the capability of myself I've got that action there you say that that saved the day really because that was like there was there was 12 guys yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and the patrol yeah Patrol went well the reason we were there to give OverWatch for patrol going in you know the omelets mixed with Afghan troops and British soldiers yeah that we were going OverWatch and if it's good they got [ __ ] smashed absolutely smashed and I made a command decision because my officer had been smashed um so I was doing officers and um Sergeant's job and what ranked the other stage uh Sergeant okay and I made the uh made the choice I think right I'm going to send these vehicles down and act as a buffer between the Kill Zone and the village where they're getting attacked because we had 50 kills 40 uh 40 mils you know uh gympiece so you want to bring them into play yeah and I acted as a buffer so the lads can get all their injured and dead out yeah and to protect the patrol but my Lads got whacked as well and there was a guy on the right hand side died and I thought he was going to flank us because we always got taught in training it takes 20 minutes then to flank you think 10 minutes not 20 and you'll be 10 minutes ahead of the Taliban then yeah so and I looked at the guy he wasn't flanking so I whacked him and he knocked the head off the um water pump and he flooded the fields the irrigation field and it had already been flooded before so it was all good muddy you know what that sounds like it's yeah yeah like glue in it yeah so the vehicles got stuck and they were wheel spinning and everything and all I could see was water splashing around and then I thought where's that [ __ ] coming from so I looked at everywhere I engaged the Target that day couldn't find anything turned out at the top and I knew well shooting because I shot there in the morning nine shots The Tick itself lasted from about half 11 till half two it is a big contact because there's a long time never been in a contact before that is a long time isn't it yeah because you think a contact just lost for seconds or a minute because they do shoot and Scoot tactics you know and you think that minute lasts forever doesn't you you it's now an hour and two hours or three hours it's a [ __ ] long time yeah and I color coded all my ammo boxes my Lads so red green and Amber and I I was on the net all the time going color code ammo Amber so I knew they were safe I'm in red I mean [ __ ] I'm in green right give your some ammo too you know working together and they work that's a great system yeah yeah instead of going hang on I can't with smoke I just wanted an easy system so they're not blocking up the net or anything you know so yeah so I had one Chat net and one net on the big net so you know as soon as you say contact they don't feed this place yeah so you come back from that tour right yeah um where did you go there what what what was your what was after that tour for you um I went to the sniper school for two years okay after that and then um we did the medals parade uh prior that and it was a Thursday and the media came around and the adjutant captain he came around with the media and my Lads were saw the most con most on that tour because they were using my allowed to fracturize the flat okay to push through the enemy flat and and then they put a print Pricks in here now go that way now go that way so they can draw something on the map to prove that they pushed the tally Bank back to case you know and to have when they hand over to the next tour yeah they go yeah but they were here now they're here no pins being moved yeah it was massively incredible massively I think I went on tour with 16 guys and I came out with six original guys you know we got [ __ ] smashed and it lays a lot on my shoulders because when I left to go on tour it's their first tour and my officer's first tour as well you know and their parents were coming up to me was going to look after him were you look after Johnny and I'm not happy you'd be good he'd be good you know and I did want to say I can't promise you anything because that's not what they don't want to hear no no you've got it yeah so it was pretty hard yeah so when when the Metal Parade happened the agent said uh caught a horse and went over and I said sir and he goes right talk to this guy you know you're allowed to a lot of nutrition out there and you're in a lot of ticks um so yeah talk to him so we were talking to him and he and I said yeah I did a sniper shot 2475 yards and he stopped me and he goes do you know you brought you put Rob furlong's world record and I said no that's not really interested and that's why I spoke to him I said not really because you are a Merced I've heard this before you know obviously I've looked at you know lab bible stuff and that you straight up I don't care about that now you care about the 12 guys that you killed I'm rightly so to be honest yeah I mean I I totally get that I know it's not a politician you're not going to go out there yeah exactly yeah whatever you know I want to count on talking to him went to the Sergeant's mess carried on Malad started talking to him and on the Sunday open the papers and um It's All About Me all about it did you feel betrayed then yeah I'm [ __ ] massively because it never went it went to London District media Ops and so in fact Colonel there's probably gone yeah past that you're retired there should be some element of oh he gets to die oh yeah around sniping full stop like that so because when I got blown up I was in cast for six six weeks yeah and I wasn't right in my head I felt everything little tours that I've done is like shattered the walls around me and I was thinking about stuff in afghan that happened in Kosovo yeah and I go what the [ __ ] am I thinking and then I was getting looking for the scope and I was getting flashbacks on the scope of of uh engagements that I've done and did you find that your emotions got a bit mixed up as well massive and I went down with this sort of stuff I'd cry at stupid things wedding yeah and he'd give me a watch yeah and I'm crying and I'm going I don't normally crying God so I've got something going on there and then yeah yeah yeah yeah well I know I never noticed it first my wife noticed it first yeah I think it always will be somebody and then the Army noticed it and um yeah um yeah so I was in casts and they took the cast off Me Maybe do print 10 press-ups after six weeks and set me back out but yeah and I went straight out to the um straight up range again and then um I was stuck on a Ridgeline called pandas Ridge in Afghan yeah and that's where the Taliban will get in their ammunition form and their weapon systems from so it was my job to engage targets and I just didn't feel like I just didn't feel good feel like and then it came through did you feel like you couldn't do it anymore no I couldn't do it anymore I just had headaches all the time so I was taking painkillers okay so there was a physical yeah yeah you know and then we're gonna cut a chunk out of my head but my brain calmed down yeah went back to a p um and um they said yeah we're not going to do it your brain's calmed down now but I get migraines to this day now I get about two migraines a week a week you know and I was popping painkillers and um yeah I just didn't feel right at all uh going back so when I came off the tour you know for the medals played enough yeah like that when the lads were going on exercise I was taking it a step too far ousted in Afghan I was still in [ __ ] Iraq yeah you know so the lads playing the enemy [ __ ] I was cableton hooked on him [ __ ] black masking them sending them out you know and they were going [ __ ] old Craig you need to calm down yeah he's taking everything Next Level yeah exactly because I was still there you know and then I went to the sniper school for two years because we started getting death threats then yeah so this is all off the back of this paper yeah what paper was it by the way um the Sun the express I went never ever the Red Top types are totally gone over my wife's name my name the dog's name where I lived where I was born everything and we had media outside our pads outside we all made something they can do that that's insane yes and then I remember this [ __ ] so vividly a guy came to our house with a copper I in a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist right yeah and he came into our living room he went to open his briefcase still handcuffed to it and he goes can you sign this and I and he said don't have to read it to sign it and I said I want to read it yeah he goes no so I I signed it I was battered by then you think I've got mental issues I've got what I didn't know yeah but I thought okay I'm in the Army still yes sir follow discipline yeah so I signed it he went he goes good [ __ ] went and I was like what have I just [ __ ] signed here I don't know to this day now I don't know where this guy came from what I signed yeah and anyway then we moved into Camp Beyond The Wire um to get out of pads houses because the media was all over us all the time and then we started getting death threats um from fundamentalists in England where would I come in from Birmingham right okay yeah they wanted to cut my head off and how will they get into your what was it email was it social media through the media yeah always through the media and I've got the paper clipping still yeah you know always through the media saying we want to kidnap a Muslim Soldier for the stuff that Craig Harrison done in Sniper and when I was on tour when I was on pandas Ridge we heard through the Wiz reports and stuff like that comes through that um they bought an out-season fighter to hunt me down um yeah because I did something I don't know I've only ever been in this situation once myself and in Gaza I upset somebody an Islamic had attacked our compound to get me yeah yeah and I remember thinking when it's when you're in a group of lads do you know what I mean or you're out there you know and you're serving it with a unit it's like one thing isn't it John Mayer right we're in this together but when they're actually going Craig I'm coming for you that's it you know what I mean yeah that makes you feel yeah that is honking in it yeah that is proper honking yeah and then you know I know how you feel there because that is just disgusting in it I was like I wasn't like Bring it on I was like okay I took it in the straw I was going okay and then I'm in my hand I'm thinking count sniper in sniper's diaper what have I got to look for where would I be in this situation and I thought he was on Panda's Ridge on the other side of the Ridgeline yeah because we got him coming fire and I thought is he [ __ ] hunting me down here they couldn't see me because I was gillied up I had support on pandas Ridge probably 200 meters away I had a massive with 50 I had a 40 mil had a javelin I had a symmetry there with 30 mil rod and Cannon and a Jim P you know so I had all the gear for backup but it was my job to personally PID and take out individuals because a 50 cal is more sporadic yeah you know 40 mil so you've got to worry about collateral damage being a sniper you're more Precision fire yeah yeah it is yeah as you say the PID the positive identification and that is you know I don't want that at all there no no yeah and um yeah an out season fighter so did you feel did you feel I mean out in the field you know in Afghanistan it's not so bad you know I mean I didn't feel you know I didn't feel in Gaza that you know all right if you get me you get married you know what I mean but back home that's another level isn't it massively massively that's your misses that's your yeah that's that's yeah that whole deal isn't it it's my misses that I was more concerned about and my daughter yeah um because I've got two daughters one didn't live with us but the other one did the youngest did yeah and I was more concerned about them more than anything else of course you know and I always tanyu said to me she goes I'm always I'm worried about you Craig and I said look they've got to give me the [ __ ] car first and I will [ __ ] I'll bite I'll do anything you know and I said but it's you I've got to worry about and she used to have she used to brush her teeth in the bathroom with the light off and I said well yeah it's because yeah I'm just scared the year um a red Dot's gonna come on and be on me and she she always says in fact she mentioned that not lost so long ago to me you know and I I joked with her once I went boo like that you know and she just clapsed on the floor crying and she went in the fetus position and to this day now I never play that joke on her again that is so wrong yeah she was and I remember we got moved into secure housing um in this civilian area and we had armed response calls uh we had 15 minute arm response call on our house we had the windows filmed for explosive you know when it it all sucks none of this is your fault either but my regiment made me feel it was my [ __ ] fault really yeah they made me feel like a [ __ ] leper um really really bad I'm not here to sharpen an ax but yeah yeah you see that their Aftercare was so poor you know because it wasn't about me it was about my family yeah you know and yeah and they and I remember they had a report they found a car in Birmingham lined out with plastic uh in the boot and my photo was in the car and it was a plan to kidnap me and uh cut my head off um that was on the backlash of that Lee Rigby when that happened yeah around about that time it was happening yeah and when they wanted to kidnap and Muslim Soldier as well yeah so yes and that's why I was lucky because where our secure housing was the sniper school was just down the road yeah so they posted me there for two years uh to teach and then I came back to the regiment and that's where things went wrong with my mental health so when you left the Army how did you how did you leave it did you were you discharged yeah I was medical discharged I remember going to the Mo's office um I went to dmh in Aldershot and uh that they did a few tests on me to had a chat with them and then that was it for about a month and then I got called into Emo's office he said that's you you're done make sure you're done you're gone you're gonna get medical discharged and I went do I have a say in this no you you're gone we've had a report this was on the strength of your mental health yeah see I've realized with this right and I'll tell you for why because when we talk mental health we need people to speak up we need them to say what their problems are yeah if they're going to get treated like that there's no incentive to say anything is there in fact it's the opposite way you want to keep your mouth shut I certainly felt like that in SF yeah I knew if I opened my mouth you were going to get sidetracked or at worst rtu do you know what I mean do you keep your mouth shut yeah and that's the worst thing because if you keep your mouth shut as you know you keep you put the put the stopper in the bottle keep shaking it eventually the whole lot comes out yeah and I was I was bad I was [ __ ] I was I wasn't sleeping at night I was patrolling the house looking through the windows um I was constantly that's beyond just normal PTSD as well yeah that's now an added bolt on to you yeah yes I'm gonna get you hyper awareness and just really just [ __ ] out the box you know why to think about stuff you know I'd um I had baseball bats by the front door with Nails in yeah you know because I thought I don't know I'm gonna fight yeah to save my [ __ ] family you know um because I didn't have any faith in the system none of the the Soviet police were better than the Army were massively massively better because I still love the Army in that I mean and I I hate but where is where has wrong been done I I have to talk about it nothing will ever get done yeah you know and I I believe now to this day now I think that every veteran that leaves the Army every person that leaves down to become a veteran should be monitored for two years right afterwards right and we're on the same time and that will stop homelessness that will stop the suicide rate I'll call it probation I'll say that the soldier should have a voluntary probation yep whereby he has a handrail yeah possibly even more than two years yeah I've just had a homeless guy living with me a veteran and his wife homeless through no thought of Their Own medical discharge all that sort of stuff living with me for four months so we tried to sort them out do you know what I mean yeah he's been out he's been out for years years and years yeah I mean so that that probation or that probation people or the people in charge of that should be should be available to anybody who's served for the rest of their life yeah without a doubt if you're the Prime Minister all right if you're the Prime Minister you get that CP team that close Protection Team for the rest of your life oh yeah but you looked after the rest of your life yep and you get that money for the rest of your life let's have a little bit of that over here exactly exactly yeah you know and these Charities that help people um are some of them are really bad you know and the government give them money and that's the government watching their hands saying we've done our business charity help veterans but they're very bad very bad I pay for my own therapy at my own pocket because they only give you six are you still doing therapy now yeah yeah four years four years it's not it's not an overnight thing is it no I see my therapists every Thursday his name's Ross Hall absolutely [ __ ] garden angel yeah garden angel you know if it wasn't for my dog at the time she'd pass it away now but it wasn't from a dog it wasn't for my wife and went for Ross them three things in my life I'll be dead now without a doubt I'll be dead yeah you know and I I don't mind saying it I've tried to do it a couple of times yeah and the only reason I haven't done it is because somebody's got to find me and then I've infected that person with my misery you know that's the only [ __ ] reason yeah it is and it's a it's a lot of a lot of weight a lot of crushing on on everybody isn't it yeah because there's stuff I've done sniper in that I don't talk about yeah you know which I can't talk about and it cuts me it hurts yeah you know when I wrote my book it was about this do you think it was like a telephone book my book was and and this solicitor went cup with that can't put that can't put that she ended up being small I think that you say you can't talk about some of that stuff right I'm going to pick you a little bit and if I'll get too far tell me to shut up all right do you think if you did talk about it it would help you if there's the stuff that you've got in your mind now that you don't want to talk about if you found someone you could talk to about yeah Ross I talked to Ross but could you can you talk to him about anything because I think I'll tell you for a while because I had the I had the groom and stuff when I was a kid and I was interfere with as a kid all right sexually and until I actually managed to pluck up the courage and it took me a lot of time I didn't do it until I was in my 50s right I didn't feel like I completely washed everything I had you know what I mean yeah yeah but now everything I've ever done has been on offer to somebody right it's not in the public domain all right but I actually let that one go in a public Arena all right because somebody was saying how if people stepped up and talked about it it would help other people all right and I thought I'm harboring something here that I've never told anybody and I just spewed it out for about 200 people right wow all that cried my eyes out for about two days after that okay but I felt I've done something here do you think if you could get absolutely everything out of your closet and arrange it in some sort of way that all right it's going to go back into that closet but do you think that that would help you [ __ ] art mate it's [ __ ] hard because you've got to I say to Ross I said he said he said he knows he said there's stuff you haven't told me and I said there is because I don't want to infect you in my misery I don't think it's okay it's effective but that's what I call it I know because it's such a [ __ ] harsh word in effect it's such a harsh word and it just makes people go [ __ ] oh this guy is suffering and I wish people can go in you and go come out of you without you saying a word and going I can answer it I feel like do you know what I mean I know yeah I can feel how you're feeling and you haven't said one word all you've got to do is look at him and go yeah yeah I [ __ ] suffering here I'm suffering you know and Rosco to me talk to me Craig talk to me I need you to be open with me and talk to me so recently I have started open up some bit more but then I go home and Tanya goes how's your session go just tell me about it and I said you're all good all good yeah and not lying to her but like bending the truth slightly because I don't want to upset her what I've done I said submit to her the other day um some it came up and I saw something that reminded me of something and uh she goes you're right and I said to her I talked to her about it she was cop smacked [ __ ] I never knew that quake and I felt a bit of a dick by saying it to her and I wish I said I thought I told you this and she goes no you hadn't it's because I'm and we never spoke to her about it again never spoke about it since you know I'm very truthful with her and she's look she's taught me to tell the truth you know and be honest be honest with yourself and I think I mean you know because you're the one and I'll do this I I always say to myself as well people say you're crazy if you talk to yourself I'll see you crazy if you don't yeah because I look in the mirror yeah and I'll say to myself Phil you know what I mean I do it I do it I have a full-blown conversation with my [ __ ] self yeah yeah do the same thing you know and each morning I always say to people each morning I get out of bed at half three in the morning go to the gym religiously religiously yeah and my feet are on the floor I'm committed and I say it I'm committed and to this day now I still [ __ ] say it I'm committed yeah and I'm committed for that day yeah to complete that day and whatever that day froze at me I'm gonna be a challenge follow me but I'm gonna strive to overcome them challenges and then I'm gonna go to bed I'm gonna go to bed and wake up the next morning going I'm committed to do and take every day as it comes you're doing it in the right way yeah bite-sized piece of manageable don't yeah you know you can't expect it's all done no and they're gonna happen there's nothing but yeah I think you're doing it the right way let's talk let's let's take it a little slightly different direction because we've gone fairly deep for quite as long time now let's talk about let's talk about what does Craig do now so obviously I've wrote my book yeah um I want to put people straight because uh they had me laying down doing the shot the Americans did a thing on YouTube and we got oh yeah it's Greg house and build a world record you know and then they were how they did it I was laying down and everyone thought I was laying there I wasn't all stood up when I did my shot really yeah yeah and um I had to put people straight and that's why I wrote my book but my book couldn't be just about the shocks it'd be like a pamphlet so they'd asked me to write about my life story so I did yeah and then um what I do now is um I run a Bushcraft survival School uh called the Maverick survival school and basically veterans come free okay and um first loan responders and people suffering from mental health civilians as well and I take them into a wood uh where I live near Portsmouth okay and um it's a 57 Acre Wood block and well I'm only down the road to come and see yeah please do me love please do and I just teach him trapping snaring foraging uh flit napping we make arrows forging everything we do basic there's something I'd love to do Forge yeah yeah I've got a little I've got a little Forge I got from India and it's absolutely brilliant we get a six inch nail and we make an hour head out of it and then we yeah so they tip up on the Friday and they leave the Sunday so they tip up on the Friday and they don't know each other you know unless they're with a partner or something yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come to Saturday night they're like best mates everyone's talking and then Ross comes down and if you're really suffering take a walk with Ross in the woods and there's no other place that I know that does that you know um to to add therapy to what I do yeah and I'll be doing it for two years now do you find that helps you as well I I love it yeah I've never thought I'd get to that stage of my life but I absolutely love helping other people now and in some way that gives me a lot a lot as well yeah I mean and the majority of people that I've veteran wise they're on my WhatsApp now and they text me and I've had them come down saying I'm having a rough time Craig like getting the [ __ ] Woods yeah you know just chill out yeah there's that underneath it and that's what it's about yeah and they [ __ ] love it they love getting back to the roots you know and at the moment I'm just um in the stages um I've put it in actually I've put it in a couple of weeks ago putting the Mavericks called into a charity okay um so I'll find out in 40 days which will be in September um if I become a full-blown charity and would it help you get some funding yes yes what I want to do is buy my own wood block okay um so I feel more secure in the wood block yeah and then put a little cabin in so and have it so people can spend longer time basically yeah exactly yeah exactly and that's what that then that's what I'm doing at the moment okay yeah that sounds really interesting we would love to keep progress on that yeah yeah sure I'd love to come and see you oh yeah brilliant so we will for sure yeah and you have do you have just normal service turn up for something yeah they don't they must love it yeah kids kids that tip up yeah everything you know and if you have a big thing now there's outdoor stuff even just even just fire mate yeah do you know I mean getting old Flint now yeah yeah I spent about four hours doing that yeah I put the fire out in the camp and I said right we're going to start fire now if you don't start fire we're not eating tonight so a bit of pressure on him do you eat like from the land and all that sort of stuff um I do but I bet all the squirrels in the wood honestly there's not one squirrel in the woods and uh the guy that helps do the deer management he comes in and goes crayons no squirrels that says I've eaten them all and you know what I mean he's gone but I'm a bit of an animal lover yeah um so everything that I cover on my Maverick school is all like level two stuff yeah but if they want to come back and concentrate on field and sort of snouting and trapping or do a weekend of Flint napping we concentrate on that one module and do all weekend okay so if they want to do trapping and staying I will get rabbits in pigeons in trouting and we'll learn how to gut them and do it and stuff yeah so there's always a progress too I love animals too but you know reality is a lot I love my food yeah exactly you've got to survive but when we go foraging there's loads of stuff you can eat yeah bar meat out there and like thistles we'll smash I'll smash it in thistles the other day all thistles are edible and there's 200 species of it really and people are out how do you eat a thistle taste this and they're like it tastes beautiful and it'll hydrate you as well because it's full of water things that people don't know yeah you know and I love having the knowledge to teach and I love past my knowledge onto others no it's a great thing to have as well you have picked up so much experience I see because I went to um I went to Brunei and did the tracking course like that's a nails of course yeah I never did the training course yeah that is a great yeah so we I did it before I went to Afghan because when we got learned how to track uh ID layers and stuff like that because they're pattern of life and stuff and um yeah I did that in in Brunei which is with an SF landed turned up on a Harley-Davidson with long hair and I was like ah stereotyped yeah you know that's gonna go to it and yeah it was really good course and I passed that on to others as well what I learned from there from tracking animals to tracking humans you must have spent a lot of time in hard routine yeah yeah do you know what you must love it to this day now I'm out yeah to this day now I don't like warm hot food yeah I'd prefer it cold cold drinks I never drink tea or coffee I'm always drinking water my food Tanya will cook it for me and leave it on the table let it go enough now and then I'll eat it cold to this day now I still do it I don't piss in tupperware I'm [ __ ] in tupperware don't do that every morning you've got your cling film by your bed I see it Ted is that what the she obviously puts up with like your missus she said she's a very very very strong woman make their Angels aren't they oh my misses is the same man absolutely and she totally understands and what upsets me is that no one else understands me by her you know and no one understands the pain and trials and tribulations that I go through every day not even my own family who I'm close to yeah just her and she's a strong woman stronger than she thinks you know can we just go back to this thing with your brother and your mum yeah because I'll just it's heartbreaking I got blown up in Afghan yeah all right and obviously we got flown to Bastion yeah and they got flown to Kandahar um and then our flight got delayed so instead of tipping up on the Monday we tipped up on the Tuesday back in Birmingham and Sally Oak hospital and my mum went to a dog show and um I remember saying to her um why why didn't you come to see me in hospital and Tanya's mum and dad came and Tanya came obviously um because I was in hospital for two weeks and because I couldn't walk um and then she goes all went to a dog show I said okay and just because I couldn't get the time off work okay and she just kept making excuses and I just kept asking her all the time why didn't you come to the hospital and eventually you told me to [ __ ] off and put the phone down and that's the last time I spoke to her do you think I mean I'm trying to think outside the box here do you think that she in her own mind didn't want to see her son in hospital in that condition really she's a strong woman she's a strong woman you know and I love her I love her and I miss her yeah but when I wrote my book she she said and asked lies that's lies and he goes no it's not them that is the [ __ ] truth and I said to us you're denying this and she goes no I'm not denying it and she rang the publisher up and she spoke to the Publishers and wanted money off me and off them for what I wrote In the book about my childhood and then she said um so and then the publisher goes so you're denying this did you beat him then and she goes I'm not denying that of course I beat him and then the publisher come up to me because your mum's not right you know what I mean and so the only time that I've seen my mum is when she's getting loaded into the ground that's the only time that's really that's that I'm sad that does sad me that yeah yeah it must sadden you because it's like you know I never met my dad and he's the one person on this Earth who have I had a chance I'd go I want to meet with Dad you know what I mean and so you know she's there yeah do you know what I mean but one day she won't be there I know and that's just horrendous too much water has gone under the bridge and she's she's a hard nut she would just go [ __ ] off and I remember once um I was on leave once this is before the tours and then I think I was in Windsor and um I asked her to borrow some money off her because I spunked mine on the piss and everything and I said can I have some money and she went [ __ ] mental at me threw a plate at me with dinner and everything so I walked to the train station I was going to jump the train from Chatham to London and she tipped up and she apologized to me for what she'd done gave me some money so I got a ticket and then a couple of days later I got an A4 bit of paper in the letter and all it said is [ __ ] off on it that's all it said on it and I went okay all right so we've always had that relationship yeah yeah and when I met Tanya uh she just went off the rails you know somebody's took a boy away sort of thing a lot yeah that does that with a lot of mothers yeah what about your brother so my brother took my mum's side and everything and um me and my brother never saw eye to eye never saw eye to eye you think as a kid I was getting up at four in the morning doing the horses going to school coming back finish off the horses my brother did [ __ ] all my brother had a clear reign of doing stuff you know and I always thought why is he helping out with me and school holidays I'll be Chris on the fence my brother would be out with his mates yeah yeah and I thought his number right here and he joined the [ __ ] rule horse I truly King Street with horses and I thought you [ __ ] you can [ __ ] help me all them times you could help me you know and then he went to um oh well so I was trying to think about that base now love you larkil you went to larkil because to get promoted he had to be out of the regiment to go somewhere else yeah and then he flew the flying budgies the drones and then he went to Iraq and then his marriage fell apart he tried to do himself in right and now Colin drugs and then they sort himself out and he is 22 and got out you know and you just don't speak no no not at all not at all I really do because but families are you know you can't choose them no you can't you can't and my Tanya's family have been [ __ ] brilliant yeah absolutely brilliant I think that resonates forever when you send him today your missus is there as an absolute Beacon I don't know I don't know what I do with that yeah we sleep in separate beds yeah you know because I have night terrors really bad night terrors but I spend as much time with her as possible yeah yeah and the school takes a lot of my time up any bit of downtime I have I spend does she come out to the school level she does but she goes look at the state of this place crazy starts tidying stuff up with those babies are [ __ ] wood for God's sake of replanting stuff you know but um once I become a charity once I get myself some my own land once I get a log cabin in there she's going to be more involved with the school okay you know um so and I'll only be taking a wage off at school that's what I don't want I want everything to go back into veterans yeah everything to go back into mental health and that's what I want to do what a I wish you all the best success with that I hope in some way of shape or form we can be a part of that do you know I mean it would always help you promote and all that stuff here here with him I appreciate that what we do and we'd love to have you back another day for sure we'd love to do some more stuff with you so yeah it's a good tremendous interview you've opened up you've gone above and beyond for us as you did go above and beyond in your career you are a soldier you are a warrior you are a proper Geezer mate and I'd love to show you around again and thank you for your service as well do you know what I mean thank you for yours all Brothers at the end of the day superb thank you I've got little tingles now no it's good man that's good take care bud I will do thank you
Channel: Force Radio
Views: 57,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: craig harrison, craig harrison sniper, craig harrison sniper shot, sniper, sniper craig harrison, craig harrison a former sniper in the british army, craig harrison longest sniper shot, british sniper, craig harrison worlds longest kill, british army, craig harrison interview, craig harrison ptsd, craig harrison sniper ladbible, craig harrison longest kill, the longest kill craig harrison, the debrief
Id: gz9imK0OWRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 26sec (4046 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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